Conflicting Castles (Closed)

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla watched the queen and sat down as she turned to leave. She turned back and asked Camilla a simple question with so much meaning. Camilla took a moment she did not need for she knew the answer. "Yes... I do not run from my mistakes but even if I did I am not sure I could leave now for my heart already belongs to your son and this country." She said and let her eyes fall. "But if they will not have me and it is easier on all that I will leave I will." she said and bit her lip blinking hard and turning her face away to try and hide the shimmer of unshed tears in her eyes. She had so much regret. She could not blame her sister and yet she understood her own reasons for giving any loyalty to her sister before she had completely fallen for her prince and his country. She prayed that she could in time be forgiven and be allowed to make up for her mistakes. Once the queen left she sighed and stood going to her window looking out over the country knowing there was no more she could do now and she had to wait though it was tearing her apart inside.
    Nicholas wished to be at her side to defend her against her accusers. He could see the toll it took on her soul to admit her wrongs but he was not a king that believed in secretes and would not be a prince that lived for them either. If sh truly wanted to be his queen she would need to face their trials. He would support her the entire way and help her with anything he could but this was her task. Nicholas stood and nodded to Charlotte as she finished. "Thank you Princess." he said and then let her walk out before he turned to address the court. "Ambassador do you have any more to add upon what Princess Charlotte has said?" he asked and when the ambassador sheepishly sank in his seat the prince turned to the rest of the court. "That being resolved I will say this once. I understand your reserves about the Princess's mistake but who here at one time or another has not made a mistake? And who amounts you have not received some leniency for those mistakes? Yes the Princess will receive penalty for her mistake just as you all have at some point but that will be by my judgment. Now please let us return to more pressing and important matters of state."
    August 21st, 2018 at 01:41am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Once Nicholas had heard that his mother went to visit Camilla, he was furious. Immediately after, he had demanded that no other visitors, not even his parents, go to see Camilla in the time being. For several days, only servants were allowed in and out of her room to tend to her needs. But during these days, the Queen insisted that Nicholas go see Camilla for himself. After 4 days, Nicholas finally broke down and agreed, both to see the woman he had loved but also to placate his mother.

    After lunch, Nicholas slowly made his way to her locked room. Without any warning to Camilla, Nicholas walked in. The man looked beaten and exhausted. His eyes looked over the princess, unsure of what to say or do. After a few moments, he was able to push out two words. "Hello Camilla." What did his mother expect him to do or say while he was there? What did he even want to say or to hear?
    As Felix moved onto other matters of state, Charlotte started to head out of the room. She looked ahead at the door, not wavering in her posture or her gracefulness. While Charlotte was sure that Nicholas would have welcomed her to the rest of the meeting, she thought it best to save herself the stares and glares. Even as she left now, Charlotte could feel the judgement radiating off the nobles. Already, Charlotte could not help but feel that this was an error in judgement. She might have stopped a war, and won back some of Felix's trust, but she lost the trust of his country, his noblemen. How long would it take to gain that back, if ever? How many more troubles will arise from this when she tried to rule fairly? And even so, did she restore her trust with Nicholas by doing this or would he still be weary of her? All of these worries sat heavily on Charlotte's throat and chest as she closed the door behind her. It would be best to retreat to her room before someone caught her on the brink of a breakdown.

    @ Jinx...
    September 5th, 2018 at 05:02am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla had taken the silence as her punishment and taken to silently trying to find ways to improve the nation. She wondered if their wedding was still on as it quickly approached. It was so soon and yet she had not heard from her groom. She was studying when Nicholas came in without warning. Camilla looked up at him looking him over her brows pushing together with concern and guilt. With everything he had been through she had only caused more pain and that broke her heart. Camilla stood and he spoke her name she let her head fall. "Nicholas..." she looked up at him. "I know my words mean nothing but I am so sorry for the pain I have caused you. For the wrong I have done to your country." she said and bit her bottom lip. "I can only imagine this is not easy for you but I am glad you are here. I want to make things as right as I can. I know I can never do enough but still I do not know how we can start to heal being apart. Nicholas have you made any decisions?" she asked softly and held her hands in front of her wondering why he was here. There was so much she wanted to say and do. She had missed him terribly and yet she knew that there was so much that she could not do now without him willing to give her another chance.
    Felix left the court after the session had ended and he returned to his room sinking onto his chair and taking a drink sipping it. He looked to his chamber servant and called for Charlotte. She probably had just as much of a rough time as he had. He wanted to console her but was to tired to meet with her elsewhere. Felix looked up as there was a knock and called for them to enter. Felix smiled seeing Charlotte. "Come have a seat." he said warmly and offered her a glass of the drink on the table. "Rough day?" he asked and smiled at her knowingly. Felix stretched out his feet across the ground leaning back in his chair. He was a big man and the large chair looked small when he stretched out. Felix hoped this had been the right move. He knew she was probably nervous about recovering from this but he believed in her and his country. This was nothing they could not fix together.
    September 6th, 2018 at 02:46am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Nicholas' eyes moved over Camilla's face as she mentioned wanting to heal together. He was unsure if he wanted to be in the same room with the woman whose actions caused his people to die, much less heal with her. Though there was definitely still apart of his heart that ached for that opportunity. There were many things he needed answered first before he could make a decision on her, however.

    "No, a decision has not been made yet." He eventually answered. "It will be made soon. We are waiting on a few more pieces of information." At the moment, Camilla's chances were looking pretty good. It seemed like she was not involved in any other tragedies that took place. They were also able to locate the letters that Charlotte had sent and it seemed possible that Camilla did not give the information out to hurt them...but that was very much undecided.

    "I do not know what I will do either way." Nicholas told Camilla honestly, dropping his head at the thought. If she was guilty, Nicholas knew that he had to punish her, and send her on her way. Either back home or through death. Though, if she was innocent? Nicholas was unsure what he would do.
    Charlotte's eyes shifted over to Felix as she entered his chambers. He really did look strong, like a protector, sitting in his chair. Though she was unsure that Felix had protected her or their future today... This was all feeling like some big mistake. Telling everyone what she had done.

    At his request, Charlotte headed the rest of the way and into a chair besides his own. She denied his offer of a drink, however. Her mind was swirling at what had happened and what she needed to do next. A drink would not help her with her issues, and even had the possibility of making her more muddled. "Yes, it has been." Charlotte spoke softly to him, her eyes downcast.

    "Was there a particular reason why you wanted to talk?" Even though Felix did not show it, Charlotte knew that he must be upset with her after everything she had done. Perhaps he wanted to talk about her betrayal? Or maybe he overheard the nobles talking after the meeting...
    September 7th, 2018 at 05:49am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla stood there her knees feeling weak. There was nothings he could do but wait. Camilla nodded softly pausing for a long time. "I see." she frowned her words coming out choked badly slipping out then nodded again a moment later. "I understand." she said her voice tight. Nothing had ever affected her like this. Camilla did not know how much more waiting she could stand. She almost wished he would scream and yell and loose his temper. Anything but this calm facade that was in front of her now. He acted like it didn't matter to him if she lived or died because she didn't matter to him. Yes he was sad but he was loosing his father and his life was more complicated because of her. Camilla saw no desire in him to see her point of view to understand her. "I won't keep you any longer then Sire." she said and turned towards the window masking her exit masterfully to hide her tears.

    Camilla wished he would just leave at this point. She knew she had broken his trust but after all this time he still was so cold. She ran her hands up her arms and looked out at the beautiful land below. While she tried to think of ways to win back his country he would continue to judge her on her past actions and decide without emotion if she was worthy enough or not. Camilla did not know how they would build a marriage like this. Was he even willing to truly forgive her? Camilla freely gave to those she cared for and as much as she would sacrifice for Nicholas she wanted to know how much he would give in return for that amount of devotion she would give to him. She had betrayed her own blood to turn to his side and it meant nothing. A see of doubt made her wonder if her sister had been right and that hurt more than anything.
    Felix sighed and sat back. "You do not believe that I can forgive you so easily..." he said and nodded. "I get it. Trust me there is hurt inside me fore what you have done but Charlotte I am a fine strategist. For all my honesty and straight forwardness I know how to read people and play on their strengths and sometimes their weaknesses. This being said I expected when you came to my country for you to rebel. Don't get me wrong with every part of me I hoped you wouldn't believed in you that you wanted to make this work, and still do. But I was not naive enough to believe that a strong and brilliant woman with loyalty that comes to a fault would suddenly give herself to my and my country after fighting so hard to keep her own when her country still needs her. I expected a fight in one way or another. It was very smart the way you went about it but you did not count for my stubborn prideful ego." Felix chuckled and reached over taking her hand squeezing gently. "I also know that you probably believe I made a mistake today being so open to my court." he said and looked over at her. "Tell me what would you have done differently?" he asked her. "If we had kept it secrete and somehow made the ambassador back down, the secret would have still been there ready to pop out at the worst time and caused mistrust in the court perhaps many years from now calling all your decisions into question after all your hard work to prove yourself. As I see it this was putting it out there now what have we destroyed? A few months of trust earned with several years of careful watching with would have happened anyways?" he smiled softly. "I know it sucks and there will be many struggles but now we can face them while we are young and while they already think we can not do it." he said and sipped his drink. "But listen to me talk please tell me what is on your mind." Felix said and rested comfortably with her.
    September 8th, 2018 at 07:02am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Despite Camilla's words, Nicholas did not move from his spot in the room. He was conflicted on so many levels. What should he do and say? What was best for his country? What was best for her? What was best for him? And what did Nicholas even want? He had no idea on any of these levels. He felt as though he was being pulled in many different directions as to what might be right and wrong. It would be wrong to think of only himself, but even if he did, he did not know what he wanted as the result of all of this. But he knew he did not want to leave yet.

    "I do not know what to do." Nicholas mumbled out again, hoping that Camilla would at least begin to understand what he meant. "Camilla, I do not know what the right thing to do is for this...I... I met you, I fell in love with you, and I never thought that something like this would happen." He let out a sigh before putting his head into his hands. "Everyone keeps trying to give me advice but none of them understand. They don't know you, they don't know us. And right now, you're the only one who is positive of what happened...So what should I do Camilla? What is the right thing? I know I shouldn't be asking you, considering everything, but you're the only one who can help me."
    Charlotte looked down at their hands interlocked as Felix spoke. She would not deny that he had good points, but it did not quench her doubts. Though only time would be able to do that. Perhaps he was right in all of this, she just did not know. The woman started to deflate, feeling both tired and defeated. But, now, also a little relieved that the secrets were over and that Felix still wanted her. Charlotte dropped her head, and laid it against Felix's hands. A little sigh came from her lips before beginning to speak softly to him.

    "I do not know what I would have done differently if I were you nor do I know if my idea would have been better than yours. You might be right about all of it. Perhaps they will just watch with closer eyes and take longer to trust. But I am fearful that it will be more than that. What if they no longer want me here and put up a fight? Or try to stop me at every turn when I try to help rule with you? What will we do if they grow resentful and see me as an enemy to the country?" Charlotte squeezed his hand tightly. "I am just afraid that I messed our future up so quickly. I just want this all to go away...I just want to focus on you."
    September 11th, 2018 at 03:54am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla stood there and rubbed her arms closing her eyes a moment before looking back at him. Camilla wiped her tears then turned towards him. "Nicholas you are a very clever man. You know your own mind and you have instincts about people that are spot on. I think if you stopped listening to everyone else and listened to yourself you would know what to do but since you asked for my view I will give it to you." Camilla paused considering. "I hope by now you know me enough that I consider every problem from many angles and the advice I give you is not just selfish desire." she said her heart pounding still from his declaration of love. It hadn't been what she had been hoping for the first time hearing it from him but regardless he finally reciprocated her feelings. Camilla bit her lip and sat on the bed with a sigh offering to him to sit in the chair if he wished doubting he would. He still looked ready to run. "The right thing to do is to consider the evidence. The letters from my betray to my attempts to redeem myself, my words and the words of others, the effect on your people and my desire to get to know them and win them over. But also consider what you feel, in your gut, in your mind, in your heart. And finally consider who you know me to be or at least who you believe me to be as a person. If you see me as a loyal, sometimes to a fault, person that cares for those around her and those she can help, that wants to lead because of the difference she can make and the kind of person who considers all sides of every person and problem in front of her then I have done a good job of revealing myself to you. If not then I apologize and hope that whatever you see me as is at least half of that. I know that once you have looked this all over you will know what to do. If it where my right I would choose to take me to the area of hardship and to work to restore the bonds there my actions have destroyed to see the lives I can never bring back or give enough to the families to make right my wrong. I would use that as a final decision making to decide if this is the kind of person I would want to spend my life ruling beside and loving."

    Camilla bit her lip. "I do not expect your trust right off Nicholas but locking me away while your indication runs you in circles will not give you answers. You have to decide what you want. Do you want to rebuild your trust in me, letting me earn that? Do you want me to win back your country and grow to be the queen I had never thought I would be? Or was my crime one of malice that deserves your full wrath? Or are you unable to move past this and despite my crime decide that I should return to my homeland? I don't want you to think I don't understand the complications and risks not just to your country but also to your heart. I want you to know I don't take any of this lightly. I want to explain that the loyalty I had to my sister I could no longer give to her because of my love for you and your country. It was out of that loyalty I shared any information but I begged her to reconsider asking her to understand my love for you and your country. I believed she wouldn't cause harm out of love and respect for me and my decision. I misjudged her and for that I will pay for it in your trust and in the lives lost and the hardship caused. I don't tell you this because I want to sway you. I want you to have all the evidence from my side as well. I want you to make your decision all on your own and I hope it is the last you have to make alone because I hope that you can forgive me and eventually trust me enough to make all your future decisions with me." Camilla said and set her hands in her lap looking at him wondering if that helped him at all or made it harder.
    Felix nodded as he listened to her. He stroked her hair gently. "Yes I have thought that over as well and I believe there will be some of that as well with many of the nobles and some you may never win over but over time they will be come the minority. Here is why It think so. Bottom line despite you and the ambassador pushing to get me to try and let you leave even to the brink of threatening war I still would not give up on you. This will no change. The nobles will also try in each their own way to force my hand and will not succeed. I hope they figure this out sooner rather than later but they will see me support you in every decision you make and enforcing your rule just as you will mine. They might try to stop you and will find very quickly they won't like it when I enforce your rule and tax them for not following your instruction." Felix smirked and sipped his drink. "As far as them seeing you as an enemy they probably do but they will realize that as you start to rule and bond to the country folk that you are not. You will win them over, we both will. And if they resent us for it, well it really does not matter as long as they obey and support their king and queen. I would not push this if I did not know that you are what my country and I need." Felix said. Yes this was bad but he believed that it would be better. "You did not mess out future up, out future is what we make it... together. We can still focus on each other too. Just as we can focus on the country. It will always be about balancing it all and we can do it together." Felix said and smiled stroking her hair. "You believe me right?" he asked softly.
    September 11th, 2018 at 05:43am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    It was difficult to soak in everything that Camilla was saying with his head buzzing. He felt like he was being pulled a million ways, and while he asked for her advice, it only added to the confusion. There were parts of her answer that got through to him. Something that he could hold onto and use to make his final decision, but other sections only clouded his mind more. But Camilla was definitely right on one thing, even if nothing else was correct. Nicholas walked towards Camilla and gently took her hands in his. It felt odd touching her again after everything. His anger at Camilla had quickly melted away with her words and now all he felt was disoriented and sorrowful.

    His thumb slowly ran over Camilla's hands as he thought of how to respond. And it was a few moments before he spoke. "Thank you Camilla, for your words. You are right that I need to start listening to my own mind and not those around me...this is the first time in a long while that I have had difficulty with knowing my own thoughts. I just feel very... attached to this and it has weighed me down." Nicholas squeezed her hands before gently letting go. "I am inclined to believe that you are speaking the truth. I want it to be the truth but I know I will not rest easy for myself and my country until all the evidence is brought in." Nicholas hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I think it is best if I go for now to figure out my own mind...But I know I would like to see you again, would that be okay?"
    Charlotte listened to Felix's words carefully, taking in everything that he had to say. He did have a lot of decent points, and she hoped that he was right in his logic. It all seemed possible but now she just had to hope that it would go that way. There was nothing she could do in that moment but worry. Tomorrow would be another day and Charlotte would have more opportunities to make it right. She needed to make it right but she was not sure where to start. Though these were all thoughts for a later time.

    Though while that continued to hang in the back of her mind, Charlotte also took in Felix's words about them. Her heart swelled up as Felix spoke about them. Every time Felix said 'we', 'our' or 'together', Charlotte slowly began to feel better. Though with those words, she also felt a sharp pang in her heart. From the beginning Felix was supporting her, opening up to her, and trying to be what she needed. While all she was doing was undermining him, backstabbing him and causing trouble. Tears started to well up in her eyes and Charlotte immediately buried her face into his hands. Her fingers wrapped around him tightly and she gave Felix a small nod. "I believe you.' She squeaked out.
    September 12th, 2018 at 03:56am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla looked up at Nicholas as he stood before her his hands holding hers. His hands where gentle and she wondered what he thought of her advice. He finally spoke when she thought her mind couldn't take the waiting anymore. She relaxed as he seemed to be pleased. She nodded knowing what he meant and hoped her words had helped him in the long run. Camilla frowned as he dropped her hands. She wanted him to stay to hold her and for them to start rebuilding but she knew he had other things to do and thoughts to sort through. He said he was believing her but wanted to check on some facts and she smiled softly nodding. She was glad he was going to do so. When he forgave her she wanted him to be sure so they could move on together and not have to look back at this. She bit her lip looking down and nodded softly. "Thank you." she said softly until he continued. She looked up surprise in her eyes. "Yes... I would like that a lot." she said knowing it was a chance for them to start rebuilding now. "Nicholas..." she said his name softly stopping him from leaving. "Thank you for listening to me. I know it must not have been easy for you and it was a risk but I really do want to heal from all of this." she said and then stood. "I hope your evidence is speedy... but in the mean time if you need anything else I will happily do what I can for you." she said hoping he understood that she could see he was dealing with a lot and wanted to help him.
    Felix frowned as she started to cry. He didn't know how he brought such a strong woman to tears but he hoped to be able to sooth them away as well. Felix moved from his chair kneeling before her and pulling her to him gently rubbing her back. "Good." he said softly. "Now now it's all going to be okay... you will see." he said and presses a light kiss to her temple. Felix didn't know which was was up or dawn half the time with this woman but he was thankful for one thing, his mother was a strong and understanding woman that had truly helped him see his fiancee in a way he never would have without her. This could have been a huge mess without her guidance and instruction. Felix would have to thank you later in depth. He soothed Charlotte hoping that he could bring her calm and maybe even happiness.
    September 15th, 2018 at 05:53am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Camilla was right. It had been very difficult for him to come to her. While his mother had been pushing for it, he had been dreading it. Though, as per usual, he saw that his mother was correct in sending him to her. Somehow she must have known Camilla's own thoughts... "I hope that we heal and continue on soon." He told her gently. If Camilla was innocent, Nicholas wanted to continue on as quickly as possible.

    Nicholas was quiet for a moment before shaking his head. "No, there is nothing that you can do for me at the moment. Though, there is something that you should be doing for yourself. Please begin to think of what you will say to the court. That is when I will I need to make my decision on this matter, and I think it best that you say something to them about the incident..."

    With that, Nicholas gave her a little nod before turning to head out of the room.
    Charlotte followed Felix's movements, allowing him to pull her into his body. As he wrapped his arms around her body, Charlotte moved her own around his neck loosely. It took her a bit of comforting from Felix but the tears managed to cease. She still felt terrible for it all, but Charlotte knew that that would probably be the case for a while. It was something that she needed to fix and it wouldn't help to keep crying about it. And if she was going to cry about it, it was probably best to do on her own time. Not when this pure hearted man was trying to make her feel better. Leaning back, Charlotte moved her hand onto the side of his face. Her hand pressed against his cheek and her fingers brushed lightly against his skin. "I believe you and I trust you. I promise, no more lying, no more schemes." She whispered to him.
    October 3rd, 2018 at 04:27am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla nodded and looked down at the floor. She sighed and sat. The court. She had been so worried about Nicholas she hadn't even thought of it. This was going to be some huge damage control but she believed that despite the horror that came of it they might understand if she could explain herself. She had acted out of love and loyalty. When her loyalty had changed to Nicholas she had done her best to correct her wrong. There would be so many that would not forgive and many that would use it against her and she suddenly felt sick. Phillip was at the forefront of her mind. He had brought the allegations against her. He had looked do angry and betrayed. He had acted against her in violence, but still be was Nicholas's best friend and she had to find a way to mend that relationship as well. This meeting with Nicholas had helped them but it would push Phillip farther away. He would believe she had tricked and deceived Nicholas. He would need trust her again. She sighed and paced her room thinking and contemplating. She needed to study on the matter but her mind was spinning. The truth was best and it would win out she had to believe that.
    Felix grinned. "I am glad to hear." he said and kissed her head. "But I was not worry I knew the moment you told me that it wouldn't happen again. "Someone planning to continue to do those things do not show regret." he said and leaned his head into her hand. "I can not wait to marry you and keep you with me always." he said and grinned. "Speaking of marriage. I heard your sister's wedding has been moved up. Has she written to you recently?" he asked wondering what she knew. He had heard the king had not been doing well and Nicholas was doing most of the work already. It was going to be hard for the princess to adapt to ruling so quickly but if she was like her sister she would handle it magnificently. He knew he should return Charlotte to her room soon but still he just wanted a little more time with her.
    October 5th, 2018 at 05:00am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    (What do you want to do with Camilla? Should we skip to the information being proven and go to court?)

    Nicholas headed to his own room after speaking with Camilla. There were still some things that he needed to think about. Though there were other things that Nicholas wanted to start to set in motion for the chance that Camilla was being honest about everything...He felt in his heart that she was but he needed that confirmation. He needed it to be confirmed for his own sanity as well as for the wellbeing of his country. Now all he could do was hope that information would come sooner rather than later.
    Charlotte's frown deepened on her face for a moment as her hand dropped from his face. "No, I have not heard from my sister." She said softly as she moved her hands back on top of Felix's. "I didn't know that her wedding was moved either..." The woman let out a small sigh as she glanced off to the side. Now that all of this was done, she knew she needed to contact Camilla again. Her sister turned out to be right about everything and Charlotte knew that she needed to apologize for betraying her trust. Though finding the words to say to her sister was going to be difficult. She wanted everything between them to be okay again but she did not know how to do so.
    October 9th, 2018 at 04:32am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla sighed and slipped into her bed that night her thoughts still trying to run her mind but she had to be ready completely not just with the perfect words. It was harder for her be able to come up with the words to explain her betrayal than it was to settle a dispute between two people. She knew if she had something to compensate for the pain and suffering she had caused by sharing information that was not to share she had to give it to the people, to the courts and then she would have a chance to win their hearts again. Camilla wondered just if she would be able to actually win them over after this. It was a while later before she fell asleep. That is the way Camilla spent the next week debating in her mind how to come clean and make up for her betrayal.
    Felix nodded and frowned. "I guess the king is not doing well to be honest so Camilla might have to bee queen sooner than she was expecting. It seems kind of hard on their country right now. I was thinking I should send over some aid just to help out a little and send them well wishes." he suggested and looked at his bride to be. He kissed her head and rubbed her arms. "I am sorry to bring up another sore subject." he said and stepped back. "Is there anything I can help with?" he asked in worry. He didn't like seeing her upset but he understood sometimes she would need to just be upset. Felix hoped that he could help somehow. Everything Felix thought to ask seemed like it would only hurt Charlotte more and he was determined to put a smile back on her face. "Would you like to go on a walk with Jace?" he asked knowing Jace was a soft spot for her. He was glad he had gotten he puppy for her.
    October 9th, 2018 at 04:58am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    A few days later, Nicholas was sitting in his office, looking out of the window. Getting all of the information that he needed for Camilla had been more difficult than Nicholas had hoped. Most of what he needed was already given to him, but there were a few loose ends that could make or break Camilla's story. All of this waiting was really stressing him out as well. If she was innocent, Nicholas hated that Camilla was locked up in her room. And if everything somehow got flipped around, then Nicholas wanted to be able to start moving on.

    He moved his head into his hands, letting out a sigh as he did so. When was the truth going to reveal itself?
    "I am not quite sure what you could do. I made mistakes and I need to fix them. And I should probably now start with my sister" Charlotte said gently. Oh she hoped that Camilla was still planning on seeing her in a few months back home. At this point, Charlotte was missing her horribly and was desperate to make things between them right again. Though sadly, for now, all she could was send Camilla letters and gifts and hope that she understands the meaning behind all of it.

    Charlotte looked up at Felix when he mentioned going on a walk with Jace. She nodded to him, thinking that it was actually a pretty lovely idea. "Yes, I would enjoy that a lot." Charlotte said as she stood up with him. "Though we should not go too far away today. I do think it is best that I head to bed early today.
    October 10th, 2018 at 05:09am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Phillip knocked on Nicholas's door. He entered after a moment with a stack of papers. The proof had finally arrived. It was the letters sent from Charlotte and Camilla to each other. A copy from the messenger himself. It had taken Camilla's own letter asking for help for Nicholas's country to get it out of him but he gave them up to prove her innocence. Phillip thought it convenient and a total lie. "Nicholas you need to see these." he said and walked over to him and placed them on his desk. He set down the legend and crossed his arms as he waited for Nicholas to go over them. "We had to pull them from the messenger. It seems awfully convenient to me that he gave them up once he got the note from Camilla about her repentance and will to help us. I tried checking the ledger to her note and found nothing but these ones where very revealing." he said not knowing how to prove the sneaking suspicion he had about Camilla. She should be killed for her traitor actions against the people but Nicholas was determined to find out her motive. It shouldn't matter people where dead because of her.
    Felix nodded understanding somethings she needed to do herself. "Well any little thing you need you just let me know. He offered. When Charlotte agreed tot he walk he smiled glad that it was something she wanted to do. "Very well just a short one across the grounds." he said and smiled pulling on his outside coat. "Let's go get the little rascal." Felix chuckled and offered her his arm.

    As they walked outside watching Jace run ahead and bring back different treasures. Felix relaxed and looked over at Charlotte. "Have you decided on flowers?" he asked thinking the wedding was a safe topic now. He was hoping she would feel like she had enough time still to plan it all and go over everything now that she had decided to stay.
    October 10th, 2018 at 05:28am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Nicholas stood up, taking the letters eagerly from Phillip. He wanted the truth, whether or not it was what he hoped. In all honesty, Nicholas just wanted this madness to be over, but of course he did prefer that Camilla was actually innocent of her crimes. Quickly, he skimmed the letters and a crazy mad smile moved over his face. He saw the dates along them and it matched up to the incident. "Phillip, this is exactly what I needed!" He exclaimed, waving the letters in his hands. "You do know what this means right?" Nicholas said, walking around the desk and clasping his hands on his friends shoulders. "Camilla was telling the truth. She didn't plan on her sister using this information. This proves that her actions were not traitorous, just misguided."

    He could feel a large weight come off his shoulders at the news. This was what Nicholas had been hoping for and it was handed to him on a sliver platter.
    Charlotte smiled over at Felix as she reached over, gently taking his hand in hers. "No, but it shouldn't take me long now. I have an idea of what I want to say. Though I will have to redo a lot of the wedding planning." She gave him a bit of a sheepish smile after her words. There were portions of the planning that Charlotte had not taken seriously, thinking that she was never actually going to go through with the wedding. But now everything had changed and Charlotte wanted things to be done right. That, of course, included the flowers. "Did you want to know which flowers I want to pick or is it meant to be a surprise?"

    Luckily, Charlotte had plenty of time to replan the wedding. It would be a while until their wedding would happen since their marriage was also a marriage of two countries. These things took time and she needed to turn her people to be welcoming towards Felix.
    October 11th, 2018 at 02:05am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Phillip huffed. This was not what he had been hoping for. "Regardless Nicholas, she had given state secretes she needs to face the consequences of that." He said but realized that the look on his face that his friend was already gone. The only way he was going to get his friend to see Camilla's trader ways is through her own actions. He gave Nicholas something that would need to be done to distract him so he might go to talk with Camilla and see if he could get her to reveal herself. Phillip stalked down the corridors and to Camilla's room who he had sent extra people to watch her throughout the weeks. He knocked hastily on the door and waited until Camilla opened the door.

    Camilla opened the door seeing Phillip and frowned, the waves of energy coming off him and the look of disgust on his face caused her to step back. "L-lord Phillip... what a surprise." she stuttered and stood taller. "How can I help you?" she asked him. She had wanted to talk with him anyways. She knew he was going to be the hardest relation and yet the most important. If she could win over Phillip she could win over anyone.
    Felix grinned and chuckled. "I figured that would be the case. It's okay. Yes I would like to see the flowers you picked out. It is not a surprise for me. It is the message you are sending to the country so it would be best to not intensionally share that information with the nobles or the countrymen." he said and grinned. "The dress now that is a surprise for me. I know that is most important in your country so I will be very excited to see you in it." he said and kissed her hand. "Are there any traditions I should uphold for your country?" he asked her. Felix was really glad they where now all on the same page. It was going to be so much easier.
    October 11th, 2018 at 02:39am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Phillip's eyes narrowed, staring at Camilla with a potent look of distaste. "I caught you red handed. It is pointless to keep this innocent, sweet, helpless princess facade up." He took a step closer to her. Lying about finding evidence seemed like the best way to go about this. Maybe Camilla would break and tell him everything if she just thought that it was over? It seemed like a possibility. "Nicholas knows everything now as well so don't think you can just run to him and try to lie your way out of it. The only thing left is to figure out your punishment. But there is something I want to know, was it worth it?" He growled. "Worth all of the lives you destroyed? That you ended?"
    "In that case, how about I come by your office tomorrow with the final flowers I am choosing between? And I think I can keep them a secret from the nobles. " Charlotte asked, a large smile now over her lips. She squeezed Felix's hand as she leaned into him a little, wanting to be closer to him. As for the dress, she knew that needed to stay a secret. There was a lot that needed to get done for it. "And there are traditions that need to be upheld. Though some of them need to be done there. We will need to take care of those when we visit. There are a couple we can do here, however."
    October 15th, 2018 at 02:42am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Camilla stood tall looking at him in confusion. "I don't..." he rubbed it into her face the lives that where lost because of her actions and the tears gathered in her eyes. "That's cruel Phillip." she whispered her voice strained. "I know it was wrong and I would do anything to take it back, to bring those people back, to reverse the suffering but I don't have that kind of power. I don't know what you found, but what ever you have you must be interpreting wrong. But if it Nicholas's will to punish me for what I have done let him do what is right and let him see what is true. But most of all let him not be influenced or controlled by anyone, let alone you, because he is a good man and will be an amazing king." she said strength in her voice now. She shook her head the tears slipping over. If this was the end she was resigned to take whatever punishment was given but she wanted Nicholas to grow from all of this and become the king she had seen him starting to become. Camilla stood her ground now. "I may already be found guilty but I think I will wait for Nicholas to condemn me himself. If you will please take your leave sir." she said and waved to the door.
    Felix smiled and nodded. "I would like that." he said and kissed her head watching Jace running about. He was happy they had all come to a place of peace. It was brief yes but still it was much needed. The work would begin again tomorrow. Felix nodded and smiled. "I think it will be good for me to visit your country. You should write to your sister and see if she and Nicholas will be visiting your country soon. Maybe we can meet up with them." he said knowings he wanted to see her sister and thinking of no better time than when they had to get her country ready for their wedding as well. He was sure she would want him to speak to her country as well so they could start to see him as part of their Queen's rule.
    October 15th, 2018 at 04:58am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    A growl came from Phillip, anger forming in him as he realized that Camilla was not going to just simply confess. What was it going to take to prove her guilt? It was as clear as day to him but it was infuriating that Nicholas could not see it. "I can assure you that I am interpreting nothing wrong. You must pay for your actions. Though if you really cared for Nicholas, you would explain yourself. What were you meant to gain from those deaths?" He moved and step closer to Camilla. There was no reason for him to listen to her requests anymore. Camilla was never and will never be in charge of him. And Phillip would never bow to her. "Or do you truly want this all to be for nothing? Explain yourself woman!"
    "I will write the letter tonight." Charlotte assured him. There was a lot she needed to say to Camilla. But more than that, she was also desperate to see her sister. Now Charlotte could only hope that Camilla would be willing to see her after everything that had happened. Even if she refused though, Charlotte and Felix would need to go. They needed to tend to her country as well, and Charlotte did miss her old home. Though, for now, she pushed those thoughts to the side, looking up at Felix as she did so. "Though, for now, I should rest." Charlotte whispered as she leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.
    October 15th, 2018 at 03:39pm