Conflicting Castles (Closed)

  • @ Jinx...

    Once is opened, there is a little letter with Charlotte's seal waxed onto it. Inside of the letter says:

    Dearest sister,

    I am only writing this letter hours after you have left, but already I miss you dearly. Surely, it has been some time since we have seen each other when you receive this letter, but know that even so I think of you and continue to pray for your happiness daily. Though after your carriage had left the castle, I realized I had forgotten to give you something that will help you through the hard times. It is merely a replica but I hope you keep it safe and hold it dearly. And please remember to write about your life dear sister, I know life will become busy, but I truly will continue to want to hear about you and your new home.

    Your loving sister,

    Inside of the box was a small children's book filled with the legends and tales of Aldannia. And the book had the paper and stories inside of it. However, under further inspection, it was easy to find that the back of the leather bound book had a flap that contained a metal sheet with boxes cut out of the sheet. It was roughly the size of a normal sheet of parchment. Attached to it was another small note that read: Hide messages in normal looking letters by using boxes to write the message. It was a way for Camilla to write an average looking letter to her sister. However, when the metal sheet was placed on top, then only certain words in the holes would show, which would allow for Charlotte to learn the true meaning of the letter.
    Once they were back in the stables, Charlotte slid off her horse gracefully before beginning to pull off the saddle. After the horse was back in her stable, Charlotte had managed to gain back her composure. She was still reeling inside and was filled with energy from the whole thing. But she had managed to at least look like things were normal. Though when she turned to Felix, Charlotte felt a fluttering in her stomach. Walking up to him, Charlotte smiled. "Thank you for today, it was perfect." As she got close to him, Charlotte leaned forward a bit, wanting to kiss Felix again. Though she held herself back and instead she reached for his hand, lightly squeezing it. With that, Charlotte quickly pulled away from Felix and made her way back up to the castle. She just didn't think she could handle much more today.
    December 9th, 2016 at 06:54am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla pulled herself together enough to open the package and read the letter. When she looked at the code box she sighed not sure she had the strength to see if the letter in her hand had another message. How her heart pinned for her sister. She hid both the key and the letter putting the book in a place inconspicuous. She sighed as she lay back on her bed. She laid there longer than she realized for someone knocked on her door to help ready her for dinner. She opened the door and the maid gasped softly. "My princess is there something a matter?" she asked and Camilla looked at her and turned back to her room lighting a candle. "There will not be and I wish it to look like there isn't." she said and the maid nodded as she helped Camilla dress and freshen up so that she was presentable and only the hardness in her gaze and the force of her smile was a clue that everything was not alright. When she walked out she was a vision of beauty her hair neatly tied up in an elegant braid. She walked to the dinning room and took a deep breath outside of it's doors before she smiled again and walked in.
    Felix smiled letting their silence be comfortable as they brushed down the horses. When she turned to him he smiled and leaned down slowly letting her decide. When she leaned back he straightened and held her hand. He smiled though slightly disappointed. He couldn't expect that of her so soon anyways but he had dared to hope. "It was indeed perfect." he said and smiled. She let go and walked away and he watched her go. "See you at dinner Charlotte!" he called and smiled some more before ehe made his own way into the castle to go see his father.
    December 10th, 2016 at 05:53pm
  • @ Jinx...

    Nicolas sat up straight as the doors to the dining room were opened. Upon seeing Camilla, he immediately stood up and went to the other side of the table, pulling out a chair for her. "Good evening, Camilla." He said smoothly. Once she was seated, he leaned down and pressed a light and quick kiss to her lips. With how his day had gone, Nicolas had missed Camilla. It was disappointing that he he not had the time to spend with her, and had not been able to have breakfast with her. Though soon it will not be like this anymore.

    He made his way to the other side of the table and sat down in his seat. The servants set down their food before heading out of the room. "I am sorry that I was not able to spend any time with you today. Though I hope you liked the flowers that I send to your room." Nicolas gave her a wide smile. "And my parents should be back tomorrow which means I can go back to my normal schedule." Nicolas was so excited about tomorrow that he didn't notice the strange mood that Camilla was in.
    Charlotte headed back to her room, feeling somewhat in a daze as she did so. She kept going over everything that had happened, the ride, the food, the gift..and of course the kiss and what Felix said." At this point Charlotte couldn't deny that she had a strong attraction to Felix. The kiss had proven that and the fact that she wanted to do it again made her unable to deny it. But as she entered her room, Charlotte was snapped back to reality. She glanced over everything, Aldannia's documents, her art of home and her tiaras. It would be so much easier if she was just a girl who could just fall in love with a boy. But she wasn't that. She was the future Queen of Aldannia. Charlotte fell into her bed as she let out a sigh. She couldn't let Felix derail her plans, despite how she felt about him.

    Several hours later, Charlotte had finished up some work and was heading down to dinner. As she made her way to the dining room, Charlotte was going over in her head all that she had to do. She needed to start seriously snooping that the castle. And hopefully she would start getting some letters from Camilla...Most importantly she needed to write to her sister. Charlotte wanted to make sure they stayed in touch despite the craziness. As all of this went through her head, a serious look crepted across her face. Maybe she needed to work late tonight and sneak around.
    December 10th, 2016 at 06:51pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla greeted Nicholas smoothly as he pulled out her chair. "Good evening Nicholas." she said and looked up at him. He planted his lips against hers sending her stomach flying and fuzzing her minds. Only once he had sat across from her again she felt strongly more at ease. He had calmed her without even meaning to. When he started to apologize she shook her head. "Please don't be it was a long and busy day anyways." she said glad that she hadn't needed to go out with him and try to be herself when she was in the state she had been in earlier. She smiled brighter remember waking up to the flowers and she nodded. "I very much liked the flowers you sent they are beautiful." she said relaxing more as she talked to him. She nodded as he said the king and queen were returning tomorrow. "I bet you are very please that your parents are returning." she said and smiled softly. She didn't even think that he would spend more time with her. She was in such a mood but she honestly should have anticipated that because Nicholas showed all the signs of truly being happy with her. She began to eat silence slipping over her unusually. She looked down into her food nodding as he spoke and then setting her utensils down. She wasn't hungry tonight. The food was still turning wrong in her belly. She was completely torn and the only one she could talk to about it, the only one she wanted to talk to about it with, she couldn't. Not without raising alarm anyways and that was the last thing she needed.
    When dinner came around Felix made his way to the dinning hall. He saw Charlotte and smiled coming up beside her and taking her hand. "You look very serious." he said and smiled at her. "Thinking about something important?" he asked and laced his fingers through hers. He had talked to his father earlier and had some great news to share with her. He looked down at her barely able to contain his enthusiasm about getting to take her back to Aldannia for a few weeks. Felix smiled at her as their eyes met. He truly wanted to share this with her before dinner but he wanted to know more that she was still alright ad that serious look made him feel as if there was something he should be slightly worried about. Felix pressed her hand to his lips and stopped infant of the dinning hall doors. "Might you be able to take a walk with me after dinner?" he asked. Felix wanted to know but was not going to rush her into telling him now when it was time for dinner and his parents were just inside.
    December 10th, 2016 at 07:22pm
  • @ Jinx...
    "It shall be quite good. When they come back I will actually be able to spend more time with you." It was important to him that was he able to take the time to be with his fiancée. Of course he wanted them to have s good relationship, but also because he just wanted to see more of Camilla. "Is there anything in particular you want to do tomorrow before my parents come back? They'll won't be here until dinner."

    Nicolas looked up from his food and his eyes landed on her. Though his smile slowly faded as he watched Camilla. Something seemed off but he wasn't quite sure what it was. Her smile had disappeared, and she wasn't speaking at all. Plus the fact that she had set down her silverware and had barely eaten a thing. "Camilla? Is something wrong?" He asked her softly as he set down his own fork and knife. Hopefully whatever was getting her down was something he would be able to help with.
    Charlotte's face immediately relaxed as Felix moved besides her. She even started to smile a bit as he took her hand. Despite the fact that Felix's country was kinda her enemy, she couldn't stop the way he made her feel. Though everything was mixing together in a strange way and it was clear that something was wrong. She held onto his hand tightly, trying to get some comfort from him. It was weird that she needed his support at the moment. "I just received some letters from Aldannia and was just trying to figure out some solutions. Though it is best not to go over before dinner. We shouldn't keep your parents waiting. Besides it's nothing that I can't handle."

    When they stopped in front of the dinning hall, she turned to Felix and looked into his eyes. He looked truly happy. Charlotte gave him a true smile and she seemed to melt a bit as Felix kissed her hand. It was too easy for him to calm her down at the moment. But it was nice. Though she hesitated a bit when he asked if she would be able to walk with him. But after a few moments she nodded. "Yes, I would like to. Though the walk can't too long because I need to take care of a few things afterwards."
    December 10th, 2016 at 09:52pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla looked up as he said her name and she frowned. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying very good attention. That is very rude of me." she said and tried a smile though he didn't seem convinced and she sighed. "I meet with a lord from Aldannia today. The country and it's people aren't doing so well. Neither is my father." she said and sighed. Camilla bit her bottom lip. "I... I guess I feel guilty for my pleasant time here when my country and my father need me. I know there is nothing I can do but I can't get it out of my head." she said honestly and wanted to honestly just curl up into a ball and cry again. Now that she had said it aloud it only made it worse. Camilla pushed her food away. "I am sorry again. I should go I am not decent company right now." she said and stood then curtsied. She was fully intending on leaving him to enjoy the dinner she was sure was divine and she was entirely wasting. "Thank you for your concern Nicholas." she said and smiled sadly her eyes to old with the weight of her concern. Camilla stepped out of the room and looked around not quite wanting to return to her room but not sure were else to go. She sighed and headed down the hall just wondering knowing she was more likely to get lost then anything seeing how she still didn't understand the castle.
    Felix nodded. "Well I am willing to just be an ear to listen or a bouncing board if you would like. I would like to help you with Aldannia in any way you see fit so please take full advantage. We can talk about it on our walk if you would like." he said and smiled. Once they had settled the matter for now he walked into the hall with her and pulled out her chair. He smiled at her then at his parents. He sat in his chair and then began to eat as the food was presented to him. Felix wondered what problems were worrying her so about her land. He was sure there were plenty of things that needed to be addressed after the end of the war that she had to leave in other hands because she was here. He was looking to change all of that though. He had toughly convinced his father that he and Charlotte needed to spend a lot more time in Aldannia because it was part of his rule and he needed to gain the peoples trust especially after the war. So it seemed they were going to be spending a lot more time there.
    December 11th, 2016 at 12:15am
  • @ Jinx...
    Nicolas stayed where he was for a few moments as he thought about what Camilla had just said to him. But soon he got onto his feet and quickly followed Camilla out of the dining room. As he watched her walk down one of the hallways, Nicolas ran after her. He grabbed her hand, pulling Camilla into him as he wrapped his arms around her. Maybe it was too much but he could tell that she was hurting, and Nicolas wanted to at least show that he cared. "I am sorry that you feel this way." Nicolas told her gently. "And I wish there was something that I could do to help you. But I would be lying if I said it would have been best if you were at home with your country. Because I have enjoyed my time with you, and I want you to stay here with me. Though if there is any way that I can help you with this issue, please let me know." He slowly pulled out of the hug and pressed his hands against her cheeks. His eyes looked down into hers. "And Camilla, I understand if what you want is space, but please never feel the need to leave for me because you are upset. I want to be there for you, and I want to hear about your issues if you want to talk to me. I want us to be in a full relationship, and that includes both the good and bad times."
    Charlotte stayed quiet for the first half of the meal. For the most part the King and Queen seemed to speak about thei days and the affairs of certain aspects of the kingdom. Though it was probably for the best since Charlotte's thoughts were mostly lost with Aldannia. She felt as if she was not doing enough for them even though she had only been there a week. However when there was a lull in the conversation, Charlotte looked up at the Queen, smiling warmly at her. "If you are free, I would like to have afternoon tea tomorrow. I think that it would be nice for us to talk, and also speak about planning the wedding." Even with everything going on, she needed to move forward with these matters. It was important that she continued to provide time for the Queen and the wedding.
    December 11th, 2016 at 01:31am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla looked up as Nickolas took her hand. She gasped as he spun her into him. She gripped his shirt in her hands and rested her head against his chest listening to his heart beat. She closed her eyes letting the sorrow fill her and then letting it slip away as he squeezed it from her in his hug. She smoothed out his shirt as he started to pull away. Camilla wished he hadn't let go. She dropped her hands looking up at him as his hand cupped her cheek and he spoke. She swallowed back more tears and looked down. "Really the bad too? Even if it gets really bad?" she asked and didn't dare look up. It was her divided alliances that was tearing her up. If she could give her sister this one last loyalty and still keep Nicholas then perhaps she would be okay. Her two worlds were clashing and the only way she knew how to deal with it was to give what she had promised then to promise herself a new. Camilla didn't know if Nicholas could ever understand that though. She wrapped her arms around her waist and bit her lip anxiously awaiting his answer.
    Felix smiled as Charlotte started to talk to his mom. He was glad that even though she had so much on her mind she was still going through with what they had talked about earlier. He smiled at the top most important women in his life and glanced at his father who looked at them approvingly. He seemed pleased with the progress of the princess.

    Queen Aziza smiled as Charlotte addressed her about the wedding. "I will make time for you my dear." she said and smiled. "I am so pleased to hear you say that. I am so excited to see you and my son wed. It would be a privilege and an honor to plan it with you my dear." she said and reached across the table giving her wrist a gentle squeeze before continuing to eat. "Have you decided a season you would best like your wedding in?" she asked and smiled. "I will speak with the king if you need a little more time for the changing of seasons or longer planning time." she said and winked at her husband who rolled his eyes with a huge smile. She touched his hand and he took hers kissing it. They were not without reason here and she would show that to Princess Charlotte.
    December 11th, 2016 at 07:39am
  • @ Jinx...

    "Yes, even if it is really bad." Nicolas said immediately. There was no doubt in his mind that Camilla could come talk to him despite the situation. Surely there was always something that they could do to make it better even if they could not fix the situation themselves. Besides it would be better for them to talk and work out their issues than to keep it bottled up inside. Nicolas wanted a real relationship with her. With that done, Nicolas pulled Camilla back into his arms as he rested his head on top of hers. He closed his eyes as he just held her for a few long moments. Though he started to speak again. "Do you want to talk about it more, or is there something else that you would like to do?" He was not going to force Camilla to talk about it if she didn't want to. But he wasn't going to just let the situation go without them doing something to make her feel better.
    "Thank you," Charlotte smiled warmly at Queen Aziza. The woman was certainly charming. Though when asked what season she wanted the wedding to be, Charlotte looked over at Felix for a moment and smiled. Her eyes then went back to the Queen. "Yes I have. I think that winter will be the best time to have the wedding." Even though most weddings were done in the spring or summer in Aldannia, Charlotte liked the idea of having it during the winter instead. But Felix seemed interested in having it in that season too.
    Charlotte finished up her food and set down her silverwear. Though she looked up at the Queen to see if there was anything else she wanted to ask before tomorrow. It would be interesting having tea with her. She wondered if she would want to talk about anything besides the wedding.
    December 11th, 2016 at 02:23pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla sighed as he drew her back into his arms. She rested against him closing her eyes. "I don't want to talk about it. The only thing we can do is talk to the king and queen when they return but for tonight I just want to spend some time with you. I... I need a friend." she said and though they eventually would be more than friends for now she considered them to be friends. Camilla sighed. "You should eat though you had a long day." she said though she didn't think she could stand to eat still. "You eat and after we can just sit and be close for a little while." she said knowing she couldn't keep him to long.
    Queen Aziza smiled and nodded. "Oh it will be beautiful." she said and smiled then continued to eat. Felix grinned and winked at Charlotte. "I am quite looking forward to hearing about what you two come up with." he said and relaxed back as he finished his dinner. Felix watched Charlotte and gained as she looked back at him. He liked this between his family and her. It felt casual and yet close, it felt like a family.
    December 11th, 2016 at 10:05pm
  • @ Jinx...

    Nicolas shook his head. "I can eat later. Let's head to the library." He said before heading to the library with her. There was a place there that he knew would be perfect for them. Once they were inside, he brought her to the very back and opened up a small wooden door. Inside the room was a large fireplace, a few chairs and huge windows looking outside. It was just a nice comfortable place to read. After lighting and tending to the fire, Nicolas sat down on the love seat and pulled her into his body. He wrapped his arms around her, having Camilla lean into him.
    Once everyone was done eating, Charlotte stood up. She turned to Aziza. "I look forward to our tea tomorrow." Charlotte said warmly before turning to Felix. "Should we head out on our walk?" Charlotte said as she walked over to Felix and lightly took his hand. Even with everything she needed to do tonight, Charlotte wanted to take the time with Felix. Hopefully it would calm her down a bit before having to go back to work. And it was odd how Felix sent her heart into a frenzy.
    December 11th, 2016 at 10:56pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla shook her head. "You should really..." she gasped as he started to lead her away and she looked back at the dinning doors. "Take care of yourself." she said softly. Camilla smiled as they walked into the library. She liked the library, always had. When he opened a room she never saw before her eyes widened and she bit her lip looking around as he lite the fire. It was amazing and beautiful in a simple way and she loved it. When he sat down she moved next to him and giggled as he pulled her into him. She smiled softly and laid her head on his shoulder closing her eyes as she breathed him in with the smell of smoke on his skin. "Thank you." she said and looked up at him then kissed his cheek. She sighed and then laid her head back down. "Tell me more about you and your life Nicholas." she said softly wanting to listen to him talk. He had a beautiful voice.
    Felix smiled and nodded. "Yes." he said and stood bowing to his parents as they left. He smiled as he walked out into the gardens. "Aww the night is always so beautiful and full of possibilities." he said and looked at her taking her hand gently in his. "So how are you? What's on your mind?" he asked and looked at her as they walked at a leisurely pace. He wanted to seriously be of help to her and to her country. "I also have some good news but first let us put your mind at ease." he said and smiled at her then looked up at the moon it was beautiful and half full tonight.
    December 11th, 2016 at 11:12pm
  • @ Jinx...

    Nicolas shifted on the couch until they were both comfortable. He looked down at Camilla, smiling softly as he watched her relaxed face. It was nice being able to impact Camilla in such a positive way, especially with the way she had been acting only minutes earlier. Though while he may be able to solve her problem, at least he could made her feel better. His hand moved up to her hair, lightly running his fingers through is mindlessly as he thought of what to tell her first. There was a lot he could tell her about, but he wanted it to be something she would enjoy. "Well, let me tell you a bit about this room." He said before looking off into the fire. "When I was younger, this room was completely hidden by a bookshelf and it seemed that no one in the castle knew that this room was here. After all this castle is rather old. Anyways I got into a lot of trouble when I was younger and one day I was trying to run away from my governess. And for some reason I thought that I could fit in between the wall and the bookshelf. Well...I knocked over that bookshelf and the one in front of it. There was a huge mess. But, this room was discovered and turned into a reading room."
    Charlotte smiled at Felix softly before looking up at the sky. It would be nice if he was able to ease her mind. Though she couldn't tell him what was truly bothering her. It would create a stop to her plans and make it basically impossible for her country to be its own again...Plus she would lose Felix and that would not be preferable if she did end up marrying him. And she didn't want him to hate her either. So instead she started to talk about another issue she was having. "Things back in Aldannia are...troubling." Charlotte sighed softly. "The advisors I put into place to keep me detailed on what is happening have been writing about concerning situations. Some of the nobles are making it difficult for them to do their job due to personal issues with the advisors. And well I am glad to know it is not an attack on my leadership, it is causing problems for me. Also they have been giving me updates on my father who seems to not be doing so well..." Charlotte grew quiet for a moment before dropping her head a bit. "And I miss my sister. I do not know how she is doing with her fiancee or her new home. I am concerned that Prince Nicolas may be...unkind."
    December 12th, 2016 at 12:09am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla smiled as he started to speak feeling as if she could start to put with how he was running his hand through her falling braids. She smiled and let her hair down so his hand could move through her hair more. She chuckled as he finished his story. "That's cute." she said and looked up at him. "I also made my governess very upset all the time but I would run into the maze behind the castle and loose them in there." she said and smiled. "I loved to run around barefoot and it would drive them all mad." she said and chuckled as she pulled her legs into the chair with her and cuddled more into Nicholas.
    Felix listened to Charlotte and nodded. There were all valid points that did need to be addressed and would be better felt with in person. "Aww well when we have trouble with the nobles we have them come to us and we see what we can resolve and then we remind them who is in charge even if it is someone that was left in charge it was still done by you and if you respect your rule and trust you have their best interest in mind they will back down." He said and bit his lip."Your sister is in good hands. When Embernia and Vieana met to negotiate our alliance I meet Nicholas for our fathers though it good for us to continue the alliance well after they have passed. He is quiet but when he speaks there is a wisdom and a reserve there that are true indicators of the great king he will be." Felix comforted. "As for your father I am sure the stress of loosing both his daughters and seeing his country in such a shape is hard. We will just have to visit him." he said. "That is my good news. My father agreed that it is important that your country know me as well as my country will know you. So we will be spending a lot of time there over the first few years of our relationship, a little less then we do here but none the less quite a considerable amount." he said and smiled. "Starting in about a month or so." he said and smiled at her more. "What do you think, will that help?" he asked.
    December 12th, 2016 at 04:41am
  • @ Jinx...

    Nicolas let out a small chuckle as he thought about Camilla running away from her governess."Well no wonder you keep trying to get away from you tutor now." He teased her lightly. "Though now I am wondering why I do not see you running through the castle without your shoes on." Nicolas looked down at her with a warm smile before leaning down and kissing her gently on the head. Though he pulled away to start playing with her hair, now that it was completely out of the braid. "Perhaps we should get you a maze to try and hide from the tutor." He joked. "However, she is quite smart and determined. I do think she would find you before the hour was up."
    Charlotte listened to Felix quietly, giving him small nods to when she thought he had given her rather good points. Though she really started to feel better when Felix spoke about Camilla's fiancee. If Felix actually did like Nicolas, that meant that there was a good chance he was a good man who would be kind to her sister. Though if he was not, Charlotte was sure send Hell to the man. But when her head basically snapped up when Felix spoke of her returning home. For a moment she was in complete shock, but when it finally seemed to really process, Charlotte jumped right into Felix's arms. She wrapped her arms around him as she buried her face into his neck. "Yes!" She tightened her grip onto Felix and she could feel a few tears start to fall from her eyes. "Thank you so much Felix! Thank you! You are amazing!" When she was sent off, Charlotte thought that she wouldn't even be able to see her home in the next year. So she was beyond ecstatic that Felix had managed to get them to go a few times throughout the year. "This means the world to me." Charlotte whispered to him.
    December 12th, 2016 at 04:57am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla giggled. "Well I guess I don't feel like I should here when I am trying to earn the respect of the nobles and the people here. If they saw me being so reckless what would they think of me as their future queen?" she asked and frowned nervous about filling those big shoes. She grinned when he kissed her head and she turned so he could easily play with her hair. It was oddly intimate but she liked how it felt as it sent shivers down her arms. She giggled as he suggest putting in a maze. "I think she might indeed find me within an hour. Of course I did not grow up in this hypothetical maze." she said and winked. "Take me back home and I will show you how to loose the most trained hunter." she said and giggled thinking how much she wanted to go home even if just for a little while. "Nicholas?" she spoke softly.
    Felix smiled seeing her relax. He stopped as she did. She seemed to be frozen before the most genuine smile he had ever seen spread onto her face. He grinned as she tossed her arms around him and he embraced her twirling her around as he spun grinning. He stopped and chuckled. "Anything for you my dear." he said and kissed her cheek. "I truly want this to work and it can't unless I realize you are a queen who has to take care of her kingdom as well if not maybe always first." he said and smiled. He understood because he was to be king and he was not daft or arrogant enough to think women could not lead if it was needed. He knew it had to hard considering all those fools that didn't believe women could actually rule.
    December 12th, 2016 at 05:21am
  • @ Jinx...

    "Yes, maybe you should not be running around without your shoes on then." Nicholas said with a chuckle. Though he started to think about the maze that Camilla had back at him. While he had never really dealt with mazes, Nicolas was curious as to how long he would be able to find her. Perhaps it would be a fun game for them to place when they did return to Aldannia. He would give her time to hide, and then Nicolas would try to find her if he could. While he was not the most trained hunter, Nicolas did think that he had a chance in winning. Though his thoughts quickly went away when Camilla said his name. Nicolas looked down at her thoughtfully. "Yes Camilla?" He asked her gently.
    Charlotte pulled out of Felix slightly when he leaned down to kiss her. She smiled up at him so wide that it started to hurt her cheeks. Though she couldn't stop herself from doing it. Right now she was just too blown away by the fact that she was going to be able to head home. Plus she actually did love the fact that Felix would be going along with her to try and win the people. It just showed how much he actually wanted this to work. Without hesitation, Charlotte leaned forward, kissing him on the cheek before hugging him close to her again. "Thank you again, Felix. This is just so important for me and being able to go back sometimes will help me maintain my rule, my country and my father." After a few long moments, Charlotte pulled out, but she moved her hands down to intertwine with his fingers. "You will love Aldannia when you see it."
    December 12th, 2016 at 05:34am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla giggled. Him telling her it wasn't a good idea only made her want to even more but she knew she had to refrain from some things. She sighed relaxing into his touch. "Well you see my sister was so worried about who the man I was betrothed to, that he might be... well not like you. And she as she always has worried about Aldannia. She... well what she did is not important. But the point is that I hope you realize that I am a loyal person, to a fault at times, and I owe something to my sister I intend to repay but probably not in the way she expected. But when I want you to know is that once that is done that is all. My loyalty will be to you Nicholas and to Vieana. I want you to know that is were I want to be and it isn't easy. I love my country and I mourn for my peoples pain and the struggles of my family but I can't live divided." she said and turned to him. "Is that right for me to turn from them even if they need me?" she asked softly looking at him hoping he had some wisdom for such an occasion as this.
    Felix smiled and nodded. "Of course. What is important to you is important to me." he said and took her hand in his and kissed it before they started to walk again. He smiled and nodded. "I have seen the land and it is beautiful. I am excited to meet the people and see the culture." he said as he looked at her wondering if she caught that and if it bothered her that he had been such a big part of the war. He had gone not as the prince but as a fellow warrior. He was determined never to start a war he wasn't willing and able to fight in himself with was why he went to war when ever his country did. It was his belief that if he did that he would value life and despise war. He believe there were times of necessity for it but unlike his father he was not looking to expand his country, just protect it, every part of it even the new parts. Felix hoped Charlotte would understand that. He worried about their ruling styles matching. "Charlotte may I ask you how you rule Aldannia? I want to know what principles lead you to how you lead your country." he said.
    December 12th, 2016 at 06:03am
  • @ Jinx...

    Nicolas stayed quiet as he listened to Camilla speak. From what she was saying, he had a lot of questions to ask her, like what did she owe her people and why did she feel the need to choose one over the other? Though Nicolas also got the feeling that it may not be the best to ask, and that he may not want to know the answer to his questions either. So when Camilla asked him what he thought, he let out a low hum, taking a moment to think about how to respond. But finally he started to speak. "If you can avoid having to choose a side, that would probably be the best. I would not want you to feel like you have to choose between me and your family." He told her gently. "I do not understand the situation as to why you feel the need to pick...But if you must, you should think hard about who you want to choose. As much as I would want you to pick me, you should consider that your sister is your family and that Aldannia will always be your home" Nicolas paused before continuing. "And while you should not turn on those who need your help, you should also not bend your morals or values either. If they are asking you to do something that you feel uncomfortable with, why don't you try to help in another way besides turning away from them?"
    Charlotte had been aware of Felix's comment and in a normal situation it would not have sat well with her. Though she was simply too overjoyed about the news, and the fact that Felix had done it, to be upset with what he had said. Charlotte moved one hand over her heart as she tried to calm herself down a bit. It was beating so quickly that Charlotte was unsure that it would ever be able to slow down again. Though when he asked about her ruling style, Charlotte smiled warmly at him. "For the most part, I think about what solution would most protect Aldannia or make our citizens or nobles happy. And then from that, I decide on what the crown could actually give or do to fix that issue, if it is something that we should get involved in at all. I want my people to be safe and happy, and to be proud in our country. And I will do anything in order to protect them. Why do you ask?"
    December 12th, 2016 at 06:23am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla frowned. He was right she shouldn't compromise her morals and values but it was her sister asking and she owed it to her. "I have already thought hard about it." she said and took his hand squeezing it gently. "This is the only way I can see it working out." she said and shook her head. "Maybe I'm wrong but I need to try and I... I am just glad that even when it gets tough that you'll be there wanting to work it out with me." she said and turned to him. "It might have only been a short time since we met Nicholas but none the less I respect admire and care for you." she said softly hoping that he understood and in the end he wouldn't't be to furious to never be able to forgive her.
    Felix nodded as he listened to her talk. He relaxed knowing his style was probably a bit more complicated than that but he was receive to know she wasn't the opposite of him. He smiled when she asked why he asked. "Well I asked because I want our countries to be great and we have to do that together. You see my father has a very... different view on how to rule this land and he believes he is a superior ruler. I have no such beliefs." he said and shrugged. "So as you can imagine I am wanting to change quite a few things upon my rule... our rule." he said and smiled at her.
    December 12th, 2016 at 09:14pm