Straight Through the Heart

  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Negan made his way over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. He reached out and gently traced the skin of her exposed hip where her shirt had ridden up. He couldn’t help it… To be honest, since the moment he had laid eyes on Lucille—she had been the only one he wanted throughout the day. Normally, he would think of what type of mood he was in and then decide based off each separate wife… But today, wasn’t that type of day.

    All Negan could think about was having Lucille beneath him. He remembered the way that her face looked when he had done some just so right… And that is all the man wanted. Should he call of the harem? Or would that fuck up the order that he had going on.

    Negan let out a low sigh, dragging his eyes back over to his wife. “I know, baby.” He said gruffly. Suddenly, images of her and another man flashed through his mind; it made him sick to his stomach, it made him see red. Would he continue to be able to do that to her? “I fuckin’ get it. I wouldn’t want to see you—“ he stopped himself before he allowed his emotions to get the best of him.
    November 17th, 2016 at 11:17pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Lucille's heart skipped a beat feeling Negan's touch along her skin. She shivered and tried to squirm further under the blanket but that only served to push her shirt further up her body. She huffed, her eyes narrowing as she drew in a deep breath. She held it before slowly exhaling, wiping away her tears before looking up to Negan.

    She rolled onto her side to face Negan, a small frown on her lips as she reached forward to set a hand on Negan's thigh. "If you know you wouldn't like it, then don't ask me to do it," she started, her eyes narrowing for a moment. "Listen, I'm not asking you to not care for them or whatever but I can't watch you have that sort of relationship with them. I'm sorry..." she trailed off, her heart sinking as she looked back down. There was no way Negan would agree, was there?

    "I just want us to be able to make this work. Whatever it takes, I don't care, Negan. I love you," Lucille whispered, twisting around so that she could set her head against his thigh. "And we've been through so much. We can get through this. Right?"
    November 17th, 2016 at 11:37pm
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Negan’s quad inadvertently flexed underneath her touch. He enjoyed the feeling of her hands on him, wherever they may be—innocently or not. It was comforting to him. Negan inhaled a deep breath through his nose, exhaling and trying to count it out. He was trying to think of a way to make this work. He wanted everyone to be happy. Could he just banish away the women he had built flings and relationships with over the past years? Sure, he cared for them all in their own individual way, but nothing compared to the way he was feeling when he was with Lucille.

    Negan nodded his head along as he listened to her, a smirk appearing on his lips as she mentioned how much they had been through. So much was an understatement. There were no words to describe how badly he wanted Lucille to stay with him. James Negan was a possessive man, to say the least, and to be quite honest he wasn’t about to let Lucille slip through his fingers again. The least he could do was ensure that she was still happy, right? Negan dropped his head, looking down at her hand on his thigh. There’s other things I wish you would do with that hand, he thought to himself. Swallowing back the dry lump that formed in his throat because of that thought, he turned and looked at her. “We can make it work.”
    November 18th, 2016 at 03:30pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Negan's reassurance was enough to rid Lucille of her worries for the time being. She let out a quiet sigh as she shimmied further back onto the bed, her hand slipping up his torso until she could get a firm grasp on the collar of his shirt. Without a word of warning, Lucille pulled Negan down to the bed so that she could press herself into his side. She wasn't intentionally doing anything with her fingers exploring the skin just above his waistband that had been exposed as he fell onto the bed. She just needed to feel him, to know that he was right in front of her and that he was okay. Negan had changed, sure, but so had she and she had to be okay with that.

    "I mean if anyone can, it's us," Lucille murmured, her nails teasing along the skin. She smirked as Negan shuddered under his touch, only just realizing what she was likely doing to her husband. Her fingers danced further up his stomach as she looked up to him. "I think we're both too Goddamned stubborn to give each other up, papi."
    November 19th, 2016 at 06:23am
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Negan reached out, wrapping his arms around his wife and pulling her closer to him, ceasing the teasing she was doing with her fingers. He was jumping out of his skin, wanted to turn her over, pin her heads above her head, and ravage every part of her body that he could. But was now really the time? Especially when she seemed to be having such a heart to heart conversation with him.

    Negan breathed into her hair, “Better knock it off before you make me do something you aren’t ready for yet.” He slipped his hands under her shirt, his fingertips exploring the soft skin on the small of her back. She was right. The two of them were too Goddamned stubborn. He nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck, his lips peppering small kisses along her jaw. “I love you.” He sighed. “I’ll try. You’re damn sure I will try… But I can’t make promises that I can’t keep. You know my mouth doesn’t like writing checks that my ass ain’t going to be able to cash. And—I don’t want to have to disappoint you again.”
    November 21st, 2016 at 02:33am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Lucille shivered against Negan's chest, her eyes slipping shut as she pressed to Negan's chest. This was exactly where she belonged, she didn't want anything else from him. Sure, she couldn't and wouldn't be able to watch him call another woman a wife nor could she watch his brutality in person but maybe if... if some things changed, they could figure everything else out. Things could work out, right? "It's been more than two years, I think I've more than waited my time," she answered quietly.

    Rolling over, Lucille reached up to tug Negan down onto the bed. She cuddled up to his side, propping her head up on her hand as she looked down ot him. "I love you, too," she whispered, leaning to press her lips to his before pulling away. "Be open to change, that's all. We'll figure everything else out," she commented quietly, no longer wanting to argue with him.

    "So what are the rules here? That you'd expect me to follow," Lucille whispered, her fingers trailing down his body slowly. She smirked, raising an eyebrow. "So I know just what to do to get you riled up, hm?"
    November 22nd, 2016 at 02:46am
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Did Negan really expect the resilient, mouthy, sass-filled woman who was tangled in his arms to listen and obey his orders? He held back the scoff that was threatening to emerge as the thought filled his brain. Lucille was defiantly not the order following type, and he knew that. He more than knew that.

    “I just need you to be on my side, Luce.” He grumbled, his fingertips circling the bare skin on her lower back. He sighed, “Need you to be on board with my decisions, with my calls. You’re pretty much going to be at the top with me if I drop everyone else, Luce. I don’t expect you to do anything extra-special, because well shit, I fuckin’ know you and I don’t feel like getting’ my ass chewed every-other-fuckin’ day.”

    Negan let out a low laugh, the sheer though of the way she would ream him if he ordered her to do just about anything. His fingertips dug into her skin as she asked if she was getting him riled up. “You know you do, dammit.” He growled into her ear, lips pressing a small kiss just below her earlobe. “Don’t play stupid with me, Lucy.”
    November 23rd, 2016 at 09:23pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Lucille had tried to keep herself together but Negan let out a laugh and all of her hope was lost. She giggled, burying her face into his neck to try and keep herself from completely losing control. A small gasp sparked from her mouth as Negan growled into her ear, goosebumps raising on her skin as she pressed even closer to him.

    "Fuck, papi," Lucille whispered, cocking her head to the side as she looked up to him. "You're the one that's worried about getting riled up and then you go and do stupid shit like that." A smirk adorned her features as she leaned back, her fingers teasing along the scruff on Negan's neck.

    "Maybe you should take a look in the mirror before you start talking next time," Lucille murmured, leaning up to graze her teeth along the exposed skin of his neck.
    November 23rd, 2016 at 10:58pm
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Negan’s eyes closed, a low moan escaping his throat as he teeth scraped his skin. He leaned in once more, his lips attaching themselves to the delicate part of her neck, sucking and nipping at the velvet smooth skin. He dipped his hand further underneath her shirt, running his hand, palm flat against her skin, up her back.

    Negan pulled away from her neck, lips finding themselves placed against hers. The last time that Negan was this content, this happy, and this aroused, was the last time that he could remember having his wife in his bed. Sure, he had had his fair share of romps with other women since the pair had been separated, but it never was quite anything like what transpired between him and Lucille.

    Negan spoke, low and gravely in her ear, “Don’t you fuckin’ know exactly what it is that you do to me?”
    November 25th, 2016 at 04:46pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Lucille let out a small gasp as Negan's hands teased up her back, her eyes slipping shut as she tilted her head to the side to better expose her neck. She arched into his touch, perfectly content to just lay here while Negan did whatever he pleased. "Did you ever stop to think that maybe I do? Maybe I know exactly how to drive my husband crazy," she teased quietly.

    Rolling over onto her back, Lucille pulled on Negan's shirt, only stopping when he was finally resting above her. Nothing else really mattered at the moment, all she wanted was to know that Negan was here and he was hers. "And maybe I just want you to show me that you still have it," she whispered, rolling her hips into his.

    "Papi, please?" Lucille's eyes widened a bit as she looked up to him, her fingers dancing over the skin just beneath his shirt.
    November 26th, 2016 at 07:33pm
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    “Whatever you want, princesa.” Negan growled into her ear.

    And that he did. Negan didn’t stop until she was writhing and sweat and shaking beneath him. He wanted her to know that he did still have it. Negan took his time with her, making sure to touch, caress, and kiss every inch of her body.

    Afterwards, he lay with her wrapped in his arms, the sheet barely covering their bodies. He drew lazy circles on the bare skin of her back, a smile plastered onto his face. His chest was heaving as he tried to come down from his high. He drug his fingertips up her back, tangling a hand in her beautiful hair.

    “Would you say I still got it?” He drawled.
    November 28th, 2016 at 07:35pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Lucille hadn't doubted that Negan would be able to blow her mind even before things had started getting heavy but even as things finished, Lucille was left with her mouth slightly ajar. Wow. She had thought he would forget the little things that drove her crazy but it seemed not to be true. Settling against his chest, Lucille grinned to herself as her fingers danced over his chest.

    "Hmm..." Lucille trailed off, pretending to be debating the answer as she looked up to him. The moment that their eyes made contact, she let out a giggle and nodded.

    "I'd say it's been too long," Lucille murmured, kissing up his neck until she was able to press a kiss to his lips. "I missed this, I missed you." She took a deep breath, pressing herself as close to him as she could. "I don't want to ever leave you again."
    November 28th, 2016 at 08:10pm
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    “I don’t want you to leave either, Luce, I really fucking don’t.” His eyes were closed as he had his arm wrapped around her. He tried to focus on the feeling of her fingers brushing over his skin. He knew that there were things that needed to change. But change and James Negan didn’t necessarily go hand in hand. But, if there was one person he would be willing to try and attempt and fight his natural instincts in order to do so, it was the woman who was lying next to him in bed.

    Negan rolled on his side, his face leveling with hers. He pressed a few gentle kisses to her lips before he began to speak again. “The best I can do is try, Luce. You fuckin’ know I am a man of my word—and dammit if I say I am gonna try then that’s exactly what I’m gonna fuckin’ do. But you gotta know its gonna take some time, right? I don’t wanna give this up.”
    November 30th, 2016 at 07:51pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Everything that Lucille had forgotten and the things that she had learned over the past few years, they were at war inside of her. She didn't want to just... support Negan and everything that he ever did. She knew that her group hadn't been the only ones to receive the same sort of treatment and she knew in her heart of hearts that she would never be able to watch as he followed through with threats, no matter who was at the end of the bat. But this was her husband, her Negan. The same man that she had longed for, the man she had done her best to mourn over because he was surely dead. But no, he was here. And most importantly, he was alive and as well as she could have hoped for.

    Lucille sighed as she nodded, her fingers teasing small designs into his chest. "I know, James," she whispered. His first name was hardly ever used, it was only her nickname for him or his last name. James was reserved for the few serious moments that passed between them, when she needed him to know that she was serious. And now, she needed him to know she was just as much as he was. "I'm not wanting you to give up everything that you've built. I will admit a lot of what you do is good," she paused, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth.

    "I don't care if you continue to have... these wives?" The word pitched high despite her words being true. "Just don't... don't sleep with them. You can still spoil them and care for them and do all those things without kissing and fucking because if there's anyone who can rock your world, papi," she paused again, a smirk settling on her features. "It's damn sure me."
    December 1st, 2016 at 05:31am
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Negan’s heart clenched as his wife called him by his first name, something she only did when she was either furious or deadly serious. Negan knew what it was that he had to do, but he didn’t kbow how. Everything that had transpired over the past few years he had grown accustomed to. Needless to say that Negan wasn’t one who welcomed change very happily. But he had to, and he was determined to keep his wife in his bed.

    Negan nodded his head along as she continued to speak, her words seeping into his mind. He almost wasn’t hearing the meaning behind the words, he was more or less just listening to her voice. With a small shake of his head, and a few blinks of his eyes, he brought himself back to paying attention to what it was she was explaining.

    “I know, I’ll change it.” He grumbled. To anyone else the tone of his voice would have sounded insincere and unwilling, but he was being honest. Negan pulled himself from the bed, not wanting to continue the conversation any further. What more was there to discuss? His wife was laying everything out on the line for him, and if it wasn’t Negan who fell in line this time, his wife would be gone.

    Negan raised his arms above his head, stretching his limbs. “Lets get showered and then go get some food. Think we both could fuckin’ use a bite to eat, yeah?”
    December 2nd, 2016 at 04:45pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Watching Negan's muscles strain as he flexed made Lucille want nothing more than to roll over and pull him right back into bed. It had been so long since she last was with a man because she hadn't wanted to feel like she was replacing her husband. There was no one that would ever be quite like James Negan, Lucille knew that.

    Lucille let out a yawn, stretching her arms above her head, only to laugh as her stomach growled, as if on cue. She lowered a hand, rubbing it for a moment. "How many times a day does everyone get to eat?" She asked quietly as she tilted her head to the side.

    Pushing the covers off of her legs, Lucille stood and grinned to herself, chewing on her bottom lip as she made her way toward the bathroom. She gave a shake of her hips, lingering in the doorway. She set a hand on the handle of the door, glancing behind her. "Just a shower, papi?" Lucille called before disappearing into the bathroom, leaning to turn the shower on.
    December 2nd, 2016 at 10:27pm
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Negan grinned as he heard his wife’s stomach growl and then the questioned that followed. “Usually two or three times a day, depending on what we have. But you? You can eat all you fuckin’ want, princesa, I don’t give two shits. You’re my queen now, you get that right?”

    Negan let out a low growl as he watched the way Lucille was trying to work him. His eyes flicked back over towards the bedroom door. He stalked over and hastily locked it before he made his way back to the bathroom. The pair of them sure as hell didn’t need any unwanted visitors again.

    When Negan entered the bathroom, he pulled out two towels for them and set them within reach. “I mean, it damn sure doesn’t just have to be a shower… You know that. But that could be debatable considering that noise your fuckin’ stomach is makin’.”
    December 2nd, 2016 at 10:42pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    The moment that Negan had finished setting the towels down, Lucille stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. She grinned, easing kisses along his shoulder blade. "As long as you don't plan on leaving me anymore today, I don't care what we do," she whispered, giving his waist a tiny squeeze.

    Lucille turned and pushed the shower curtain back so that she could climb inside. She grinned as Negan joined her, stepping backward to let the water wash over her hair and shoulders. A groan of appreciation fell from her lips as she let out a sigh. "I think I forgot how a hot shower feels," she commented quietly.

    Her eyes flickered up to Negan's and she couldn't help but grin. "Wash my hair for me, papi?" It had been something so simple that Lucille had always enjoyed simply because it was so small and intimate that all she did was relax and cuddle into Negan as he did. "I mean, I gave you a massage earlier so consider it payback."
    December 5th, 2016 at 06:41pm
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Negan grinned at his wife after her question. Memories that they had earlier in life came flooding through his senses. She always loved when he did that for her, and the look that she was sure to throw him every time would make him crumble to pieces underneath her gaze.

    “C’mere.” He mumbled, turning her around in front of him. He squeezed some shampoo into his hands and began to lather it in between his hands and then started working the foam into her hair. He made sure to pay special attention to her scalp, his fingers massaging soothing circles into her skin.

    Negan moved them so that she was in part of the water, being able to rinse her hair of the suds for her. “Did that feel nice, princesa?”
    December 7th, 2016 at 04:03am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Lucille's eyes slipped shut and she began to relax, allowing Negan to do what he had so many times before. On the days when she was too worried about work or school or whatever stupid thing that was going on in her life that stressed her out, Negan would draw her a hot bath and wash her hair for her. Such a simple act for her but it had the same affect that going to the spa would have.

    When the shampoo was finally cleaned from her hair, she let out a sigh as she turned back around to face Negan. There was a tiny grin on her lips as she nodded, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. "Papi, I love you," she murmured, her hands resting on his chest.

    "You always did promise me the world," Lucille teased quietly, her hands reaching for his. She squeezed them, her fingers massaging the skin gently. "Just didn't mention that it would be the end of the world."
    December 7th, 2016 at 04:25am