Tattoos on the Heart.

  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky didn't know the meaning of patience. He decided to take her up on the offer of putting on some music, hooking his phone up to it so he could play a playlist. He began to move his head to the best of the music that he put on, singing along to the lyrics. Nothing like a little Metallica to get you in the tattoo mood. Zacky watched Louisa run off to put the sketch on transfer paper, relaxing in the chair. "You want me to take my shirt of already? Naughty girl, aren't you," he told her with a smirk. He could have just as easily moved his sleeve up but she insisted on having him shirtless. Zacky sat up and pulled his shirt off, tossing it aside. He couldn't help but laugh as she said that the tattoo was going to be pretty. "Pretty? You think it's going to be pretty? I'm kind of hoping for like bad ass or something. If a decapitated Mickey is pretty to you I think I might be a bit concerned," he teased. He watched as she began doing the line work on him, feeling the familiar sting of the needle piercing his skin. He always found getting a tattoo so relaxing. He almost always falling asleep at some point during it. "The gym was alright. I still think Matt had some sort of hidden agenda to kill me or something. I'll never understand what made him go all mister buff guy and lift all of those weights," Zacky said with a shake of his head. He smirked when Louisa told him it looked like he might already have some muscle, lifting his free arm and flexing it. "You think I'm already getting some muscle though? Maybe I should keep going to the gym, tone myself out and get something good for you to look at." Zacky knew that Louisa liked his chub, but maybe he needed to start working out and slimming his figure just a bit. It might come in handing in bed after all. Like building his stamina so he could last longer. That would be great.
    Jenna's face turned blood red at Zacky's comment. She cleared her throat, trying to just ignore it. Of course she always had a backup plan if Matt ever came inside of her. She had Plan B on stand by at all times. She even had one in her purse. Except she really needed to check and see if it was still any good or not. Ever since she started dating Matt she hadn't thought about using it or changing it out when it needed to be. Matt was amazing and right at this moment Jenna felt like she could spend her life with him and have kids if it happened. But it was still early in their relationship. They were still in the honeymoon phase. Jenna got in a comfy position on Matt's lap, blushing even more and giggling as he kissed the tip of her nose. That earned a reaction from Pirate which made her shake her head and sigh. "Such a silly little thing," she said, leaning over and picking the puppy up. She set him in her lap, leaning into Matt and resting her head on his shoulder. "I'm going to be so sad when you leave," she said softly, pouting. She just didn't want to spend any time away from him. Jenna actually wanted him to come home with her tonight. She just loved snuggling up to him and feeling his warmth while she slept. She could honestly probably fall asleep right now with how comfy she was. "How did the gym go? You never sent me any pictures of you but I'll let that one slide," she told him as she reached up and poked his cheek gently. Jenna had wanted pictures but she ended up getting the real thing afterwards. That was a million times better than any silly picture.
    March 20th, 2017 at 09:40am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Get your mind out of the gutter, mister," Louisa scolded playfully, hearing Zacky's comment about his shirt. She didn't like doing arm tattoos when someone was wearing a shirt, it made things difficult. Especially when the tattoo was on the upper arm, like Zacky's was. And it didn't hurt that he was pretty easy on the eyes. "Yes, I think it's going to be pretty, I think all tattoos are pretty," Louisa said. She paused, thinking for a short second. "Well, not all tattoos. I've done some pretty damn ugly ones. Like the classic belly button is a monkey's asshole. Those aren't pretty." She fell into a nice rhythm with the line work, humming along with the song Zacky had played. She nodded as she listened to Zacky talk about the gym, getting the idea it was probably among his least favorite places in the world. "Well I've already got something good to look at," Louisa said, raking her gaze over Zacky's body. She smirked at him. "But I wouldn't mind if you had a little more muscle. I need to tone up too, maybe we can go together. You can lift weights and build muscle and I'll do squats so I'll have an ass that won't quit." She laughed at her stupid joke, wiping away some of the excess ink from Zacky's arm. The line work was coming along nicely and within fifteen more minutes, she was done. "Alright, now it's onto the shading!" Louisa exclaimed happily. She changed the needle tip, selecting a wider tip that was better suited for shading. "I can't wait until this is finished, you're going to fucking love it, darlin'," she said, grinning. "And I'm totally getting a picture to put on my work instagram. And my personal instagram, too. I've got a sexy ass boyfriend, I should show him off."
    Matt eyed Pirate warily when Jenna brought the puppy into the chair with them. That damn puppy had sharp ass little teeth and he didn't want to get bitten again. He wrapped his arm around Jenna's shoulders, rubbing her upper arm absentmindedly as he halfway watched what was on the TV. "Aww, don't be sad baby girl, then I'll be sad," Matt said, kissing Jenna's temple. "We can always arrange for a way to see each other later. And the gym was fun. The gym is always fine. I know lots of people hate going to the gym, but I like it. And I really liked dragging Zacky along, because it was kind of funny to watch him struggle." Matt laughed. "Maybe I'll take you next time, show you off a little to my gym buddies. You can wear a pair of tights or leggings or whatever the hell you call those things, show off your perfect little ass. And I won't mind if everyone looks, as long as I'm the only one who gets to touch. Ooh, we could also go running, take the dogs with us and everything. That would be fun don't you think, Pirate?" Matt asked the puppy, reaching over to scratch his ears. The little dog was thrilled with the attention and tried to lick Matt's hand. "Eww," he said, wiping the dog slobber on Jenna's cheek. "Don't lick me, lick your Mommy." The puppy obviously heard nothing that Matt said and placed his front paws on Matt's chest, trying to get at his face. "Okay, I think it's time for you to go back onto the floor," Matt said, lifting the puppy up and placing him on the floor. He made a face when he felt the dog slobber on his cheek, rubbing it against Jenna's. "There, have that."
    March 21st, 2017 at 04:29am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ bonzer
    March 22nd, 2017 at 05:59am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ bonzer
    March 22nd, 2017 at 06:00am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky couldn't help but make a face at the whole belly button tattoo thing. That was probably one of the weirdest and gross tattoos he'd ever seen. "Why would anyone even want to get a tattoo on their belly button like that? I don't see how they could be popular with the ladies or men if they walk around shirtless and have that bit thing just sitting there on their stomach," he said as he shook his head. He looked down at watched Louisa do her thing, finding her so adorable how concentrated she was on the tattoo. He smiled, biting his bottom lip. He couldn't wait for it to be finished so he could see the finished product on him. He chuckled at how excited she was to be moving on to the shading, sighing softly. "Damn, we're moving right along." It wasn't taking nearly as long to do it as he thought it would. Obviously with Louisa doing the work time flew by much quicker than if some random person was doing it and they weren't having a very thrilling conversation. "So you think I should tone up the flab a little bit, huh?" Zacky mused, rubbing his belly with his free hand. "Well, in that case, I guess we can go to the gym together then. I'm definitely not going to go by myself." There was no way in hell that Zacky would even be caught dead in the gym alone. He wasn't even sure if he ever wanted to step foot in one again with Matt. He was like the fucking devil trying to get him to work himself to death.
    Jenna was glad that Matt said they could arrange for them to see one another later. Even if she knew they needed to spend some time apart, she just couldn't help but feel attached already. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Whenever she got attached and started falling for someone they easily ripped her heart out in the end. That thought almost made Jenna want to shrink back and pull away a little. But she reassured herself that she was just being silly and over working her brain. She giggled as she watched Matt with Pirate, snorting as the puppy started to lick his face. "Hey, gross!" she squeaked, making a face as Matt wiped his dog slobber covered cheek on her. "Out of all the places you could have wiped that off on, it had to be me," she said with a shake of her head. She reached up and wiped sher cheek off, huffing. Pirate began to whine at her feet again, making Jenna wonder if he as actually trying to tell her that he needed to go out. "It's a miracle, i think he's telling me he has to go potty," she said with wide eyes as she slid off of Matt's lap. At the mention of going potty Pirate began dancing around, trying to trip Jenna with how excited he was. "Sweet baby jesus, calm down," she grumbled, grabbing his leash from behind the counter and hooking it on to him. "I'll be right back," she told Matt, doing some weird salute thing before walking out the front door. It was still freezing outside, colder than usual for California. Jenna hoped that it warmed up at least a little bit soon or else she wasn't sure if she was going to be able to make it.
    March 23rd, 2017 at 02:39am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Beats me," Louisa said, shrugging her shoulders. "I've gotten to the point where I refuse to do tattoos like that. And dick tattoos. Won't do those, either. I don't understand why a guy would want a tattoo on his dick, anyway. If I was about to have sex with a guy and I pulled his dick out and he had an elephant or some shit tattooed on it, it would be be so over. So don't get a tattoo on your dick, darlin'." Louisa laughed. It seemed like Zacky was just as surprised as she was that things were moving along so quickly, but her work always went by fast. It was just so fun to her. "Well I'll think you're sexy either way, darlin'," Louisa said, giving him a wink. "But I think it would be fun to go to the gym together. We could have a nice little workout and then maybe get a little naughty in the shower." Louisa bit her lip as she turned her attention back to Zacky's tattoo. It had a really long time since she'd done anything in public, but she felt like Zacky might be willing to experiment with her. And if they happened to get caught, oh well. They still would've had sex and they'd have a story to tell. After another forty minutes or so, Louisa was finally finished the tattoo, and she rubbed a little witch hazel on it before reaching for her phone. "God, it looks so fucking good," she said, taking a picture of it. "A good looking tattoo on a good looking man." Louisa gave Zacky a short kiss on the lips before she posted the picture on her work instagram, tagging the account Zacky used for his clothing line. "Okay, let's get this tattoo wrapped up and then you can put your shirt back on." Louisa wrapped Zacky's tattoo with saran wrap and a small bandage, handing him back his shirt. "Now normally I'd charge about two hundred dollars for a tattoo like that, but since you're just so damn cute I'll let you have it for free," she said, giving Zacky a playful wink. "Ooh, speaking of cute, I need a picture of your adorable little face to put up on my wall."
    "Well baby girl, there's only one thing I want all over my face and it definitely isn't dog slobber," Matt said, smirking deviously. He pouted a little when Jenna got up from his lap, since she was warm and he'd been pretty damn comfortable. "Hurry back, my lap's going to get cold without you," Matt said, grinning as he watched Jenna take the puppy outside. He shifted on the recliner, tossing his legs over one of the arms and getting comfortable. He yawned, letting his eyes drift shut after a few minutes. After last night and going to the gym today, Matt was pretty tired, and this recliner was comfortable. When Jenna finally came back inside, he was just about half asleep, and he reached out for her lazily. "Come here, baby girl," he mumbled sleepily. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his lap again, snuggling his face into her shoulder. "You smell good. And you're warm. Stay right here so I can take a nap." Matt really hoped that Zacky didn't come out of that tattoo room anytime soon, because that would mean it was time to leave and Matt really didn't want to get out of this recliner. "So what time do you get off work, baby girl?" Matt asked. "I think I want to come and spend the night at your apartment." He wondered if Zacky was going to come back to the girls' apartment too, so he could spend the night with Louisa. Matt was sure he would, since Zacky hardly seemed to be able to spend any time away from Louisa. But Matt was just glad that his friend had someone nice in his life after what his last girlfriend had done to him. "We can get up in the morning and go running, leave the other two lazy asses in bed."
    March 23rd, 2017 at 07:46am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    "Don't worry, Princess, i definitely don't plan on getting a tattoo on my dick," Zacky told her with a laugh. That's just sounded so damn painful. He never understood why men would want to get a tattoo done on their dick. That was suck a sensitive area and Zacky couldn't even imagine having a needle go anywhere near there. He smirked as Louisa talked about going to the gym, biting his lower lip as she mentioned having a little naughty time in the showers. He was definitely up for that. "Naughty time in the showers? Such a bad girl," he teased, giving her a wink. "That will definitely make going to the gym worth while." Zacky was surprised when she told him that his tattoo was finished, looking down at it for the first time since she had started shading. "It looks fuckinc fantastic," he said cheerfully. "You did such an amazing job, princess. Thank you so much," he told her as he gave her a small kiss on the lips. "You should let me pay you. As amazing as this tattoo is and how greatful I am for it I feel awful with you just giving it to me for free," he told her with a small pout. Zacky hated not paying for things. He didn't care who it was or what kind of connection he had with them, he felt like he deserved it. He'd have to go upfront and secretly pay for it later or come by some random time abad do it. Zacky chuckled and got up out of the chair once she finished wrapping him up and taking a picture of the tattoo, letting her take a picture of his face to put up on the wall. "So, your place or mine tonight?" He asked her with an suggestive wiggle of his brow. He didn't want to spend the night without her obviously. But if she wanted to be alone then of course he wouldn't push it. He didn't want her to think he was extremely clingy or something, that would be really bad. "But if you rather stay home alone tonight that's totally fine," he told her with wide eyes, biting his bottom lip.
    Jenna came back inside with Pirate a few minutes later, freezing her butt off. "It's so cold," she whined, taking his leash off and putting it back behind the counter. She grinned and giggled as she climbed back onto Matt's lap into his waiting arms, snuggling into him for warmth. "Oh really?" She said with a small smirk when he said she smelled good. She giggled as she curled up into him more, watching as he tried not to fall asleep. He was just so darn cute, it melted her heart. Her eyes lit up at the mention of Matt staying over at her house, nodding. "Yes, you should come stay the night with me," she told him, pressing her lips against his ear. "We can experiment with my duffle bag full of goodies finally," she said hotly against his ear, smirking. Jenna really wanted Matt to come stay with her now. "You have the right idea of getting up for a run in the morning. I haven't gone for one in a while, I definitely need it," she told him as she placed a small kiss on his cheek. Jenna looked over at the clock on the wall to see what time it was, seeing that it was a little past two in the afternoon. "Louisa might close up shop early today since it's still icy out and we aren't that busy. So I'll probably be heading home in a couple of hours." Jenna felt like she needed to hurry home and clean her room for Matt to come over. She hadn't made her bed in God only knows how long and she had stuff thrown everywhere from when she had been getting ready for her date with Matt. It was a bit embarsssing now that she thought about it but it wasn't like she had been home to clean it. Jenna took the remote from Matt to flip channels, settling on MTV. "Oh look, the music video awards are coming up," she said, watching the nominee lineup. Her eyes almost popped out of her head when Avenged Sevenfold came up, sitting up and gently hitting Matt repeatedly. "Why didn't you tell me?!" She yelled, finally looking away from the tv and to Matt. "This is such a huge deal," she said as she began to bounce in his lap from excitement.
    March 23rd, 2017 at 09:09am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Well I thought that maybe a little naughty time in the shower might give you the motivation to work hard in the gym," Louisa said, giving him another wink. After she'd wrapped up Zacky's tattoo, she went about putting up the supplies and cleaning up the room. She wasn't surprised at all when Zacky insisted on paying for the tattoo, and she grinned. "If you insist darlin', you can pay for the tattoo," Louisa said, looking at Zacky. "But I won't take a dime more than one hundred. Posting this on social media is going to bring in way more clients that we wouldn't have otherwise had, so that can be the rest of your payment. And like I said, you're just so damn cute. And I think we should stay at my apartment tonight, I haven't been there in couple of days," Louisa added, laughing. "We can snuggle in my bed and there's actually food in the fridge so tomorrow I can get up and make breakfast! And when Jenna and Matt get up to go running or go to the gym or wherever, we can christen my mattress. Well, christen it between the two of us." Louisa gave Zacky a peck on the cheek before leading him back into the lobby. She patted the counter in front of Katy. "Katy, ring Zack here up for one Ben Franklin," she instructed. "And don't let him try and talk you into taking more from him. I won't have it. A hundred dollars, that's it," Louisa added, pointing a warning finger at Zacky. Leaving Zacky and Katy to finish their transaction, Louisa went over to the recliner where Matt and Jenna were relaxing and plopped down onto Jenna's lap. "Hi, guys!" she exclaimed. "How are we doing over here? Did I interrupt a little makeout party or anything?"
    Even half asleep, Matt smirked at the mention of Jenna's little bag of goodies. "I'd like that, baby girl," he murmured, giving her thigh a squeeze. "We'll just buy Zacky and Louisa some earplugs." He grinned, nodding when Jenna said that Louisa might close up the shop early. The sign on the door said that they didn't close until eleven o'clock at night, which meant that hopefully Louisa would decide to close the shop around seven or eight. "Maybe when you guys close, you, me, Zack, and Louisa can go out for a late dinner," Matt suggested. "You know, like a double date. I know this really great place downtown I think both of you ladies would love. Their beer cheese fries are out of this world." Matt settled his head on Jenna's shoulder, closing his eyes again as took the remote from him. He heard her mention something about the music video awards, and then suddenly he was being hit repeatedly. "Hey, hey, hey!" he shouted. He grabbed Jenna's hips and stopped her from bouncing in his lap. "I didn't tell you because I just didn't think about it. But since you brought it up, you're going to need to go out and buy something nice to wear. I'll pay for it, so don't worry about that. But you're going to be my date, baby girl." Matt gave her a kiss on the cheek, rubbing her shoulder. He was looking forward to taking Jenna to the music video awards and showing her off. Matt had almost managed to nod off again when suddenly Louisa was in Jenna's lap and he was being crushed under the weight of two women. "Actually you interrupted the nap I was trying to have," Matt grumbled, trying to get the blonde off of the recliner. "Go bother Zacky's fat ass or something."
    March 24th, 2017 at 08:35am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ bonzer
    March 25th, 2017 at 05:29am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    "That will definitely give me motivation," Zacky told Louisa, smirking. He stood up once she was done wrapping him up, smiling bright when she agreed to let him pay her. "You make me so happy," he told her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in for a kiss. He wiggled his brows when she said they could stay at her place tonight, biting his lip when she mentioned christening her bed. "I like the sound of that very much. Especially the whole food thing," he said with wide eyes. He was definitely going to have to go grocery shopping tomorrow for his house. It was just getting ridiculous. Zacky followed Louisa to the front, chucking as she told Katy to ring him up. He pulled out his walllet, grabbing a crisp hundred dollar bill and handing it over. "There we go," he said with a nod, taking his recipt from Katy once she was done ringing him up. He felt very satisfied and also had a clear concious since she let him pay her. Zacky raised a brow as he watched Louisa go over and flop down on Jenna's lap, laughing at Matt's reaction. "Are you trying to say they're heavy, Matt?" He teased, sitting down on the nearby couch. "That's awfully rude. You shouldn't ever say that about a woman." Zacky snickered. He loved getting Matt into trouble. Not that this was really going to get him any. When it came to any of the guys' girlfriends he always liked to try and get them in the dog house. "Man, I'm hungry. When are you guys gonna close so we can go get some food?" He said, stretching and putting his hands behind his head. He could definitely go for some really good food right about now. Something that would stick to his stomach so he wouldn't have to worry about being hungry for a good while. Zacky bent down and picked up Pirate, snickering at how squirmy the puppy was. "Man id hate to see how you are when you're fully grown. Hope you don't decide to be a lapdog like Majesty," he chuckled, petting the dog.
    Jenna's eyes widened as she looked at Matt, wondering if he'd fallen and hit his head at the gym. "Me? Go with you as your date? Do you know how awkward I am, how am I supposed to walk that damn carpet with you. There will be cameras and... cameras. Loads of famous people. Oh god," she said. Covering her face with her hands. "I'm going to be a total embarsssment." Jenna grunted when Louisa was suddenly in her lap, smirking when she asked if she'd interrupted a make out session. "Nope, no make out session here unfortunately," she said with a small sigh. "Just discussing how awkward I'm going to be being his date for this awards shindig. Has Zacky mentioned anything to you about it?" She asked Louisa, looking over at Zacky with a raised brow. He definitely had a guilty look on his face as he sunk down in his seat. Jenna shook her head, sighing. She giggled as Zacky mentioned getting something to eat. "You're just going to have to wait, damn. Did you guys not eat Lunch?" She asked, getting up once Louisa got up. She walked over to Pirates food and water bowl, changing the water and giving him some food that she had brought with her. He had to be hungry by now and surely that sandwitch didn't do him any good. "I can't wait to go home and crawl in my bed honestly." Jenna groaned as she stretched, yawning. She was still a bit hungover and she just wanted to crawl into her amazing bed that she hadn't slept in for days and relax. First she had to clean it. Before Matt even stepped in her room she was going to have to clean up. That she defintely wasn't looking forward to. "I have to clean when we get home. I hate cleaning," she groaned, sitting on the floor with Pirate. She watched him eat for a minute before laying back on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Jenna heard the door open and she looked up, seeing a walk in. "I got it!" She said excitedly, popping up from her spot on the floor to go talk to them. Jenna listened to their idea of what they wanted, nodding and picturing what she was going to draw for them in her head. Once she was done talking to them she told them to have a seat for a moment while she drew up a sketch.
    March 25th, 2017 at 09:40am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "An awards show?" Louisa repeated, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. She looked over at Zacky, who was slinking down into his seat with a guilty look on his face. "No, Zacky hasn't mentioned it. He was too busy heckling me into letting him pay for his tattoo. Speaking of, look! Isn't it just amazing? I don't like to brag, but I think I did a damn good job. And the canvas I had didn't hurt, either." She gave Zacky a wink as she got up from Jenna's lap. She sat down next to Zacky, leaning her head over on his shoulder. When he asked what time they were going to close, she glanced back at the clock, seeing that it was just about three thirty in the afternoon. She snorted. "If you plan on waiting for us, you've got a good wait left, darlin'. On normal days we don't close until eleven o'clock, but since it's icy and there aren't that many appointments left, I'll probably close after the last appointment. Which I think is at seven thirty?" Louisa looked to Katy for confirmation, and the secretary nodded. "But we can go get some food then, darlin'," she added, pecking Zacky on the cheek. She glanced up when the door opened, seeing a walk-in come through the door. She was just about to get up to handle it when Jenna rushed in, and so Louisa plopped back down next to Zacky. "Jenna, that's not fair!" she whined, pouting. "The walk-ins are supposed to be mine, you jerk." She looked over at Zacky with a pout. "See how mean she is to me? Matt, your girlfriend is mean. Speaking of your girlfriend, the two of you had better not wake us up tomorrow morning when y'all get up to go for a run or to the gym or wherever. I like my fucking sleep. Oh and," Louisa paused, grinning a little sheepishly. "Our apartment building allows pets but if y'all stay the night, you can't bring your dogs. I don't if you noticed, but it's a little small and we live on the top floor so it would be difficult to let them out during the night. But surely y'all can live without them for one night?"
    Matt chuckled at Jenna's reaction to finding out she would be his date to the music video awards. "It's not that fancy, baby girl," he told her. "At least not for us. Sure, you'll have to take a few pictures with me on the carpet, but they'll mostly be worried about us. I don't mean to brag or anything, but we are rockstars up for music video of the year. You're just a tattoo artist. A sexy as hell tattoo artist, though. You can even be an extra for our next music video if you want. We're going to do one for Beast and the Harlot. And no Zack, I wasn't saying they were heavy, I was saying you were heavy. All I said to your precious little princess was that she interrupted my nap." Honestly, Zacky was always trying to get him in trouble with whatever girlfriend he had at the time. Luckily he wasn't very good at it. Matt watched Jenna as she rolled around on the ground with Pirate and then jumped up to handle the walk-in, which Louisa didn't seem very happy about. "Don't worry, we won't wake you up," Matt assured her. "I know how to be quiet in the morning when other people are still asleep. This motherfucker over here doesn't seem to grasp the concept. He stomps and knocks shit over, I don't see how you've gotten any sleep with him around. You could also set off a bomb next to him and he wouldn't wake up, so don't even think about trying to wake him up with sex. He doesn't like that, anyway. Hates it. Especially blowjobs. Don't ever give him one of those. In fact, just stay as far away from his dick as possible."
    March 26th, 2017 at 08:20am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky chuckled as Louisa talked excitedly about the tattoo she had just done on him, also pretty excited himself. "Its an amazing tattoo. You did a fantastic job," he told her, kissing her cheek. Zacky groaned when Louisa told him what time she was probably going to close the shop, trying to think of what he could snack on to tie him over until then. He didn't exactly have anything to snack on right now anyways. He wondered if the convenience store across the street was open. Zacky looked up as the front door opened, laughing as Jenna immediately got up and took the walk in, leaving Louisa pouty and irritated. "You're so cute when you're mad," he told Louisa, smirking. "Yeah, Matt, your girlfriend is so mean. She treats my girlfriend horribly, you should take care of that. Like punish her or something, ground her I dont know. I would suggest giving her a spanking but I feel like she would like that a little to much," he said with a face, shaking his head. Zacky looked over at the clock, frowning when he noticed that it hadn't changed much. He wasn't sure if they should hang out here until the girls were done or go shower and get changed before they picked them up for dinner. Zacky didn't exactly want to be a bother and sit on the couch like a potato and he didn't want to go out to dinner smelling like one either. "I think I have enough time to go home and shower. I'm pretty sure I don't smell very attractive right now," he said with a small laugh.
    Jenna stuck her tongue out at Louisa, scoffing when she and Zacky both were trying to get Matt to punish her. If Jenna hadn't been with a customer she would totally put both of them in her place and agree to let Matt punish her in any way he wanted to. Jenna showed the finished sketch to the guy wanting the tattoo, smiling when he said he loved it and was ready to get started. Jenna put the tattoo on transfer paper, taking him back to her station and putting it on him. It was a relatively small tattoo so she knew she could get it done in at least an hour and a half, if not maybe less than that. Jenna wheeled around to get all of her supplies ready, pinking out the appropriate ink for the shading. She tied her hair up, grabbing her tattoo gun and getting to work on the outline of the tattoo. She began making small talk with him, asking him random questions and trying to find out more information about the tattoo. Jenna loved hearing the backstories on the tattoos that people got. Some of them were amazing and glorious and others not so much. Some of them made her heart break with the story behind them. Every tattoo she's done has had an amazing story behind them. It was probably another reason why she loved what she did for a living so much. Nothing was ever the same and she always got to hear and do something different. It kept her on her toes.
    March 30th, 2017 at 04:08am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I won't be cute when I'm mad at you," Louisa mumbled, grinning at Zacky. She flopped back against the couch, nodding overzealously when Zacky told Matt that Jenna treated her horribly. "Yes, she's so mean to me," she pouted. "I'm a princess, I deserve to be treated like one." Louisa maintained a straight face for about three seconds before she busted out laughing. She couldn't help it, sometimes she was just really dumb. They all sat there for a little while longer before Zacky said something about leaving, and Louisa shook her head as she wrapped her arms around his upper arm, making sure to be careful of his tattoo. "No, you can't leave, then I'll get cold," she whined playfully. She held him tightly for a few seconds before letting him go. "But I guess you could use a shower. You smell a little stinky," she teased. She turned Zacky's head and gave him a lengthy kiss, smiling against his lips. She couldn't wait until later, when she could kiss him as much as she wanted. Some people might say she was moving a little too fast with Zacky - and deep down, she thought she might be, too - but she felt such a connection with him, and after Jay, it was so nice to have a man who treated her so well and made her feel like, well, a princess. "I'll text you when we close up the shop," Louisa said, pulling away from Zacky. "In the meantime, you and Matt decide where you want to have our very late dinner. Nothing fancy, I was thinking something like that bar you took me to for dinner on our first date?" She gave him another short kiss, patting him on the cheek. "I'll see you in a few hours, darlin'."
    Matt laughed when Zacky and Louisa started telling him that he needed to punish Jenna. "Trust me, I really don't think you guys want me to do that," he said, smirking. "Because you're right Zack, she'd probably like that a little too much." If the other things Jenna liked were any indication, Matt was sure she would like to be spanked and punished. And she did say she wanted him to tease her with her bag of toys...Matt shook his head, patting his thighs as he tried to think of anything to keep himself from getting a boner, because he certainly didn't want to get one of those in the middle of the tattoo shop. Luckily the thought of Johnny's pale bare ass did the trick, although now Matt had that mental image to deal with. After a little while, Zacky said something about going to take a shower, and Matt nodded in agreement, sitting up in the recliner. "That definitely sounds like a plan, Zacky," he said. "You fucking stink, even though you didn't do shit at the gym except whine. And I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to take a shower too, since we're taking our two beautiful ladies out to a late dinner. Just let me go say goodbye to Jenna." Matt got up from the recliner, taking a couple of seconds to stretch his muscles before heading back to Jenna's tattoo room. He gave a short knock before he stepped inside, smiling when he saw Jenna. "Me and Zacky are going to head out, we both need a shower," Matt told her. He leaned down to give her a short kiss. "I'll see you in a couple of hours."
    March 30th, 2017 at 06:56am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky frowned when Louisa grabbed ahold of him, telling him she didn't want him to leave. He gasped and faked offended when she told him that he did indeed stink, putting a hand over his heart. "That is just so hurtful," he told her. He smirked as she pressed her lips against hiS, kissing he back deeply. Zacky pulled away after a while, a satisfied sigh passing his lips. "I'll see you soon," he told her, standing up off the couch. He nodded when she told him he'd text her when they closed, reaching down and ruffling up her hair. Zacky hurried out of the shop before he could get yelled at, quickly saying goodbye. He wanted to avoid a scary and mad Louisa, if indeed he wouldn't think she was cute when she was mad at him. He got into Matt's car, sighing softly as he buckled up and waited for Matt to hurry up and get in the car. Zacky reallg wanteda shower now since everyone told him time and time again how much he smelled. It was beginning to get a bit embarsssing. It didn't matter though, it was the stench of a man and he was proud of it. He went to the gym and got his nice smell. Zacky tapped his foot against the floor board of the car, growing impatient. He had no idea how long it took to say goodbye to someone. It wasn't like they weren't coming back in a couple of hours. Zacky had to figure out what he was going to do with the dogs. He'd probably just fill up two bowls of water and food and leave the doggy door open so they could let themselves out. He wasn't really going away for that long, just over night. Zacky would have totally brought them if Louisa hadn't told him not to. He had no idea what she was going to do when Pirate got bigger and they had to share an apartment with him. Zacky had a feeling that Jenna was going to end up parking him right at Matt's. he shook his head, totally over thinking things. He just couldn't wait until later tonight when he could snuggle up with his beautiful girlfriend and hopefully break in her bed.

    Jenna had just finished the outline of the tattoo when Matt came in. She pouted when he said he was leaving. She didn't want him to go, she was looking forward to cuddling back up with him once she was done. "Alright, I'll see you later," she told him, blushing when he came over to kiss her in front of her client. She gave him a small wave as he walked out, looking up at the guy in her chair. His eyes were practically bugging out of his head as he stared at her. "You know who that was, right? Of course you do, you kissed him for christs sake. But like, that M. Shadows! I can't believe you're dating him. You're going to have so many haters," the guy laughed. Jenna felt a little uncomfortable with that. She wasn't one who enjoyed haters. She gave him a small smile, listening to him jabber away about Matt and the band as she finished up his tattoo. When she was finished, she cleaned it all up and put cling wrap on it before taking him up front to pay. "Ugh, I don't want to do walk ins anymore," she whined, flopping back in the chair. "What am I supposed to do with Pirate while we're out to dinner? I can't just take him home," she said with a small frown as she looked down at the sleeping pup on the floor. Apparently he was all tuckered out from his first day at the shop. Jenna shook her head, grunting as she stretched. "Louisa, do you think we're going to fast with Matt and Zacky?" She asked her curiously. They both had started dating the guys at the same time so really they were kind of on the same page. Jenna wanted to press the fast forward button on her and Matt's relationship since she felt so strongly about him but she also wanted to be cautious. She wasn't sure how they would handle their first fight and how things would turn out after it. The first fight could be their last and the end of the relationship.
    March 30th, 2017 at 08:14am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Zacky, I'm going to kill you!" Louisa shouted at Zacky as he hurried out of the shop. She glared at the door as she fixed her hair. She was going to have to give him a smack the next time she saw him. She looked up when Matt came out of Jenna's tattoo room, giving him a small wave as he walked out of the shop. The walk-in client that Jenna had stolen from her walked out a few minutes later, jabbering on about Matt and something about him kissing Jenna. He must be a fan, and Louisa was a little confused as to how the guy hadn't noticed Zacky and Matt when he came in. Oh well, it had saved them all a lot of trouble. "I don't know," Louisa said to Jenna, shrugging her shoulders. She wanted to say no, but she sort of felt like that would be a lie. Both of them were moving pretty quickly the guys. And the intensity of the feelings she was feeling for Zacky scared her a little, because the last person she'd felt this way about was Jay, and that obviously hadn't ended well. She didn't think she was to the point of love, but at the moment she definitely didn't like being away from Zacky. She didn't think they'd spent a night apart since they started dating. But they were still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship, so maybe once things cooled down a little she wouldn't feel like they were moving so fast. She was also a little curious about how they would handle their first fight. Obviously Zacky was a different person than Jay and Louisa got the idea that he might have a little bit more of a temper than Jay did. "I think we're really the only ones who can decide that, you know?" Louisa continued, looking over at Jenna. "And if you're happy with how the relationship is going, who cares how fast you're moving? My parents only dated for like three months before they got married and they've been married for thirty three years."
    Matt slipped out of Jenna's tattoo room, returning Louisa's wave as he left the shop. He could see Zacky waiting for him in his car, and he chuckled as he slid into the driver's seat. "You know you could've waited for me inside the tattoo parlor. In fact, I'm surprised you didn't, sinxe you can't seem to stand being away from your precious little princess." Matt started the engine and drove away from the tattoo parlor, taking Zacky to his house, since his car was parked there from when he came over to bother Matt earlier. "You want me to pick you before we go meet Jenna and Louisa for dinner?" he asked, putting the car in park and killing the engine. He climbed out, locking the car and stuffing the keys into his pocket. "And did you just want to take them to that little pub downtown? It shouldn't be too busy with it still being kind of gross outside and the food is fucking amazing. Plus we can have a few beers." Matt waved goodbye to Zacky as he went into his house, hearing Bella whining from her kennel. "It's okay girl, daddy's home," he said. He opened her kennel and Bella went straight to the back door, so Matt opened it and let her outside to use the bathroom. Since he couldn't take Bella with him to Jenna and Louisa's apartment, tonight while he was gone he would have to set up a doggy gate or something so she wouldn't be locked in her kennel and also wouldn't have free reign of the house. "Okay girl, I'm going to go take a shower," Matt said, pouring some food into her bowl. "I'll be right back." He scratched her ears before heading upstairs, grabbing some clean clothes from his dresser before going into the bathroom.
    March 30th, 2017 at 09:21am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    'Zacky rolled his eyes playfully at Matt. "I know I'm going to see her in just a very few short hours, so It's alright," he told him with a nod. Zacky got out of the car once they were at MAtt's house, stretching. "Yeah, you can do that. Saves me a trip," he said, sending Matt a wave before getting in his car. He started it up, letting it warm up a bit before heading to his own house. He'd be glad when the warmer weather got here so that he wasn't cold and achy all the time. Once Zacky got to his house he got out and went inside, greeting his dogs. The first thing he needed to do was make sure they were all set up and ready to go for their night without him. He made sure they had double the food and water, the doggy door was open and all the gates were closed and locked. He didn't need them getting out while he wasn't here. Once he was done with that, he went upstairs and began getting ready, taking a shower and making himself smell fresh. He got dressed in a pair of jeans and a V-neck shirt, nodding at himself in the mirror at his appearance. He looked pretty sharp. Well, sharp enough to be going to a pub for dinner and back to Louisa's for some fun. It wasn't like he hadn't been in her apartment before, but he didn't think he'd ever been in her room. This was kind of an exciting moment for him. He felt like some giddy teenager all over again.
    Jenna nodded with a small sigh. She knew Louisa was right but she couldn't help but feel nervous. All of her best relationships had been complete failures and she was so scared that she was going to scare Matt off at some point. That was definitely the last thing that she wanted or needed to do right now. "You're right," she murmured. "Alright, let's not be gloomy. We're going to have a very fun double-date tonight and even though I have to clean my room when we get home, I'm very excited," she said with a giggled. Jenna couldn't wait to roll around in the sheets with Matt. Especially since she knew that they were finally going to be able to play with her special toys. Jenna smirked to herself, sinking down further into her seat as she thought about it. Just thinking about all of the things they could do tonight started to turn her on a bit. She needed to get herself under control. Jenna thought about her Grandma's saggy boobies, wanting to gag at the thought. That was definitely a turn-off. "I hope they decide on something yummy to eat. I could go for a burger or some wings." She licked her lips and rubbed her stomach, making a face as it growled. She was just making things harder for herself than it had to be.
    March 31st, 2017 at 07:50am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Louisa groaned when Jenna mentioned something about cleaning her room. "Fuck, I need to clean my room, too," she said. She didn't think it was too terribly messy, but she was having a boy over, a cute boy, so it needed to look nice. She looked over at Jenna, a smirk on her face. "By the way, I know that look on your face," she added. "Don't be keeping me and Zacky up with your weird sex. We're at least going to wait until you guys leave for your run or the gym before we start breaking in my bed." At some point around seven, the last appointment called to reschedule, so Louisa decided to go ahead and shut down the tattoo shop. She made a post on the parlor's facebook page about closing early due to the lingering bad weather and sent everyone else home before going around to make sure everything was cleaned up and ready to be locked up. "Ugh, time to go and clean our fucking rooms," Louisa groaned, following Jenna out of the shop and locking the doors. "I guess I'll see you back at the apartment. I'm gonna go ahead and text Zacky and tell him we just closed up and we should be meeting them at whatever restaurant in like, forty five minutes? You think that's enough time?" Louisa got into her car, lighting up a cigarette as she started the engine and turned the heater on full blast. She couldn't wait until like, March, when it got warm again. Too bad it was only mid-November. But at least that meant Thanksgiving and Christmas were soon and she would get to go home and see her family. Back at the apartment, Louisa quickly changed clothes and set about half-assedly cleaning her room, which mostly consisted of shoving a lot of shit into her closet. She would clean a little better later, when they weren't in such a hurry. "Oh shit, I forgot to text Zacky!" she shouted, grabbing her phone. Hey darlin', me and Jenna are at the apartment cleaning our rooms but we should be leaving soon? Have you and buff guy decided where we're eating? She added a little kissy face before sending the message, going into the living room. "I guess as soon as Zacky gives me the address of where we're going to eat, we can leave," she said to Jenna, plopping down on the couch.
    Matt took a quick shower, going into his room to get dressed. He chose a pair of jeans and one of his nicer Metallica shirts, slipping on a pair of shoes before spritzing on a little cologne and heading downstairs. He went about setting up something for Bella, getting his baby gate out of the downstairs closet and setting it up so she was stuck in his back room and couldn't run all over the house and make a mess. He poured a decent amount of food and water into her bowls so she wouldn't go hungry or thirsty while he was gone, even fixing doggie bed up with an extra blanket so she would be comfortable. "Alright Bella, Daddy's going to go now," Matt said, ushering her into the back room. He locked the baby gate and made sure it was in the doorway tightly so that she couldn't knock it over before reaching down to scratch her ears. "I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" Matt went into his foyer, slipping on his jacket and grabbing his keys before heading out to his car. He started the engine and cranked up the heat before grabbing his phone to text Zacky. I'm leaving my house now, you'd better be ready. And if you haven't heard from Louisa, text her and tell her the address of the pub. Matt figured that the girls would be riding together, so only one of them needed the address. Matt tossed his phone into his passenger seat before driving off, heading towards Zacky's house. When he got there, he pulled into the driveway behind Zacky's car and laid on the horn, laughing when he saw someone peeking out from behind the curtain at one of Zacky's neighbor's house. "Hurry up Zack, shit, I'm hungry," Matt said to himself. When Zacky finally appeared out of his house, Matt made a show of sighing and acting like he'd been waiting for forever. "Finally you get here, I thought you were hungry," he said as Zacky got into the car. Matt backed out of the driveway and headed downtown towards the pub, looking along the street for Jenna or Louisa's car. "I don't see them, did you give her the right address?" Matt said jokingly to Zacky.
    March 31st, 2017 at 08:30pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky heard a carn horn from outside, rolling his eyes. He knew it was Matt and he was definitely making his neighbors hate him more than they already did. Zacky grabbed his leather jacket and slipped it on, reading Matt's text as he made his way outside. "Oh," he said to himself, figuring he better go ahead and text Louisa once he got in the car. He locked the front door, putting his keys in his pocket as he headed to Matt's car, getting in and putting his seatbelt on. "It takes time to look this good, okay," he said, checking himself out in the sun visor mirror. Right as he picked up his phone, Louisa sent him a message, telling him that her and Jenna were back at the apartment cleaning. Alright, princess. There was no need for you girls to clean for us, especially me. You saw how messy my room was the first time I brought you over. By the way, here's the address to the pub that we decided to go to. he sent the message and put his phone into his lap, sighing softly. Zacky was super hungry so it was making him get a bit of a headache and feeling nauseated. "I did give her the right one, but she said her and Jenna were cleaning their rooms so it might take them a few," he told Matt, scrating the back of his neck. He felt pretty bad that Louisa went all the way back home to clean for him. She didn't have to, God knows he didn't the very first time she came over his house. "I don't know why they insisted on cleaning," he grumbled. "Messy rooms don't bother me, do they bother you?" he asked as he got out of the car, pulling a cigarette out of his back pocket and lighting it up. It felt like it had been forever since he had one. He was trying to quit in a way, but he didn't want to do it cold turkey at least.
    Jenna was so happy when Louisa closed up and they went back to the apartment to clean up. She sighed heavily as she got to the apartment and walked in, putting her stuff on the counter and going into her room. She placed her hands on her hips as she examined the mess, trying to figure out what she was stuffing where. She wasn't here to do a full cleaning. She'd do that another time. "It seriously looks like a tornado came through here," she said with a shake of her head. Jenna made sure she pulled out her special duffle bag and shoving it under her bed before she began shoving everything else in her closet. It was better to hide it right now, that was all she wanted. She made her bed, spraying some linen spray on it and calling it done. She went into the living room, plopping into the chair and letting out an exasperated sigh. "That was so much work, I'm exausted," she groaned, pouting. Now she wanted to eat, come home, cuddle with Matt and go to bed. "I just realized that you called my sex weird. Maybe you and Zacky need to try taking a walk on the wild side, you might like it," she told Louisa, wiggling her brow. Once Louisa got a text from Zacky, they were out the door and heading to the pub that they chose. Jenna was actually pretty excited. She let Louisa drive since she really hated it. When they pulled into the parking lot, Jenna immediately searched for Matt's car, finding it and him. Plus it wasn't very hard to spot considering Zacky was standing outside of it, smoking. Jenna got out of the car, walking over to Matt's and opening his car door. "C'mon hot stuff, we have food to eat," she told him with a smirk, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the car. "If you're lucky I might even give you some dessert." She smirked and gave him a wink, leading him inside.
    April 1st, 2017 at 04:25am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Your sex is weird," Louisa teased, laughing at Jenna. "And me and Zacky are gonna experiment, don't you worry. I already talked him into going to the gym by telling him we could get frisky in the showers." She looked down at her phone when it vibrated, seeing a text message from Zacky. We did too have to clean, it's polite, darlin'. Okay! We'll be there in about thirty minutes. Stay cute. "Alright, I got an address!" Louisa exclaimed, waving her phone in the air. "Let's go get our grub on. Ooh, and then we can bring Matt and Zacky back and watch a movie and we can just make out like teenagers." Louisa knew that Jenna didn't really like driving, so she drove to the pub, immediately spotting Matt's car and parking alongside it. She locked the car and sauntered over to Zacky, giving her best wolf whistle, which wasn't very good. "Who is this very attractive man standing outside of the pub?" she asked. She went up to him and slipped her arms around his middle underneath his leather jacket. "He's pretty cute, I might have to dump my boyfriend and go for him." She giggled as she leaned up to kiss him, tasting the nicotine on his lips. "Okay, enough standing outside! I'm cold and I'm hungry!" Louisa shouted, reaching for Zacky's hand. "Jenna and Matt! Let's go inside." Inside the pub, Matt asked for a booth and they were led over to an empty one. Louisa slid into the inside of the booth, sitting directly across from Jenna. "I really want some cheese fries," Louisa mused, looking over the menu the waitress gave her. "Ooh, and a loaded baked potato. And wings. Jesus, I'm hungry." She laughed, leaning against Zacky. Since her order was pretty much decided, she scanned the pub, just looking around at all the people. As she looked over the bar, Louisa spotted a familiar head of dirty blonde hair and she felt her stomach turn over. Really? Of all places, this is where Jay decided to get drunk tonight? Louisa reached for her phone, typing out a quick message to Jenna. Look over at the bar.
    "They're cleaning their rooms?" Matt repeated. "What the fuck for? Don't they realize that we're like two of the messiest people on the planet? Both of them have seen our bedrooms, they should understand." Matt sat in the car while Zacky got out to smoke a cigarette. He would rather be warm while they waited for the girls and besides, he was a singer. He didn't need that toxic shit anywhere near his lungs or vocal chords. Matt decided to play games on his phone to distract himself while he waited, and as he usually did, he got pretty into his game. So he almost jumped out of his skin when his car door opened, but he smiled when he saw Jenna standing there. "Food sounds amazing right now," Matt said, letting Jenna pull him to his feet. He smirked at her next words. "But dessert sounds even better." He pulled her back when she started to head inside, slipping his arm around her waist. "What are you in such a hurry for?" he asked. "I haven't gotten to kiss you yet." Matt smiled as he leaned down to kiss Jenna, only pulling back when he heard Louisa shouting for them. "Yeah hey, can we get a booth, please?" he asked the waitress. The young woman nodded, grabbing a few menus before taking them over to an empty booth. "I'm feeling this double bacon cheeseburger," Matt said, surveying the menu. "With seasoned fries, of course. And a beer. I'll make Zacky drive. On second thought, no beer. I don't trust Zacky with my car." He laughed, closing his menu and setting it aside. He looked over at Jenna, seeing that she was looking at her phone. "Who are you texting, baby girl?" he asked, leaning his head over on her shoulder. "All of the interesting people are right here in front of you."
    April 1st, 2017 at 08:13am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky had been looking down at his phone when someone approached him, raising a brow as he looked up. He smirked when he saw Louisa. "You would leave your boyfriend for me? Why, miss, I'm flattered," he said as he put his hand over his heart. He wrapped his arms around Her and pulled her close, pressing his lips to hers and kissing her deeply. He didn't want to let go or pull away from the kiss but obviously she had other plans. Which Zacky didn't mind, he could definitely use some food about now. He followled Louisa into the restaurant, letting Matt get the booth. He slid in next to Louisa, sitting right across from Matt. "We can totally play footsies," he told Matt, wiggling his brow. He laughed at the look on his face, ordering a beer when the waiter came over to place their drink order. One little beer wouldn't hurt, he definitely wasn't looking to get drunk. He had other plans for the night. "Hmm... I'm thinking about a nice, juicy burger," he said, licking over his lips as he thought about it. "Yup, that's what I'm going for." He closed his menu and sat it down, listening to what everyone else was thinking about getting. He draped his arm over Louisa's shoulders, relaxing back in his seat. "Man I'm so hungry, I can't wait to eat." The waiter came back with all of their drinks, setting it in front of them. The waiter then asked what they wanted to eat, Zackg being the first one to order. He wasn't messing around, he was hungry and he wanted his food as soon as he could get it.
    Jenna giggled as Matt pulled her back to him, grinning as she placed her hands on his cheeks and kissed him back. He had such wonderfully soft lips. She wouldn't mind standing out here all night and just kissing him, she would be content with that. She groaned when Louisa yelled for them, sighing heavily and going inside. She slid into the booth, looking at the menu and trying to decide what she wanted. When the waiter came to order their drinks she just got water, not really wanting to drink anything with alcohol in it. "Man, I don't know what I want. There's so much to chose from." She sighed heavily and kept looking, scrunching her face up as she tried to decide. She decided on some chicken wings and ordered them when the waiter came back. Jenna sipped on her water, leaning into Matt. She raised a brow as her phone went off, seeing that it was from Louisa. She opened it, her eyes widening as she read it. jay was here? Of all places that bastard could be, if had to be here. Jenna sat up a bit and craned her neck, looking around. She finally spotted him, glaring at the back of his head. Dont worry about him, just pretend like he isn't here. Jenna would kick ass and take names later if that asshole tried to come over here and talk. She almost jumped out of her skin when amatt said something to her, cleared her throat. "Nothing, just a text," she told him with a small smile, leaning in and giving him a small kiss.
    April 4th, 2017 at 03:22pm