Fork in the Road

  • Negan licked his bottom lip as he listened to both Rick and Lucille speak. Rick seemed like the type of man who could keep his word—but at the same time he seemed much more like Negan then he liked… He was worried that there would be a dominance struggle, which is not something that Negan would be allowing to go on around his group. Negan was in charge and it was going to stay that way. As long as that was understood, Negan thought they might possibly be able to get along.

    Even though his gut was screaming at him to do otherwise, Negan agreed. “Fine,” he huffed out. “But I fucking mean it, if anything—and I mean anything starts to happen… All of you will be lined up once more and I am telling you I won’t be taking just one,”

    Negan ignored the eyeing looks from Lucille as he continued to speak, “And to be quite honest, I really don’t give a flying fuck if you are in charge of your group, but do not cross me. That is the only time I will be saying it. You really wont enjoy it if I have to repeat myself—because trust me, I don’t like having to repeat myself.”
    October 23rd, 2016 at 11:33pm