Hell Above

  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Anya sighed hearing a familiar voice. She turned and saw Killian, "Oh great." She muttered to herself sighing before turning back to see the vampire. She listened to him before saying, "I'm aware. Thank you, though for you complete and utter lack of anything useful for me." She glared at him before kicking the vampire in the face with her combat boots. Hearing him she shook her head and said, "You know, some of us kind of have jobs and it just so happens this is mine, you know after you dropped me off there?" She shook her head before turning back to the vampire. Wiping her busted lip off, she smudged it on his forehead so he would be distracted and then she took her sword from her back and cut his head off sighing as he screamed in agony and fell down and was dead. "Now, I'll take my leave since my assignment is over." She turned and started to leave. She shook her head before turning back around and walking straight up to him, "Where do you get off telling me how to leave my life when I only just remember meeting you yesterday?" She sighed before looking down. "If you're going to suggest anything it might be that i might get a boyfriend, but oh who would be able to stand my lifestyle right?" She then laughed before saying, "Do me a favor and just leave me alone alright? I'm not my parents." Turning around Anya started to walk away from him.
    November 12th, 2016 at 11:24pm
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;

    "You are right, you are nothing like your parents." Killian told her before taking a step forward. "Because your parents knew that the true path to happiness was through harmony, and that included vampires. Though due to their deaths they were never able to teach you that." Killian folded his hands together. "I will continue to offer this to you until the day you die: I am willing and happy to teach you more about your parents and the ideals that they stood for. And I will let you ultimately make your decision on what you want to do with your life. Though if I run into you, even if you have not asked or do not want it, I will tell you what I think your parents would want me to. As much as I want to do right by you, I must also do right by them. I know this is not the life that they would have wanted for you." Killian took a step back, getting on the edge of the roof. "You have my number if you wish to call," he said before completely stepping off and landing on the ground smoothly.
    November 12th, 2016 at 11:32pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Anya sighed hearing him and shook her head. "Ya know maybe if you, or anyone else, hadn't abandoned me we wouldn't be having this conversation right now would we? And I'm sorry that having vampires kill my parents, the people who I will never to get to meet, has made me bitter and make me hate them." She told him before still walking hearing him speak. "No one asked you to do anything." She then threw a knife which embedded itself into the wall next to him. "Next time you come near me I will kill you and I won't hesistate. You will get no warning." She turned around once more and kept walking. She disappeared into the housetops before coming to a stop at the park. She sighed shaking her head and sitting down beside a tree and looking up at the sky. "Wouldn't it be so much simpler if I had died with you?" She whispered before shaking her head once more. Obviously he had no clue on how to talk to a 21 year old girl. She didn't understand how him saying that everything she was doing was wrong when it wasn't even her fault that she had been raised that way. Everything she had learned had been slammed into her head by every single one of the teachers at the academy. It wasn't her fault. It wasn't her fault they had made the best vampire killing machine in decades due to her hate for them.
    November 12th, 2016 at 11:39pm
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;

    Killian out a small sigh before heading off to his appointment. He had no idea what else to do with Anya. He wanted to talk to her and to help, but she didn't want to take it. Plus she was threatening his life and he had no death wish. It did make him wonder if he should actually leave her alone until she called him. But would that ever happen? And the last time he left Anya that clearly turned into a mess. Though Killian did still believe that he made the right choice in dropping her off at an orphanage. There was no way he would have ever been able to take care of her. Though maybe he should have done his research on it a bit better...But there would not have really been a way for him to know that it was a vampire assaination school. Throughout the day, Killian quietly debated on whether or not he should leave Anya alone. It was more of a matter on if he should respect her ability to make decisions or if he should try to push her to do what her parents would have wanted.
    December 30th, 2016 at 04:05am
  • Anya shook her head her head beginning to burn. She looked down seeing something stuck in her arm. She looked around pulling it out wincing in pain. She saw someone in front of her suddenly and she backed away, but quickly became aware of the fact that her balance was off and that she couldn't really see straight. "Who are you?!" She demanded, being met with a sinister laugh. He started to walk closer to her. "Don't come near me." She hissed shaking her head. She tried to see straight and suddenly he was in front of her crushing the airway of her esophagus off. She gasped for air, her vision beginning to fade, the edges turning black as she passed out from the lack of air. Falling limp, he let her body fall before picking it up knowing that he had to take it to his superiors. No one was a fan of this girl. The people who he was in kahoots with, had been the ones who had killed her family and they were determined to figure out what she knew about these things and wanted to see if she knew why they had killed her family. Slowly coming into it, Anya's eyes opened, her red hair falling all over her shoulders as she blinked wincing and groaning in pain.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    December 30th, 2016 at 04:12am
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;

    Killian headed back to his house, deciding to let Anya go for now. He didn't need to make a decision on what to do today. And if he wanted to go see her tomorrow, then he would go do that. So after a few hours of working and relaxation, Killian headed to bed. Luckily he only needed to sleep for a few hours. Though when he got up, Killian knew that he should go make his way to drink. After finding someone who would let him feed from them, Killian ate and then paid them for the meal. He wasn't some savage that just picked a victim and drank. After eating, Killian decided to go check up on Anya. While he wasn't planning on going inside, he wanted to at least see how she was doing. When he got to her apartment, Killain peeked inside to try and find her. Though it wasn't long until he realized no one was in there.
    December 31st, 2016 at 02:31am
  • A groan arose from her mouth feeling several new bruises that were appearing on her body. Why did her nose hurt so much? She gasped seeing blood all over her chest and knew for a fact that her nose was broken. Trying to get up, she found she was bound expertly to a chair and was unable to move or even to turn her head that much. By this time, she had laceration marks on her feet and hands form how tightly she was bound. She blew her gorgeous red hair away from her face, allowing her turquoise eyes to emerge and shine in the small light that was above her. "What the fuck?" She whispered to herself not understanding what was happening at the moment. She was dazed and confused and winced feeling a wound on the back of her head. That would be what was hurting so much. She gasped when suddenly her hair was grabbed and her body thrown backwards. "Fucker." She hissed and was met with a slap across her face. "What do you want?" She exhaled the words out, spitting blood from her mouth onto the floor. "What do you know about your parents' death?" A gruff voice echoed around the room coming from directly behind her, but not quite the from the person who was holding her hair in a dead lock.

    @ BearGirl
    May 22nd, 2017 at 04:20am
  • After a few hours waiting outside of the house, Killian decided to start and follow her scent trail. It seemed that she hadn't been home for a while, with how faint her smell was. Though, soon, he started to pick up on other scents following her, staying close. After much hunting, Killian came out in front of what is meant to be an abandoned warehouse. Though the smells coming from it were fresh and Anya's scent was one of those smells. Quietly, but quickly, Killian started to move around the outside of the warehouse, peering in, trying to find a clue as to whether or not Anya came here willingly, and if she didn't, how he was going to get her out. He was going to save her, but Killian didn't want to make a grave mistake.
    May 24th, 2017 at 02:35am
  • @ BearGirl
    "Nothing." Anya hissed for what had to of been the millionth time. With each answer, her body was met with a severe blow. This blow to her body, caused her ribs to break causing her to scream. She had tried to hold her screams in but this was far too painful since two broke at the same time. She hissed in pain and felt tears fall down from her face from the pain. "Fuck you." She growled only to feel him slam her face against the wall twice. Sliding down, her body hit the ground and she began to see spots once more. She was grabbed and dragged by her hair towards a barrel full of water and all of a sudden, her face was submerged and she couldn't breathe and had sucked in water. She struggled as much as she could. When her body finally stopped moving from having passed out, was she tossed aside like a ragdoll. She was still breathing, but barely. Her body was so beaten up, most of her skin looked purple and red from the bleeding and the blood stains.
    May 26th, 2017 at 05:04am
  • After a little recon, Killian knew about how many people were in the building. And it wasn't long until he saw Anya's passed out body to the side. It was easy to tell that she was still alive with his abilities. Though that didn't change the fact that he was beyond pissed anyone would try to hurt her. It was his responsibility to due his best by her. A growl came from his throat and soon Killian went on a rampage through the warehouse. And soon after that, he picked Anya up in his arms and started to make his way home with her. He couldn't just bring her to a hospital, too many questions would come from that. However, he knew someone who could help. And for now, the safest place he could think of was his home.

    Once Killian was in his house, he laid Anya's body down on the bed. He then immediately called a doctor that would be able to come and look at her
    May 28th, 2017 at 04:14pm
  • @ BearGirl
    A groan gasped from Anya's mouth as she slowly began to regain consciousness. Why did everything hurt? Her memory was fuzzy. Oh, that's right. That big oompa loompa did some critical damage to her. Whenever she tried to open her eyes, all she saw were a bunch of fuzzy figures and more than anything -- she saw black dots dancing across her vision. How did she not hear them in her apartment? Where was she now was the better question. It'd be easier to find a needle in a haystack rather than trying to make out anything in her field of vision. She barely recollected the feeling of someone's arms wrapped around her and trying to be delicate with her body. For the first time, Anya felt extremely vulnerable and despised the new feeling. She managed to figure out that she was on a bed and not a couch, but soon darkness encompassed her vision once more, leaving her thoughts to pause as her consciousness faded.
    May 31st, 2017 at 01:46am
  • Killian looked down at Anya worriedly when she immediately passed out after waking up. Though the physician assured him that was relatively normal, after the abuse that she had gone through. Her body needed to rest in order to gain its energy back. After giving Killian instructions and medication for Anya, he headed home, leaving Killian to take care of the human. However, he didn't know much about caring for humans. But in the least it seemed the right thing to wipe off the blood from her. He headed off, grabbing a wet towel before coming back and sitting down on the edge of the bed. He started to clean Anya up. Killian could at least do that, and then maybe work on trying to make some human food...
    May 31st, 2017 at 03:56am
  • @ BearGirl
    Anya began to escape into her dream land once more. It was while he was washing off the blood from her bruises and seared skin. She was back to being a 5 year old grasping onto her teddy bear at an awkward angle while also trying to rub at her eyes. "Daddy?" She mumbled having lost a tooth and not able to speak as well as previously. She saw her dad and his friend -- Killian discussing something in depth in his office. He had his head bowed down reading something and looked very much focused on his task at hand. His head shot up hearing the bell like voice of his daughter and his eyes immediately softened and took her head setting her in his lap. "What's wrong?" He murmured to her kissing her head. "I had a bad dream." She mumbled looking up at her Papa and waving to Killian, that young thinking he was her uncle. Her red locks fell around her shoulders and framed her heart shaped face. Her mother came in hearing her voice and sighed seeing her young daughter out of bed holding onto her teddy bear. "Bad dreams can't hurt you darling. They were sent by demons in the night just to frighten you." He kissed her head. "They aren't real, and never will be." Her mother took her hand and whispered, "Let's go back to bed." Her father smiled at his beautiful wife kissing his daughter once more before kissing his wife. Anya walked with her mother back up the stairs. A crash came from downstairs, and Anya sat up straight in the bed looking around wondering what the sound was. She crept downstairs once more and saw a terrible fire. The flames licked and devoured everything in sight and 5 year old Anya soon began to sob crying out for her parents. She made it downstairs and saw a vampire heading towards her growling at her with his fangs outstretched. She saw her father fly in front of her blocking her body with his own before seeing a pair of fangs sink into his neck and him cry out. Anya sat up in Killian's bed screaming tears running down her face as she squirmed around flailing like crazy "NO!" She screamed not realizing that it wasn't real.
    May 31st, 2017 at 04:15am
  • Killian jumped back in fear the moment Anya shot up and started to scream. Though it didn't take him long to figure out that she was just having a bad dream - or remember what had happened to her while in that wearhouse. Killian moved forward and lightly took Anya by her shoulders, beginning to shush her. "It's okay. You're here now. It is all alright." He said as he lightly began to push her back down. "Lay down. Lay down and relax. Everything will be fine. Just relax. You're safe now." He kept saying, repeating until it was clear that Anya was back to reality. Though he didn't know how good that really was for him, considering how much Anya was shown to hate him. He doubted that she would be happy to see him, standing over her, wiping off her blood.
    May 31st, 2017 at 04:28am
  • Anya gasped and whispered, "They just slaughtered him. Like he was a pig." She felt the tears running down her face and laid down turning on her side and curling into a ball and shaking from the fear of her dream and grabbed a piece of cloth putting it into her mouth while sobbing. "It's not okay. They're dead and you didn't help them." She moaned staring at the floor after a few moments she drifted back into unconsciousness. It was bliss this time, without dreams or nightmares. She hated only remembering things when she was dreaming. When she woke up and was back in reality, her memory faded and she could no longer remember anything. Most professionals said it was a repressed memory and would most likely be more benfit if it remained repressed.

    @ BearGirl
    May 31st, 2017 at 04:45am
  • Killian looked down at Anya, confusion on his face about what had just happened. There had been no one else in that wearhouse. Well, at least no one that Anya would want him to save. The had been criminals, and the people who tortured her. He let out a sigh before sitting back down and cleaning the rest of her off. It was odd with her. He wasn't quite sure what to do but he was trying his best. His best to protect her, to make up his promise to her parents. Killian needed to protect her now. He wished he could have done so from the beginning, but that had never been an option.

    Killian shook his head a little when he was done cleaning her off. He then made his way down to the kitchen, now trying to make something human. What was comforting human food? He wasn't exactly sure. So after a quick recipe search, Killian went ahead and started cooking.
    May 31st, 2017 at 05:02am
  • Anya just slept like that, the pain in her body allowing her to remain unconscious. She soon awoke to the smell of food and winced feeling her whole body hurting. She stared at the ceiling her lashes fluttering whenever she blinked. Soon, she sat up in bed and winced groaning. Okay, bad idea. She thought to herself. Looking aroud, her didn't recognize any of the furniture or the decor. "Where am I?" She asked into the air even though no one was there. Her voice was quite scratchy and didn't sound like her's at all. It sounded kind of gargled. She winced her throat was hurting so much. She caught a look of herself in the mirror and saw lacerations around her neck as well many overlapping hand prints. She winced and shook her head trying to stand up, but found that it hurt a little too much at this point in time to try and begin to use her strength.

    @ BearGirl
    May 31st, 2017 at 10:09pm
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;

    Killian walked into the room with a tray full of food in his hands. He had tried his best to cook something, and it had turned out to a mess. So in the end Killian just ordered food in. It wasn't exactly the most nutritious, but he hoped that it was something Anya would like. His eyes landed on Anya and he smiled a little when he noticed that she was awake. He had been sure that she would try to run off. Though it was probably her injuries that stopped her. But Killian was sure that her attitude would change once she saw him. After all, she didn't like him very much. "Hello." Killian said softly as he set the food down on the bedside table. "I brought you some food..."
    June 3rd, 2017 at 09:18pm
  • Anya frowned as Killian walked into the room. She looked around once more before settling her eyes on him and sighed hearing him. "Where am I?" She asked him cautiously. "And what happened?" She asked another question before watching as he set the food down. She almost laughed seeing that it was take out. So apparently, Vampires couldn't do everything. At least, Killian couldn't -- he couldn't cook from the look of it. She blinked surprised that he had even tried to cook for her. She sighed shaking her head and couldn't make out anything with the pounding in her head. "Am I your prisoner now or something?" She asked him looking up as she did so.

    @ BearGirl
    June 3rd, 2017 at 10:53pm
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;

    Killian's eyes furrowed together at her words. He quickly shook his head before taking a step back. She may be weak but he knew Anya had threatened to kill him. Too many times to feel comfortable even with her in this state. Besides Killian was trying to show that he didn't mean her any harm. And backing away seemed like the best way to do that in this scenario. "You are not my prisoner. I had gone to check up on you and when I realized you had been missing I went off to find you. I found you in a warehouse, unconscious. I saved you. And you are in my home now."
    June 5th, 2017 at 06:14pm