Tattoos on the Heart.

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Once their little reunion was finished, Louisa followed her parents and sister out to their car. She knew that as soon as they got home her mom would be starting on dinner. Fried chicken with mashed potatoes and homemade rolls. Louisa's mouth was watering just thinking about it. She never ate as good as she did when she was at her parents' house. "Need some help with dinner, Ma?" Louisa asked, carrying her bag into the house. She would be more than glad to help out, but her mother's answer was always the same.

    "No, you had a long flight, you sit down and rest," she said. "Courtney can help."

    Louisa snickered at the look on her sister's face. At only nineteen, she still lived at home while she went to school and after Louisa had moved to California, Courtney took on the brunt of the chores at home. Louisa happily plopped down on the couch next to Jenna, pulling out her phone to text Zacky. We just got to my parents' house. I miss your cute little face already, darlin'. She added a kissy face emoji before sending the message and turning to Jenna. "You wanna go get our room set up?" Louisa asked. Before she and Jenna came home, her parents always set up two air mattresses in Louisa's old room, which at this point mostly served as a makeshift - albeit rarely used - office for her father.
    Not long after he had answers from everyone, Matt got a text from Zacky as well. He absentmindedly scratched Bella's ears as he answered Zacky's message. Yeah, everyone's down to hit a couple of bars tonight. We'll probably meet up around eight thirty. Plenty of time for us to nap. Turning his phone on silent, Matt set it on his bedside table, rolling over away from the window. He hadn't been all that tired before, but now that he was in his bed, he was exhausted. He felt Bella cuddle up to his back as he closed his eyes, falling asleep quickly. When he woke up, it was just after six and he had a message from Jenna from several hours ago. Rubbing at his face, he typed up a quick reply. Sorry baby girl, I fell asleep. I'm glad you're safe and sound in Alabama. I miss you, too. Groaning as he got out of bed, Matt stretched, scratching Bella's back to get her attention. "Come on you big lug, let's take you outside so I can take a shower before I go out." Once Bella had gone out to use the bathroom, Matt let her back into his bedroom so he could go and take a shower. It wasn't like he had anyone to impress at this point, but he still didn't want to smell like an airport or anything when he went out.
    November 7th, 2017 at 08:51am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky was sound asleep in no time once his head hit the pillow. He didn’t read or answer anyone’s text messages until a few hours later when he finally woke up. Yawning loudly he rolled over and checked the time, stretching and rubbing his eyes. He picked up his phone to check his messages, seeing that he had one from Matt ad Louisa both. Zacky replied to the one from Louisa first since he was most excited about that one. Im so glad your safe and sound, Princess. I really miss your gorgeous face as well. I’m already counting down the days. he replied with a bunch of different heart emojis. He was such a sap. He then went to reply to Matt since he was sure it was about them going out tonight. Great, sounds good. Since I have no idea where we are meeting up at first and I don’t feel like driving everywhere, I’m just going to meet you at your house and you can do the driving. he replies with a little smirk emoji. Zacky laughed to himself as he got up out of bed, waiting for the dogs to get themselves awake before taking them out one last time before getting ready to leave for the night. Zacky had no one to impress but he definitely didn’t want to go out smelly and looking like a bum. He had an image to uphold, he was a rockstar after all. When he was finished getting ready he locked up the house and left, heading over the Matt’s. Zacky gave him plenty of time to read and respond to his text message so he had no idea what the other man was doing. Zacky parked the car and locked it, walking up to the front door and just walking right in. “Honey, I’m home!” He called out into the house. Zacky was immediately greeted by Bella, bending down and giving her a pet.
    Jenna was so glad to finally get to Louisa’s parents’ house. She was exhausted from the flight even if she did sort of take a nap on the way. As soon as they got the house, Louisa’s mom started making dinner and just the smell of it made Jenna’s mouth water and her tummy rumble. She was starving. She lingered in the kitchen for a moment while she watched, licking over her lips before being shooed out bu Louisa’s mom. Jenna giggled and went into the living room, flopping down onto the couch. “Yeah, we should go ahead and get things set up so I can shower and pass the hell out after dinner,” she said with a big yawn. She got up off the couch, going into Louisa’s old room where they had put their stuff. She flopped down onto the air mattress that she dubbed was hers when they first got there, groaning and shoving her face in the pillow. “Okay, you can do the rest,” she told her, huffing when she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. Jenna fished it out, opening one eye to read her text from mat. She grinned a bit, sighing softly. Thats alright baby. Do you have any plans for the night? she replied, biting her lower lip. “Aren’t you worried just a tiny bit that the guys might get in trouble?” She asked Louisa as she sat up, setting her phone beside her on the bed. “Oh my god, Pirate!” She exclaimed with wide eyes, quickly picking up her phone. Donf forget to pick up pirate from that doggy training academy tomorrow. At least I think it’s tomorrow. Jenna groaned and shook her head, getting up and beginning to put things away. “I feel like I packed way to much,” she said as she looked at all of her belongings thrown about her air mattress. Jenna looked over at Louisa’s things which were so neat and organized, which made Jenna laugh.
    November 7th, 2017 at 10:49am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I can do the rest?" Louisa repeated, laughing. She set her bag down on the floor next to the other air mattress, pulling out her belongings. Her clothes would get left in the suitcase, but she hated having to dig out her deodorant and toiletries every time she needed them. She sort of arranged her things a little neatly, hearing Jenna laugh behind her. "Don't laugh at me," she ordered playfully. "Just remember, I'm technically your boss. I can fire you." Sitting down on the air mattress for a second, pulling her phone out of her pocket. She smiled as she read over Zacky's text message. We can Skype later after everybody goes to bed. Adding another kissy face emoji, she sent it before she got to her feet again. "Let's go see how dinner is coming along," Louisa said, looking down at Jenna. Heading back downstairs, she went into the kitchen with her mom and sister. "Everything smells great, Mom," Louisa commented. "I can't wait to eat, I'm starving." Pulling out her phone, she snapped a picture of the food cooking on the stove, sending the picture to Zacky. My mom knows how to make us feel welcome.
    Matt turned off the water before stepping out of his shower, wrapping the towel around his waist. He took a quick look in the mirror before he decided not to shave, instead just pulling on his clothes. Once he was dressed he grabbed his phone, seeing that he had a message from Jenna and one from Zacky. And as he read the first one from Jenna, another one came in. Me and the guys are gonna go barhopping tonight. And yeah, I'll go pick up Pirate tomorrow. He can come camp out with me and Bella while you're gone. Sending the message to Jenna, he opened up the one from Zacky. You'd better fucking not. But as soon as he sent the message, he heard Zacky shouting downstairs. "I hope you don't think that just because Louisa is gone you can over here and bother me all the fucking time," Matt said, walking into the living room. "Alright, I'm just going to let Bella out to use the bathroom one last time and then we can leave." He patted his leg, grinning when Bella ran over to him. He let her out back and then put her in her kennel, tossing in a toy for her to play with while he was gone.
    November 8th, 2017 at 10:19pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky laughed as Matt came down the stairs. “I don’t have anything else to do though. But that’s okay, I’ll be hopping from house to house, so I won’t be sticking around yours for long,” he said as he gave Matt’s shoulder a pat. He waited for him to finish with Bella before going out to matts car and getting in. He buckled himself up before stretching and yawning. He totally felt like he could go back to sleep. “Alright, lets party!” He said excitedly as Matt got into the car. He was ready to get his drink on, that’s for sure. Zacky looked down at his phone as it went off, seeing he had a new message from Louisa. He opened it, biting his lower lip when she said that they could skype later. Hopefully he wouldn’t be to drunk and he could. Followed by that message was another one with a picture of whatever they were having for dinner. His mouth instantly began to water. He really wished he were there right now, getting ready to chow down with them all. “Ugh, they look like they’re about to eat so good,” he groaned, licking his lips. The guys and I are about to go out drinking. We can skype if I’m not to drunk, princess. Unless you don’t mind if I am? By the way, I’m super jealous of what you’re having for dinner. Looks delicious. he replied. Zacky looked over at Matt, rubbbing his hands together. “Where to first?”
    Jenna gasped, her eyes wide as she looked at Louisa. “You wouldn’t dare! I’m one of your best employees, I got celebrity clients for you!” She exclaimed, hopping up from where she was sitting. Sometimes she forgot that Louisa was her boss. Jenna followed her into the kitchen to see what was going on for dinner, inhaling deeply. “Ugh, that smells delightful,” she said, peeking over Louisa’s shoulder to see what was going on. “That looks so good,” she said with wide eyes, bouncing up and down. “I can’t wait to eat, I’m starving.” Jenna rubbed her tummy with a small pout, walking over and leaning against the counter. “Need any help with anything?” She asked Louisa’s mom, Jenna’s eyes widening when she was shooed out of the kitchen almost forcefully. “Geez,” she said with a small laugh, going over and plopping down on the couch.

    “Just five more minutes, Courtney is setting the table now,” Louisa’s mom said before disappearing back into the kitchen.

    Jenna shrugged a bit, pulling out her phone when she felt it vibrate in her pocket. She raised a brow when she read that Matt was going out for the evening, biting her lower lip hard. This was the first time that he’s actually gone out since they’ve been together. Jenna was trying to not let it bother her. Oh are you? Well you have fun, baby. Don’t get into any trouble. And thank you for keeping my little fur baby for me, I know he can be a handful sometimes.
    November 9th, 2017 at 09:01am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Louisa snickered when Jenna was shooed out of the kitchen. She should know better by now than to try and help with their welcome home dinner. She followed after Jenna when the other woman went into the living room, sitting down next to her on the couch. Looking over her shoulder to make sure her mom wasn't looking, Louisa propped her feet up on the coffee table, pulling out her phone when it vibrated. We'll just have to wait and see just how drunk you are, darlin'. And when I get back, I'll make you some fried chicken, okay? A few minutes later, her mom called out that dinner was ready and Louisa was quick to get to her feet, heading to the dining room. "Everything looks so good, Ma," she said, taking a seat. She took the empty plate that Courtney handed to her, passing it along to Jenna and then keeping the next one for herself. She fixed her plate, waiting until everyone else had done the same before she started to eat. "The chicken is delicious," Louisa said. "Thank you, Ma. And you too, Courtney."
    "I'm going to have to help you upstairs later, aren't I?" Matt asked, starting his engine. He headed in the direction of the first bar they were going to, turning on the heater. He glanced over when Zacky whined about food, seeing the picture Louisa had sent him. "I'm sure if you ask Louisa nice enough, she'll make you some fucking fried chicken," he said. "Well, we're all going to meet at Brian's, since his house is closest to downtown, and then take a cab to Kelley's. From there we'll either take a cab or walk to whichever bar we want to go to next." Pulling into Brian's driveway, Matt shut off the heater and then the engine. Once he and Zacky were out of the car, he locked it before heading to the front door. Matt felt his phone vibrate as Brian let them inside and he pulled it out of his pocket, reading the message from Jenna. Well I can't really make any promises, but I'll try my best, baby girl. And I honestly think he'll bug Bella more than he'll bug me. She's so used to having everything to herself.
    November 10th, 2017 at 07:45am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky smirked a little before shrugging a bit. “Possibly,” he said with a small chuckle. He looked down at his phone as it vibrated, seeing his text from Louisa. He knew that he couldn’t keep texting her all night when he was supposed to be out having a good time but he was going to end up doing it anyways, even if she didn’t reply back. Being drunk was going to make him miss her even more. That would be amazing, Princess. I look forward to it. I’ll talk to you later when I get home, okay? Enjoy your dinner, eat until you can’t eat anymore for me. he replied with a grin before putting his phone in his pocket. When they got to Brian’s Zacky got out and stretched, following Matt up to the front door. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he went inside, rolling his eyes at Jimmy complaining about them somehow being late. “There’s no way,” Zacky scoffed, grabbing a beer from the fridge to get a head start.

    “The cab should be here any minute. No point in making yourselves comfortable,” Brian said as he looked up form his phone.

    Zacky grumbled and rolled his eyes, trying to quickly finish off his beer. As if on que there was a honk outside, then Brian got a call on his phone saying the cab was out front. Which wasn’t really a cab, it was a party bus. “What the hell is this?” Zacky said with his eyes wide.

    “Our ride for th evening, of course,” Brian said with a devilish smirk, Jimmy and Johnny both hollaring with excitement as they got on. Zacky bit down on his bottom lip hard and sighed heavily as he follow suit, not wanting to object and be the Debby downer of the group.
    Jenna looked over at Louisa, watching her put her feet up on the coffee table. She gasped and covered her mouth, pointing at her feet. “Aww! You’re not supposed to do that, I’m telling!” She said in a tattle tell like voice before smirking at Louisa and giggling. Jenna picked up her phone from where she had set it down beside her on the couch, reading her text from Matt. You just be safe. I know I don’t have to worry about you, but I do anyways. And be sure to send me lots of pics of the fur babies please, I’m already starting to miss them :( oh, and you too. I always like pics of you. ;) Jenna snorted to herself and slid her phone in her pocket right as dinner was being called, getting up and following Louisa to the table. She inhaled everything deeply, her mouth watering at all of the delicious smells. She couldn’t wait to dig in. Jenna took her plate from Louisa, thanking her softly before she began to load it up with all of the good food that was laid out in front of her. She waiting until everyone had their food before she began eating, almost moaning at how good it was. She didn’t though, thank god. “This is amazing, Mrs. Blakely. Thank you and Courtney both,” she said with a nod before shoveling more food in her mouth. Jenna felt like she ate and ate and ate before her endless pit of a stomach was finally full and overly satisfied. “I say Louisa and I clean up and do dishes,” Jenna said, kicking Louisa under the table to agree. Jenna hated doing dishes as much as the next person but she already felt bad not contributing to helping with dinner. The least she could do was clean up.
    November 18th, 2017 at 08:36am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Louisa never ate better than she did while she was home at her parents' house. She always felt like she gained at least fifteen pounds every time she was here, but it was worth it. Her mother cooked like this every day, although the first day was the only time she and Jenna could get away with not helping. By the time dinner was over, the jet lag was catching up to Louisa and she wanted nothing more than to curl up on her air mattress and take a nap. She knew her family would understand that she was tired and there was always tomorrow for them to catch up. Louisa jumped when she felt Jenna kick her underneath the table, glaring at the other girl as she kicked her back. "Yeah Ma, me and Jen will get the dishes," Louisa said. "And after that, I think I'm going to head up to bed, I'm a little tired from the flight." Standing up from the table, she grabbed her plate and took it to the sink. Before they could do any dishes, they needed to put away the leftovers, so Louisa got out her mom's Tupperware containers. Once everything was put away and the dishes were washed, Louisa went into the living room to say goodnight to her parents and Courtney. "I'll see you in the morning," she said. As she walked upstairs, her phone vibrated and she quickly read Zacky's text. You may have to call a few times to wake me up because I'm going to try and take a nap, but we'll definitely talk later if you're not too drunk, okay, darlin'?
    Matt wasn't surprised at all when the first thing he heard after they stepped inside Brian's house was Jimmy complaining about them being late. "How the fuck are we late?" he asked. "You're still sitting on your ass, so shut up." Matt was just about to sit down when Brian said not to make themselves comfortable, so he sat on the arm of the couch. A few minutes later there was a honk outside and Matt followed everyone out, pleasantly surprised when he saw the party bus parked outside. "You're trying to do too much," Matt told Brian as they stepped onto the bus. "How much is this costing you, anyway?"

    "Costing me?" Brian asked. "You're the one who suggested going out."

    "Yeah, but you're the idiot who took it upon himself to rent a party bus instead of calling a cab," Matt said as he sat down. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to check his messages, seeing that he had one from Jenna. I'll send you plenty of pictures, I promise. Of me and the dogs. As long as you promise to return the favor ;) Stuffing his phone back into his pocket, Matt looked up at the guys. "I say this one right here buys the first round of shots at Kelley's," he suggested, pointing to Jimmy. "Since you wanted to complain about us being late as soon as we walked in the door."
    November 20th, 2017 at 06:50am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky smirked to himself as he quickly snapped a picture outside of the bus, then snapping one as he stepped inside. He sent them to Louisa saying, ”Brian decided to get a party bus. It’s going to be a long night.” right after he send his pictures he got her text message, kind of glad that she was taking a nap. She needed her sleep after her long flight and Zacky didn’t need to be on his phone all night. ill call you later baby, I promise. Have a good nap. he sent a bunch of heart emojis before stuffing his phone back in his pocket Zacky got himself a drink and flopped down with a sigh. “This is nice,” he said with a nod, taking a sip of his drink. “ I agree with Shads, though. Jimbo buys first round.” It didn’t take long for them to arrive at their first stop. They all went inside the bar and got themselves a table. Jimmy ordered their first round, getting their drinks and a round of shots.

    “I’m ready to pick up some ladies tonight!” Jimmy squealed, slamming his empty shot glass on the table.

    Zacky raised a brow and shook his head, tossing back his shot and hissing s bit as it burned going down. Apparently Jimmy and his girlfriend were having a fight, as well as Brian and his girlfriend, which was why they got the party bus in the first place. Zacky was t sure how this night was going to end.
    Jenna grunted when Louisa kicked her back, snickering st the other girl. She got up from the table, cleaning everything up and taking it back to the kitchen. She helped put everything into containers before cleaning the dishes and putting them away. She had no idea why she volunteered to do this in the first place. Jenna groaned as she dragged herself up the stairs, immediately stripping off her clothes and changing into her pajamas, which consisted of a tee shirt of Matt’s that she stole and some pajamas shorts. “I’m so tired,” she groaned as she curled up under her blankets on the air mattress. “Who’s idea was it to put everything away and do the dishes?” Jenna felt her phone vibrate on the pillow next to her and she quickly grabbed it, reading her text from Matt with a grin. She really wanted to keep texting him but she wasn’t sure how long she was going to be able to keep her eyes open for. Good, you better. I want lots of pictures. I’ll definitely return the favor, baby. (; I’ll even send you some naughty little pics for a tease until I get home. Jenna snorted and shook her head, putting her phone back up on her pillow. She cuddled up with her pillow, wishing it were Matt or at least Pirate. Jenna wished she had just brought him with her in the first place but she was terrified of bringing pets with her on planes.
    November 21st, 2017 at 10:22am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "You're gonna freeze your ass off in those shorts," Louisa said, seeing the pajamas Jenna had changed into. It might be a little warmer here than in California, but it wasn't too much warmer. Or maybe Louisa was just cold-natured. Changing into her own pajamas, she turned out the light before getting into bed. She laughed as Jenna whined. "It was yours, dingus," she told her. "Now go to sleep. I'm sure those idiots will be waking us up soon." Feeling her phone vibrate, Louisa reached for it, dimming down the brightness before reading Zacky's message. The first was just a couple of pictures of a party bus, which didn't make sense to Louisa because they were going to a bar to get drunk, so why did it matter how they got there? Well I hope you have fun on the party bus. Take a couple of shots for me, just don't take anybody home, okay? Sending the message, Louisa sat her phone on the ground beside her air mattress, yawning as she closed her eyes.
    "Leana's gonna kill you," Matt said, tossing back his shot. He didn't really see fighting with your girlfriend as a reasonable excuse to pick up someone else. Hell, there really wasn't any reasonable excuse for cheating, period. "What'd you do to piss her off this time, anyway?"

    "None of your business," Jimmy huffed. "And how do you know the fight is my fault? It could be hers."

    "Because I know you, Jimmy, and I know how you are," Matt answered. His phone had vibrated as they were entering the bar, but he was just now getting the chance to answer it. He smirked as he read Jenna's message, quickly typing out a reply. Hey now, nobody likes a little tease. Save it for Skype so I can tell you out loud exactly what I want to do to you. Matt enjoyed Skype sex over phone sex, mostly because he could see what was happening. Of course, that only happened with girlfriends, because he wasn't going to give out his Skype information to a groupie or a fan.
    November 22nd, 2017 at 10:44am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky laughed and shook his head at Jimmy. Everyone knew that it was usually his fault for whatever fight he and Leana got into. It was usually over something extremely stupid though and Zacky could almost bet money on that once Jimmy was shit faced drunk he would be calling her up and crawling right back home to her tonight. Zacky took a sip of his beer as his phone vibrated on the table, picking it up and reading his message from Louisa. He furrowed his brow as he read it, actually a bit hurt that she even had to tell him not to take anyone home. Did she not trust him? No, of course she trusted him. I will take plenty of shots for you, Princess, don’t worry. I’m a little hurt though that you felt the need to even tell me not to take anyone home though. You know I would never do that to you. Zacky sighed as he sent the message, raising a brow when someone plucked his phone right out of his hands.

    “You two have got to stop being on your phones, I’m not putting up with it all night,” Brian said as he took his and Matt’s phones, shoving them somewhere. “You’ll get these back when we’re done having a good time. Leave those girls alone.”

    Zacky huffed and chugged the rest of his drink down, a little irritated but at the same time a bit greatful. He would have never put his phone down.
    Jenna laughed. “I get hot during the night, you know this,” she told Louisa. “I brought warm stuff to sleep in though just in case.” Louisa was right though, they should get a little bit of sleep before those big dorks decided to wake them up later. “You’re right. Hopefully I can get a little bit of sleep tonight, I’m so used to having two dogs and a Matt snoring in my ear almost every night now,” she said with a small laugh. She really needed to stay at he own apartment more often now that she thought about it. She always worried that they spent to much time together and would quickly burn each other out of their company. “Night, Lou.” Jenna was almost asleep as her phone went off, cracking an eye opening as she picked it up and read her text from Matt. She felt her face heat up as she pulled the covered up closer around her, biting her lower lip. Now how did he even expect her to have skype sex or any of the sort while she was sharing a room with Louisa? Now, Sir, if I remember correctly that’s how this relationship started. Tattoos and teasing. (; And how do you expect me to have any sort of skype sex or even phone sex while I’m sharing a room with Louisa? Jenna shook her head and yawned, placing her phone back up on the pillow before getting comfy again. She did feel bad that Matt and Zacky both immediately went out partying the first night her and Louisa were gone. She shook her head and closed her eyes, praying she got a little sleep before shr got a phone call later.
    November 22nd, 2017 at 02:31pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I can understand that," Louisa said, laughing. "Half the time, it sounds like somebody's running a chainsaw in the bedroom when I sleep next to Zacky." She felt her phone vibrate and reached for it, frowning slightly when she read Zacky's message. I was just kidding, darlin'. I know you would never take anybody home. Nobody else can do it as good as me, anyway ;) Setting her phone aside, Louisa closed her eyes. She obviously didn't think Zacky would ever do something like cheat on her, but after Jay, she couldn't ever really put the idea behind her. But she trusted Zacky. He wasn't anything like Jay and she had no reason to think he would ever break her heart the way that Jay had. Louisa managed to fall asleep rather quickly and she was surprised when it was the need to go to the bathroom that woke her up rather than a phone call from Zacky. Picking up her phone, she glanced at the time as she padded down the hall to the bathroom. 2:26. "They must be having a good time," Louisa mumbled to herself.
    "You shut your mouth," Jimmy huffed. Matt laughed. That was all he needed to know that the fight was definitely Jimmy's fault. Matt took a sip of the drink he'd ordered, pulling his phone out of his pocket when he felt it vibrate. Just wait until she goes to the bathroom. Or maybe I'll have Zacky distract her. She won't even have to know. "Hey, what the fuck?" Matt shouted, feeling his phone being snatched from his hands. He glared at Brian. "And since when do you get to decide when we're on our phones? Last time I checked you weren't my dad or my boss."

    "Quit fucking whining," Brian said. "Chug that drink! It was your idea to go out in the first place, so get wasted and let your little girlfriend get some sleep."

    Matt huffed, but he didn't say anything else. Jenna did say she was going to sleep. Tipping back his glass, Matt chugged his drink, fixing Brian with a challenging glare as he sat the glass back on the table. "Happy now?" he asked. "Now it's your turn."
    November 25th, 2017 at 10:23am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    After he wasn’t sure how many bars or how many hours later, Zacky wasn’t definitely pretty plastered. They were all in the party bus taking shots but heading home. They also unanimously agreed on all of them staying at Brian’s since he had the room and no one could drive. “Why don’t we tour in one of these things? I say we do our next tour in one of these,” Zacky said as he patted the couch of the bus, hiccuping. He reached over for another beer, pouting when there weren’t anymore left. “Out of booze?! This is just not acceptable,” he said with an over dramatic sigh. He sat back, pouting like a little kid as he crossed his arms. “I want my girlfriend. We need to buy a private jet so we can fly anywhere we want and I can go see my girlfriend,” he said, getting a bit angry. All of his problems would be solved right now if they had a fucking private jet. It wasn’t like none of them could afford one. Zacky gasped as the bus came to a stop, rolling off the seat and onto the floor. “Ow!” He whined, trying to pull himself up. He grunted and eventually got up, following everyone off the bus and into the house. Right now he wasn’t sure if he was gonna throw up, pass out, or both. He shook his head looking around for the closest person to hold onto while he went up the stairs. “Matthew!” He said with a shit eating grin. “Help ya boy up the stairs, would ya?” Zacky linked arms with Matt and they both pretty much stumbled up the stairs together. “Thanks, you’re the bestest friend a dude could ask for,” he said with a nod before walking into the room and almost closing the door on Matt before turning around. “Oh wait, we’re sharing rooms, I almost forgot. Duh.” He shook his head before taking his shoes off and flopping down onto bed, pulling his phone out. It was time to call his amazing girlfriend that he was definitely madly in love with and he was going to tell her just that. He dialed her number, humming to himself as it rang.
    Jenna heard movement in the room, groaning and letting out a loud snore before rolling over. She was in that weird half awake and half asleep state where she knew what was going in but she didn’t want to bother with it. She just wanted Matt to call, if he even did, so she could hear his voice and know that he was okay before she fully went to bed. If he didn’t call her she would and also wouldn’t understand. She would because he might be to drunk and wouldn’t because then she might start thinking the worse like what if he picked someone up and took them home with him. Jenna groaned and rolled back over, cracking an eye open and seeing that Louisa was no longer on her air mattress. Jenna stretched and yawned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She checked to see what time it was, sighing softly. It was pretty late. She hoped they were having a good time, if they still were. Louisa could be out talking to Zacky for all she knew. “Stop it, Jenna. This is your first time away from your boyfriend and his first night out without you. You cannot be like this,” she told herself, running her fingers through her hair. She was such a worry wart, she just couldn’t help if. It wasn’t really the whole cheating thing, she was also worried that he would be sick and she wouldn’t be there to take care of him. Jenna huffed and flopped back onto her pillows, staring at the ceiling.
    November 26th, 2017 at 08:48am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    After he wasn’t sure how many bars or how many hours later, Zacky wasn’t definitely pretty plastered. They were all in the party bus taking shots but heading home. They also unanimously agreed on all of them staying at Brian’s since he had the room and no one could drive. “Why don’t we tour in one of these things? I say we do our next tour in one of these,” Zacky said as he patted the couch of the bus, hiccuping. He reached over for another beer, pouting when there weren’t anymore left. “Out of booze?! This is just not acceptable,” he said with an over dramatic sigh. He sat back, pouting like a little kid as he crossed his arms. “I want my girlfriend. We need to buy a private jet so we can fly anywhere we want and I can go see my girlfriend,” he said, getting a bit angry. All of his problems would be solved right now if they had a fucking private jet. It wasn’t like none of them could afford one. Zacky gasped as the bus came to a stop, rolling off the seat and onto the floor. “Ow!” He whined, trying to pull himself up. He grunted and eventually got up, following everyone off the bus and into the house. Right now he wasn’t sure if he was gonna throw up, pass out, or both. He shook his head looking around for the closest person to hold onto while he went up the stairs. “Matthew!” He said with a shit eating grin. “Help ya boy up the stairs, would ya?” Zacky linked arms with Matt and they both pretty much stumbled up the stairs together. “Thanks, you’re the bestest friend a dude could ask for,” he said with a nod before walking into the room and almost closing the door on Matt before turning around. “Oh wait, we’re sharing rooms, I almost forgot. Duh.” He shook his head before taking his shoes off and flopping down onto bed, pulling his phone out. It was time to call his amazing girlfriend that he was definitely madly in love with and he was going to tell her just that. He dialed her number, humming to himself as it rang.
    Jenna heard movement in the room, groaning and letting out a loud snore before rolling over. She was in that weird half awake and half asleep state where she knew what was going in but she didn’t want to bother with it. She just wanted Matt to call, if he even did, so she could hear his voice and know that he was okay before she fully went to bed. If he didn’t call her she would and also wouldn’t understand. She would because he might be to drunk and wouldn’t because then she might start thinking the worse like what if he picked someone up and took them home with him. Jenna groaned and rolled back over, cracking an eye open and seeing that Louisa was no longer on her air mattress. Jenna stretched and yawned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She checked to see what time it was, sighing softly. It was pretty late. She hoped they were having a good time, if they still were. Louisa could be out talking to Zacky for all she knew. “Stop it, Jenna. This is your first time away from your boyfriend and his first night out without you. You cannot be like this,” she told herself, running her fingers through her hair. She was such a worry wart, she just couldn’t help if. It wasn’t really the whole cheating thing, she was also worried that he would be sick and she wouldn’t be there to take care of him. Jenna huffed and flopped back onto her pillows, staring at the ceiling.
    November 26th, 2017 at 08:48am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Louisa had just finished washing her hands when her phone started to ring. She knew there was only one person it could be and despite how late it was, she wanted to talk to him. But she didn't want to disturb Jenna while she slept, so Louisa crept downstairs as she answered the phone. "It's a little late to be calling, don't you think, darlin'?" she teased as she sunk down onto the couch. "I thought for sure you would be too drunk to talk tonight. But I'm glad you did. Did you have fun?" Louisa wasn't even mad that Zacky had gone out to party the first night she was gone. He deserved to have a little fun with his friends. But in the very back of her mind, she was still a little worried. Going out with his friends had been a common excuse of Jay's when he was really out with some girl, cheating on her. But Zacky and Jay were like night and day and Louisa knew Zacky would never hurt her the way that Jay had.
    Matt wasn't sure what time it was when they finally decided to head home. And of course, the drinking didn't stop when they left the last bar. They continued to take shots as they rode the party bus home, which definitely wasn't doing anything to help how drunk they were. Matt chuckled as Zacky started to pout about wanting his girlfriend, full-out laughing when he rolled off onto the floor as the bus stopped. Matt was the last one off of the party bus besides Zacky, hobbling after everyone else and almost making it to the staircase before somebody latched onto him. "Get the fuck off of me, you idiot," he grumbled, but Zacky had already looped his arm through Matt's. "Goddammit Zack, really?" Matt asked when the door was almost closed in his face. He wasn't surprised when Zacky immediately got on the phone, deciding to do the same. He at least wanted to hear Jenna's voice before he went to sleep.
    November 28th, 2017 at 08:57am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky waited almost impatiently for Louisa to answer the phone. He gasped when he heard a voice on the other end, biting his lower lip hard. “It’s not even late, it’s only... 3am,” He said, scratching his head. The last time he looked at the clock it was a little past twelve. Time flew when you were having fun, that’s for sure. “How are you, princess? I didn’t wake you did I?” He asked her as he tried to get comfy in the bed, pulling off all his clothes but his boxers. He got snug under the covers, a silly grin on his face. He may be totally out of it but he would always make time to call his amazing girlfriend before he passed out. As long as she didn’t mind. He just loved hearing her voice. Zacky wouldn’t care if he just laid here and listened to her have a conversation with Jenna to be completely honest. Just as long as he was able to hear her voice. “Was your dinner good? Man I could really go for some chicken right about now, I’m hungry,” he groaned, rubbing his stomach. He always got the munchies when he was drunk. He had no idea why.
    Jenna had dozed back off when she heard her phone go off, startling her. She grunted and felt around for it, seeing who it was. She grinned, seeing that it was Matt. “Hi there, Handsome,” she answered, yawning softly. “How are you? Did you have fun?” She asked him, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She didn’t care what time it was, shed definitely wake up to talk to Matt. She had waited all night for this phone call. Jenna looked over and saw that Louisa still wasn’t back from where ever she was, wondering if she should go check on her. She was probably talking to Zacky though, and hearing his voice on the other end of the phone in the background confirmed her suspicions. Jenna shook her head, biting her lower lip. She turned and got comfy on the air mattress, sighing heavily. She was already beginning to miss her big comfy bed and it hadn’t even been a full night yet. She wished she were with Matt right now, drunk off her ass and laughing with him. But she was glad that he had went out and had a good time with the guys, something that was definitely way over due. Jenna had been keeping way way to occupied since they met.
    November 30th, 2017 at 09:34am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "No, you didn't wake me," Louisa assured him. "I got up to use the bathroom so I was already awake." She was glad she'd gotten up to use the bathroom when she did, because otherwise she wasn't sure she would've woken up when he called. She was so tired from the flight she probably would've slept straight through her phone ringing. Louisa grinned when Zacky asked about her dinner. She wasn't surprised that he remembered that she'd had chicken. "It was delicious, darlin'," she told him. "And I promise, I'll make you some fried chicken when I get home. And it'll be the best damn fried chicken your adorable little drunk ass has ever had." Louisa couldn't wait to cook for Zacky and show off a few of the many things she'd learned from her mom. After all, she wouldn't be a true southern girl if she didn't learn how to cook. And she knew Zacky would appreciate her skills. "So did you have a couple of shots for me like I asked?" Louisa teased.
    It took a few minutes before Jenna answered the phone and for a second Matt was worried that she wouldn't pick up. But he couldn't really blame her for sleeping through it since it was after three in the morning. When she finally did answer, Matt smiled. "Hey, baby girl," he said. "I'm glad you answered, it's so nice to hear your voice. I'm fine though, a little drunk, but okay. And hell yeah, I had fun. We always have when we go out with the guys. You and Louisa will have to come with us sometime. Oh yeah, and I'm sorry I stopped responding to your texts, Brian took my phone so I would leave you alone." Matt realized he was rambling and quickly shut up. If he woke up any of the other guys who might have fallen asleep already, he would never hear the end of it. "But anyway, how are you, Jen? Having...Having fun with Louisa?"
    November 30th, 2017 at 10:11am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky’s mouth began to water at the thought of some amazing southern fried chicken. He groaned, rolling over and burying his face in the pillow. His stomach was growling from just the thought of it. “Of course I took some shots for you, princess. Several, actually,” he told her, glad to get off the subject of food. “Brian took mine and Matt’s phone away at the beginning of the night though, not that it mattered for me since I know you went to sleep.” He said with a yawn. Zacky was exhausted now that he thought about it and he could actually really use some sleep of his own, but he didn’t was to end the phone call with Louisa. “I miss you already. How’s the trip home so far? Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked her, biting his lower lip. He could definitely tell she was in a completely different mood. She seemed happier and if hadn’t even been twenty four hours yet. Just hearing her sound so happy made Zacky happy.
    Jenna giggled at Matt’s rambling, shaking her head. He was such a cute drunk. “I think we’ll definitely have to tag along sometime, especially if there’s party busses involved,” She teased. She still thought that was a bit much but who was she to judge. “Oh did he? No wonder I didn’t wake up to any drunk texts, what a shame. I’ll have to have a talk with mister gates,” she tsked with a small giggle. “That’s okay though, I ended up going to sleep anyways. Which is what you should be doing shortly mister, make sure you drink some water and take some aspirin before you go to sleep,” she told him, wishing she could be there to take care of him while he was drunk. Jenna didn’t think She had ever seen him this drunk before and it was so cute. “I am having loads of fun actually. So much good food I’m probably going to gain about thirty pounds before I come back.” Jenna always ended up gaining a little weight every time she left here. Not that she minded, it just meant she ate really good and it made her happy. She always loved good food and Louisa’s mom always made the best.
    December 24th, 2017 at 11:11am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Sounds like you might've taken a few too many," Louisa said, giggling. She couldn't remember Zacky ever being this drunk, but he was actually pretty damn adorable. When she got home, she would have to get him drunk like this again so she could see it. She laughed again when Zacky told her that Brian had taken their phones. He'd probably gotten tired of Zacky and Matt constantly being on their phones. And she was honestly a little glad that Brian had done that, because otherwise she might not have been able to sleep like she wanted to. "I miss you too, darlin'," Louisa said. "And the trip home is going great. I mean, I already told you about dinner." She paused, laughing. "But you'll understand this spring when I bring you home with me. You can meet my parents and all of my sorority friends."
    "You'll still look good, though," Matt said, laughing at Jenna's comment about gaining thirty pounds. "And you'll still have an amazing set of tits." He smirked to himself, groaning as he sat up. "But I'm glad you''re having fun, baby girl. And I'm glad you have somewhere nice to spend the holidays." Even though it was a little far off, Matt hoped that next year, he might be able to persuade Jenna not to go home with Louisa for Thanksgiving and Christmas so he could take her home to see his family for the holidays. He knew his parents would love her and so would his sister. They'd loved his last girlfriend and she wasn't nearly as great as Jenna. "Okay well I think I should probably get some sleep like you said, baby girl. But I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
    December 26th, 2017 at 06:46am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky got real excited at the thought of Louisa taking him home to meet her family in the spring. “Really? Oh that would be so amazing, I can’t wait to meet your family. I especially can’t wait to eat your mom’s food, I’m so jealous of jenna,” he whined. Zacky wished that it was him there with Louisa instead of Jenna. It wasn’t fair, really. But it was okay, one day he would be there and have his moment. He gasped softly when he realized he accidentally dozed off while he was thinking, his eyes springing open as he looked around the room. “Oh fuck, I’m sorry, princess,” he apologized as he rubbed his eyes. “I better get some sleep. You as well. I’ll text you first thing in the morning when I get up,” he told her, saying goodbye before hanging up the phone. Zacky had no idea where he tossed his phone at after that, rolling over and immediately passing the hell out. He knew that he was going to have a horrible hangover tomorrow and was definitely going to pay for it. Oh well, it was well worth it for a great night out.
    Jenna laughed loud, covering her mouth to quiet it. Of course he would say that’s she would still have an amazing set of tits. “Oh, Matt,” she said with a small sigh. She bit down on her bottom lip as she listened to him, shaking her head. She really had some strong feelings for this man. Whether she wanted to call it love or not, she wasn’t too sure yet. But she knew she would be before she got home. “Alright, Mattie, you get some sleep. I wish I were there to take care of you,” she said with a small sigh and a shake of her head. “But I’m glad you had fun. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Sweet dreams,” she said before they hung up the phone. She put her phone on the floor next to her mattress, not really having s need for it on her pillow anymore. Jenna got into a comfy position before trying to drift back off to sleep. She was aching for Matt even more than earlier and she hated it. Maybe calling him wasn’t a good idea after all, she should probably just stick to texting. Jenna huffed as she covered her head with her blanket. A few moments later she drifted off into a nice sleep.
    December 28th, 2017 at 01:49pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Louisa couldn't help but giggle at Zacky's whining. He was just too cute when he was hammered. She noticed that he'd fallen silent after whining to her about his jealousy and had just realized he'd dozed off when he spoke again. "Yeah, you get some rest, darlin'," she said. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." After hanging up the phone, Louisa used the restroom and headed back to her air mattress. Turning her phone off and setting it on the floor, Louisa crawled into her bed, tugging the covers up to her shoulders before closing her eyes. She was woken up the next morning by the sounds of movement downstairs in the kitchen. Grabbing her phone, Louisa headed downstairs, finding her mother presumably getting ready to start on breakfast. "Need some help?" she asked.
    "I don't need anyone to take care of me," Matt huffed. If Jenna were in front of him, he would stick his tongue out at her. "Sweet dreams, baby girl," he said. Once they'd hung up the phone, Matt tossed it onto the nightstand. He turned on the TV for a bit of background noise before rolling over and passing out. When he woke up the next day, he glanced at the clock to see that it was just after noon. He was glad he didn't have shit to go and do today, because it felt like there was a tiny jackhammer in his skull. "Fuck," Matt groaned, rolling over to grab his phone off of his nightstand. Good afternoon, baby girl. I hope you're feeling better than I am today. After sending the message to Jenna, Matt reluctantly peeled himself out of bed, hoping a shower might help his hangover.
    December 29th, 2017 at 09:03am