Kiss You Senseless.

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Evie smiled and nodded. "I would really like that." she said as she looked back at him. She sighed and then chuckled. "Okay so I have to confess. I'm not sure I like this band." she said and blushed softly. "But it has been interesting to listen to them." she said and looked at Ryan wondering if he thought they were really good or something. Evie finished her drink and turned more to Ryan her legs accidentally bumping his under the table. "Oh sorry." she said and moved her legs to give him more space. Evie looked over his handsome face and her eyes looked over his tattoos. It was like art on his skin and it intrigued her. He was so different from her last couple of boyfriends. They had all been bastards really and not enough man for her. Maybe she could see something happening with Ryan but with the state he was in emotionally she didn't think anything serious would come from it. Just fun and light which she was seriously lacking in her life right now.
    Oliver woke to Lexi calling for him. She sounded annoyed and he frowned getting up pulling on his shirt and running a hand through his hair. "I'm up." he said and walked out smiling until she said it was his mother at Lexi's door. He frowned already knowing what she wanted. He walked over to her and sighed as his mom started going off on him. "Mom seriously this is not an appropriate place to have this conversations." he said and looked back at Lexi stepping out and closing her door behind him. "You're engaged young man to a very dominate woman in our society." she said it like Lexi wasn't a part of that society. He sighed and shook his head. Lexi could dominate their society if she wanted to but the truth was she just didn't give to fucks about others. Oliver ran a hand through his hair. "Mom I am not going to stop seeing my friends just because I'm engaged. Lexi is my best friend and she will be in my life just as she will be at the wedding. Now please mother," he took her shoulders sweetly. "Let's talk about this over lunch okay? I'll come down to the house." he said and kissed her cheek. His mother sighed calmed down but still irritated though not at her soon but at the terrible woman that lived just behind that door. "Alright but that girl better not interfere or so help me I will ruin her." she said and Oliver shook his head. "You said that when I was in running start in high school to and she has been nothing but good for me and you know it. Now let me take you back to you're car mother." he said and walked with her down to her car opening her door. She slipped in and he waved her off.Oliver went back into Lexi's and sighed. "Sorry about that." he said and walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter.
    September 28th, 2016 at 01:14am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan smiled, "They arent that great." He said laughing. He shook his head when her leg hit his, "Its okay. You ready to get out of here?" He asked. He got up when she was ready. He walked out with her then took her back to her apartment. "Well thanks for the great night." He said as he stood outside her building. "I will see you around." He said before he watched her go in and head back to his place. He walked in and got ready for bed before going to sleep.


    Lexi sighed as she put their food on the table, "Just your mother saying how awful i am." She said as she sat down. "You cant keep apoligzing for her being an ass." She muttered as she took a sip of her drink. "Can we do something fun today?" She asked him.

    @ Jinx...
    September 28th, 2016 at 01:21am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Evie chuckled glad that it wasn't just her. She nodded standing ready to leave. They walked slowly towards the subway and took the train to her neighborhood. She walked up to her apartment and smiled at Ryan as he said good night. "Thank you Ryan. It's been... defiantly and adventure." she said her eyes glittering with the street lights. Evie turned the key in her door. "Have a good night Ryan and travel safe." she said before she disappeared into her apartment. She locked the door and then went to take a shower. She pulled on a shirt and laid in her bed thinking over the evening before falling asleep.
    Oliver walked over to her and took her hands. "Lexi you know it's not about you. She has a particular plan for my life, one she believes is good. I will keep apologizing for it because you deserve better than hearing her opinions on how and who I spend my time with." he hugged her then sat down taking a bite of her food. He loved her cooking. She asked if they could do something fun today and he frowned. "I have to go to lunch with my mom and this evening I'm suppose to meet up wth Rebecca." he said and rubbed the back of his neck. "How about tomorrow? I'll clear my schedule for you." he said feeling guilty for having stayed over then having to go when all she wanted was to spend a little time with him.
    September 28th, 2016 at 01:34am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan sat in his living room playing on his acustic guitar. Matt was planning to have some of his friends over. Ryan focused on his music as Matt cleaned up around the house. Ryan sighed as he heard the first of Matt's friends show up. He got up leaving the room and went to his room. He sat on his bed, playing his guitar.


    Lexi picked at her food, "Yea sure." She muttered. She looked at him, not feeling very hungry anymore. She got up and threw away her food. "I guess i will just find something for us to do tomorrow." She said before she walked to her room. She sighed as she sat on her bed. She had gotten them tickets to a show that Oliver really liked but it was a waste now.

    @ Jinx...
    September 28th, 2016 at 01:45am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Evie showed up to Matt's house. He created her with a kiss on the cheek. "Evie... boy am I glad you're here." he said and let her in. Evie smiled wearing a backless black dress. "Matt let's try not to get drunk tonight yeah?" she asked and smiled at him. Evie bit her lip. "Is Ryan here?" she asked quietly. Evie felt stupid for asking but she had really enjoyed their conversation the other day. She had secretly been hoping to see him tonight but she realized Matt's scene really wasn't his own. Evie smiled as Matt nodded to a closed door. Evie nodded. "Let me help you out in the kitchen Matt." she said knowing she had come early. Matt handed her an apron. "Wouldn't want to ruin that stunning dress my sweet." he said and Evie chuckled and thanked him slipping it on. She helped him finish up dinner. She usually enjoyed Matt's dinner parties. Matt moved around the house until the rest of the guest showed up. Evie finished in the kitchen by opening a bottle of wine and poured herself and Matt a glass before taking it out to the living room. She had taken off the apron as she socialized with some of the more sophisticated men. She found herself gaging at the inside of her lip her mind wondering to Ryan and how they talked about art and music instead of politics and the stock market.
    Oliver frowned and finished his food before stepping out making a few calls. He called his mother who threatened to come back to Lexi's and drag him out of there by his ear. "Mother my personal relations are imperative to maintain, did you not teach that to me? At this particular moment I have someone that needs my attention." he said. Once she calmed down he let her go and called Rebecca. "Hello Rebecca." he said listening to her talk over the phone about the plans she wanted him to make for tonight. "Something unexpectedly came up. I will need to reschedule. I do apologize." he said and Rebecca was eerily silent for a while. "Oliver I expect what ever this is to be resolved by the time the wedding comes around. See that it's done." she said and hung up. Oliver sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He leaned against the wall feeling utterly exhausted. He hated confrontation but Lexi was more important than his dislike for rearranging his schedule. Oliver walked back into Lexi's apartment and moved to her room knocking softly. "Lexi..."
    September 28th, 2016 at 05:19am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan walked out later after they ate and were talking. He got himself a sandwhich, ignoring their boring chatter in the backround. He frowned when one of Matt's friends asked why he did music and not havea real job. Ryan looked at him, "personally so when i have kids they domt have to listen to this shit music. Seriously Matt what is this." He said shaking his head.


    Lexi opened the door, "Yes?" She asked. She grabbed the tickets, handing them to Olvier. "Here take your fiance." She said. "You two should bond or whatever." She said. She sat on the bed and sighed. Lexi sat on her bed and watched him. "Domt worry about it." She said.

    @ Jinx...
    September 28th, 2016 at 05:38am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Evie smirked at Ryan's response. She guessed he probably got the question a lot. "It's Boney James." he said. "Jazz is stimulation for conversation." One of the men said and Evie chuckled and shook her head. The man she had been talking to looked at her sideways like her laughter irritated him. Evie liked that Ryan didn't pretend to like something that was pretty shitty. She stood and refilled her wine glass finally feeling entertained. "Ryan why don't you put on some better music... or better yet you could play for us." she said and smiled wanting to rub the smug noses of some of these people into the fact that not everything they believed was right. One of the girls sat up smiling. "Oh yes please." the little blonde said. Evie smiled at Ryan her mischievous eyes meeting his.
    Oliver frowned and stepped into her room when she pushed the tickets at him and he looked down at them. "Lexi how the hell did you get these? They've been sold out for weeks." he said and then shook his head setting them down. "Never mind because I'm not going with her... the only person I'll be doing anything with today is you." he said and sat beside her. "You're more important than my social obligations. I want to make time for you." he said and smiled at her.
    September 28th, 2016 at 05:59am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan smirked, "Alright." He said. He went to his room grabbing his acustic guitar and sat on the chair. He looked at them deciding yo play something softer for them. Ryan began to play after Matt killed the music. He began to sing and Matt smirked. He knew his friend had talent though he didny like how Evie stared at his friend. Ryan smiled as he played his song.


    Lexi smiled, "Thank you." She said as she hugged him. "I talked a friend into giving me them." He said. Lexi sighed and got up. "I gotta get dressed. You need something snazzy as well." She said smiling.

    @ Jinx...
    September 28th, 2016 at 06:06am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Evie smiled glad he liked the challenge to show off. She sat back down and crossed her legs. Evie sipped her wine watching Ryan her eyes softening as his voice felt like it was circling her. She bit the corner of her lip a moment amazed at how his voice sank into her. She knew music could be strong but she had never gone to a concert, orchestras yes but not a concert and his voice was stirring inside of her. Evie looked back at Ryan and smiled her green eyes swimming with deep emotions unreadable to anyone that looked.
    Oliver chuckled and hugged her back. "Oh you're so bad." he said and chuckled standing as she sat she needed to dress. "Alright want to meet at my place when you're ready then?" he asked. He had a toothbrush at Lexi's and some deodorant but no cloths. "How long do you think you'll need?" he asked and grabbed his shoes. Oliver was glad to see her looking happier. Oliver noticed the relief that seemed to flow through her at his words.
    September 28th, 2016 at 06:18am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan finished playing and set his guitar down as Matt told him it was good. He looked at evie who was staring at him and smiled. He got up amd walked to jis room, putting his guitar away. He was glad yhat he could catch her eye. It was nice to know someone wanted him.


    Lexi smiled, "Give me about two hours and i should be ready." She said laughing softly. She waited for him to leave them started to get ready. She sighed as she tried to decide on what dress to wear. She wanted to look good and get Olivers attention.

    @ Jinx...
    September 28th, 2016 at 08:12am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Evie smiled as Ryan looked at her and she wondered if the desire was clear in her eyes. Evie finished her second glass of wine. She ran a hand through her hair smiling as the blonde raved about how good he was. Those that had questioned him were now quietly trying to change the subject. Evie smiled contently and looked up at Matt as he stood in front of her. "Ryan is marvelous." she said and though she wished he had stayed she wasn't about to go chasing after him. Ryan was a challenge to those around him and she more than respected that. Evie bit the corner of her mouth zoning in and out of what Matt was saying.
    Oliver chuckled. "You got it Lexi." he said and kissed her head then left her apartment locking up behind him so she would be safe. Oliver got home and yawned taking off his cloths and hopping in the shower. He rolled his shoulders under the hot water hanging his head. He had needed to spend time with Lexi. She was always there for him and he cared for her. Oliver sighed knowing his mother was probably going to do something drastic to try and ward Lexi off and he could only hope she told him what it was. Oliver got out of the shower wrapping a towel around his waist.
    September 28th, 2016 at 04:21pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan decided to wait til mosy og Matts friends were gone before he walked out. He smirked as he listened yo Matt desperately hitting on Evie. He began to eat some of the left over appetizers. "You know Ryan you could come out and talk to people." He said. Ryan looked at him, "Yea but your friends are boring and kind of suck." He said, chuckling. "Well except Evie she stills has a chance." He said as he walked up behind Evie and rested his hands on her chair. "Dont worry i will save you from.the weird stock brokers." He teased her.


    Lexi found a nice red dress and began to get ready. She smiled as she finished her hair, realizing how amazing she looked. She would get Oliver from this girl. Lexi wasnt going to lose him. She was shocked to realize she was getting jealous.

    @ Jinx...
    September 28th, 2016 at 08:31pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Evie sat with Matt as he was hitting on her. He was drunk again and all she could do was ignore him. Evie smiled back at Ryan as he put his hands on her chair and looked down at her. She looked up at him and chuckled. "Well it took you long enough." Said said with a wink. "It took you all week to see me again and you even know where I live." She teased playfully. "I was starting to think I would have to give you my number so you could call me about that art walk." She said and smirked.
    Oliver dressed and then he sat on the couch all ready to go. Lexi always took three times as long as he did no matter how slow he tried to go. The only thing Oliver could think was that she had special woman things that took longer that he had no idea about. When He heard his front door open he walked out and the stopped seeing Lexi. He swallowed har his eyes sweeping over her. His stomach clenched and he ran a hand through his hair. She looked amazing. "Am I dressed well enough?" He asked wondering if he should change to keep up with her. He was going to have to fight all the animals off of Lexi.
    September 28th, 2016 at 08:52pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan smiled, "Well i figured Matt would invite you over at some point." He said as he sat at the table with them. He looked at her, "You should give me your number though. Makes it easier to get ahold of you." He said. He took a sip of the beer he got and ate some of the food. "So this is seriously how you guys spend your nights." He said laughing.

    Lexi smiled, "You look great Oliver. As always." She teased him. She smilef as she walked with him to the theater. She got their sits which were amazing. "Close enough for you?" She asked. She hated the theater but Oliver liked it and she would do anything for him.

    @ Jinx...
    September 28th, 2016 at 09:39pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Evie chuckled. It was true Matt invited her over all the time. She leaned into the table though refusing anymore wine. "Your logic is sound." she said and chuckled and held out her hand towards him. "Phone." she said and waited until he placed it in her hand. Evie started to put in her number and even snapped a picture of herself and completed her contact before handing his phone back to him. "And this is how Matt spends most of his nights." she said though she hadn't seen him get this drunk this often in a long time. "I spend my week nights doing more important things but I stop by to check up on Matt." she said and patted his hand. Matt looked at her like a lost puppy. She smiled and then looked back at Ryan other nights I spend finding an adventure." she said smiling.
    Oliver smiled and ran a hand through his hair. He took her hand and walked with her to his car. He opened the door for her then drove to the theater house. He parked and helped her out of her car holding her hand in the crook of his elbow. Oliver smiled as they sat down in the theater. "It's amazing already. Thank you Lexi." he said and kissed her cheek. Oliver was so excited for the show to start.
    September 28th, 2016 at 09:49pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan smiled as she put her number in his phone. He looked over as Matt got up. "You like adeventure huh?" He said standing. "Come on." He said. He told Matt they would be back and walked out with her. He walked into the garage om the building and went to his streetbike, uncovering it. "Lets go princess." He said smirking as he handed her the helmet he had.


    Lexi smiled as he kissed her cheek, "Why your welcome." She said as she kissed his cheek. She relaxed as the show started. When it ended she walked out with him, "Wanna get something to eat?" She asked as she looped her arm with his.

    @ Jinx...
    September 28th, 2016 at 10:00pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Evie watched Matt leave the room and then Ryan stood and basically challenged her to go out with him. She smiled and bit her lip before standing and walking out with him. She followed him and stopped seeing his motorcycle. "Wow." she said and chuckled. He handed her a helmet and she pulled it on. He called her princess and she chuckled. She looked at her dress and the bike and shook her head. This was going to be interesting. Evie waited for him to get on then she straddled the bike and scooted closer to him wrapping her arms around his waist her chin resting on his shoulder. Evie squeezed her thighs against his and smirked. "Alright let's fly." she said only having been on a motorcycle once when she was younger.
    Oliver smiled as they watched the show. When it was over he ranted about how amazing it was standing and heading towards his car. "Sure what do you feel like beautiful?" he asked thinking about a little shop he knew of not to far away that had really great food. Oliver didn't mind walking with Lexi on his arm like this and he found that he didn't mind the looks that people gave as they passed by either.
    September 28th, 2016 at 10:45pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist then pulled out of the garage. He rode til thet were out of the city and drove down a back road. He smirked as he parked his bike on a pull off and let her get off. He got off the bike, taking his helmet off. "Check it out." He said. He looked from the cliff, seeing all the city lights. Ryan smirked as he watched her.


    Lexi smiled, "Whatever you pick is fine. She wasnt picky and jusy wanted to be with him. Lexi smiled as they walked into the small restuarant he picked amd sat with him. They had eaten there before amd the food was amazing. "I love this place." She said smiling.

    @ Jinx...
    September 29th, 2016 at 01:03am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Evie bit her lip laying her cheek against his back. She watched as the city passed her by. By the time they stopped she was shivering. She got off and rubbed her legs pulling her dress down. She was glad she had grabbed her coat before leaving. She pulled it tighter around her and took off the helmet and ran a hand through her hair. She waked over to Ryan and stood beside him smiling. This was totally worth it. "It's stunning." she said and smiled at him. "Thank you." she said and then looked back out at the city.
    Oliver smiled and directed her towards the little mom and pop place tucked in the strip. He opened the door for Lexi. He smiled as they were sat. "Yeah me too." he said and looked at the menu. Oliver smiled at Lexi over the menu. "I'm really glad we went out tonight. I really needed this." He said and looked up at the waiter that came to their table.
    September 29th, 2016 at 04:26am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan smiled as he stood next to her, "You're welcome. So when should we go to this art festival. I'm sure you are tired of snooty dinner parties by now." He teased as he lit a cigarette. He looked over at her, listening to her words. Ryan smiled as he looked over the city. "I like seeing the lights up here." He said.
    Lexi smiled, "Well Oliver when have i ever not picked the best thing for us to do." She teased him. She looked over the menu and decided, "You however are up next to plan a night for us." She smiled as she ran her fingers through her hair then took a sip of her water. She looked at the waiter and ordered the ravioli. They had amazing Italian food.

    @ Jinx...
    September 29th, 2016 at 05:24am