
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Deleterious
    Gwen was so exhausted, mentally and physically, that she didn't even awake from him moving her more onto the bed. She laid on her side, so that she was in a comfortable position. She had her back to Aleks after he had moved her over. She had turned over in her sleep. When morning came, and the sun came through the curtains, her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes blinked a few times, trying to get her vision to focus before she actually attemtped to move. She was suddenly very aware that she was sore, and hurt and felt bruises on her skin, and then became aware that she wasn't in her room. Sitting up, she looked around before looking down and seeing Aleks. She bit her lip wondering if he was asleep, or was just being creepy and watching her sleep. She didn't look at his eyes, only had a flash of his body since he was facing away from her. She ran a hand over her face, wondering when she would get to wash. She felt utterly disgusting from the amount of grime that was on her body from the previous day.

    Blaine watched as she slept, not really a sleeping type of demon. He hated sleeping and found no use in it. Instead, he read. He had heard her chains come off and raised an eyebrow to this. He would just put them back on when she was awake. He supposed, he could deal with them off, but since she had already tried to escape once, he wasn't sure if that was such a good idea. Glancing around, he ran a hand throughout his blonde hair before stretching, his body cracking and popping. Once the sun has risen he began to do his daily workout "session" so he could keep his strength and not let it fade, like all of the other demons that became fat and lazy in their wealth. He didn't see much sense in it considering he wasn't really looking to become just so wealthy that all he did was eat. Sounded like no life for him.
    November 8th, 2016 at 02:12am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Aleks began to stretch and make a few noises as he started weakening up, yawning pretty loudly. Either he had no respect for others who may have been sleeping next to him or he just didn't realize the way he woke up. Aleks cracked his eyes open, trying to get a grip on reality. Once he realized what was lying next to him he quickly rolled over and looked at the beauty beside him. "Good morning, beautiful. I assume you slept well. I'll have a maid bring you some breakfast, draw you a bath and get you some new clothes. Since you know, obviously those aren't exactly in the best of shape st the moment," he said cheerfully before climbing out of bed. He stretched his arms above his head before going to his wardrobe and picking out what he wanted to wear for the day. He had to pick battle appropriate clothing, nothing too hot or too revealing that would cause him to get injured badly. Aleks changed right in front of Gwen, not really minding since if he had it his way, she would be seeing it soon anyways. Aleks gave her a wink before leaving the room and going outside to check on his militia, who were getting ready and practicing for the battle.
    Gemma woke up the next morning to a splitting headache and a painful ache in her knee. She sighed as she opened her eye, rubbing her forehead with her palm. She heard odd small breaths and grunts, looking over she could see him doing crunches and sit up and all that fun stuff. "Well, arent we being fit this morning," she said, her voice groggy with sleep. She had to admit, running her eyes over his body, it was very nice. But she wasn't going to let him know that. "So what's for breakfast? Anything good?" She asked as she sat up and stretched, yawning. "Are you going to be staying in tents for like, ever. When do you plan on going home? You know it's like so much easier for me to escape out here in this here wild," she said as she looked around his tent, picking up things and examining them before putting them back down. "Do inget to bathe or anything? Or do I have to stay filthy?"
    November 10th, 2016 at 06:31am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Deleterious
    When Gwen heard him waking up, she gave a roll of her eyes frowning as she felt him turn out and look at her. Hearing him, she just stared at him, deciding not to say a damn thing. He didn't deserve her words and that was exactly what he wasn't going to get. She turned her eyes away when he got dressed before sighing when he was out of the room. She stood up, looking down at her raggedy dress and shook her head before seeing the maid come in. She pulled away from her before shaking her head. She skipped breakfast before going to get into the bath, shaking her head when she put her into a gorgeous dress, that seemed to just fit her just right. She didn't like it. It was a dark green that matched her eyes perfectly. She kept silent through the whole process before sitting back down on the windowsill and watching the trees from out the window. She closed her eyes sighing for a moment. She didn't know how to react anymore. None of it seemed real anymore, and she knew her family was dead at this point and that saddened her more than anything else in the world at the moment.

    Blaine did his crunches and then began his sit ups and started to do his push-ups. Hearing his pet speak, he sat up and looked at her blinking when he heard her. "Every morning." He stood up and stretched his body before knowing he was going to get a few sparring partners so he could practice. "I am going to raid another village today, so." He told her. "Ah, yes. My maid will bring you something." He told her. Raising an eyebrow as he listened to her, he laughed, "I will be going home quite soon. The day after tomorrow, we will begin the trek back to my home." He watched her for a moment and yawned before his eyes followed her every movement. "I will have my maid prepare a bath as well as garments, since yours are not exactly princess fitting." He told her before turning and calling for his maid before leaving telling her if anything happened to his pet he would decapitate her.
    November 12th, 2016 at 09:40pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Rollick
    December 30th, 2016 at 04:00am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ bonzer
    May 31st, 2017 at 02:10am