
  • Zacky shrugged a bit. Sometimes he forgot how close they all lived together. Zacky left Brian's shortly after Matt did, running home as fast as he possibly could. He already felt as though he had been away from his mate for too long. When he finally got to the house, he changed back into his human form and went inside. "Leah," he called out, shutting the door behind him. Zacky smiled and bent down to pet Icky and Majesty when they came to greet him. He groaned and stood up, stretching before shuffling into the living room where he thought he heard the TV. "There you are," he said with a small smile as he sat down beside her. "How was your outing with your sister?" Zacky hoped that she at least had some fun even though it did freak him out. Oh, and let's not forget the fact that Aubree just had to take his car out for a spin. She was lucky he didn't go over there and knock some sense into her.
    Aubree snorted, shaking her head. She really didn't want to break it to Leah, but Aubree was pretty sure that she wasn't going to be anywhere near as big as her. "See ya later. Call me if anything happens!" she told her sister before shifting into her wolf form and running home. She almost didn't want to go back, since for one she didn't know if Matt was there yet and two, she just was enjoying the fresh breeze and nice weather. She took her time on her way back, eventually entering her and Matt's backyard. Aubree shifted back, smiling when she saw Matt. He must've just gotten home too. "I did have fun," she said as she walked up to him. "We had some really good ice cream and I definitely enjoyed driving Zacky's fancy car." Aubree smirked and wrapped her arms around Matt's middle, leaning up and giving him a soft kiss. Right now she felt like cuddling and tell him how much she loved him, though it wouldn't last long. She almost knew right away that her mood was going to shift faster then she could imagine.
    October 3rd, 2018 at 08:01am
  • "It was pretty fun," Leah said. "Exhausting, but fun. I'm so over being pregnant. But the ice cream was good. Definitely the best part of the excursion. And I think Aubree had fun driving your car," Leah added, grinning at Zacky. She knew he probably wasn't very happy about the girls taking his car but that was half the fun of it. Leah and Aubree used to take their dad's car out all the time when they were first learning to drive just for the thrill of it. "So...what were you thinking about making for dinner?" Leah asked, looking over at Zacky. She smiled sweetly at him. "Some pasta or something. I'm craving carbs. No rush, though. I just thought it would be nice to have a relaxing dinner, just the two of us, before the pups get here." She knew they only had days before the pups arrived and she wanted to take advantage of what little peace they had left.
    Matt chuckled at Aubree's comment about Zacky's car. "As much fun as you used to have driving your dad's car?" he asked, raising a knowing eyebrow. He was sure Aubree and Leah thought Brian didn't know about the times they used to sneak his car out for a quick drive but he did. "Speaking of your little outings...those may have to stop for a little while," Matt said. "Especially since you're pregnant. With the vampire problem getting as bad as they are, we want to make sure you stay safe. You and Leah. And all the pups." With a smile, Matt leaned down to give Aubree another short kiss. "So I know you just had some ice cream, but I'm hungry so I think I'm going to start on dinner soon. Maybe some chicken? Oh, chicken parmesan. That's pretty simple. But if you want something different, I'll make it."
    October 6th, 2018 at 09:41am
  • Zacky smiled as he listened to Leah. He was glad that she had fun with her sister. Although Zacky wasn’t exactly thrilled about Aubree taking his expensive ass car for a joy ride. Not only that but she wasn’t exactly the safest driver in the world and it made him nervous even thinking about Leah in that car. “I’m kind of jealous, I’ve cream would have been perfect on this hot day.” Zacky walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, breaking the seal and twisting the cap off. He took a long sip of it before sighing and putting the cap back on. He raised a brow when Leah asked about dinner, smirking. “Do you like Artichokes, baby? I’ve been craving some serious artichoke and spinach pasta. It’s really good and I’m sure the pups wouldn’t mind some green in their diet.” Zacky but his lower lip and watched Leah start cleaning. He didn’t mind her nesting but it really didn’t come in handy when he was trying to have a conversation with her.
    Aubree snorted. “I don’t think I’ll ever have as much fun not taking one of y’all’s car for a joyride,” she said with a heavy sigh. She blinked and shook her head when Matt said she had to lay off on her adventures for a while. She almost wanted to punch him in the face but she didn’t. She understood though. She didn’t particuarly want to be out there either and then a blood sucker decided to come at her for her baby. It was a scary idea. “I’m always hungry,” she told him. “Chicken sounds good. I love all chicken, especially when you make it.” She grinned st him before heading inside. “Ugh! You wear me out and we haven’t even done anything.” Aubree groaned. She walked over to the couch and plopped down, smiling when Bella came up and licked her face. “Cutie,” she murmured with a yawn. “Hey, babe? Wake me up when the food is done, okay. Thanks.” Aubree was totally going to try and take this moment of silence and use it to catch up on some sleep. She sss so tired that she could fall face into a jelly bean. Her sleep schedule was so bad.
    October 15th, 2018 at 12:00pm
  • "I've never had artichokes but if that's what you want to make, I'm fine with it," Leah said. "I haven't had any food aversions in a long time so the worst thing that could happen is I don't like it." Looking around the living room, Leah noticed how messy it was. She still might not be too enthused with the idea of being a mother but she was still in full-on nesting mode. And it wouldn't hurt to tidy up the living room a little. Because God knows she wouldn't get a chance to do much cleaning once the pups arrived. She got as much done as she could before she needed to sit down again, which wasn't as much as she would have liked. Plopping back down onto the couch, Leah looked over at Zacky. "Alright, I'm ready for dinner," she said.
    Matt chuckled at Aubree when she laid down on the couch, telling him to wake her up when dinner was ready. He took that as a hint that she was hungry and he was too, so he decided to go ahead and get started. Aubree had seemed to be okay with chicken parmesan so that's what Matt was going with. It didn't take long to get the food in the oven and while it was cooking, he took Bella to the backyard to let her use the bathroom. While she was sniffing around the backyard, Matt snuck back inside and shut the door. He hated locking Bella outside but it would be easier for them to eat if she wasn't in here to bother them. When the timer went off, Matt pulled the food from the oven, setting it on the counter to go wake up Aubree. "Hey, dinner's ready," Matt said, giving her shoulder a gentle shake.
    October 31st, 2018 at 04:58am
  • Zacky watched Leah clean, slowly pulling things out for dinner as he did so. He grinned and chuckled softly when she plopped onto the couch, telling him that she was ready for dinner. “I’ll start making it.” Zacky began boiling two pots of water, one for the pasta and one for the noodles. He let both of them cook before mixing all the incredients together to make the sauce. He drained the noodles and mixed the sauce and the noodles together in a big bowl. Zacky grabbed two plates and some silverware, setting the table. “It’s ready, Babe!” He called our to Leah, grabbing a couple of glasses and getting themselves something to drink. Zacky knew that once the pups got here, there wasn’t going to be any time for cooking like this. He had a feeling he and Leah were going to be living off of microwave dinners and take out, if they ever ate at all.
    Aubree has dozed off quickly, drool dripping onto the couch from the corner of her mouth. She groaned when she felt Matt try and wake her up, swatting at him and pouting. She hated being woken up. “Okay, okay,” she groaned. Aubree huffed and sat up, rubbing her eyes and sitting there for a moment to wake up before getting up and shuffling to the kitchen. She licked her lips as she looked around, grinning when she saw the food. She grabbed a plate and got herself a nice big helping of it, quickly going back to the table and sitting down. Aubree took several big bites of her food, moaning at how good it was. She was so lucky to have a mate that could cook. “This is really good,” she told Matt with wide eyes. The little pup inside her was enjoying it too, as she could feel small flutters in her abdomen. She wasn’t sure if it was too early to be feeling things like that or not, but she wasn’t going to complain.
    November 2nd, 2018 at 09:57am
  • While Zacky cooked dinner, Leah propped her feet up on the coffee table, getting comfortable on the couch. As strong as her urges to clean and nest were, it still absolutely exhausted her. She stayed on the couch until Zacky called out to her that dinner was ready and then she slowly got to her feet, waddling into the kitchen. "Everything smells great," Leah said, sitting down at the kitchen table. She poked cautiously at one of the artichoke hearts nestled between the strands of pasta, using her fork to cut it in half before she put it in her mouth. "I guess these are okay," she said. "I probably wouldn't eat them if they weren't drowned in pasta sauce but they're alright. The spinach, however, is delicious. I love spinach."
    Matt chuckled when Aubree swatted his hand away. While she woke herself up, he went back into the kitchen to make himself a plate. He sat it on the table before getting himself something to drink, joining Aubree at the table. "I'm glad you like it," he said. "Gotta keep you well-fed. You're eating for at least two now, after all." He grinned at her from across the table, taking a bite of his food. It was nice to be able to just enjoy a meal with his mate. Now that Aubree was pregnant, he knew those days would soon be far and few inbetween. So he would enjoy it while he still could. When he was finished eating, Matt took his plate to the sink, rinsing it off before setting it down. There was still a good bit of food left, so he decided to put that in the fridge. They could heat it up later.
    November 6th, 2018 at 09:11am
  • Zacky chewed slowly as he watched Leah poke at the artichoke. He made sure to make them big enough so that if she didn’t want it, she could pick them out. He chuckled softly before taking another bite of his food. “It is pretty tasty. I definitely won’t add artichokes next time. I saw it online and figured I’d give it a try,” he said once he sealed the food that was in his mouth. It didn’t take long before Zacky was finished, getting up and scraping the little bit left on his plate, into the trash before going over to the sink. He rinsed off his plate before putting it in the dishwasher, trying to stay ahead of the mess. “You finished baby? Or would you like more?” He asked Leah, walking over and sitting back down in his seat. If she wanted more he would definitely get her some more. Zacky wanted Leah to get all the food and rest that she could before the pups came. He knew once they were here, there wouldn’t be any time to do anything.
    Aubree blushed when Matt said she was eating for at least two now. That made her heart race and butterflies erupt in her stomach. But she also got an uneasy, nervous feeling. Although this may be something her and Matt wanted more than anything in the world, somehow Aubree felt as though it may be the wrong time. It didn’t really matter though, because ready or not they were going to have a pup. Aubree sighed softly and licked over her lips, standing up from the table and scraping off her plate into the trash before rinsing it in the sink. She walked over to Matt and wrapped her arms around his middle, resting her chin on his chest and looking up at him. “Boy or girl?” She asked him with a grin, biting her lower lip. Although Aubree kind of wanted a girl, she was perfectly content with either. She just wanted her baby happy and healthy.
    November 8th, 2018 at 10:28am
  • "You should try brussel sprouts next time," Leah said. "They're good. Especially coated in butter. Well, everything is better coated in butter." She finished her plate and pushed it away, trying to decide if she wanted anymore. On the one hand, the food was good and she wasn't necessarily full but on the other hand, she knew eating any more would more than likely trigger her heartburn. "I think I'm done," Leah answered, looking up at Zacky. "For now, anyway. I think I'd better let my stomach settle a little before I try and eat anything else." She slowly got to her feet, going over to give Zacky a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for dinner," she said. "I think I'm going to go sit down on the couch. Your pups are wearing me out."
    "I think I want a boy," Matt said, thinking for a second. "I mean, obviously, I'll be happy with either one but if I'm being completely honest, I want a boy. And then for the next one, I'd want a little girl. One of each." He smiled as he gave her a kiss on the lips, giving her hips a squeeze before he moved away from her. "What do you want to do tonight?" Matt asked, walking to the back door. He unlocked it and pushed it open, letting Bella slip back in. "We could watch movies. Or maybe...Mario Kart?" Matt said this with a grin, brandishing one of the controllers. "And don't think I'm going to take it easy on you just because you're pregnant. I'll crush you, just like I did when you were little."
    November 12th, 2018 at 07:37am
  • “I will definitely try Brussels sprouts next time,” Zacky said with a small chuckle. He could remember how when Leah was little that she would always eat her Brussels sprouts or her spinach, as well as her sisters at dinner. He looked up and watched her stand up, biting his lower lip to hide the smile when she said “your pups”. That made his wolf happy, but his human side was a little sad. He wanted to head that their pups were making her tired. Zacky still secretly hoped and prayed that things would get better once the pups were out and Leah was actually able to see them and hold them. He sighed softly and stood up, clearing the table and washing the dishes. He put the leftovers in a bowl, since it was still a little warm and he didn’t want to put it in the fridge just yet. When he was finished, Zacky went into the living room and plopped down onto the couch next to Leah. “What do you want to do for the rest of the night? I’m sure you’re tired and probably don’t want to do much, so maybe we can watch a movie or something?” He asked her as he rest his head on the back of the couch, looking over at her.
    Aubree smiled. “A boy would be nice. I think i want a girl,” she said with a small smile. She smirked when he said he wanted one of each, a thought coming to mind. “But Matthew, what if next time I get pregnant with twins? Or triplets? Or sextuplets,” Aubree said with wide eyes, actually kind of freaking herself out. She wouldn’t even know what to do with herself if she had sextuplets. “Oh dear god, my body and my vagina would be ruined for good.” She shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. She didn’t think she wanted that many at one time, that’s for sure. Aubree watched Matt let Bella back in, reaching down and giving her a scratch on the head. She smirked when Matt mentioned Mario Cart, her eyes shining gold as her wolf started to make an appearance, as she did whenever Aubree started to feel competitive. “Oh yeah? Bring it, Sanders,” she said as she took one of the controllers, flopping down on the couch. She knew she wouldn’t be seated there for long, she always ended up standing up and screaming at the screen. “If I win, I get to tie you up and have my way with you, tease you until you can’t take it anymore. If you win, well, same thing goes, you can do whatever you want, as slow or fast as you want, or as gentle or rough as you want, and I won’t complain.”
    November 12th, 2018 at 12:34pm
  • Leah could tell Zacky was a little disappointed when she only referred to the pups as only his. But as terrible as it sounded, she still didn't feel the type of maternal connection to them that she knew she should. Leah just hoped that once they ware born, things would change. While Zacky cleaned up the kitchen from dinner, Leah kicked her feet up on the coffee table, flipping through the channels to try and find something to watch. She hadn't found anything to watch by the time Zacky came in from the kitchen, so she nodded when he asked if she wanted to watch a movie. "I'll probably fall asleep, so you can pick something." Leah moved to rest her head on the arm of the couch, tugging on the blanket from the back of the couch.
    "You're going down," Matt said. He plopped down on the couch, using the controller to turn on the game system. He started the game, quickly scrolling through the list of tracks to find Rainbow Road. It was always the one track Aubree and Leah could never do very well when they were little and Matt hoped that was still true. He'd really just meant for this to be a little bit of mostly friendly competition but Aubree's comment had his mind going in a different direction. "So you want to go best two out of three?" Matt asked, looking over at Aubree with a smirk when he won the race. "Or do you want to admit defeat and give me my prize?"
    November 22nd, 2018 at 09:10am
  • Zacky sighed softly as he watched her, biting his lower lip as he grabbed the remote. He flipped through the channels for a while to see if there was anything good on before he started scanning through the on demand movies. He scratched the back of his neck as he looked, sighing heavily. Eventually he settled on the new Jurassic World movie, pressing play and siting back in bis recliner. Zacky kicked his feet up, grunting as Majesty jumped up into his lap, lying down. “You’re way to big to be a lap dog,” Zacky grumbled. He relaxed against the seat, watching the movie contently. He kept looking over st Leah every once in a while go make sure she was okay. He wasn’t going to let her sleep there for long, it had to be uncomfortable.
    Aubree’s jaw dropped as she watched Matt pick Rainbow Road. He knew how bad she was at this map. She let out an animalistic growl as Matt beat her, turning to him with her fangs showing and her eyes glowing bright gold. “I’m going to beat your ass, Sanders. Best two out of three, for sure. But I get to pick the map this time,” she said with a smirk. Aubree scrolled through the maps, trying to find her favorite one. When she finally found Sweet Sweet Canyon, she giggled with glee. She loved this map. She pressed play, putting her game face on and doing her best to kick Matt’s ass. When she won the game, Aubree squealed and clapped her hands. “I think maybe we should spice it up a bit,” she said, enjoying the game. “I think the loser of every game should have to remove an article of clothing. Whoever is completely naked first, loses.” Aubree smirked and wiggled her hips, liking her idea. At least then they could get naked and not have to worry about clothes getting in the way when they were done playing.
    November 28th, 2018 at 11:06am
  • Leah heard Zacky sigh and it took more willpower than she would've thought to bite her tongue. He seemed unhappy that she didn't want to watch movies and cuddle with him but she was just exhausted. She was pregnant with three pups she still barely wanted and they were likely only days away from making their appearance. She was tired and incredibly stressed and she just wanted to use her last little bit of peace to rest. Although that was proving to be more difficult than she would have liked, as she was having a little bit of trouble getting comfortable. By the time the movie was over, Leah still hadn't managed to fall asleep and she decided she might as well head up to bed and try her luck there.

    "I'm going to head up to bed," she said. She leaned down to give Zacky a kiss. "Don't stay up too late, okay?" Leah gave Zacky another kiss before she moved to head upstairs, pausing at the bottom of the stairs as a pain went through her abdomen.
    "Yeah, keep talking, little missy," Matt said, smirking. "Put your money where your sassy little mouth is." He watched as Aubree chose the next track, not surprised at the one she chose. He easily could have won this track as well but he decided to let Aubree win, if only because she seemed so determined and it was pretty cute. "You know, you have the best ideas," Matt said, looking at Aubree with a smirk. He reached over and tugged on the bottom of her shirt. "Well, since you lost the first race, it's only fair that you take something off. Maybe the shirt, hmm? Show me a little skin. And I'll return the favor." He leaned up just enough to slip off his own shirt, flicking it playfully in Aubree's direction. "Go on," he said. "And I'll pick the next track." Matt scrolled through the list of tracks until he found another one he thought she would have a difficult time winning. And as his luck would have it, Matt won this third track and he looked over at Aubree with another smirk. "What are you going to lose this time?" he asked her.
    December 1st, 2018 at 09:10am
  • Zacky had dozed off a bit when the sound of Leah’s voice woke him up. He wiped the drool off the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, blinking a few times. He sat up in the chair, trying to get as comfortable as he could with majesty in his lap. “Okay, baby. I’ll be up to bed soon, probably after I watch a little bit of the game,” he told her, kissing her back. Zacky changed the channel to the baseball game, yawning and stretching. He was actually pretty tired and he was sure that it wouldn’t be long before he joined Leah in bed. Zacky looked over towards the stairs to make sure Leah had made it up okay since he didn’t hear footsteps, furrowing his brow when he saw her standing at the bottom of the stairs. Was she hoping he’d follow? He sucked his bottom lip inbetween his teeth and gently nudged Majesty from his lap, turning the TV off and getting up. He went over to the stairs where Leah was, placing his hand on her back. Zacky finally got a good look at the expression on her face, which instantly worried him. She looked like she was in pain. “Leah? Baby, are you okay?” He asked her calmly, though he was freaking out on the inside. Was she having contractions? Was she going into labor? If she was, was it too early? Oh dear, he didn’t know what to think.
    Aubree licked over her lips and smirked, laughing as Matt tossed his shirt in her direction. She couldn’t argue with him, she did have pretty good ideas sometimes. She let her eyes roam his now shirtless body, admiring his toned muscles and coloful tattoos. Her mate was so sexy. Aubree leaned up just enough to pull her own shirt off, leaving her in her sports bra. Since her boobs had been so sore lately, she hadn’t really been wearing any regular bras. “I’m going to kick your ass,” she told him as he picked the new track, biting her lower lip hard. It was a rather short track, it took no time at all for Matt to kick her ass. Aubree huffed in frustration, dropping her controller onto the couch. “This game is totally rigge,” she grumbled. She smirked as she stood up, hooking her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts, slowly and teasingly wiggling her way out of them. She might as well enjoy teasing him with what little time she had left with her nice body now, because eventually it was going to be ruined from having a pup. She already had a small bump. Aubree let her shorts pool at her feet before she stepped out of them, kicking them to the side. “Alright, let’s see if we can get you to strip a little something else,” she said with a smirk as she picked the next track. Matt easily beat her at this one too, causing her to growl in irritation. Her wolf definitely wasn’t happy, but she’d get over it. Aubree thought carefully if what she wanted to remove next, not having very many options. She decided on her bra, pulling it over her head and tossing it playfully at Matt. “Your pick next, baby.”
    December 1st, 2018 at 06:36pm
  • Behind her, Leah could hear the sounds of Zacky nudging the dog to the floor and shutting off the TV but she didn't think much of it, too focused on the pain in her stomach. But by the time she felt Zacky's hand on her back, the pain had started to fade. "I'm fine," Leah said. "Just a little bit of back pain." She honestly didn't know if what she'd just felt was a contraction or not. She'd never been around anyone who'd been pregnant before so she didn't have anyone to ask. And until she was sure, there was no reason to worry Zacky. "Let's just go to bed, okay?" Leah suggested to him. "Maybe laying in bed with my body pillow will make it better."
    As he sat back and watched Aubree wiggle out of her shorts, Matt was really glad she'd come up with this little idea. And his wolf liked it even more than he did. "Try as hard as you want baby, it's not going to happen," Matt said, smirking. Aubree chose her track and Matt focused his attention on the television, intent on beating her once again. When he was successful, he looked over at Aubree with a smirk, knowing she would have to remove either her bra or her underwear. And when she stripped off her bra, Matt couldn't help but growl softly, his eyes flashing the color of his wolf's. He almost wanted to say fuck this little game and just take her now, but he wanted it to be fair. So he chose his next track, focusing on the TV.
    December 4th, 2018 at 09:03am
  • Zacky knew there was something wrong, but he wasn’t going to push it. He gently placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her up the stairs and to their bedroom. He helped her on to the bed, reaching over and turning the bed side light on before turning off the over head light. “Is there anything you want or need before we go to sleep, baby girl?” He asked her, changining into his pajamas. After he changed himself, he grabbed a fresh pair of pajamas for Leah and helped her get changed. Zacky got her nice and comfy under the covers, kissing her forehead before walking around and sitting down on the bed beside her. He knew that she was in pain and he hated that she wouldn’t tell him about it. Did she not understand that they were mates? His wolf could sense something was wrong, could almost feel that she was in pain. But he wouldn’t say anything about it unless he knew it was to much.
    Aubree bit down hard on her bottom lip as she saw the look Matt got on his face. That was almost enough to say fuck it and give in. She cleared her throat and focused back on the tv, licking over her lips and focusing hard to win. She didn’t find it fair at all that Matt only had his shirt off and she was practically naked. After a few minutes of going head to head to the finish like, Aubree won by a landslide. She smirked, sticking her tongue out at Matt. “Come on, baby, time for these bad boys to come off,” she said, pulling at the waistband of his pants. To be fair, though, she didn’t want to wait any longer. The panties she had on were already soaked and he hadn’t even done anything yet, it was simply from the look of pure want that he had given her. Aubree got up on her knees, scooting over to Matt and pressing her chest against his arm. “Or we can just call it quits,” she breathed against his ear, smirking and nibbling at his earlobe.
    December 7th, 2018 at 09:05am
  • Leah was glad when Zacky didn't push the situation. She knew he was worried about her but she didn't want to say anything until she knew for sure that she was having contractions. And she couldn't be having contractions because it was still a few days early and she wasn't ready. "No, I'm good, I'm just ready to go to bed," Leah answered, shaking her head. She gladly accepted Zacky's help in getting settled in bed with her body pillow, trying her hardest to get comfortable. But it seemed like this was no use, especially as another pain swelled up in her abdomen. She squeezed her eyes shut, pressing her face into her pillow. This couldn't be happening right now, it just couldn't. She wasn't ready for this. "Actually, um, could you get me some Tylenol?" Leah asked, trying to hide her pain as she looked at Zacky. "My back is hurting pretty bad."
    The next race was pretty close but despite his best efforts, Aubree eventually came out on top. Matt rolled his eyes playfully, ready to push to his feet so he could take his pants off, but he paused when he felt Aubree's bare chest against his arm. He certainly didn't need to be told twice. Growling softly, he gripped Aubree's hips and pulled her into his lap. With one hand, he reached up to cup one of her breasts and with the other, he brushed the hair away from her neck, exposing her mark. "So since I won more races than you, does that mean I get to have my way with you?" Matt whispered against Aubree's ear. He kissed along her jaw as he slipped his hand into her underwear, grazing his canine teeth over her mark as he slowly started to rub her. "How about I bend you over this couch, hmm?" Matt asked. He nipped harder at her mark. "Would you like that?"
    December 9th, 2018 at 04:58am
  • Zacky knew for a fact that Leah was in labor. Not only could his wolf sense that his mate was ready to give birth to their pups, but Zacky could tell that there was more than just back pain going on. He clenched his fists af his sides, trying his hardest not to push the issue. Instead, he went downstairs and searched for the Tylenol. It took him a minute to find it, but eventually he did and he made his way back upstairs and to their bedroom. “Leah,” he murmured as he sat the water he had gotten on the nightstand. “You need to be honest with me. Are you really having back pain, or are you having contractions? Because the last thing we need is to be delivering babies by ourselves on this bed,” he told her, actually starting to feel himself panic. What if they came out looking like actual pups? Or what if they came out looking like pups and humans, or what if one had complications and needed medical attention? Zacky didn’t know what to expect. He knew that Leah was scared and she really wasn’t ready. Hell, now that Zacky actually thought it might be happening, he didn’t think he was actually all that ready for it either, but there wasn’t anything they could do about it. They were in this together, or at least he hoped they were, and they were going to be able to get through this.
    Aubree gasped as Matt grabbed her by her hips and pulled her into his lap, her controller falling to the floor. She placed her hands on his shoulders, biting her lower lip hard as she stared into his eyes. Before she knew it, one of his hands were cupping her breast causing her to let out a soft moan, and the other was brushing her hair away from her mark. Aubree’s eye’s slipped closed as she felt his hand slip into her panties, gasping and moaning at both the contact of his hand and his canines. Aubree smirked and opened her eyes, reaching up and grabbing him by the jaw to make him look at her. “I want you to bend me over this couch and fuck me so hard I won’t be able to walk for weeks,” she told him, pressing herself more against his hand with a small moan. Aubree reached down with her free hand and removed his hand from her panties, slowly licking all of her juices off of his fingers, all the while never breaking eye contact with him. She began she slowly grind her hips against his, needing some sort of friction between her legs. Aubree knee that she lost all of the rounds of Mario kart and while he was the one that got to have his way with her, she still liked to have a little bit of fun, even if her wolf did tell her that it was a bad idea.
    December 10th, 2018 at 03:00pm
  • Leah could tell that Zacky wasn't exactly believing that she was having back pain. So she was relieved when he went to get her the Tylenol she'd asked for without any argument. When he returned to the bedroom with the Tylenol and some water, Leah reached out to take it front him, making a face when he sat it on the nightstand. "I don't know," Leah finally said. She sat up in the bed, wincing at the pain in her back. "It feels like contractions but I don't really know because I don't know what contractions feel like and I've never been around anyone who's had a baby to ask them." The thought of being in labor absolutely terrified her and maybe that's why Leah was denying it so vehemently. She just wasn't ready for this. It was going to hurt so much and then when it was all over, she was going to have pups to care for. "I don't know, I think so," she said softly, feeling herself start to cry. "I'm scared."
    Matt smirked at Aubree's words, feeling his wolf getting excited just thinking about bending her over this couch. He let her pull his hand out of her panties, growling softly as he watched her suck his fingers dry. She was walking a dangerous line, especially as she started to grind her hips against his, and he was sure she knew it. And as much as he was enjoying the feeling of friction, his wolf wanted control and it wanted it now. Matt moved Aubree from his lap, pulling her to her feet and dragging her around to the backside of the couch, bending her over the back. He hooked his fingers around the waistband of her underwear as he started to drag them down her legs, letting them drop far enough to be out of the way before he moved up between Aubree's legs, reaching down to pull himself out of his boxers. For a second he considered teasing her a little but then he realized he didn't really want to wait any longer, so he pressed into her, gripping her hips as he settled into a rather rough rhythm.
    December 17th, 2018 at 08:43am
  • Zacky was positive that Leah was having contractions. He grabbed his phone, dialing the number to her doctor and gently helping her up. “Baby, just breath,” he told her calmly. “Everything is going to be just fine, I promise. I’ll be there the whole time, your sister will be there, your dad, your uncles, everyone,” he told her as he kissed her forehead. Seeing her like this made him realize just how young she really was and it made him a little sick to his stomach. He was so ashamed that he was putting her through this, but it was what his wolf wanted. Though he couldn’t deny that it was wha the wanted too. When the doctor picked up the phone, he told him that Leah was in labor. “Come on,” he said softly. Zacky helped Leah to the truck, buckling her in before getting in himself. He took a moment to text Brian and all of the guys, telling them that there was a possibility that Leah would be having the pups. He really hated taking a car to the council mansion but there was no way they were getting there in wolf form and they were going to have babies to take back with them.
    Aubree gasped when Matt pulled her around to the back of the couch, grabbing on to it for support with a smirk. She spread her legs for him, wiggling her hips a bit and waiting eagerly for what was to come. Aubree cried out in sheer pleasure as she felt Matt finally enter her, tossing her head back and digging her nails into the back of the couch. “Fuck, your cock feels so good,” she moaned, turning her head to look back at him. Aubree loved the look he had on his face and so did her wolf. If made her feel like she was completely satisfying her mate. She began to move her hips against his, moaning loud. Aubree was already beginning to feel week, so she rested half of her upper body over the back of the couch for support. She really hoped sex like this didn’t come to an end once they had their pup. Of course sex in general wouldn’t stop because she knew Matt wanted more pups and so did she, but she hoped it always stayed kinky.
    December 21st, 2018 at 01:04pm
  • "No, it's not going to be fine, I'm not ready," Leah said. She groaned as Zacky helped her to sit up, waiting until he'd called the doctor and grabbed her hospital bag before she finally stood. Getting downstairs to the truck was a slow process and Leah was happy to finally drop into the passenger seat. She didn't fight Zacky at all as he buckled her seatbelt, gripping the door handle as she tried to get her breathing under control. She was already in so much pain and her labor had barely started. She just wanted to get to the council manor and get her epidural. Traveling to the manor by car wasn't as fast as going in their wolf form, especially given that they couldn't get all the way there in the truck, but luckily it wasn't too long before they arrived and Leah was being checked in to her room. "When can I have my epidural?" Leah asked the nurse as she checked her cervix.

    "Not for a little while, I'm afraid," the nurse answered. "You're only dilated to two centimeters. If we give the epidural too early, it'll wear off before you start active labor."
    Matt smirked at Aubree's reaction as he started to fuck her. Her words and the noises she was making were egging his wolf on and he started to fuck her a little harder, pinning her hips against the couch. "Oh, so the dirty little whore thinks my cock feels good?" Matt asked. "Why don't you tell me just how good it feels, huh? Tell me how much you love it when I fuck your tight little pussy like this." Matt used his foot to nudge Aubree's legs a little further apart, trying to get a deeper angle of penetration. His wolf was fully out and he wanted to hear Aubree scream his name, so loudly that everyone within earshot would know how good he was fucking her. And with his wolf fully out, Matt didn't care at all how rough he was with Aubree and he started to pull her hips back against his, practically slamming into her with each thrust. "Still like my cock, little whore?" he growled, leaning down to nip at her mark.
    December 29th, 2018 at 09:20am