Wrong Side Of Heaven. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Ava smiled as she walked into the woods. It was growing dark, and Ava was excited to see the moon from her secret spot. Apparently it was suppose to be a red moon that night, and it was meant to be an amazing sight. As she walked further in, the trees began to crowd closer together. And even though it was getting darker, Ava felt completely fine. She had been going in and out of the woods since she was young and as far as she was concerned, there was nothing to fear.
    Once Ava got to her hiding spot, she sat down on the cool floor and held onto the camera around her neck. It wasn't hers, but an old childhood friend's possession. They were unable to come out tonight, and Ava ended up promising that she would get a picture of it for her since apparently she would get a better view of it away from all the 'city lights'. Though she had no idea why she trusted her, after all she wasn't the professional photographer in their friendship.
    Joshua and the rest of the pack came running into the house, pulling in dinner as they did so. They had just caught two bucks, and Joshua knew that dinner was going to be great tonight. Even better, was that he was the one who led them to catching both of them. Now that Joshua was older, his father was finally letting him take over some of the responsibilities of alpha. Once his father grew a bit older, it was going to be him who took over as leader of the pack.
    As they went into the house, Joshua morphed back into a human. They were the type of pack that basically spent half their time as a wolf and the other as a human. Both of them just had such great advantages to it so they saw no reason to pick one over the other. Once he as human, Joshua grabbed the buck and dragged it into the kitchen for other members of the pack to clean and cook for tonight.
    November 8th, 2016 at 04:12am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Bryce ran through the woods, chasing down the deer he had been hunting. He growled as he approached the deer, huffing when it took off into the field. He chased after it and lunged, sinking his teeth into something that wasn't what he thought he got. He heard a high pitched scream and released his grip. Bryce stepped back, seeing the girl that he had just bit. He looked over seeing the deer take off. He chased after it disappearing into the woods. Bryce decided to go back and looked for the girl he bit, knowing he had to take her back to the pack. It was too risky to let someone go through the change alone. He frowned when he didn't see anyone near by. He inhaled, still smelling that the girl was near by.
    Abby walked through the woods, going to where the pack was. She had to go check on one of the wolves that was still healing from an attack. Abby walked to the through the small village, seeing that they had went hunting. Abby walked into the small cabin, seeing Joshua. He had never been a fan of hers because she was human. She gave him a small smile anyway and walked to the back room, seeing the young man on the bed. "Hey Jeremy." She said. She had been helping with the pack for a long time. Since they couldn't go to hospitals and Abby was a nurse she figured why not help them.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    November 8th, 2016 at 05:21am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky

    Ava screeched out when a wolf came and sunk its teeth into her side. Immediately she gotten up and started running through the woods as fast as her feet could carry her. With one hand she gripped onto the side that was bleeding, even leaving a small trail behind her as she kept going. At one point the camera around her neck got stuck on one of the branches that leaned out. Immediately she threw it off of her, not giving a shit about what happened to it. She would just have to apologize to her friend later.
    Once Ava emerged from the food, she dropped to her knees as she gripped harder onto her side. She was so exhausted and in pain but she was sure that she was able to get rid of the wold that bit her. After a few breaths, Ava lifted her shirt to see how bad the wound was. That would determine how quickly she ran home.
    Joshua crinkled his nose as he watched Abby walk into the house and up the stairs. He hated the fact that she was allowed to know about the pack and furthmoe to even come close to him. What was his father doing by letting a dangerous human walk around their home, surely just waiting for the perfect time to start. He gruffed a bit before following Abby upstairs. Joshua always kept a close eye on her.
    Once he got into the room with Jeffery, Joshua leaned against the wall and watched her work. He needed to know what she was doing to his pack mate.
    November 8th, 2016 at 06:05am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Bryce followed her trail through the woods and was worried that he wouldn't find her. When he realized her trail disappeared he decided to back to the pack. He would have to search for her in the morning. She would be calmed down by then. Bryce returned to his pack and turned into his human form. He sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. He couldn't let his pack know that he had lost her.
    The next morning Bryce headed into the town, smelling around for the girl. He was relieved when he saw the girl in town with someone else. He stood across the street, pretending to look into a store window as he focused in on their conversation. He listened to the girl he bit talk about being attacked. Bryce closed his eyes, knowing that she would start changing and be terrified. He had to get to her and talk to her alone.
    Abby bit her bottom lip lightly as she fixed Jeffery's bandages. She could feel Joshua watching her the whole time. When Jeffery got up to go to the bathroom down the hallway she looked at Joshua. "You know you don't have to hover ever second." She said as she started to put her stuff away. Abby hated that he didn't trust her. It sucked because he was going to be their alpha and he would certainly get rid of her. Joshua did intimidate her though and she would never get on his bad side. She had seen him fight just playing around and she wouldn't want to be against him if he was actually angry.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    November 8th, 2016 at 06:13am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    As Ava was speaking to her friend, she lifted up her shirt a little to show the bandages that were wrapped around her lower stomach. "The wolf just came out of nowhere, bit me and just ran off! It was terrifying but so strange." She said as she walked into the cafe with Emily. Once they sat down and ordered their drinks, her friend ran off to the bathroom. Ava leaned back into her chair, texting as she waited. Once hand slid down to her stomach and gently rubbed where her injury was.
    "I would have to disagree with that." Joshua told her as he pushed himself off of the wall. He really did think it was necessary to be watching her every move. While they did need a nurse to heal them up, he would have prefered someone of his own kind. Though since that was not an option, Joshua was just going to have to keep an eye on the human one that they had. However, Joshua would never do anything until he was sure Abby was hurting the pack. Otherwise it would be his father he would have to deal with.
    November 8th, 2016 at 04:25pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Bryce sighed as he watched the girl walk away and walked over to the girl he bit the night before. "Hey." He said, smiling as she looked at him. He took notice to her holding her side, "Are you okay?" He asked her. He wanted to come off as a concerned stranger and he thing he was doing okay with that. Bryce was glad when she talked to him. She was even more beautiful up close. Last night he had only got a glimpse of her.
    Abby looked at him, "Oh and why is that?" She asked him, "I haven't given you any reason to not trust me." She said as she crossed her arms. She hated that he just assumed she was up to something. Abby didn't understand what his issue was, but she wasn't going to let him bully her. She rolled her eyes as his response, "Yea well your friend will be fine by tomorrow. You're welcome." She said before she walked out of the bedroom.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    November 8th, 2016 at 06:46pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky

    Ava glanced up at the man that walked up to her table, surprised that he did so. Though he was extremely attractive so she couldn't help but smile at him. "I am hurt, but I assure you that I am okay now." She told him before giving him the story of how she got attacked in the woods. At the end she even lifted up her shirt and bandages to show him the huge bite mark into her side. "It was pretty crazy and I even had to get rabies shots to make sure I wouldn't start foaming at the mouth later." She gave a small laugh. "That teaches me to go into the woods at night. I guess you can call me, Ava the girl that gotten bitten by a wolf. Though what should I call you?"
    "You're not one of us. That is reason enough." Joshua responded back as he followed her out of the room. "Are we going to see anyone else or are you going to head home now?" He folded his arms as he followed her down the hallway. At least Abby did not come by too often. Normally she was off going to work and doing whatever it was she did on her free time. Why would a young human like her want to spend time helping them if she didn't get anything out of it? It was suspicious and he was just waiting for her to turn.
    November 8th, 2016 at 08:25pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Bryce listened to her story and frowned when she showed him the bite mark. It was bad and she was going to change. "My name is Bryce." He said smiling. "Are you sure you are okay?" He asked. He was trying to make sure she waant showing signs of turning. "I know someone who could patch that up a little better for you." He suggested. He needed to get her somewhere she she couldnt make a scene and expose him . "It really looks bad." He said shaking his head. He felt bad that he waa about to turn this girls life upside down.


    Abby looked at him, "I have to stop and see Ryder about that wound on his leg." She explained. She bit her bottom lip lightly, "Then im out of here and you wont have to follow me everywhere." She said, smiling a little. She walked out of his house and went over to check on the other guy. She sighed when she heard Joshua walk in the house. "I have a stalker." She joked, making Ryder laugh. She frowned as it started to rain, knowing it would be a long walk back. She stood up and began to put her stuff away, looking over when Joshua's dad walked in. "Abby that storm is bad why dont you stay here." He said. Abby shook her head, "im sure i will be fine." She said. Abby frowned when the older man insisted she stay. "Fine but only til it stops raining." She said. She knew Joshua didnt want her there. She went back to his house and sat in the one chair, keeping to herself.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    November 8th, 2016 at 08:50pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    "That's was what I was saying." Emily, Ava's friend said as she came back to the table. "I told her that the hospital didn't do a ver good job with her injury. In fact I swear that it is looking worse than it did an hour ago." She said as she sat down in her chair and took a sip of her drink.
    Ava slightly rolled her eyes before laughing. "I'm sure it's fine. I mean it has to get worse before it gets better right?" Emily looked over at Ava like she was losing it. "That's not how injuries work dear." This caused Ava to make a slight face. "Maybe you two are right..." Ava said as she pulled her bandage back over the wound and pulled her shirt back down. "Plus I have been feeling kinda odd since the bite, but I think that's from the medication they gave me..."
    Joshua followed Abby back and sat down in one of the chairs in the same room as her. He would have preferred to just send out in the the rain but there was no arguing with his father about Abby. The man knew too much about his experiences with humans to let him have any say about the girl. But he could not stop him from following her around, not that he didn't try at the beginning. But now that Abby wasn't interacting with the others, he felt comfortable enough to lean back in his chair and mess around on his phone. "I am sure that it will stop raining soon." He told her.
    November 8th, 2016 at 10:44pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Bryce frowned, "Why don't I take you to get that fixed up?" He asked. He looked at Emily, "Do you mind if i borrow her?" He asked with a charming smile. Bryce was glad when they agreed. He helped her up and moved to where the packs healer was. He walked in with Ava, "Brooke!" He called. He smiled when the lady came out from the back. "Can you take a look at my friends wound?" He asked. He looked at Ava, "She will be able to heal you." He explained. He frowned when he saw the wound again, it was definitely getting worse. "Ava i gotta tell you something." He admitted. "This bite....it's not just a regular bite." He told her.
    Abby looked at him, "You hope so, that way you won't have to watch me all the time." She said, smiling at him. She looked out the window, running her fingers through her hair. The one thing she loved about coming out here was the nature. It was so pretty and even when it rained it was nice. Abby bit her bottom lip lightly as she watched the rain drop move down the windows.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    November 8th, 2016 at 11:01pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Ava pulled her shirt up a bit and removed the bandage for Brooke to look at. The lady looked closely at the bite before giving a knowing look to Bryce. Brooke knew that there was nothing she could really do about the situation besides put something on it and cover it up again until Ava turned. Though from the situation it was pretty obvious that Bryce had not told her what was going on... So Brooke smiled at Ava and said she would go get some things before disappearing deeper into the house.
    Ava looked up at Bryce weirdly as he started to speak. "I know that Bryce. It's a wolf bite, not some kind of normal bug bite or something." She said as she looked down at her wound. "Shit that is really starting to look bad." Ava placed a finger near her wound and started to circle it. She could swear the veins around it were getting bigger and more visible.
    Joshua looked up at Abby and gave her a small smile. "What can I say, it gets difficult watching you all the time. I gotta say it really takes up a large part of my free time." He joked lightly before looking back at his phone. It was somewhat true, but Joshua couldn't complain too much since no one asked him to do it. Though he would laugh at them all when Abby finally showed her true colors. There was no way she did any of this out of the goodness of her heart. Besides what human would want to help a bunch of people who shapeshifter into a furry creature?
    November 8th, 2016 at 11:30pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Bryce grabbed her hand, "Ava i know we just met but i need you to trust me. I need to show you something and i need you not to freak out." He explained. "I did this to you." He told her. "Just stay here and dont move." He said. He walked away, shifting to his wolf form. He walked in, looking at her with his wolf eyes. It was clear that he was the wolf that bit her. He stepped in front of the door so she couldn't go by him. He morphed back into himself, pulling a pair of baskeball shorts on. "Please listen to me Ava. You are going to be like me. I need to help you because it's going to be hard and i'm so sorry i didn't mean to do this to you." He said.
    Abby looked at him, "Well if you weren't so suspicious i'm sure you would have plenty of free time." She said. Abby looked back outside seeing the rain getting worse. "I have to leave here tonight. I have to work." She muttered, hating that the rain wouldn't stop. She bit her bottom lip lightly and stood up when it started to slack off. "I'm leaving." She said. She didn't care if it was raining. She couldn't stay there and it was clear Joshua didn't want her there. She frowned when his dad told him to go with her to make sure she made it. She shook her head, "I will be fine on my own." She said as she walked out. She didn't want Joshua to think she was weak and needed a protector.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    November 8th, 2016 at 11:43pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky

    Ava's eyes widen as she watched him morph back and forth from wolf to human. She felt her heartbeat speeding up and immediately she started to back away from him. "No no no no no no NO! I-I wasn't bitten by you. It looked completely different from you and it was definitely just a wolf." She wrapped her arms around herself as her back pressed into the wall. There was no way she was going to turn into something like him! Though the scary thing was that he did look like the wolf from the night before. Though she just hoped that he was wrong. Please let him wrong! "You have the wrong girl."
    Joshua quickly pulled his shoes on as he followed Abby out of the door. "Just because you don't want me around doesn't mean you have to act like an idiot." He told her as he handed her an umbrella he grabbed on the way out. "This area isn't that safe for humans and there is no why you're going to be able to run away in those shoes when its wet." Pulling his coat over his head, Joshua started to follow her. Besides, if she did get hurt his father would blame him for the whole thing. The only reason she wasn't going to stick around was because of him. And while he didn't mind, his father definitely did. And he was still in charge so Joshua had to listen.
    November 9th, 2016 at 12:14am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Bryce shook his head, "You aren't the wrong girl. I followed your scent to you." He said. "Please just let me help you. Everything will be fine." He pleaded. He knew she was scared, "It's scary. I know it is, but if you let me help it will be easier. You can't go through this change alone." He said as he watched her. The poor girl was terrified and there was nothing he could think of to comfort her. "I can help you. I promise i will help you." He said.
    Abby sighed as she took the umbrella from him, "I'm not an idiot and i don't need someone watching over me all the time." She muttered. She walked with him through the woods and it felt like they were walking forever. Abby frowned when she seen someone in the fog, noticing the gun on them. Before she could even tell Joshua he had her hidden with him. She bit her bottom lip lightly, feeling her heart racing. She knew it was a hunter and Joshua was out here because of her. She closed her eyes as she heard the men talking in the distance. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but she knew Joshua could.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    November 9th, 2016 at 12:20am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    "How do you plan on helping me when this is your fault!" Ava screamed at him. "Why did you do this! Why did you just bite me! I didn't ask for this! I didn't want to be a freak!" Tears started to stream down her cheeks. She knew that it was him that bit her the night before. And if he was able to turn back and forth, it meant that there was actually a good chance that Bryce was telling her the truth. Ava was scared of what was going to happen, and she didn't understand. Ava started to shake. "I don't need anymore of your help."
    Joshua felt his heart racing as he tilted his head to listen to what they were saying. His breathing grew harder before he looked at Abby, "Stay here." He whispered before shifting into his wolf form. The men were looking for werewolves, and it was obvious that they weren't amateurs. If he did not do something about it, then they were going to head back to the house where the pack wasn't aware. He had to stop them before they killed one of his members. Just when they expected it the least, Joshua jumped on one of the hunters, Immediately going for his throat. Though before he was able to get to the second, a gun was fired and lodged right into his shoulder. Joshua howled out in pain, but continued after the more trained hunter. They turned into a tangled mess as the hunter tried to slice him, and Joshua ripped at his skin. Though by the end, Joshua had managed to overcome him.

    @ RomanSky
    November 9th, 2016 at 12:42am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Bryce frowned, "Ava it was an accident. I would never bite someone on purpose. I wouldn't want anyone to go through this. Please just let me help you through this. I will make it easier." He pleaded with her. He couldn't have her exposing him. He didn't know what he would do if someone found out about his pack. They would be hunted down and he couldn't have that. "Please just give me a chance." He said.
    Abby closed her eyes when she heard the gun shot, but was surprised when she heard the screaming of the one man. When it was quiet she looked out, seeing Joshua bleeding. It was too far to go back to his village. Abby knew the road wasn't far. Abby walked over to him, "Come on." She said, finally getting him to her car. She put him in the backseat and drove to her apartment before she got him inside and laid in him on couch. She wasn't sure how to deal with the wolf form, but she did her best to get the bullet out and clean the wound. She was surprised he even came home with her.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    November 9th, 2016 at 12:52am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Ava slid down the wall, pulling her knees into her chest as she cried. Every word he said just made her more afraid of what was going to happen. It made it seem that transforming might kill her. At this point, Brook popped her head out of the door a bit, but not where Ava could see her. She looked straight at Bryce, giving him a look before mouthing to him. 'Go comfort her!' Brooke then disappeared back into her the back rooms.
    Joshua whimpered the whole way back to her house, and howled out as Abby cleaned out her wound. Once the bullet was out, and she cleaned out his wound, he transformed back into his human form. His body went back, his wounds moved around on his body until his transformation was settled. And now his bullet wound was up in his shoulder. it was dangerous for them to transfer back and forth while injured, but Joshua thought it was best to be human while he healed. "Just sow it up." He groaned out.
    November 9th, 2016 at 04:01am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Bryce looked at Ava and moved to her. He knelt down next to her, "its going to be okay." He said as he pullt his arm around her. "I have a pack that can help out and im gonna help you through every step of the way." He said as he ran his fingers through her hair. "You will be fine." He said with a small smile. He knew she would be okay and she just needed time to adjust.


    Abby frowned as he turned then grabbed her kit to fix him. She sewed the cut up and then made sure to clean it before she bandaged it. "Here let me get you some pain meds." She said. She got up and handed him some pills. She handed him his clothes that she grabbed before she went to him. Abby went to her kitchen, grabbing him a bottle of water. He was never going to let her live this down. She walked out, handing him the bottle of water. "Why dont you get some rest." She suggested. She knew he couldnt go out like this.

    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    November 9th, 2016 at 04:14am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Ava moved out of her curled up ball and moved into Bryce's arms. She pressed her face into his chest as she lightly grabbed onto his shirt. "What is going to happen to me?" She sobbed into his shirt. Her body was shaking into his. "Is it likely that I am going to die?" Bryce really made it seem like this was a life or death situation to her.
    Joshua took the pills she gave him before grabbing the water and drinking half of it. He set the bottle down before laying his head down. God he was in a lot of fucking pain. Right before Abby was able to walk away from him, Joshua grabbed her arm and looked up at her. "Call my father and tell me about the hunters." He said before letting go. Once Abby headed out of the room, Joshua went straight to sleep. With what he had just gone through, it was hard for him to try and keep his eyes open.
    November 9th, 2016 at 04:30am