Tattoos on the Heart.

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    The girl nodded excitedly, and Louisa sent a message to Zacky before she continued with the tattoo. You totally just made their day, darlin'! And of course your band is famous. If the others are as talented as you, y'all definitely deserve all of the attention. Also Jenna told me you ate a fucked up sandwich and now you're going to die? Please don't die on me now, darlin', I've kinda grown attached to you. "Hey, don't make fun of my boyfriend," Louisa shouted back to Jenna as she started on the tattoo again. "It's not his fault he had to make a fucked up sandwich, he just hasn't had time to go grocery shopping since they got back from to--from their vacation." Louisa quickly backtracked when she realized she was about to make a comment about the guys just returning from tour. She wasn't sure how much the girls were paying attention or how smart they were, but she definitely didn't want them to hear that and put two and two together with the picture she'd gotten from Zacky. After another thirty minutes or so, Louisa finished up with the girl's tattoo, squirting a little witch hazel on it to help with the redness, and then applying a little vaseline jelly before reaching for her phone. "Do you mind if I take a picture for my portfolio?" Louisa asked. She was going to actually put the picture in her portfolio, but she was also going to send it to Zacky. Once she'd taken the picture, Louisa applied a bandage to the tattoo. "You'll need to leave this wrap on for at least two hours, but no more than four," Louisa started to explain, taking off her gloves. "And then you should wash it with warm water and antibacterial soap and apply a thin layer of vaseline or aquaphor. The girl sitting at the counter over there will give you a piece of paper with all of that written on it just in case you forget."

    "Thanks so much!" the girl said. "And thanks for the picture of Zacky, too!"

    "You're welcome!" Louisa replied. "Just come back in if you need a touch-up." She waited until the girls had left before she sent the picture of the tattoo to Zacky. All in a day's work ;)
    Matt unlocked his phone when he heard it vibrate, reading over the message from Jenna and laughing out loud when he got to the very end. I think we're both a little biased when it comes to our dogs, baby girl. They'll always be the cutest to us no matter what. You'd better send me a picture, I love to see fan tattoos. And I love that my ass is what you took away from that music video, but I can't really blame you. I do have a very nice ass. I bet it looks better in person though, doesn't it, baby girl? ;) Matt had barely sat down on his couch again when his front door burst open and Zacky strolled in, shouting some sort of nonsense. "You're already ruining my good time, bursting in and interrupting my lazy morning, you fucker," Matt grumbled. "And why the hell would I lock my door during the day? The only people who come over are you idiots and you all know where the fucking spare key is. And if I was going to fuck Jenna in my living room, I'd lock the damn door. And nothing's up. I was going to take a nap but I can't now that you're here. You ruin everything Zack, God." Matt patted his knees as he looked around, trying to decide what the fuck they could do to waste some time. He would say that they could go grocery shopping since Zacky obviously desperately needed to, but Matt really didn't want to leave his house. "Since you seem to have so much energy, toss me the remote. I'll see if I can find a movie to watch." Matt took the remote from Zacky and started flipping through the channels, going back and forth before he chose something. "So tell me about this sandwich that is supposedly going to end your wretched life? Did you use spoiled meat or something? Or are you just doing what you always do and overexaggerating?"
    March 6th, 2017 at 08:43am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky made a face as he listened to Matt. "I don't ruin everything, Matthew. I make things more fun," he scoffed. "Locking the door while you fuck Jenna in your living room still wouldn't help since like you said, all of us fuckers know where the key is," he laughed, flicking his ear. "Which by the way, we still have some much needed gossip to catch up on. I feel like we haven't chatted like high school girls in a while about our apparent nee found relationships and sex lives." Zacky wiggled his brows at Matt, reaching over and handing the other man the remote. He definitely wasn't full of energy like he seemed to be, he could definitely use a nap or like maybe a months worth of sleep. But he just felt like sleeping now would be a waste of time. He had to talk to Louisa and wait for her texts to come through. What if she needed him again like she did earlier with the sign? He couldn't disappoint her by falling asleep. Zacky's phone went off which broke him away from his theoughts, opening the message from Louisa. His eyes widened when he read that she knew about his sandwitch, looking over at Matt. "You told Jenna about my sandwitch? Do you tell her everything now you fucking twatwaffle?" He gasped, grabbing a couch pillow and hitting Matt with it. Zacky would never tell everyone that he actually slightly enjoyed his sandwitch. Jenna told you what?! Matt has such a big mouth. I was hungry and I made myself a nice sandwitch. I think I'm going to be fine. I'll send you a pic of my master piece. Zacky sent Louisa a picture of his sandwitch that he had earlier, furrowing his brow at Matt's question. "Uh... well, I didn't exactly check. I just sort of slapped everything together and since it was sort of the last of it the containers went in the trash," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. That thought made him a bit nervous. Now he wanted to go home and dig through the trash to see the dates on the stuff.
    Jenna laughed, shaking her head at Louisa. She smirked when she almost slipped up and gave away who they were talking about. "He's been back for a while now, Lou. I'm pretty sure he could've gone grocery shopping since then," she told her friend, giggling. She loved teasing Louisa when it came to things. Now her favorite thing to tease her about was Zacky, especially since he was such an easy target to be made fun of sometimes. But nonetheless Jenna was extremely happy for her friend. She was finally in a happy place with a man she seemed to really like and who treated her great, something she really deserved. Jenna automatically opened her text from Matt when she got it, spinning around a bit in her chair as she read it. She laughed, biting her lip as she thought about his nice, candy apple ass. Mmm, it does look a lot better in person. I do recall biting it last night I believe. You've got a very nice candy apple ass there, mister sanders. One of my very many favorite things about you. ;) Jenna sighed contently as she shook her head. This man honestly drove her nuts. When Louisa was done with the girls' tattoo, she looked at it and smiled. "That looks so good!" She said excitedly. "I'm going to steal a pic too, if that's okay? I wanna put it up on instagram," she told the girl, also getting her instagram info so she could tag her. Even though really she wanted to send it to Matt. After taking the picture she went back to Matt's message thread, sending him the picture of the tattoo along with telling him how great it looks. After that she went to instagram, uploading the picture and tagging Louisa and saying how amazing her best friend did on a new tattoo, along with tagging the band's instagram and the girl. Jenna looked up at the clock, seeing that the Madden twins would be here at any minute now. That actually made her nervous. Deciding to get some fresh air she grabbed Pirates leash and took him outside to go to the bathroom.
    March 6th, 2017 at 09:38am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Well he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who really knows how to go grocery shopping, you know?" Louisa laughed. "I might have to help him. He promised to cook Italian for me, so we might do a trade-off." Once the girls had gone, Louisa glanced over at the clock, seeing that the Madden twins would be there in about fifteen minutes. That was enough time for her to smoke a cigarette. She spotted Jenna heading outside with Pirate, figuring she must be taking the puppy to use the bathroom. Grabbing her phone and her cigarettes, Louisa looked over at Katy. "Hold down the fort, will you, Katy?" she asked. "I'm gonna head outside and smoke a cigarette. The Madden brothers should be here in about fifteen minutes, but if they show up earlier, holler at me." Shrugging her coat on, Louisa headed outside, going to her little hidey hole to get out of the wind before she lit up her cigarette. As she was smoking, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and she pulled it out, seeing that she had two messages from Zacky. She made a face of disgust when she saw the picture of his sandwich. That was the most unappetizing thing she'd ever seen. That sandwich looks absolutely disgusting! I can't believe you ate something like that darlin', you're gonna end up with food poisoning. A few minutes later, Louisa could hear Katy shouting her name from the direction of the front door, and she stomped out her cigarette before heading back inside. There were two somewhat familiar men standing in the parlor, and she knew it was the Madden brothers. "Hey y'all, thanks for stopping by," Louisa greeted, holding her hand out for them to shake. "I'm Louisa Blakeley, I'm the owner of the tattoo shop. My friend Jenna is still outside I think, she took her dog out to use the bathroom." Just then, Jenna strolled inside, and Louisa grinned. "Jenna, look who's here!"
    "Gossip?" Matt repeated, raising an eyebrow at Zacky. "You're kidding me, right? We're grown men, we don't gossip. You're a weirdo. Louisa's going to have her hands full with you." Matt turned his attention back to his phone when it vibrated, smirking when he read the message from Jenna. Yeah, I remember you biting my ass last night, too. Never heard it described like that, but I'm not going to turn down a compliment. Matt had just barely sent the message to Jenna when he felt himself being assaulted by a couch pillow. "Zack, what the fuck!" Matt shouted. He took the pillow from Zacky and smacked him with it before giving him a slug to the upper arm. "Calm your fat ass down, Jesus Christ. Yeah, I told Jenna about your death sandwich. Big whoop, wanna fight about it? And you might want check the expiration dates on the food you used. It would probably put a damper on this newfound sex life if you get food poisoning and start spewing out of both ends." Matt remembered the last time they'd all gotten food poisoning. They'd been touring in their tiny little van and had decided to stop off to eat at this roadside diner. They'd all ended up with food poisoning and since they had no where with a toilet, they spent the night with the van pulled to the side of a deserted road, being sick in the bushes. It had been an absolutely miserable experience and had put Matt off of anything that wasn't a well-known chain restaurant for a good while. "You should've brought your dogs over, then Bella would have someone to play with," Matt said. "I mean, as long as Icky doesn't try to hump her again." Matt's eyes widened when he remembered saying something along those lines this morning and having a waffle put on his head. He reached over and punched Zacky in the arm a couple of times. "You fucker. I'm going to kick your ass for putting that Goddamn waffle on my head this morning. It took my forever to get that syrup out of my hair."
    March 7th, 2017 at 05:44am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    "Yes, gossip! We have girlfriends now, Matt. Obviously our lives have changed since the last time we've had a good conversation," Zacky said with a roll of his eyes. He really couldn't disagree with Matt about Louisa having her hands full with him. He was a bit much at times, but he still had his shit together. Most creative geniuses were off the wall. He yelped when Matt hit him back with the pillow, snickering. "When you gotta eat, you gotta eat. I'm procrastinating as much as I can before I have to go to the store for food." Zacky stuck his tongue out at Matt, looking down at his phone as it vibrated from its spot on the floor where it had apparently fallen from his lap at some point when Matt hit him. He chuckled as he read his text from Louisa. Well I mean I might. But that just means I get to have my own little private nurse to take care of me while I'm on bed rest, right?;) oh, and Matt's being extremely abusive he's trying to give me bruises and only you can give me bruises! He's being so mean, make him stop. :( Zacky replied, sighing softly. Matt had only really hit him with the couch pillow, but his text was really about to become true in a moment. Zacky rose a brow as he listened to Matt, his eyes widening as he brought up the whole waffle thing from this morning. Zacky yeled and put his arms up, attempting to somehow defend himself from Matt's blows. This guy really didn't understand how strong he was. "I'm sorry! you could've just shaved it!" He yelled, falling off the couch and trying to crawl away to safety. He tried to get Bella to help him, but she just looked at him like he was nuts before getting up and walking away. "Wow, great dog," he grumbled, glaring in her direction. She probably hated him since Icky always wanted to try and stick it in every time they were around one another. It wasn't his fault his dog was so horny. He really did need to get him fixed though.
    Jenna shivered as she walked around with Pirate, wishing he would at least poop or something since she hadn't since she fed him. The last thing she wanted was for him to take a shit in the shop. She kept walking around with him, getting him used to the leash at least. He still kept biting on it and trying to play with If but forgot it was there sometimes. While she was waiting, Jenna pulled out her phone and turned on her camera, deciding to take a selfie of her now extremely red face from being so cold. Right as she was about to send the picture she got a text from Matt, smirking as she read it. it tasted like candy apples too if I remember correctly. It could have been the booze though. Pretty sure I thought I was s member of the lollipop guild at one point too. Oh, and have a selfie just because. (; Jenna sent the picture and the message, looking over just in time to catch Pirate going to the bathroom. She sighed in relief, glad he pissed and shit so that she didn't have to worry about it for a while. "Good boy! Momma's so proud!" She said happily, picking him up when he was done and praising him. She walked back into the shop, reaching over the counter and getting his bag of treats. She heard her name being called by Louisa, looking over and seeing that the Madden twins were here. They were pretty attractive, but for some reason she couldn't help but compare them both to Matt. "Hi!" She said excitedly, setting Pirate down and unhooking his leash once she gave him a treat. "I'm Jennna Ashburn, it's really great to finally meet you guys!" She said cheerfully, shaking both of their hands. They had a really firm and inviting grip.

    "I'm Joel and this is my brother Benji. We saw the work that Jenna did on Shadows and we just had to come here and get some ink by you guys," Joel said with a bright smile.
    March 7th, 2017 at 08:07am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Louisa felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and knew she had a message from Zacky, but she would have to answer it later. It would be really unprofessional to text while they were doing a consultation for the Madden brothers. "Well I'm always up for having more celebrity endorsements for my shop!" Louisa exclaimed, and the Madden brothers laughed. "Now Zacky just needs to get his ass down here so I can do his tattoo and put his picture on the wall. Ooh, Jen, we should take pictures of the celebrities we tattoo, have them sign them, and then hang them on the wall. You know, like laundromats do."

    "Okay, I want the blonde one to do mine, she's fun," Benji said, and Louisa grinned.

    "Well the other one's hot, so I'm fine with that," Joel shot back.

    "Hey, I'm hot, too," Louisa said, pretending to pout. "And before you get too carried away, you might want to give Shadows a call and tell him you're trying to put the moves on his girlfriend." Louisa snickered at the look on Joel's face. "Alright, well did y'all want to show us what kind of tattoos you were wanting?" The men nodded and Louisa led them over to the counter, taking a seat in her spinning chair. She was so excited to get to help with their tattoos, but then again, she was always excited to help with anyone's tattoo. Louisa just loved seeing her sketches and interpretations come to life on people's skins. She couldn't wait to tell Zacky all about this, and that's how she realized how strong her feelings were for him already, because the only people she was ever excited to tell about things were her sister Courtney and Jenna. Once they'd gone over everything with the Madden brothers, Louisa had Katy book their appointments in the calendar, Benji with her and Joel with Jenna. "I guess we'll see y'all in next week!" Louisa exclaimed, waving at them as they left the shop. She finally pulled out her phone and read over her message from Zacky. "Jenna, tell your boyfriend to stop being mean to Zacky!" she said to the other girl. He's giving you bruises? Oh no, we can't have that. A private nurse, huh? We'll have to see about that, unless you want me to be throwing up, too. I don't do vomit, darlin' :/
    "Well what the hell do you want to gossip about, then?" Matt asked. Zacky was honestly off his rocker sometimes, but Matt still loved him like a brother. He watched as Zacky vainly tried to defend himself against Matt's punches, falling on the floor. "I'm not shaving my fucking hair, I like my hair," Matt said, looking at his friend on the floor. "Maybe I'll shave your hair." He smirked when Bella essentially looked at Zacky like he was crazy and walked away. She was definitely Matt's dog. "Good girl," Matt said, reaching for his phone when it vibrated. He saw that he had two messages from Jenna, and one was a picture. "Man, Jenna's so pretty," Matt said as he saved the picture to his phone. Let's hope it was the booze, because I don't like having my ass bitten. Touch it and squeeze it all you want, though. And I can't say I remember you thinking you were a member of the lollipop guild, but if you say you did then I'm going to go with it. He sent that message before he responded to the picture that Jenna had sent him. A selfie just because? Well aren't you sweet? And I'm lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend, with your cute little red cheeks. "Alright, I think I want to warm up my pizza from earlier," Matt announced, feeling a little hungry. "Or should we order something else? If you pay for it, you take it home when you leave and not have to eat food poisoning-inducing sandwiches. I'm thinking Chinese? Or whatever, I don't really fucking care. Just hurry up and decide because I'm fucking starving." It was hard to believe that it was barely past noon, because it felt like it was at least five o'clock in the afternoon. Matt wasn't used to getting up so early this soon after getting back from tour. After being awake for a few hours he was used to it being early evening.
    March 8th, 2017 at 07:10am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky gasped as he looked over at Matt, his eyes wide. "Don't you even think about it Matthew Charles, my hair is sacred!" He said, getting up and sitting in the nearby recliner. He felt like he could definitely use a nap right about now. Even though he had been sleeping nonstop since they had gotten back on tour, the past few days he'd spent with Louisa had really exhausted him. His body still wasn't recovered fully from the tour or on a proper schedule. "You're hungry already? You've had breakfast and a pizza already and it's only noon. If you keep eating like this and skipping the gym you're going to lose your sex appeal and then what? Pretty little Jenna isn't going to want to fuck you every five minutes," Zacky snickered. He rolled his eyes when Matt said something about Jenna being pretty, shaking his head. She must've sent him a picture. Zacky wanted one from Louisa now, that wasn't fair. He opened his texts as his phone went off, chuckling a she read it. He wasn't great around people who were sick either so he couldn't really blame her there. I don't really do well around people who are puking up their guys either so I can't blame you. My princess should totally send me a selfie because I miss her face. (: oh, and have you met with the Madden twins yet? If I find out one of them puts the moves on you I'll knock em out. Zacky sighed, leaning back in the chair and and putting his phone in his lap. "I guess Chinese works. I'll pay," he said, trying to think of what he wanted. He always like to try something different when he could, or at least whenever he felt like it. He wasn't really one for getting the same thing over and over again. "Do you think we should be worried about the girls tattooing the Madden twins? Cause I mean, they think they're slick sometimes," Zacky murmured, furrowing his brow. He didn't really have a good history with the twins. One of this stole his ex girlfriend years ago and since they both looks so much alike Zacky couldn't even remember which once it was now. Not that it mattered.
    Jenna raised a brow as she listened to the twins, smirking and letting out a small laugh as Joel called her hot. She laughed even more when Louisa said something about calling up Matt. "Yeah, he wouldn't be to happy if he found out you were trying to butter me up," she said, patting Joel on the shoulder. She was really happy that the consultation went well and she couldn't wait to get started on the sketches for Joel's tattoo. Both of the boys were actually really amazing and sweet and she was glad that they came in here to get tattooed. She waved goodbye to them as they left, turning to Louisa as she squealed. "This is so amazing! I'm super excited, aren't you? Can you imagine how many more celebrites we're probably going to be getting." Jenna shook her head, leaning against the counter. It all felt like a dream come true. She was dating such an amazing, talented, sexy lead singer of a famous rock band that she tattooed. Now the shop she worked at was getting celebrity clients. It was amazing. "I really like your idea of putting pictures up on the wall and having them sign it when they come it. We should do it," she told Louisa as she sat down in her chair. Her eyes widened when the other girl yelled at her to tell Matt to stop abusing Zacky, raising a brow. "I can't control him, I'll suggest it to him but I mean yunno... he does what he wants," she said innocently with a small shrug. She picked up her phone to text Matt right as he texted her, reading both messages that came through. Fine, fine. No more ass biting. Pinky swear. Thanks baby, you should send me a selfie of you and my Bella-boo cause I miss you both very much. ;) OH! Louisa and I just got done meeting with the Madden twins. She's doing Benji's tattoo and I'm doing Joel's. Joel told me I was hot and once he found out we were dating the look on his face was priceless. she replied, biting her lower lip.
    March 8th, 2017 at 08:07am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "We're celebrity tattoo artists now, Jenna," Louisa said, grinning with excitement. She leaned back in her spinning chair, staring up at the ceiling. "I own a tattoo parlor that has celebrity clients. Holy shit. Oh my God, I can't wait to rub this in the faces of the people who thought my art degree wasn't gonna get me shit. Take that, motherfuckers. And yes, we need to put all their pictures up on the wall. Go on and tell Mattie that he has to take a picture next time he comes in," she added teasingly. Her phone vibrated on the counter and she reached for it, seeing a message from Zacky. She smiled when she read where he called her princess and said he missed her face. When they weren't having sex and he called her princess, it just made her feel so special. Yeah, we just finished our consultation with them, actually! I'm so excited to do their tattoos. And Joel did make a comment about Jenna being hot, but nobody said anything about me. But you don't have anything to worry about darlin', because why would I want anyone else even I've got a cute little thing like you? ;) oh! When you come in to get your tattoo done, we're gonna take a picture of you and have you sign it and then we're gonna put it on the wall! We're starting a celebrity wall :) "Wow, I just typed a paragraph," Louisa laughed as she sent the message. She pulled up her camera and took a selfie with her tongue stuck out, sending this to Zacky. Here's my face, darlin', since you missed it so much. And now your little princess wants one of you. "So what does everyone else want for lunch?" Louisa asked, spinning around in her chair. She hadn't eaten since breakfast this morning and it had been a couple of hours. Not to mention there was the excitement of meeting the Madden twins, and getting excited always made her hungry. "I'm thinking Arby's."

    "I want Subway," Katy said, reaching under the counter for her purse. She pulled a ten out of her wallet and handed it to Louisa. "The usual."

    "What about you, Jen?" Louisa asked. "What do you want me to bring you back for lunch?"
    "Hey, even if I get fat, my dick isn't going to get smaller," Matt said, flipping Zacky off. "I'm pretty sure that's what Jenna enjoys. And you know what? Just for that little remark, I'm going to drag your ass to the gym. Because you're right, I need to stop skipping. I'm going to go change." Matt grabbed his phone and headed upstairs to change into his workout clothes. It had been too long since he'd been to the gym here, at least a year because they'd been on tour. He hadn't worked out since they'd gotten back and he needed to stop slacking. He changed into a pair of basketball shorts and one of his gym tshirts, grabbing his water bottle and headphones. As he walked downstairs, his phone vibrated and he unlocked it, reading over the message from Jenna. He frowned when he noticed that Jenna said Joel told her she was hot. He didn't distrust the Madden twins, but he didn't exactly trust them either, not when it came to women. "Jenna just texted me and said that Joel told her she was hot," Matt said, sort of answering Zacky's question as to whether or not they should be worried about the Madden twins. "But at least they know Jenna's taken. Might want to make sure they know Louisa is, too." Matt called Bella over, crouching down next to her as he snapped a picture. He sent this to Jenna, along with replying to her message. Here's your picture, baby girl. And you'd better tell Joel to keep his hands to himself, because he knows I can and will kick his ass. I'm about to drag Zacky's fat ass to the gym because he called me fat :( so tell Louisa she can thank me later, because I'm going to whip Zacky into shape.
    March 9th, 2017 at 05:47am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky made a face and groaned loud. He didn't want to go to the gym, even though he wasn't as hungover as he was this morning, he still felt like shit. "What happened to lunch, Matt? Now we're going to go be physical instead? Since we're going out can we go see my babe after we get done pumping iron?" He asked, pouting. If he was going to be dragged out than at least he wanted to pay a surprise fisit to Louisa at the tattoo shop. He looked down at his phone as it vibrated, unlocking it and reading his text from Louisa. He furrowed his brow, wondering why no one called his woman hot. Well he should be glad that they weren't hitting on her at least, but Zacky thought she was way more attractive than Jenna. "How come they hit on Jenna but not Louisa?" Zacky said right after Matt told him that they called Jenna hot, shaking his head. "Not that I'm really complaining or anything cause I mean that's less I have to worry about. But still." He sighed heavily. Im glad it all went well, princess. They better not hit on you or else I'll be taking my first and shoving it where the sun don't shine. I'm going to have to make sure that they know you're taken by me. :) I'll definitely take a picture for your new celebrity wall, that's such an amazing idea! We're going to have to get the rest of the guys in for some new ink too so they can get up on the wall. he sent, opening the other message and seeing her selfie. He chuckled, smiling as he looked at it. She was so beautiful. He turned on his camera, puffing out his cheeks and making a face that pretty much said the didn't want to be doing something. Youre beautiful. Here's a selfie for you, Matt is making me go to the gym so this is my face to that. Zacky sent the picture before standing up and stretching. He wasn't looking forward to this st all but it was better than just sitting around here and doing nothing. "I guess what I'm wearing is alright for the gym. I would have worn something more appropriate if I had been more prepared," he said as he shot Matt a look. What he had on was going to have to do.
    Jenna laughed, really proud of Louisa. "See, dreams really do come true! I never would have thought I would be working as a tattoo artist in a place like this either. It really is amazing," she said with a small sigh, shaking her head. It was all because she had put her work on instagram. She wasn't even expecting to get clients out of doing that either and she ended up getting Matt. It was all so surreal. She looked down at Pirate as he brought her his ball, giggling and bending down to pick it up. She tossed it for him, praising him for bringing it back. She'd play with him for a while before her appointment came in. "I'll have whatever you're having from Arby's," she told Louisa when she asked what everyone wanted for lunch. Jenna ate pretty much anything and whenever Louisa didn't finish her food she usually ate it so Jenna knew she liked what she got from the place anyways. "Make my meal large for me please, I'm super hungry." Jenna got up and got some money out of her bag, handing it to Louisa and thanking her. Her phone vibrate in her pocket so her pulled her out to check her message from Matt. She smirked when she read what Matt said about kicking Joel's ass, giggling softly. That would be something she'd like to see. Well really she kind of just wanted to see Matt fight ingenrral. Another text came through with a picture and she smiled big. He was so handsome and Bella was just so adorable. Those dimples were going to drive her absolutely crazy. She saved the picture before going and replying to his text. Dont be picking fights, Matthew. As much as I want to see it happen, it's not nice. <3 Go whip Zacky's chub tub into shape. I can't believe he called you fat, he's lucky I wasn't there. You're a sexy beast, my sexy beast to be exact. Make sure you send me lots of pictures of you at the gym and of Zacky suffering. I'm disappointeed that I couldn't go with you. :( all sweaty and hot. By the way, Bella is just the cutest thing in the whole wide world and you're just the handsomest devil. Your dimples are going to kill me someday. Jenna shook her head as she sent her message, sighing heavily.
    March 10th, 2017 at 09:21am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Cool, I'll be back in like thirty minutes," Louisa said, taking Jenna's money and heading out to her car. It was still really fucking cold so she immediately turned on her heater as high as it would go. She drove to Subway first since she needed to get out and ordered Katy's sandwich, hurrying outside to her car, which was thankfully still pretty warm. At Arby's, she ordered hers and Jenna's meals, reaching for her phone while she waited in line at the drive-thru. She saw that she had two messages from Zacky, and she smiled as she read over them. Now darlin', don't go getting into any fights on my behalf. They'll know I'm yours, I promise ;) and you think I'm beautiful? You're so sweet. And so handsome, too. Have fun at the gym with Matt! Take some pictures for me so I can see what you look like when you're all worked up and sweaty ;) Louisa sent the message and tossed her phone into the passenger seat, turning her attention back to the drive-thru as the line started to move. Once she had the food, she headed back to the tattoo parlor, munching on her curly fries as she drove. "Lunch is here!" Louisa shouted as she walked through the door. She handed Katy her sandwich and drink, sitting Jenna's food on the counter before going to sit in her spinning chair. "Man, I'm so fucking hungry and this smells so good," she said, unwrapping her roast beef sandwich. She squeezed a whole package of Arby's sauce onto the sandwich before taking a big bite and groaning happily. "So Zacky and Matt are going to the gym?" Louisa said to Jenna, laughing. "But I'm sure you already knew that. My poor darlin', he doesn't seem very happy about that. You'd better tell your meathead of a boyfriend not to work him too hard. I like his chub."
    "Shouldn't have opened your big mouth," Matt said. "And I guess we can go surprise the girls after we get done working out. I wouldn't mind seeing Jenna." Matt took Bella to her kennel and gave her some fresh food and water before grabbing his phone before he walked out to his car with Zacky. "Hold on, let me answer my text while the car warms up," he said, turning on the heater. It's not picking a fight if he deserves it, baby girl. And trust me, Zacky won't have a chub tub when I'm done with him. He's going to regret opening his mouth and calling me fat. And of course I'll send you pictures, baby girl. I'm sure there'll be plenty of pictures of Zacky suffering, because he's lazy and hates working out. He's not a sexy beast like me ;) well if my dimples are going to kill you, maybe I shouldn't send you anymore pictures, baby girl. Matt sent the message and stuck his phone in the cubby hole underneath his radio, reaching to the gear shift and pulling out of the driveway. "Alright motherfucker, you ready to get your ads whipped into shape?" Matt asked Zacky as they headed into the gym. He patted Zacky's belly. "Maybe if we trim away some of this chub, Louisa will want to fuck you every five minutes." He laughed at his own little joke as he stashed hus jacket in a locker. "Alright, before we start lifting weights, I say we do a run on the treadmill," Matt suggested, going over to the row of machines. "A short walk to warm up and then a nice, leisurely...jog." Matt shot Zacky a smirk as he got onto one of the treadmills, setting the pace for a nice walk. After about five minutes, he increased his pace so that he was moving at a pretty decent running pace, looking over at Zacky. "How you doing over there, Zack?" he asked. "Keeping up?"
    March 10th, 2017 at 10:58pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ bonzer
    March 13th, 2017 at 02:25am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    "You're the musclehead, not me," Zacky grumbled. "Seeing Louisa is mg reward. Of course you wouldn't mind seeing Jenna, you two will probably end up fucking in the closet or something." He shook his head, going out to Matt's car. Zacky got in, buckling up and waiting for Matt to finish texting so they could go. He really did regret opening his big ass mouth. His own phone vibrated luckily since he knew once he got to the gym he wouldn't be able to text for a good while. He grinned as he read his texts from Louisa. i think you're very beautiful. I'll send you pics, don't worry. I may look like I'm dying just a bit but hopefully you find me sexy nonetheless. (; Zacky sent the texts as Matt pulled up at the gym, sighing heavily as they got out and went inside. Matt definitely knew what he was doing that was for sure, explaining to Zacky what they were going to start with first. Zacky definitely needed to build up on some cardio with how much he was out of shape. He really should be doing that anyways to help him while he was on stage. "Alright, let's do this," he said with a nod, walking over to the treadmill and stepping on. He started out at a regular walk and slowly began to increase it. He put the treadmill at an incline so that it was like he was walking uphill. That really did it for him. He was sweating bullets and panting like crazy. He looked over at Matt and glared at him, wanting to kill him. "Yes, I'm doing just fine. Building up that cardio for when I can chase after your ass and strangle you for bringing me here," he snapped, letting of a small whine. He already wanted to stop and he didn't think he hadn't even been on there for more than ten minutes.
    Jenna groaned as she stretched in her chair, eagerly waiting for her food. She glanced over at the clock, seeing she had just enough time to eat before her next appointment got there. She was doing an outline for someone today and she was really excited for it. Jenna beamed as Louisa finally for back with the food, jumping up and going to get it. "Thank you!" She told her friend, stuffing a few fries into her mouth. She moaned at how good it was and how great it felt to put something in her stomach. She sat down in her chair, pulling out her sandwitch and taking a bite of it. Her phone went off as she ate, picking it up and reading Matt's texts. She smirked, giggling softly. "Zacky called Matt fat so he's trying to get him back for it. I rather not interfere with their bonding time," she told Louisa with a smirk, snorting. It wasn't like Zacky was going to lose all of his chub over night unless he felt good as decided to start going to the gym regularly after today. She highly doubted it though, he just didn't seem like the type. Please don't deprive me of your gorgeous dimples. :( Louisa doesn't want Zacky to lose any of his chub so go easy on him please. She's acting like she's going to have a heart attack worrying over if it's all going to be gone by the time she sees him. Jenna giggled as she sent her text. She took another bite of her sandwich, chewing and swallowing it before taking a sip of her soda. It was really good and she was glad that she had made the decision to get it. Once Jenna was done with her food she got up and threw her trash away, cleaning up any mess that she had made around her work station just in time for her client to come walking through the door. A young female wanted a Walt Disney tattoo on her back and Jenna was so excited to start on it. It was Walt Disney in the middle and he was surrounded by all of the older Disney characters. It was so beautiful and unique.
    March 13th, 2017 at 11:30am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "If Zacky called Matt fat, he probably deserved it," Louisa said, sticking her tongue out at Jenna. She chewed on her sandwich, looking over Jenna's shoulder as she texted Matt back, gasping as she read the message Jenna was sending. "I am not acting like I'm going to have a heart attack," Louisa said, shoving Jenna's arm. "I just don't want your meathead of a boyfriend to work him too hard. He's fragile." She snorted at her own words, knowing Zacky was no such thing. He just happened to like his food, and there was nothing wrong with that. As she was eating a curly fry, Louisa's phone vibrated and she saw the notification that she had a message from Zacky flash across the screen. She giggled as she read the message. Her boyfriend was a goofball. Well you certainly know how to make a girl feel special, darlin'. And as long as you don't actually die, it'll be okay. But I think you'll be fine. Show mister meathead what you're made of ;) She sent the text message and spun around in her seat, happily eating the rest of her sandwich. She loved Arby's and this definitely hit the spot for her. She looked up when the door opened, seeing Jenna's next appointment walking in. Louisa got up to throw her trash away as Jenna took the girl back to her tattoo room, going back behind the counter to grab her pack of cigarettes and her lighter. "I'm going to step outside and smoke a cigarette," Louisa said to Katy. The other girl nodded her head to show she heard and Louisa headed outside, hurrying around back to the little cubby hole to hide from the frigid wind. As she puffed on her cigarette, Louisa pulled out her phone, pushing her bottom lip out in a pout as she snapped a picture of herself. She sent this to Zacky, adding a caption. I wish you were here to keep me warm while I smoke my cigarette :(
    Matt chuckled as he watched Zacky struggle. He wondered if the guitarist knew that it wouldn't be so hard if he didn't have the incline set so high. "Please, it doesn't matter how much cardio you do, your fat ass would never be able to catch me," Matt taunted. He reached over and increased the speed on his treadmill, knowing Zacky would probably at least try to match him. None of them could turn down a challenge, that was half of their problem. "It wouldn't be so damn hard if you didn't have the incline set up so fucking high," Matt told him. "And you have no one to blame but yourself for this. If you hadn't opened your mouth and called me fat, I would've been perfectly happy to sit on the couch and watch TV or play Call of Duty." After about fifteen minutes, Matt decided he'd had enough of the treadmill, turning it off and stepping off after it had stopped. "Alright Zacky, I think it's time for strength training," Matt said, walking over to the weight sets. "I need you to spot me. And then I'll spot you. If you're brave enough to try, that is. I'm not sure those spaghetti noodles you call arms can lift too much." Matt smirked at Zacky as he loaded weights onto the bar. Last time he'd been to the gym he'd bench presses two hundred and forty five pounds, so this time he was going to shoot for two fifty. Once he was sure Zacky wasn't going to let the bar fall onto his neck, Matt lifted the bar and started to bench press the weights. He didn't get to do this much while they were on tour and he honestly missed it, because he liked keeping up his muscles and his physique. Matt did his usual twenty reps, having Zacky help him hoist the bar back into the little notch before he got up from the bench. "Alright Zack, your turn," Matt said, putting away his weights. "How much do you want to try? The bar is forty five by itself, remember, so I think you should just stick with these." Matt held up two of the little five pound weights, chuckling at his own little joke.
    March 14th, 2017 at 06:05am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky gasped and his eyes widened, turning the incline down and his speed up to match Matt's. "The next time I want a bit of a push to go to the gym, all I have to do is call you fat. It's going to be my new secret weapon I'll never use," he snorted, trying desperately to keep up with Matt. He didn't understand how the other man made it look so damn easy. Zacky was beyond greatful when Matt decided that if was time to get off of the treadmills, turning his machine off and waiting for it to come to a stop before getting off. Zacky walked over to the weights, eyeing them up along with the rest of fhe men that were lifting weights. Zacky definitely felt out of place. "I don't think you need to spot me when it comes to my turn," he told Matt, standing behind the weight bar and beginning to spot Matt. "I don't understand how in the hell you make this shit look so easy. I'm probably going to die," he grumbled, helping Matt put the bar back up once he was done. Zacky glared at Matt when he suggested what weight to put on. "Make those a gen instead and you have a deal," he told him, sticking his tongue out at him. Zacky got down on the bench, waiting for Matt to get things set up the way it hihjd. With a huge grunt he lifted the bar, feeling like he was straining every muscle in his body as he lifted a set of at least fifteen. He didn't want to over do himself or hurt himself. Louisa would probably kill him if she found out she overworked himself and then got hurt. Once Zacky was finished with the weights he sat hip, panting heavily and shaking his head. "That was absolutely ridiculous. Holy shit, my arms are going to be sore," he whiined, shaking his head. "Weight lifting isn't for me, okay. I rather keep my guitar playing noodle arms that Louisa loves so much." Zacky stood up, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. "Now what? Since you're my personal trainer and all, I'm totally following your lead." So far Zacky thankfully didn't feel like he was fully dying. So maybe he will be able to make it to Louisa so she could patch him up and make him feel better before it got to bad.
    Jenna laughed and stuck her tongue right back out at Louisa. "He's going to keep his chub, don't worry. It doesn't melt away over night. Unless Matt is a mirical worker and knows how to get it done." Jenna smirked and got up as the front door opened, going to the front to greet her next appointment. She lead the girl to the back to get started, super excited. They carried on a conversation about everything Disney which was honestly one of Jenna's favorite things to talk about. She got all of her ink ready, putting her hair up and making sure Pirate was happy before she began the outline. This made Jenna want to get something similar or at least a Disney tattoo in general for her love of the movies. Halfway through the outline though Pirate began to cause a fit, making Jenna grown. "Louisa! If you're not busy could you please entertain Pirate for me for a bit? Or just toss him off to Katy, I don't care," she called out, apologing to the girl she was tattooing. Jenna would be thankful when Pirate outgrew his puppy stage but she also knew that she would be incredibly sad. She didn't want him to grow up to fast. He was already getting bigger and bigger by the hour if felt like. Soon she would have to worry about getting him fixed since he'd be able to reach Bella and try getting her pregnant. Jenna shook her head a bit to shake the thought. She shouldn't be thinking about that now. Bella wasn't allowed to have puppies yet and neither was Pirate. They were only allowed to have them once Jenna had a baby. Whenever that was and whoever that was with. She secretly hoped that whenever she did finally have babies they were with Matt. As crazy as that was. She looked way to far ahead into the future. She couldn't help herself, she liked to dream.
    March 14th, 2017 at 09:34am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Louisa huffed when Zacky never responded to either one of her text messages. But if he didn't want to flirt with her, that was fine. He was probably busy at the gym, anyway. Finishing off her cigarette, she stomped it out on the ground and picked it up, sticking it in the little trashcan she had for cigarettes near the front door as she went back inside. She could hear Jenna shouting at her as she walked through the front door, saying something about Pirate. "Alright, come here you silly thing," Louisa said, picking up the squirming puppy. "Calm your ass down! Jesus Christ. Jenna, did you bring him any food? He's probably starving."

    "He can have the rest of my sandwich," Katy offered. She held out what looked like a quarter of a sandwich.

    Louisa took it, opening the wrapper and putting it on the ground. Pirate sniffed the sandwich for w second before he started to scarf it down, confirming Louisa's suspicion that he was hungry. "Alright, if say he's pretty entertained," she said to herself. She stashed her cigarettes and lighter back behind the counter and went to sit down in the arm chair in the waiting area. She grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels, settling on a football game. She couldn't wait to go home in two weeks and watch football with her brothers and her dad. It was one of the things Louisa looked forward to the most about going home for the holidays. This time, though, she knew she would get the third degree about Zacky, since her sister had probably blabbed to everyone about it. Her mom and aunts would be all questions. What's his name? Where did you meet him? What kind of work did he do? When can we meet him? It had been like that with Jay and Louisa knew it would be the same way with Zacky.
    "Have you lost what little mind you have left?" Matt asked. "Of course I need to spot you, it's dangerous to lift weights without a spotter. You could drop the bar and snap your windpipe. And I don't think the fans would like that very much." Matt set up the bar for Zacky, setting it so that he was bench pressing a hundred and seventy five pounds. It was a decent amount, and Matt was actually pretty impressed that Zacky was able to do fifteen reps. "Well unlike you, lifting weights is my thing. You don't get guns like these without lifting some weights." He paused, smirking as he flexed his muscles. "So I'm going to do reps with the hand weights. But if you don't want to do that, you can do leg presses or use the ab crunch machine. You could stand to do a fee thousand crunches. Get started on this extra tire of yours," he added, patting Zacky's stomach. "After I finish with the hand weights, we'll do some planks, see who can last the longest." Matt went over to where the hand weights were racked, grabbing two twenty pounds barbells and starting on some bicep curls. When he was finished with this, he reracked the weights and looked around for Zacky, going over when he spotted him. "Ready to try some planks?" Matt asked. "I usually shoot for two minutes, but we can start with thirty seconds. Planking is hard if you've never done it before." He led Zacky over to the area where he usually went to do planks and other things that didn't involve weights, grabbing a couple of mats and laying them out on the floor. "Alright, get down there," Matt said, waiting until Zacky had gotten into position before he pulled out his phone to time him. "Okay, and....go." While Zacky was struggling with his plank, Matt went to his camera, snapping a picture, which he sent to Jenna. You should show this to Louisa.
    March 15th, 2017 at 06:32am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky was going to end up punching Matt right in his dick if he patted his stomach one more time. He grabbed ahold of his stomach, jiggling it. "I guess I'll do some ab stuff. I need to get rid of some of this extra flab so a certain someone will stop patting it like a goddamn dog," he huffed, going over to the ab cruncher. He breathed in and out deeply before he began to do sets of twenty, pretty satisfied with himself. He was actually feeling pretty good even if he was a sweaty and heavy breathing mess. It was making him want to come to the gym more often but even though he felt good now he'd never come here on his own. When Zacky was done with the ab cruncher he got off, going over to Matt and putting his hands on his hips. He raised a brow when he asked if he was ready for planking, wondering how in the hell they were supposed to do that. It didn't sound as bad as he thought but if Matt did it for such little time and they were only shooting for thirty seconds, Zacky was honestly a bit scared. "Alright let's... plank," he said, clearing his throat as he followed Matt over to where he put out some matts. "You make this sound terrifying, I hope you that," he told Matt, getting down on the mat and getting into position. He began planking once Matt said go, making strained noises. It was definitely much harder and intense than he had thought it would be. After thirty seconds Zacky fell to the floor, panting heavily. "Who In their right mind came up with that?" He said with a shake of his head. "Honestly, that's just insane." He got up, brushing some dirt off of his shorts. "Please tell me we're done after this. I don't think my poor body can handle anymore." Zacky just wanted to see Louisa at this point and just be anywhere but at the gym. He could also use some really good food. Something really unhealthy and greasy. Just so that he an ruin all of the progress he had made today.
    "Thank you!" Jenna told Louisa, making a face when she heard that Pirate was probably hungry. She had some dog food in her bag but she didn't think she brought his went dog food. He still wasn't great with dating really hard stuff yet. It didn't take long for Jenna to finish up the girls line work, cleaning it all up and putting some cling wrap on it and taking her up to the counter. She had her pay for the first half of her tattoo and then had Katy schedule the girl for her next appointment. She waved bye to the girl as she left, sighing heavily. "One down, not sure how many more to go," she said, looking down. Her eyes widened when she saw Pirate tearing up a sandwitch wrapper, gasping and quickly trying to clean it all up. "No, bad boy!" She yelled, flicking his nose as she finished picking it up. She kept grumbling to herself as she threw it away, shaking her head. "I swear, can't give you anything." Jenna's phone went off in her back pocket which made her jump almost a fooot in the air. She read her text from Matt, laughing out loud as she saw the picture of Zacky. "That is so great," she laughed, shaking her head. Matt, what are you doing to the poor guy?! Don't kill him, he look like he's about to kill over with how bad he's struggling. I'm totally going to go show Louisa right now. Jenna got up and rushed over to Louisa, sitting in her lap and putting her phone in her face. "Look at this picture of your boyfriend," she giggled, shaking her head. "He's trying so hard!" Jenna thought it was cute how Matt and Zacky were at the gym with one another working out. She needed to start going back to the gym or go for her morning runs. In the winter she always slacked off on her runs since it was just way to cold sometimes and she couldn't handle it. She wasn't much of a gym person since she hated going places by herself, but maybe since she had Matt now she could go with him. That would be so cute, she loved that idea.
    March 15th, 2017 at 02:39pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Louisa was so caught up in her game that she didn't even notice Jenna coming over until the other girl was in her lap, shoving her phone into her face. She looked at the picture, seeing Zacky on the floor, obviously struggling with whatever he was doing. "Oh, my poor little baby!" she shouted. "You tell Matt to leave him alone, I like him alive." It seemed like Zacky had the same attitude she did about the gym. She didn't mind going, but she only went with someone else, and she usually always wanted to give up after about thirty minutes. She needed to get a personal trainer, maybe then she could actually get something done. Louisa reached for her phone and sent a message to Zacky, hoping maybe she could cheer him on a little. Jenna just showed me a picture of you at the gym, darlin'. You look like you're trying so hard! She added a little kissy face emoji before sending the message, setting her phone off to the side. "Now, would you get the fuck out of my lap?" Louisa asked. She gave Jenna a nudge and then a shove, sending the other girl to the floor. "Oh shit, I'm sorry! Didn't mean to shove you to the floor. I loooooooove you, Jenna." Louisa was so bored, so she decided to just bother Zacky by blowing up his phone with a bunch of text messages.

    I'm bored.

    Text me back.


    I miss you :(

    Matt laughed as Zacky fell onto the floor. "It's a good ab workout, though," Matt said. "Tightens your core." He rolled his eyes when Zacky asked if they could be done. He usually stayed at the gym twice as long, which was why he usually preferred to go by himself. "Fine, we can leave now," Matt relented. "But only because I don't want to have to listen to you bitch and moan anymore." He grabbed his water bottle and took a drink as he led Zacky downstairs to the lockers, grabbing his jacket and keys before going outside. Figuring Zacky would still want to go pay the girls a visit, Matt headed for the tattoo parlor instead of his house. By the looks of the cars outside, it didn't look too busy, so maybe Matt and Zacky would be able to stick around for a little while before they went back to Matt's house. "Long time, no see," Matt said to the girl sitting behind the counter. He could never remember name. He grinned when he spotted Jenna and Louisa on the couch, scooping Jenna into his arms before he took a seat in the recliner next to the couch, settling her in his lap. "I hope you don't mind me cuddling you while I'm all sweaty," he said to her. "I'm going to need another shower when I get home."
    March 16th, 2017 at 07:45am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky let out a huge relieved sigh when Matt said that they could be done. "Thank you, sweet baby Jesus," he said, following him down to the lockers to get their stuff. "That was a pretty good workout to start me off with though. I feel pretty good to be honest." Zacky got his stuff and followed Matt back out to his car, furrowing his brow as his phone began to blow up with a bunch of texts. He laughed as he saw that they were all from Louisa, raising a brow when one message poked out to him specifically. "Did you send Jenna a picture of me, asshole?" He said, reaching over and punching Matt in the arm. "I can't even say that next time I'll send Louisa pictures of you to show Jenna because all she'll do is want to screw your brains out. My girlfriend is just giving me sympathy and encouragement," he said, huffing. Not that he didnt like that because he definitely did, he just felt a little embarsssed. He wasn't exactly the most attractive thing when he was at the gym unlike Matt, who was already pretty buff and was just maintaining his appearance. Hi, princess. I just got finished at the gym. I miss you too :( I'm sorry I didn't text you. Matt is going to get his ass kicked for sending that picture though. Zacky was glad when he noticed that Matt was driving in the direction of Louisa's tattoo parlor. He wanted to go see her for sure. When they got there he was pleased to see that no one was really there at the moment, which meant they had some time to hangout. He got out of the car, going inside and looking around for Louisa. He spotted her and Jenna over on the couch, reaching down and petting Pirate so he'll calm down. "Surprise," he said as he stepped over Jenna who was on the floor, smirking as he laid on top of Louisa on the couch. "Hello, beautiful. I missed you. Obviously I couldn't go more than a few hours without seeing you," he said with a small chuckle. He gave her a small kiss on the lips, wishing he could deepen it but he was afraid he would want to take it to the next level and he wasn't really sure how that could happen here.
    Jenna giggled at Louisa's reaction to the picture, shaking her head. "You two are cute," she said. Her eyes widened when Louisa told her to get off of her lap, squealing when she nudged her and she fell off. "Now that was just mean," she huffed, laying on the floor. She raised a brow when Pirate started going nuts, wondering who he saw. He only got that crazy when he saw someone familiar. She turned her head, her eyes widening and a huge smile spreading across her face as she saw Matt and Zacky walk into the shop. She giggled as Matt immediately walked over and scooped her up, cuddling into him and breathing in his manly scent. He actually smelled good when he sweat. "You smell nice though," she murmured, burying her face in the crook of his neck and placing a few soft kisses there. "I missed you. What being you here to see me?" She asked, looking up at him. He looked so cute and sexy with his flushed cheeks and sweaty face. She was glad that he had come to see her. Jenna had missed him a lot and she wished that he could just take her home with him. She just wanted to spend as much time as humanly possible with this man even though she knew she couldn't. Jenna heard a small whine and looked down, seeing Pirate standing at their feet. She giggled, leaning down and picking him up. "Did you say hi to him?" She asked Matt, raising a brow. Pirate out his front paws on Matt's chefs and began to lick his face, his tail wagging a mile a minute. Jenna busted out laughing, not being able to help it. If that puppy wanted attention then he was going to get t. "Pirate, stop," she said, trying to pull him away.
    March 16th, 2017 at 04:57pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I'm sorry," Louisa said to Jenna again. Her phone vibrated and she quickly snatched it up, reading over her text messages from Zacky. I bet you're glad to be done with the gym, darlin'. And I'm glad he sent Jenna a picture, because you were supposed to and you didn't :( I wanted to see you all worked up and sweaty. She sat her phone to the side and turned her attention back to the football game, only looking away when she heard Pirate going crazy. Louisa grinned widely when she saw Zacky and Matt walking into the tattoo parlor, laughing when Zacky laid down in her lap. "This is definitely a nice surprise," Louisa said when Zacky pulled away from their short kiss, running her fingers through his sweat-dampened hair. "I think it's still too nasty outside for people to get out. I've only had one walk-in and I was bored. But then I found a football game on TV and you showed up, so I don't think I'll be bored anymore. " She smiled at Zacky before leaning down to kiss him again. Even if he was sweaty and kind of stinky, Louisa was feeling a little affectionate and she just wanted to kiss him and cuddle him a little. "How long are y'all gonna stick around?" she asked, continuing to run her fingers through his hair as she looked back up at the TV. She hoped they would stay for a little while, because she enjoyed having Zacky around. She liked his body heat and just having someone to kiss and cuddle and just be affectionate with. She'd missed it. She was a little worried that she was getting a little ahead of herself, but Zacky seemed to feel the same way she did, so maybe it wasn't so bad. "Ooh!" Louisa exclaimed, suddenly getting an idea. "If you have the time, why don't I work on your tattoo, darlin'? I've got the sketches done and I'll be leaving to go home next week so if we don't get it done before then we won't be able to do it until January..." She grinned at Zacky, waiting for his response. She hoped he had time for her to do his tattoo today, because she really was really bored.
    "I can't believe you think I smell good when I sweat," Matt said, laughing. "I know I smell like shit. And Zacky decided he couldn't possibly spend more than a few hours away from his precious princess, so here we are. And of course I wanted to see your beautiful face too, baby girl." Matt gave Jenna a short kiss on the lips, looking down when he heard Pirate whining. "No, I didn't say hi to him," Matt told Jenna as she picked the puppy up. And of course the damn thing immediately started to lick his face. "Hey, stop that. I don't know where your tongue has been. And your breath is majorly kicking." He gave the puppy a gentle shove as Jenna tried to pull him away, taking Pirate from her and setting him on the floor. "Okay, go bother someone else now," Matt said, waving Pirate away. The puppy continued to just sit there, wagging his tail as he stared at them. "Fine, sit there and stare at us. I don't care. Wouldn't be the first time." He wiggled his eyebrows at Jenna before he kissed her. It wasn't all that deep of a kiss, but it certainly wasn't a little peck, either. Not long after he started to kiss Jenna, Matt heard Pirate start barking, and he pulled away from her with a laugh. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did you not like me kissing your Mommy? Well, too bad. 'Cause I'm gonna." Matt kissed Jenna again, and this time Pirate tried to climb Matt's leg as he barked at them, but Matt didn't move away. He thought it was cute that Pirate was so protective of Jenna. Well, it was cute now, while he was still a puppy. Being a Newfoundland, Matt knew Pirate would get pretty damn big and then it might not be so cute. Suddenly Matt felt something sharp sinking into his leg and he pulled away with Jenna with a surprised yelp. "What the fuck, your dog just bit me, Jenna!" he shouted. He reached down to rub his leg. "That fucking hurt, too. Damn thing's got sharp little fucking teeth."
    March 17th, 2017 at 04:58am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky frowned when Louisa told him she had been bored. Maybe she shouldn't have opened the shop today and instead just hung out with him. He would have much preffered that anyways instead of going to see Matt and then end up going to the gym. "I'm not sure how long we're going to be staying for. I guess however long Matt wants to really, since he's the driver," he said with a small chuckle. He almost jumped out of his skin when Louisa suddenly got all excited about something, sitting up and moving off of his lap. Zacky smiled big when she mentioned his tattoo, nodding his head. "Hey, Matt, is it okay if Louisa does my tattoo? Yes? Great, thanks. You're the best," he told Matt with a wink, standing up off of the couch. "I'd love for you to do my tattoo today," he told Louisa as he bounced on the balls of his feet, obviously hyped to be getting it done. He'd been wanting that tattoo for ages and now he was getting it done by his amazing girlfriend who was absolutely fantastic at tattoos. He couldn't pick a better person even if he wanted to to do his tattoo for him. Zacky heard Matt yelp and he looked over, seeing him rubbing his leg and Jenna laughing hysterically, along with Pirate trying get at his leg. "I think Jenna has a little guard dog on her hands," Zacky laughed, shaking his head. "That's good, keep you off of her, Matt. If you don't keep your hands off of each other she might really turn into mommy," he said with wide eyes, taking Louisa's hand and quickly dragging her off to her tattoo room. He didn't want to see either one of their reactions to that one. Zacky sat down in the chair, stretching. "Alright, tattoo me up, Princess."
    Jenna laughed. "Of course you wanted to see my beautiful face, why else would you be here?" she snorted with a smirk. She grinned as she leaned into Matt, kissing him back. She loved the feeling of his lips on hers. If they weren't sitting in the middle of the Tattoo shop right now she would definitely take things farther. Jenna raised a brow as she heard Pirate begin to bark, pulling away and looking down at him. She was going to say something but Matt beat her to it, laughing softly and kissing him back to her best ability while she was laughing. Pirate just kept getting more and more noisy, which made Jenna laugh even more. He was definitely a jealous little thing and didn't want Matt touching her. Jenna could feel her heart tighten at the thought, since she'd never really had an animal or a person love her that much to get so jealous. She deepened the kiss as Matt kissed her once more, not even really acknowledging Pirate anymore. She was more interested in the kiss. But then of course, Matt had to yelp and pull away from her, making her look at him with wide eyes. "Oh jesus," she murmured, looking down at Pirate. "You don't do that, baby," she scolded, bending down and flicking his nose. "No biting people. Bad." Jenna felt like her heart was going to break at the look on Pirate's face as he stared at her. She looked up at Matt, her eyes wide as she tried her hardest not to apologize to the poor baby for flicking his nose. But she couldn't let him just bite Matt all becuase he was kissing her and get away with it either.
    March 19th, 2017 at 08:03pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Let's go get it done, then!" Louisa exclaimed, getting to her feet. She went over to her bag and pulled out her sketchbook, tucking it underneath her arm as she went back over to Zacky. She heard him say something about Jenna actually turning into mommy if she and Matt didn't keep their hands off of each other, and she covered her mouth to stifle her laughter as she followed Zacky to her tattoo room. Well technically they were all hers since she owned the shop, but she didn't have one that was hers. "Have a little patience, will you?" Louisa teased. She pulled her short hair up into a ponytail to keep it out of her face before she started to get all of her supplies ready. "You can put on some music if you want, I've got a speaker right over there on the counter," she told Zacky, pointing out the speaker. "I'm gonna go put the sketch on some transfer paper and I'll be right back." She darted back out to the counter, quickly putting the sketch onto the transfer paper before going back to Zacky. "Alright darlin', let's get rid of that shirt," Louisa said, grinning at him. While Zacky took off his shirt, Louisa put on a pair of gloves and sat down on her little stool, wheeling over to him. She had him put his arm on her little table and placed the transfer paper onto his skin. "Oh, this is going to look so pretty," she squealed. "You're definitely going to have to let me put your picture on the wall after this." Peeling away the transfer paper, Louisa grabbed her tattoo gun and started on the outline. "So darlin', how was the gym?" Louisa asked Zacky, smirking up at him. "Were you getting all nice and strong for me? It looks like you might be getting some muscles there."
    "Fuck you Zack, I know how to wrap it up," Matt grumbled, continuing to rub his leg as Jenna scolded Pirate. He'd never really thought about it until now, but he and Jenna should probably have a conversation about contraceptives and all that. He probably should've asked her what sort of birth control she was on before he fucked her without a condom, but it was too late for that now. And besides, most women with the sexual experience of Jenna were on some damn good birth control. "Don't feel bad about scolding him," Matt said, seeing the look on Jenna's face. "He's got to learn, and he won't ever do that if you don't get onto him. It's kind of cute how protective of you he is already. But he doesn't have to worry about anything, I would never do anything to hurt you, baby girl." Matt leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss on the tip of the nose. He heard Pirate yip at him again and he chucked, giving the puppy a gentle nudge away with his foot. "I'm not hurting her, calm yourself." He settled back into the recliner, shifting Jenna around on his lap as he reached for the remote. "While Louisa is back there 'doing Zacky's tattoo'," Matt started, using air quotes. "We should find something to watch on TV and cuddle. Honestly, if anyone's going to make anyone a mommy anytime soon, it's going to be Zack. He's so sexually deprived he can hardly control himself." Matt chuckled. Honestly, the idea of any of the guys having a baby anytime soon was a strange one. They were hitting the peak of their careers right now. But shit happened sometimes; they all had girlfriends at the moment and sometimes slip ups happened in the contraception department.
    March 20th, 2017 at 06:04am