Pretty Little Psycho.

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "It's not charcoal, you moron," Madeline teased. When it was cool enough, she popped it into her mouth. "I love roasted marshmallows so much. I'm glad it's almost fall so we can have bonfires like this more often. Speaking of which, who has the fucking blunt? I haven't seen that thing in forever."
    "Fuck yeah I will, you douche," Matt said. "And yes, I would like another marshmallow, please," he added to Roxie. He waited somewhat patiently for her to eat hers and then make his next one, taking it from her as soon as she handed it to him. "You're like the marshmallow fairy or something," Matt told her, his mouth full of marshmallow.
    August 26th, 2017 at 08:38am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Zacky chuckled as he took the blunt from Jimmy and passed it over to Madeline. "Calm down I got you." He teased her. He looked at the fire, thinking about how in a few weeks they would be back on the road again. He wanted to enjoy this time with Madeline. He looked over at her, as she passed the blunt to her brother. He got up going to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. He walked back to the backyard with them, sitting down once again.
    Roxie smiled at Matt, "It's a gift." She teased him. She watched as he took the blunt from his sister, then took it from him once he passed it to her. She took a hit from it before she handed it to Jimmy. Roxie yawned as she relaxed against Matt. She was ready for bed, but she was enjoying her time with everyone. She stared at the fire as he fingers laced with Matt's.

    @ paradigm;
    August 26th, 2017 at 08:44am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Thanks," Madeline said, taking the blunt from Zacky. She took a long drag, holding her breath to let the smoke permeate her lungs before she passed it off to Matt. When Zacky got up, Madeline resituated herself on the bench, reaching for the smores supplies to make herself another one.
    Matt finished off his smore just in time to take the blunt from his sister. He was going to be cross-faded as hell by the time this evening was over, that was for sure. He passed off the blunt to Roxie, relaxing in his seat. He felt Roxie slip her fingers through his and smiled softly.
    August 27th, 2017 at 09:45am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Zacky watched as Madeline made another smore. Jimmy looked at him and Madeline, "I'm assuming you two are staying?" He asked. Zacky looked at Madeline to see what she wanted to do.


    Roxie passed the blunt then relaxed against Matt and closed her eyes. She yawned quietly as she tried to not fall asleep. She looked at Matt, "Are you tired?" She whispered. Roxie bit her bottom lip lightly as she watched him.

    @ paradigm;
    August 28th, 2017 at 07:51am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Hell no I'm not staying," Madeline said, laughing. "I'm high, I'm not drunk. I can drive myself back to my apartment." She loved Jimmy, but she didn't want to spend the night at his house. They would all be spending the night together again in about a week and a half anyway.
    "A little bit," Matt mumbled. He'd had enough to drink and smoke that he was sufficiently cross-faded and it was making him sleepy. But he could hold out a little longer. He wasn't ready to go home yet. He was enjoying the company of Roxie and his friends.
    August 29th, 2017 at 08:54am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Zacky smiled, "Well I guess that means she is taking my drunk ass home." He said, chuckling. He was ready to sleep but he would stay however long Madeline wanted to. He couldn't wait to be alone with her again.

    Roxie looked over as Jimmy asked if she was taking Matt home. "I mean I can if he wants to." She said looking at Matt. "What do you want to do?" She asked. She didn't mind helping him because he seemed pretty drunk.

    @ paradigm;
    August 30th, 2017 at 07:25am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I love how you just volunteered me," Madeline teased, grinning at Zacky. But she didn't mind taking Zacky back to her apartment. In fact, she would prefer to take him home with her.
    "Yeah, you can take me home," Matt mumbled. "But not right now. I want another marshmallow first." Matt took the marshmallow when Roxie finally handed it to him, stuffing it into his mouth.
    August 31st, 2017 at 06:27am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Zacky chuckled, "Hey I'm good company." He said. He finished his beer, then looked at her, "I'm ready when you are." He said. He leaned back against his chair and stared at the fire. He was pretty tired. He got up when she was ready, "I'll catch you later guys." He said. He walked out with Madeline, getting in her car. He put his seat belt on. "You are the best." HE teased her as he put his hand on her thigh.
    Roxie handed him his marshmallow, then got up when he was ready. She grabbed her keys and walked out with Matt once they said their goodbyes. She got in her car, then drove to his house after he told her where to go. She stopped in front of his house, "Think you can handle getting inside." She teased him.

    @ paradigm;
    August 31st, 2017 at 06:56am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Madeline took one last hit from the blunt before she got to her feet. She said goodbye to everyone before walking out to her car with Zacky, unlocking the door and sliding into the driver's seat. "Well, I'd hope you would think that, since I'm taxi-ing your drunk ass home," Madeline teased back.
    Once Matt was finished with his marshmallow, he got to his feet, following Roxie to her car. He directed her to his house, fumbling with his seatbelt to unbuckle it. "No, no, I think you should help me inside," Matt told Roxie. He could probably manage to make it inside, but there was no way he would make it upstairs to his bedroom.
    September 1st, 2017 at 08:16am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Zacky smiled, "I think that about you everyday." He said, looking over at her. He was glad that the night went well. "Your brother was in a good mood. He didnt try to punch me in the face." He said, laughing. He knew Matt was still getting use to them being together, but he was hoping his friend would manage.


    Roxie nodded, "Okay." She said as she shut her car off. She got out and walked with him, letting him unlock the door. She had never been in his house, but it was nice. She walked inside, letting him lock the door. She walked up the stairs with him, making sure he didn't fall. She walked into his room, turning on the light. "Think you are good?" She asked him, looking at him. She watched as he started to pull his shirt off.

    @ paradigm;
    September 1st, 2017 at 09:32am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Of course Matt was in a good mood, he was drunk," Madeline laughed. "Well actually, cross-faded. There is no one chiller than a cross-faded Matt." When she reached Zacky's house, Madeline killed the engine and looked over at him. "Did you want me to come inside?" she asked.
    Matt held on to Roxie as she helped him upstairs, closing his bedroom door behind them before he started to pull off his shirt. "Grab me a pair of basketball shorts and another t-shirt," Matt said. When Roxie handed him the clothes, Matt pulled them on before sitting down on the edge of his bed. "Are you leaving or staying?"
    September 2nd, 2017 at 08:01am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Zacky nodded, "Yea come in." He said as he got up. He walked with her to his house, opening his door. Zacky walked up to his room, pulling his shirt off. He looked at her, "Did you want to stay with me?" He asked. He was hoping that she would stay.


    Roxie handed him his clothes, watching as he sat on the bed. "Do you want me to stay?" She asked him. She wanted to stay with him, but she didn't want to crowd him. She sat on the bed next to him, before looking over at him. "Did you have fun?" She asked him, smiling a little.

    @ paradigm;
    September 4th, 2017 at 05:03pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Madeline followed Zacky out of the car, locking it and stuffing the keys into her pocket. She walked with Zacky up to his room. "Yeah, I'll stay," Madeline said. "Take care of my little drunkie," she added teasingly.
    "Yeah, yeah, you should stay," Matt said. He laid back on his bed, looking over at Roxie when she sat down next to him. He nodded when she asked him if he'd had fun. "Yeah, tons of fun," he answered. "We should definitely do it again sometime."
    September 5th, 2017 at 06:55am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Zacky chuckled, "Well good because I need it." He said as he got ready for bed. He laid down on the bed, "Why do we drink so much?" He asked. "I mean you would think this group enjoys hangovers." He muttered laughing softly. He looked at her and smiled. "You are pretty." He said.


    Roxie nodded when he mentioned doing it again. "Yea that would be fun." She said as she got up after she took her shoes off. She stripped down to her bra and panties then got into bed with him. She looked at his ceiling as they laid their, before she looked at him. "I understand why you always want your own bed so much. This thing is nice." She said, laughing softly.

    @ paradigm;
    September 5th, 2017 at 02:18pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Madeline laughed when Zacky asked her why they drank so much. "Probably because you're all a bunch of weirdos," she teased. She grinned at Zacky's compliment, leaning over to give him a kiss. "You're pretty, too," Madeline said, kissing him again.
    Matt watched through half-closed eyes as Roxie got undressed. He wasn't sure why that was necessary, but he wasn't going to complain at all. Turning over onto his side, he threw his arm over her waist. "It's comfortable, isn't it?" Matt mumbled.
    September 6th, 2017 at 06:43am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Zacky smiled, "Oh im the prettiest of them all." He teased her. He kissed her, "But you almost beat me." He teased her. He wrapped his arms around her and snuggled against her. He began to run his fingers through her hair as they laid there.


    Roxie nodded, "Yes it is very comfy." She said as she closed her eyes. She slowly fell asleep as she laced her fingers with his. She woke up the the next morning and laid with him.

    @ paradigm;
    September 6th, 2017 at 11:44am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Almost?" Madeline said. "That's kind of rude, Zacky. I might have to kick you out of my bed." Madeline kissed him one last time before she snuggled up close to him, enjoying the feeling of his fingers running through her hair.
    Matt was asleep in no time, lulled by the alcohol. When he woke up, he was a little surprised to find Roxie in his bed until he remembered last night. Groaning, Matt climbed out of bed to go and get himself some Tylenol.
    September 8th, 2017 at 07:45am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Zacky smiled, "Oh you know i'm just messing with you." He said as he kissed her cheek. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. He woke up the next morning and looked over at Madeline, smiling. He rolled over and pulled her body to his. He smirked as he held her body close to his. He didn't want to leave her side just yet.
    Roxie woke up the next morning and looked up at the ceiling. She sighed and got up, getting dressed. She looked at her phone, answering a text from her friend. She got up and walked downstairs, finding Matt. "How's the hangover?" She teased him. She knew he probably had a headache.

    @ paradigm;
    September 8th, 2017 at 07:27pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Madeline fell asleep with her face pressed to Zacky's shoulder, waking up when she felt herself being pulled closer to him. "How are you feeling this morning, my little drunkie?" she teased.
    Matt went to his master bathroom to get himself some Tylenol, washing it down with a swig of water from the sink. Afterwards, he headed downstairs to the kitchen, deciding to start a pot of coffee. "Not too bad," Matt answered Roxie.
    September 10th, 2017 at 08:28am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Zacky grinned, "Surprisingly, I do not feel so bad." He said chuckling. "It helps that I get to wake up to you." He said, kissing her cheek. He held her close and kissed her softly. He loved that he didn't have to hide his feelings for her anymore.


    Roxie nodded, "Did you need me to take you to get your car from Jimmy's?" She asked as she sat at his kitchen island. She hated the tension they had since that last argument. She loved last night because everything was normal again.

    @ paradigm;
    September 10th, 2017 at 07:37pm