Competing Royalty

  • Victor watched her keeping quiet as he tried to figure out why he had said the last sentence. She didn't care about him and ran a hand throughout his hair gently letting it fall loose of the ribbon that was tying it. Hearing her he sighed shaking his head. "Doesn't matter. This is the way things are now." He muttered bitterly knowing he was going to change that. He sighed noticing she had become quiet and wrapped up in her thoughts.

    Hearing her, he blinked and said, "Most would not take into account that their owner is vulnerable as well." He murmured softly before sighing as he heard her. He blinked and raised an eyebrow. "Anyone can tell you are scared, but you control me. There's nothing to be frightened of." He told her before turning around once more and running a hand over his face, not believing that he was actually having this conversation at the moment. He heard her and turned around hearing her, "Not particularly. I have enough scar tissue on my back." He responded waiting for her to respond.

    @ BearGirl
    June 19th, 2017 at 04:11am
  • @ FlyAway;

    Sadness moved into Victoria's eyes when he told her there was nothing to be frightened of. So many people have told her that, tried to show her that. Though her fear was deep rooted. When the vampires were in power, she lived in Hell. They were monsters, evils that inflicted pain upon pain. Broke her and her spirit. And Victoria was scared it was only a matter of time before the scales overturned again. But it wasn't time to think about that...

    "I am not concerned about my potential punishment..." Victoria mumbled. It would be minimal anyways. "Things shouldn't be this way. No one deserves enslavement and you don't deserve punishment. And you're not repulsive." Victoria didn't want enslavement for vampires, but she would definitely prefer that the kinds were both separated completely. Slowly, Victoria started to move down the hall. It was time to head up to her room. Though she wasn't sure if she would punish him or not. Victoria didn't want to do it, but Victor seemed to think it was necessary.
    June 19th, 2017 at 04:33am
  • Victor heard her and raised an eyebrow, "As you wish." He sighed before running a hand throughout his hair and looked around, blinking noticing that he had been able to be blunt with her without retaliation. He was grateful, he hated holding his tongue on matters that he was passionate about. Hearing her he laughed bitterly, "Tell that to your father." He told her shaking his head. As the prince, he hadn't liked the slaves either, them being slaves that is. He had begged his father to let them go saying they could live in peace, but no. No one listened to him, and now he was out for revenge for the death of his parents. He followed her as she moved and waited for her actions or for her to speak once more.

    @ BearGirl
    June 21st, 2017 at 07:41am
  • @ FlyAway;

    "i have." Victoria mumbled to Victor. At the beginning, when her father was first placed as King, she begged and begged for him not to make the vampires into slaves. Though he blew off her request, and boiled it down to her fear. Though, she was unsure that even he would have been able to truly stop it. The humans had wanted revenge. To show the vampires what it had been like to be under their boots. And now that was the way things were...

    Victoria shook her head a little, deciding to no longer talk about this issue. Instead, she headed off to her room. Once there, she sat down at the table, crossing her legs and letting out a little sigh. She glanced out of the window for a moment before shaking her head. "I am not going to punish you Victor. I know you asked for it but I honestly believe I can stop it from happening this time around. I don't want you to get punished when you don't have to be."
    June 21st, 2017 at 10:22pm
  • Victor sighed hearing her response and nodded gently before running another hand through his hair before watching the floor as he walked being able to hear something strange. He figured it was none of his business. He watched as she went to sit down and crossed her legs and tilted his head waiting for her to say something. "Whatever you wish." He told her nodding his head to her. He watched her once more before turning his eyes away figuring she wouldn't want to be watched.

    @ BearGirl
    June 21st, 2017 at 10:32pm
  • @ FlyAway;

    Victoria let out a little sigh before looking over at Victor. She waved to the seat across from her. "You can sit down if you would like." Victoria told him. While she would prefer that he was out of the room, running off to go do something else, Victoria knew she wouldn't let him do that right now. Technically, she was suppose to be punishing him. Also, she knew her dancing instructor would probably be quite upset if she were to see Victor moving around the castle as if nothing had happened. So what should she do instead? A little hum came from her lips as she looked over Victor for a moment. She then spoke quietly. "Who were you before the war?"
    June 22nd, 2017 at 05:09am
  • Victor was surprised when she said he was allowed to settle himself down into the seat directly across from her. He sat down gently knowing that for a fact that his legs were quite sore was having been doing things all day and especially because they were weak from all the cuts on them since they needed more time to heal. He heard her question, his face turning blank as she asked. "I was no one." He said smoothly looking out of the room. He tried to keep his face as neutral as possible but was pretty sure that anyone could've been able to recognize that his facial expression had changed the moment she had mentioned before the war. He hated that he couldn't hide his emotions as well as he wished.

    @ BearGirl
    June 27th, 2017 at 05:43am
  • @ FlyAway;

    Victoria's eyes narrowed, some concern moving over her face as he was obviously affected by her question. Victor's face contorted, emotion moving over him. Why would he lie about that? What was the point? He was no longer that person, and Victoria believed that she had proven herself to be an ally. Or at least the closest human ally that he will ever come across. Perhaps Victor was embarrassed? Or he did not wish to say, for his past involved human slaves. Though, either way, it did not matter to Victoria. She had only been curious. If he did not wish to say, he could have said so with her. With a little say, she glanced out of the window. "You do not have to say if you do not wish to."
    July 4th, 2017 at 06:27am
  • Victor watched her eyes narrow from the corner of his periphrial (Sp?) vision and knew she was curious but he sure as fuck didn't need her to know his true identity. That would be a disaster waiting to happen and he couldn't have it happen so early on his plan. Granted, he already knew he didn't want to hurt Victoria when his plan did come into succession. He kept his eyes looking at a window so she didn't see him looking at her and heard her and nodded. "Thank you." He murmured. He knew he would be executed if he told her his last name and that he had been the beloved prince of the vamprie kingdom.

    @ BearGirl
    July 7th, 2017 at 03:06am
  • @ FlyAway;

    Victoria let out a little sigh before following Victor's glaze out of the window. She wasn't quite sure what to do at this point. Dance lessons were canceled early, and she still had some time before her next class. Though heading out of her room wasn't really an option. While Victoria had no intentions of reprimanding Victor, they couldn't exactly run around the castle like nothing had happened. Now that would surely upset her teacher enough to speak to her father. After a moment, she nodded and moved up onto her feet. Well there was no reason to just sit at the table, she supposed. Victoria moved onto the lounge chair and picked up her book. "What did you use to read Victor?"
    July 11th, 2017 at 05:10am
  • @ BearGirl
    Victor was more than able to kill her right here and now, and yet his body made no such move. And Yet his mind had no ill will towards her. He couldn't understand. He frowned to himself troubled by this knowledge as he looked out the window. He blinked out of his daze as he heard her question and replied, "Everything and anything. Depends. I've probably read everything in this room." He told her seriously a small smile forming on his lips. He hoped no one asked him to cut his hair because his short hair with his face would be a dead give away as well as his face being clean shaven. He didn't need anyone to recognize him except maybe the vampires. He needed his people to know he was present and suffering just as they were.
    July 12th, 2017 at 12:31am
  • @ FlyAway;

    Victoria looked back at Victor with a large smile on her lips. "That is rather impressive. You must have had plenty of time to read then." She said before looking back at her own book. From what she knew about Victor, it was rather easy to assume that he used to be a noble. After all, with the way he was able to dance, the way he spoke, his access to what she assumed must have been a large library. No commoner did these things, which was understandable since that knowledge was virtually useless to them. "And what was your favorite then? If you have read so much, surely you have a favorite."
    July 16th, 2017 at 05:14am
  • Victor nodded his head, his defenses already coming back so that he made sure she didn't acquire information that was of the utmost secrecy. He ran a hand through his hair sighing for a moment his wounds still hurting from the last whipping he had recieved. He turned to her and gave a small smile forcing himself to do so before blinking hearing her. "Probably Shakespeare." He told her softly before turning his eyes to her face watching as she moved about and the way she handled herself. What was it about her that made him not want to hurt her? He didn't understand it. He didn't even hate her, he just was annoyed by his feelings for her.

    @ BearGirl
    July 23rd, 2017 at 03:54am
  • @ FlyAway;

    "Shakespeare is rather lovely." Victoria said softly before fully going back to her reading. She was interested in her book, and she figured that she had bothered Victor enough for now.

    Though once an hour went by, Victoria set her book down and then looked over at Victor. "I have another class to go to, but this is your chance to go take care of the horses." She told him. While her father had told Victoria that Victor was expected to stay by her side, she had still gotten him to agree to let Victor be in charge of the horses.
    July 23rd, 2017 at 05:53am
  • Victor nodded and murmured, "Rather macabre but alas so is this world we live in." He watched with his bright eyes as she returned to her book before his gaze removed itsself from her face and to the window where he got lost in his thoughts. Hearing her words, his gaze returned to her face as he shook away his grogginess from simply staring at a wall. He blinked nodding hearing her. "I'll take my leave then." He said bowing before turning and going down the stairs and beginning to make his way to the stables. He chuckled to himself finding it funny that he was now considered the stable boy. How things had changed for him.

    @ BearGirl
    August 2nd, 2017 at 12:57am
  • Victor nodded and murmured, "Rather macabre but alas so is this world we live in." He watched with his bright eyes as she returned to her book before his gaze removed itsself from her face and to the window where he got lost in his thoughts. Hearing her words, his gaze returned to her face as he shook away his grogginess from simply staring at a wall. He blinked nodding hearing her. "I'll take my leave then." He said bowing before turning and going down the stairs and beginning to make his way to the stables. He chuckled to himself finding it funny that he was now considered the stable boy. How things had changed for him.

    @ BearGirl
    August 2nd, 2017 at 12:59am
  • @ FlyAway;
    October 11th, 2017 at 01:18am
  • @ BearGirl
    October 11th, 2017 at 01:18am
  • @ FlyAway;

    Victoria let out a small sigh of relief once Victor left the room. Though, surprisingly, she had not felt as pent up as she normally did around vampires. For some reason she felt...safer? around Victor. That by no means meant that she felt safe with him. She was still sure that if given the opportunity, he would attack her. But now she was feeling as if Victor at least would keep her alive at the end of it... Victoria supposed that was all she could really ask for if the occasion occurred.

    Standing up, Victoria made her way to her next lessons. At least this was not necessary to bring him along.
    October 13th, 2017 at 02:07am
  • @ BearGirl
    Victor tended to the horses and snuck them more food than necessary since they were being rather good and still seemed to like his presence, He never knew why, but they never got jumpy in his presence. Maybe they knew he meant no harm. He smiled popping his neck and just had the urge to go hunting and kill something. He knew he wouldn't be able to for a long time. Though, Victoria hadn't seemed as jumpy with him today. He knew she didn't want the vampires in chains, but her father was doing it. He wouldn't kill her since she had shown him kindness when no one else had. Though, the real test would be if she knew who he was and was still nice.

    (Our characters are named after the Corpse Bride xD I just figured this out.)
    October 13th, 2017 at 02:19am