Pretty Little Psycho.

  • Jimmy laughed, "This will be the last one and then you pussies can go home to your girlfriends." He teased them. He held his beer up, "Alright, loser buys the first dinner when we go back on tour." He said. He started chucking with them, finished up after Brian.

    Zacky finished his beer, "Fuck I hate that." He said, shaking his head. He looked over as Johnny finished last, "Ha you suck Johnny." He teased his friend. He ate one of Madeline's fries, seeing that she was feeling it to. He took a sip of his drink, finishing what was left, then paid for his and Madeline's bill.
    Roxie watched as they chugged their beers, shaking her head. "Please don't puke in my car." She said to Matt, smiling as he ate on of her chips. Roxie was glad when they were ready to go. She looked at Madeline, "Do you want me to drop you and Zacky off?" She asked as she stood up with Matt. She pulled her jacket on, watching as he grabbed his stuff.

    @ spencer reid;
    January 2nd, 2018 at 09:17am
  • "Alright, looks like Johnny has to buy dinner!" Madeline shouted, watching as the guys finished with their little beer-chugging contest. This seemed like the last drink since everyone was getting up to leave, but Madeline wasn't quite ready to leave just yet. "No, I think I'm going to stay for a little while longer, I'll take a cab home," Madeline told Roxie. She looked up at Zacky. "You go on back to my place, I'll come home later."
    "No promises," Matt mumbled, grinning at Roxie. But he wasn't drunk enough to throw up. He was still a few drinks short of that point. Getting to his feet, Matt grabbed his coat. Now that they'd had their fun, he was ready to crawl into bed and sleep until late in the afternoon. "Come on Roxie, let's go," Matt whined playfully, tugging on her shirt.
    January 3rd, 2018 at 07:55am
  • Zacky looked at Madeline, surprised that she said she wasn't coming. "I mean i think you had enough to drink tonight." He said, "Why dont you just come home?" He asked. He frowned when she snapped at him, "Fine fucking stay here then." He said before he walked away from her.

    Brian looked at the guys, "I will make sure she gets home." He said. He was drunk, but he wasnt that wasted. He looked over at Madeline after everyone walked out. "You alright?" He asked, seeing that she was pissed.


    Roxie smiled as Matt pulled on her, "I'm coming calm down." She said, laughing softly. She was surprised when Zacky stormed off, then walked out with Matt. She unlocked her doors, watching as the guys got in. She got in then drove Zacky home. She drove to Matt's house, then walked into his front door with him. She watched him struggle to unlock the door for a few moments before taking the keys. "At this rate we will be sleeping outside." She teased him as she unlocked the door. She walked in, setting his keys down. She locked the door once he was in, realizing how tired she was. Roxie walked upstairs then got undressed, pulling one off Matt's shirts on. She climbed into his bed with him, "Im exhausted." She said softly as she watched him get ready for bed.

    @ spencer reid;
    January 3rd, 2018 at 08:06am
  • Madeline frowned said she'd had enough to drink. Who did he think he was, her dad? "Who died and made you king?" Madeline snapped. "I'll decide when I've had enough to drink." She watched as everyone else left the bar, glad that at least Brian had stayed to keep her company. "I'm fine," she said. "I just don't understand why Zacky thinks he can tell me what to do. He's my boyfriend, not my boss."
    When they got to his house, Matt dug his keys out of his pocket, trying to unlock his door. He struggled for a few minutes before Roxie took the keys from him and he followed her inside once she had the door open. Matt followed Roxie upstairs, barely taking the time to kick off his shoes before he fell into bed. "Me, too," he mumbled, hearing her say she was tired.
    January 4th, 2018 at 06:21am
  • Brian looked at her, "Well, Zacky has always kind of been bossy. I mean I dont know if you noticed, but the guy was single for a very long time." He said, laughing softly. He watched her stare at her drink, then reached over and rubbed her back. "I am sorry he is an asshole." He said. He ran his fingers through her hair, "He shouldn't tell you what to do. You are your own person." He said.


    Roxie smiled at him, "No, you are drunk." She teased him. She waited til he was im bed, then turned the light off and snuggled him. "Tonight was fun." She said as she laced her fingers with his. She could tell he was going to pass out soon.

    @ spencer reid;
    January 4th, 2018 at 06:26am
  • "It's not your fault," Madeline sighed. She caught the attention of the waitress, asking for a shot for her and Brian. "You're a good friend for staying and keeping me company," Madeline said. When the waitress brought back their shots, she tipped her head back, swallowing the alcohol.
    "Nooooooooo, you're drunk," Matt said. He burrowed underneath the covers while Roxie got up to turn off the light. "Yeah, it was fun,' he agreed. "Probably won't be as fun tomorrow but it'll be okay."
    January 5th, 2018 at 07:58am
  • Brian looked at her, "Look I know I was kind of a shitty guy when we were on tour. I shouldn't have acted like that. You are a really great person Madeline and I will take care of you no matter what." He said, drunkenly. He took the shot with her, before finishing the rest of his beer. Brian looked at her, letting his eyes meet hers. "You really are beautiful." He said, running his fingers through her hair. Brian leaned in, kissing her softly. He wasn't sure how she was going to take it, but he felt pretty good about it in that moment.
    Roxie smiled, "Well, It won't be fun for you. I however will feel amazing." She said, looking at him in the darkness. She closed her eyes as her head rested on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She didn't know exactly what they were and she was pretty sure they were just friend with benefits. Roxie one thing though, if Matt ever wanted to make things official she would be more than willing. She knew that he wasn't one to rush into things though. Roxie opened her eyes, thinking about random things. She hated when he mind wandered.

    @ spencer reid;
    January 5th, 2018 at 08:21am
  • If Madeline wasn't so drunk, she might have slapped Brian when he kissed her, or at the very least, pushed him away. But she'd had way too much to drink by this point and she was feeling a little vulnerable from her argument with Zacky, so she kissed him back.
    "Well rub it in my face why don't you?" Matt teased. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders when she laid her head on his chest. It wasn't long at all before Matt passed completely out, snoring as he usually did when he was drunk.
    January 6th, 2018 at 08:10am
  • Brian kissed her a bit longer before pulling away from her slowly. He ran his fingers through her hair, "Do you want to come back to my place?" He asked. "We can drink some more there if you want, or we can just hang out." He said as he pulled away from her slowly. He paid their tab after they were done, then got up and led her out to the cab he got. Brian smirked as he helped her in, then got in with her. He told the driver where to go then placed his hand on Madeline's thigh as he kissed her again. He placed his other hang on her cheek as he felt her kiss him back.

    [Figured we can skip Matt and Roxie for now. Cute]

    @ spencer reid;
    January 6th, 2018 at 08:17am
  • "Uh yeah, we can go back to your place," Madeline said. She ordered another round of shots, taking hers and getting to her feet as Brian paid the tab. When they got to the cab, she was perfectly content to simply sit there until they reached Brian's house, but then he was kissing her. She kissed him back, pulling away after a few seconds to lean back against the seat. The alcohol was making her head spin.

    [okay Cute]
    January 8th, 2018 at 05:42am
  • Brian was glad when they got to his place. He led Madeline into his house, then shut the door. Brian laid his keys on the counter, then took her hands, pulling her towards him. He kissed her softly, then pulled away slowly. "We can go lay down if you want." He said as he ran his fingers through her hair. He was surprised she even came home with him. He let his hands rest on her hips, his hands slipping under her shirt slowly.

    @ spencer reid;
    January 8th, 2018 at 05:48am
  • Madeline just sort of nodded when Brian suggested they go lay down. The alcohol was really starting to hit her at this point and she knew she wouldn't really be thinking straight after this point. Madeline wasn't surprised when Brian kissed her again once they were in bed. She lazily kissed him back, not really fighting him when she felt his hands slipping underneath her shirt.
    January 9th, 2018 at 07:09am
  • Brian moved so he was over her then kissed down her neck. He pulled her shirt off, kissing down her chest, before he took her bra off. He kissed her deeply as his hand slipped into her panties, beginning to rub her. He pulled her pants down along with her panties then took his clothes off. Brian kissed her softly before he thrust into her, moaning as he began to move his hips. He groaned as he felt himself getting close quickly. The alcohol making his head spin. He moaned loudly as he hit his climax.

    [I figured it wouldnt be the most romantic encounter since they are wasted and hooking up. lmfao]

    @ spencer reid;
    January 9th, 2018 at 07:19am
  • Things moved so quickly that Madeline didn't even realize what had happened until it was over. And in her drunken state, she didn't really register the gravity of the situation. But the next morning, when she woke up naked in Brian's bed, the reality hit her like a freight train. She'd slept with Brian and cheated on Zacky. Climbing out of the bed, Madeline quickly collected her clothes and dressed, calling a cab as she left Brian's house.
    January 10th, 2018 at 10:11am
  • Zacky woke up the next morning, frowning when he realized that Madeline never showed up. He sat up, grabbing his cell phone. He called her, hearing her voicemail, "Hey, Are you alright? You never showed up last night. Call me back." He said, leaving the message. He laid back in the bed, sighing. He was hoping that she wasn't going to be too mad at him. Zacky got out of bed, making his way to the bathroom. He took a shower, then got ready for the day.
    Roxie woke up, smiling when she felt Matt snuggled against her. She looked over at him, knowing he was waking up. "Good morning." She said, kissing his cheek. She knew he was probably hung over. "Water and tylenol for breakfast today?" She teased him as she snuggled against him. Roxie was glad that she had stayed the night with Matt. "I could really eat some bacon and eggs." She said. She thought for a moment as she laid in bed with him. She wondered if Madeline ever went home.

    @ spencer reid;
    January 10th, 2018 at 10:20am
  • Madeline was in the cab on the way back to her apartment when her phone rang. When she saw that it was Zacky calling, she felt sick to her stomach. How could she face him after what she'd done? He would never forgive her and the thought of losing him broke her heart.
    Waking up the next morning, Matt groaned, pressing his face into the pillow. He groaned again in response to Roxie's question, hoping that meant she was going to get him some water and tylenol. "Make some bacon and eggs," Matt whined when Roxie mentioned that. He looked over at her with a pout. "Please."
    January 11th, 2018 at 08:46am
  • Zacky sighed as he went to his living room and sat down. He was hoping Madeline would call him back. He stared at his phone, hoping she still wasnt mad at him. I hope you aren't still mad about last night. If you are i'm sorry. He sent the message, staring at her name in his phone. He didnt want to lose her. She meant so much to him already and he didn't want to be with anyone else. We can have dinner at my place if you want. He knew he was blowing her phone up at this point, but he wasn't ashamed of wanting her attention.


    Roxie smiled, "Alright, but only because you asked nicely. She went downstairs, grabbing him some tylenol and water. Roxie walked upstairs, handing him them before she went back to his kitchen. She started on the bacon, then the eggs. She decided to make some toast as well. She turned on some music, but not to loud that it would bother Matt. She listened to the rock song that was on as she focus on what she was cooking.

    @ spencer reid;
    January 11th, 2018 at 08:55am
  • Madeline was walking into her apartment when she felt her phone vibrate. She knew it was Zacky texting her and she didn't really want to even read the messages, but she knew if she didn't, it might make things worse. I'm not mad at you. I just don't feel good, I'm pretty hungover. But we can have dinner if you want.
    Matt was glad when Roxie agreed to make bacon and eggs. He hoped a good breakfast would help him get over his hangover. He thanked Roxie when she came back with some tylenol and water for him. Once she'd gone back downstairs to the kitchen, Matt closed his eyes, deciding to take a quick nap while Roxie was cooking.
    January 12th, 2018 at 07:16am
  • Zacky smiled when she finally responded, Alright babe. I will make something great for you. Zacky spent the whole day deciding on what to make Madeline for dinner and he settled on salmon and some sides. He began to make dinner, smiling when he heard his doorbell. He opened the doorbell, wrapping his arms around her, "Hey." He said kissing her. "I hope you are hungry I kind of went all out." He said. He walked with her to the dining, "Have a seat its almost ready." He said, leaving her at a candle lit table.


    Roxie finished making their food, knowing that Matt would want to eat in bed. She walked upstairs, "Wake up lazy butt your food is done." She said. She handed him his plate when he was ready then sat next to him. She had texted Madeline when she was downstairs to see how she was. Roxie sat with Matt as she began to eat. "Headache gone yet?" She asked softly.

    @ spencer reid;
    January 12th, 2018 at 07:43am
  • For the first time ever, Madeline was dreading going to spend time with Zacky. She was sick to her stomach with the knowledge of what she'd done to him. Ringing the doorbell, Madeline forced a smile onto her face when Zacky answered the door. Her stomach dropped when she saw what Zacky had put together for her. She didn't deserve this.
    Matt groaned when Roxie shook him awake. He wasn't quite ready to wake up, but the smell of the food was enough to get him to do so. He rolled over, taking the plate from Roxie and thanking her. When she asked if his headache was gone yet, he shrugged. "It's fading," Matt told her. "The food will probably help a lot."
    January 14th, 2018 at 06:03am