Moon River [closed]

  • Spencer nodded, wondering what kind of "stuff" she was going to be doing. He looked at Aspen blowing kisses at her and winking at her, "you like that baby?" He smirked.
    Lydia sat on his lap, "relax, I was kidding. I'm just going to get some food and bring the rest of my clothes." She kissed the side of Bryce's head, "all right, have fun, I'll have something for you to eat when you get back"

    @ xxKitanaxx
    September 27th, 2016 at 11:32pm
  • Aspen smiled, "I do." She said as she kissed him. "So what will you be doing tonight?" She asked him as she took his hands in hers. She looked up at him and sighed.
    Bryce nodded, "Okay." He said as he watched her leave. He went off with a few people from the pack and decided to patrol. Bryce was shocked when they met up with some hunters and ended up fighting them. He turned to see one of them had shot a young guy from Lydia's pack. He turned back to his human form "Fuck." He said as he picked the kid up. "Hang in there buddy." He said as he carried him back to the village. He walked out of the woods, seeing Lydia on the porch with some people. Bryce was exhausted from carrying the guy, but he had to get him to a healer.

    @ the batman;
    September 28th, 2016 at 04:03am
  • Spencer touched Aspen's face and thought for a moment, "I don't know the pack has something fun I guess I'll find out later. Hopefully I'll get to do you later" he smirked poking her sides.
    Lydi had finished bring everything into the house and she settled for the day. Humming to herself until she noticed her husband with someone of her pack. She frowned and quickly got a healer, "oh no what happened?" She asked as she brought the healer out.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    September 28th, 2016 at 05:30am
  • Aspen laughed, "Yea sure." She teased as she kissed him. "See you later." She said hugging him. She went off to get ready for the ritual tonight. Aspen sighed as she looked in the mirror at herself.


    Bryce laid the young kid down, "Hunters." He breathed. Bryce sighed as he relaxed and watched her.

    @ the batman;
    September 29th, 2016 at 03:16am
  • Spencer smiled kissing her back and went to spend some time with his pack and family. He sat around having drinks and chuckled at some jokes that were made. [Line ]

    Lydia frowned and walked over and checked up on the boy helping the healer in anyway she could. Walking to her husband Lydia touched his fsce, "are you okay?"

    @ xxKitanaxx
    September 29th, 2016 at 03:39am
  • Aspen stood in the cemetery as she listened to the ritual going on around her. Aspen closed her eyes as she felt the cold blade against the skin. She gasped as they cut her throat and the blood ran down her body. Lightening struck and the sound of wolf's howl could be heard throughout the town.
    Bryce looked at her and nodded, "It just came out of no where is all." He said, frowning when the healer said nothing could be done.

    @ the batman;
    September 29th, 2016 at 05:11am
  • Spencer had this gut feeling that somethjng was wrong, he just knew it. After hours of spending his time with his pack he went looking for Aspen. He grew so attached to her and he didn't want to lose her.
    Lydia turned to face the healer and sighed in frustration rubbing her face. "Nothing really?" She walked over and looked at the kid tears in her eyes.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    September 29th, 2016 at 05:36am
  • Aspen laid dead on the platform in front of the coven as they channeled her power. Spencer's friend decided to go search for her because he knew he was worried. He frowned when he saw the coven, seeing Aspen dead. Mike walked off a little and called Spencer, " gotta get here." He said explaining where he was. "Don't be loud and don't freak out when you get here." He said.
    Bryce walked over to Lydia, "I'm so sorry." He said as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. He kissed the side of her head, "It's my fault." He whispered against her hair. "I should have watched him closer." He muttered.

    @ the batman;
    September 29th, 2016 at 06:03am
  • Spencer frowned when his buddy called him in a panic tone he swallowed hard and nodded even though he couldn't see. "All right." His earth was pounding as he ran in his wolf form because that would be easier. Changing back he looked at what was in front of him. "W-what's going on here?!"

    Lydia loved the kid, he was always so excited to see her and she would help him with whatever he needed. She wiped the tears from her face, turning to Bryce and touched his face, "it's not your fault, " she kissed his cheek.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    September 29th, 2016 at 06:37am
  • Mike shook his head, "Dude i don't know." He said, looking at the three dead witches below Aspen. Suddenly Aspen gasped and sat up. Julia frowned, "Why are the others not waking up!" She yelled at one of the elders. Aspen stared at her, glaring. Julia frowned, "She took their powers." She said, starting towards Aspen. Aspen raised her hand, making Julia shoot back. Aspen stood and looked around. She felt stronger, but she had to get back to Spencer.
    Bryce looked at her, "I was the leader and i let one of my guys die. It's my fault." He said, pulling away from her. He walked off and went into his house.

    @ the batman;
    September 29th, 2016 at 06:52am
  • Spencer was in shock shaking his head, angry balling his fists, she had promised him not to do any black magic and she lied. He walked off he. couldn't believe this. He spent the next hour away from home in his wolf form just staying away.

    Lydia frowned following him inside shaking her head, "don't you do that, don't push me away. This stuff always happens and sometimes lose someone in battle but for the most part we save them, you can't always blame yourself"

    @ xxKitanaxx
    September 29th, 2016 at 07:13am
  • Aspen sat at Spencer's house and waited for him. When he walked in she stood up, "Hey." She said walking towards him. She frowned when he acted upset. "Whats wrong?" She asked him.


    Bryce frowned, "So you werent upset at yourself when those kids at your packs village got killed? He snapped. He glared at her, feeling angry at everything.

    @ the batman;
    September 29th, 2016 at 07:26am
  • Spencer pushed Aspen aside, "don't talk to me, and don't come looking for me. I don't want anything to do with you. Liar" he growled. "They tried to warn me about you but I chose to ignore them.. thinking oh this girl is different. No. you're just another witch that'll do anything to get power even have herlsef killed and brought back.."
    Lydia was taken back by the way he was talking to her, "of course I was how can you say that?! I was just saying being angry all the time doesn't help.. you know whT I don't want to be around you when you're like this.." she walked out the door angry. Hot tears steaming down her face as she ran away from home. As she strolled through the forest she felt like she was being followed. Turning around she looked To see if it was Bryce... she called out but no answer and when she turned again she was knocked out.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    September 29th, 2016 at 07:31am
  • Aspen frowned, "I didnt let them do that to make me stronger." She said following him. "They did that so the elders can use my powers to help the coven." She explained. Aspen frowned grabbing his hand, "Im not using black magic. I promise you." She said as she gripped his hand so he wouldnt oull away.


    Bryce sighed as he sat in the house almost all night. He frowned when he realized Lydia wasnt back yet. He walked out and walked into the woods, "Lydia!" He called. He frowned when he heard nothing.

    @ the batman;
    September 29th, 2016 at 07:36am
  • Spencer pushed her away taking his hand back, "is that why te other ones didn't come back to life? You know what don't.. I should have known better. You keep stuff from me and you lie why should I believe you?"
    Lydia woke up hours later tied up as an angry stare was on her. It was a hunter, a female hunter. They were usually the better ones than the males."you'd make a great throw rug, maybe I should skin you alive for killing my boyfriend.. or maybe I should just take your pretty boy husband as my own" she smirked. Punching Lydia in the face, "nah.. maybe I'll just torture you" grabbing some silver knife and cutting Lydia, Lydia screamed out in pain.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    September 29th, 2016 at 07:40am
  • Aspen frowned, "I didnt lie!" She yelled. "Please Spencer. Your all i have. J dont know why those girls didnt come back." She said, tearing up. "Please." She begged him as she tried to hug him.

    Bryce growled as he searched the woods with the pack. He picked up a scent from Lydia and started towards it. He frowned when he realized he could smell blood from the warehouse he was in front of.

    @ the batman;
    September 29th, 2016 at 07:46am
  • Spencer turned to look at Aspen, he wanted to stay angry at we he wanted to hate her but he couldn't. He just couldn't, she had his heart and he just didn't know what else to do. He turned around and let Aspen hug him, he breathed in her perfume, "I just don't understand why you do this stuff.. I just wish you'd talk to me about it.."
    Lydia was stronger than most would give her credit for, she wasn't going to let this bitch get the better of her. Her clothes were torn and she was bloody, "I'm just gonna leave you here, but believe me when you have children and I'm sure you will, I will take them from you and kill them" she mumbled in her ear before knocking Lydia over. "I'll see you soon, " she smirked. Lydia was bloody and she wondered where this woman came from.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    September 29th, 2016 at 07:54am
  • Aspen hugged him, "I didnt have a choice Spencer. I have to do what the Elders say or they will...get rid of me." She said. Aspen was already considered a threat because of her mother. Aspen stepped back and pulled a necklace out of her pocket. "I got this for you." She said. "It will protect you from magic. Incase someone tries ro hurt you." She whispered as she laid it in his hand.


    Bryce found Lydia and went over to her, "Lydia." He said, breaking the chains off of her. "Im so sorry." He said as he looked her over. "Let me help you." He said as he tried to get her up without causing her pain. "Who did this." He growled.

    @ the batman;
    September 29th, 2016 at 07:58am
  • Spencer reached to touch Aspen's face, "why do you have to pout like that? It's my weakness.." He took the necklace and put it on, "all right but you have to talk to me more.,"

    Lydia was in pain and she could hardly speak now, she looked at her husband who had just gotten there. She limped as she made her way to the door, "it'd not important, I'll find her later,"

    @ xxKitanaxx
    September 29th, 2016 at 08:08am
  • Aspen nodded, "I promise. No more secrets." She said as she kissed him. She smiled as she stepped back from him. Aspen looked at the necklace not wanting to tell him it was her dads. It wouldnt come up and it was to protect him. Aspen smiled and kissed him.

    Bryce sighed and picked her up, "I will get you back." He said. He got her bqck to the village amd had the healer help her. "It was a hunter wasnt it?" He asked frowning.

    @ the batman;
    September 29th, 2016 at 08:11am