Pretty Little Psycho.

  • Zacky got to the room and got ready for bed, taking a quick shower. He climbed into the bed and put his arm around Madeline. He knew tomorrow would be a good day since she would actually get to see a doctor. He closed his eyes, "Goodnight." He said as he kissed her cheek. He ran his fingers over her side for a little before he fell asleep.

    Zacky woke up the next morning and smiled a little. He got out of bed and got dressed before he ordered breakfast to the room. He knew Madeline was probably going to be hungry if she was feeling okay. He sat on the bed, waking her up, "Babe get up. You gotta get ready." He said.
    Roxie looked at him, "So bossy." She teased him before she turned the lamp off. Roxie got comfortable, "Goodnight Matt." She said. She closed her eyes and fell asleep against him.

    Roxie woke up, her head resting on Matt's chest. She pulled away slowly and sat up in the bed. She got out of bed and got dressed for the day before she went downstairs and got herself a cup of coffee. She went back to the room and sat down on the chair near the window, turning on her laptop. She figured she would edit some pictures before they left.

    @ zacky vee;
    May 31st, 2018 at 01:14pm
  • While Zacky was in the shower, Madeline crawled into bed and got comfortable, nearly falling asleep before he came back. Thankfully it didn't take long for her to actually fall asleep and she slept well until she felt Zacky shaking her awake. "Go away," Madeline mumbled, swatting at his hand.
    Matt was woken up the next morning by the smell of coffee. He sat up in bed, blinking away the sleep as he looked over at Roxie sitting at the table across the room. "You didn't bring me any coffee?" he asked teasingly. "That was very rude of you."
    June 4th, 2018 at 09:26am
  • Zacky sighed as he grabbed her hand, "Babe, You have to go to your appointment today." He ssid. "Come on. Get up." He said. He was actually kind of excited for today. He didn't want to admit that because he was afriad to get his hopes up. He was worried that the baby would end up not being his.


    Nova smiled at him, "I thought you were going to be asleep longer." She admitted, shrugging. "I can get you some if you would like me to." She offered. She was glad they had some time to relax for the day while they waited for Zacky and Madeline to get back.

    @ zacky vee;
    June 4th, 2018 at 02:17pm
  • "You couldn't have made the appointment for a little later in the day?" Madeline mumbled, getting out of bed. She didn't feel good and she just wanted to lay in bed all day or at least for a few more hours. She grabbed a fresh set of clothes from her bag and went into the bathroom to change and brush her teeth before going back out to Zacky. "Well? Let's go."
    "You thought I would sleep through you bringing coffee and its delicious aroma into the room?" Matt teased. "But yes, I would greatly appreciate it if you went to get me some coffee." By the time Roxie returned with his cup of coffee, Matt had gotten up to pull on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt but he'd gotten back in bed. No reason to get up when they had all day to relax."
    June 9th, 2018 at 08:08am
  • Zacky sighed, "We have to head to the next sitting this afternoon so, no." He said. He sat on the bed as he waited for her then looked at her. Zacky frowned then got up and walked with her. Once they got to the doctors office he let her check in then sat with her. He looked at her, knowing she was in a bad mood that day.


    Roxie rolled her eyes playfully, "How foolish of me." She teased him. She got up, "I will be back." She said as she left to get him coffee. She returned and handed it to him, before she sat back down at the computer. She figured she would use the day to try to finish everything.

    @ zacky vee;
    June 9th, 2018 at 03:55pm
  • Once they made it to the doctor's office, Madeline went to sign in before taking a seat. After twenty minutes or so a nurse came to take her and Zacky back to an exam room and she had Madeline lay back on the table before getting the machine ready.
    "Thanks," Matt said, taking the cup of coffee from Roxie. He took a sip as he reached for the remote, surfing through the terrible selection of channels the hotel had to offer. He liked relaxing but he wished there were more mindless things for him to watch while he did it.
    June 11th, 2018 at 10:01am
  • Zacky walked back with her and sat down while she got on the table. He looked at her once the nurse left to go get the doctor. "You alright?" He asked her, seeing that she looked nervous.


    Nova finished what she was doing then set her coffee down and climbed into the bed with Matt. She relaxed next to him, "You want to order food?" She asked him. She figured he didn't want to leave the room today since they would be on the road again soon.

    @ zacky vee;
    June 11th, 2018 at 06:31pm
  • "I'm fine," Madeline said. She was just anxious to see the baby, even if it wouldn't really look like a baby just yet. That's what she was trying to focus on, not the fact that she didn't know if the baby was even Zacky's.
    "Uh, yeah, we can order some food," Matt said. He handed Roxie the room phone. "I want french toast. And more coffee, please. Can't have french toast without coffee. It's practically law."
    June 15th, 2018 at 07:33am
  • Zacky looked at her before he moved over to her and took her hand. "Tell that to your hand." He said, seeing it was shaking. He kissed her forehead, "Everything's going to be fine." He assured her. He moved away from her and sat down. He looked over as the doctor walked in and began to talk to Madeline.


    Roxie looked at him, "Okay." She said as she called and ordered them some breakfast. She ordered herself a waffle and orange juice. She relaxed with him as they waited for the food to arrive.

    @ zacky vee;
    June 15th, 2018 at 05:14pm
  • Madeline didn't bother to respond to Zacky. She was getting a little annoyed with him if she was being completely honest and she didn't want to say anything she would regret. Luckily the doctor arrived a few seconds later, saving her from having to say anything else. The doctor had Madeline lay down and push up her shirt before squirting the jelly onto her stomach. Seconds later, a grainy, black and white image appeared on the monitor.
    Matt didn't get out of bed until there was a knock at the door. And only then, he did it because he knew it was someone with their food. "Thanks, man," Matt said, taking the cart from the bellboy. "I come bearing good shit," Matt said, willing it back into the room. "Waffles and orange juice for the lady and french toast and coffee for me."
    June 18th, 2018 at 08:25am
  • Zacky frowned a little when she didn't say anything. He wondered what he was doing wrong. Zacky looked up as the doctor came in and watched as the image came on the screen. He looked at Madeline when the doctor found the heartbeat. He felt like he had been prepared but he wasnt sure if he was. Though as they both got happy this nagging feeling made him think about how the baby might not be his.


    Roxie smiled, "Thank you." She said as she took the food from him. She sat with him as they ate and relaxed in the bed. She knew it wouldn't be long til the guys came to visit or Madeline and Zacky got back. "These waffles are good." She said.

    @ zacky vee;
    June 18th, 2018 at 09:13am
  • As nervous as she was about this whole thing, Madeline couldn't help but feel happy when she finally heard the heartbeat. No matter what happened, this was her baby and she was going to do whatever she needed to do to make sure it had a good life. Including knowing its father, whether that was Brian or Zacky.
    "Well let me have a bite, then," Matt said. He reached over and stabbed a piece of her waffle, stuffing it into his mouth. "Here, try the french toast." He offered her a piece of his food. "So how long do you think we have before one of the idiots makes their way down the hall to bother us?"
    June 21st, 2018 at 09:03am
  • Zacky smiled when he seen how happy Madeline got when she heard the baby's heartbeat. When then doctor was done he looked at her. "Are you hungry? We can stop can get some food on the way back if you want?" He offered once she was ready to go.

    Roxie smiled as he took a bite of her food. She took a bite of his french toast and shrugged, "I give them fifteen minutes." She said as she took a sip of her drink. It wasn't long before there was a knock at their door, "Told you " She said as she continued to eat her waffles.

    Jimmy sighed, "Matt open up!" Jimmy called from the other side.
    @ zacky vee;
    June 21st, 2018 at 03:19pm
  • Once the doctor had finished, he handed Madeline a little printout of the ultrasound, which she clutched close to her chest as they left the doctor's office. It didn't look like much right now but it was her baby and that was all that mattered. "Uh, I could go for a milkshake," Madeline told Zacky.
    "No, go the hell away, you walking toothpick!" Matt shouted. He heard Jimmy gasp overdramatically on the other side of the door and he rolled his eyes. Setting his now empty plate on the bedside table, Matt got to his feet and went over to open the door. In addition to Jimmy, Johnny also stood in the hallway.
    June 24th, 2018 at 07:40am
  • Zacky nodded, "Alright we can do that." He said as he walked with her to the car he rented. He got in with her and drove to the nearest place to get her a milkshake. He got out and walked inside with her. "What flavor did you want?" He asked as he slid his arm around her waist. Zacky looked at her, "I am glad that we did this today." He said. He liked being able to see the baby.


    Roxie watched as he opened the door, then went back to finishing her waffles. She gather her plate along with Matt's. She put it on the car then sat on the end of the bed as they walked in. "Told you." She teased Matt as the other two followed him. She grabbed the remote and found something to watched on tv.

    @ zacky vee;
    June 24th, 2018 at 07:50am
  • "Cookies and cream, I think," Madeline said, not even bothering to look at the menu board. Cookies and cream was her favorite flavor and that hadn't changed just because she was pregnant. "I'm glad we did this, too. I'm glad we got to see the baby."
    "God, don't you idiots have anything better to do besides bother us?" Matt asked, stepping aside to let them into the room. "Bother Brian, maybe? Or bother each other?"

    "Nah, bothering you is more fun," Jimmy said, dropping onto the end of the bed.
    June 26th, 2018 at 08:09am
  • Zacky smiled, "Yea me too." He said. He ordered their milkshakes then walked with her to a table. He sat down with her and took a sip of hid drink. "Are you feeling a little better today?" He asked.


    Jimmy chuckled, "We could, but you get upset about it so it's more fun." He said laughing. He sighed as he sat in the chair, "Plus, Roxie is nice so she makes up for you being an ass." He teased his friend. He looked at Roxie, "Why do you hang out with him. He is so mean." He joked.

    Roxie looked at Jimmy, then looked at Matt who seem annoyed. "I'm not getting involved." She said. She went back to watched her tv show. After awhile Jimmy and them left to get food. Roxie looked at Matt, "Happy now?" She teased him as she laid on the bed.

    @ zacky vee;
    June 26th, 2018 at 07:31pm
  • "Yeah, I feel a little better," Madeline said. She stirred her milkshake with the straw before taking a drink. "I'm not sure how long that will last, hopefully, a little while. Being nauseated on that moving bus is awful." She finished about half of her milkshake before they needed to leave, so she wrapped a napkin around the cup to take it with her. Madeline definitely wasn't about to waste any ice cream, especially being pregnant.
    "Same reason we hang out with you, asshole," Matt said to Jimmy. "For some reason, we kind of like you." Jimmy and Johnny hung around for another thirty minutes or so before they left to go get something to eat and Matt flopped back on the bed. "Very," he said to Roxie. "I love them both like brothers but sometimes I just need a little space. Jimmy's too rambunctious for his own good.
    June 29th, 2018 at 08:57am
  • Zacky nodded, "Yea I know that it has to be miserable for you." He said. He didn't like to see her so uncomfortable. He got up with her and headed back to the hotel. Once they were there he went to their room and sat on the edge of the bed. He looked at her, then got up and started to put his stuff in his bag. He knew they had a few hours, but he liked to make sure that he had all his stuff together. Zacky glanced at her, "Madeline, I'm really glad you are letting me be involved in all of this." He said to her. He was excited about possibly having a child, but he also knew he had to remind himself that it was a possibly that it could be taken from him.

    Brian walked to Madeline's door when he knew she was back. He knocked, hoping to get her to talk to him about the doctor. He knew Zacky was trying to play the happy dad part, but that baby could still be his. He backed up as she opened the door and came out when she seen him. "How'd it go?" He asked her.
    Roxie laughed softly, "Yea I could tell from when we were back home that you enjoyed your alone time." She teased him. She understood that though, because she liked to be alone sometimes to. She liked her friends, but sometimes too much time with them was not good. She moved so she straddled his lap, "So I have a question." She said as she took his hands in hers. She smiled when he looked up at her. He was such a good looking guy. "Next time we have some free time do you want to go somewhere just you and I?" She asked him. She felt like they never spent a ton of time alone and she did really like Matt. Even if they were only friend with benefits at the moment.

    @ zacky vee;
    June 29th, 2018 at 04:51pm
  • "Why wouldn't I let you be involved?" Madeline asked. "I mean, there's a fifty percent chance this baby is yours. I'm just glad you even want to be involved at all." She kicked off her shoes, turning to grab a pair of shorts when there was a knock at the door. "I got it," Madeline said to Zacky. Opening the door, she saw it was Brian and she stepped out into the hallway. "It went good," she answered. "The baby looks good. Strong heartbeat."
    "Uh yeah, we can go somewhere," Matt said. He rested his hands on Roxie's hips. "Just figure out the next time we have a couple of days and plan what you want to do." Whatever they did, he would probably try and keep it a secret from the other guys. It wasn't that he was ashamed to be with Roxie, he just didn't feel like listening to the guys teasing him about Roxie being his girlfriend.
    July 3rd, 2018 at 08:03am