We'll Build This Love From the Ground Up

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Hey, you're pretty fucking annoying yourself, so shut the fuck up," Rosalie scoffed at Zacky. She shoved Jimmy against the door, letting out a gasp of false hurt. "You motherfucker, I am not Dumber," she said. "I'm afraid that would be you." She smirked slightly, looking over at Zacky. "You're only Dumb if Zacky's Dumber." Thankfully, they soon arrived at the bar, and Rosalie shoved Jimmy out of the cab, eager to be away from Zacky and out of the cramped cab. Just because they were planning to make Jimmy think they'd sex, it didn't mean that Rosalie could stand him any more than she used to. She limgered around the guys long enough to see which table they'd chosen, and then she headed off for the bar, ordering a shot to start off with, along with a Long Island iced tea. She took the shot, leaving the glass on the bar counter as she carried her actual drink back to the table. "Well boys, who's planning on getting laid tonight?" Rosalie asked, leaning back in the booth. "But I guess the real question is who's actually going to succeed in that endeavor?"
    Brian honestly wanted to throttle Johnny for putting Sasha in the middle. It made him so tense, and he was actually starting to feel a little stupid for fucking her. It would have been fine and dandy if she'd brushed it off the way he had, but it almost seemed like she'd been expecting him to want to be with her, relationship-wise. At the bar, Brian was out of the cab as soon as it stopped. He darted into the bar, going straight to the bar for a shot or two or ten. He just needed to find a woman to take back to the bus and get some of his frustrations out. He took the first shot offered to him and then turned around, scouring the bar for a woman he might like to sleep with. Finally his eyes settled on a beautiful blonde, much like the one he'd run into at the music store the other day. Brian left his shot glass on the counter and moved down the bar, squeezing in next to the blonde woman. "Hello there," he said, flashing a smile at her. "Can I buy you a drink?"
    November 3rd, 2016 at 05:15am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky looked over at Rosalie and laughed. "Obviously Brian has plans," he said, watching the man chat up some blonde at the bar. He looked over at the other guys, seeing Matt staring at his phone. Must be Val. Clearly, he wasn't getting laid. He looked back at Rosalie and smirked, deciding to play it up a little. "I'm getting laid. Since you seem to think I can't, I'll prove you wrong." He stood up and walked over, spotting a random girl and going to talk to her. He couldn't act weird, or tip Jimmy off. He still needed to act normal, like he did every night. But he did feel like he needed to prove to Rosalie that he could get any girl he wanted, he just chose not to sometimes. It was difficult when he had Gena back home. Sometimes he could sleep with other girls and it wouldn't play on his conscience, but sometimes it did. And he just needed a little break. That was all.
    Sasha watched as Brian went to the bar and started talking to a girl. She looked away, over at Rosalie and laughing softly at her words. Did they do this after every show? Take bets on who was getting laid? She could imagine it. She raised an eyebrow when Zacky got up and walked away, looking over at Rosalie. "Does he always try to prove himself like that?" she asked curiously, remembering seeing him downing shots like his life depended on it last time. She didn't take Zacky for that kind of guy, but it seemed like Rosalie and Jimmy knew how to push his buttons. She looked up when a waitress came over and placed a drink in front of her. Her brows furrowed and she shook her head. "I didn't order this," she said.

    "No, that man did," the woman said before walking away.

    Sasha looked over, seeing a man eyeing her with a smug look on his face. He was handsome, that was for sure. She blushed slightly and looked down at the drink he'd ordered for her, picking up the glass and taking a sip of it.
    November 6th, 2016 at 11:32pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Yeah okay, good luck with that," Rosalie snorted. If they were going to make their little plan actually work, Zacky couldn't actually get laid. And neither could she. Dammit, that was two times in a row she wasn't going to get laid. But she could at least flirt a little, have a guy buy her a drink or two. And if she could sneak away for a quickie without Jimmy noticing, she sure as hell was going to do that.

    "I bet both of you will get laid tonight," Jimmy said, wiggling his eyebrows at her. "With each other."

    Rosalie rolled her eyes playfully. "When are you going to drop that?" she asked, taking a sip of her drink. "I wouldn't touch Zacky's dick if it was the last one on earth." She turned to Sasha when the other girl spoke, shrugging her shoulders at her question. "Most of the time, yeah," she answered. She grinned. "Especially when it comes to me. He can't stand to let me be right."
    Of course the woman said yes, because who the hell would turn down a drink offer from a rockstar? He let her choose her drink and told the bartender to put it on his tab. She'd chosen a fruity drink, which was unfortunate, because it would take quite a few of those to get her drunk. "So what's your name, sweetheart?" Brian asked, taking the shot he'd ordered for himself. She told him her name and he grinned. "Well Natalie, I've got a room back at the Hampton Inn, maybe you'd like to join me?" he suggested, deciding not to beat around the bush. He didn't feel like doing anything chasing tonight. He was stressed and he just wanted a fuck. Luckily Natalie seemed to be just as receptive to the idea as he was, and she eagerly agreed to accompany Brian back to his hotel room. "Well let's have a few drinks, loosen up a little, and then we can head back. Sound good?" Brian asked.
    November 7th, 2016 at 04:32am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky began talking to this beautiful brunette at the bar, and thought he was having a nice conversation when another girl came up and took her hand. His eyes widened and he could just hear Johnny and Jimmy laughing like hyenas in the background. He cleared his throat and forced a smile, turning and ordering himself a shot. He downed it, feeling like a total idiot. He knew Rosalie would get a kick out of that and would hold it over his head for a long time. Whatever. He was sure she'd do something stupid at some point that he could hold against her. He ordered another shot and downed it quickly, sighing heavily. As much as he wanted to get loaded, he knew he couldn't drink too much if he wanted to make the sex sound convincing enough to Jimmy later. Well, the fake sex.
    Sasha laughed softly at what Rosalie said. "Maybe he's got a crush on you," she teased. She could picture the two of them being together. They'd make a really cute couple, actually. She clearly didn't know the whole situation, though, and was confused when Jimmy laughed. Her brows furrowed, but she shook her head and stood up. She carried her drink over to the man who had been looking at her, introducing herself. "Hey," she greeted. "Thanks for the drink. You have good taste."

    The man smirked, nodding his head. "I know," he said, holding his hand out to her. "I'm Riley."

    Sasha reached forward and shook his hand. "Sasha," she murmured. She didn't usually talk to strangers like this, it wasn't really her thing. But he was handsome and she wanted to show Brian that she wasn't into him like she was assuming he was thinking she was.
    November 8th, 2016 at 03:17pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie made a face at Sasha's comment. Zacky had a crush on her? As if. "Uh no, I highly doubt that Zacky has a crush on me," Rosalie said, taking a sip of her drink. She gave Jimmy a shove when he laughed. Dammit, Sasha was only encouraging him. "Zacky can't stand me. That's why he always has to prove me wrong." Rosalie glanced over at the bar, where Zacky was chatting up some brunette, just in time to see another girl walk up and take the brunette's hand. She laughed along with Jimmy and Johnny as they watched Zacky order a shot. Leave it to Zacky to flirt with a lesbain. Either that or that girl and her friend had one hell of a convincing system to get rid of strange men. With a smirk on her face, Rosalie grabbed her drink and got to her feet, sauntering over to the bar and squeezing in next to Zacky. "So I take it your gay-dar is a little off?" she teased. "Either that or you're suddenly into lesbains?"
    When the blonde readily agreed to Brian's plans, he grinned, flagging down the bartender to order another round of shots for the two of them. As he waited, he spotted Sasha approaching the bar, and Brian raised an eyebrow in confusion when she walked up to a strange man. He didn't like it, but Brian actually felt a little jealous. Sasha was supposed to be hung up on him, because isn't that what women did when they had sex? Brian shook his head. You know what? If she wanted to have a one-night stand with that guy, then he couldn't say anything about it. And he didn't want to think about it, not when he had a definitive lay standing in front of him. When the bartender placed the shots in front of them, Brian tipped his back and waited for the blonde to do the same before he rested his hand on her back. "On second thought, why don't we head back to my hotel room now?" he suggested, and he grinned when she immediately nodded.
    November 9th, 2016 at 08:22am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky narrowed his eyes at Rosalie. "Oh, hush, you," he hissed. "I made a fucking mistake, okay? God. Don't tell me you've never flirted with a gay man before, because that's a lie. You'd fuck anything with a dick between its legs even if they didn't want you." He ordered another shot and downed it, shaking his head. He looked at her. "Hey, at least someone ordered Sasha a drink. I don't see any tall, dark and handsomes looking at you." He smirked, realizing that nobody had really come up and talked to her the past couple of times they'd gone out drinking. Maybe it was because she was so off-putting with her attitude and resting bitch face. Granted, no girls had been eyeing him either, but still. That just wasn't the way it worked. Guys usually had to go up to the girls to strike a conversation, not the other way around.
    Sasha opened her mouth to speak to Riley when she spotted Brian walking out of the bar with the blonde. She cleared her throat, looking down. She looked up when she felt someone touch her shoulder, seeing Jimmy standing there, a card between his fingers. She raised an eyebrow when he placed it in the palm of her hand, winking at her before he sat in the seat next to her, eyeing Rosalie and Zacky. She looked down at the card, realizing it was his key card. Was he giving her the card to his room so that she could further torment Brian? He was a lot smarter than he looked. But she was kind of thankful since the crew was staying on a different floor, and Brian wouldn't notice if she had sex on a different floor. She looked up at Riley and smiled. "Want to come back to my room?" she asked.

    Riley chuckled. "I thought you'd never ask," he said.

    Sasha stood up, smiling when he paid for their drinks before she followed him out of the bar just in time to see Brian getting into a cab with his blonde bitch. She followed Riley over to the sidewalk, catching a cab with him and telling the driver the hotel they would be staying at.
    November 10th, 2016 at 01:24am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie pressed her lips into a tight line. "That's not true, I wouldn't fuck you, you stupid prick," she hissed. Sure she'd flirted with gay men before she'd realized that they were gay. At Zacky's next comment, her frown deepened. It wasn't like she had to get laid every time they went out. Sometimes there weren't any men that caught her attention enough to warrant her attention. "I could say the same thing about you, you know," Rosalie said scathingly, taking a sip of her drink. "You haven't much luck lately, either. Because lesbains don't count." With that, Rosalie grabbed her drink and headed back to the table, arriving just in time to see Sasha leaving with the man who'd bought her that drink. Honestly, Rosalie was considering abandoning the plan she had with Zacky and just finding someone so she could get laid, too. She could deal with Jimmy pestering her for another day or two, and if she had sex, she'd be in a better mood to deal with it.
    Brian laid his hand on the blonde girl's lower back, leading her out of the bar. He spotted Sasha talking to the man who'd bought her that drink, and Brian was glad that the crew stayed on a separate floor so that he could get his lay without having to listen to Sasha and that asshole having sex. He didn't know why it bothered him to much, but it did. At the hotel, he led Natalie to his room, hanging the 'Do Not Disturb' sign onto the outside of the door handle before locking the door. He slipped his shoes off near his bag before he went to Natalie, deciding that he didn't want to waste any time as he gripped her hips and leaned down to kiss her roughly. As he did, Brian slipped his hand around to her back, undoing the zipper and letting it fall to the floor. Underneath she was wearing no underwear at all, and as he gazed at her naked body, Brian's eyes darkened with lust. "Get on the bed," Brian said, jutting his chin towards the bed as he reached for his belt.
    November 10th, 2016 at 03:52am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky rolled his eyes at Rosalie, watching her walk back to the table. He didn't want to admit it, but he actually felt . . . bad. He felt bad for upsetting her, and he didn't even know why. He shouldn't feel bad. It was in his job description to piss her off, just like it was for her. But he felt remorse this time. He wanted to go apologize, but he told himself not to. It would be just another thing for her to throw at him. He told himself this made up for her saying the band was better off without him. But then he'd told her she'd be better off dead. Ugh. Fuck me. He got up and walked over to the table, sitting across from her. "Rosie, look-"

    Before he could say anything else, Jimmy let out a loud, obnoxious gasp. "Did you just call her Rosie?" he exclaimed.

    Zacky's brows furrowed. Had he? Maybe it was a slip of the tongue, from hearing Jimmy say it so often. "It doesn't matter," he said. "I just wanted to say sorry, Rosalie. I didn't mean to piss you off. I mean, I did mean to piss you off, but I guess I went a bit too far. Fuck, you know what I mean. Sorry."

    "Wow, you just apologized for being an ass," Johnny said, smirking at him. "We need to get this down on paper. Anyone got a pen?"

    Zacky nudged Johnny in the side and glared at him. "Shut up."
    Sasha got back to the hotel with Riley and walked to Jimmy's room, seeing the sign on the doorknob of the room next door. She figured that was Brian's room. She could already feel knots forming in her stomach from how nervous she was, and she was getting second thoughts about this. Did she really want to have sex with some stranger she barely knew? Just to prove a point? She wasn't like that. She wasn't that kind of girl. She cleared her throat as she slipped her heels off, setting her bag down and walking towards the bed. She grunted when Riley pressed his body up against hers, squeezing her eyes shut when she felt his lips on her neck. She was used to this, so why was she so uncomfortable? She was used to letting guys take advantage of her. But those were usually guys she knew. She didn't even know if this guy was clean or not. She didn't know his story, where he came from, what his last name even was. How did Brian do this so easily?

    She turned and looked up at him, biting her lip gently. She was ready to tell him that she didn't want to do this when he kissed her, and put his hands on her hips. Sasha grunted as he shoved her onto the bed. She instantly felt sick to her stomach, and kind of scared. "R-Riley, I changed my mind," she mumbled, backing up towards the pillows.

    Riley scoffed, grabbing her skirt and pulling it off her legs. "You can't change your mind, we're already here," he said, climbing on top of her.

    Sasha frowned, reaching up and placing her hands on his shoulders. "Please, get off me," she pleaded. "I-I'm not in the mood anymore." She gasped when he flipped her over and tugged her panties down to her knees. At first, it felt surreal, as if it wasn't happening, but then she heard the clinking of his belt and reality came back hard. She squirmed under his weight, looking over her shoulder at him and elbowing him in the nose. She managed to get out from under him, pulling her panties up as she ran to the door. She twisted the lock and moved to open the door, but she wasn't fast enough and Riley grabbed her, slamming her against the door hard. She cried out and struggled against him, feeling tears forming in her eyes. She reached for the doorknob, but Riley grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back.

    Sasha cried out in pain, trying to think quickly. She reared her head forward before flinging it back, butting him in the face. When he backed away, she unlocked the door and threw it open, running out and down the hall to the elevator. She didn't care if she was half naked. She rushed to the elevator, but the doors shut before she could get inside and tears fell from her eyes. She pressed the button repeatedly for the elevator to come back up, her heart racing in her chest. She didn't even hear Riley come up behind her, and before she realized it, he was grabbing her hair and tugging on it. She let out a short cry of pain as he dragged her back towards the hotel room. She screamed out for help, secretly praying for Brian to come save her.
    November 10th, 2016 at 04:22am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    It wasn't that what Zacky said necessarily upset Rosalie, it was just that having guys approach her and flirt with her and have sex with her were the main things that made her feel attractive. No one ever really told her she was beautiful or showed any interest in her that wasn't sexual, which was partially her fault, and realizing that she hadn't gotten any attention in awhile just made her feel sort of...ugly. And that's how her mom always made her feel. Ugly. Rosalie glanced up when Zacky sat down in front of her, ready to open her mouth and tell him off for calling her Rosie, but Jimmy cut her off. And then Zacky started to actually apologize to her, and Rosalie was too distracted to say anything about him calling her Rosie. "Wow Zack, I've got to say I'm surprised, I didn't think you were capable of being the bigger person," Rosalie said. She smiled softly at him. "But thank you. That uh, that means a lot."

    Jimmy looked between the two of them with a gleeful look on his face, and Rosalie rolled her eyes when she noticed. Honestly, couldn't he ever leave things alone? "Rosie and Zacky are actually being nice to each other," he said. "I say this calls for celebratory shots!"
    Brian pulled his belt from the loops on his jeans, tossing it onto the floor with a thud as he walked towards the bed. He shimmied out of his jeans and tugged off his shirt before he crawled over Natalie, skimming his hands over her body. "I'm going to have fun with you," he whispered into her ear. He pressed a rough kiss to her lips before he trailed his kisses down her slender neck, slipping his hand between her thighs as he did so. He ran his middle finger teasingly along her slit, feeling his erection grow when she whimpered into his ear. Brian was just about to pull his boxers off and just fuck her when he heard a scream outside in the hallway. He might have ignored it, but it sounded strangely like Sasha and it sounded like she was screaming for help. Brian got up, leaving Natalie naked on the bed without any explanation. He threw open the door and stuck his head out into the hallway, feeling his blood absolutely boil when saw that creep from the hotel dragging Sasha by her hair. "Hey, get the fuck off of her!" Brian shouted, stepping out of his hotel room. He went to this guy and pulled him away from Sasha, pulling his arm back and socking the guy in the jaw. "You think it's okay to lay a hand on a woman?" Brian growled, punching him in the gut. "Not so nice when I put my hands on you, is it?"
    November 10th, 2016 at 07:53am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky rolled his eyes at Jimmy's comment, but he wasn't about to say no to a shot. When the waitress brought over a round of shots, he took his and downed it instantly. He looked over when Matt stood up, saying he needed to go back to the hotel and make a phone call. He frowned, hating that everyone seemed to be pretty distant tonight. Everyone was off doing their own thing, and it just felt weird. But that kind of happened when they were on tour. Things came up because you weren't at home, or whatever, and you had to deal with them. He pouted when Johnny told Matt he'd ride with him, putting some money on the table before following the singer out.

    "Guess it's just the three amigos," Jimmy said, grinning.

    Zacky snorted. "Right," he mumbled.
    Sasha fell back onto the floor as Brian pulled Riley away from her, reaching up and holding her scalp as tears fell from her eyes in floods. She sniffled and whimpered softly, her head intensely throbbing. She looked up in time to see Riley scampering down the hall towards the elevator. Thank god for Brian or she could have been raped, or even worse, killed. How could she have been so stupid to think she could bring a stranger back and get away with it? All to prove a point? She pulled herself up and wiped at her eyes, looking at Brian. "I'm so sorry," she muttered, knowing she had ruined his night. She felt so violated and disgusting, but she knew she should consider herself lucky since she wasn't actually hurt. Some girls didn't get that luxury.
    November 11th, 2016 at 12:27am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    When Matt and Johnny decided to leave, Rosalie knew it wouldn't be much longer before she and Zacky had to put their little plan into action. And she thought the little apology from Zacky would really help them sell it, even though she got the idea that his apology had been genuine. "I hate to add to the party pooping, but I think I'm going to finish my drink, take one more shot, and then I'm gone," Rosalie announced. She gave Zacky a little nudge with her foot under the table, trying to indicate to him that he should come back to the hotel, too.

    "Aww what, that's no fun, Rosie," Jimmy whined. "You should stay here with me and get wasted."

    "Maybe next time, Jim," Rosalie replied, grinning to herself when Jimmy let out a soft, strangled sort of groan. Eventually he grumbled that he would go back to the hotel too, and he called the waitress over to order another round. While they were waiting Rosalie slurped down what was left of her drink, taking the shot when it was placed in front of her. "Alright, let's get the fuck out of here," Rosalie said.
    Thankfully it seemed that the fee punches from Brian were enough to send the creep from the bar running for the elevator. He gave him a kick in the ass for good measure, watching to make sure he actually got on the elevator before he turned to Sasha. "Hey, don't apologize," Brian said softly. "It's not your fault that that guy's a fucking creep." He looked Sasha over, noticing that she was half naked. He was sure she just wanted to go to bed at this point, but Brian would feel bad if he just left Sasha and went back to fuck Natalie. Besides that, the mood was ruined, for him at least. "Listen, why don't you get your clothes and then you can come sleep in my room?" Brian offered. "I mean, if you want to. I'll leave the door unlocked." Brian slipped back into his room, sighing to himself when he saw Natalie still naked on his bed. "Listen, I hate to do this to you, but you need to leave," he explained. "One of our crew members just almost got attacked by some guy and she's a little shaken up so I'm going to let her stay in my room. But I'll pay for a cab wherever you need to go."
    November 11th, 2016 at 08:01am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky grunted when Rosalie kicked his foot under the table, narrowing his eyes at her. He put on a pout, though, when she said she was leaving, huffing. "You two fucks are gonna leave me here alone?" he grumbled, trying to really sell this to Jimmy. "Fucking fine, then. I guess I'll go too." He finished his drink and put some money on the table before he stood up, following them out of the bar. "Jimmy, you get middle seat this time." He walked ahead of them, hailing a cab and climbing in. Once Jimmy and Rosalie had gotten in too, he told the driver the name of the hotel. The ride back was pretty silent, but he could just feel the smirk on Jimmy's face. He thought he was such a fucking genius, it was hilarious. Well, he was a genius, at times. But right now he was pretty dumb.
    Sasha was surprised at Brian's offer, but she wasn't going to deny it. The last thing she wanted right now was to be alone. What if Riley came back after her or something? She would feel safer with Brian. She walked back into Jimmy's room and pulled her skirt on, then grabbed her heels. She sighed as she walked out of the room and locked it, looking over and seeing the blonde from earlier stomping out of Brian's room. She was obviously pissed that Brian had told her to leave, and Sasha was just glad she didn't come over and try to talk to her or anything. She couldn't handle anymore drama right now. She walked to Brian's room and gently opened the door, slipping in and shutting it behind herself. She turned the lock without hesitation before she set her shoes and Jimmy's key card down, looking over at Brian. She knew this would probably be awkward for him, but she didn't care. She owed it to him. She walked over and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Brian," she murmured. "I don't know what would have happened to me if you hadn't come out when you did."
    November 12th, 2016 at 12:00am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie smirked when Zacky mentioned something about Jimmy taking the middle seat this time. But if he hadn't, then Jimmy would've made him sit next to her, which neither of them wanted to. Back at the hotel, Rosalie headed off to her room, making sure to leave it open a crack so that Zacky could "slip" inside later. She really hoped this little plan of theirs worked, because she was already tired of Jimmy's little shenanigans and comments. It was getting old fast. While she was waiting for Zacky, Rosalie decided she might as well change clothes, since there was no reason she could have fake sex in her pajamas. She laid down on the bed, flipping through the TV stations to find something that she might want to watch while she waited. Honestly, if Zacky didn't hurry up, their plan wouldn't work because Jimmy would get in the shower or pass out on his bed and he wouldn't hear them.
    Natalie was irritated that Brian wanted her to leave, but she took the twenty he pulled from his wallet and stomped off. Brian was a little upset too, since that meant he couldn't get laid. But obviously other things were more important and besides, it wasn't like this would be his last chance. He looked up when he heard the door close and as soon as he turned around, Sasha was hugging him. "Hey, it's no big deal," he replied, feeling a bit awkward. "I mean, I might be an asshole most of the time but I'm still a decent human being. And there's no way in hell I'd let any guy put his hands on a woman like that. It's not right." Brian moved away from Sasha, going over to pick his shirt up off the floor. He tugged it over his head, sitting down on the edge of his bed as he looked at Sasha. "You can take that bed, if you want," he said.
    November 13th, 2016 at 04:27am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky had the wonderful fortune of sharing a room with Jimmy since Matt and Johnny had bunked up and Brian was alone. But he guessed it kind of worked in his favor in a way. He walked in with Jimmy, watching as the other man started stripping before heading to the bathroom. Zacky made sure to make extra noise as he left the room, but pretended as if Jimmy hadn't noticed and peeked out of the bathroom. He walked next door to Rosalie's room, slipping inside and shutting the door. He glanced over at her, sighing heavily. This was going to be one of the most uncomfortable, awkward nights of his life, but it would be worth it to get Jimmy off his ass for a while. He walked over to her bed and hopped onto it beside, her, smirking. "Hey partner," he teased.
    Sasha bit her lip hard as she watched him, nodding her head. She dropped her shoes on the floor and crawled onto the bed, facing away from him and tugging the covers over her body. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop the tears, but they came out anyways. They rolled down her cheeks slowly, but she managed to keep quiet, biting her lip hard and sniffling occasionally. She hated how awkward things felt again. For her at least. And she felt bad for ruining his night. Maybe she could make it up to him, she owed it to him at least. She reached up and wiped her eyes and her cheeks free of tears, taking a deep breath before she stood up out of bed. She walked over to him and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his, letting out a small breath as she pulled back. Even in the mental state she was in now, she felt something when she kissed him. She didn't know why, and she honestly wished she didn't, but she did.
    November 16th, 2016 at 09:12pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    After what seemed like forever, the door to Rosalie's room opened and Zacky slipped inside. She watched as he came over plopped down next to her on her bed. She matched his smirk. "Partner?" she laughed. "This isn't a dance or something. Well, I guess you could call it a dance, just a really fucking weird one. Anyway, shall we get started before Godzilla passes out?" Rosalie thought for a moment about how they could make it seem realistic. They couldn't just start jumping on the bed and moaning, because that would give it away that they weren't actually having sex. Rosalie climbed off the bed as an idea came to mind. She grabbed the 'Do Not Disturb' sign from the inside of the doorknob, opened the door, and hung it on the outside. "So now it looks like we don't want to be disturbed, which in Jimmy's mind should hopefully point to sex." Rosalie went back over to the bed and sat down next to Zacky, looking over at him. "Well partner, what next?" she asked. "Let's hear your bright ideas."
    Once Sasha was in bed, Brian went over to turn off the light before he crawled into his bed. In the quiet of the room, he could hear Sasha's crying, even though he was sure she thought she was being too quiet. He heard her climb out of bed and he thought she was going to the bathroom, so he was a little surprised when he felt her hand on his shoulder. And when Sasha kissed him, Brian thought for a second that he'd fallen asleep and he was about to have one of his dirty dreams. "What was that for?" Brian whispered, looking up at Sasha. He was so confused. Was that supposed to be a thank you kiss? Did she want to have sex again? What was it about? Brian wasn't about to turn down sex, even if he would feel bad for taking advantage of Sasha. But he wasn't about to just ask Sasha if she wanted to have sex again, so he laid his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her down to kiss her again.
    November 17th, 2016 at 05:38am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky watched her, snorting and rolling his eyes when she called him 'partner' back. He sat up, already having a plan in mind. He'd thought about it the night before. "Well, Jimmy isn't dumb enough to believe we'd just fuck out of nowhere," he said. "So I figure we start it off with an argument, you know? We can come up with something on the spot, be loud about it, argue, and then just pretend it went from there. A lot of arguments lead to sex. I think it's believable enough for him." He just didn't know what they'd argue about, though. It had to be something believable and not too outrageous. Something that they would actually argue about. And it had to make sense because things had been fine on the way back from the hotel. So it had to make sense with the events that had played out up until this point. It couldn't just be an argument for the sake of being an argument. They had to make it seem like something had happened.
    Sasha was totally surprised when Brian kissed her back, having half expected him to deny her. But hell if she was complaining. She let out a small noise as she let herself fall down onto his bed, hooking her leg over his hip and moving over top of him. She looked down at him through the darkness, just barely able to see the outline of the features on his face. "I feel bad for ruining your night," she said. "And you did save me. So I want to make it up to you, if you'll let me." She leaned down and let her lips find his jaw, kissing down his neck and nipping lightly at the skin on his collarbone. She slid one hand up under his shirt, over his stomach and up his chest. She didn't want him to think that she was just doing this as a thank-you, because while she was thanking him in a way, she also wanted this again. She wanted him again. And she wasn't going to complain if he was going to let her.
    November 18th, 2016 at 04:40am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie made a thoughtful sort of face as she thought over what Zacky had said. Them arguing would definitely be believable. "Yeah, that could work," Rosalie said. But what should they argue about? They'd actually been getting along somewhat well at the bar, so it would have to be something brand new. Or something old, something the two of them always argued about, no matter what the situation was. "Okay, I've got an idea," Rosalie said after a few minutes, getting up from the bed. She gave Zacky a wink. "You know Zack, I really don't appreciate you coming into my room and calling me a slut," Rosalie said, raising her voice loud enough for Jimmy to hear. "What the fuck is your problem, anyway? We were getting along just fine at the bar, why do you always have to ruin everything?" Rosalie looked over at Zacky with a smirk, mouthing to him that it was his turn. Surely Jimmy would believe this argument. They argued about this all the time. And it could easily segue into sex. Well, fake sex.
    "You're asking if I'm going to turn down a chance to get laid?" Brian asked. His hands went to Sasha's hips, a slight smirk appearing on his face. "And you didn't ruin my night, so stop saying that." He grunted softly when he felt her nipping at his neck, and he leaned up slightly so that he could pull his shirt over his head. After he'd tossed it aside, Brian settled himself back against the mattress, pulling Sasha down to kiss her again. This time his hands settled on her ass, and he gave it a soft smack before he squeezed it, rolling his hips up into hers. This certainly wasn't how Brian had been expecting his night to go, or at least, not the girl he'd been expecting to have in his bed. But if his memory served him correctly, Sasha had been pretty damn good in bed and he definitely wasn't going to deny her. "Let's get some of your clothes off, too," Brian murmured, his lips brushing against Sasha's. He pushed her back just enough to tug her shirt over her head. He tossed it aside and felt around on her back for her bra strap, pinching it open once he'd finally located it. Brian let it fall from Sasha's chest, moving his hands around to grope her breasts.
    November 18th, 2016 at 09:30am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky raised an eyebrow at her, narrowing his eyes slightly. Okay, maybe he would call her a slut, you know, if she pissed him off enough. He scoffed, throwing his arms up in the air. "Yeah? Well I don't appreciate you calling me a fat fuck, but you do it anyways," he snapped, extra loud. He made sure to slur his words just the slightest, so that Jimmy would think he was drunk, because when he was drunk was when he tended to get angry for no reason and start arguments. "Me, ruin everything? Oh please! You fucking ruin everything! You're the one who follows Jimmy around like a lost puppy and takes him away from us! He's ours, not yours." What he was saying were his true feelings. Maybe this fake argument could be a way for him to get out some of the things he'd been feeling without legit arguing about them. He did hate the fact that Jimmy seemed to drop everything and run off with Rosalie whenever she said so. It pissed him off because Jimmy used to be his best friend, the guy he could go to about anything, and he knew he wouldn't judge him. But ever since Rosalie had come along, things had been different. Maybe he was a pathetic jealous piece of shit, but whatever.
    Sasha let out a soft moan, flipping her hair back off her shoulders and reaching down to unzip her skirt. She lifted her hips and slipped it down her thighs, kicking it off her legs and onto the floor. She reached up and placed her hands over his, making him squeeze her breasts. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his, pressing her hips down against his and letting out a noise of approval into his mouth. She let go of his hands and reached down to hook her fingers around the elastic of his boxers, tugging them down his hips and his thighs. She lifted her hips up again so she could get them around his knees, figuring he'd do the rest to get them off his legs. She leaned back down to kiss his neck and shoulder, using a hand to teasingly run her fingertips along his shaft. She was glad he wasn't denying her, which made her think if she kept coming back, he'd let her sleep with him every time. Maybe this didn't just have to be a one-time thing. She wouldn't mind being his fuck buddy, as long as it meant she got to spend time with him. She knew it was wrong of her, and stupid of her, to let herself get attached, but she couldn't help it. It could be anyone, not just him, and she would get attached. She hated it, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop herself.
    November 19th, 2016 at 07:23pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Jimmy's a person you know, he doesn't belong to anyone," Rosalie hissed. There was no need for Zacky to say anything like that when they weren't even really arguing, and if she were being completely honest, it hurt a little. "Jimmy's my friend just as much as he is yours, and it's been that way since we were thirteen years old. And the only reason I follow him around is because half the time I feel like he's the only person who gives a flying fuck about me. But of course I wouldn't expect you to understand that, mister perfect, with your perfect little family and your parents who don't blame their fucking problems on you." Rosalie flopped back onto the bed, pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes. She hadn't meant for that to come out, but in all honesty, it had been simmering just beneath the surface every time Zacky made some little comment about her stealing Jimmy away. "Let's argue about something else before I actually get pissed," Rosalie sighed.
    Brian let out a soft groan when Sasha pressed her hips down against his. He was already pretty hard at this point, so he enjoyed the friction. He reached down to tug his boxers the rest of the way down his legs, dropping them over the side of the bed just as he felt Sasha's fingertips along his shaft. He moaned softly enjoying that and the feeling of her lips on his neck. He didn't usually go back to a girl after he'd already fucked her, but he was alright with the idea of having a fuck buddy, as long as that was all it was. If Sasha started to get attached, Brian would have to turn her down. He didn't think he could trust anyone like that again. Brian reached down, hooking his fingers around the elastic of Sasha's underwear, slowly dragging them down her thighs, leaving them around her knees as he slipped his hand between her thighs, rubbing his fingers teasingly over her clit.
    November 20th, 2016 at 08:51am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky watched her fall back onto the bed, biting his lip. He walked over and climbed onto the bed, moving over top of her. “Me? Perfect? Fucking please!” he hissed, smirking down at her. “Even you fucking said it yourself, the band is better off without me. You’d much rather have all of them to yourself, you homewrecking slut. You know, I hope some ugly fuck does pick you up at the bar so you can catch an STD—” He cut himself off and pressed his finger to her lips to keep her silent. He looked at the wall for a moment before he moved off of Rosalie and sat next to her, shaking the bed a little to make the mattress squeak before looking down at her. “I fucking hate you, you know that?” he hissed.
    Sasha moaned when she felt his fingers on her clit, kicking her panties off the rest of the way. She pressed her hips into his hand, needing more. She couldn’t stand the teasing, it was driving her crazy. She smirked as she leaned down, pressing her lips to his ear. “I need you inside of me, Brian,” she murmured, nipping at his earlobe. She wasn’t sure if he wanted to be on top or not, but she was sure that they needed a condom. She assumed he had one somewhere, but she wasn’t sure where it was. She spotted his wallet on the nightstand and reached over, opening it and smirking slightly when she saw there was one inside. She took it out and unwrapped it, reaching down and rolling it onto him.
    November 20th, 2016 at 09:12am