
  • pat semetary;

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    United States
    Leah squeaked as she was picked up from the chair and tossed over Zacky's shoulder. She looked up at him as he took off his boxers and moved up between her legs, letting out a soft groan as Zacky started to kiss up her body. Her eyes drifted closed, but shot open when she felt him lick over her mark. "Fuck," Leah hissed, feeling feeling a surge of pleasure jolt up her spine. And then Zacky's fingers were inside of her and Leah moaned loudly, the pleasure intensified by her mark. "God, I want you so bad, Zacky," Leah said breathlessly, digging her nails into his shoulders. This was so different from the first time, probably because it wasn't, well, her first time, and Leah wanted it rough and raunchy and she wanted to see Zacky's wolf come out. "Let me see your wolf, Zacky," Leah purred, rolling her hips up against his fingers. "Make me your bitch." Even as horny as she was right now, Leah still felt her face heat up when she realized how blunt she'd just been. But she couldn't help it. She just got off on the idea of being completely submissive and letting Zacky do as he pleased with her.
    "You want it hard and rough, baby?" Matt repeated, smirking at Aubree's words. She had no idea what she was asking for. If she wasn't sore after the first round, she would certainly be sore after this one. Matt had Aubree wrap her legs around his waist, shifting her hips and fucking her at an angle that allowed him deeper penetration. He was thrusting so hard the bed was bumping against the wall, and he wouldn't be surprised if Aubree hit her head on the headboard every so often. "Is this how you like it, bitch?" Matt growled against her ear. He felt his canines come out all the way, and he bit down on her mark again, this time drinking from her instead of forcing in his venom, hoping to fuel a bit of the bloodlust he'd always heard about. It was one of the most pleasurable things he could do to her mark. After a minute or so, Matt moved away from Aubree's mark, licking the blood from his lips. His canines wouldn't retract as long as he'd let his wolf side take over, and it was far too late to tame his wolf now.
    March 1st, 2017 at 08:18am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky let out a low animalistic growl, his eyes changing colors to his wolf's. Hearing Leah talk like that was probably one of the sexiest things Zacky had ever listened to. "You wanna see my wolf, baby?" He said, taking his fingers out of her and sucking them clean. "I'll show you my wolf." Zacky smirked at her, kissing her hard on the lips. He sucking on her bottom lip, tugging hard on it as he pulled away. "Tasty," he groaned, licking over his lips. He gripped onto her thighs hard as he sat up straight on his knees, lining himself up with her entrance before thrusting into her. Zacky groaned loudly, feeling how wet she really was. He put her legs up over his arms so he could thrust at the deepest, fastest angle possible, gripping hard onto one of her thighs while the other held onto one of her hips. He began pounding hard and fast into her, kissing up her leg. "You like that, babe? You like it when I fuck your tight little pussy like this?" He practically growled. She looked so damn sexy under him while he practically fucked her like a little rag doll.
    Aubree didn't know what sort of sounds to make with the amount of pleasure she was feeling. Was it even normal to feel like this? She could feel her head hitting up against the headboard with how rough Matt was being and honestly she loved it. Her wolf was feeling pretty satisfied about it too. "Yes, oh god yes. Your little bitch wants more," she moaned, her hand reaching up to grip onto the pillow. she gasped and and cried out when she felt him sink his teeth into her, drinking her blood. She had no idea that he could even do that. There were so many things that she didn't know when it came to being a werewolf and she thought she was so prepared. Aubree could already feel that familiar tightness in the pit of her stomach building up, which honestly she was surprised she lasted this long with how turned on she had been in the beginning. "Matthew, in so close, shit," she moaned, her legs trembling. She knew if he kept this up she wouldn't last much longer. She hoped he was as close as she was, but then again he also knew how to make sure to get her to finish things off for him.
    March 2nd, 2017 at 08:28am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Leah started to realize exactly what she'd asked for as she watched Zacky raise up onto his knees. She moaned loudly when he thrust into her, the angle Zacky had created by putting her legs over his shoulders making her see stars. She already had a sneaking suspicion that she wouldn't last long at all this time around, not with the way Zacky was fucking her. "Yes, fuck, I like it," she gasped breathlessly. Leah dug her fingernails into Zacky's tricep, digging her heels into his shoulders. "Fuck Zacky, fuck that's so good," Leah moaned, arching her back away from the mattress, trying hard to buck her hips against Zacky's. "H-Harder. God, fuck me harder," she managed to spit out. "Make me come, Zacky." She was already so close, it wouldn't take much for her to reach her orgasm. But she still wanted it harder, as hard as Zacky could give it to her, and with his wolf, she didn't think he would have a problem being rough with her.
    Matt knew biting Aubree on her mark would drive her crazy, and he loved the way she gasped and cried out in pleasure. When she said she was getting close, Matt increased his pace, wanting to feel her come around him. His wolf craved the animalistic sex and being rough with Aubree, but his wolf also wanted to bring pleasure to his mate. He gripped her hips hard, bringing her hips into his as he thrust into her. "Come for me, Aubree," he growled into her ear. "Fucking scream my name." He loved the little sounds she made and he could feel her trembling underneath him and Matt just wanted to scream while he came inside of her. He continued to thrust into Aubree as he reached his orgasm, finishing deep inside of her. He rode out their orgasms, his thrusts a bit sloppy, resting on top of Aubree as he caught his breath. "Fuck," he said, feeling his canines retract. "That was, well, that was pretty fucking good."
    March 3rd, 2017 at 07:24am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky tossed his head back and let out an animalistic growl as he picked up his pace. He placed his hands on her thighs as he brought their hips together, feeling the sweat beginning to form on his body. "Make some more noise for me, baby. Let the whole pack know how good I'm making you feel," he told her, kissing down her leg. He reached down and began to rub circles into her clit, wanting to increase her pleasure. As much as his wolf loved having the rough, animalistic sex, it also wanted to make sure that his mate was surging with as much pleasure as possible. "You're so sexy, babydoll," he moaned. He could hear the bed hitting the wall hard and he wouldn't be surprised if they ended up making a dent that would end up needing to be fixed. Zacky knew that their sexual adventures were going to lead to a lot of thing being broken if he could help if. Every inch of this house wasn't going to remain untouched as a surface for them to have sex or to even use for sex.
    Aubree felt Matt begin to come deep inside of her and that triggered her own orgasm. "Oh god, Matthew! fuck!" She screamed, arching her back up off the bed so that their chests were touching, seeing fireworks. That was the most intense feeling and orgasm she had ever felt. Her body was so tingly and she felt like she was on the most incredible high. Aubree relaxed back against the bed, loving the feel of Matt still inside of her even though they had finished. She felt so connected to him. "That was absolutely incredible," she agreed with a small giggle, reach up and running her fingers through his short, sweat coated strands of hair. "You need to shave your head," she murmmured, closing her eyes. She felt so relaxed that she could probably go to sleep right now. But she also felt like she had so much energy that she could run a football field a hundred times. "I love you so much," she told him As she kissed the top of his head.
    March 4th, 2017 at 06:16am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Leah didn't think it was possible to experience this much pleasure at once, it was almost overwhelming. Of course, her sexual experience pretty much began and ended with tonight, so it wasn't like she knew much about pleasure. She moaned loudly when she felt Zacky start to rub her clit, trying to buck her hips against his hand. It was a little difficult since her legs were over his shoulder, but that wasn't going to stop her from trying. "Fuck, Zacky!" Leah cried out, balling the sheets in her fists. "God, that feels fucking good." She could hear the bed hitting the wall above her head and she knew she was going to be so sore after this, but she didn't care. She didn't care if she was sore for a week if it meant Zacky was going to fuck her like this. "Oh fuck Zack, I-I think...oh God, Zack!" Leah cried out, dropping her legs and locking them around his waist. This orgasm was even more intense than the last time, and for a split second, Leah felt like her vision went black. She closed her eyes as she tried to catch her breath, listening to her heart thump in her ear.
    "I'm not shaving my head," Matt said, chuckling softly. "I'm growing it out. It'll give you something to hold on to when I'm fucking you." He smiled against her lips when she kissed him, loving the sense of connection that flowed through him. Of course the sex was an important part of the mating process, but so was the emotional part of the connection. "I love you too, sweet pea," Matt said, kissing the tip of her nose. He pulled out of her and laid down next to her, slipping his arm over her waist and pulling her close. "I hope I didn't make you hit your head on the headboard too hard," Matt said, reaching up to touch the top of Aubree's head. He knew she had to have hit her head at least once; he was so rough with her there was no way she hadn't. "I'm sure my wolf got a little rough with you. Speaking of, how was your first experience with a wolf?" he added, smirking.
    March 4th, 2017 at 07:19am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky and his wolf were both pleased and loving the reactions they were getting from Leah. They knew they were pleasing their mate very much. Zacky moved his thumb faster against her clit as he felt her walls begin to tighten around him, knowing she was about to reach her orgasm. "That's it, come for me, baby," he growled, smirking down at her. It wasn't long before she was screaming his name and coming around him, which triggered his own orgasm. He moaned her name loud as he spilled himself into her, coming hard and deep. His movements became a bit sloppy as he tried to ride out both of their orgasms, pulling out and laying beside her when he was finished. "That was so damn amazing," he murmured, kissing Leah deeply as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close against his body. He didn't care if they were both covered in sweat, it just added to the enjoyment of cuddling after sex. "I love you, Leah," he told her, brushing some hair off of her sweat covered forehead. "I hope I didn't hurt you or anything. I'm sure you're definitely going to be sore though," he said with a small laugh.
    Aubree pouted when Matt told her that he was growing his hair out. Whenever Matt experiemented with hairstyles it never worked out for him most of the time. Well there was this one time she remembered him growing his hair out to about the base of his neck and she loved watching him always fun his fingers through it. "If I start to not like it I'll shave it in your sleep, Sanders. Don't think I wont," she told him, smirking. She knew he knew she would. Aubree was known for doing stunts like that. She made a small noise as he pulled out of her, biting her bottom lip as she watched him lay next to her. She immediately cuddled into him as he pulled her close, a small smile on her face as she relaxed into him. "I was lost in the moment, I didn't even notice but maybe a handful of times," she teased him, giggling. "I liked it, though, so I didn't mind it." Aubree closed her eyes, getting pretty sleeping as she laid there. "My first experience with a wolf? It was incredible. God was it incredible. Especially with you. I'm so glad all of this is with you, Matt," she told him honestly, looking up at him. "I wondered what it would be like to have someone my age to be my mate and not someone I grew up seeing as somewhat of another father figure. But honestly I can't see myself with anyone else and that's not because you're my mate now. I never could, I just never admitted it," she told him, laying her head on the pillow so they were eye level to one another. "Plus the sex totally wouldn't be as mind blowing."
    March 4th, 2017 at 08:07am
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    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Leah gladly snuggled into Zacky when he pulled her close, enjoying getting to cuddle after they had sex. "I love you too, Zacky," she whispered, smiling softly. "And you didn't hurt me. But yeah, I'm sure I'll definitely be sore tomorrow. But I think it'll be worth it, yeah? That was fucking fantastic. I kinda like sex." Leah giggled, snuggling her face into Zacky's chest. She was a little tired now, and she wondered if Zacky would want to have any more sex. Of course, if he wanted to, she definitely wouldn't tell him no. She had no problem letting him fuck her like that again. She just wished he would use a condom, because she would hate to get pregnant so soon after they were mated. She would at least like to wait until after she'd graduated from high school. "You're warm," Leah mumbled, slipping her leg inbetween Zacky's. She pulled back slightly, looking up at him. She bit her lip. "So what kind of stuff is there besides, you know, regular sex? We haven't done anything like that yet."
    "Don't you fucking dare shave off my hair," Matt said. "You shave mine, I shave yours. And you know I will." Matt actually preferred his hair a bit longer than it was right now, just long enough so that it was a bit curly. "I heard it hit a few times," Matt said with a smirk. "But that just means the sex was good. And I'm glad you enjoyed your first experience with a wolf, because it definitely won't be your last, darling. I'll let my wolf out to play pretty often." He leaned in and kissed her lips, gripping her chin in his hand. "I'm glad you feel that way, Aubree," he said softly. "I've known since you were born, since I was sixteen years old, that you were going to be my mate. That's why I never took anyone else as my mate when I went through my change. You were only a little girl, there was no way. So I waited, not very patiently, for you, and it was most definitely worth the wait."
    March 5th, 2017 at 07:08am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky loved hearing Leah tell him that she loved him. It was the best thing in the world. He couldn't wait to see her try and get up in the morning only to realize that she was practically to sore to walk. "I'm looking forward to the morning to see how you do," he told her with a sly smirk, giving her a wink. He took pride in how sore she was. If there wasn't at least a limp to her step then he didn't do a good enough job fucking her. Zacky raised a brow when Leah asked what other stuff there was besides regular sex. "I think we're going to have to watch some porn together one time," he told her, biting his lip. "That way you can see exactly what else there is and if you want to do it. It's a great way explore new things with one another," he told her, brushing his nose against hers. Zacky thought that would be a great thing to do. Plus it would also be extremely hot. He would love to see her get uncomfortable and squirm around beside him as she watched whatever was going on on the screen.
    Aubree blushed deeply, smiling shyly up at him. "One more round before bed?" She asked him softly, leaning up and brushing her lips against his. "I think we need a shower." She smirked at him, climbing out of bed and making her way to the bathroom. She couldn't help herself as she made a face af how sticky she was between her legs, a mixture of her and Matt's cum covering her. That made her immediately begin to panic as she thought about getting pregnant, something she didn't want yet at all. She needed to graduate high school first. She didn't want to risk something happening to herself or the baby while she was at school. You never knew what those idiots would do, especially since she was the Alpha's daughter. Aubree took a deep breath and shook her head, turning the shower on and letting it warm up before she stepped In, standing under the water and letting it cascade down her body. She had already told Matt that she didn't want to use a condom the last time they had sex, there was no going back now even if she wanted to. She knew how badly he wanted pups and if was only a matter of time before he ended up not wearing one without giving her the option anyways.
    March 5th, 2017 at 08:07am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "What do you mean, see how I do?" Leah asked, a little confused. But then she realized what Zacky meant and her face turned at least twenty shades of red. He wanted to see how sore she would be tomorrow, after the unusual amount of activity had a chance to really seep into her muscles. She also wouldn't be surprised if she had a couple bruises as well, mostly on her thigh from where Zacky had been gripping so hard. When Zacky mentioned them watching porn together, Leah turned her head and pressed her face into his shoulder so he couldn't see the now even more noticeable blush on her face. "Oh my God no, I meant like blowjobs and stuff," she mumbled, her voice muffled by his shoulder. "I don't want to watch porn with you, that seems like it would be weird." Leah was sure Zacky wanted to explore things and probably get a little adventurous, but she didn't really like the idea of laying in bed with him while they watched porn. She didn't see herself as a particularly adventurous person, but then again, before tonight, she'd been nervous about having sex with Zacky and that had definitely changed.
    "A shower sounds lovely," Matt said, matching Aubree's smirk. He watched her climb out of bed, his eyes traveling down to her ass until she disappeared into the bathroom. He climbed out of bed and followed her, going over to start the shower once he was in the bathroom. "You know, a shower usually involves starting the water," Matt teased, looking over at Aubree. He adjusted the knobs until the temperature of the water was where he wanted, going over to his cabinet to grab two towels. "Are you going to get in?" Matt asked, grinning at Aubree. "Or were you waiting for an invitation?" He climbed into the shower, sticking his head under the water to get his hair wet while he waited for Aubree. When she was finally inside, he slid the little frosted glass door shut, pressing her up against it as he kissed her. "So shower first or sex first?" he asked. "I say sex first because what's the point in getting clean when we'll just get dirty again and well, I've got a beautiful naked woman pressed against my shower door, but it's up to you. As long as I get to fuck you again, I don't care what order we do things in."
    March 5th, 2017 at 10:28pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky couldn't help but pout. "No porn? Come on, we have to watch a little bit of porn. You can't say no just because you haven't tried it," he told her, reaching over for the remote on his nightstand. He might as well do this now since they were talking about it rather than wait until later and then it would be hard for him to really get her to do it. "You didn't think you could get this far, but here you are." Zacky went pulled up On Demand and scrolled through the endless options or porn, picking one that seems really good and hitting play. He sat up in the bed so his back was resting against the headboard, pulling Leah into his lap so her back was facing him and she was watching the screen. "Watch them, Leah," he whispered huskily against her ear, his hands traveling along her body. He wanted her to get familiar with herself too. He wondered if she'd ever masturbated before, just laid in bed at night and touched herself. That thought along started giving Zacky a hard on. "If you start getting turned on by something I want you to start touching yourself for me, babydoll."
    Aubree was so lost in her thoughts that she kind of forgot what she was doing. She grinned at Matt, getting in the shower with him once it was ready. He looked so sexy with how wet his body was. The water droplets sliding down his perfectly toned chest and tattoos. "Sex first. Like you said, there's no point in getting all cleaned up if we're just going to get dirty again," she said softly, running her hands over his chest. She reached down, taking his length in her hand and pumping him until he reached his full length. She didn't want to waste any time of course, but he neck was aching and throbbing to be touched. Her mark was painfully aware of the situation at hand and it wanted attention. "What the hell," she whimpered, her hand flying up to hold the mark that Matt had made earlier. It stung pretty bad for some reason and she wasn't sure if it was because she was turned on or if it was because she was trying to take control of the situation. If it was because she was trying to take control she was going to be one pissed off idicidual.
    March 6th, 2017 at 06:51am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I most certainly can say no just because I haven't tried it," Leah huffed. She hoped Zacky would drop the subject, but then he reached for the remote and started scrolling through the porn channels that were On Demand. Seriously, did he really expect her to watch porn with him? She hadn't even watched it on her own. "Zacky, I really don't--" Leah started as Zacky moved her into his lap. She looked at the TV, seeing what she was sure was the most unbelievable setup for sex ever. She could hear Zacky whispering in her ear to watch them, but Leah closed her eyes, just sort of listening to the cringey dialogue coming from the TV. Maybe after a few minutes Zacky would think she just wasn't into this and change the channel. Before long, Leah could hear the dialogue turn to obvious noises of people having sex and she sort of scrunched up her face, honestly wishing she would've just outright offered to give Zacky a blowjob so he wouldn't have suggested this. "Zacky, I don't think this is working," Leah said. "Uh, maybe you should pick a different one?" She didn't really like this, but she had an irresistible urge to please Zacky, even if it made her uncomfortable. She cracked open one of her eyes to see if Zacky was actually going to choose a different porn video for them to watch, and found herself watching a woman getting fucked pretty roughly from behind, moaning unnecessarily loudly. Leah hated to admit it when she'd put up such a fuss about it, but it was actually pretty hot. This time when she closed her eyes, she imagined that she was the girl and it was Zacky fucking her from behind, pounding into her so hard she would be walking with a limp afterwards, and she let her hand drift downwards, letting out a soft moan as she started to touch herself.
    Matt smirked as he watched Aubree's hand drift downwards, groaning when he felt her hand wrap around his dick. He frowned when he noticed her reach up to touch her mark, knowing it was probably stinging her a bit more than usual since she was once again trying to take control and be dominant. "Stop trying to take control," Matt whispered into her ear. "I know you want to, but that burning you're feeling is your wolf telling you to step back. Let me dominate you." He smirked as he gripped her hips, turning her around and pressing her against the glass of his shower door. He moved his hand around, gripping her ass in his hand before he gave it a smack. He loved the sound it made and the way her flesh moved under his hand, so he spanked her again, doing it over and over until his handprint was obvious on her skin. "You've got a nice little ass, Aubree," Matt whispered huskily. "You're lucky you're still so inexperienced or I'd fuck your perky little ass right now." Matt nipped at her ear as he slipped his hand between her legs, rubbing his fingers over her slit. "Not quite wet enough for my taste, baby," he said. "I'll have to fix that." He moved her wet hair out of the way, leaning down and sucking on her neck as she continued to rub her slit. As soon as his lips touched her mark she was soaking wet again, and Matt growled against her neck. "Fuck, now you're nice and wet for me, Aubree," he said. He moved his hand from between her legs, gripping himself in his hand and lining up with her entrance before pushing into her and pinning her hips against the glass door. "Fuck, you're so nice and tight, Aubree," he groaned. "Tell me what you want me to do to you, baby. What does my little bitch want?"
    March 6th, 2017 at 09:22am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky watched her as she kept her eyes closed, almost tempted to tell her to open them. But she knew that she would eventually, he just had to give her time. Zacky watched what was happening on the screen for only a moment before he focused his attention on Leah, reaching up and brushing her hair over her shoulder, exposing her mark to him. Finally he could see her open her eyes and watch was was going on on the screen, but then her eyes close again as her hand began to travel down. He smirked as he watched her touch herself, chuckling deeply. "That's it, babydoll. Imagine that's me fucking your tight, soaking wet pussy from behind," he breathed against her mark, his hands traveling along her thighs as he spread her legs apart more. He could smell her delicious scent fill the room and he let out s deep growl. Zacky pressed his tongue against her mark, slowly licking it. It tasted delicious. He could feel his canines poking through his lip for the second time tonight, running them along her mark. "Would you like me to do that to you? Fuck you so hard from behind you wouldn't be able to walk for days?" He asked her, one of his hands sliding down her back.
    Aubree leaned her head against the glass of the shower as Matt told her to pretty much submit to him, a small frown on her face. This was turning out to be a hell of a lot harder than she thought. Her and her wolf weren't as in sync as they should be and she was beginning to believe tha that was one of the many problems she was afraid of happening from how she was born. She needed to figure out how to fix that and fast or else she was going to be in a world of trouble. Aubree gasped as Matt turned her around and pressed her against the shower door. She moaned as she felt him run his finger along her slit, spreading her legs apart a bit. She thought she was already pretty wet, so when he said she wasn't wet enough for him she was shocked. But then she knew why, crying out in sheer pleasure as she felt his mouth on her mark. "Fuck, that feels so good," she gasped, her palms digging into the shower door. Aubree couldn't move as desperately as she wanted to as she felt Matt enter her, her hips wanting to buck up. She moaned loud, tilting her head bsck. When Matt asked her what she wanted she was at a bit of a loss. She just wanted to be fucked, right? What else was there? This made Aubree realize just how inexperienced she really was. Her face turned blood red as she looked back at Matt, biting down hard on her lower lip. "I-I... um... I just want to be fucked hard and rough, right?" She said so quietly she wasn't even sure if he could hear her.
    March 6th, 2017 at 10:06am
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    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Leah couldn't believe she was doing this, she really couldn't believe she was watching porn with Zacky and touching herself. But the things he was whispering in her ear were helping. She moaned softly as she continued to touch herself, rubbing at her clit as she felt Zacky lick her mark. Just that sensation alone was enough to drive her crazy. When Zacky asked if she wanted him to fuck her from behind like the girl in the video, Leah nodded her head. That was actually something she wanted very much, surprisingly. "Yes Zacky, please," Leah whimpered. She pressed two fingers into herself, moaning softly as she started to pump them. "Fuck me like the girl in the porn video, fuck me from behind so hard that I black out from the pleasure and can't get out of bed tomorrow. Please, fuck me like that." Leah used her thumb to start rubbing her clit as she curled her fingers inside of herself, moaning a little louder this time. She moved her hips a little, rocking against her fingers the way she might ride Zacky's dick, getting a little more sloppy with the way she rubbed at her clit. "Shit," Leah cursed, leaning her head back against Zacky's shoulder. "Please Zacky, fuck me now. Put me on all fours and fuck me like an animal."
    Matt was reminded how inexperienced Aubree really was when she paused after he asked her what she wanted him to do to her. Even though he was mated to her now, he'd had sex with plenty of other women who had his level of experience and had no issue telling him what they wanted from him when it came to sex. He barely heard Aubree when she told him she wanted to be fucked hard and rough, chuckling softly. "Don't be shy about telling me what you want, Aubree," he whispered huskily against her ear. "I'm not going to judge you. I just want to know the things you like, any kinks you might have. Spanking? Choking? Dirty talk? Whatever you want, you just tell me and I'll do it to you. We'll figure out what you like together. But for now, since you don't know, I'll just fuck you. How's that sound? I'll just fuck you against my shower door and maybe something will come to you while I've got my dick buried inside of you." Matt had slowed down his thrusts as he'd spoken to Aubree, almost still, but now he increased his pace, placing his hands on either side of her shoulders as he started to pound into Aubree.
    March 7th, 2017 at 05:42am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky groaned as he watched Leah finger herself. His dick was becoming painfully hard and soon he was going to just flip her over and have his way with her, even though the sight before him was just delicious. "That's it, baby," he said softly reaching around and gripping her breasts a bit tightly. He ran his thumbs over the pink nubs. Zacky smirked as she began to beg for him to fuck her, bend her over on all fours and fuck her like the animal that she truly was. "As much as I really love hearing you beg, I think you deserve my cock ramming deep into your dripping wet pussy from behind," he whispered into her ear. "You've been such a good little girl, Leah." Zacky removed her hand from herself, licking it clean before pushing her roughly onto her hands and knees. He got up on his own knees, positioning himself behind her. He rubbed his hand over her ass, licking over his lips as he stared at the beautiful sight before him. "Absolutely gorgeous," he growled, spanning her a few times. He gripped himself in his hand, running his tip along her entrance before ramming himself deep into her, moaning loud. She felt so good, better than any woman he'd ever had before.
    Aubree nodded, letting out a small breath. She wasn't sure exactly what came to mind besides the basic sex. Whenever she watched porn it was just basic. She really needed to do some reasesrch while Matt wasn't home or something, as nerdy as that sounded. But she didn't want to be completely clueless and make sex boring for him and not tell him what she wanted. Choking she wasn't so sure about, spanning she could definitely get on board with. She wasn't very good with dirty talk even though she tried to play it off like she knew what she was talking about whenever she tried to dirty talk. Aubree pulled herself away from her thoughts, not worrying about it for now. She grunted as she felt Matt pick up his pace, moaning loud as he started pounding into her. The sound of their wet skin hitting against one another was all she heard besides their heavy breathing and the running water. "That feels so good," she gasped, moving her hips to match his thrusts. She was beginning to feel just how sore she really was the more he pounded into her which made her a bit nervous for ghe morning. She hoped she could at least still walk. "Matt, fuck, faster," she moaned, tilting her head back as she closed her eyes. No matter what sort of slight pain she felt it still felt incredible nonetheless. She couldn't help but think the slight pain made it that much more enjoyable.
    March 7th, 2017 at 08:31am
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    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Leah groaned when she felt Zacky reach around to squeeze her breasts. She was so turned on right now that everything was sensitive. She was glad when she heard Zacky say she deserved his dick, because as much as she was enjoying what she was doing, she just wanted him to fuck her. She kept pumping her fingers in and out of herself until Zacky pulled her hand away, moaning loudly when he sucked her fingers clean. She wondered what it would be like to have him between her legs, working his tongue over her. But that would probably have to happen on another night, because she had a feeling that after this she would be absolutely exhausted. Leah's eyes widened as she was shoved roughly onto her hands and knees, a squeak slipping out when he spanked her, although she did like that a lot more than she ever thought she would. Even after their two rounds, Leah's body was still getting used to the feeling of being penetrated, and she whimpered softly when Zacky was suddenly buried inside of her. But it only took seconds before she was used to him and she started to rock her hips back against his, wanting to feel him just pounding into her. "I want you to fuck me so hard, Zacky," Leah pleaded, trying to look back at Zacky over her shoulder. "Make me black out from the pleasure."
    Matt was worried that he'd made Aubree feel awkward. He just wanted the sex to be as amazing for her as possible, because she was his mate. He wanted to do things that she was interested in, even if they were experimental. But he wouldn't rush things. For now he would just fuck her and concentrate on making her feel amazing that way. "One of these days I'm going to have to make love to you," Matt whispered against her neck, nipping at the wet skin. "Slow and sweet, with my hands and lips all over you. Does that sound like something you'd like, baby?" While he definitely enjoyed the animalistic behavior and sex, he liked the intimacy, too. And he couldn't wait to experience intimacy with his mate, when he could use her mark to make things just so much better and bring them even closer. Matt kept his pace up, increasing it just a little as he realized he'd slacked off when he was lost in his thoughts. "How's this, Aubree?" he growled into her ear. "Do you like this?" He knew she was going to be sore in the morning, and that was honestly his goal. If she didn't have at least a little trouble walking, had he really done in his job right? "No one's around to hear you, make a little noise. Moan for me, baby, scream for me." Matt smirked as he moved to the side of her neck where her mark was, licking over it lightly with his tongue before sucking on the skin. If anything, this should get a reaction from her, have her trembling and asking for more.
    March 8th, 2017 at 07:09am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky heard Leah whimper but he didn't think anything of it, knowing she was still just getting used to him being inside of her. Zacky smirked as she looked down at her, letting out a low growl as she told him what she wanted. He could definitely fuck her hard and make her black out form the pleasure. "I hope you realize what you're asking for, babydoll," he said lowly, his eyes shining bright as his wolf started to fully take over. He let out a low animalistic growl as she gripped hard onto her hips, being careful not to hurt her with his claws that were coming out. He began to fuck her as hard and rough as his wolf could, which was far more than just his human strength could alone. "Scream for me, baby. I wanna hear how good my little bitch feels," he growled, his claws slightly digging into her skin. Zacky was feeling the most pleasure he'd ever felt, letting his full wolf take control. Now he just needed to get Leah to learn how to let her own wolf take control during sex, then she would be feeling the most amazing pleasure he could possibly ever give her besides her mark. If he had been just as young as her then of course they would be learning these things together, but since he had more experience than she did it was only right that he taught her everythig that she possibly needed to know.
    Aubree moaned loud, pressing the side of her face against the cool glass of the shower door. She bit down on her bottom lip as Matt said something about making love, her cheeks heating up. She actually very much wanted that. The more she thought about it the more she wanted to just feel loved. "I'd love that," she breathed, reaching up and placing one of her hands on Matt's forearm to steady herself. She noticed him slow down his pace for a moment, which was a bit torturous and she wondered if he was doing that on purpose. Finally he picked his pace back up, Aubree letting out a small moan. She nodded when he asked if she liked it, digging her fingertips into his skin. "Yes, fuck," she moaned, moving her hips against his. She could already feel her orgasm beginning to build in the pit of her stomach, his words only bringing her closer. He wanted her to make some noise he definitely knew how. Her eyes shot wide open as she felt his tongue against her mark, gasping and crying out in sheer pleasure as her toes curl. "Oh god. F-fuck, Matt," she moaned, reaching down with her free hand and beginning to rub her clit. "I'm s-so close, fuck," she squeaked, her jaw going slack and her lips parting.
    March 8th, 2017 at 08:32am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Leah realized what she'd asked for when she saw Zacky's eyes shine as his wolf completely took over. Maybe she should've waited until after their first night together to ask Zacky to be so rough with her, but it was too late for that now. She moaned loudly as Zacky really started to fuck her hard, falling down onto her elbows. She could feel Zacky's claws digging into her hips, and the sharp stinging just made the pleasure even better. "Oh fuck, Zacky!" Leah cried out. If he wanted her to scream and wanted to know how good she felt, then she would definitely let him know. She was going to try not to hold back this time. "That's so fucking good, God. I-I love feeling you...pounding into m-me. I love...fuck, Zack!" Leah gripped the sheets harder in her fists, biting her lip so hard she almost drew blood. She'd never felt pleasure like this before, and it was making it hard for her to form coherent sentences. She reached between her legs, starting to rub sloppy circled over her clit. "F-Fuck, I think I'm getting close, Zacky. Fuck...Fuck me harder."
    Matt noticed Aubree reach between her legs to rub her clit, and he moved his hand down to lay over the top of hers, forcing her to rub her clit harder. He was glad to hear she was getting close, glad to know he was giving her pleasure. It made his wolf so happy. "If you're close, then come for me, baby," Matt whispered huskily into her ear. He slowed his pace again, changing his angle so that he was thrusting into her slow and deep. "You make me feel so good, Aubree," Matt said, nipping at her mark. "I love you." Deciding he'd already had enough of the slow pace for now, Matt used his free hand to grip Aubree's hip, thrusting into her as hard and as fast as he could. All he could hear was the water running, the sounds of their skin hitting together, and every little noise Aubree made. When Matt felt his own orgasm approaching, he pinned Aubree's hips against the shower door, groaning as he came deep inside of her. He continued to thrust as he rode out his high and so that Aubree could come, too.
    March 9th, 2017 at 05:46am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky moaned as he continued to pound into her, feeling himself beginning to get close. The sounds that she made and the words that were coming from her mouth were definitely doing it for him. She couldn't even form proper sentences which told him that he was definitely doing his job right. "Come for me, babe," he growled low, feeling some sweat beads roll down his face. He sucked in a breath as he felt Leah come hard around him, practically growling her name as he came right after her. He released himself deep within her, keeping up his pace the best that he could as he rode out their orgasms. He began to slow down, panting hard as he came to a stop and pulled out of her. Zacky laid down on the bed and pulled Leah in his arms once she laid down next to him. His claws began to retract and everything went back to normal as he began to calm down and come down from his high. "How was that, babydoll? Too much or just right?" He asked with a tired smirk, leaning down and kissing her on the lips. He was definitely very satisfied at this point. But he was also extremely exhausted.
    Aubree squeaked as she felt Matt's hand on top of hers and began making her rub herself hard, furrowing her brow together. She was feeling so much pleasure she didn't know if she was coming or going. She almost felt relieved when Matt started going at a slow but deep pace, relaxing a bit. Then suddenly he picked it up full speed again, making her cry out as her body trembled. "O-oh fuck, sh-shit," she moaned, almost at the very edge of her build up to her orgasm. She felt Matt's hot breath against her ear, telling her to come for him. Then she felt him nip at her mark, which did it for her. Aubree screamed out Matt's name in sheer pleasure as she came hard around him, quickly grabbing ahold of his arm to keep herself up as her body trembled as her legs almost fell out from beneath her. "Mmm, fuck, Matt," she whimpered, beginning to come down from her high. When he pulled out of her she turned around, pressing her lips against his and kissing him deeply. "I love you so much," she murmured, grinning.
    March 10th, 2017 at 08:44am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Hearing Zacky tell her to come for him was all Leah needed to push her over the edge, and she cried out his name as she came hard around him, her vision going black for a couple of seconds as she blacked out from the pleasure. She felt Zacky pulled out of her and she fell down onto the bed, not fighting him when he pulled her into his arms. "That was good," Leah said, still a little breathless. She smiled as she snuggled into Zacky's chest. "Not something we can do all the time, but I definitely want to do it again eventually. I liked how rough you were with me." Leah felt her cheeks heat up a little, and she pressed her face into Zacky's neck, trying to hide her blush. "But I think I'm done for tonight. I'm tired. And I'm pretty sure I won't be able to walk right tomorrow as it is." Leah rolled over, feeling around on the floor until she found a shirt. She didn't really care if it was hers or Zacky's, she just didn't like sleeping naked. It felt weird to her. Once she found a shirt, Leah sat up so she could slip it on over her head and then laid back down next to Zacky, snuggling into his chest again. "Goodnight, Zacky," she whispered, yawning. "I love you."
    Matt held Aubree up as she came, seeing that she was pretty shaky. He pulled out of her, his hands on her hips as she turned around to kiss him. "I love you too, Aubree," he whispered. "Now why don't we actually shower so we can go to bed? I'm sure you're worn out." He shot her a smirk as he said this, reaching for the bottle of shampoo and squirting a little into his palm. Matt had Aubree turn around and started to work the shampoo into her hair until he had a nice lather going. He pulled down his detachable shower head and rinsed the shampoo from her hair before putting the shower head back. "I'm afraid I don't have any conditioner," Matt told her, squirting out a little shampoo for his own hair. "You'll have to bring your own over. I know you like for your hair to be soft and shit and well, I don't really give a fuck if mine is as long as it's clean." Matt laughed as he washed his hair, giving his body a quick scrub before he climbed out of the shower, drying off before wrapping the towel around his waist. "I'm going to go into the bedroom and get dressed, but you feel free to stay in the shower as long as you want, okay, baby?" Matt said to Aubree.
    March 10th, 2017 at 10:58pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky smirked. He was pleased that she enjoyed herself. He aimed to please her the best that he could. He raised a brow when she said that it wasn't something they could do all the time, wanting to comment on that but deciding against it. If he wanted it that way then they were going to have it that way. Little did she know that she would want it like that more often than she thought. "I'm pretty exhausted too. Get some sleep, babe. You need it after the very busy day and exhausting night you've had," he told her with a small chuckle. Zacky knew that she was definitely going to be a bit sore tomorrow and he couldn't wait to watch her get up out of bed. Hopefully he'd be awake when that happened ag least. He got comfy before placing a small kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight, Leah. I love you too," he murmured with a rather big yawn, closing his eyes and trying to drift off to sleep.
    Aubree really liked the sound of actually showering and finally goin to bed. She was so damn tired. She grinned as Matt began washing her hair, sighing contently as she relaxed. She loved having her hair washed and just anyone messing with her hair in general. Aubree giggled softly at Matt and nodded, knowing she was going to have to go shopping for a few basic girl things that she didn't bother bringing with her from home. Well, she couldn't say that anymore. This was her home now technically, right? Even if it did feel like one big slumber party. She watched Matt get out before she finished up her shower, not bothering about wasting anymore time. She got out and wrapped a towel around herself, going in the bedroom and putting on one of Matt's shirts that she loved to sleep in and some underwear. She towel dried her hair before climbing in bed, wincing at the sharp pain she already was shining to feel between her legs. She grunted, getting comfy and cuddling into Matt with a small sigh. "Tonight was absolutely amazing. Thank you," she murmured, leaning up and kissing him softly. "Goodnight, Matthew. I love you."
    March 12th, 2017 at 09:21am