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    Leah wasn't happy about being banished upstairs with Aubree, because she knew whatever they were talking about downstairs had something to do with her dad and if they didn't want the girls to hear, it must be serious. "I think it's something about Daddy," Leah said softly. She sat down next to Aubree on her bed and flopped down onto her back. "And yeah, I agree, it's weird. But at least soon we might be able to weasel our way into their little pack meetings. But I don't think that just because we mate with Zacky and Matt, we'll be able to get into the meetings. I mean, we're girls. I don't think we'd ever have the same ranking as them, especially with them being as much older than us as they are." Leah grabbed a corner of her comforter and rolled over onto her stomach, resting her head against Aubree's shoulder. "So Zacky basically told me that he wants to have pups pretty much right away after we mate," Leah said softly. She wanted to change the subject to get her mind off of her worry about their dad, and that was the first thing that came to mind. "I mean, he said it would just happen when it happened, but I know that's means he's just not going to use any protection and just let me get pregnant."
    Matt frowned as Brian shook off Zacky's worry. He should be more concerned than he was about slowly he was healing. "Zacky's right, Brian," Matt put in. "You need to go see the pack doctor as soon as possible. And I know you don't think it's a big deal, but think about your girls. Think about Aubree and Leah. Do you want them to be completely parentless? Think about how they would feel if you were sick or something was wrong with you and you didn't go to the pack doctor? So man up and go." Matt knew he was walking a thin line by talking to Brian this way, but Matt's rank was so close to Brian's that they were almost indistinguishable and besides, he hoped that by bringing Aubree and Leah into things, it would convince Brian to do what he needed to do and go see the pack doctor.

    "You know what, if it'll shut you up, I'll go," Brian finally relented. "But not until tomorrow. I know Aubree and Leah would be upset if I missed their soccer game because you tell dragged me off to see the pack doctor. Speaking of that, don't either one of you breathe a fucking word about this to either one of them or there will be serious consequences."
    November 18th, 2016 at 07:58am
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    Zacky smirked, glad that Matt convinced Brian to go. "We won't say a word. Will we, Matthew?" he said, throwing a pillow in Matt's direction. Really, Brian let a lot of things slide in the way that the guys talked to him even though he shouldn't. Though lately he's been on Zacky's case like crazy. "I think you should go maybe after their game... just in case," he said innocently, earning a growl from Brian. Zacky sighed heavily in defeat, throwing his hands up. "Fine, fine. I'm happy that you're going at all. Goddamn." Zacky got up and went into the kitchen, throwing his now empty bottle of water away before rummaging through the pantry and getting a bag of chips. He opened the bag, stuffing a handful in his mouth before getting a beer out of the fridge. He popped the top, chugging some of it and letting out a huge content sigh. He probably shouldn't be drinking before the twins' game, especially it would make him even more of a cheerleader, but he didn't care.
    Aubree frowned, playing with a loose string on the sheets. Leah was right, no matter what, just because they were girls they'd never be counted as equals. They'd probably be able to sit in on small meetings but that wad it. Maybe they'd be able to change that though, her and Leah. Maybe they could make women equal in the pack. That was a major long shot but it was worth a try. Aubree's eyes widened as she looked back at Leah when she mentioned Zacky and pups. "Seriously? That's kind of crazy. It's crazy that you two have even had that conversation, I don't think Matt and I have even had that conversation," she said as she furrowed her brow. The only conversation her and Matt ever had was about him fucking her like a filthy animal. Did that count as having pups? Maybe it did. "Hopefully you're not fertile myrtle and it takes you a good while to get pregnant. Just don't ever have sex on the days you can really get pregnant on your period."
    November 18th, 2016 at 08:22am
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    "I don't think it'll really be up to me when we have sex," Leah grumbled. She had a feeling that it would be Zacky making that decision most of the time, and besides, right after they were mated, when her hormones were running high, she wouldn't be able to resist Zacky's advances. If she even wanted to, that is. Chances are Leah would want Zacky just as badly as he wanted her. "Yeah, and what if I'm not fertile myrtle?" Leah whispered, using the phrase Aubree had. "Having pups is such an important thing for female werewolves and I know Zacky wants them. What if I can't, and that makes him decide he doesn't want me anymore? He'll just take another mate and then I'll be all alone." She huffed, letting her face fall onto her mattress. She wished they had a mother they could go and talk to, because then maybe Leah wouldn't be so confused and worried about being mated and having pups. She had no idea how to be a mother, no idea at all.
    "Not a word," Matt promised. He smirked as Zacky continued to press Brian's buttons, earning a growl from Brian. Brian had been on Zacky's back quite a bit lately, and most of the time it wasn't even warranted. There was definitely something strange going on with Brian. Matt took a seat on the couch again, propping his feet up on the coffee table. It was just now two thirty, which meant that there were still two hours before the girls' soccer game. Of course, they needed to be there about half an hour early so they could warm up, but that still gave them about an hour and a half to relax. And it gave everyone else a chance to relax as well. Matt noticed that Zacky was drinking a beer and he sort of wanted one, but he was comfortable now and he didn't feel like getting up. "Why can't werewolves have telepathic powers?" Matt asked wistfully, looking back at the fridge. "That would make my life so much easier."
    November 19th, 2016 at 08:48am
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    Zacky raised a brow at Matt, shaking his head. "You seriously just can't get one yourself?" He said to him, sighing heavily. Zacky didn't even feel like getting him a beer. He's the one who most the soccer match, he should be getting Zacky beers. Zacky grabbed two beers out of the fridge, one for Matt and one for Brian, distributing them once he Got in the living room. He sat back down in his previous seat, sighing and taking a swig of his beer. "So, I know you have the whole mating ceremony thing, but have you even thought about like I don't know... engagement and a wedding?" He asked Matt, his brow raised. Even though they were mating, in the human world they were nothing. Just two lovers. Zacky knew that the twins had their dream wedding planned out and ready to for the right guy to come along and sweep them off their feet for it. Zacky wanted to give Leah the wedding of her dreams.
    Aubree frowned, shaking her head. "He loves you way too much to ever do that," she said, hitting her sister lightly. "So don't think that way. It's freaking Zacky. Just adopt if that really does happen. There's a lot of babies that are in the same boat we are but their dad's didn't want them," she said, looking over at her. Aubree sighed, rubbing her face and sitting up. "Okay, well that got depressing real fast. We should do something fun. What do you want to do?" She asked Leah, staring down at her ankle as she twisted it. It made a bit of a popping noise but it didn't hurt like it had before, it was pretty much done healing now. Hopefully that limp was gone. Aubree stood up, stretching and cracking her knuckles. She wanted to do something to keep moving. Resting wasn't an option for her.
    November 19th, 2016 at 09:26am
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    "Well just because he loves me doesn't mean he won't take another mate so he can pass on his genes," Leah mumbled, not lifting her face away from the mattress. "You know how male werewolves are, they want pups is they can pass on their genes. They don't want to raise some other male's pups." When she felt Aubree getting up, Leah finally rolled over, watching as her sister got to her feet and stretched. In response to Aubree's question, Leah just shrugged. She knew her sister wanted to get up and do something, but in all honesty, Leah really didn't. She just wanted to lay in bed and relax until they had to leave for their game. "You can go do something, I really don't feel like getting up," Leah said, looking up at the ceiling. In the corner she saw one of those stupid glow in the dark stars that had somehow been missed over when she'd taken them down years ago. Leah had decided to just leave it there and whenever she saw it, she remembered the day that she, her dad, and Zacky had stuck them all over her ceiling. "I'm feeling lazy, I'm sorry. I know you want to get up and do something."
    "I didn't mean for you to get up and get me a beer," Matt said, watching as Zacky got up and went to the fridge. Still, he wasn't going to complain that Zacky brought him a beer, because that meant he didn't have to get up and get one himself. When Zacky asked about an engagement and a wedding, Matt just sort of shrugged, popping the top off of his beer and taking a sip. "I don't know," he answered. "Not really. I mean, there's not really a point, is there? It would just be bells and whistles for us, and I'm not about to do it just to prove anything to those stupid humans. Being mated is all we need. But who knows, things might change. I'll just have to wait a few years and see." Matt wasn't really sure why Zacky was asking that. Unless he was planning on proposing to Leah, after they mated? It was such a weird thing to think, because having an actual wedding in the werewolf world wasn't exactly common. Because it wasn't necessary. And Matt didn't even know if Aubree wanted to actually get married.
    November 20th, 2016 at 07:47am
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    Zacky made a face and shrugged as he thought about it. He secretly kind of liked the idea of a wedding. But he wasn't going to admit that out loud to anyone to show how much of a fucking pansy he was. "There really isn't a point in it, it's just another way of marking in the human world," Zacky said with a chuckle. In his head he could never be too sure. He wanted to claim in every way, human and werewolf. Mate and marriage. That only made sense. She would have his last name, a ring, and so no human little fuck would dare touch her. Not that they were a threat but it still pissed him off to no end and made him want to kill them. But the more Zacky thought about it the more the idea of proposing to Leah sounded like a really good idea, especially when he thought of it as another way of marking her. It just made more sense in his head. Zacky sighed softly, taking a sip of his beer. Zacky hated that Matt knew about him and Leah, but he would have found out eventually because Aubree didn't know how to keep anything from Matt. Zacky would just be glad when their birthday was here and gone so he didn't have to keep a secret anymore.
    Aubree frowned, sitting down on the bed. Her sister looked so far off and down in the dumps, it made her feel that way too. "Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?" She asked, poking her repeatedly. She hated seeing her sister so blah. If that was the right word she even wanted to use. "Is it Zacky that's bothering you?" She asked, laying back on the bed. If Leah wanted to be left alone or anything it wasn't going to happen. It usually never did anyways. Aubree didn't like leaving people alone when they wanted to be left alone. It always gave her a bad vibe. "You're worrying over nothing, you know. At least you're chosing him. Well, kind of. He had chased off every other male that comes near you apparently but still, you're choosing him. He's going through fucking rings of fire to get you to choose him," she said, reaching over and beginning to braid a small lock of her sisters hair. She always loved doing that when they were talking. Her hair was just so soft and fun to play with, especially to braid.
    November 20th, 2016 at 08:34am
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    Leah reached over and swatted at her sister's hand when Aubree started poking her. She didn't know what was bothering her, just that she was bothered. It was weird, and she didn't like it. "I know I'm worrying over nothing," Leah mumbled as Aubree started braiding her hair. "But you know how I am. I'm a worry-wart, that's how I've always been." She knew she should be happy that Zacky had chosen her and was going through so much to get her to choose him, but she still just felt weird about everything. She felt the way Aubree had about Matt at the very beginning, slightly uncomfortable with the idea of mating and having pups with someone she'd always thought of as her uncle. But Leah was also hopeful that eventually she would feel the way about Zacky that Aubree now felt about Matt. And she knew that by her birthday she would be more than ready to let Zacky take her to bed and well, make her his bitch, but for now she was going to do what she did best and that was worry about nothing.
    Matt could tell that what Zacky said wasn't how he really felt about an actual human marriage. He was sure that Zacky wanted to propose to Leah eventually, as a way to mark her in a way humans would understand. In a way, Zacky almost seemed more possessive over Leah than Matt was over Aubree, but it was just the way Zacky presented himself. Matt relied on his strength and ranking to scare off other males, and once he and Aubree were mated, it would be more than enough. And Matt had no problem continuing to chase off any males that were foolish enough to continue to come after Aubree even after the two of them were mated. Zacky seemed like the type of to build as many fences as possible and then just sit back and relax. But if it came down to it and Aubree wanted a wedding, Matt would give her one more. He only wanted her to be happy.
    November 21st, 2016 at 04:30am
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    Zacky looked between Matt and Brian, sighing heavily. He jumped when the front door flung open and the rest of the guys filed into the house, screaming about how they were going to win the game today. Zacky shook his head, rubbing his temples. He was starting to get stressed out and he kind of just didn't want to deal with these loud mouths right now. "Where are my darling girls, I must see them," Jimmy said before flying up the stairs, taking two at a time. Zacky raised a brow, he didn't even want to know what he was up to. Zacky finished off his beer, getting up and going into the kitchen to throw the bottle away. He stared out the kitchen window, getting lost in thought. He hoped everything went well by the time the girls had their birthday. He hoped so much that Leah really did want him as his mate and he wasn't as weirded out by it as Aubree was with Matt. He never even thought about that at first.
    Aubree frowned, knowing exactly how much her sister worried. She wished she wouldn't so much, but there wasn't anything or anyone who could change that. All Aubree could do was just be there and tell her that it was all going tinge okay in hopes she didn't get an ulcer from stressing. "Don't worry, for the millionth time. I know it's weird, if it's too weird you have the option to say no. That's your advantage, Leah. You don't have to be his mate. I'm only kind of accepting things with Matt now because he practically already is mine and there's nothing I can do about it," she said with a small frown. Aubree jumped when the bedroom door burst open and Jimmy appeared in the doorway, screaming something she couldn't understand before jumping on top of them. She burst out into a fit of giggles as he began tickling them both, trying to squirm away but having no where to go. They were both trapped.
    November 21st, 2016 at 05:36am
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    "Except I don't really have the option to say no," Leah mumbled. "I know you might think I do, but I really don't. I don't think Zacky is going to give me a choice now that I've practically told him yes. And it's pretty much too late to find anyone else, and that's if Zacky doesn't scare them off like he's done to the rest." Leah looked up in surprise when her bedroom door burst open and Jimmy ran inside, jumping on top of them and starting to tickle them. Leah giggled, squirming as she tried to get away from Jimmy, but there was no escape. There never was. "Uncle...Jimmy!" Leah managed to choke out. She prodded at him with her elbow. "I can't breathe!" Finally Jimmy climbed off of the two girls, sputtering something about how they were most definitely going to win their game today. Leah grinned at him. "Uncle Jimmy, have you been drinking?"

    "What no, why on earth would you even ask me that?" Jimmy asked, feigning offense.
    Matt relaxed against the couch, sipping on his beer as he turned his attention to the TV. He looked over when Brian's front door swung open, laughing as he watched Jimmy hurry up the stairs, his grin growing when he heard the girls giggling upstairs. Jimmy was too much to handle sometimes, but everyone loved him for it and he always managed to make the twins feel better. "I think it's just about time to leave for the girls' game, isn't it?" Matt asked, looking around at Brian and Johnny, glancing back towards Zacky in the kitchen. Matt finished off his beer as he got to to his feet, going to toss the bottle in the trash before he headed upstairs. "Alright Jimmy, knock it off, it's time to leave so the girls can warm up before their game," Matt chuckled, leaning against the doorframe.

    "Alright, it's time to go kick some ass!" Jimmy shouted, throwing his fists into the air.
    November 21st, 2016 at 09:01am
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    Zacky broke away from his thoughts when Matt mentioned that it was about time for the girls' game, sighing. He stretched, letting out a rather loud yawn before going into the foyer and waiting for everyone else so they could go. Playing soccer with Matt and the girls earlier just completely wore him out. It was insane. Plus his mind was racing like a crazy person and he didn't know what to do about it. Maybe when he took Leah out for ice cream, if she was still up for it after the game, he'd have a talk with her. Even though she said yes there was just something bugging him. Zacky watched as Brian dragged himself to the front door, pulling out his keys and fumbling with them as he yawned. "Why don't I drive, Bri," he suggested, Brian nodding in approval and tossing him the keys to his truck. Until Brian went to the doctor he really didn't need to be doing anything.
    Aubree was going to end up peeing herself if Jimmy didn't stop tickling her. Eventually he did though and she couldn't be more relieved. "Oh my god," she breathed, a few giggles escaping every now and then. She sat up when she heard Matt, scrunching her nose at the mention of the soccer game. She felt so lazy now. Her eyes widened when Jimmy started screaming and ran down the stairs, shaking her head. "He's so enthusiastic," she laughed, getting up off of Leah's bed. "Alright, let's go kick some ass!" She yelled, clasping her own hands together as she passed Matt, slapping his ass. She smirked, going into her room and changing into her uniform. She brushed her hair and put it in a bun on top of her head, sighing softly. She hoped they won this game. Everyone was just so hyped for it today.
    November 21st, 2016 at 09:33am
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    Leah giggled at Jimmy as he ran out of the room, nodding her head when Aubree spoke. "Fuck yeah, he is," she agreed. Her eyes widened when Aubree smacked Matt's ass, and Leah shook her head as she went into the bathroom to pull her hair up into a high ponytail. She slipped a headband on to keep her bangs out of her face and headed downstairs, grabbing her soccer bag from its spot near the door. Once everyone was ready to leave, they all piled into two cars, with Zacky driving Leah, her dad, and Jimmy. Matt was driving the other car, with Aubree and Johnny. Even after being all mopey earlier, Leah was still incredibly pumped for this game. She really hoped that they won. Not that she didn't every other time as well. At the soccer field, Leah grabbed her sister's hand and dragged her over to where their team congregated, tossing her bag aside before she went to join the warm up drills. She just needed to concentrate on this game, that was all. Don't think about dad, don't think about Zacky, don't think about anything but winning the game.
    "Alright get out of here, fucker," Matt laughed, giving Jimmy a shove as he left the room. His eyes widened when he felt Aubree's hand on his ass. Seriously, this girl must've made it her life mission to torture him. Matt climbed into the driver's side of his car, waiting for Aubree and Johnny to climb inside before he started the engine and followed Zacky to the soccer field. "Good luck, Aubree," Matt said, smiling at her before he leaned in to give her a short peck on the lips. He might've deepened the kiss a little, but then Leah was there, taking her sister's hand and dragging her off towards their soccer team. Matt really hoped that they won, mostly to make up for him and Aubree losing the scrimmage game earlier. And if Aubree was happy, then he would be happy, because that was the way it worked.
    November 22nd, 2016 at 10:05am
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    Zacky got into the car, waiting for everyone to get into their respective vehicles before he took off towards the field. When he finally got there he realized that they probably should have gotten there a bit earlier due to parking. Zacky eventually found two perfect spots, pulling into one before Matt pulled into the other. Zacky got out, putting the keys in his pocket as he watched Leah get out from the backseat behind him. He'd always thought she looked rather good in her uniform. Before Zacky could even wish the girls luck or give them a hug, Leah had dragged Aubree over to where their team was warming up. Zacky furrowed his brow and rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh, following the rest of the guys to where they were going to sit to watch the game. He couldn't decide if she had done that on purpose to avoid him or if she just wanted to hurry up and ge over to where her team was. It was just a wee bit odd.
    Aubree hopped out of Matt's car when he got to the soccer field, totally pumped and ready to go. She was so hyped it wasn't even funny. Jimmy had a lot to do with it too, he always rubbed off a lot of his energy onto her. She grinned when Matt have her a small kiss, licking over her lips. "Thanks, Sanders," she said with a wink before Leah drug her off. Aubree began warming up, thinking about her upcoming birthday and getting lost in her thoughts. She wondered if her and Leah were still going to want to play soccer after they completed their changed. She wondered how often her and Leah would actually see one another after they completed their change too. By the way Matt and Zacky make it sound, they weren't going to leave the house ever. Aubree shook her head, sighing heavily. She looked into the crowed for those familiar tattooed men, smiling when she saw them. "Oh god, they have the Pom poms out," she murmured to Leah, pinching the bridge of her nose.
    November 22nd, 2016 at 10:39am
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    Leah jumped into the warm ups, looking over when she heard Aubree speak. She glanced over into the crowd and found her dad and the other guys, groaning when she saw that her sister was right. "Why do they always bring those fucking pom poms?" she grumbled. "They're so embarrassing!" Leah shot a quick smile in their direction before she went over when their coach called them over. They were told who was starting, and then they headed onto the field. Leah was a defensive player, so she took her spot back near the goalie, bouncing back and forth between the balls of her feet. She was so pumped for this, and she really wanted to win. Their team had a pretty good record, only one loss the entire season. And if they won - well, probably whether they won or lost - Zacky was going to take her out for ice cream.
    "You're welcome, little Haner," Matt said, climbing out of his car. He waited for Johnny to climb out as well before he locked the car, going to join everyone else in the stands. Jimmy was already handing out the pom poms and Matt took one, shaking it in the air when Aubree looked over. He knew neither one of the girls was a fan of the pom poms because they were embarrassing, but honestly, that just made it more fun. Brian was their dad and the other guys were practically their uncles. Embarrassing them was their job. Soon enough the players took their place on the field and Matt shook his pom pom in the air again, calling out Aubree's name. Other people in the crowd turned to look at him and the other guys, but they didn't pay them any attention. They were used to it by now.
    November 23rd, 2016 at 09:06am
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    United States
    Zacky began making up a cheer with Jimmy, waving the Pom poms every which way. He began laughing as he realized they had pretty much caught the attention of everyone who wasn't on the feild. He felt pretty proud. Zacky began cheering even louder for Leah as the game started, wanting her to win so he could genuinely take her out for that ice cream to celebrate that victory. "Come on, Leah! Aubree, you can do it!" He called out, waving his pompoms all about. Zacky laughed at Aubree who gave him the dirtiest look she could muster before some big beefy girl knocked both her and Leah down. Zacky grimaced, knowing that was dangerous. "This isn't football!"" Zacky yelled out, about to throw his pompoms.
    "As long as we're playing a sport and they're capable of moving their arms, they're going to bring those damn things," Aubree grumbled, shaking her head. She took her position on the feild, ignoring Matt as she heard him cheer and call out her name. This was a usual thing every game and it was something she'd learned to tune out. She rocked back and fourth on her heels, taking off as the whistle blew. But before she knew it, some huge girl had thrown her into the dirt and almost knocked her out. "Jesus Christ," she breathed, trying to quickly shake it off. The last thing she needed was a major injury during the game so she couldn't play the rest of it. No matter what kind of injury she ends up with though she's still playing. Aubree looked over and saw that Leah managed to get hit too, sighing heavily. "Are you okay, Leah?" She asked, rubbing the back of her band.
    November 23rd, 2016 at 11:05am
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    Leah could hear Zacky and the other guys shouting and cheering for them, but she was easily able to tune it out. As embarrassing as it was, they'd been doing it for years and so the girls were used to it. The game started and Leah was quickly lost in the action, only snapping out of it when she felt herself hitting the ground, and pretty damn hard at that. "Yeah, I'm fine," Leah grumbled when she heard Aubree speaking to her, picking herself up off the ground. Not surprisingly, the girl who'd knocked them both to the ground was ejected from the game, since there was no way she hadn't done that on purpose. And this also meant that Leah and Aubree would each get a penalty kick, which was a good opportunity to make a somewhat easy goal. Leah was up first, and she surveyed the line of girls in front of her, trying to decide which one would be the easiest to get the ball past. Eventually she chose the girl second from the end on the right, since she was the shortest. She rested back and kicked the ball, throwing her fists into the air when it sailed past the line of defenders and into the net.
    Matt laughed at the dirty look that Aubree shot Zacky when he cheered for, his grin quickly turning to a frown when the twins were knocked to the ground. Luckily the girl who'd pushed them was ejected from the game and both girls were given the opportunity to take a penalty shot. Leah made hers and everyone cheered, shaking their pom poms around in the air. "Come on Aubree, you can do it!" Matt shouted, watching as Aubree stepped up to take her shot as well. He didn't know if those girls would let by two balls, but Matt sure as hell hoped that they would. Not only would that put the girls' team ahead by two points, but it would make Aubree happy and Matt would get to see her gorgeous little smile. He loved to see her happy, he always had. For years she'd practically been his niece and now she was set to be his mate in less than a month. Even if he would take a dominant position over her, Matt wanted Aubree to always be happy.
    November 24th, 2016 at 06:39am
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    Zacky was hardly sitting down at this point, gripping onto his pompoms so hard his knuckles were turning white. He watched closely as Leah went up to make her shot, his heart racing so fast he thought it was going to just burst out of his chest. "Come on, Leah, you can make it!" He called out to her, his eyes wide as he watched. He smirked as he saw her going for the shorter girl at the end, nodding in approval. Zacky threw his arms up in the air, cheering loudly as she made the shot. It may be the shot that helps them win, along with Aubree's if she makes hers. "Great job, baby!" He yelled out, coughing and shrinking back once he realized what he called her. No big deal, no one would catch up on it. He was still her "uncle" after all, he was allowed to call her that pet name. He has before. Zacky seriously needed to stop freaking out so much and calm down. He sighed heavily and sat back down as Aubree went up to kick, chewing on his lower lip nervously.
    Aubree crossed her arms over her chest and stood anxiously waiting for her sister to kick. She wanted her to make it so bad, to teach those bitches a lesson. Though there was a girl on the team in the lineup that was grabbing Aubree's attention. She cleared her throat and looked over at the bleachers, trying to ignore the other girl and her looks. But then the hand gestures made her snap her head back, her eyes wide. The girl was obviously looking at Matt, making sexual hand gestures about his dick To him. Although Aubree was sure Matt was probably not paying attention, she was getting way more than ticked off. She was going to try and ignore it though. She gave a nod of approval to Leah when she made the shot, rubbing her face to try and calm herself down. She walked up to the ball, placing her foot on it and rolling it back and forth as she tried to decide where she wanted to kick. "I'm going to steal your mate, Haner," the girl said to her, laughing. "What's he going to want to do with an inexperienced little virgin like you? He needs a real woman," she continued. Aubree's face was probably fifty shades of red. She laughed, shaking her head as she backed up away from the ball a bit, running towards it before kicking it right at the girls face, breaking her nose. She then pounced on her, throwing continuous punches and scratches. No one talked about taking her mate. Matt was hers. No matter how much she detested the idea sometimes, the thought of someone taking him away made her blood boil.
    November 24th, 2016 at 07:30am
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    United States
    Leah felt her face heat up when she heard Zacky cheering for her, especially when she heard him call her baby. She didn't remember him ever calling her that before, not until she'd told him that she would let him take her as his mate. Once she was done, Leah stepped back to let Aubree take her shot. She knew things weren't going to end well as soon as she noticed one of the girls in the defense lineup making crude hand gestures at Matt. He was too busy focusing on Aubree to noticed, it seemed, but Aubree certainly noticed. And then that girl had to go and open her mouth, and all hell broke loose. Leah heard the crack of the girl's nose as Aubree hit her in the face with the ball, and then they were on the ground wrestling as the two referees came over, blowing their whistles as they tried to break up the fight. Seeing that they were having a little trouble, Leah stepped in, grabbing her sister's elbow and pulling her off of the other girl. "Aubree, stop it!" Leah hissed. "She's not taking Matt away from you, I promise."
    Matt was a little nervous as Aubree stepped up to take her shot. He wanted her to make the shot so she would be happy and he could cheer for her and embarrass her. When she sent the ball sailing right at that girl's face, and even from the bleachers he could hear her nose crack. "Jesus Christ, Aubree," Matt grumbled, leaving the bleachers and going down to the field. By that point Leah had already managed to pull Aubree off of the other girl, and not surprisingly at all, both girls involved in the fight were given red cards. "I need to talk to Aubree for a minute," Matt said, dragging Aubree away. He pulled her somewhere they would be out of earshot and sight of everyone else. "What the hell was that about?" Matt asked. "You probably just broke that girl's nose and got yourself thrown out of the game. I thought you were excited for it. So what the fuck got you so worked up, Aubree?"
    November 24th, 2016 at 10:56am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky furrowed his brow as he watched Aubree tense up, wondering if she was okay. Probably just nerves. Though that thought was quickly pushed to the side as he watched her kick the ball right into some girls face, a sickening crack filling the air. "Damn," he muttered, placing his hand on Brian's arm to keep him from going down there to break up the fight. He didn't need to be getting his own self hurt in the process. Zacky was about to go down there, obviously along with Matt, but Leah stepped in and yanked Aubree swiftly right up off of the other girl. Zacky was pretty impressed, she definitely knew how to handle her sister. Zacky ran his fingers through his hair, rolling his eyes as he listened to Jimmy and Johnny talk excitedly about the fight that just happened like it was something great. It was definitely far from it, at least not until they found out the reason. Then maybe they could be excited about it. Zacky looked over to Leah, frowning when he noticed she did not look happy at all. She probably wasn't, not with how important this game was. He felt so bad.
    Aubree growled as Leah pulled her off of the other girl, reaching out for her as she was being dragged away. All she could see was red, every part of her body pulsating with anger. She groaned, her head spinning as she squeezed her eyes shut, rubbing at her face harshly. Her eyes hurt so bad, along with her head. Her canines were killing her. She just wanted to sink her teeth into something meaty, tear it to pieces and make her feel better make her frustrations go away. She grunted as Matt began pulling her away, stumbling to keep up. She yanked her arm away, pacing back and forth as she painted heavily. "She challenged me," she said, wiping some blood off the corner of her mouth. "At least I felt challenged. She was making crude hand gestures towards you and saying she was going to take you from me. She said that you wouldn't want an inexperienced virgin like me, that you needed a real woman," she said, rubbing more at her stinging eyes. She opened them, taken aback at how clearly she could see everything. It was like she was seeing life through some super HD TV. She looked over at Matt, her eyes glowing amber, the color of her wolf's. "I wasn't going to let her even think she could even think about that. You are mine, Matthew. Jesus," she growled, crashing her lips onto his in a heated kiss. Aubree winced when she felt something sharp hit her lip, pulling back and touching her mouth. Her top and bottom canines were as sharp as ever.
    November 25th, 2016 at 06:07am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Leah watched through narrowed eyes as Matt dragged Aubree away. It wasn't very often that she was actually angry with her sister, but now was one of those times. This game was so important and Aubree just had to go and let her emotions and hormones get in the way of things. But Leah supposed that she could sympathize with Aubree a little. The thought of some other girl trying to take Zacky away from her made her upset and she could understand why what that other girl had said had made Aubree upset. Once the matter was settled, everyone took their places on the field again, ready to start another round. Leah wasn't as bouncy this time; she was too mad to be bouncy, but being mad did make her a play a little better. Leah wanted to win more than anything now, to show that little bitch who'd said those things to Aubree.
    As Matt listened to Aubree talk, he was admittedly a little surprised. He really must not have been paying attention to anything but Aubree if he hadn't noticed that other girl among crude hand gestures to him. Matt growled against Aubree's lips when she kissed him, ready to deepen the kiss a bit when she pulled away. He noticed the way her canines protruded, and he realized for the first time that the girls were starting to show the first actual outward signs of their impending birthday. The way her eyes glowed, her teeth growing sharp...Aubree's body was getting ready to change over into a full werewolf, and it made everything go a little haywire. "Even if all of that is true, you've really got to start trying to control your temper," Matt said. "And did you really think I would even entertain the notion of having that girl or any other girl besides you as my mate? Hell fucking no."
    November 25th, 2016 at 09:57am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky watched with eyes as wide as saucers, kind of liking the angry way Leah was suddenly playing. He found it extremely hot and he was going to have to buy her double ice cream after this. Zacky knew that Leah was pretty pissed off at Aubree for the way she handled things. Honestly it could have been handled way differently, but she wasn't a fully mature wolf yet and someone as threatening her mate that she was already practically bound to. You don't go around challenging someone for their mate. The more Zacky thought about it, the more he kind of wanted to see Leah get into a fight with some girl over him. Actually he wanted to see her wrestle in a pool full of jello for him. That would just be a fucking dream come true. He laughed a little to himself, licking over his lips.
    Aubree flopped down onto the ground, holding her head in her hands. She just wanted this splitting fucking headache to go away, but she doubted it would until she calmed down. "I know. It still pissed me off. I wish there was a way I could mark you. Can females mark males? I don't know," she said, rubbing her eyes. She was beginning to calm down the more Matt talked. Her teeth were slowly going back to normal and so was her vision. But there was a hot sticky substance draining from her ears that she didn't want to check and see what was. "Keep talking to me, Mattie. Tell me it's okay, tell me you're mine, just like I'm yours," she murmured, shaking as she hugged her knees to her chest. She just wanted to hear his voice. It was the only thing she could think of that was calming her down right now. She needed to get ahold of herself so she can go back to the game and apologize to Leah.
    November 26th, 2016 at 04:55am