We'll Build This Love From the Ground Up

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie still didn't look over at Zacky even as he got up, tossing the condom in the trashcan before climbing out of bed. She was a little confused at first, but then she realized he was just getting dressed to leave. She had no idea why she was confused that he was leaving, none of them ever stayed. And this hadn't meant anything, this was just some weird fluke that would hopefully get Jimmy off their backs about having sex. He would probably be disappointed when they didn't fall in love, though. Rosalie followed Zacky's lead, tossing back the covers and climbing out of bed before she started to pull on her clothes. She didn't like to sleep naked and even if she did, it was too damn cold for that, anyway. Rosalie went over to her suitcase and pulled out a sweatshirt, tugging it over her head before looking over at Zacky. "You know, I'm kind of looking forward to tomorrow and I'm also kind of not?" she said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I mean, I know Jimmy won't be able to give us shit about having sex anymore, but he's going to totally rub it in her faces that we did."
    Brian glanced up at Sasha, smirking against her when he saw the way her face was screwed up, since she was obviously trying to hold back her moans. "Don't be shy, sweetheart," he whispered, pressing several kisses along her thigh. "I'm sure the other guys are dead to the fucking world right now. We went out drinking last night, remember? So don't hold back your noises, I want to hear them." Brian gave Sasha a little wink before he pressed his face back between her legs. He moved one hand between her legs as well, pushing two fingers into her and pumping them as he took her clit into his mouth, sucking on it gently. He knew Sasha might not want to wake anyone up, but Brian didn't really give a damn. He was probably right when he said they were dead to the world, anyway. A damn bomb wouldn't wake them up, let alone a little moaning from Sasha. Brian started to pump his fingers faster, using his free hand to push Sasha's hips up against his mouth. Going down on a woman wasn't something he liked to do halfway and Sasha was certainly no exception, especially since this wasn't a one-time thing.
    December 19th, 2016 at 09:19am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky tugged his shirt on, turning to look at her when he was done. He watched her sit down and snorted. "Yeah, can't wait for that," he mumbled sarcastically, knowing she was right. Jimmy was totally going to be a know-it-all tomorrow, and he wasn't excited for that. But he was excited that after that was over, the taller man would be off their backs. He stood there for a moment, clearing his throat. "Uh, you know, you're not so bad in bed. And I, uh, guess I'm kind of sorry for saying all the shitty things I have in the past about you being a slut, and your body and whatever." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, forcing a small smile as he looked at her. "So, I guess I should probably get going . . . yeah. Night." He quickly turned and headed for the door, wasting no time in leaving her room. He shut the door behind him, letting out a breath he didn't even know he'd been holding before he walked to his and Jimmy's room. He walked in and shut the door quietly behind him, locking it. He was surprised to find the drummer asleep in his bed, but was kind of thankful at the same time. He kicked his shoes off and laid down in his bed, sighing heavily.
    Sasha looked down at him, biting her lip and nodding her head. She let her head fall back against the bed again, letting out a loud moan when she felt him push his fingers into her. Her hips jerked forward instinctively, and she allowed herself to reach down and grip his hair. She held herself up with her elbow while she tangled her fingers into Brian's hair, tugging lightly on it. "Oh fuck, Brian," she mewled, tilting her head back and moaning softly. Her thighs were starting to shake and burn a little from hanging off the bed, but she didn't even care at this point. He was making her feel incredible, and that was all she could focus on at this point. Now that he'd given her the confidence she needed to moan, she didn't care if anyone heard her. He was probably right anyways, they were probably all dead asleep right now. She was kind of thankful Jimmy had woken them up now, because now she got a little morning treat that she might not have gotten if Jimmy hadn't come by. She could feel her orgasm getting closer and closer, and she was so close to her climax. "I'm getting close, Brian."
    December 19th, 2016 at 09:51am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie was so shocked by the things that Zacky said that for once in her life, she didn't have some clever little comeback. And before she even had a chance to open her mouth and say something similar in return to him, he was gone, shutting the door behind him. "Well okay, then," she mumbled, shutting off the light and climbing into bed. When she woke up the next morning, she took just a minute to put on her bra before she went downstairs to see if she could find something to eat for breakfast. Thank God they were staying at a nice hotel that had an omelette bar. As she stood at the bar watching the man make her omelette, she felt someone tapping on her shoulder, and she turned around to see Jimmy standing behind her.

    "So I hope you don't expect me to believe that little trick you and Zacky tried to play last night," he said. Rosalie raised an eyebrow in confusion, and Jimmy took that as his cue to continue. "I know you guys didn't actually have sex."

    "What the hell are you talking about, yes we did," Rosalie said. She huffed. "Never thought I would ever be saying this, but Zacky and I had sex last night."

    "Rosie, you were moaning like a little porn star!" Jimmy exclaimed, and Rosalie's face turned red as people looked over. "It was so obviously fake."
    Brian smirked against Sasha when she tugged on his hair, moaning his name. "That's it baby girl, that's what I wanted to hear," he murmured. He pumped his fingers even faster, curling them inside of her. When Sasha said that she was getting close to her orgasm, Brian used his free hand to bring her hips even closer to his face, making a "come hither" motion with the fingers he had inside of her. He wanted this to be the best orgasm she's ever had so far, and until the next time they had sex. He might be an asshole most of the time, but Brian liked to take care of his lady friends when they were in bed. It was no wonder so many of them tried to come back to him for more. But he was too terrified of attachment to let them, because most of them were obviously convinced they could change his mind about a relationship. But Sasha seemed to be on the same page about this just being a sexual relationship, with no strings attached, so he was fine with giving her more if that's what she wanted.
    December 20th, 2016 at 07:19am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky woke up the next morning and showered, a million thoughts going through his head. Most of them about what had happened last night. But for now, he tried to ignore the thoughts, and get dressed. After he was dressed, he decided to go outside to have a smoke. As he walked down the hall, he heard a girl moaning from Brian's room, making a face and shaking his head. He took the elevator down to the lobby and went outside, sitting on a bench and pulling his cigarettes and lighter from his pocket. He lit one and took a puff, sighing heavily. He knew he needed to break the habit eventually, but for now, he was content allowing the cigarettes to ease his stress.
    Sasha's toes curled and her back arched as he hit that same spot from the night before, but not just once. He hit it repeatedly, and it was enough to send her over the edge without any warning. She gasped and cried out his name as her orgasm washed over her, her entire body trembling from the intensity. She whimpered as she came down from her orgasm, falling back onto the bed and panting softly. After she caught her breath, she looked down at him, grinning. "You're amazing," she murmured, sitting up. She leaned down, pressing her lips to his. "Let me repay you." She'd given many a blowjob in her time, so that was something she knew she was good at. And as usual, she felt the need to repay him for making her feel good, because that was just the way she was used to things going.
    December 21st, 2016 at 12:33pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "You're an ass and you need to shut the fuck up," Rosalie hissed. Jimmy just chuckled. The man behind the omelette bar finished with Rosalie's omelette and she thanked him as she took the plate, walking with Jimmy over to a nearby empty table. "So you really don't believe that me and Zacky actually had sex?" she asked, cutting her omelette into bite-sized pieces.

    Jimmy shook his head. "Nope," he chirped. "I love you Rosie, but you're a terrible actress. Because there's no way Zacky could be that good."

    Rosalie just grumbled, her face turning pink as she stuffed a bite of her omelette into her mouth. Zacky actually had been that good, and if she believed what he'd said last night before he left, he thought she was pretty damn good, too. "Well if you don't believe me, that's your problem," she finally said. "But if you ask Zacky, he'll tell you the same thing."

    "Don't need to ask Zack," Jimmy said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. "Because I know you guys were just faking it last night."
    Brian smirked when he finally heard Sasha crying his name, pumping his fingers a fee more times as she came down from her orgasm. As she caught her breath, he pulled his fingers out of her, using the comforter to wipe them off, doing the same to his face. He grinned as she kissed him, smirking again when she mentioned something about repaying him. Brian knew exactly what she meant by that, and the idea definitely caused a stir in Brian's jeans. "I mean, if you want to do that, I'm definitely not going to stop you, sweetheart," Brian murmured, running his thumb over her cheekbone. "But I'm not going to force you." Brian leaned in, kissing Sasha again as he moved his hand from her cheek down to grip her wrist. He gently moved her hand and placed it over his crotch, deepening their kiss. He might say to Sasha that it was up to her if she repayed him for going down on her, but in all reality, Brian wanted a blowjob. And there was no way in hell he was going to pass up the opportunity to receive one. If they had the time he would just fuck her again, but he wanted to eat actual food before they left to get on the road.
    December 22nd, 2016 at 07:15am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky looked around, wondering if maybe he could find a new girl to take his mind off of Rosalie. Maybe he could get a groupie at their next show. That is, if they all didn't flock to Matt and Brian like usual. Not that he never got any, he got plenty. But it seemed like most of the groupies wanted either Matt or Brian. Which he couldn't blame them for. They were handsome fuckers, and good at what they did. He sighed as he put his cigarette out, stepping on it before walking back inside. As he passed the hotel restaurant, he overheard Jimmy's obnoxiously loud voice for being as early as it was, and he stopped to listen. He raised an eyebrow, shaking his head. How could he not believe they'd had sex when they had been so obvious about it? It wasn't like they were trying to hide it or anything. They'd been pretty loud. He walked into the restaurant, looking at Jimmy and Rosalie. "Morning," he greeted, wondering what Jimmy would say now that he was here.
    Sasha let out a soft noise of approval when he moved her hand to his crotch. She moved off the edge of the bed, sliding down onto her knees. "I do want to," she murmured, pressing her lips to his again. When she pulled away, she gently pushed him to sit down on the bed, undoing his jeans. She slid them along with his boxers down to his knees, licking over her lips as she took him in her hand, beginning to stroke him. "You deserve it for giving me the best orgasms I've ever had." She knew that would probably boost his ego, but she didn't really care. She pressed kisses to his thighs, taking his balls into her free hand and massaging them. She looked up at him, grinning slightly. For once, she was actually excited to give a blowjob. She actually wanted to, and didn't feel obligated to. That was very exciting for her. She finally leaned in, pressing a kiss to his tip before she ran her tongue down his shaft.
    December 31st, 2016 at 06:35am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Fine, if you don't want to believe me, that's your problem," Rosalie said, stuffing a bite of her omelette into her mouth. She looked up when Zacky walked up, frowning when she noticed the look on Jimmy's face. It was never good when he smirked like that.

    "Good morning, Zachary," Jimmy sang. "So how was your night last night? Get any action? I know Rosie didn't, such a shame."

    Rosalie gave Jimmy the worst side-eye she could manage, putting more food into her mouth so she wouldn't say anything snarky. She knew what Jimmy was trying to do. It was what he always did, because he didn't know how to let things drop. Rosalie finished off her omelette, not even saying a word to Jimmy as she got up to clear her plate away. She took it to where the dirty dishes went and then headed back up to her room to change clothes before they got back on the bus. She had a feeling Jimmy might be making fun of them for "not" having sex all afternoon and she might end up punching him for it.
    "Well if you want to, I'm not going to stop you, sweetheart," Brian said, smirking as he watched Sasha slide off the bed onto her knees. He raised an eyebrow when she mentioned something about him giving her the best orgasms she'd ever had, feeling his ego inflate even more. He groaned softly when she started to massage his balls, wishing she would just get on with it. What she was doing felt good, but Brian wanted to feel her lips wrapped around his dick. Brian let out a low moan when he finally felt her tongue running along his shaft, immediately reaching down to tangle his hands in her hair. "There you go, baby," Brian murmured, having Sasha take him into her mouth. He gently pressed on her head, forcing her to take about half of him into her mouth before he loosened his grip, but kept his hand in her hair. "You're a good little girl, you know that?" Brian asked, smirking down at Sasha. "You look so good with my dick in your mouth."
    December 31st, 2016 at 08:38am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky watched Rosalie leave the restaurant before he looked back at Jimmy, crossing his arms over his chest. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "I know you heard us. I'm not dumb." How could Jimmy not believe they'd had sex? If anything, he would have thought the complete opposite. He'd assumed Jimmy would be bugging them about actually having sex, and they'd be either denying it or begging him not to tell anyone. But this wasn't what he'd expected at all.

    "Yeah, and neither am I," Jimmy said, snorting as he stood up. "You two hate each other, and there's no way you fucked. But nice trying to fake it."

    Zacky's brows furrowed. "We didn't fake it. I can go get the condom out of the trash can if you want," he said, getting a bit frustrated with the taller man.

    Jimmy snorted. "Yeah, right," he mumbled. "And I'll go get my flying pig out of the bus. Here, let me go find him. Wilbur!"

    Zacky narrowed his eyes as he watched Jimmy walk off, huffing in frustration. He didn't want to believe it, then fuck him.
    Sasha took him into her mouth when he pushed her head down, closing her eyes and focusing on giving him a good blowjob. She smirked slightly at his words and began to bob her head back and forth, using one hand to grip his thigh for stability as her other moved to wrap around the base of his dick. She took more of him into his mouth and hollowed out her cheeks, sucking lightly on him as she swirled her tongue around him. She pulled back after a moment and licked over her lips, flicking the tip of her tongue over his slit. She glanced up at him as she took him back into her mouth, taking a deep breath through her nose before she took him completely into her mouth, until he hit the back of her throat. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan against him before pulling back and continuing to bob her head. She'd learned a long time ago that she didn't have much of a gag reflex, which she'd taken advantage of over the years.
    January 3rd, 2017 at 03:11pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie opted for a couple of layers, since it was starting to get a little chilly outside. Once she was dressed, she started to pack her stuff into her suitcase, snatching the extra toiletries from the bathroom before she headed down to the bus. Thank God the driver was already on and had started the bus, so it wasn't absolutely freezing. She tossed her bag underneath her bunk and then went into the small kitchen, deciding to make herself a cup of hot chocolate. Rosalie had just finished mixing the powder into her heated milk when the door burst open and Jimmy bounced onto the bus, a wild grin on his face. "Rosie!" he shouted. "Making some hot chocolate? I guess you need to recoup your energy from all that sex you had last night."

    Rosalie rolled her eyes. "You're not going to let this go, are you?" she asked.

    "Hell no!" Jimmy exclaimed. "I'm sorry Rosie, but the thought of you and Zacky having sex is just so ridiculous. And I can't believe you thought I would fall for it."

    "We didn't expect you to 'fall for it' because it actually happened, Jimmy," Rosalie insisted.
    Brian moaned as Sasha started to move her head on him. She definitely knew what she was doing, which almost made Brian wonder just how many guys she'd been with. But right now he didn't care, all he could focus on was the sensation of her warm mouth around his dick. He watched as Sasha took him entirely into her mouth, a little surprised that she was able to do that. "You're so good at this, baby," Brian murmured, letting his head fall back. He could feel himself getting close to his orgasm, and he just wanted to focus on the pleasure. "I'm getting close baby girl, just keep doing what you're doing," Brian groaned. It only took a couple more minutes of Sasha working her tongue on him the way she was for Brian to reach his orgasm, and he held her head in place as he came into her mouth. "Well, I've got to say, that's been the best start to a day I've had a long damn time," Brian breathed, tucking himself back into his boxers. "And as much as I'd like to continue this fun we're having, we should really get to the buses."
    January 4th, 2017 at 07:35am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky was up early, for god only knows what reason. He wasn't usually up this early, especially after a long night of drinking, but for some reason he was, and god, was he hungover. He felt like he'd been backed over by a bus ten times over, and he really just wanted to die at this point. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a hangover so severe. He'd been in the bathroom for about twenty minutes now, the contents of his stomach threatening to spill. He just wished he'd puke already so he could get it over with, but it just didn't want to seem to come up. And the waiting was killing him. He rubbed his forehead, gripping his stomach and groaning in pain. He couldn't remember what had happened the night before, although he didn't remember blacking out either. Well, he guessed that was the point of blacking out. You didn't really remember blacking out. He sighed, making a face as his stomach gurgled. Was it finally going to happen? He moved to his knees in front of the toilet, but nothing came up. "Fuck," he whined.
    Sasha groaned softly as she climbed out of Brian's bunk, grabbing her pants off the floor and pulling her phone out of the pocket. She checked the time, seeing that it was almost nine in the morning. Lately, while on the road, she'd been spending a lot of time on the guys' bus instead of the crew's, because she'd been sleeping with Brian. She yawned and stretched out, pulling her shirt on and then her pants before she went into the lounge area of the bus, giggling quietly when she saw Jimmy passed out on one of the couches, his mouth wide open and dried drool on his chin. She shook her head and opened the mini-fridge, pulling out the jug of milk before she opened one of the cabinets and grabbed out the box of Frosted Flakes. She made herself a bowl, as well as Brian before walking back to the bunks. She reached in and tapped Brian's shoulder, biting her lip gently. "Brian, wake up," she murmured. "I made breakfast."
    January 20th, 2017 at 02:16am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "God, why do we drink so much?" Rosalie groaned, pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes. Of course they'd all gone out to drink last night, and every single one of them had managed to get black out drunk. Thank God for Matt and Jason Berry. She looked up when Sasha came into the living room area of the bus, raising an eyebrow. She must've come to sleep in Brian's bunk sometime last night. Rosalie watched the tech make two bowls of cereal and that made her realize how hungry she was. But first she needed to piss and take some Tylenol, and then she might be nice and make everyone some breakfast. Something on their stomachs might help with the hangovers. Rosalie went to the bathroom and pushed on the door, a look of confusion appearing on her face when it only moved about four inches. She heard a groaning inside and suddenly everything made sense. Someone must be in there getting sick, and by the sound of the groan, it sounded like Zacky. "If you're not actually throwing up, would you mind stepping out so I can take a piss?" Rosalie asked through the door.
    "Huh? Huh, what's going on?" Brian mumbled, opening his eyes and looking around wildly when he felt someone tapping his shoulder. He was a little confused to be in his bunk, since the last thing he remembered last night was challenging Zacky to a shots contest. Nothing good ever came from that. "You made breakfast?" Brian asked, finally registering what Sasha had said. That seemed like a sort of girlfriend type thing to do and it put Brian off a little. If he weren't so damn hungover and desperate to have a little something in his stomach, he wouldn't take the food Sasha was offering him. He would just have to make sure she didn't think that Brian was going to let her get too close. They were fuck buddies, that was it. "Thanks," Brian said, taking a bowl of cereal from Sasha. He ate slowly, afraid of upsetting his stomach if he ate too quickly. It didn't help that the bus was moving, the motion tossing around the bile in his stomach. "God, please don't ever let me drink that much ever again," Brian groaned. He looked over at Sasha. "When did you get here anyway? I...I don't remember a lot about last night last drinking myself stupid with Zack at the bar."
    January 20th, 2017 at 08:00am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky grunted when the door opened slightly and hit him in the side, glancing up and seeing Rosalie through the crack. "Piss in a bottle," he hissed, reaching up to shut the door again. He slammed it in her face, the quick movement of the bus forcing the contents in his stomach to stir. He leaned over the toilet, finally heaving into it. Thank god, now that was over with. He coughed and grabbed a wad of toilet paper, blowing his nose into it before he flushed the toilet. He slowly pulled himself up and turned the sink on, rinsing his mouth out with some water before stepping out of the bathroom. He looked at Rosalie, briefly remembering seeing her face last night. Just specifically her face. But he couldn't make out what was going on, or why she was there. What the hell had happened last night? He groaned and rubbed his face, shoving past her and stumbling over to the couches. He ignored Jimmy completely, who was stirring in his sleep, and plopped down on the couch opposite of the taller man.
    Sasha stared at Brian, raising an eyebrow. "Really?" she mumbled, biting her lip gently. "Well, I was outside of the crew bus with Tom while he smoked, and you and the guys were heading back to your bus. When you saw me, you stumbled over and pinned me against the bus and started kissing me. I told you that you were drunk and you needed to go back to your bus, but you insisted on kissing me. So I brought you back to your bus and we had sex in your bunk." She couldn't believe he'd forgotten, but honestly, she kind of could. He had been pretty hammered. She was honestly surprised that he'd managed to stay hard long enough to get off considering how drunk he'd been, but she guessed he'd had plenty of practice in that department. She leaned against the wall and took a bite of her cereal, looking at him. "I knew you'd have an upset stomach, so I made you breakfast. Best to get some food in your stomach." She grunted when the bus came to a quick halt, stumbling forward a few steps and nearly spilling her cereal. Maybe that wasn't the best idea for a moving bus. But they didn't really have any other options.
    January 23rd, 2017 at 01:50am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie huffed when Zacky slammed the door in her face. "Fine motherfucker, I hope you choke on it," she hissed back, referring to the fact that he was getting sick. She leaned against the nearby bunks and waited until Zacky finally emerged from the bathroom, glaring at him as she pushed past him to get inside. She wondered what the fuck his problem was, since last night he'd actually been somewhat civil to her. Well, more civil than normal. And she even vaguely remembered him insinuating that he wanted to kiss her again and something about a bet? She definitely remembered a bet, but she couldn't remember what they'd been betting about. Rosalie finished in the bathroom and washed her hands before leaving, going out to the living room area where most of the guys were passed out. She gave Zacky a not-so-gentle nudge in the shin with her toe, jerking her head towards the back room. "Come back here, I think we need to talk about something," she said. Now that Rosalie remembered a bet, she was down and determined to figure out what the hell it meant.
    Brian raised an eyebrow as he listened to Sasha recount what had happened last night. They'd had sex? Well, now that she mentioned it, he did remember bringing her back to the bus last night. And it wouldn't be the first time he'd had sex when he was blackout drunk. "You're a good little girl," Brian mumbled, stuffing his mouth with cereal. "I know I can be a handful when I'm drunk, especially when it comes to sex." He wasn't forceful, but he was definitely more pushy. Brian's eyes widened when he felt the bus stop, his brows furrowing in confusion. Why were they stopping? They were supposed to be traveling all day to get to the next venue, that's why they'd all gone out and gotten so drunk last night. Brian finished off his cereal and then reluctantly climbed out of the bunk, going to toss the bowl into the sink. He looked around at the guys in the living room area. "Why the hell are we stopping?" he asked.
    January 23rd, 2017 at 05:52am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky looked up at Rosalie, wondering what the hell she wanted to talk about. What was there to talk about, really? He huffed, getting up and following her to the back room. Why couldn't they just talk in the living room? Why did they have to talk in private? All this thinking was hurting his head. When they got to the back room, he fell down onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. "What do you want to talk about, Rosalie?" he questioned. He might be a bit of an asshole this morning, but that was because he felt like absolute shit. He didn't mean to take it out on her, but he felt like someone was trying to drill into his skull. He glanced over at her, raising an eyebrow. She seemed to be thinking about something. What, he didn't know. Maybe she remembered what had happened last night.
    Sasha shrugged. "You weren't the worst I've ever dealt with," she mumbled, watching him get up. She followed him, watching as Matt got up from the driver's seat of the bus. He mumbled something about the crew bus stopping in front of them before he got off. Sasha tugged her shoes off and followed him, walking to the crew bus and watching as Tom got off, followed by the rest of the crew. Everyone gathered around the front right tire, which gave Sasha an idea of what was going on. "Flat tire?" she asked.

    "Well aren't you a little genius?" Tom teased, ruffling her hair.

    Sasha frowned, smacking his hand away. "You can fix it, right?"

    January 23rd, 2017 at 06:15am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie rolled her eyes when she heard Zacky huffing. He knew damn well that if he really didn't want to go talk to her, he would've just told her to fuck off like he always did. She went with him to the back room, watching as he flopped down onto the bed. "I'm trying to remember what happened last night," Rosalie told him, working hard to keep the scathing tone out of her voice. A very slight smirk ghosted over her lips. "I remember a very drunk you coming up to me at the bar and mumbling something about how you wanted to kiss me again. And I also remember something about a bet, but I can't for the the life of me remember what the hell we were betting about. And I just know it's going to drive me crazy until I figure it out." Rosalie went over and sat down on the edge of the bed as she racked her brain trying to remember. She was starting to remember that Jimmy had something to do with it, or at least, he'd prompted it. He'd come up to them not long after Zacky had insinuated that he wanted to kiss her and made some stupid comment about how they were only standing at the bar and flirting because they were still trying to make him think they'd had sex the other night. "I'm sure it had something to do with Jimmy and how he still doesn't believe that we actually had sex the other night. But other than that, nothing. And I just wanted to see if you remembered anything."
    Brian heard something about the crew bus stopping and he couldn't resist his curiosity as he followed everyone off the bus to go check it out. He sighed when he saw they had a flat tire. That was an easy enough fix, and then they could get back on the road. Matt and Tom managed to get the tire changed in about twenty minutes, and once he was sure everything was good to go, Brian headed back to the bus and plopped down on the couch, where Jimmy was still passed out. "Might as well have a little fun," Brian mumbled to himself. He reached over to the coffee table next to the couch and ripped a piece of paper from a notepad, tearing a small piece off and balling it up before tossing it at Jimmy's open mouth. He didn't make the first few, but eventually he figured out a trajectory to make the little paper balls land in Jimmy's mouth. But soon enough one of the paper balls Brian threw hit Jimmy in the eye and this woke the drummer up, and he was confused when he found his mouth filled with paper. "Brian, what the fuck?" Jimmy hissed. He spit the paper at the guitarist. "You'd think that since you had someone around to suck your dick whenever you want, you wouldn't act like such a fucking kid."

    Brian just shrugged. "Gotta have something to do when she's not sucking my dick," he said.
    January 23rd, 2017 at 08:20am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky's cheeks reddened slightly when she mentioned him wanting to kiss her again. Had he really said that? What an idiot. Sure, maybe it was kind of somewhat true, but he just couldn't believe he'd say it aloud in front of her like that. He shook his head. "No, I don't remember a damn thing," he finally mumbled. "Certainly not a bet. But it might come back to me." He closed his eyes and tried to think back on what had happened the night before. The last thing he remembered was taking shots with Brian. "Fuck, man. I haven't gotten that hammered in years." He sat up, rubbing his temples. So what if the bet had something to do with Jimmy? Maybe taking shots? No, they did that all the time and this seemed like something out of place. Then it hit him, and he remembered what they had said. "We bet on how long we could keep this up without anyone finding out."
    Sasha watched Brian walk away, sighing softly. She guessed she might as well get back on her own bus since he certainly didn't seem interested in keeping her around. She climbed onto the crew bus and plopped down on the couch, staring down at her hands. She didn't really talk or interact with anyone, just keeping to herself like she did most of the time these days. She felt disconnected from everyone, from her friends. She knew they were worried about her, but all she could think about was Brian. She probably sounded like a crazy person, but it wasn't like that. She wasn't obsessed with him. All she wanted was for him to act like he had some sort of feeling for her other than just fuck buddies. He didn't even treat her like a friend, just like a pet to do his bidding in bed. She knew it was wanting a lot on her part, but she couldn't help it.
    January 29th, 2017 at 05:12am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie noticed the way Zacky's cheeks turned red when she mentioned that he'd said he wanted to kiss her again, and she smirked. He'd been very drunk when he'd said it, but he still said it, so he must mean it at least a little. She watched as Zacky tried to remember what on earth they could've made a bet about. He seemed to be having just as hard a time as she had, but eventually he seemed to remember and when he finally told her, Rosalie suddenly remembered, too. "This?" she repeated. "You mean having sex?" Rosalie could definitely see why they would make a bet like that. Jimmy didn't believe them when they said that they'd had sex, and she was sure that no one else would, either. And they'd both admitted that they'd enjoyed it, so why not do what they both did best and turn it into something competitive? "So do you think we should actually...make that bet?" Rosalie asked. She definitely wouldn't mind having a regular lay, even though she didn't ever think it would be Zacky. But he'd made her come twice the last time they'd had sex, and she hardly got one most of the time. And Rosalie kind of liked the idea of sneaking around behind the guys' backs. It made the whole thing taboo and it kind of turned her on.
    "Where is Sasha, anyway?" Jimmy asked, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV.

    Brian suddenly realized that the tech hadn't followed him back to the bus. "I don't know," he said. He got up to go back outside to see where Sasha might be, but before he could go anywhere, he felt the bus start to move. They must've gotten the tire on the crew bus fixed. Brian frowned, sitting back down on the couch and reaching for his phone. Where'd you go? You never came back to the bus. Brian sent a text message to Sasha before he got up to fix himself a hot pocket. He wondered if he'd done anything to piss her off, because every woman had different things that pissed her off. Brian would never go out of his way to make a woman happy outside of the bed, never again, but he also never went out of his way to piss them off. It was the perfect strategy for keeping them at arm's length, to show them that he was interested in them physically but not beyond that. But this was really the first time he'd been with the same woman more than once since his ex-fiancee, and so he was more diligent than ever about showing Sasha that their relationship consisted of sex and nothing else.
    January 29th, 2017 at 07:54am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky bit his lip as he thought it over. Well, if they did make this bet, then he would have easy access to sex whenever he wanted without having to actually get the girl first. And he knew she felt the same way about that. He honestly saw no downside to this, because it meant he got to have sex whenever he wanted. That was every man's dream, wasn't it? It was a bit weird that it was with Rosalie, but at the same time, it was just sex. It wasn't like they were going to actually be together. He couldn't see himself ever being with her romantically at all. He couldn't see himself being with anyone romantically not now. Not after what he'd been through with Gena. He looked up at her and nodded his head. "Yeah," he said. "I think we could do it." He stood up and stepped toward her, holding his hand out. "Sex, no strings attached. Deal?"
    Sasha looked down when she felt her phone vibrate, pulling it out of her pocket and seeing a message from Brian. She raised an eyebrow, surprised he had even texted her. She bit her lip gently as she read the message, a small smile forming on her face. He'd expected her to go back on the bus with him? She couldn't help the small feeling of excitement she got from reading his message, quickly sending back a reply. I figured I should get back to my own bus. I didn't want to bother you and the guys. She sent the text and put her phone back in her pocket, feeling a bit happier now that he'd messaged her. He'd noticed she'd left and he'd even cared enough to message her. That had to mean something, right? She shook her head and stood up, deciding to go take a quick shower before they got to the venue.
    February 1st, 2017 at 05:08pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie couldn't help but smirk when Zacky agreed that they could pull off this little bet. It certainly would make things easier when it came to getting laid. And hiding things from the guys would be fun. Rosalie reached out and shook Zacky's hand. "Deal," she said. "I bet we could keep this a secret at least until the end of the your," she continued. "It shouldn't be that hard. I mean, all we have to do is act like assholes to each other in front of the guys like we usually do. And if we actually get mad at each other, hey, I've heard angry sex is supposed to be good sex." Rosalie gave Zacky a little wink, patting his thigh as she headed back into the living room area. She went to the fridge and grabbed herself a ginger ale, which they bought specifically for the purpose of nursing their hangovers. "So I guess whatever was wrong with the crew bus for fixed?" Rosalie asked the room as she sat down on the couch. Jimmy nodded. "So what was wrong?"

    "Flat tire," Brian mumbled, keeping his gaze on his phone.
    Brian chewed absentmindedly on his hot pocket as he alternated his attention between the television and his phone, since he was scrolling through facebook. He noticed an alert for a text message pop up at the top of his screen and he clicked on that, seeing that it was from Sasha. He read over her message sort of shrugged his shoulders to himself. He supposed that made sense. It wasn't like they could have sex all the time, so there wasn't really a point for her to hang around the band's bus. No need to give her an excuse to get all chummy and attached. He had a feeling that might happen eventually, because he kept letting her come back. He knew it made him an asshole, but Brian just couldn't risk getting his heart broken again. After Michelle had just stomped all over it, he had to protect himself by any means necessary. 'K. was all Brian texted back, going back to facebook. He didn't even look up as Rosalie came into the room, mumbling an answer to her question when she asked about the crew bus.
    February 1st, 2017 at 10:38pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky snorted, shaking his head. He laid back on the bed again, resting his eyes, as well as his stomach. He still felt a bit queasy, so he just decided to lay here until they reached the venue. Which would be a few hours at least. So maybe he wouldn't be here the whole time. Maybe he could go out and join everyone else eventually. But for now he just laid back and took deep breaths until his nausea went away. Once he felt okay enough to get up, he went to the fridge and grabbed out a bottle of water, opening it and taking a large gulp of it. He let out a noise of satisfaction, feeling a bit dehydrated since all he'd had to drink yesterday was alcohol. He glanced over at Jimmy and Rosalie, walking over and sitting beside Brian. He noticed him fiddling with his phone and raised an eyebrow. He seemed kind of distant, but Zacky wouldn't say anything to him about it.
    Sasha read his next text and sighed, biting her lip as she thought. She smirked slightly, looking down at her phone and sending him another text. You said you were pushy when you got drunk, but I didn't mind. In fact, you could always be a bit rougher with me. She figured he would probably ignore the text, but there was a sliver of hope that he would indulge her and respond. She needed something to keep her mind off things and Brian was the perfect distraction . . . from Brian. Wow, she was just in this big loop, wasn't she? She glanced up and looked over at Tom, smiling at him. But when he caught her eye, he just looked away. She frowned slightly, but looked back at her phone, waiting for Brian to read the message and respond. Maybe she'd been spending too much time with the guys over the rest of the crew lately, but it wasn't like she'd forgotten about her friends here. She was just exploring other opportunities. Like sleeping with a famous musician.
    February 9th, 2017 at 04:12am