Conflicting Castles (Closed)

  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Nicolas interlocked his fingers with hers. He was rather concerned about what the exact situation she was talking about entailed. Though Nicolas felt like it wasn't his place to ask yet. Plus he was rather sure that she would have told him if she wanted him to know at this point. "And I also admire and respect you." He told her gently, giving Camilla a light smile. "And if you think that this is something that you have to do, I am sure that both I and your family will understand that." At least he hoped that they would. He couldn't promise that he would, but considering what he knew about Camilla, he felt like it wasn't something horrible. It was probably something a bit uncomfortable at worse.
    Charlotte gave Felix a half smile as she listened to his words. She thought it was interesting the way that he described his father's way of ruling. Though she was glad when Felix mentioned that there were a few things that he wanted to change. "Well, one day we should talk about how we want to rule together." It wasn't a horrible idea anymore, them ruling side by side. And she believed that Felix would truly be an amazing ruler. Though still having a joint rulership would cause her and her country to make certain sacrifices, and while he would need to do the same, Charlotte still doubted that was the best for either of them or their countries. But it would be interesting to be the Queen of two countries.
    December 12th, 2016 at 10:22pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla frowned. "I really hope so." she said and sighed. "Nicholas thank you for listening..." she said glad also he didn't ask any questions she couldn't answer. Camilla realized that she would have to plead with her sister not to use the information she was sending to harm anyone. She didn't want to loose Nicholas or betray her new country and though Nichols didn't believe she needed to choose she did. There was no way she could be entirely loyal to Vieana if she was still spying for Aldannia and that was all she could do for her country here. She could still be an ally to her country and support it but only after the best thing for Vieana was done. Camilla looked up at him and cupped his cheek. "You are absolutely amazing." She said and then gently pressed her lips to his her arms wrapping around his neck. She had never though she would yearn to kiss someone so like she did with Nicholas and she had never imagined she would be brave enough to actually initiate it but she could tell Nicholas was letting her take the pace more than he was.
    Felix smiled and nodded. "I agree but perhaps not tonight." he said stating the obvious. He slowly started to circle them back towards the castle. "I am pleased that you are so happy to return home though I shouldn't have expected any less." he chuckled and looked back at her. "Charlotte is there anything else you need to talk about? I want to be sure you are feeling relieved before I escort you back to your room." he said and looked at her stopping amongst the roses.
    December 13th, 2016 at 07:22am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Nicolas smiled against Camilla's lips before slowly rewrapping his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. His hands pressed against her back, and the the side of her waist. He had not expected this, but it was quite pleasant. And since there seemed to be some attraction between them already, Nicolas had great hope in the future for their romantic life. It just wouldn't be as good if they just didn't have the spark, that they did clearly have. Though after a bit, Nicolas slowly pulled away from her soft lips. He kept his face close to hers as he looked back into her eyes. "So, I guess you feel better then?" Nicolas asked her with a low chuckle.
    As they stopped, Charlotte looked over at the roses. She took the moment to think if there was anything else that she really wanted to tell him tonight. There was so much that she wanted to talk about, and to ask him. Though portions of it just seemed wrong to ask him, or too soon, while others would just take long conversations. Besides, Charlotte was happy with how today had gone and felt no need to add on top of that. So she turned back to Felix, taking his hand again with a smile. "No. Though I do feel much better after talking to you. It is a relief to hear that Princes Nicolas is a good man, and I am ecstatic that we both will be going to Aldannia. Plus being there will allow me to check up on my father and speak to some of the nobles."
    December 13th, 2016 at 11:06pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla chuckled lightly as she looked up at him and he asked if she was feeling better. She wanted to say more so if he kept kissing her but it was to brass of a statement. "Better than before yes." she said and laid he head on his shoulder curled up into him. "I should let you sleep." she said and smiled at him. "You had a long day and another tomorrow." she said and took his hand in hers her fingertips moving around his palm as she made no move to let him up or to leave. Camilla was to comfortable and really she wanted more time with him. She selfishly wanted to take all the time with him she could get because he eased the pain that sat in her chest.
    Felix nodded. "Good I am pleased to hear it." he said and kissed her hand then lead them back towards the castle. Once inside he slowly walked with her back to her room. "It has been a wonderful day with you Charlotte." he said and leaned in kissing her cheek. "Sleep tight." he said and then slowly backed up watching her go into her room before he left to return to his own chambers. He smiled thinking of how happy she had been to return home even if she could not stay permanently. He was hoping these trips would help her to see they could be stronger together is she left him in. Felix knew that she didn't need him in her courts but he wanted to be there anyways as her husband to be.
    December 15th, 2016 at 05:28pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Nicolas chuckled a bit at Camilla's actions and words. She may say that he should go to bed but yet still Camilla stayed on his lap. He smiled at her before leaning down to lightly kiss her on the lips again. "I don't not believe that you want me to leave quite yet." He said softly. "And I do not wish to either. Besides tomorrow is my last long day and I will be back to my regular schedule. Though the day after tomorrow, I do have most of the day off if you would like, I want to spend the day with you." Nicolas kissed her against her soft cheek before trailing kisses back to her lips and then kissing her deeply once he reached them. While he wanted to wait for Camilla to respond, he also wanted to keep his lips against her soft and warm ones. He just couldn't get enough of her.
    Charlotte let out a small hum of content as she walked into the room. Today had been a fantastic day, starting with the stables and ending with wth walk through the gardens. It didn't take her long to realize that Felix was quickly becoming the highlight of her days. He seemed to always be there for her and he really did try to make her happy there with him. Thinking about this made Charlotte want to put her plans on hold, Just for a day or so she could fully appreciate her time with Felix without the gross feeling of betrayal. But her country was too important to wait even a day or so. So Charlotte sat down and wrote letters to her advisors, some of the nobles and her father. Though she saved the best letter before bed:

    Dearest sister,

    It has been almost two weeks in Embernia and I am pleased with how it has gone. Though first let me assure you I have been well received and well treated by their prince. Prince Felix is nothing like I had imagined him to be. Felix is warm hearted and kind, and I have been truly lucky to have found someone who cares about my happiness here. Though I have been missing home greatly and I always think of you and it everyday. I still haven't stopped believing that that is where I truly belong despite the happiness that I have found here. However, I do have some good news. Prince Felix had arranged for us to return to Aldannia in a month's time. I hope that you may come join us so that I may see you again and meet your fiancée. Please write soon.

    Your loving sister,
    December 15th, 2016 at 05:56pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla smiled as Nicholas pointed out that she didn't seem to really want him to leave. When he said he didn't want to leave either she beamed and kisses him back as his lips gently met hers. His lips drifted to her cheek as he asked if she would spend the day with him on his day off. "I would love to." She said and smiled before gasping softly as his lips moved down her cheek to her lips. The sensation made her belly twist and jump with desire and excitement. She had barely gotten the words out before his lips had met hers. Camilla ran her hand into his hair her body reaching to his every touch. She could get lost in him. Camilla knew this was becoming to much but she didn't want to stop. She ran her hand from his hair to the back of his neck her other hand moving up his arm to his chest gripping his shirt .
    Felix smiled as he walked to his room. He has seen her flowers in her room and it was just about time to get new ones for her. He smiled thinking of flower combinations as he walked into his room dressing for bed. Felix smiled to himself as he got in bed. Felix grinned as he slowly fell asleep.
    The next morning he got ready and then went to breakfast his father there already eating as he looked over some papers. Felix sat beside his father and they talked about the country on the other side of them. "What do you mean that they are reconsidering the alliance?" He asked. "It's because of Princess Charlotte. They don't think she is the right fit for you and they worry she will wage war against them when she rules by your side." His father said and Felix shook his head. "That's nonsense! She is not like that and if they have such issue then maybe we should go visit." He said and his father nodded. "My sensements exactly." He said and Felix frowned. "I won't rescedual the trip to Aldannia. She needs that." He said and his father frowned. "We could be looking at war or danger from the Hadians." He said. Felix shook his head. "Then we will deal with that when it comes. I could loose my fiancees trust or worse. I will not deny her a trip home even if it is shorter." He said and his father sighed. "Very well I will allow it but the consiquencies are on your head." He said and Felix nodded finishing eating then walking out.
    December 15th, 2016 at 08:37pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Nicolas slowly pulled away from Camilla once the kiss was becoming too intense. He knew that he wanted her, but there was a limit that he had to hold himself at until they knew each other a bit better. Plus he had the feeling that Camilla was getting lost in it all. Though as he pulled away, Nicolas smiled down at her with a goofy look on his face, clearly pleased with how their time had gone. He kissed her forehead gently before slowly moving himself and Camilla to their feet. "We both should head off to bed now." He said softly as he offered Camilla his arm. "And I won't be able to see you until before dinner tomorrow. Though the next day we shall have all to ourselves." Nicolas was beginning to form a plan for what they should do with their day off. He wanted to make sure that Camilla would enjoy herself.
    Due to Charlotte staying up late, she had slept in which caused her to miss breakfast. And after that she had her morning lesson on Emberia, which was something Charlotte could not afford to miss. By the time she was finally free to eat, it was lunch, which Charlotte normally took by herself while going over documents that her advisors sent from home. Nearly everyday she was getting letters from different nobles too who still wanted the princess to hear their concerns. Though Charlotte really wished they would just go to her bloody advisors or her father! But from the letters it seemed that her father wasn't doing much.
    By the end of lunch, Charlotte was excited for her break with the Queen. She made her way to afternoon tea with a small smile on her face. Talking to the Queen and beginning to plan the wedding wouldn't be nearly as painstaking as dealing with the nobles. When she got home Charlotte was sure she would be ready to reprimand them all.
    December 15th, 2016 at 08:56pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla panted softly looking up at him with his goofy smile and she couldn't help but smile back. He was quite please with himself over making her quite flustered. She bit her lip because it only made her want him more and it only made her want to kiss that smirk off his face and leave him as breathless as she was. She closed her eyes as he kissed her head then stood with him. Camilla took his arm because she wasn't quite sure when the room would stop spinning. She nodded in agreement thinking perhaps sleep would wipe away the glorious daze that she was in. Camilla nodded. "I understand." she said and then smiled. "I will enjoy our day together." she said and smiled at him as they made their way out of the room. They walked the quiet halls and she realized this was perhaps the latest she had ever been up in the castle. She looked around and then up at Nicholas. Even the sight of him had a calming effect that she couldn't pin point were it came from or why she felt that way with him.
    The queen came down to tea with a string of maids following her arms full of things. She smiled and greeted Charlotte with a hug. "My dear." she said and kissed her cheek as she pulled back and sat. "I thought we could jump right into planning with decorations after some short details about time and such things." she said and took the tea that was poured for her and she sipped it softly. "My husband wants the marriage within the year but I told him it takes longer to plan a wedding and he is willing to wait one more year." she said and looked at Charlotte. "Unless you are wanting to be wed sooner." she said and smiled. "I know Felix is quite the looker." she said and grinned proudly like any mama would boasting about their child. "Where would you like to start dear?" she asked smiling clearly excited for not only the planning but the marriage as well.
    December 16th, 2016 at 04:54pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Nicolas brought Camilla to her bedroom door and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Goodnight Camilla. I wil see you before dinner tomorrow." He waited until Camilla moved inside her room, and then went to his own. Tomorrow was going to be chaos against until his parents got home. Some of the nobles wanted to try and test him before the King and Queen arrived. They wanted to see how far they could push him. It was typically of nobles to do that when others were left in charge, espcially if it was the future heir. They wanted to see how he would really lead. So once Nicolas got to his room, he crashed quickly in order to be prepared for the day to come.
    Charlotte smiled up at Aziza when she came in. There was just something about the Queen who brought in a warm, welcoming presence. Though Charlotte was rather glad when the wedding was pushed a bit farther back. "Felix is quite the looker." Charlotte agreed with a light laugh. "But an extra year of planning would be welcomed. Especially since the end of the year is already coming up rather quick." Royal engagements were typically much longer than hers and Felix's. Many were engaged since they were children, which allowed for many years between the announcement and the wedding. Plus with everything going on, her and the Queen could certainly use the extra time to plan. "And I was thinking we could start with the colors of the wedding and then move onto the flowers." Charlotte then began to explain how the wedding should mostly embrace the season they were in, winter, but also have accent colors from both of their houses to show the unity of not only her and Felix but also their countries.
    December 16th, 2016 at 05:11pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    "Night Nicholas." she whispered and touched her hand to her hear before she moved into her room. She smiled and thanked the person that helped her dress for bed. She want to sleep easily enough though her mind and dreams filled with Nicholas. It was perhaps a good thing that the wedding would be soon.
    The next morning Camilla dressed and then sat at her desk a lone and looked down at the paper on her desk. She had ordered that no one was to disturb her. So when she saw the key on the paper she began to write and then fill in words around it. She told her sister of the struggle for water and food up in the north of the lands but lastly she pleaded with her sister to have mercy and not use the information because the people were hungry and Nicholas was a good man. Camilla sighed once she had finished the letter and safely hid away the key. She sealed the letter and sent word for the merchant that would be delivering the letter to her sister. Once that work was done she began her studies and soon her tutor was there to quiz her. She was ready for the nobles in her teacher's option when the king and queen returned. Camilla smiled at the praise her teacher gave her.
    Aziza smiled and nodded. "Yes i like it." she said and signaled to one of the maids who brought the color palette over and they began to go through the colors. Once they had picked the colors other such things were easy. When they came to the flowers Aziza beamed. "Walk with me." she said and they walked to the gardens. "Many of the flowers that are in bloom during the winter are not affected by weather change. Things like cartoons and lilies. But Flowers have a huge meaning in our country and picking the bouquet will be the most difficult because all of the country will see that as your promise to our country and to Felix." she said and walked into a small greenhouse were on the walls were flattened and preserved flowers. Aziza stopped and touched a corner of a frame. "Starting here and all the way to the back are the flowers that are in bloom. The most beautiful are perhaps the roses and orchids. They also have simple meanings that will measure those onlooking that you are here to love this country and their king to be but will also produce a heir." she said and smiled softly no judgement or pressure coming from her only the facts.
    December 16th, 2016 at 05:50pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Nicolas relaxed into the throne as the nobles continued in with their issues and concerns. They all were pushing him to go one way or another, challenging him that they hadn't the previous days. It was much easier for them to act as such when they knew it was his last day as ruler for quite some time. Though Nicolas stood his ground on many of his decisions today, refusing to let the nobles see him yield to their requests. Even in certain circumstances, Nicolas had to stand strong next to decisions that he didn't agree with, just to prove a point to them. The last few days he showed that as future ruler, he was willing to listen and compromise to do what was best for his country. Today, however, he had to show that Nicolas was also going to be a strong ruler that should not be pushed too far, and that he would also have to do what was best for the crown sometimes.
    By the end of the day, Nicolas was rather exhausted with what the nobles had put him through. And he quietly made his way to Camilla.
    Charlotte was quiet as she listened to Aziza. She had no idea that flowers were so important in Emberia. And knowing that made it a lot harder to decide what types she actually wanted there. It was especially difficult since Charlotte had no idea if her plan to get back to Aldannia would be in motion before the wedding, and Charlotte didn't want to be seen as a liar and backstabber to a whole country. It was easier to pull out of something when it was her father that had forced the promise, not when she made the promise herself. She would need to be careful when ultimately picking them. "If that is the case, I will need more time to decide which flowers should be there." Charlotte told the Queen softly as she looked over at some of the roses. She took a moment before continuing on. "I want to make sure that it says the right thing, and the right promise to Felix and Emberia." Because of Felix, Charlotte only wanted the best for him and his country. And she wanted to show that, but she didn't want to make promises that she had no intentions of keeping. Besides, Charlotte simply did not love Emberia, but she did care for Felix, which was the only reason she was willing to go much softer on them than she originally planned.
    December 16th, 2016 at 06:13pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla looked up from her studies as she heard a knock on the door. She had gotten dressed for dinner early because of how absorbed she was getting in her reading. Camilla held the book to her chest and opened the door smiling as she saw Nicholas. "Nicholas." she said his name softly and smiled pressing a piece of leather into the book. She set it to the side. "Would you like to come in?" she asked blushing softly. It was odd for her to see him so soon before dinner and she worried something had happened and he was ending comfort. But would he really come to her in a time of need? She really hoped so. Camilla smiled and opened the door wider. She took his hand gently her fingers easily falling into place between his.
    Aziza smiled and nodded. "It is indeed the most consuming so I understand your desire for more time. Myself or Felix would be happy to walk you through each flower though we do have several books in the library on such a matter but it is not nearly as comprehensive as if you were to just ask." she said and touched Charlotte's hand. "Please feel free to ask. "Now I am sure Aldannia has more costumes on the dress then we do here. So I have a seamstress ready to take detailed notes about what you would like. She would like to get started promptly and take some measurements if you are willing." she said and beamed starting to move back out of the green house and towards were they had left their tea.
    December 16th, 2016 at 06:34pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Nicolas took her hand, holding onto it firmly. He had just needed to see Camilla for a little while in order to ease some of the difficulty of the day. For a moment, Nicolas looked inside before slowly walking in. "Do you have a little bit of time?" He asked her softly. Nicolas had no idea what she had planned for the day except for her studies. Though now that he thought about it, he should set her up with some meetings with the nobles. But he would make sure to have her sit with some that wouldn't be so harsh with her first. but anyways, he hoped that Camilla had some free time for him. "And if you do, maybe we should go somewhere else? I think it would be improper for me to be in your room, even if we are engaged."
    Charlotte nodded as she sat back down in her seat. "Yes, I think that it would be best. Aldannia does have a lot of customs when it comes to wedding dresses, and it will probably take her time to get some of the material needed." The wedding dresses in Aldannia were very complex pieces that often had very intricate detailing on it. Plus, since she would be the future leader of Aldannia, Charlotte had to ensure that certain parts of the dress came from certain areas of Aldannia. When she went home, she would also need to speak to her old seamstress about certain materials that she had held on from her mother's dress for Charlotte's wedding.
    December 16th, 2016 at 06:50pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla smiled. "Of course I have time for you Nicholas." she said and looked up at him a bit worriedly. He looked tired. She knew she shouldn't have kept him up so long last night. Camilla blushed as she thought about what Nicholas said. "Oh I see. In Aldannia those betrothed don't even touch before the wedding so entering personal chambers is not really a problem but I can see how it might be here." she said smiled sat on her bed putting on her shoes she had kicked off earlier in the day. She stood and then took Nicholas's hand again and then walked out with him. She bit her lip walking lightly with him. "Are you alright?" she asked looking up at him her hand gently touching his arm. She smiled softly at him her eyes searching his. She bit her lip gently and watched as he slowly started to change the longer they were together. She hoped that it was because he was comfortable with her.
    Aziza smiled and signalled to one of the women still waiting around the tea while they had left. "This is Paula. She has an excellent eye for detail and is a quick study. Upon your trip to Aldannia she could accompany to get a better understanding for your needs and gather any fabrics you might like." she said. Paula took her notepad out. "My princess how exactly would you like your dress to be made?" she asked and looked at Charlotte waiting for instructions she she could write them down to design later and then start working on it. They would need measurements later that night she would go get them while the princess was changing.
    December 16th, 2016 at 07:20pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Nicolas smiled softly at Camilla. "The nobles gave me a rough day today to test my limits and patience. They like to see how much they can get away with when the future heir is put in charge, or when someone else is asked to watch over when the King and Queen is gone. They are just trying to figure out how my rule will be, but it was unpleasant." Nicolas reached her hand up to her lips and lightly kissed the back of her palm. "So when it was over, I wanted to see you because you have always brightened my day after I have sent time with you." Nicolas voice was quiet and tired, but it was obvious that he meant what he had said.
    Charlotte looked over at Paula before giving her instructions on certain aspects of the dress. Though there was still a lot to go over even once they were finished speaking. The dressings were very complicated, and Charlotte knew that it would be best to bring Paula to Aldannia so she may see the dresses there and pick up the materials that Charlotte would need. And she would have to make sure that all the fabric used was actually from Aldannia, since that was going to be an important matter to her people. Once Paula headed off, Charlotte smiled over at Aziza. "I think that it would be best if she did come along on the trip. I also know that my seamstress at home has certain materials that need to be used in certain ways for the dress, and she would be able to explain it better than I can."
    December 16th, 2016 at 08:39pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla smiled as his lips met her skin and sh hugged his arm with one of hers trying to comfort him more. "Well I am very sorry to hear that and a little nervous too but I am sure you exceeded their expectations and did a wonderful job. You will be a great king Nicholas." she said and smiled. "I have to admit though that I am glad it was me you sought out at the end of this hard day." she said and smiled softly to him looking up into his beautiful eyes. They walked a ways and she took his hands pulling him out the doors. "You know what always makes me feel better?" she asked and smiled at him looking around. It seemed safe because only a couple of the servants were moving around completely preoccupied with their work. She went to the yard and stopped in the middle. "Do you trust me?" she asked and smiled at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
    Aziza smiled and nodded. "Very well. If there is any other staff that could learn something to make you more comfortable with your stay please feel free to have Felix take them with you." she said and finished her tea. "Alright Charlotte I feel we have gotten a good amount of work on the wedding done. I know I have left a lot for you to think about but please feel free to catch me anytime to talk about it. I am here to help." she said and stood kissing her cheeks again. "Take care Charlotte." she said and then left the maids looking to her. "Is there anything else you would like Princess?
    December 16th, 2016 at 09:48pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Nicolas looked down at Camilla. It suspiciously as he noticed the look in her eyes. "I trust you but I am also worried about what you have planned." He told her honestly. He was sure that Camilla could get them into quite a bit of trouble if she wanted too. Though he also believed that he would be able to get them out of anything that she came up with. Plus since they were outside, what she had planned really couldn't be too bad, right? "Do I need to close my eyes for this surprise?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow.
    Charlotte watched the Queen go before moving onto her feet. "No, there is not. You may go." She told the maid before making her way back to the greenhouse. Charlotte knew she could ask the Queen or Felix about the flowers' meanings, but she rather read it all in the books there were there and pick a bunch she liked before asking if there was more to the meanings or if they weren't true. It would be easier than bothering them about every single flower, and Charlotte really did plan on reading up on every single one she could choose from the greenhouse. It would just allow her to make the perfect combination of what she wanted to say. And it was nice that she had the time before dinner to do this.
    December 16th, 2016 at 10:07pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla giggled beaming. "No you can keep them open for now." she said and bit her lip stepping back. "Take off your shoes." she said smiling as she looked up at him. She waited until he started to pull them off then she took off her own wanting to throw them too but just setting them next to his. She giggled and took his hand. Once they were both barefoot in the grass she looked down. "Now scrunch your toes." she said and smiled watching as the grass was pulled under their feet. She smiled up at him and then looked around. "Now run!" she said and took his hand pulling on him before she started to out run him. She laughed and looked back at him. "Come on prince slowpoke!" she antagonized him and ran faster. She loved to run in the grass without her shoes on. She would probably have to change again for dinner or she could just show up like her normal self for once.
    Felix finished his work and huffed. He was still livid about the way their allies the Smeimqeins were behaving. The fact that they doubted his or his fathers judgment made him angry but then the threat of letting the Haidians take them over was what really out him over the top but he had to consider if he was really wanting to tell Charlotte and perhaps ruin her plans to go home. He knew she would say he was being foolish as his father believed but Felix was focusing on forging one alliance at a time and this time around he was trying to forge and alliance with Charlotte for Aldannia. Felix shook his head and saw his mother smiling. "Mother." he said and stopped her. "Son." she said and Felix asked her about the wedding plans. "They are going great! Charlotte is so amazing and I know the wedding will be nothing but." she said.
    December 16th, 2016 at 10:27pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Nicolas chuckled as Camilla bolted off. He quickly followed after her, but since she had caught him by surprise, she had quite the lead. Though it wasn't long until he caught up to the princess. And before Camila knew it, Nicolas moved in front of her, catching her into his arms and spinning her around a few times. Nicolas then held her in his arms bridal style. "Well hello." He said smoothly, smiling down at she brightly. Already Nicolas had forgotten about his day and was in quite a good mood. "If I would have known you were going to run off, I would have gotten ready to chase you."
    Charlotte looked through some of the pages and the flowers that corresponded with them before it was time to get ready for dinner. Thinking that no one would mind, Charlotte took the books with her and headed up to her room. After a quick change of clothes, Charlotte made her way down stairs and to the dining room. She was rather excited for the day to be over. Tomorrow was going to be great for her since she had nothing officially planned. Charlotte thought she would use the day to actually spy around the castle and talk to some of the nobles.
    December 16th, 2016 at 10:41pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Camilla laughed trying to run faster as she saw Nicholas catching up to her. She gasped seeing Nicholas but it was to late as she fell into him trying to stop. Camilla squealed gleefully as he picked her up spinning her. He took her into his arms and she wrapped her arms around his neck and giggled. "Hi." she said and shook her head. "It wouldn't have been any fun at all if you had known." she said and put her head back laughing in delight. She looked back at him still panting a little from the run. She pressed her forehead to his and heard some giggles. She looked up seeing a group of maids and she blushed madly. They only were saying how cute she and Nicholas were together but still it had been such an intimate moment between them reveling in their childlike spirits she felt odd being caught. Camilla giggled and kissed his cheek. "Better?" she asked though she could see it in his eyes. There was the lightness again.
    Felix smiled and kissed his mother's cheek. "Good." he said happy that at least their days had gone well. Felix smiled as he headed to his room and changed for dinner. He smiled thinking of Charlotte and was looking forward to seeing her. He knew their time would be short and he had to work again tomorrow because of the new situation. He was trying to figure out what to do. He needed to get Charlotte out amongst his people. That would help smooth somethings over once the rumors stopped.
    December 16th, 2016 at 11:46pm