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    Leah was still angry as the game went on, and it showed in her playing. She hardly let anyone by her, and by the time the game ended, her team had won, seven to three. She noticed some of the girls from the other team glaring at her as she walked off the field, and she was tempted to flip them off, but she didn't. Leah just grinned smugly at them, going over to retrieve a small Gatorade from the cooler that the coaches provided before going over to the bleachers. "We won!" she cheered, squealing when Jimmy lifted her into the air and spun her around. Once Jimmy had placed her back onto her feet, Leah went over to Zacky. "So do I still get that ice cream that you promised me?" she asked.

    "Ice cream?" her dad repeated. "I thought we always got pizza."

    "Well Uncle Zack promised me ice cream," Leah explained. This wasn't a lie. "And you should go home and rest, Daddy. You still look tired."
    Matt frowned as he watched Aubree flop onto the ground. If she were a fully mature werewolf, he'd have to tell her that she was acting like an idiot. But she wasn't, and he couldn't. Because it wasn't her fault she was acting this way. Her hormones were going crazy right now. "No, females can't mark males," Matt explained. "Marking is a way of showing dominance and well, males are supposed to be dominant. But yeah Aubree, I'm yours. Okay? The day that you and Leah were born, the council chose you as my mate, and me as yours. The only way to break that bond is if one of us dies. No one's ever going to take me away from you. And if some little shit even thinks about trying to take you away from me, I'll rip his throat out." From the direction of the field, Matt could hear cheering and clapping and he knew that the game was over. He reached down and grabbed Aubree's hand, pulling her to her feet. "Alright, let's get you back before everyone thinks I've kidnapped you or something."
    November 26th, 2016 at 10:57am
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    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky flew up out of his seat, screaming and yelling along with the rest of the guys since they won. "Alright, Leah! That's my girl!" He cheered, waving his pompoms around like an complete idiot. He was so proud of her and her team. Especially her though. She managed to win the game all pissed of and get out all of that frustration on the ball and the goalie apparently. Zacky watched as Leah came up to the bleachers, laughing as Jimmy picked her up and spun her around. Once he sat her down on the floor, he brought her in for a tight hug, even though he wished it was something a little more than just that. "Of course you're still getting your ice cream," Zacky said, laughing. He frowned a little when Brian mentioned something about the Pizza and then he instantly felt bad, but not bad enough that he wasn't going to not take Leah for ice cream. He couldn't even take Aubree out for pizza now since she didn't play. "Yeah, Syn. You should go home and rest for a while," he told him, giving him a pointned look.
    Aubree felt like an idiot the more she calmed down but she couldn't help herself. She let Matt pull her up, sighing heavily as she looked around. Her eye sight was back to normal thankfully, though her teeth kind of hurt. She still had the urge to rip something apart. "Do you think if we weren't bound to each other when I was born, you'd still be after me like Zacky is after Leah?" She asked softly as she walked beside him, staring down at the ground. Even though Aubree had found the whole idea somewhat repulsive at the start, she'd always found him attractive. She'd always loved him. She sighed and furrowed her brow as something dripped onto her shirt, reaching up and wiping her cheek. There was some blood on the side of her face, probably from her ears but she wasn't worried about it. As Aubree came back into the clearing she rushed back over to her sister, grabbing her into the tightest hug she could as she started crying. "I'm so sorry, I just couldn't help myself," she sniffled, burryinf her face into her shoulder.
    November 26th, 2016 at 02:43pm
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    Her dad gave Zacky a glare, but ultimately said nothing except to tell her to be home soon. He, Jimmy, and Johnny had just left when Aubree came rushing back over, wrapping her arms around Leah. Leah hugged Aubree back, feeling bad when she realized that her sister was crying. "It's okay, Aubree," Leah assured her. "I don't blame you. I probably would've reacted the same way if I was in your shoes." Leah hadn't really given it much thought until now, mostly because she'd only recently opened herself to the idea of being Zacky's mate, but the idea of having someone threaten to take Zacky away from her made her upset. And Leah was sure it wouldn't take much for some other girl to woo Zacky away from her. They weren't bonded, and she was just an awkward little virgin who was too good at pushing people away. "Listen, Zacky's going to take me out for some ice cream, but we can talk when I get back to the house, play?" Leah said, pulling back to look at Aubree.
    Aubree's question made Matt freeze for a split second. He didn't know what exactly to tell her, because the truth probably wasn't what she wanted to hear. "I...I honestly don't know, Aubree," Matt said. "I think there's a pretty good chance that I would have, because you're a beautiful girl and as soon as you went into heat I would've been attracted to you. But don't worry about that, okay? We're going to be bonded together forever, that's all that matters." Matt walked with Aubree back over to the clearing, watching as she went over to embrace Leah. Aubree obviously felt guilty for the way she'd acted, but Matt hadn't never known one of the girls to be angry with the other for too long. Once Leah left with Zacky, Matt went to Aunree and slipped his arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Why don't we get you home?" he suggested, whispering into her ear. "I'm sure you probably want to take a shower and relax."
    November 27th, 2016 at 09:29am
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    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky actually winced a little when Brian glared at him. That whole alpha glare was some serious shit sometimes. Zacky looked over as he heard someone come up to them, seeing Aubree followed by Matt. He frowned when he noticed her crying, wondering what Matt did to her back there to set her straight. But Zacky was glad that Leah wasn't mad at her sister anymore, which meant she'd be a bit on the happier side while they went out. "Alright, kiddo, let's go get that ice cream," he said with a smirk, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. He gave a slight wave to Aubree and Matt before leading Leah to his Car, realizing that they had taken two cars to the game and Brian and the others were already gone. "Fuck, go ahead and start the car to get it warmed up while I go see if those two need a ride," he groaned, letting go of Leah and leaving her at he car with the keys before going to where Matt and Aubree were. "How are you getting home with no car?" He asked, raising a brow as he crossed his arms over his chest.
    Aubree noticed his small reaction to her question, but she wasn't going to let it bother her right now. She was so glad that Leah forgave her for almost ruining the game. It was like a huge weight at been lifted off of her shoulders. "Thank you. We'll definitely talk later, you're going to have to tell me about your ice cream date with tubby over there," she murmured into her sister's ear before pulling away with a giggle. She watched the two of them walk off with a wave, blowing out a raspberry. She jumped a little when she heard Matt whisper in her ear, biting her lower lip. "Can we go to your house instead?" She asked softly, looking up at him. Eventually she was going to have to move in there and she just wanted to feel it out and spend some time in it. She used to love going there when she was little. Now he has a dog that she's only seen maybe a handful of times and she's curious how much the puppy had grown.
    November 27th, 2016 at 01:18pm
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    United States
    Leah followed Zacky out to his car, sighing and leaning against the passenger door when he mentioned something about going to see if Matt and Aubree needed a ride. She didn't want Matt and her sister to be stuck here, but she was just ready to go get ice cream and then go home. Soon enough Zacky returned with Matt and Aubree in tow, which Leah took to mean that they needed a ride home. She climbed into the backseat with Aubree, buckling her seatbelt and settling back as Zacky pulled out of the parking lot. She glanced out the window, her eyes going a little wide when she noticed that they were at Matt's house, and even more so when Aubree climbed out of the car as well. Leah climbed out to get into the front seat, grabbing her sister and pulling her into a hug. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," she whispered teasingly before she let her go. Leah turned to climb back into the car, looking over at Zacky with a smile. "Alright, let's go get that fucking ice cream you promised me," she laughed.
    Matt returned the small wave that Zacky gave them, watching him and Leah walk away before he realized that they were pretty much stranded here. Luckily Zacky reappeared soon, and when he asked how they were getting home without a car, Matt just sort of frowned. "Well it would be nice if you could give us a lift to my place," Matt said. "Since apparently the other three idiots think it's okay to take my car home without me in it." Matt was sure Jimmy was the one who'd slipped Matt's keys out of his pocket and suggested just stealing Matt's car, so he would have a few choice words for Jimmy the next time he saw him. Once Zacky had dropped Matt and Aubree off at his house, Matt led Aubree inside, flicking on the lights before going over to let Bella out of her kennel. "Alright you big lug, let's go outside before you piss and shit all over my floor," Matt laughed, opening the door to the fenced in backyard.
    November 28th, 2016 at 06:06am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky chuckled a bit at Matt, taking him to his house. Though he was a little confused when Aubree got out with him. Zacky didn't really care though. He pulled out of the driveway once Leah got in the front seat and buckled up, heading to the ice cream parlor. "What kind of ice cream do you plan on getting?" He asked, glancing over at her before turning his attention back to the road. He pretty much knew what she was going to get, but every once in a while she'd surprise him by getting something completely out of the ordinary that he didn't even know she liked. About fifteen to twenty minutes later Zacky pulled into the parking lot of the place, parking and getting out. He walked over and opened Leah's door for her, waiting for her to get out before closing it and locking the car. He walked inside, grinning at all of the ice cream. He wasn't sure if he came more for her or for himself. "It smells so good in here," he sighed, a goofy look on his face.
    Aubree walked to Zacky's car, irritated that the other three guys took Matt's. The big doof must've left his keys in the console again, right where Jimmy knew where to look. She got in the car, buckling up and leaning her head against the cool glass window the whole ride to Matt's. When she got there she happily hopped out, blushing when Leah gave her a hug and whispered in her ear. "Oh come on, Ma. We're just drinkin' pop and watchin' movies," she joked, winking at her sister before she let her get in the car. She waved as they pulled off, following Matt inside. Her eyes widened as she saw Bella, not believing how big she had gotten. "You're so big, oh my goodness! How adorable!" She squealed, running after her outside. Aubree hated Matt's fenced in backyard. His house was in the middle of nowhere, as were the rest of the guys'. But since Matt had Bella he couldn't risk her going into the woods and getting lost. Aubree got side tracked once she saw the pool, gasping as she walked over to the edge. This was new. She smirked and stripped everything off but her bra and underwear, diving in.
    November 28th, 2016 at 06:26am
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    United States
    "Duh, double mint chocolate," Leah answered, scoffing playfully at Zacky. It was only her favorite kind of ice cream ever, and it was usually what she got every time she came here. Sometimes she did like to shake it up, but now wasn't one of those times. Once Zacky had opened her door for her, Leah climbed out of the car and followed him into the ice cream shop, nodding when Zacky said that it smelled good. It smelled like waffle cones, which was exactly what Leah wanted. "Ooh, uncle Zack, can I have a waffle cone?" she asked excitedly. She instantly realized what she'd said and her face turned bright red. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean...force of habit, you know..." Leah mumbled apologetically. She was still getting used to the idea of Zacky being something more than her uncle, and it would take awhile to get out of the habit of calling him uncle Zacky.
    Matt chuckled as he watched Aubree with Bella. The few times that Aubree had seen the dog, she'd always fawned over her, and this time was no different. But Aubree was quickly side tracked by his new swimming pool, and Matt followed her outside just in time to see her diving into the pool in her bra and underwear. "You know, your house is like five hundred yards away, you could've gone to get an actual swim suit," Matt pointed out. But he wasn't about to complain, because any circumstances that allowed him to see this much of Aubree's body were good circumstances. She was so skinny and lithe and she just had the tightest little ass that Matt wanted to squeeze and spank so badly. But he couldn't. Not for another month or so, anyway. But once her birthday rolled around, Matt would waste no time in doing to Aubree what he'd been wanting to do since she turned sixteen.
    November 28th, 2016 at 10:37am
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    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky's lips formed a thin line as he looked at Leah, then it quickly turned into a smile. He ignored the slight feeling of his heart dropping to the pit of his stomach at her calling him Uncle Zack, brushing it off. "Don't worry about it, Kiddo," he said, ruffling up her hair. He got in line to order their ice cream, sighing softly. "Waffle cone with double mint chocolate, right?" he repeated, nodding to himself. He got up to the lady taking orders, giving her a charming smile as he ordered Leah's ice cream, along with his hot fudge sundae with extra hot fudge, wet nuts, whipped cream, sprinkles, and a cherry on top. Zacky smiled like an idiot as he paid for the ice cream and got handed the cone and the cup with his sundae, chuckling madly. He handed Leah her cone before leading her outside to a bench, not wanting to sit in the somewhat crowded ice cream shop. "This was such an amazing idea," he groaned as he took a bite of his sundae, slumping down in his seat. "Who's ever idea this was is a genius."
    Aubree submerged moments later, looking up at Matt. She smirked as she swam over, putting her arms up over the edge to hold herself there. "So? Live a little, Matthew. It's not like I can't wear one of your shirts while these dry," she said, playfully rolling her eyes at him. "Or, I could just lay them out to dry right now so they'll be ready for when I get out," she said with a small gasp as she reached around her back, unclasping her bra. She pressed up against the side of the pool so he couldn't see the lower half of her body, pulling her bra off and tossing it at him. She smirked, reaching down and pulling her panties off before tossing those at him too. "Could you be a dear and lay those out to dry for me, please?" she asked sweetly before swimming away. She knew that she was playing very dangerously right now, but it was so thrilling.
    November 29th, 2016 at 04:18am
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    United States
    Leah took the ice cream cone when Zacky handed it to her, following him outside. When he said something about this being an amazing idea, Leah couldn't help but laugh. "You mean the ice cream?" she asked. She giggled again when she noticed the bit of ice cream on his nose, and she reached over to clean it off with her thumb. "You're kind of cute sometimes, you know?" Leah teased, taking another bite of her ice cream. She was so glad that Zacky had brought her here; it had been so long since they'd done anything, just the two of them, and she missed it. But if they were going to be mated, Leah supposed she should get used to spending a lot of time with Zacky. "We should do this more often," Leah said, blushing when she noticed the strange look they were getting from a nearby middle aged woman. She was probably a human, and so seeing Leah and Zacky act the way they were was probably a little strange to her.
    Matt in so much shock as he watched Aubree undress that he just froze for a second before he tossed her bra and underwear onto the concrete. He had no idea what she was playing at it, especially since they couldn't have sex yet and that was what he really wanted to do now. And Aubree seemed to be getting a thrill out of getting Matt riled up, which irritated him a little. Matt stripped down to his boxers before he joined Aubree in the pool, going over to her and pinning her against the side of the pool. "I don't know what the hell you think you're doing, little girl," he whispered into her ear. "But you're creating a problem that you're going to have to take care of." They might not be able to have sex, but there were other things that Aubree could to take care of Matt's little problem.
    November 29th, 2016 at 09:20am
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    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky nodded as he took another huge mouth full of his ice cream, the silly grin never leaving his face. "Yes exactly, m'dear, the ice cream." He furrowed his brow a little and looked down, or attempted to anyways, as Leah wiped off the ice cream from his nose. He almost could feel the blush creep up onto his face, but he cleared his throat a bit and licked his lips, sitting up straight in his seat. He was a man, for Christ's sake. He didn't need to be blushing. Zacky scoffed when she said that sometimes he was cute, butting his hand over his heart to fake that he was hurt. "Sometimes? Gee, to think I thought you thought I was cute all of the time," he said with a small shake of his head and a heavy sigh. Zacky chuckled at her, sticking his finger in his ice cream before dotting it on her cheek. He noticed her blushing and looking at something ahead of her, following her gaze and seeing a middle aged couple walking by and giving them a disapproving, odd look. Zacky rolled his eyes, scooting closer to Leah and putting his arm around her shoulders before licking the ice cream he had put on her face off. "People need to mind their business, honestly," he mumbled. Werewolf or not, people should be with who they wanted to be with. "We should definitely do this more often though. This is a lot of fun."
    Aubree felt so relaxed just swimming in the nude. You would think that there would be no difference in feeling with or without a bathing suit, but damn there was. She furrowed her brow when she heard something slap against the concrete, looking over and seeing that Matt had dropped her bra and panties, undressing to obviously join her in the pool. He didn't look very happy though. Her eyes widened as she went under water, trying to stay under for as long as she could before she had to come up to breathe. She gasped when she felt Matt's hands on her, pushing her up against the wall of the pool. She shivered at his words, feeling his obvious erection against her thigh. Aubree moaned, licking over her lips. She had to admit, she felt dirty and she was a little disgusted with herself. She was still fighting with her mind over this whole Matt being her uncle and mate thing. "Uncle Mattie, what's wrong? Tell little Aubree what she can do to make it all better," she whispered seductively in his ear before nipping at his earlobe.
    November 29th, 2016 at 10:44pm
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    United States
    "Nope, just sometimes," Leah giggled. She leaned into Zacky's side when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She made a face when she felt him dot ice cream onto her cheek, blushing like crazy when he licked it away. "Yeah, is it a lot of fun," Leah agreed. She took a big bite of her ice cream, letting out a soft noise when she felt her brain freeze forming. "Oh my God, that was a bad idea, why did I do that?" she grumbled, rubbing her temples. She pressed her thumb to the roof of her mouth, because she'd read somewhere that it helped get rid of brain freezes. And it seemed to be doing the trick. "Just a PSA from your friendly neighborhood werewolf, don't take such a big bite of your ice cream unless you want a brain freeze from hell," Leah said, immediately laughing at how lame she sounded. She took another bite of her ice cream, albeit a smaller one this time, and leaned her head over on Zacky's shoulder. "This is the kind of ice cream I want at my party," she commented randomly. "You know, for my birthday. It's so good, I could probably eat a whole tub of it in one sitting. I'd probably hate myself afterwards, but hey, I could still do it."
    "Well for starters, stop calling me uncle," Matt said, his voice already low. "I hate to tell you this, but it's not really sexy in a situation like this. It's just weird." Matt turned Aubree's head over, catching her lips in a rough kiss as he felt around for her hand. Once he found it, he moved it down so that it was laying over his crotch. "Touch me," he ordered gruffly. They were outside and he didn't particularly feel like going back inside, so having her go down on him was out of the question. There was also guarantee that his body wouldn't try and convince him to segue that into actual sex, which was also put of the question, for another month or so anyway. But a hand job he could deal with without wanting to take it any further.
    November 30th, 2016 at 09:24pm
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    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky felt a little accomplished when he saw how red her face had gotten when he licked her cheek. It made him wonder how red her face would get if he licked her other places as well. He raised a brow when she made a noise, laughing softly when she said that she had brain freeze. "Oh really? Thanks for the tip, I never would have guessed," he teased, shaking his head. Zacky took another bite of his ice cream, watching the people walk by as he rubbed her arm absentmindedly. He looked back over at her as she said that that was the kind of ice cream she wanted at her party, nodding. "That's the kind you will get then. Tubs and tubs of it, I'll make sure of it. Speaking of your party, what else do you want at it?" he asked curiously. Even though it was really only about a month away, that month was going to fly by quickly, especially with all of the planning they were going to have to do soon. Plus Leah and Aubree both were going to have to go through training of some sort to prepare them for what they were going to go through during their change and what life was going to be life for them afterwards with their mates.
    Aubree snorted, not really caring if he thought it was sexy or not when she called him uncle. Even though deep, deep down, like way deep down, she could feel her wolf squirm and whimper at the low voice he was using and wanted to obey what he said. Aubree grunted just a little when he captured her lips with his, kissing him back just as roughly. She bit his bottom lip when he began to pull away, letting out the slightest of noises when he grabbed her hand and placed it over him. She wasn't sure how to touch him or where to even begin, so she just went with her gut instinct. She decided to put all of those romance movies and pornos her and Leah watched out of curiosity to good use right now. "Only if you return the favor, Mattie," she panted, out of breathe from the kiss. She bit her lip in concentration as she pushed his boxers down, her heart beating fast in her chest. Her eyes widened at how big he was, but she wasn't sure if that was from the water or not. She took him in her hand, slowly beginning to stroke him.
    November 30th, 2016 at 10:07pm
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    United States
    Leah gave Zacky a shove when he teased about her brain freeze comment. That was why she didn't try to be funny, she always felt stupid. She leaned against Zacky again, smiling as she ate a little more of her ice cream. When he asked what else she wanted at her party, Leah just sort of shrugged. She had no idea what she wanted at her party. It wasn't like any of the birthday parties she and Aubree had had before, where they could invite Andre friends over and stay up all night giggling and gossiping. This was the birthday when they would go through their change, and afterwards, they would have to go home with their new mates. "I guess I want a chocolate cake," Leah finally answered. "Ooh, and cocktail weenies. I love those damn things. We just have to make sure Dad doesn't eat them all. You know how much he loves them." Leah laughed softly, taking another bite of her ice cream as she thought. "So um, if we mate...are you going to mark me?" She knew Matt was probably going to do that to Aubree, and Leah was curious if Zacky would do the same to her. She didn't know much about marking, other than that it hurt like hell.
    Matt smirked slightly as he watched Aubree push his boxers down, her eyes widening when she first saw him. That was always a reaction he liked. He groaned softly when Aubree finally started to stroke him, pressing his face into the hollow of her neck. "Oh, just like that, Aubree, you're doing so good," Matt breathed out. "Just...move your hand a little faster, okay?" He felt around until his hand was between her legs. Matt pressed a finger into Aubree, not wanting to rush things because he knew Aubree had no experience with this sort of thing. Matt slowly started to pump his finger, using his thumb to rub soft circles over her clit. He couldn't wait until he could actually fuck her, give her an orgasm so strong that it shook her entire body. But if he tried it now, while Aubree was still an immature werewolf, there was a real possibility that Matt could hurt or even kill her. "How does this feel, Aubree?" Matt whispered, nipping at her earlobe. He let out a soft moan against her ear. "Tell me if you want more."
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:57am
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    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky let out a great big laugh when Leah shoved him, kissing her temple when she leaned back into his side. "You're just too cute," he murmured. Zacky finished off the rest of his ice cream before he sat the empty cup onto the bench beside him, feeling like a pig for eating that whole thing. He patted his stomach with a heavy sigh, shaking his head. He needed to start working out or something to get rid of some of this chub. "Chocolate cake and cocktail weenies. Definitely doable. Also definitely have to keep them away from your father, he'll take the whole damn tray of them and hide out somewhere," he chuckled. "But don't worry, Ill make sure there's enough for you," he said as he smiled down at her. He'd make sure that she had everything she wanted for her birthday and make sure that it was perfect. The girls always had two parties in one, Leah always got everything she wanted and Aubree got everything she wanted. Two seperste cakes and all. Zacky was a bit caught off guard though when she mentioned him marking her, rubbing the back of his neck. "Matt is marking Aubree for his own personal reasons. I've thought about marking you. I want to," he said as he stared down at his feet.
    Aubree could feel goose bumps rise on her skin from his words, reaching up and running her fingers through his hair. She began stroking him faster, but not too fast, wanting to be a tease. Her half closed eyes shot open when she felt his finger enter her and his thumb against her clit, her hand that was on his member tightening around him as she let out a loud moan. "That feels so good. More, I want more," she whined, stroking him fast as if that were going to get his own hand going on her. Her body felt like it was on fire. She'd always been told that the touch of your mate was one like no other. If this is what if felt like now before the ceremony and before her birthday, Jesus, she couldn't even imagine what it would feel like afterwards. Aubree kissed and nipped along his neck, eventually finding the spot that she wanted before sucking hard and leaving a mark. She did that a few times, wanting to leave plenty of marks on him.
    December 1st, 2016 at 09:24am
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    United States
    "Yeah, Dad will definitely try and run off with the whole crock pot," Leah laughed. "Maybe I'll make him a whole pot for himself, I bet he'll like that." Leah could tell that when she brought up marking, it caught Zacky off guard. And to her, it seemed like it made him a little uncomfortable, too. When Zacky mentioned that he wanted to mark her, Leah's eyes widened slightly. So he'd been thinking about it? "Y-You want to mark me?" she repeated, her voice very soft. She wondered how her dad would feel about that. Of course, once she and Zacky were mated, her dad wouldn't really have much of a say in the matter. He couldn't undo the bond of their mating, only Leah or Zacky could do that. And she certainly wouldn't do it just because her father disapproved. "I mean, I-I don't know anything about it. You know Dad wasn't any help when it came to that sort of stuff."
    Matt smirked when Aubree finally spoke. He pushed a second finger into her, curling both inside of her. He bucked his hips into her hand, groaning when he felt her lips on his neck. He let her leave a few marks on him before he nudged her away, pressing his face into the hollow of her neck to do the same to her. "I can't wait to get an actual piece of you," Matt rasped against her skin, pinching it between his teeth. "Only one more month. One more month until I get to fuck you like an animal. That's what you wanted, isn't it? You wanted me to fuck you like an animal? Well that's what you'll get, I promise." Matt started to pump his fingers a little faster, wondering if he could get Aubree to orgasm. He wasn't sure that he would be able to, since she was a virgin, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try.
    December 2nd, 2016 at 09:02am
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    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky cleared his throat a bit, looking around as people passed by. He wasn't sure how comfortable he was talking about it so out in the open. It was such an intimate topic, but also a painful one. "It's just... its very intimate. It takes a few hours sometimes, it really just depends on how your body reacts. It's painful. Im not going to lie, it's extremely painful," he said with a small frown. "I can't tell you how long that part lasts for. The whole process is different for everyone. But what I can tell you is what it does and what happens afterwards," he said as he got up close, pressing his lips against her ear. "It will make you want to fuck nonstop for the first few hours. The mark is a very sensitive and intimate area, just a small touch can turn you on and soak your panties in an instant. An advantage for me I guess, not really sure how much for you. It makes sex so much better though, by just touching it you feel on top of the world," he said as he brushed his fingers against the back of her neck, traveling down. "But its whole purpose is to mask you with my scent. To get rid of yours completely to the point that only I can smell it. For me to control your body as another part of being your mate, to show all of those fuckers what's mine," Zacky said, trying to think if he needed to tell her anything else about it. He was sure there was probably details that he ha cleft out or forgotten about but it had been so long since he'd even thought about explaining marking someone.
    Aubree cried out as she felt him insert another finger and then they curled. She moved her hand faster against him, bucking her hips against his hand. She moaned out loudly, tilting her head back as he buried his face in the hallow of her neck. "Fuck, yes. God yes. I want that so bad, Matthew," she groaned, tugging at what little hair he had. "I can't waif until your big, thick cock is buried so deep inside of me. God, I want it in there now," she whimpered. She was so close but yet not satisfied. She didn't feel as full as she wanted or needed right now. Aubree moved her hips against his hand, moaning his name as she felt a little ball deep in her stomach begin to tighten. "shit," she gasped as her legs began to shake. That little ball was so close to exploding, it was just right there. But it just wouldn't happen. It was beginning to make Aubree frustrated, which only caused her grip on him to tighten.
    December 2nd, 2016 at 09:56am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Leah frowned when Zacky mentioned that being marked was painful. She was somewhat of a wuss when it came to pain. Well, when it came to bad pain, which she was sure being marked was. It made her even more nervous about the whole idea. As Zacky continued to speak, Leah could feel her face get redder and warmer with each word he said. Besides being painful, she knew being marked was an extremely sexual ordeal, as Zacky was making explicitly clear. Leah wondered if being marked would make her first time be any less painful, but she knew this wasn't the place to be asking. "So...So it makes me smell like you?" Leah asked, stuttering a little. She was still blushing like crazy, because she couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if Zacky actually did mark her, and what it would be like to have sex with him. It was only slightly weird, but honestly, the idea turned Leah on a little.
    "Trust me sweetheart, I'd like it inside of you, too," Matt said, smirking. "But you and I both know why I can't. Just be patient, it'll be worth it, I promise." He could tell Aubree was getting close to finishing, but she didn't seem to be able to quite get there. He knew it was probably frustrating for her, but at least girls didn't have a point of no return like men did. And he would make it up to her on her birthday, right after he marked her. When Aubree's grip on him tightened, it actually felt a little uncomfortable, and Matt reached down with his free hand to loosen her grip on his dick. "Hey hey hey, not so tight," Matt said, chuckling softly. He kept his hand around hers as he helped her stroke him in time with his fingers inside of her, groaning out against her neck. Once he had established a good rhythm, Matt dropped his hand from Aubree's. "Just like Aubree, I'm getting close," Matt panted.
    December 3rd, 2016 at 08:52am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky watched as the gears turned in her head, knowing she was thinking about this whole marking thing. If she didn't want to be marked than he wouldn't do it, even though he desperately wanted to. Especially the more he talked about it. He grinned as he saw how red her face was getting, not being able to help the small chuckle that escaped past his lips. "Yes, you'll smell like me to other unmated males," he said, playing with a strand of her hair. Suddenly Zacky could smell something even more delicious than ice cream, which made a slight growl emit from his throat. He cleared his throat, getting up and throwing away his trash before taking her by the hand and pulling her up from the bench. He lead her to his car, helping her get in before getting in himself. "What's got you so turned on, Leah?" He asked huskily against her ear, rubbing her thigh. Now that they weren't in the public eye there was nothing holding him back from saying or doing what he really wanted.
    Aubree pouted a little. She could feel herself beginning to come down from whatever orgasm she had initially began building up and now Matt's fingers inside of her were just becoming uncomfortable. She grunted, gently pushing his hand away as she furrowed her brow and shook her head. "It's just not happening," she said softly, frowning a bit. She chewed on the inside of her cheek when he told her she was holding him too tight, almost not wanting to apologize. She was pissed that he got to orgasm and she couldn't. She continued at the pace that he guided her at, biting down on her bottom lip. She could tell that her wolf was pleased that she was still satisfying him even though she didn't get anything out of this. Aubree wasn't happy that her wolf was pleased. Her wolf should be just as irritated as she was.
    December 3rd, 2016 at 09:08am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Leah knew Zacky could smell that she was turned on, before the growl even left his throat. She didn't think it was really fair that she couldn't hide the fact that she was turned on from him. She finished off her ice cream and cone, following Zacky out to his car. When Zacky whispered in her ear, Leah shivered, opening her mouth to answer him before she stopped. She didn't know how to say it without well, saying it. But she was going to have to get used to it, since she and Zacky were going to be mated. So she might as well just come out and say it. "I-I was thinking about...about youfuckingme." Leah spit the last bit out in a rush, and she was sure her face was red enough by this point that Zacky was bound to feel heat radiating from her skin. It was just that this was the first time that she'd come out and admitted that she wanted to have sex with a man she'd grown up seeing as her uncle.
    Matt didn't argue with Aubree when she pushed his hand from between her legs. He would make it up to her on her birthday, when he could actually fuck her. Matt let out a soft moan against Aubree's neck as he reached his climax, taking a second to catch his breath before he moved away from her slightly. "You're pretty good at that, for a virgin," Matt teased. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Aubree's lips. "Come on, let's go inside," he said. "I need to dump some chlorine in the pool." Matt pulled his boxers back up and hoisted himself out of the pool, offering his hand to Aubree and helping her out as well. He made no effort to hide the fact that he was admiring her naked body, but after a few seconds he looked away, going to grab the clothes she'd discared. "Here you go," Matt said, handing them to her.
    December 4th, 2016 at 07:42am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky loved how the blush on her face just kept deepening. She was practically as red as a tomato. "Oh were you?" He murmured, his lips brushing against her jaw. His hand moved up higher, his piercing green eyes watching her every movement for signs to stop. Though so far, between the smell and the look on her face, she definitely wasn't having a problem. "Jesus, I can't wait until your birthday. You don't have a clue about the things I would do to you right now if I could." Zacky let out a slight frown as he kissed down her neck, nipping and sucking at her soft skin. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" Zacky went to move his hand up further and ended up coming in contact with her warmth. He didn't move his hand, just slowly began to rub her through her mesh shorts of her uniform. He figured that she could stop him at any time if she wanted him to.
    Aubree bit down hard on her bottom lip as she felt him climax in her hand, looking down. Realization was beginning to hit her of what actually just happened. She gave Matt a hand job and he fingered her. What on earth was she fucking thinking. Aubree furrowed her brow as she got out of the pool, sighing softly as she nodded and took her clothes when Matt handed them to her. She didn't even care that he had stared at her body. She was too engrossed with her thoughts. Aubree felt odd. She was so conflicted that it was driving her insane. She didn't want to feel this way. She just wanted to feel the way that she was supposed to feel and be done with it. She thought she had things all figured out after the game earlier and how she reacted towards that bitch. But now after being so intimate with Matt she just felt so weird. Maybe it was because she didn't get to finish. Aubree went inside, standing there for a second before sliding herself up onto the kitchen island. When Matt came inside she gave him the most serious look she could. "I want you to eat me out and make me orgasm."
    December 4th, 2016 at 08:09am