Opposites Always Attract. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah Emerson. Played by RomanSky.
    Matt. Played by foREVeryours.
    Sadie Jackson. Played by foREVeryous.
    Brian. Played by RomanSky.
    November 16th, 2016 at 11:48pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    For years leather jackets, fast cars, loud angry music, and tattoos represented the iconic bad boy. Brian Haner was no exception. He had an in your face sort of confidence that made women’s knees quake and “God Fearing” people’s lips curl. He could of been the poster-child for “Bad Boy.” More so than his friends he had a subtle, smug air of cool confidence that was seldom shaken, and little managed to wedge itself under his skin. And he was content in how he lived his life; and how he was seen. The way men would send him looks of hardly concealed contempt, or women would look at him as if he would devour them, it’d never bothered him. When one peeled back all the glam and appearances he kept up for his fans and music, mot would find him about as dangerous as a kitten.

    Today found him and his closely knit group of five at the local beach near his home in Huntington, Brian enjoying the sun while Zacky and Johnny had beelined for the cool waters seconds after putting their bags down and ripping their shirts off; exposing pale and colorfully inked tattoos. Matt shortly after had disappeared with Jimmy, probably to hit on some poor girls. Large aviators shaded his intoxicating orbs; colored with seas of green and caramel shards. Brian kept his earbuds in, laying on his back and staring up at the blue expanse of sky, deaf to the shrieking the seagulls. Music leaked softly into his ears, and for a moment he felt at peace. God knows he loved the fans, but sometimes going out in public could be a hassle. One of the main reasons he and his friends frequented this beach. The July air was simmering about him, causing a thin layer of sweat to gleam upon his fair skin.

    For about an hour he lay still; just watching the world go on around him. He watched as couples strolled by, easy smiles on their lips and hips brushing. He watched as mother’s chased their children and teenagers saunter about as if they owned the place. Breathing in the salty air, body feeling cramped and stiff he decided that it would be best to go for a swim. In the water only a few feet away from him Johnny and Zacky were tossing about a football; and standing up brushing off the sensation of sand clinging to him Brian began jogging towards the water. The first steps were always the worse, and once he actually reached the cooling surf he faltered letting his toes get used to gelid feeling waters. After a few minutes of letting the waves lap against his toes Brian surged forward as suddenly and as unpredictably as a storm, pushing off from the sand and diving in.

    Holding his breath until he felt lightheaded the man swum the rest of the way out to the other two which due to their statures wasn’t very far breaking the surface and greedily gulping down air. ”Well look who decided to grace us with his presence.” Johnny drawled with an exaggerated Southern accent that made Brian grin. ”At least he’s a better athlete than you Short-shit.” Zacky shot back, a dry humor in his voice. Pouting, making Brian chuckle he threw his hands up and motioned towards Zacky. ”Throw it. C’mon.” Brian baited, an impish gleam in his eyes. Beneath the sun his beautifully inked seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow. Complying, his onyx-haired friend hurled the football at Brian, causing him to flop sideways in order to catch it.

    He wasn’t sure how long this went on, and a distorted version of “Keep it away from Johnny” ensued, making the shortest member whine with protest. He hadn’t even noticed as the water began to fill with more and more swimmers. Their careless frolic went pretty much undisturbed until Zacky whipped the ball a little too hard, causing it to overshoot past Matt and bounce off a girl’s head. Shit. Glaring at Zacky, Brian turned around and began swimming out towards her an apology on his lips. The closer he got however he became increasingly embarrassed. She was beautiful and not your typical Californian beauty. Her face was narrow and angular, lean and seemed to have a healthy glow. The girl’s figure was slender, though he was willing to bet she had curves he could lose himself in.

    Feeling the heat creep up the back of his neck, Brian paused, and when he finally reached her offered an apologetic smile; his gaze flickering about as if he wasn’t sure where to rest it. She looked a tad cross, and he didn’t blame her and once again he mentally cursed Zacky for being a dipshit. ”Uh, I think my friend hit you.” Brian blurted out, his voice dark and rough around the edges, with a smoky tenor that one could simply sink their teeth into. All too acutely he was aware of his image, the big hulking bad boy with the tattoos, and as if in response, lowered his head a little. Clearing his throat, trying to get a hold on his wandering eyes Brian instead offered his smile. He’d been told by many lovers it was plus. ”I’m Brian, sorry for my friend inability to throw a football.” An impish sort of gleam was in his eyes. Frantically Brian racked his brain for any excuse to talk to this woman. There was something about her soft beauty that made him as nervous as a school boy. Perhaps the bonfire they were having later? It was worth a shot.
    It was a beautiful day at the beach and it made Hannah happy to finally have a break from all the stressful college papers and tests. Hannah had been really pushing herself lately and a day at the beach was what she really needed. She laid on her towel with her eyes closed as her friends giggled about the cute guys on the beach. Hannah looked over at them, "They are humans you know. You can talk to them." She said, smiling her perfect white smile. Hannah knew the girls had planned a day for her to get her to finally relax. Hannah couldn't wait to go out that night and spend some time at the clubs. It had been awhile since she got dressed up and danced all night. Hannah heard her friends talking about how they wanted to go swimming. She had never been a huge fan of the ocean, but it seemed mandatory to at least get in once while a person was at the beach. "Fine lets go become shark bait." She said, laughing as she took her sun glasses off. She got up and fixed her black bikini before she walked into the water with them.

    Hannah laughed as she swam with her friends in the water. It was just the right temperature. Hannah smiled as they talked about what they were going to do tonight. They planned to spend the weekend on the beach and go clubbing. Her friends were determined to get her to relax. Hannah walked out of the ocean after a bit, looking back as her friends yelled something to her. She gasped when she came into contact with someone. Hannah looked over, seeing a large man in in front of her. She bit her bottom lip lightly, "I'm so sorry." She said, seeing his friends that were sitting on the beach looking at them. She assumed they were his friends because they were pointing and laughing at him. Hannah looked at him, taking in how gorgeous this guy really was. The way the tattoos wrapped around his body like a beautiful art piece. She couldn't pull her eyes away. She looked at him, not knowing what to say, but she could tell he was still staring at her. "I'm Hannah." She said, smiling as she held her hand out to him. Real smooth... she thought to herself. How was she being so lame?

    The hottest guy she had seen in..well forever was standing in front of her eyeing her up and down. Yet she couldn't think of a single thing to say to him. This is why she kept to herself and studied. She sucked at social interactions. Though when he took her hand and introduced himself she finally felt better. Matt. she made a mental note of his name. "I'm sorry i ran into you." She said, looking up at him. He was so much taller than her, but she had always liked when guys were taller than her. "It's nice to meet you Matt." She said, smiling. Why couldn't she quit smiling like an idiot? God she sucked at this!
    November 16th, 2016 at 11:57pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt was enjoying the day off at the beach, it was always so nice to be able to get out without people rushing him and being crowded all day. Of course as soon as they got there, Jimmy took off and started hitting on just about every girl he saw that he thought to be decent looking. Matt felt like he had to at least try and save some of the girls from Jimmy, he knew how intimidating the taller man could be, especially when he comes running up to you from a distance. He felt bad every time one of the girls would look at Jimmy like he was insane, but every time they gave him that look, Matt felt the need to explain that Jimmy was completely harmless, he just enjoyed getting a rise out of people, especially strangers.

    Walking back to the spot where they had all gone their separate ways, Matt turned to look in the water where Brian, Zack, and Johnny were throwing a football. His eyes widened when he saw the ball fly and hit some poor girl in the head, shaking his head he couldn't help but laugh when he saw Brian go over to the girl. Deciding that he would surely hear about that outcome later, he continued back to the spot and sat down on one of the towels, watching as Jimmy came over to do the same.

    Not too much later, he had decided to get up and go get a drink, he was walking when someone ran into him. Taking a step back, he looked and saw one of the most beautiful girls on the beach, he smiled a little hearing her apologize and introduce herself, "Hey, it's no big deal, I'm Matt," he told her, taking her hand. The last thing Matt wanted to do was make her feel uncomfortable, her smile was beautiful, like it could light up the darkest room, "I don't think I've ran into you around here before, I know I'd remember seeing someone as good looking as you." He told her, smiling softly.
    All Sadie had wanted to do, was stay at home and curl up on her couch with a book, but for some reason she let her friends drag her out to the beach. They were always trying to get her out of her comfort zone, it wasn't like she hated going out, she just preferred staying in and reading a good book, watching a movie, or just about anything that she could do in the comfort of her own home.

    Once they had managed to get her out into the water, she was actually enjoying herself, swimming around and laughing as the group talked about everything going on at work, she was going through college, but luckily for her, things were coming easy, and soon she would be starting to work with her friends. The girls were watching a group of guys throw a football around behind Sadie, she glanced back, rolling her eyes slightly at her friends.

    Suddenly Sadie felt something hit the back of her head at full force, quickly reaching up to rub where she had been hit, she turned to see one of the guys from before swimming over to her. When he got close enough, her eyes scanned over his body, the way the water seemed to glisten on his skin, and those tattoos he had just seemed to add to his attractiveness, "It's okay, things like this happen, right?" She couldn't help smiling a little, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Sadie." There was something about him that made Sadie want to stand there and talk to him more, but she didn't know what to say, she never had been good at talking to men.

    @ RomanSky
    November 17th, 2016 at 12:34am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    "It's nice to meet you. I'm Sadie, " Sadie. The name fit her perfectly. Her voice was captivating, and he wasn’t aware as his grin widened. As she spoke he was aware of Zacky swimming over, and snatching the football out of his hands. Hoping that he'd swim away he was a little annoyed when Zacky decided to stick around and listen to the conversation. The salty air that smelled of tides and sand was beginning to grate on his senses, but he’d stand in that damned ocean all he had to in order to talk to her. Brian could see the gears turning in her head, thinking of what to say next; and he tried to tell himself that it wasn’t totally adorable the way she said things happen. About to answer him, his green-eyed guitarist cut in rather smoothly with ”We’re having a bonfire later. You should come. Beer, fire, and ocean. What could go wrong?”

    Glancing over at his short friend Brian wasn’t sure whether to thank him, or smack him. As much as he liked to claim he didn’t have a way with the ladies; there was something about him that chicks found endearing or someshit. Biting back a rattling sigh Brian turned back to Sadie with a friendly nod. ”That’s one thing to do. Uh, probably won’t be too many people. There’ll be music… And beer.” Matthew tacked on, leaving out the part where Jimmy would probably get shitfaced and make an ass out himself, while Johnny cozied up to whomever he pleased. That was just their personalities, and Brian never took it to heart- but it still wasn’t really a selling point. ”You can bring whoever you want to. Your friends or boyfriend. I mean I just assume you came here with someo-” Hearing Zacky scoff behind him the guitarist added in his voice that wrapped around your ears like dark velvet ”Pretty much feel free to bring whoever.”

    As waves lapped against his midriff, Brian suppressed a shiver, the feeling of salt chafing against him beginning to annoy him. ”I’m actually heading out to grab some food. If you want, you and your friends could hang out for a bit with the guys til i get back.” Damn his brain. It couldn’t seem to form the words to actually sound like a functioning adult male who had toured countries and cities and had no shortage of lovers. But they had been dull. Listless. And it had been awhile since a woman actually made him nervous. Even from a simple brush of hands when he’d gotten the football back, it was as if he could feel her energy surging about her. But unfortunately for Brian he felt like an out of depth, awkward, bumbling man child. He didn’t even have to look at Zacky to know that he was smirking, the smug little shit. He also didn’t have to look down at his friend to know that Brian would probably never live down this horridly awkward encounter.

    Truthfully he wouldn’t really be shocked if she didn’t want to go. But there was that damned flicker of hope burning hot in his stomach that she would say yes. That maybe he could get to know Sadie, and that maybe he wasn’t making a complete ass out of himself. Nervously rubbing a large calloused hand against his face Brian fought back the urge to just snatch the invitation back from the air and stuff back into his lungs. ”The worse she can do is say no. Just be a man and accept it and move on.” He mentally scolded himself, the cries of gulls still hovering over everyone’s head. Around him Brian could hear lover’s squeals and laughs; the squalls of children fighting and mother’s gossiping. Even as he felt frozen in his sea of bumbling awkwardness; life moved forward. Overhead the dazzling Aegean skies were beginning to darken, and a million shades of purples, oranges, pinks, and yellows were streaking clouds. It was breathtaking and quite possibly his favorite part about Huntington beach.
    Hannah felt a blush creep up onto her cheeks when he called her good looking. "I'm here because my friends decided that i was being to anti-social and studying too much." She said, laughing softly. "So they dragged me here for the weekend." She said, smiling up at him. "Though now that i'm making an ass out of myself in front of you i think maybe staying home is best for me." She said, smiling. Why could she not quit smiling. Sure she was a happy person, but this guy was going to think she was a freak. She bit her bottom lip lightly, then looked over as she seen Sadie talking to some guy in the ocean. She looked back at Matt, "So do you live around here?" She asked him. She wanted to keep talking to him, but things just weren't coming to mind. If this kept up she was going to be asking him what his favorite cheese was.

    She was relived when her friends came in with the guys, taking about how they were going to party with them. She looked at Matt, "Guess we get to spend some more time together." She said, smiling as she ran her fingers through her hair. She looked over as her friend Madison mentioned going to go get changed and come back. Madison was already scoping out Zacky and Jimmy. She had been the whore of the group, but Hannah loved her just the same. Hannah looked at Matt, "I will see you in a bit." She said, giving him a small wave. She went to Sadie and walked with her, "So who's the guy you were talking to?" She asked her, smiling. Sadie had been her best friend for awhile now. She smiled as she listened to her friend talk about Brian.

    A half an hour later Hannah walked down to the beach, seeing the fire that the guys had. She smiled as her friends approached them. Hannah looked at Matt, "Hey." She said. He was so cute and she hoped he would grow to like her. Hannah looked over as Zacky handed her a drink, "Thanks." She said. She wasn't one to drink much so she knew she couldn't drink too much or she would be really drunk.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 17th, 2016 at 12:54am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt laughed a little hearing her say that her friends dragged her out there, "Well, I'm just going to say that I'm glad they did drag you out here, you seem like a great girl." He smiled, hoping he didn't sound stupid or anything. The last thing he wanted was to embarrass himself in front of Hannah, he wanted this girl to like him, which isn't something he usually worries about, but something about her was different from the other girls he was around.

    "Yeah, I love just a little bit from here," he replied, trying to keep the conversation going before she got bored of him or wanted to go do something else. Watching as the guys came up, he smiled hearing that her friends planned on going to their party, "I guess we do, I'll see you later." He was happy that he'd be able to see more of Hannah at the party.

    Once it started to get dark, Matt got the fire started and sat down on one side of it, watching as the people they had invited started showing up, and waiting impatiently for Hannah and the others to show up. A smile crossed his face when he saw her, "Hey, glad you came back," he laughed softly, joking with her a little.
    Sadie couldn't help smiling as she noticed that Brian was acting slightly nervous, thinking that was adorable, she looked back at her friends as she heard the guys invite them to a bonfire, they all nodded, "I guess we can go." Even though it wasn't her type of thing, she was looking for any excuse to spend time with Brian and maybe get to know him a little bit better. There was just something about him that made her want to never go home.

    Once they got out of the water and caught back up with Hannah, they walked away to get ready, "That's Brian, he's kind of good looking, right?" She laughed softly, knowing damn well that Brian was more than good looking. "I have to find something nice to wear tonight..." She said softly, knowing that it was weird for her to actually want to look good or put effort in to try and get this guy to pay more attention to her.

    Sadie walked with Hannah as they got back to the beach, she smiled as they got closer and she could see Brian better. Walking over, she sat down next to him, "Hey..." Sure she was nervous to be around him, but she wasn't going to let that get in the way of getting to know him.
    November 17th, 2016 at 01:33am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    November 17th, 2016 at 01:33am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah smiled as she stood next to him, "Well you were here so that made it appealing." She said. She watched as everyone talked, then looked over at Matt, "So what's there to do around here?" She asked him. Hannah smiled as he began to talk about all the things there was to do. "You must never get bored." She said, laughing softly. Matt seemed like the kind of person that would be a rebel. He had a dangerous appeal to him and she liked that about him. Though he was really nice at the same time. "Do you work around here as well?" She asked him. Hannah hadn't been one to listen to rock music so she had no idea that Matt was in a band. Hannah took a sip of the drink that Zacky gave to her. She was surprised that it actually tasted decent.

    About an hour later everyone was drinking and laughing. After a bit Hannah could feel the alcohol a little, but she wasn't drunk. Hannah looked at Matt as he talked and smiled at him. She looked over as their friends talked then looked at him. "Wanna go for a walk?" She asked him softly. She smiled when he agreed then stood up and walked with him. Hannah walked down the beach with him, holding her drink. "Do you like living here? She asked him, looking up at him. She relaxed as the water ran over her feet. She looked at her drink then took a sip of it. She was feeling pretty dizzy from the alcohol, but she was still in her right mind. "You really are a lot of fun Matt." She said to him.
    Brian smiled as she sat next to him, "Hey. Sorry about the guys earlier." He told her. He knew his friends could be overbearing sometimes. He loved that about the guys though. "Did you want something to drink?" He asked her, opening the cooler that he was sitting next to her. He handed the drink of her choice and smiled. "So how long are you going to be around this area?" He asked. He knew that they were having a small vacation and he wanted to make sure he spent time with her. "I'd like to take you out one night if you'll let me." He said. He wanted to get to know her, but he hoped he wasn't moving too fast for her. Brian usually didn't rush into anything, but with Sadie something was different. He wanted to be with her and know everything about her.

    Brian smiled as she talked, nodding, "So tell me about yourself." He said. He knew that he wasn't going to tell her everything about him right away. If she didn't know he was in Avenged Sevenfold then he wasn't going to mention it yet. He had too many women use him for money and he wouldn't let that happen again. Brian listened to her speak, taking in every word she said. Her voice sucked him in with every word she spoke.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 17th, 2016 at 01:52am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt smiled as she talked, and he explained what all he did when he was home, he wasn't going to mention his job right away, it didn't seem like Hannah knew who he was before he introduced himself, so he wasn't going to ruin it by mentioning his fame and money. Hearing her ask about his work, he hesitated, "Yeah, I work around here..." He wasn't going to tell her too much more unless she asked, of course if she did ask more, he would tell her bits of the truth, but not too much about it.

    "A walk sounds great," he got up with her and walked, "I love it here, after growing up here, it would have been too hard to leave, I mean, I get a house on the beach, with this beautiful view that I get to see every morning when I wake up in my house." He stood next to her by the water, "I'm glad you think I'm fun." Matt looked down at her, "So, where do you live?" He asked, just trying to keep their conversation going.
    When Brian offered her a drink, she gladly took it, knowing it wouldn't take too many drinks to get her drunk, so she would only have one or two. "Well, I actually go to school around here for right now, so I won't be going too far from this area for quite awhile." Hearing him say he'd like to take her out one night, she almost couldn't believe it, "I would, love to go out one night..." She wasn't going to admit that she hadn't been out with a guy in over a year, and well, that hadn't ended well.

    "There really isn't too much to tell, all of this," she motioned around them, "Is actually really out of my normal comfort zone." A little laugh left her lips, "I sound like such a loser, but it's true, I usually spend my weekends and nights at home reading or something..." She was looking anywhere except at Brian, hoping he wouldn't think she was boring or anything.

    @ RomanSky
    November 17th, 2016 at 02:13am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah smiled when he asked where she lived, "Well i live like an hour from here. Well that's where i go to school anyway. I moved out here from New York." She said as she looked up at him. Hannah couldn't believe that a guy like Matt was actually interested in her. It was her lucky day. "I will be in town for about a week though. I'm staying with Sadie right now." She said. Hannah had been on a break from school and she was going to enjoy it. She looked out at the ocean, "Though living here is starting to sound more appealing." She said. She loved the beach and she wanted to never leave here. "I might have to come visit Sadie more often." She said, smiling at him.
    Brian shook his head, "You aren't a loser. Trust me guys like girls that don't go out and get drunk every weekend." He said smiled. He was glad she said she would go out with him. "Well can i get your number so we can discuss going out some more?" He asked. "Just let me know what day you are free and we can work something out." He said. He knew that she would be a lot of fun. "So if this is out of your comfort zone then are you here because your friends forced you?" He asked, chuckling. He liked that she wasn't afraid to try new things. That was always something he looked for in a person.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 17th, 2016 at 02:31am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Hearing that she lived an hour from there, Matt nodded, "So you like it out here?" He asked, seeing that she was looking out at the ocean. When she said she was thinking about visiting Sadie more often, he grinned, "So, does that mean if you came and visited her that I could see you more?" He asked, smiling at her. "I mean, I'm not saying just up and move, but it really is a great place to live. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else." Every word he was saying was true, but if he could get Hannah to come out here more so he could see her and get to know her a little better.
    Sadie looked at him, "I'm glad you don't think I'm a loser." She laughed softly, giving him her number and looking at him, "Honestly, I'm free just about any night after five, with my classes and all. Weekends are probably the best time though." Hearing his chuckle, she ran a hand through her hair, "No, they didn't really force me to come, they just made me feel a little bit better about coming here. I'm just not usually one to come out to parties and stuff I guess...."

    @ RomanSky
    November 17th, 2016 at 02:44am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah smiled at him, "I do like it here." She said. She looked up at him, "Yes you could see me more. Maybe one time i will come out here just to visit you." She said, laughing softly. She would love to see him more. He was so great. "I mean if you wouldn't mind me coming to visit you." She said as she ran her fingers through her hair. Hannah couldn't help but feel like he was perfect for her. Even though they were complete opposites it felt like they were meant to meet each other.
    Brian smiled, "Well how about this Saturday i can take you out?" He suggested. He figured he could take her to dinner and then somewhere she enjoyed. He nodded when she said she didn't go out to parties. HE wasn't going to tell her that partying was part of his life. He felt like maybe it would scare her off. "I'm glad you decided to come with your friends today." He said, taking a sip of his beer.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 17th, 2016 at 02:51am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt grinned, knowing that she did like it out there. "You are more than welcome to come visit me any time you'd like." He told her, of course if she came to visit, he would have to figure out how to explain his house. He knew once she saw his house, she would know he had money, and he didn't want to have that conversation yet. All he could think about was the fact that if she came out here to visit, he would have to see her, "Well, when you get some free time, we should go out and do something."
    Sadie thought for a minute, before nodding, "Yeah, Saturday would work out great." She smiled, "I'm glad I did too, if I hadn't I wouldn't have met you and well, that wouldn't have been any good." She laughed softly, looking into the fire, and taking a drink of her beer, "I guess stuff like this isn't too bad, I mean, there's not a lot of people and that's when I get nervous, around a lot of people."

    @ RomanSky
    November 17th, 2016 at 03:05am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah thought for a moment, "Well i'm free tomorrow night. Maybe you could show me what there is to do around here before i have to go home?" She asked him, looking up at him innocently. She liked the idea of being alone with Matt. "I mean if you would like to do that." She said, smiling. She knew that he would agree to taking her out, but she didn't want to be pushy. She couldn't help being excited about being with him though.
    Brian looked at her, smiling when she said she got nervous around a lot of people. There was no way she could handle being with him when fans swarmed him. "Well then you should stick to stuff like this. I am okay with a lot of people, but i prefer to relax by myself a lot. Unless i'm with the guys of course." He said, looking at his friend. "We spend a lot of time together." He explained. "So Saturday is there anywhere special you want to go?" He asked her.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 17th, 2016 at 03:10am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    "Sure, I'll pick you up and take you out, it'll be great, I promise," he smiled at her. At this point, he was willing to do just about anything to get her alone and see how things went without all the other distractions around them. "So, what time would you like to go?" He asked, already starting to put together plans in his head, he wanted to show her some good places, but he wanted to save the best for later on, after all he wanted her to go out with him again after this.
    "I'm actually starting to like this," she smiled, "Maybe I need to give stuff like this a try." Hearing that he was okay around a lot of people, she bit her lip, knowing for a lot of people it was hard to understand how she felt in a crowd. "Um, Saturday, anywhere is fine, just surprise me," Sadie wanted to see what Brian would come up with, just to get an idea of what he liked to do.

    @ RomanSky
    November 17th, 2016 at 03:19am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah smiled when he agreed to pick her up, "How about eight?" She asked him. She pulled her phone out and gave him her number, taking his in return. She looked at him, "I will text you Sadie's address in the morning if that's okay." She said. She couldn't help the fact that she actually felt giddy. She felt like she had some kind of school girl crush going on and it was exciting. "So do i get to know where you are taking me or is it going to be a surprise?" She asked him as they slowly made their way back to their friends.
    Brian nodded, "Okay surprise it is." He said with a smile. He couldn't wait to take her to some of his favorite places. He was sure that they were different from what she was use to. Brian looked at her, "What are you in school for?" He asked her. He forgot he had never asked her and it came to mind. He wondered what she was going to do with her future. Whatever it was he was sure that she would be great at it.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 17th, 2016 at 03:24am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt smiled at her, "Eight, alright. Well, I think it's going to be a little surprise." He chuckled softly, glancing back at the fire, "But I promise it won't be too bad for you." He was trying to figure out the perfect set up, something simple that would keep her interested in him and wanting to come back. "So, why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" He asked.
    Sadie smiles, "Good because I love surprises." When he asked what she was going to school for she hesitated, "I'm going to be an English teacher, mostly teaching literature, I really love books..." She laughed at herself a little, "I never realized how nerdy that sounds until I said it out loud..."

    @ RomanSky
    November 17th, 2016 at 03:36am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah looked over at him and thought for a moment. "Well i grew up in New York." She said, "I moved out here to go to college." She said. She didn't throw in the fact that it was also away to get away from her over bearing parents. . She looked up when he asked what she was going to school with. "Well after this semester I will have my degree in microbiology." She explained with a small shrug. "I really am not that exciting. I mean i spend most of my time studying honestly." She said. "I use to do a lot of things, but school as kind of sucked me in." She said, laughing softly.
    Brian shook his head, "It does not sound nerdy. Reading is a good hobby to have." He said. "I wish i would have read more in the past, but things didn't go that way." He said, smiling. "Do you know what grade you want to teach?" He asked her. He knew some people weren't sure, while other knew exactly what age group they wanted to teach things to. He liked that Sadie was smart and wanted to teach others.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 17th, 2016 at 03:41am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt nodded, listening as she told him about herself, he already likes that she was smart. He found Hannah to be really interesting, "At least you know what you're doing, and you're focused on your goals, that's always a good thing." He told her, liking the fact that she did have her priorities in order and was trying to focus on her school work. "It's gotta be tough, doing all that work and having your friends trying to get you out? Even though I'm really glad they did."
    "I've always loved reading, I don't know why, but I do," she smiled, "I'd like to teach anywhere from tenth grade to twelfth grade, the reccomended reading lists for those grades have some of my favorites." Sadie could go on and on about books and her reading, but she didn't want to bore him, "So, what do you do for fun? Besides throw parties."

    @ RomanSky
    November 17th, 2016 at 03:49am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah smiled, "Yea it is. This is the first time they ever succeeded though." She said. She smiled as she walked to the group. She smiled as she sat down next to Matt. "What do you do at your job?" She asked him. She knew that he said he had a job, but he had never told her what he did there. She was sure what ever he did was amazing. He seemed to be an interesting person.
    Brian thought for a moment, "Well mostly we hang out together and when i'm by myself i like to play guitar." He said smiling. "I also like to travel." He explained. Brian figured he could tell her those things without letting her know that he was in a band. He smiled brightly when she said that his life sounded exciting. His life was exciting and he loved every single minute of it.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 17th, 2016 at 03:56am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Once they walked back and sat down, hearing her ask about his job, he hesitated, "Well, I work with music, that's probably the easiest way to describe it." He told her, not wanting to give her too much detail, but he figured telling her music would be close enough to the truth for now. "It's basically a lot of traveling, so not much else."
    Hearing the he played guitar, Sadie smiled, he had the look of someone who would play guitar. She was really starting to like his bad boy look and knowing that he traveled, she was starting to like him more. "I'd love to get out and travel, one day, my life's going to be to hectic to travel any time soon, with finishing up school and starting my job, but one day it would be nice."

    @ RomanSky
    November 17th, 2016 at 04:09am