Scream. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Gabby. Played by xxKitanaxx
    Matt. Played by BreakFree.
    Amy. Played by BreakFree.
    Jimmy. Played by xxKitanaxx
    October 11th, 2016 at 07:26am
  • BreakFree

    BreakFree (100)

    United States
    If Amy had to name one thing she hated about Huntington beach, it would be the never dying sunlight that constantly basked the beach town in an everlasting heat. As she rested against the woodwork of the boardwalk she pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes and fished for her pack of cigarettes in her back pocket, pulling a "cancer stick" or at least that's what her mother called them, from the packaging with her lips. She cupped her hand around the flame of her lighter and inhaled deeply. The nicotine vibrated in her veins, and the smoke filled her lungs, only to disappear into the hot air around her as she blew it free.

    She was waiting for her long time boyfriend, five years to be exact, Jimmy Sullivan to pick her up. Why he had chosen the boardwalk to meet , she couldn't tell you. For someone who had grown up by the beach, and in eternal summer, she despised it. She longed for the cooler weather of the east coast.She day dreamed of snow and falling leaves, only to awake to sun rays and sand. She held her cigarette between two fingers, and watched the tourist pass by. It wasn't the type of people so much as how many people inhabited California that rubbed Amy the wrong way.

    She was currently waiting for Jimmy and the rest of the guys to drive by so she could go with them to some meeting. They were looking for a photographer for their band. It was relatively new, they had an album. The lead singer was her brother Mathew, or Matt as he preferred to be called, but she'd always call him Mathew, if only to irritate him. They were twins, and no one ever failed to remind them just how alike they could be. At least as far as physical appearances went. They were both beautiful,and both sarcastic. While Matt was a little bit more cocky, Amy was more quiet. Alike but different they were. She had asked him that morning why he wouldn't give her a ride, he had said he wanted to stop by some shops to buy new clothes. She had only rolled her eyes, it wasn't like the photo shoot was that day.

    Amy inhaled another shot of nicotine and threw her head back to push the smoke away. She was growing slightly impatient. She wasn't sure how she felt about the band gaining a photographer. When they first started she was sure they wouldn't make it out of the garage. But then people started liking their music. Not that she blamed them, the band was great. But, Amy was slightly fearful of how even a smudge of fame would effect the guys. They were all great, but all had major ego issues.

    She sighed heavily, and dropped her useless cig to the ground and squished it into the wood with her shoe, preventing any potential fire hazard. Placing her hands on the rail behind her she continued waiting. They had to be coming soon, the meeting was in twenty minutes.Not that punctuality had ever been their strong suit.
    Matt had finally decided on an outfit, after much rushing and complaint from the rest of the guys. He was sure Amy was having a bitch fit, and had probably smoked about five cigarettes by now. But he wanted to look good for the photographer. He had heard it was a chick.

    "Dude, she better be fine." Brian had called from the backseat of Jimmy's car. They were on their way to pick of Matts twin sister, and thorn in his side. They had been practically inseparable since birth. Not that he didn't absolutely adore her, but she was always there. He often compared her to one of those fish that lives on the backs of sharks. It pissed her off, the main reason he did it.

    "All I know is, she better be able to catch the full effect of my sexy looks." Matt outlined his chin with two fingers and flashed his pearly whit canines. The boys in the car groaned and rolled their eyes. Matt knew he was good looking , he always had been, and probably always would be. He had been using his great smile to get him all kinds of things since he came out of the womb with Amy right behind him.

    "Listen, no one can resist my pretty green eyes." Zack batted his long lashes at Matt's face and smirked. Matt could only shake his head.

    "She'll want a man Zack, not a baby face." Matt's rough voice replied as they approached the board walk. The sun was high in the sky, and Matt was sure Amy wasn't enjoying any of it. he loved Huntington, the beach, the people. It was his kind of scene. He enjoyed a good beach party, or pool party. Huntington was the perfect party town. With the hope of furthering their bands career, he would miss it.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    October 11th, 2016 at 07:43pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Jimmy laughed at the two in the front, "Guys i'm sure the girl is completely professional and won't bother with either of you." He said, chuckling. He knew that Amy was going to be pissed about them being late. Then again he was just going to blame Matt and same them all the trouble. He got out of the car once they got to the boardwalk, "Hey love." He said as he kissed Amy's cheek. "Your brother made us late." He said, smirking. He could hear Matt behind him talking shit. Jimmy sighed, "Alright alright i'm just messing. Let's get this show on the road so we can pick our photographer." He said. Jimmy took Amy's hand and walked with her to the car.

    He was glad when they finally got to the place they were meeting the girl and their manager. He looked at Amy, "What all did you do today besides waiting on our asses?" He asked, laughing softly. He walked inside, finding a seat with the guys and crossed his arms. Jimmy looked over at Zacky and Brian who were being children as usual. "Hey guys how about you act like professionals." He said, chuckling. Jimmy looked up as their Manager Mark walked in.

    Mark smiled, "Alright guys i think i found the perfect photographer. She takes rad pictures and she likes rock music so we should be good." He said, laughing. "I shall go get her." He said. Mark walked into the hallway then returned with a girl that clearly fit the personality they wanted. "Guys this is Gabby." He said. "Gabby, that's Brian, Zacky, Matt, Jimmy and Matt's sister Amy." He explained.
    Gabby walked down the street quickly, knowing she had to meet with these guys soon. She knew she shouldn't have partied the night before and she was hungover as fuck. Gabby walked into the building, wincing as she took her sunglasses off. She looked over when she heard Mark say her name. "Hey Mark, Sup?" She asked, smiling. Gabby walked into the room, seeing the band there. "Hey." She said, giving them a small wave. She could feel Mark staring at her. "Hungover Gabs?" He asked, smirking. Gabby looked at him, "No not at all." She said, laughing.

    Gabby walked over to the guys and shook their hands, feeling how much Matt's engulfed her small hand as he took it in his. She got to Amy and smiled, "Nice to meet you." She said. She stepped back from them, "So what all do you guys want to know about me?" She asked, smiling. It was going to be great if they decided to pick her because she could finally do what she loved and make decent money.

    Zacky smirked, "Yea so what is your favorite sexual position? Just asking for future reference?" He asked, smirking.

    Gabby raised an eyebrow at him, "The one you aren't involved in." She said, hearing Brian bust out laughing. Gabby was sassy and she didn't take shit from anyone. She crossed her arms as she listened to Mark talk to them about the tour and what all they were going to be doing. Mark looked at them, "So guys are we going to keep her?" He asked, smiling. Gabby was glad Mark was willing to hook her up with this job. God she wanted this job. Being able to look at Matthew Sanders for most of the year everyday would be the best thing ever. He was captivating and he damn well knew he was.

    @ BreakFree
    October 11th, 2016 at 08:08pm