We'll Build This Love From the Ground Up

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie was more than suprised when she felt Zacky crawl over the top of her, and she was halfway tempted to give him a knee to the groin. What the hell was he doing? "You know if you have such a fucking problem with everyone being friends with me, then why don't you take it up with them instead of me?" she hissed, matching his smirk. She raised a brow when Zacky suddenly stopped talking, but it made sense when he looked over at the wall. The shower had shut off next door and the TV wasn't on, which meant that Jimmy was eavesdropping on their fake argument. Rosalie looked over at Zacky when he spoke again, scoffing under her breath at this words. "The feeling is mutual, I can fucking promise you that," she grumbled. She sat up from the bed and went over to the mini fridge, grabbing a small bottle of strawberry vodka from inside. "Because why the fuck would I like someone who constantly reminds me that the only thing I'm good for pretty much everyone is sex?"
    A woman's moaning was like music to Brian's ears, because it meant that he was doing his job right. "I think that can be arranged, baby doll," Brian murmured to Sasha. He watched as Sasha moved away from him and grabbed his wallet from the nightstand. He let her put the condom on him before he rolled her over onto her back, moving over the top of her. Brian reached down to grip himself in his hand, running his tip teasingly along Sasha's slit before he pushed into her, groaning out softly against the skin of Sasha's neck. "Shit, you feel so good, baby," he breathed. He nibbled at her neck as he started to thrust into her, gripping her hips in his fingertips. "Don't be shy, make a little noise," Brian urged. "Let me know that I'm doing a good job."
    November 20th, 2016 at 11:54pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky raised an eyebrow as he watched her casually get up and grab a bottle of vodka. Did she not even care what they were trying to do? It was as if she wasn't taking this seriously. These walls were paper thin, and Jimmy would be able to hear everything they were doing, including her opening and shutting the fridge door. He rolled his eyes. "Because all you fucking do is tag along so you can get laid," he said, just beginning to ramble without thinking about what he was saying. He stood up and narrowed his eyes down at her, moving closer to her. "All you want to do is open your fucking legs, and you don't seem to care about anything else. Who cares that you're actually talented when you can just lay on your back all the time, right? Because you don't think you're good enough." He stepped towards her again, this time, only inches away from her. "You don't think you're good enough so you have to fuck away the pain your parents left you with. Well guess what, Rosalie, it's not fucking true. You're more than good enough." He reached out and grabbed her arms roughly, pulling her body against his. He leaned down, narrowing his eyes at her. Before he could even process what he was doing, he was leaning down, pressing his lips harshly against hers.
    Sasha moaned at his words, honestly not caring if anyone heard her moaning. She knew she could get loud, and if people heard her, then they heard her. It just meant Brian was making her feel incredible. She slid her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair, biting her lip gently. "You feel so fucking good," she moaned, turning her head to kiss his jaw. Honestly, he was probably the best sex she'd ever had. Because pretty much all of the other guys she'd ever slept with never cared about her pleasure, but Brian did. Even if it was just a one-night stand or a fuck buddy situation, or whatever this was, he still liked to make sure she felt good. And she wondered briefly why he was that way. So many girls would just kill for a chance to have sex with him and probably not even care if he actually made them feel good or not, but he didn't seem to be that way.
    November 21st, 2016 at 05:42am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie had always thought that Zacky was off his rocker, but when he started to ramble, she knew he was. And listening to him talk, Rosalie actually felt tears burning at the back of her eyes because deep down, she knew that everything he was saying was true. She used her sexuality and promiscuity to mask the pain that still lingered from her childhood and everything that had happened with her parent. She was a textbook case of Daddy issues, with an added bit of a mother who blamed her for her dad leaving in the first place. Rosalie tried to back away when Zacky stepped too close, and let out a few choice words when he roughly grabbed her arms. Honestly, who the fuck did he think he was? But before she could open her mouth to actually say anything worthwhile, Zacky was kissing her and Rosalie was in too much shock to do anything. This wasn't part of their plan. So why was he doing it? And why did she...like it? Rosalie pressed back against Zacky's lips, gripping his shirt in her fists as she walked backwards towards the bed. As terrible as it made her seem, this was her knee-jerk reaction when a man kissed her, especially in a hotel room. When the back of her legs hit the bed, Rosalie lost her balance and she fell back onto the mattress, dragging Zacky along with her. When she finally needed to breathe, she pushed Zacky back, looking up at him as she tried to catch her breath. "What...What was that for?" she asked breathlessly.
    Brian smirked as he licked over his lips. He loved to hear Sasha moan just as much as he loved hearing her actually say out loud that he was making her feel good, because the moaning and all of her other beautiful little sounds betrayed the pleasure that she couldn't hide. "I feel good, baby?" Brian repeated. "Well that's good, because it means I'm doing what I'm supposed to do." He turned his head to catch her on the lips, kissing her roughly as he picked up his pace just a little. He almost felt bad that Jimmy and whoever was in the room on the other side had to listen to him fucking Sasha, but then again, he was getting laid, so who gave a fuck? As long as he was getting off and Sasha was too, he didn't really care what anyone else thought. The only two people who mattered were the two people in this bed. And honestly, in the bedroom, the girl usually mattered more, it was one of the things that Brian prided himself on. It was one of the reasons, besides the fact that he was a rockstar, that so many women wanted to sleep with him. He had a reputation, and a good one at that. Brian nuzzled his face into the crook of Sasha's neck, licking along the hollow and tasting her sweat he bit down on her skin, sucking on it hard enough that he knew he would leave a hickey, and a dark one at that. Sasha would have a bit of explaining to do back at the crew bus in the morning.
    November 21st, 2016 at 10:04am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky looked down at Rosalie, biting his lip hard. He wasn’t sure why he had kissed her. He just had, and it felt right in the moment. Fuck, what was wrong with him? Sometimes, he was sure he was literally an idiot. But it wasn’t as if Rosalie was saying no or trying to stop him. So what the hell? “It felt like the right thing to do,” he admitted, figuring there was no point in lying to her. He’d been honest up until this point, so why lie now? He could have simply said it was for their plan, but he knew she wasn’t that stupid. She wouldn’t have believed that no matter how convincing he could be. Before she could speak again, he leaned down and pressed his lips back against hers, just enjoying the feeling of being intimate again. Yeah, she had been right when she’d said he hadn’t gotten laid in a while. He’d had his reasons, but damn, it felt good to kiss someone and be close to someone again. Even if it was Rosalie.
    Sasha moaned out, whimpering softly as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She could feel the throbbing of her neck, and she knew she’d either end up wearing her hair down tomorrow or finding some way to cover it up with her makeup. That would be an adventure. Or, she could wear it proudly. But she didn’t feel like having people staring at it every time they talked to her. She raked her nails down Brian’s back and arched her back, pressing her hips into his. She tilted her head to the side and pressed her face into his neck, moaning against his skin as she pressed kisses to it. She bit her lip hard and smirked slightly, moaning out. “Harder, Brian,” she pleaded, moving her hips against his. She could feel her orgasm starting to build up, and she knew she would be coming soon, which she didn’t mind. Brian actually made her orgasm, and he made her orgasm pretty quickly compared to the other guys that had made her orgasm in the past.
    November 21st, 2016 at 10:40am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    It felt like the right thing to do? What was that supposed to mean? And why was kissing her the right thing to do? Rosalie had so many questions, but before she could open her mouth to ask them, Zacky was kissing her again. Rosalie let out a soft moan against his mouth, slipping her hands underneath his shirt, running her fingers over his skin. It hadn't been too terribly long since she'd been in a position like this, but it was almost like her body took over at this point. Even if it was Zacky and she never in a million years thought she would be in a position like this with him, her body craved the intimacy. Because Zacky was right, she was a little slut and she used sex as a way to mask her pain and insecurity. Rosalie broke away from Zacky, attaching her lips to his jaw, kissing along to the 'A' tattooed beneath his ear. She pinched the skin between her teeth as she somewhat absentmindedly started to roll her hips up into Zacky's, trying to create a bit of friction. Rosalie wondered how far she could go before Zacky said something or tried to stop her, or if he even would at all. After all, he'd been the one to initiate things when he'd kissed her because it was the right thing to do. And as much as he denied it, Rosalie knew it had been awhile since he'd gotten laid and if she were in his shoes, she wouldn't be turning this down.
    Brian felt Sasha's nails rake down his back, and he let out a quiet hiss through his teeth. If only it weren't so Goddamn cold outside, then he could strut around the next day without a shirt to show off the marks she was surely leaving. When Sasha spoke, Brian smirked, turning his head to catch her on the lips, kissing her roughly. "That's right, I forgot you like it rough, don't you?" he rasped, moving his lips to her ear. He moved his hands around to her ass, digging his fingertips into her flesh as he picked up his pace a bit more. "How's this, baby?" Brian asked. "You like this?" he nibbled at her earlobe before he moved his face back to the hollow of her neck, tracing his tongue along her collarbone, nipping gently occasionally. He had to resist the urge to just cover her in marks, because he knew that not all women liked to be covered in hickeys. Brian never bothered to cover his, but he knew most women did and he didn't want to make it too hard for Sasha. "Mmm, I'm getting close, baby," Brian groaned, biting down on her skin a bit harder than he meant to as he thrusts grew a little sloppy.
    November 22nd, 2016 at 07:11am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky groaned when he felt her hips pressing against his. He pressed back, allowing their hips to grind together. "Fuck," he cursed quietly under his breath. He needed her. He wanted to forget that thought ever occurred to him, and just have sex. Maybe he could pretend it was someone else. He sat up and grabbed the hem of her shirt, tugging it off her body before she could even object. If she wanted him to stop, he would, but at this point, he didn't think she was going to deny him. They were both in too deep. He pulled his shirt up over his head, tossing it onto the floor before he leaned back down and reattached his lips to hers. He prayed she wouldn't make some fat joke to ruin the mood, because he really didn't need that shit right now. He just wanted to get laid, and he knew she needed it just as much as he did.
    Sasha moaned out, whimpering softly as she gripped his shoulders. She arched her back and moved her hips with his, feeling herself getting close as well. "Me too," she panted. Her breathing became ragged and uneven as she approached her orgasm, gasping and letting out a soft cry when he hit a spot inside of her that she'd never felt before. She dug her nails into his shoulders hard as she wrapped her legs around his waist and held him in place. It didn't take much longer for her to reach her orgasm after that, and she came hard around him, letting out soft whimpers as she pressed her face into his neck. Her body was trembling from the intensity of her orgasm, feeling like a bunch of Jell-O. She didn't know what he'd done, but he'd touched something in her that nobody ever had before, not even herself, and it had been incredible. She was craving more of it, but she was so tired, and she was sure he was tired too.
    December 7th, 2016 at 01:40am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie felt Zacky press his hips back against hers, and she smirked when she felt his erection against her thigh. Before she knew it, Zacky was tugging her shirt over her head, followed quickly by his. Any other time she might make a comment or a joke about his weight, but she didn't want to ruin the mood. Even if it was Zacky, Rosalie just wanted to get laid and if she made a fat joke or something right now, she was sure Zacky would get up and leave. She pushed her tongue past Zacky's lips, slipping it into his mouth as she trailed her hand downwards, expertly undoing Zacky's button and zipper with one hand and slipping her hand into his boxers. Rosalie would never actually admit this out loud, but as she took Zacky into her hand and started to stroke him, she realized that Zacky was actually pretty damn big. If he would've told her, she would've have believed him. With her other hand, Rosalie gently pushed Zacky away for a second, reaching behind her back to pinch open her bra strap. She only moved her hand out of his pants to remove the undergarment, dropping it on the floor as she smirked up at Zacky, leaning up to kiss him heatedly.
    Brian groaned out when he felt Sasha come around him, and this triggered his own orgasm, Gus hips spasming slightly as he filled the end of the condom. She was trembling and that made Brian feel proud. He'd done that to her, left her a shivering mess on the bed underneath him. "Well you certainly turned my night in a very nice direction," Brian said, smirking as he pulled out of Sasha. He reached down to pull off the condom, tying it off and tossing it into the trashcan. He looked around for his boxers and tugged them on before he climbed into bed next to her again. "I'm probably going to head to sleep, but you're welcome to stay up and watch TV if you want, it won't bother me," Brian told her, tugging the covers up to his shoulders. He wasn't going to be as rude as he was last time and tell her to sleep in the other bed, she could make that decision on her own if she wanted. But she'd sought him out for sex and Brian was quite confident he could get a fuck buddy out of this, so he wasn't going to push Sasha away.
    December 7th, 2016 at 07:04am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky let out a soft noise of approval when he felt her hand on him, pouting slightly when she pulled away, only to watch her pull her bra off. His eyes wandered over her chest, and he was actually surprised at how nice her breasts were. He totally would have expected her to have pancake nipples, but she didn't. He kissed her back, reaching between them to undo her pants. He unbuttoned them and tugged the zipper down, grabbing the hem of them and pushing them down her hips. He looped his fingers under the hem of her panties as well and tugged them down along with her pants. He got them to her knees and pulled away, backing up enough to completely pull them off her legs. He tossed them aside, looking down to admire her body. He felt kind of like an ass now for always insulting her, because whether he wanted to admit it or not, she was beautiful.
    Sasha panted softly, watching him take the condom off. She smiled slightly, biting her lip. She was surprised that he didn't tell her to sleep in the other bed, though she had a feeling he secretly wanted her to anyways. She nodded and sat up, moving off the bed. She grabbed her clothes and walked into the bathroom, deciding to take a shower to wash all the night's events off of her skin. She turned the shower on and shut the door, hoping the water wasn't too loud for him. She looked at herself in the mirror, wondering what Brian really thought of her. Of course she was a decent fuck for him, but did he think she was pretty too? She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. You're an idiot. She shouldn't care about that. It didn't matter anyways since he wasn't interested in anything but her vagina. She stepped in the shower once the water was warm enough, pulling the curtain closed and standing under the spray of water.
    December 12th, 2016 at 04:13am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie lifted her hips a bit to help Zacky as he pulled off her underwear and pants, smirking when she noticed the way he was looking at her body. She felt an odd mixture of smug and sexy, knowing that Zacky, a man who'd spent the better part of fourteen years insulting her looks, was looking at her like he actually thought she was beautiful. "I take it you like what you see?" Rosalie purred, trailing her hand down Zacky's chest. She curled her fingers over the waistband of his boxers, tugging them down his legs and letting his erection spring free. "Damn, but so do I," she said, finally getting to look at him for the first time. She'd given Zacky shit over the years about having a tiny dick, but that obviously wasn't the case at all. She didn't want to feed his ego though, so she would never actually tell him that. Rosalie managed to pull Zacky's boxers completely off and she dropped them over the side of the bed, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close, kissing him hard. "You have protection, right?" Rosalie mumbled against his lips. She always carried some just in case, but either way, she was ready to get this show on the road. As much as she never thought she would feel this way, Rosalie wanted Zacky and she wanted him badly.
    Brian glanced over his shoulder and watched as Sasha grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom. Soon after that, he heard the water start running, and he knew she was getting in the shower. Since he didn't know how long she would be in there, Brian grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, choosing something stupid that he wouldn't watch and turning the volume down low before setting the remote aside. Sasha could change the channel when she got out of the shower if she wanted. Brian wondered if she would get back into bed with him or if she would get into the other bed. Last time he'd wanted her in the other bed because he'd thought it was a one time thing, and that's what he'd wanted her to think, too. But now that there was a real possibility of this turning into a fuck buddy situation, Brian didn't want to push her away too much. So if Sasha wanted to sleep in the bed next to him, he would let her. Brian had almost managed to fall asleep when he hears someone move back into the room. He assumed it was Sasha and without turning over to look, he mumbled, "Night baby."
    December 12th, 2016 at 09:27am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky couldn't help but smirk at her words as he watched her look him over, glad to know he'd made an impression on her. He nodded his head and reached for his pants, pulling his wallet out and grabbing the condom out of it. He pressed his lips to hers as he opened the package, taking the condom out and rolling it on. He pushed her flat on her back and grabbed her calves, pulling her towards him and spreading her legs. He kissed down her neck as he reached up, running his fingers over her slit. He smirked as he began to suck on her neck. He knew she probably didn't want him leaving any marks on him, so he wouldn't do it purposely, but he just couldn't help himself. It was something he enjoyed doing during sex. He used his thumb to rub her clit while he used his other hand to push two fingers into her, pumping them into her.
    When Sasha finished her shower, she just put on her panties and her shirt, folding her bra and skirt and leaving them on the counter. She walked out of the bathroom quietly after shutting the light out, seeing the TV was on and Brian was rolled over, facing away from her. She stopped when she heard him speak, unable to help the small smile that formed on her face, as well as the blush. She bit her lip as she walked over to the second bed, climbing onto it and pulling the covers over her body. "Goodnight, Brian," she murmured softly, curling up into a ball and snuggling with her pillow. She listened to the TV for a while, just allowing it to relax her as she reviewed her day in her mind. It had been one of the most eventful days she'd had in a long time, but she wasn't so sure that was a good thing. She was just glad Brian had been there to save her. She reached over and grabbed the remote after a while, turning the TV off before she finally fell asleep.
    December 13th, 2016 at 07:58am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie watched eagerly as Zacky slid the condom on, kissing him back with force. She tangled her fingers into his hair as he started to kiss down her neck, moaning softly when she felt him start to rub her slit. Rosalie squirmed her hips, bucking them into his hand in an attempt to get more. Her efforts were seemingly rewarded when she felt Zacky press two fingers into her, his thumb rubbing over her clit. "Shit," Rosalie breathed, tugging on his hair. Out of habit, she started to roll her hips to match the rhythm of Zacky's fingers, at the same time forcing his head over so that she could kiss him on the lips, taking his bottom lip in between her teeth and sucking it into her mouth for a few seconds before she released. "Okay, as much as I'm enjoying your fingers, I've got my eyes set on a different prize and I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm a little impatient," Rosalie said, smirking as she trailed her hand down Zacky's chest. She took his dick into her hand, giving him a few times light strokes as she lined him up with her entrance. "Come on and fuck me, Zack," Rosalie whispered before kissing him again.
    Brian never turned over to face Sasha, but it became quickly apparent that she was going to sleep in the other bed. Brian wasn't terribly disappointed, since he'd gotten so used to having a bed to himself and not having to share with anyone. But having Sasha sleep in the other bed pretty much completely eliminated the option for morning sex, because Brian was far too lazy to get up and move to the other bed. Besides, that would wake her up and to him the surprise was half the fun. Eventually Brian managed to fall completely asleep, only waking up when he heard the incessant banging on the door of his hotel room. "Oh my fucking God, quick banging on the Goddamn door, I'm coming!" Brian hissed, flinging himself out of bed. A quick glance at the clock told him it was just barely after nine in the morning, and he was ready to murder whoever was on the other side of the door. Not surprisingly, it was Jimmy. "Don't you have anyone else to bother?" Brian hissed.

    "As a matter of fact, no I don't," Jimmy cackled. "So did you have fun with your blonde girl last night? Ooh, is she still here? They never stay the night." Jimmy peeked over Brian's shoulder, hus eyes widening when he saw the mess of brown hair in the other bed. "Is that your tech again?" Jimmy asked.
    December 13th, 2016 at 09:48am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky chuckled, a bit surprised by her eagerness, but damn if he minded. He let out a soft moan, smirking against her lips as he slowly eased into her. He moaned into her mouth, moving his hands to grip her hips. As shitty as it was to think, he was surprised that she wasn't totally loose like he'd expected her to be. He guessed that was an awful thing to think since most women only got "loose" if they had serious problems down there or had had a bunch of babies or something. He shook the thoughts from his head and just let go, beginning to thrust into her. He moved one hand up to cup one of her breasts, squeezing it and smirking as he kissed her jaw. "Mm, you feel so fucking good, Rosalie," he grunted.
    Sasha groaned softly and rolled over, hearing voices in the room. She slowly cracked her eyes open and looked over, seeing Brian and Jimmy standing at the door. She sat up and pulled the blanket off her legs, standing up and yawning softly. She noticed Jimmy was staring at her and she looked down, blushing when she realized she was still in her underwear. "Uh, good morning," she mumbled, a bit embarrassed. She knew that as many girls that they'd slept with, she didn't have anything to worry about really, but she still didn't want to just stand there half naked. So she went to the bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind herself and trying to finger comb her hair while she waited to hear the door shut. She wasn't sure if she should leave yet or not. She kind of wanted to savor this moment for as long as she could before things would go back to normal again. And maybe she could get a bit more out of Brian before she had to go back to her bus.
    December 14th, 2016 at 09:10am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie moaned softly against Zacky's lips as he slowly pressed into her, arching her back away from the mattress. "Oh fuck yes, that's so good," she breathed. Her arms went around Zacky's neck, one hand tangling into his dark locks, the other digging into the flesh of his shoulder. Rosalie felt Zacky's hand on her breast, and she moaned as he squeezed it, glad that he didn't seem to have a problem with being a little rough with her. "Mmm, do I?" Rosalie whispered, smirking at Zacky's words. She tugged on his hair, taking his earlobe into her mouth. "I've got to...admit, you feel pretty fucking amazing yoursel...oh my fucking God, right there Zack, right there." Rosalie shifted her hips just a little, and suddenly Zacky was hitting a spot inside of her that made her feel like she was going to see Jesus or something. Why the hell was he so good at this? It wasn't fair, he wasn't supposed to be so good at this. "Goddammit, oh my God," Rosalie cursed under her breath. She caught Zacky on the lips, kissing him hard. "You don't have to be so gentle with me, you know," Rosalie breathed against his lips. "I'm a little slut, remember? I can take it as rough as you want to give it to me."
    Brian opened his mouth to answer Jimmy, but stopped when he heard Sasha moving around and speaking behind him. Not surprisingly, Jimmy banging on the door had woken her up as well. Brian watched as she scampered into the bathroom, turning back to Jimmy once the door had closed.

    "So...your tech?" Jimmy asked again, gesturing to the bathroom.

    "Yeah, we fucked again," Brian answered simply, shrugging his shoulders. "I brought that blonde girl back and had her fucking naked in my bed when I heard someone screaming in the hallway. So I go to see what the hell is going on, and that douche Sasha took back is like dragging her down the hall by her hair. I pulled him off, kicked his ass, and then offered Sasha to sleep in my room because she seemed really upset and I'm not that much of an asshole. Anyway, I kicked Natalie out and was going to go to bed, but she came over and kissed me and said she wanted to make it up to me for quote-unquote, ruining my night. So we had sex. Big deal. I think I might actually be able to get a fuck buddy out of this."
    December 14th, 2016 at 10:26am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky groaned softly, smirking against her lips. "My bad, I forgot," he mumbled. He was joking for the moment, and he hoped she realized that and didn't get pissed. He began to thrust harder into her, digging his nails lightly into her hip, not really caring if he bruised her. He was sure she wouldn't care either, she could easily hide marks on her hips. It was the hickies he figured she'd be worried about. He could feel her muscles contracting around him already, so he knew he was doing something right, if he was able to build her orgasm up this quickly. Maybe he could give her multiple orgasms, prove to her that he could be just as good in bed as any other guy she slept with. He moved his hand from her breast down between their bodies, rubbing her clit. "That good, baby?" he breathed into her ear, slamming into her. "You gonna come for me?"
    Sasha bit her lip as she listened to Brian and Jimmy. Their voices were a bit muffled from the wall between them, but she could make out what they were saying. And while she'd been expecting Brian to say something negative about her sleeping with him again, she was surprised when he mentioned making her a fuck buddy. She was totally caught off guard, but actually intrigued. Could they pull that off without things getting awkward? Maybe. She could try, if that's what he wanted. Because it was kind of what she wanted too. He was the first man in her life to ever treat her right, and maybe that's why she was becoming so attached to him so quickly, but she just couldn't help herself. She cleared her throat and ruffled her hair a bit, walking out of the bathroom and going over to Brian. She looked up at Jimmy and smiled kindly at him. "It's nine in the morning, Jimmy," she murmured. "You can come back later." She shut the door and turned to look at Brian, biting her lip. "Fuck buddy, huh?"
    December 14th, 2016 at 10:39am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie got the idea that Zacky was trying to prove something to her, but she didn't mind one bit, not at all. Especially since, with the way things seemed to be going, she wouldn't be surprised if she got more than one orgasm out of this, and she couldn't remember the last time that had happened. She was glad to feel Zacky thrust into her harder. She really did prefer rough sex over anything else, but then again, she didn't really know anything different. One night stands weren't usually apt to make love. They wanted to fuck and get out. Rosalie moaned loudly when Zacky started to rub her clit, arching her back away from the mattress again as she let out a string of expletives underneath her breath. "Yes, God Zack, that's so good, so fucking good," she said. She bit her lip hard to stifle the shout at the back of her throat as her orgasm washed through her. "Shit Zacky, keep going," Rosalie pleaded, feeling her pleasure start to build up again. "Make me come again, please. I need it, fuck, I need it so bad."
    "If that's what you want man, just don't--" Jimmy started, but he stopped when the bathroom door opened.

    Brian was glad when Sasha asked Jimmy to leave, because the drummer wouldn't have listened to Brian if he had asked. After Jimmy had gone, Brian locked the door again, turning to Sasha when he heard her speak. "Yeah, fuck buddies," he repeated. "I mean, no offense, but you came back to me last night. Not that you're the first one, but you're traveling with us on tour and you're definitely really fucking hot, so...but I guess it's really up to you. Can't really have a fuck buddy if the buddy in question doesn't want it. I just figured this wouldn't be the last time we fuck, so why not? Again, no offense, I really don't mean to sound like a douche, but you're pretty damn good between those sheets. So...?" Brian wanted to leave the ultimate decision up to Sasha, that way no one could say he'd guilted or bribed her into it. Or worse, that he'd threatened to have her fired if she said no. As much as he wanted this, he wanted to be a mutual decision.
    December 14th, 2016 at 11:17am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky smirked when she moaned his name, his ego inflating just a little bit. He moaned, continuing to rub her clit while he slammed into her, over and over. He cursed under his breath, pressing his face into her neck and biting down gently on her skin. He was getting close to his own orgasm, but he was determined to make her come again. The way she was begging him for another orgasm made him wonder if she didn't get the chance to get off often with other men. He knew a lot of men just didn't care about letting a female orgasm, but he wasn't like that. Why would he want to have sex with someone who wasn't enjoying themselves? It would be like going to a Metallica concert with someone who listens to bluegrass. Not fun. He moaned her name softly, nipping at her earlobe. "I'm getting close, Rosalie," he panted, angling her hips just a bit more.
    Sasha listened to him talk, smirking slightly. "You had me at 'fuck buddy,'" she joked, walking back over to the bed she'd slept in and sitting down on the mattress. She leaned back against the pillows, debating on whether she wanted to go back to sleep or not. She wasn't really tired, but she figured he probably still was. She wasn't sure when they were due to head out on the road again, though. Probably sometime after lunch. She looked at him. "Are you going back to bed? If not, I was thinking we could have a little breakfast." She was feeling really good about this. It might not be a normal relationship, but it was more normal than she'd ever had before. Usually, her relationships consisted of asshole musicians bossing her around and making her their little slave. But with Brian, she had freedom, she could do whatever she wanted. She didn't have to be afraid of speaking to him when she wasn't spoken to, or suggesting sex when he was tired. And she might not know him all that well, but she was positive at this point that she didn't ever have to worry about being hit.
    December 14th, 2016 at 11:49am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie groaned loudly, squirming underneath Zacky. This orgasm was building much more quickly than the last one, and she knew it would be no time at all before Zacky made her come again, especially with the way he was continuing to just slam into her. She heard Zacky say that he was getting close and she nodded, tugging on his hair and gasping when he adjusted her hips again. "Goddammit Zack, that feels so good," Rosalie moaned. She felt her second orgasm reach its peak and this time she couldn't stop herself from crying out. But at least Jimmy wouldn't be able to say that she and Zacky hadn't had sex, because there was no way he wasn't hearing this. "Fuck Zack," Rosalie panted. She kissed a sloppy line along his jaw, pinching his skin between her teeth as she did, until her lips were pressed against his ear. "Come for me, Zack," she breathed. She smirked softly as she nibbled at his earlobe. "You just made me come twice, you fucking deserve it."
    Brian smirked at Sasha's answer, watching her go over to the bed he'd slept in. "Well I was going to go back to bed," Brian started, going over to the bed as well. He sat down, grabbing her thighs and dragging her close. He grinned devilishly up at her. "But a little breakfast wouldn't hurt." He reached up, hooking his fingers around the elastic of her underwear, dragging them down her thighs and off her legs. He tossed them aside, licking over his lips as he slid his hands up her thighs, pushing her shirt up her body. He didn't care to remove this, the only thing he wanted right now was between her legs. Brian moved off the end of the bed, pulling Sasha along with him until her legs dangled over the edge of the bed, and then he pressed his face between her legs, flicking his tongue over her clit.
    December 15th, 2016 at 02:43am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky groaned when he felt her tug on his hair, her muscles contracting around his dick, pushing him to the edge of his orgasm. He moaned out as he slammed into her a few more times before spilling into the end of the condom, panting heavily as he rode out his orgasm. He let out a short breath as he pulled out of her and collapsed on the bed beside her. "Shit, Rosalie," he muttered, totally surprised at how good the sex had been. And then it suddenly really hit him, he'd just fucked Rosalie. Holy shit. He'd had sex with Rosalie, and he'd enjoyed it. What kind of fucked up shit was he on right now? He was sure she was probably thinking the same thing right now. He didn't even know what to say to her.
    Sasha grinned, watching him and giggled softly when he pulled her to the end of the bed. Her giggle quickly turned to a soft whimper. She laid back, spreading her legs wide open for him. She'd only ever received oral one other time in her life and she was sure it would probably be nothing compared to what Brian could do for her. After being with Brian a few times, she was beginning to realize just how shitty her sex life had been, and she was thankful that she was able to move on now, to bigger and better things. And someone that would treat her right. She gripped the blanket under her and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling it. She was already getting wet, just from imagining what he could do with his tongue, and butterflies were beginning to build in her stomach as well.
    December 16th, 2016 at 04:44am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Rosalie moaned again when she felt Zacky come into the condom, letting her nails rake down his back as he continued to ride out his orgasm. Once he'd pulled out of her and laid down next to her, Rosalie let her eyes close, taking rapid breaths as she tried to get her breathing and heart rate in check. Rosalie heard Zacky speak and all she could do was nod in response. Now that the high from her orgasm was wearing off, the shock of the situation was starting to seep in. She and Zacky just had sex. She and Zacky just had sex. And it was good sex too, damn good, a whole hell of a lot better than Rosalie ever would've expected. How to he fuck did this happen? No matter how it happened, it happened. And Rosalie had never been one to avoid a topic of conversation just because it was awkward or anything. "So...that just happened," she said. She opened her eyes but didn't look over at Zacky. "And I guess that's not a bad thing, I mean, now Jimmy will stop giving us shit about fucking."
    Brian smirked against Sasha when he heard her whimper. He knew a lot of men might not like giving oral, but Brian quite enjoyed it, because of that reason right there. He loved hearing the sounds a woman made when he was eating her out, loved knowing he could make her squirm and moan using nothing but his tongue. He sucked lightly on Sasha's clit for a few more seconds before slipping his tongue between her folds, running it down her slit. She was already so wet and Brian loved it. And she tasted so sweet. Brian licked back up along Sasha's slit, circling the tip of his tongue around the sensitive bud. He wanted to feel Sasha squirm and shudder and to hear her moan his name loud enough that whichever of the guys had the room on the other side of the wall would know what he and Sasha were doing. If they were even awake, that is. It was still pretty damn early in the morning.
    December 16th, 2016 at 08:15am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky laid there for a moment before hearing her speak. He didn't look at her either, just laid there while he thought. "It definitely happened," he finally mumbled, biting his lip hard. But she was right, now Jimmy would leave them alone, and things could get back to the way they were before the tall man began on his journey to get them to fuck. He nodded his head before sitting up, pulling the condom off and tying a knot in it. "Because that's what this was. We did this to get Jimmy to stop his bullshit." It wasn't anything more or anything less than that. It meant nothing. He tossed the condom in the trash bin before he reached down and grabbed his boxers, tugging them on. He stood up and grabbed his jeans, tugging them on as well, sighing softly. He was definitely exhausted now, but he needed to get back to his own room.
    Sasha gripped the blanket in her hands and curled her toes, forcing her legs to stay down no matter how badly she wanted to wrap them around his head. She let out a small breath, moaning out his name softly. She wondered if he gave oral often because he was pretty damn good at it. Maybe it was just something he enjoyed doing. And she couldn't complain about that. He was making her head spin, for crying out loud. She let out another whimper as she pursed her lips, squeezing her eyes shut and trying to hold back her moans. It was still pretty early in the morning and she didn't want to be responsible for waking anyone up. If it had still been night time, she wouldn't care if people heard her, but in the morning it was different.
    December 19th, 2016 at 08:55am