Tattoos on the Heart.

  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky groaned as he stretched out on his stomach, huffing his pillow. He was so exhausted. Working on the album was draining so much energy out of him. Even though their trip to Louisa’s hometown was nerve wracking, Zacky was excited to get away for a while. He was seeing it as a much needed vacation. He cracked an eye open when he heard something, sighing heavily when Icky decided to climb on top of the pillow that his head was resting on. “People wonder why I have insane bed head in the mornings.,” he grumbled. A few minutes later though he heard the front door open. He didn’t really worry about going to see who it was since he was almost certain that it was Louisa. Zacky smiled to himself when he discovered that he was right, watching Louisa change her clothes and slide into the bed beside him. “Hello there, beautiful,” he murmured, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. “Did you pack your things for the trip so you don’t have to go back?” He asked her curiously. He figured that that would be the easier and less complicated to do things. But if she hadn’t packed then he didn’t mind s trip back to her apartmenf before they left.
    Jenna quickly finished up before locking up the apartment and heading back to her car. She smiled when she saw Matt sleeping through her window, shaking her head. He must’ve been exhausted and rightly so. He’d been working so hard lately on the album and it wasn’t like Jenna was actually letting him sleep half the time when she was over. She bit down on her bottom lip and climbed into the car, petting pirate before turning the key in the ignition and listening to it roar to life. She giggled and made her way towards matt’s. She was so happy when they finally got there. She was probably just as ready for bed as Matt was. Jenna left most of her bags in the car, only taking her essentials bag and Pirates stuff inside with her. Walking inside, Jenna inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. She loved the smell of Matt’s house as well as the way it looked. She already felt like she was at home. Jenna let Pirate our with Matt and Bella, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched them. They were all just so cute. Jenna yawned and stretched her arms over her head before grabbing a bottle of water of heading up to Matt’s bedroom. She stripped down to nothing but her underwear, grabbing one of Matt’s shirts and climbing into bed. She groaned and stretched out, wiggling around. His bed was so damn comfy.
    July 23rd, 2018 at 10:44am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Once she had her bag, Louisa eagerly left the apartment and headed for Zacky's house. She let herself in, kicking off her shoes before she headed upstairs. Zacky was already in his bed, Icky and Majesty curled up on either side of him. She smiled as she dropped her bag onto the floor, grabbing her sleep clothes and changing into them before she crawled into bed with Zacky. Louisa leaned in to give Zacky a short peck on the cheek, snuggling close to him. When he asked if she had packed for the trip back home, she couldn't help but snort. "No," she laughed. "Have you met me? I never do anything ahead of time. I'll save it for last minute like I did last time. I couldn't wait to get here and cuddle with you." She gave Zacky another kiss on the cheek before reaching over him to grab the remote. Even if they were going to take a nap, she needed the TV on. She couldn't sleep in complete silence.
    Matt was almost knocked off his feet when Pirate came barreling outside to join Bella in the backyard. He huffed at the dog, leaning against the doorframe as he watched the dogs run around for a few minutes before doing their business. Once they were finished, Matt herded them back inside, shutting and locking the back door. "Upstairs, you big oafs," Matt said, ushering the dogs in that direction. He wasn't surprised to find that Jenna was already in the bedroom waiting for him. Bella and Pirate both jumped up onto the bed, getting themselves comfortable as Matt stripped down to his boxers. "Scoot over," he said, giving Pirate a shove. "Jenna, make your big log of a dog move out of my spot so I can lay down." Once Pirate had moved down to join Bella at the foot of the bed, Matt climbed in, snuggling into the comforter. "God, I'm so tired," he mumbled. "Wake me up when it's time to go to Alabama."
    July 24th, 2018 at 09:11am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky smiled as she pecked his cheek, laughing softly. “You’re right, you really do save everything for the last minute.” When Louisa had left to go back home for the holidays Zacky was impressed at how well she had packed for being in such a rush. She had some skills, that’s for sure. He yawned a little and snuggled up to her a bit more, groaning when Icky tried to wiggle his way up in between them. “No, stop,” he whined, trying to get the small dog to stop. It was no use, even though they didn’t move for him he managed to climb on top and lay down on them. “You’re shitting me,” he grumbled. Well that was better then trying to get them to move. “All I want is a damn nap!” Zacky had almost had it when he felt Majesty lay on his legs and begin to snore. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly to clam himself down. He was just tired and on edge.
    Jenna opened one eye when she heard Matt, laughing at what he said about pirate. She gave Pirate a small tap on the butt to get him to move, really wishing he hadn’t went and laid on her feet. It was hot as hell out and having massive body heat from him was not what she wanted on her feet. When Matt finally climbed into the bed she snuggled up to him, giggling when he said to wake him up when it was time to go to Alabama. She would let him sleep as long as he wanted since he’d been working so hard on his next album. But honestly she would miss him to much if he slept for to long. “Get some sleep, baby,” she murmured softly, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. A few hours later Jenna woke up from a really weird dream, huffing as she realized it was already dark. She looked over at Matt and smirked, leaning over and beginning to trail kisses along his jaw and neck. “Mattie,” she whispered. “Wake up.” Jenna kept trailing the kisses, a hand running down his stomach. She couldn’t let him sleep for too long.
    July 28th, 2018 at 01:25pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Louisa couldn't help but giggle at how flustered Zacky got with the dogs. She knew he was tired and just wanted a nap and the dogs were stopping him from doing that. "They just want to cuddle with their daddy," Louisa teased. She gave Majesty a few nudges with her foot until he moved a little bit closer to the foot of the bed, off of Zacky's legs. Then she lifted Icky and placed him down near Majesty, smiling happily when the smaller dog cuddled up to the Great Dane. "There, now you've got your space," she told Zacky, patting his cheek. She leaned to give him a kiss. "Now go to sleep. I know you're probably exhausted." Louisa had no issue falling asleep herself once she closed her eyes. She and Jenna had been working tirelessly to get the shop ready for the grand opening and she was tired. And cuddled up to Zacky with the dogs nearby, Louisa was so comfortable that she felt like she could sleep for days.
    Matt sort of nodded when he heard Jenna telling him to get some sleep. He definitely didn't need to be told twice. It didn't take much longer before he was fully under, so asleep that Jenna probably could've walked through the room banging two pots together and he wouldn't have woken up. That's how tired he was. Matt was perfectly content to sleep through the night but it seemed like Jenna had other plans. He groaned when he heard her whispering his name, trying to brush her hands away. "Five more minutes," he mumbled. "I'm tired." But no matter how tired he was, Matt was awake enough for his body to react to Jenna's touch and her kisses. "You just couldn't let me rest, could you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at her. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her on top of him. "That's okay. I think I know a way you can make it up to me."
    July 31st, 2018 at 08:47am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky was so relieved and happy when Louisa moved the dogs. “Well daddy clearly doesn’t want to cuddle with them,” he grumbled. Now, cuddling with Louisa was an entirely different story. He always wanted to cuddle with her. Zacky wrapped his arms around Louisa and pulled her close with a smile, cuddling her tight. “Sweet dreams, princess,” he murmured, kissing the top of her head. It didn’t take long for Zacky to knock out, snoring softly. He was absolutely exhausted. But it seemed as though something had different plans for him, since he woke up later that night. He groaned and looked over at Majesty who was standing beside the bed just staring at him. “You have to go potty, don’t you?” He grumbled, sighing when she whined and bounced I’ve over to the bedroom doorway. Zacky nodded and looked over at a sleeping Louisa before he carefully climbed out of bed as quiet as he could. He picked up Icky who was sound asleep as well, knowing the small dog wasn’t going to get up and go on his own. He went downstairs, grabbing his cigarettes before going out back with the dogs. Zacky sat in one of chairs outside before lighting up one of his cigarettes, taking a long drag.
    Jenna smirked when she realized she was getting a rise out of him. She snorted when he tried to swat her away, shaking her head and continuing to trail kisses. She gasped when she felt his hands on her hips, suddenly on top of him. She laughed, placing her hands on his chest as she looked down at him. “Oh, do you?” She purred, licking over her lips. Jenna ran her hands over his bare chest, admiring the tattoo work she worked so hard on. He did look damn good with it. That piece was one of her favorite and most prized work of art she’d done. Not only because it was so good but because it was what brought her and Matt together. Jenna honestly couldn’t even imagine life without him now. It would be dull and boring, that’s for sure. Also she probably wouldn’t be having so much sex either.
    August 3rd, 2018 at 08:08am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    When Louisa next woke up, the first thing she noticed was that it was dark outside. The second thing she noticed was that Zacky and both dogs were both gone. It didn't take too many guesses to figure out where they were and his side of the bed was still warm, which meant they hadn't been outside for very long. Louisa yawned, stretching her arms over her head as she got to her feet. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and trudged downstairs, slipping out the back door onto Zacky's patio. Louisa sat down on the patio next to Zacky, yawning again as she leaned against his leg. "Lemme get a cigarette," Louisa mumbled, holding out her hand. She whispered a thank you when Zacky handed her a cigarette and his lighter, lighting up before she passed it back to him. "I'm hungry," Louisa announced, taking a drag from her cigarette. "Jimmy John's delivers, don't they? I want a sandwich."
    "Yeah, but I'm still sleepy so you're going to have to do most of the work," Matt said, smirking as he rubbed circles over Jenna's hips. "I think you owe to me, you know, for waking me up." Matt honestly didn't think there was a better way to wake up from a nap than sex. Especially when he wasn't the one who had to initiate it, which most of the time he was. Most of the women he'd been with hadn't really been able to keep up with his sex drive but Jenna could and that was one of the things he loved about her. Sliding his hand up Jenna's back, Matt pushed her down so that he could kiss her. He moved his other hand around to her ass, giving it a hard squeeze. After a few seconds, Matt pushed her back up, grabbing the bottom of her shirt and pulling it over her head. He smirked as he slid both hands up to her chest, cupping her breasts before giving them a rough squeeze. "Now this sight right here I could get used to."
    August 6th, 2018 at 09:00am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky looked up when he heard the back door open, grinning when he saw Louisa. “Hi there, princess,” he murmured raising a brow as she sat down and held her hand out. He chuckled and pulled out a cigarette from his pack, handing it to her along with his lighter. He really needed to quit smoking the more he thought about it but since Louisa smoked he could never find the opportunity to. Not that he minded, of course. “I’m actually pretty hungry too. Jimmy John’s sounds really good,” he said with a nod. Zacky pulled out his phone, bringing up the app for Jimmy John’s. He had every app you could possibly get when it came to food. “What do you want, baby?” He asked her as he scrolled through the menu, picking out what he wanted and adding it to the cart. “Want to look at the menu?” Zacky handed her his phone Incase she wanted to look, taking one last drag of his cigarette before putting it out. He was still pretty tired the longer he sat here but he didn’t think he could go back to sleep any time soon. Maybe Louisa would want to burn a few calories after they got done eating.
    Jenna smirked when Matt said that she would have to do most of the work. She never really got to take control so she was going to milk this opportunity. When Matt grabbed her ass she sucked in a breath and bucked her hips against his. She kissed him back passionately when he pulled her down, gasping when he pushed her back up. Jenna lifted her arms and helped him take her shirt off, moaning when he reached up and grabbed her boobs. She ran her hands up his forearms, stopping when they were resting over his hands. She bit down hard on her bottom lip as she began to grind her hips against his, moaning softly. Jenna pulled away after a bit, getting up on her knees and reaching down to pull down Matt’s basketball shorts and boxers. She smirked down at him began to rub her panty covered slit against his shaft. “Oh, fuck, Matt. I need you so bad,” she breathed, leaning down to capture his lips in a heated kiss. Waking up from a nap and having sex with this beautiful man was definitely something she could get used to.
    August 9th, 2018 at 10:04am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Nah, I don't need to look," Louisa said, pushing Zacky's phone back at him with her free hand. "I want the cold cut sandwich, light mayo. And no tomatoes." For some reason, she was just craving a really good sandwich. And she didn't feel like leaving the house for any reason, so she was super glad that Jimmy John's delivered. She leaned her head against Zacky's thigh, silently taking a drag from her cigarette every couple of minutes. It was oddly relaxing to just sit out here with Zacky. It made her realize how much she truly liked him and how excited she was to take him home and introduce him to her family. But she was also very nervous. She wanted them to like Zacky as much as she did. When she was finished with her cigarette, Louisa put it out and patted Zacky on the knee. "Let's go back inside," she said. "Sitting on the concrete is starting to hurt my ass."
    Matt smirked when Jenna moaned. That was exactly the reaction he was looking for. As she started to grind her hips down into his, he moved his hips to meet hers, feeling himself growing even harder. He offered no resistance when Jenna went to remove his shorts and boxers, just as eager as she was to get things moving. He kissed her back with passion, sliding his hands down to her hips and hooking his fingers around the waistband of her underwear. He pulled away as he slid them down her thighs, only really pulling them down far enough that he was able to enter her as he pulled her down onto him. "Give me a show, baby girl," he said, keeping his hands on her hips. Matt smirked. He was going to try and hold off on taking control for as long as he could. He wanted Jenna to have a little fun before he just started fucking her into his mattress.
    August 10th, 2018 at 09:03am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky smirked when Louisa said she didn’t need to look at the menu. He sighed softly and relaxed back in his seat, browsing the menu before deciding on what he wanted. He placed an order through the app, putting his cigarette out and locking his phone before placing it in his lap. When Louisa said they should go inside, Zacky agreed. “It’s grtting chilly,” he said as he shivered. He had no idea why he was actually pretty cold considering it was the middle of summer. “I hope they’re quick with that food because I’m fucking starving.” He whistler for the dogs, waiting for them to come inside before he closed the sliding glass door and locked it. He walked over and gave them a treat before going to the living room and plopping down on the couch. “It’s always a super weird feeling waking up late as hell after a nap,” he said to Louisa as she entered the room, making a face. “It’s like you know you just fucked up your sleep schedule or you’re gonna be tired as hell tomorrow.”
    Jenna kissed Matt back just as passionately as he kissed her, siting up on her knees and letting him slide her panties down. She gasped as she felt him enter her without warning, glad they were getting straight to the point. “You feel so good,” she moaned. Jenna smirked when Matt said he wanted a show. She wasn’t really one for being in top so she’d give him the best show she could manage. She sat up straight, running her hands up her body and giving her breasts a good squeeze. She began to move her hips against his, increasing her pace slowly. Jenna moaned softly, sticking two fingers in her mouth and sucking on them as she squeezed one of her breasts. She took her fingers out of her mouth, making sure they were good and coated in her spit before she began to rub her clit. She gasped and moaned, furrowing her brow and picking up her pace until she was at a full bounce.
    August 15th, 2018 at 11:17am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Louisa nodded, getting to her feet. She followed Zacky inside, immediately going over to drop down onto the couch. "I am, too," Louisa agreed, rubbing her stomach. She was absolutely starving and it felt like her stomach was eating through her backbone. She needed to put something in it, pronto. "Yeah, but the nap is always worth it," Louisa said, laughing softly. "Besides, who honestly has a decent sleep schedule? I sure as hell don't." When Zacky sat down next to her, she leaned her head over against his shoulder. She was so comfortable that she almost fell asleep again but she managed to keep herself awake and thankfully it wasn't too much longer before someone was ringing the doorbell. "Hell yeah, I bet that's the food," Louisa said, jumping to her feet. She held out her hand to Zacky. "Lemme see your wallet so I can pay." She gave Zacky a sweet smile as she took his credit card, walking over and opening the door to take the food from the delivery boy. She paid him and thanked him, shutting the door before she went back over to Zacky. "This is going to be so good," she said.
    Matt wasn't really sure what to expect when he told Jenna he wanted a show but he certainly wasn't disappointed with what he got. He kept a tight grip on her hips as she started to move, keeping his gaze mostly on her chest. He loved watching a woman's tits bounce while she rode him and Jenna definitely wasn't an exception. Matt let Jenna bounce on top of him for a few minutes before he finally decided to take control and he gripped her hips, stopping her movement before he moved her off of him. "Get on your hands and knees," he told her. He got to his feet as she did what he asked, smirking as he rubbed a hand over her ass. He gave her ass a single smack before he quickly entered her again, settling on a rough pace. Reaching down, he tangled a hand in Jenna's hair. "Do you like it when I fuck you like this, baby girl?" he asked. "Like it when I bend you over and fuck your pussy?" Matt increased his pace just a little, at the same time reached around to rub his fingers over Jenna's clit. He hoped she was getting close and he wanted to do whatever he could to push her over the edge.
    August 21st, 2018 at 04:25am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky had almost fallen asleep when the doorbell rang. He furrowed his brow and looked up at Louisa when she asked for his card. He chuckled, standing up and pulling out his wallet. He handed her his card, yawning and stretching. Zacky went into the kitchen and got them some drinks before going back into the living room. He made the dogs stay outside while they ate since they could be a pain in the ass. “I’m so hungry,” he groaned. Zacky sat down on the couch, taking a sip of his drink before he unwrapped his sub. He licked his lips as he looked it over, rubbing his hands together before he picked it up and took a big bite. “Oh my god, it’s so good,” he moaned, his mouth full. “You made the best decision ever to get some food from here.” Zacky took a couple more bites of his sub before taking a sip of his drink. He was definitely filling up on this quickly and he needed to slow down. The last thing he needed was a stomach ache from practically inhaling his food. “How’s yours?” He asked Louisa.
    Jenna smirked at Matt’s reaction to her little show, very pleased. She furrowed her brow when he suddenly stopped her, almost wanting to slap him. But when he made her get on her knees she smirked, deciding to let this one slide. She sucked in a sharp breath, moaning loud as he slapped her ass. Jenna clutched the sheets under her, holding them tightly in her fists. “Oh god,” she moaned, grunting as matt grabbed a fistful of her hair. She smirked and licked her lips, nodding to her best ability. “Yes, fuck! I like it when you ram my wet pussy from behind,” she moaned, starting to feel her orgasm creeping up. Jenna cried out in sheer pleasure when Matt’s fingers came in contact with her clit, squeezing her eyes shut. It felt so good. Before she knew it she was screaming out Matt’s name as her orgasm washed over her, her knees going weak and almost giving out on her.
    August 22nd, 2018 at 06:35am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Louisa sat down on the couch while Zacky took the dogs outside, eagerly unwrapping her sandwich. She wasted no time in digging in, letting out an appreciative groan. "It's delicious," Louisa told Zacky, swallowing her food. "And for the record, I never make bad decisions. Especially when it comes to food." She kicked back on the couch, reaching for the remote so she could change the channel. Because was it really possible to properly enjoy your dinner if you didn't have a good show to watch? "Alright, Criminal Minds," Louisa said, settling on that channel. It was a rerun but she didn't really care. "Now we can watch people get murdered while we eat our sandwiches!" She laughed, poking Zacky's elbow before taking another bite of her sandwich. When she was finally finished, she was honestly still feeling a little bit peckish. "Damn, we should've asked them to bring us some chips," Louisa said. "Oh well, I guess that just means I've saved room for dessert later."
    If there was one thing Matt really like about Jenna, it was that she definitely wasn't afraid of his dirty talk. Most of the women he'd been with in the past had been a little put off by how explicit he could be but Jenna didn't seem to mind and she even turned it back around on him. When Jenna finally finished, Matt only gave a few more thrusts before he pulled out of her, giving himself a few quick pumps with his hand before he finished onto her back. "Let me go get you a towel, okay, baby girl?" Matt said. He grabbed his boxers from the floor and pulled them on before he went into his bathroom, grabbing a dirty towel from the hamper and taking it out to Jenna. He sat down on the edge of the bed. "Well I don't know about you but I worked up a little bit of an appetite," Matt said with a smirk. "You wanna order some food? And then we can hop on Xbox live, if you want. Or watch TV. Doesn't matter to me."
    August 29th, 2018 at 01:59am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    “I never doubted your food decisions, princess,” Zacky said with a small chuckle. He was actually kind of glad that Louisa turned the TV on because he was actually going to end up doing it himself. When he was late night eating he definitely liked to watch some TV. Well actually it wasn’t really late night. It was only 10 o’clock at night. “Criminal kinda sounds good to me.” Zacky took another bite of his food, sighing softly. It was so delicious. Maybe he was just hungry though, who knows. Zacky made a face and almost spit out his food when he saw an extremely bloody and graphic scene. “Oh that’s nasty,” he said once he swallowed. He kept eating though, he wouldn’t let that little scene bother him too much. When he finished, Zacky got up and threw away his trash as well as getting himself some more to drink. He went back into the living room and plopped down onto the couch, taking a sip of his water with a sigh. “You know, I never have understood these shows. Like why give people the idea of murder and how to get away with it.” Zacky’s eyes widened as he looked over at Louisa. “That’s a show, isn’t it? How to get away with murder?”
    Jenna groaned and stretched out onto the bed once Matt finished, not being able to stay up on her knees any longer. She grunted in response when he said something, yawning softly. Jenna thanked him when he brought her the towel, cleaning up herself before she cleaned up the mess he made on her back. She made a small face, hating how sensitive her vagina was after sex. She got off the bed and made her way over to the hamper, tossing the towel in it. Jenna grabbed the shirt she had been wearing off the floor as well as he panties, pulling them on. “Food sounds amazing,” she said with a grin, walking up and placing a few soft kisses against Matt’s lips. Jenna was always really cuddly and affectionate after sex. “I kind of want some Chinese, or pizza.” She wasn’t sure what she wanted, but both sounded really good. “I’m leaving it up to you to make the disicion, my love,” she told him before plopping back on the best. She made a face when she realized the sheets were covered in both of their juices. “Up,” she simply said, nudging him to get up off the bed. Jenna sighed and pulled off the sheets and the blankets, piling them in the corner of the room to be washed later. She got a new pair of sheets and a comforter from the linin closet in the hallway, making up his bed.
    August 29th, 2018 at 07:36am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "It's not really showing them how to get away with it," Louisa said. "They always get caught at the end." She stretched her arms up over her head with a groan before she got to her feet, collecting her trash. Padding into the kitchen, she threw it away and then headed back to the living room. Louisa sat down next to Zacky, grabbing a nearby pillow before she laid down, curling up with her head in his lap. Reaching back, she grabbed the blanket hanging over the back of his couch and tugged it over her, snuggling close to Zacky and getting comfortable. After all of the work that she and Jenna had been doing for the grand opening of the new location for the tattoo shop, it felt nice to just lay down and do nothing. Louisa felt like she hadn't really done that in a while. "You can change the channel if you want," Louisa said as the episode they'd been watching ended. Something else was coming on next so she didn't care if Zacky changed the channel. "And don't even tell me to pick. I picked Criminal Minds, you pick what's next."
    "Pizza it is, then," Matt said with a grin. He hadn't really known what he wanted to eat but now that Jenna mentioned it, he wanted pizza. He was just about to lay back and call the pizza place when Jenna told him to get up so she could change the sheets. He was glad she was doing it because it needed to be done and he almost couldn't really be bothered with it. "I think I'll just order a pepperoni with stuffed crust," Matt said, pulling up the website for Pizza Hut. "Or hell, maybe this dinner box. A pizza, some cheese sticks, and wings for twenty bucks? Hard to beat that. Only problem is you can't get stuffed crust." Matt didn't really feel like leaving the house so he put the order in for delivery. Jenna had gotten the sheets changed by that point, so he pulled on his t-shirt and laid down in bed, reaching for the remote. "You wanna pick something to watch?" he asked, offering Jenna the remote. "Or you can put on a DVD. Whatever you want."
    September 4th, 2018 at 08:49am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky watched Louisa get up and take her things into the trash in the kitchen. He smiled as she got comfy, sighing softly and rubbing his fingers through her soft hair. She was so beautiful, Zacky honestly felt like the luckiest man alive to be able to call her his. He looked up at the TV, sighing softly as she told him to pick something. He was so awful at picking movies to watch. He grabbed the remote and flipped through channels, his eyes widening and immediately getting excited when the Rocky Horror Picture Show was just starting. “Oh my god, we have to watch this,” he said excitedly, setting the remote down. He put his feet up on the coffee table, getting comfy and relaxing. “What are you doing tomorrow?” He asked her, not sure if she planned on going to the tattoo shop to finish some things up. “If you’re not going to the tattoo parlor than you can totally come hangout at the studio with me. I just need to finish a few recordings so I can technically go on vacation.” Zacky would love for Louisa to come to the studio with him. He was pretty sure Matt was going to be there at some point to finish his recordings as well. Most of the time they just goofed off and did whatever, so it was always fun.
    Jenna giggles as she listened to him, nodding in approval and laying back down onto the bed once she was finished changing the sheets. She yawned and snuggled into Matt’s side, furrowing her brow as she thought about what she wanted to watch. Her eyes widened as She took the remote, flipping through the music videos On Demand and finding all of Avenged Sevenfolds videos. She smirked as she started playing Seize The Day, giggling. “Oh my god, that’s your ass!” She said with wide ass, sitting up on her knees like doing that was actually go into get her closer. “It looks damn good, no wonder all the fans go crazy over it.” Jenna laughed, shaking her head. It definitely looked a lot better in real life and if only everyone knew just how incredible it really was. But it was her little secret and she wasn’t sharing it with anyone. Jenna switched music videos when that one was done, trying to find something else to watch. She wasn’t sure why she was even watching these, since she had the real thing in bed next to her. “Can we watch the notebook?” She asked him with wide eyes. Jenna always cried until she couldn’t cry anymore whenever she watched that movie, but she was almost sure that she would probably fall asleep before it was over anyways.
    September 6th, 2018 at 06:59am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    As soon as she saw what Zacky had picked for them to watch, Louisa started to regret asking him to choose. She'd never really been a fan of Rocky Horror Picture Show but if that was what he wanted to watch, she wouldn't complain. He'd watched Criminal Minds with her so it was the least she could do. Sitting back down on the couch, Louisa pulled her legs up next to her and leaned against Zacky's side. "I should probably try and do a little packing tomorrow," she said, thinking about it for a second. "We leave in three days and as much as I want to put things off until the last minute, I really shouldn't. But it won't take me all day to pack so I can definitely come and hang out in the studio with you guys!" The idea of hanging out in the studio with Zacky was exciting. Of course she'd heard their music before but actually hearing them perform - even if it was in the studio - would be a completely different experience.
    Matt wasn't really paying attention to what Jenna was doing on the television until he heard Seize the Day start playing. He rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes, that's my ass," he said. He scoffed at her playfully when she moved closer to the television. "Really, Jen? You have to get that close when you've got the real thing sitting, like, two feet away?" He settled back against the bed as she continued to scroll through music videos. He almost felt like she was doing this on purpose to mock him. When Jenna asked if they could watch The Notebook, Matt gave a slight shrug before he nodded. "Sure, I don't care," he said. "But you'll have to order it on pay-per-view or something, I don't own the DVD." While Jenna was searching for the movie, Matt heard the doorbell ring. "Hell yeah, pizza's here. I'll be back." He tugged on a shirt and grabbed his wallet before heading downstairs. He paid for the pizza, making sure to leave a decent tip, and carried the food upstairs.
    September 10th, 2018 at 09:08am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky chuckled softly. He knew that if she didn’t start packing tomorrow then she would be rushing around trying to get things done last minute. “That’s a good idea, don’t want you rushing around last minute to get things done.” Zacky stretched and groaned, yawning some. He would definitely enjoy it if Louisa came to the studio to hangout with them. It was always a fun and interesting time whenever they got together to make music. Plus a couple of the songs on the new album was inspired by Louisa and Jenna. Zacky knew that the both of them walking into his and Matt’s life was a life changing experience. Even though you never know what life might throw at you and what could happen, he hoped that Louisa always stayed apart of his life. They hadn’t been together long but he already didn’t know what he would do without her. To think it all started from a simple tattoo on instagram. “Jesus Christ I’m tired,” he grumbled, rubbing his eyes. “I’m starting to over think about nonsense.” He leaned back and continued to watch the movie for a little while before he knew he just couldn’t sit there anymore. “Let’s Head up to bed, yeah?” He murmured, waiting for her to get up before following her up stairs to the bedroom. He made sure that the dogs were following in tow before he climbed into bed and got comfy. He wrapped his arms around a Louis once she climbed into the bed, sighing contently. “You smell good,” he murmured sleepily, burying his nose in her hair. She smelled like fresh roses and fruit and he really enjoyed it.
    Jenna looked over at him and smirked, giving him a wink. She was happy that they were going to watch the notebook, but kind of sad at the same time since she was almost positive that she was going to fall asleep watching it. When Matt got up she bit her bottom lip hard, smacking him on the ass. “It looks a lot better in person,” she told him, wiggling a bit in her seat. She was so obsessed with his ass, like she could stare at it all day and she definitely wasn’t an ass person. But she was one for his. Jenna smiled big when Matt came back into the room with the pizza, telling him to shut the door from the dogs so they could eat in peace. When he sat the boxes down she immediately grabbed piece of pizza, flopping back into the pillows and groaning. “It’s so good,” she sighed, closing her eyes and taking another bite of the pizza. Jenna felt like she could totally fall asleep eating this right now. “What do you have planned for tomorrow?” She asked him curiously, looking over at him. She had nothing to do tomorrow so she would be bored and lonely. She could always find something to do, but she didn’t want to. She much rather hang out with her boyfriend and spend as much time with him as she could before he got really busy with his work stuff. Sometimes it sucked dating a rockstar.
    September 10th, 2018 at 10:34am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    When Zacky mentioned going to bed, Louisa nodded immediately. She was getting a little tired herself and not to mention, she was tired of watching this movie. Getting to her feet, she turned off the television and followed Zacky upstairs, climbing into bed with him. "It's probably my shampoo," Louisa said, laughing when Zacky buried his nose into her hair. "It's that purple shampoo for blonde hair and it smells so good. Kind of expensive, but it's worth it. I mean, I'm a rockstar's girlfriend. I've got to keep up appearances." She grinned as she pushed Zacky away, just enough so that she wasn't crushed against his chest. "Go to sleep, you silly head," she said, leaning in to give Zacky a kiss. "I'm sure you've got a long day ahead of you lounging around the studio." She laughed softly, tugging the covers up to her shoulders. She noticed that Zacky always seemed to keep it super cold in his room, which she definitely liked. She preferred it to be like Antarctica, temperature-wise, when she slept.
    "Out, you big oafs," Matt said, nudging the dogs out of the room before shutting the door. Jenna was right, he knew they wouldn't be able to eat in peace with Bella and Pirate in the bedroom. Matt sat the boxes on the bed, laughing when Jenna immediately reached for a piece of pizza. He decided he would rather have a cheesestick first, grabbing one and dipping it a cup of marinara sauce. "I've got to head to the studio tomorrow," Matt said, swallowing his bite of food. "But you're more than welcome to tag along. I'm sure Zacky will be dragging Louisa along. But we've got some work to do on this album before we go to Alabama." Matt thought it would be fun to have Jenna in the studio. He'd always loved the environment of the studio when he and the guys got together to do what they loved, which was making music. And having Jenna and Louisa there would only make it more special.
    September 15th, 2018 at 08:35am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky smirked, but his smirk quickly faded when she said he had a busy day of lounging around tomorrow. He scoffed, pouting. “I’ll have you know that I do a lot of work when I’m there,” he said with a nod before getting comfy and turning the light off. “I mean, I may not always be doing something on my guitar, but I’m doing something.” Zacky yawned and stretched, biting his lower lip when he heard a few bones crack. “Get some sleep, princess,” he murmured, leaning over and kissing the top of her head. Zacky couldn’t help but wonder how things would be once they went on tour. Even though that was a long ways off from now, he still couldn’t help but wonder. The one thing he probably feared most was the possibility of someone he loved leaving him because he went on tour for months, close to a year at some points. It wouldn’t be like he wouldn’t be trying to Skype her every day to see her face. He most definitely wouldn’t be trying to hook up with some random groupies. Zacky sighed and shook his head, closing his eyes and trying to get some sleep.
    Jenna bit her bottom lip softly before taking a bite of pizza and nodding. “That sounds like fun,” she said once she swallowed. “I would love to see what y’all are really up to in the studio. Something tells me you’re not always making music.” Jenna smirked and wiggles her brows at Matt before she finished up her pizza. She burped, blushing and excusing herself before taking a drink. When Matt was finished with his pizza she got up and threw their trash away, taking the pizza downstairs and putting it in the fridge. She sighed as she trudged up the stairs. Sometimes she really couldn’t believe she was dating M.Shadows and staying at his house. Jenna shook her head and went back into the bedroom, climbing into the bed next to Matt. “You know, it’s really bad to go to bed after you just ate,” she said with a small laugh, moving onto her stomach and cuddling with her pillow. “But I’m exhausted and all I want is sleep.” Jenna yawned softly, closing her eyes with a small smile on her face. She could feel Matt’s eyes on her but she didn’t acknowledge it, because if he was giving her those ‘fuck me’ bedroom eyes she wouldn’t be getting any sleep.
    September 24th, 2018 at 09:11am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Don't have to tell me twice," Louisa mumbled, closing her eyes. She slept pretty soundly, only waking up when she felt very heavy paws press on her leg. She cracked open an eye, seeing Majesty readjusting herself on the bed to get comfortable again. "Stupid dog," she grumbled. She glanced over at the clock, seeing it was just after ten thirty. As much as she wanted to sleep in, she needed to get up so she could go back to her apartment and do a little packing. And she was sure Zacky needed to be in the studio sometime before noon. Rolling over to face him, Louisa smiled. He was so cute when he was asleep, with his hair all messed up and his mouth hanging open. She almost hated to wake him up. "Zaaaaaacky," she sang, getting close to his face. "Time to wake up, sleepy head. Open your pretty little eyes." She looked down at the foot of the bed, nudging Icky with her toe. "Icky, come wake up Daddy."
    "Hey, we actually get pretty serious in the studio," Matt said. "I mean, it's still our job. But it's a fun job. It's a really fun job." Matt finished up his pizza, handing his trash off to Jenna and thanking her as she headed downstairs to throw it away and put the food away. While she was gone, he went to use the bathroom and turn off the light before getting comfortable in the bed. "I'm pretty tired myself," he said, reaching over to rub Jenna's back. He looked at her with a smile. It was a little shocking to him how quickly he was really falling for Jenna. And he was so glad he'd been surfing Instagram that day he decided to get a new tattoo. "I'm going to let the dogs out to use the bathroom one last time," he told Jenna. "You get some rest, okay, baby girl." Matt leaned down to give Jenna a quick kiss on the cheek before he climbed out of bed, slipping out of the bedroom to get the dogs.
    September 26th, 2018 at 08:40am