love me like you do;

  • @ the batman;

    Bruce laughed a little. "Well I can't help it. I am dearly attracted to you. So having that look of lust in my eyes is to be expected." He chuckled as he watched her. When he saw that she was starting to get sleepy, Bruce leaned over and grabbed her a towel. "Let me help you baby." He said as he helped her out of tub, and wrapped the towel around her. He kissed her softly and then pulled back to look at her. "Plus if I didn't have some look of lust in my eyes when I looked at you, you'd think there was something wrong with me." He laughed.

    When they got back to the room, Katie laid on the bed and breathed slowly. She unbuttoned her PJ top, then laid back against the pillows. She just sat there breathing in and out slowly as she Put herself at ease. She knew she had to be going into labor. These pains were contractions but there weren't close enough to make her want to go to the hospital yet. "I think I want to sit in the tub for a little, is that okay?" She asked.
    January 4th, 2017 at 12:03am
  • Ella laughed whole heartedly, "you're something else Bruce, but you're right." She watched as he helped hernoitnod the bath and carried her to the bedroom. "Always the gentleman, I love you"

    Jim was getting ready to get back to bed when he looked st Katie she was obviously uncomfortable but wasn't wasn't saying anything. "Sure. Baby, whatever you want" he told her.

    @ Lil Miss Writer
    January 4th, 2017 at 05:57am
  • @ the batman;

    Bruce smiled and kissed her cheek. "I try to be." He spoke as he watcHed her get ready. "are you glad to be home?" He asked as he sat on their bed. Gosh, he loved this woman so much. Life without her was something he'd never want to know.

    Katie nodded. "Thank you." She said softly. She slowly got off the bed and started to strip her clothing off. She had takennher pj shirt off when she felt a stronger pain once more. Quickly sitting down, katie breathed in and out. She was trying to remind calm. "I just want to pop." She mumbled
    January 4th, 2017 at 06:14am
  • Ella looked at Bruce with sleepy eyes and smiled "yes to be home with my babies and you" she leaned in for s soft kiss.

    Jim walked over to her and rubbed her back, "you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? I'd hate for you to be so uncomfortable.

    @ Lil Miss Writer
    January 4th, 2017 at 06:19am
  • @ the batman;

    Bruce smiled, giving her a soft kiss. "Well now you can relax." He said as he wrapped his arms around her to hug her. "You look tired and you look like you could use the sleep." He said to her.

    Katie breathed as she looked to him. "I don't know anymore." She said honestly. She leaned back, breathing heavily as she let him rub her back. She rubbed her rounded belly as started falling back asleep.

    A few hours later, Katie woke up, this time to strong contractions. She saw him had finally fallen asleep so she didn't want to wake. She just got up and went to take a shower. At the end of her shower, Katie gasped, her water had just broke. She turned off the shower and just breathed.
    January 4th, 2017 at 06:31am
  • Ella rested her wrapped head on his shoulder, "thanks baby, for everything, you planning on dressing me too?" She asked teasingly. Once she was in bed she stood and went to look for clothes.

    Jim had no idea what was going on he was sound asleep no worry in the world. If he had known about what was going on he would take Katie to the hospital.

    @ Lil Miss Writer
    January 4th, 2017 at 03:10pm
  • Bruce laughed lightly. "No I think I can let you do that yourself." He said as he sat on the bed. While he sat there, he looked over at the video baby monitor smiling as he watched the babies sleep. He looked again and chuckled seeing Alfred was still in there.

    Katie remained calm as she cleaned herself up once more from her water breaking. She then got dressed and ready. She had just stepped back into the bedroom when she felt a stronger pain. She gasped gripping the dresser a little. Once the pain passed, Katie walked over to Jim. "Honey." She said. "Honey wake up." She breathed in and out heavily.
    January 4th, 2017 at 04:05pm
  • Ella pouted, "fine be that way, I won't flash you anymore." After she finished getting dressed Ella went and sat on the bed. In her soft and cozy pajamas she looked over at Bruce, "he's happy that you've finally given him grandkids Bruce of course he's still there."

    Jim was in a deep slumber when he heard Katie in a distance. He was just dreaming of her. Then it became louder until he finally woke up. He blinked and looked around "what... Katie? What's wrong hon?"

    @ Lil Miss Writer
    January 4th, 2017 at 06:09pm
  • @ the batman;

    Bruce grinned brightly. "I know...and I'm glad that I was finally able to make him a grandfather as well." He said. Alfred was the closest thing he had since losing his parents at the age of 12, so anything he could do to make Alfred happy made him happy himself.

    Katie slowly breathed, holding the bottom of her belly. "It's time..." She breathed as she felt another contraction. She sat on the bed, still remaining calm. "We need the bag...we need the car seat..." She said, thinking about what all they needed. She rubbed her belly, breathing in and out slowly.
    January 4th, 2017 at 08:43pm
  • Ella curled up in the bed with her pillows, "okay, well you tell him good night for me.. and now I'm going to sleep! Night" she yawned falling asleep.

    Jim was wide eyed and knew exactly what this was and quickly made sure to ran everything and put it in his car rubbing back inside to put pants and shoes on. He quickly picked Katie up, "let's go "

    @ Lil Miss Writer
    January 4th, 2017 at 09:06pm
  • @ the batman;

    Bruce nodded and said "I'll let him kkkw. You relax baby." He kissed her softly on the lips before getting up from the bed. He then walked to the nursery and smiled as he sat with Alfred watching the twins. "Sir, you can go rest. I got the twins." Alfred said softly.

    Katie breathed slowly in then out as she watched Jim get everything. She breathed when he came back to get her. She rubbed her belly as she laid on his arms, letting him carry her out to the car. The contractions were getting stronger now.
    January 4th, 2017 at 09:27pm
  • Ella curled up in bed as she quickly fell asleep in the king size bed that was almost like a big cloud. It was so comfortable and she was so relaxed. She knew the twins were in good hands.

    Jim had put on his sirens so he wouldn't be stopped rushing to the hospital he finally came to a stop with Katie in the back seat. He quickly got out of the car and went to fetch a wheel chair and brought her inside moments later.

    @ Lil Miss Writer
    January 4th, 2017 at 09:42pm
  • @ the batman;

    Bruce sat in the nursery watching the twins. They were so adorable and he couldn't get over that. He sat in the rocking chair, and smiled as the babies cooed a little. When Thomas woke up, Bruce got up and picked him up. He began to slowly rock him. "Hi Little Guy." He said softly.

    Katie breathed heavily as Jim flew down the road. "Oh gosh." She breathed. She was still surprised that she was so calm during this time. She held onto the bottom of her belly as she watched the door open. She slowly got out of the SUV with the help of Jim. "Oh Jim." She looked at him, digging her nails into his hand.
    January 5th, 2017 at 03:05am
  • Ella slept for what seemed days, when in reality it had been twelve hours. She yawned looking over at the monitor and watching Bruce with the twins she got up and put her robe on and walked to the nursery. She leaned against the door way and smiled, "aren't you Three just precious"

    Jim was used to pain so it didn't bother him when Katie dug jnto him. "We're going to be okay.. by we I mean you" he kissed her head as he began to tell the nurses about this.

    @ Lil Miss Writer
    January 6th, 2017 at 04:48am
  • @ the batman;

    Bruce smiled when Ella walked into the nursery. "Looknits mommy." He said as he held Charlotte. He walked over to Ella and kissed her. "Did my queen sleep well?" He asked softly as he kissed her.

    Katie breathed in and out, nodding to Jim's words. Of course she'd be okay. She kept her hand with his as she sat there in the wheelchair, waiting to be wheeled. The nurse calmly told Jim that they got Katie. The wheeled down the hall, and of course Katie made sure Jim was with her. As they got her in a room and such, Katie text Bruce and Ella.

    Bruce was rocking the babies and spending time with Ella when he felt and heard his phone go off. His eyes went wide and then he looked to Ella. "Katie's in labor."
    January 6th, 2017 at 06:07am
  • Ella smiled as she watched Bruce spend time with the twins, "I did thanks" she kissed him softly.

    Jim Was doing his best to stay calm as Katie was getting ready to deliver. He. Watched as they took her away for a moment he stepped out to make a few phone calls.

    Ella looked at Bruce, "okay..."

    @ Lil Miss Writer
    January 6th, 2017 at 04:17pm
  • @ the batman;

    Bruce smiled. "I just thought you'd want to know." He said as he put his phone down. He then kissed Ella once more. "The twins have heard nothing but how amazing and wonderful their mother is." He grinned.

    Katie was in a room with a hospital gown on. They had her laying in a bed, and hooked up to a machine to track her contractions. She asked the nurse to being Jim in.

    The nurse went to get Jim. "Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Jackson is asking for you." She said softly as she lead Jim to Katie's room.

    When they walked in, the doctor was in there. He had Katie's hospital gown lifted and was doing an ultrasound then checked her down below. He looked tonher. "Well Ms. Katie it might be a long night but it'll be okay." He then excused be himself.

    Katie just laid back, leaving her hospital gown lifted where her belly was sticking out. She looked to Jim and smiled
    January 6th, 2017 at 04:32pm
  • Ella looked at Bruce, "they're your friends not mine." She really had no interest in them. Ella just felt really weird, mostly because she had no friends her own age around here, it sucked. She rolled her eyes "I'm sure they have, anyway, I'm going to go get something to eat so .." headed downstairs and sat at a table eating some random stuff. She just felt so lonely not because of Bruce or the twins she loved them, she just missed being young.

    Jim was in the phone when they came and got him he followed them back and watched as Katie was lying on her back, "it'll be okay sweetheart" he smiled and kissed her softly.

    @ Lil Miss Writer
    January 6th, 2017 at 04:42pm
  • @ the batman;

    "But I thought you and Katie got along pretty well." He said as he followed her downstairs. He didn't say anything just watched her. He could tell something was wrong, but he didn't want to force the reason out of her. He knew that when she was ready to talk she would. Dropping the subject quickly, Bruce made his way around the kitchen finding something good that he could cook up for Ella and himself. "What does my dearest want?" He said, looking over his shoulder to her.

    Katie smiled a little and kissed him softly back. "I know." She said as she laid there rubbing her belly. She looked her belly, just shocked that she was finally having this little one. She groaned a little as she felt a contraction hit, causing her to squeeze Jim's hand a little. When it passed, she lightened up on his hand before kissing him once more. "Anything you want to say to the baby?" She smiled as she adjusted the blanket on her but left her hospital gown up and very large swollen belly showing. "The doctor told me he didn't realize how big I had gotten..." she mumbled.
    January 6th, 2017 at 05:03pm
  • Ella was just sat there watching Bruce for a moment, "she's nice Bruce but we're like fifteen years apart. We have nothing in common. I just miss being out with my friends people my own age. Just don't worry about it I'll be fine."

    Jim looked st Katie and smiled kissing her head, "yes, baby hurry up we want to meet you" he grinned. Jim tilted his head, "you're almost as big as Ella was and she had twins... you don't think..?" Jim shook his head. "Couldn't be right?"

    @ Lil Miss Writer
    January 6th, 2017 at 05:16pm