Opposites Always Attract. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah looked at him, "So how long would you be gone?" She asked him as she walked over to him. She was worried that he would loose interest in her. Hannah bit her bottom lip lightly, knowing that he would be gone for a long time. Hannah smiled as he talked and then sat down in one of the chairs that he had down there. "I guess we better get use to video chat." She said, watching him for a moment.
    Brian laughed softly, "It's alright." He said as he walked out with her. "Well what else would you like to do today. I'm completely free today." He said as he walked out of the room with her. He put his arm around her as they walked to his car, opening the door for her. He smiled as he got in and looked at her, then started the car.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 22nd, 2016 at 05:33am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt sighed, "It depends, but I think this time they were mentioning that it would probably be one of our shorter ones, probably about three to four months." He looked over at her, "We'll be able to video chat every day, and maybe if you had a few days off or something, you could come out to see me for a day or to. I'm sure, once Brian tells Sadie, he'll offer to take her with him for a few days too."
    Sadie got in, once Brian was in, she looked over at him, "I'm not sure, maybe we could go to the beach or something, I'm not really picky about what we do." She let her head rest on the back of the seat.

    @ RomanSky
    November 22nd, 2016 at 07:37pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah looked around the room, then looked back at him. "That works for me." She said. She walked over to him and took his hands, "As long as you don't forget about me." She said. She hoped that he would not lose interest in her. She would hate for that to happen.
    Brian thought for a moment, "Sure let's go down to the boardwalk." He said. He figured they could look at the shops and maybe go to some arcades. He drove to the boardwalk, getting out with her and walked to the boardwalk. He smiled as they walked onto the boardwalk. "Wanna look at some of the shops first?" He asked her.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 22nd, 2016 at 10:49pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt looked over at her, "There is no way I would ever forget you, I'll be calling to talk to you every single day." He got up from his spot, moving over to her and pulling her close, "You know, I was thinking, before I have to go on tour, I wanted to ask you something, I know we haven't even known each other that long, but I want to make us official, so I want to know if you'd really be my girlfriend?"
    Sadie smiled as they walked to the boardwalk, she could see that it was busy, "Yeah, let's go to some of the shops." She followed him, seeing a few places that caught her eye, but there was one she really wanted to go to, "Brian, can we go to that one?" She pointed at the one, "Please?"

    @ RomanSky
    November 22nd, 2016 at 11:16pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah looked at him, amazed that he was even asking her to be his girlfriend. She did not see that coming, "Yes. I will be your girlfriend." She said, smiling as she hugged him. She relaxed as she felt his arms go around her. She couldn't believe Matt was her boyfriend now. She looked up at him, smiling as she slowly pulled away.
    Brian nodded, "Yea let's go." He said. He walked inside with her, smiling as she looked around. He was glad that she was actually having a good time. He wondered how she would react to him being on tour. He looked at something she was looking at, standing close to her. He let his hand rest on the small of her back as she looked.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 22nd, 2016 at 11:29pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt smiled, he had hoped she would say yes and not think that it was too soon. He held her close, smiling, "So, what should we do now? I've shown you the house, I was thinking maybe we could go out? Go around and look, maybe we can go walk the beach or something, I really don't know...just thought it would be nice to get out of the house."
    Sadie walked inside, looking around as her eyes settled on a cute little necklace hanging on a hook. She smiled, reaching into her pocket and pulling out some money, seeing that she had enough. Sadie blushed slightly, feeling Brian's hand on the small of her back, she grabbed the necklace, "I'm going to get this," she walked to the check out desk.

    @ RomanSky
    November 23rd, 2016 at 12:12am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah nodded, "Sure let's go to the beach." She said. She waited for him to get his stuff then grabbed her things before they walked out to his car. She couldn't believe that she had went to his expecting to hang out and now she was his girlfriend. Hannah relaxed against the seat as they drove to the beach. Hannah got out of the car with him and left her thing in there. She walked on the sand with him, taking her flip flop off. She would never get tired of being this close to the beach. Hannah bit her bottom lip lightly as she took his hand, lacing her fingers with his.
    Brian smiled, "Alright." He said, walking with her to the checkout counter. He watched as she paid for it then walked out of the shop with her. "You want to put it on now?" He asked her. He helped her put it on when she said yes then continued to walk with her up the boardwalk. "So what store would you like to go to next?" He asked her.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 23rd, 2016 at 12:40am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt nodded, walking her up the stairs and out to his car, opening the door for her, and then getting in after her. He drove to the beach and parked, getting out and taking her hand as they walked out on to the sand. Once they got to decent spot, Matt took the blanket he had brought and laid it out for them, putting the towels on the edge. He looked at her, "Do you wanna sit or do you want to get in the water?"
    As they walked out and Brian asked if she wanted to put the necklace on, she nodded, stopping so he could help her. She continued to look around as they walked, "I don't really see any other shops I want to go into right now," her eyes landed on an arcade a few spots ahead, "Let's go play in the arcade," she smiled at him.

    @ RomanSky
    November 23rd, 2016 at 12:54am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah looked out at the water, "Why don't we get in the water for a little bit?" She suggested. She smiled as she walked with him to the water and got in with him. She looked at him, "Do you miss being here when you are on tour?" She asked him as they stood in the water. She ran her fingers through her hair as the waves hit against their bodies.
    Brian smiled, "Arcade it is." He said as they walked to the arcade. He got them some tokens, then followed her to the skee ball section. He smirked as he put his token in and began to play with her. It had been a long time since he had been in the arcade. "I haven't been here in a long time." He told her.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 23rd, 2016 at 01:02am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt followed her out into the water, hearing her question, he nodded, "Yeah, I always miss it here when I have to go away." He sighed, "It's nice to be able to go around the country and the world, but this has been and always will be my home."
    Sadie smiled, putting the token is for skee ball, "I bet, it's probably so time consuming being a famous rockstar and all," she laughed softly, looking over at him. She still couldn't believe that he was the exact opposite of what she would have expected him to be, before she knew about his band and everything.

    @ RomanSky
    November 23rd, 2016 at 01:11am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah looked up at him as he spoke, "I love this place." She said, looking out at the ocean. She had always loved the beach. She looked at him and took his hands, "So, do you think Brian has told Sadie about your band?" She asked him. Hannah looked at the beach, before turning her attention back to Matt. "When will you be leaving?" She asked.
    Brian smiled, "Yea, but this kind of stuff is always fun." He said, laughing. He looked at her after they finished, "Maybe we could meet up with the guys and Hannah and got out tonight?" He suggested. He figured it would be nice for everyone to go out and unwind.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 23rd, 2016 at 01:15am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Hearing Hannah ask about Brian, he shrugged slightly, "I know last time I talked to him, he had said he wanted to tell her, probably the next time he saw her." Matt sighed, "Well, we're still working out the schedule, but from the sound of things we'll be starting the tour in a month."
    Sadie smiled, liking the idea of all of them hanging out together, "Yeah, that sounds great. What would we all go do together?" She asked, just wondering what they did when they were all together, besides hanging out at the beach. She assumed Brian would say they partied, but that much was obvious too.

    @ RomanSky
    November 23rd, 2016 at 04:37am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah nodded, "Oh okay." She said softly. She only had a month and with her school schedule there was no way they were going to be seeing a lot of each other. Hannah walked out of the water with him after a big and sat on the blanket he brought with him. She laid back on it, relaxing as she closed her eyes.
    Brian smiled, "We could go to one of the clubs that the guys like a lot." He suggested. He grabbed his phone, calling Matt. When he realized Matt was at the beach he hung up. "They are at the beach so let's go talk there." He said. Once they finished up at the arcade he walked to the beach, finding Matt. "Hey man." He said. "So i was thinking that we should all go out tonight." He said, looking over at Sadie. He was glad she wanted to go with him.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 23rd, 2016 at 04:43am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt nodded, knowing it was going to fly by before they knew and she would be busy with school so he didn't really have much of a chance to spend time with her before he had to leave. He followed her out of the water and laid on the blanket next to her, he figured they would be able to talk more about it later. After a few minutes, Matt heard Brian's voice, hearing that he wanted them all to go out, he nodded, "That sounds like fun, it'll be nice to have everybody together."
    Sadie nodded, knowing it would be fun to be with all of them, she followed him as he walked to the beach, seeing Matt and Hannah, she went over and sat down next to Hannah, "Hey..." She waited to see if the guys were busy in their own conversation before looking at her, "Did Matt tell you about their...jobs?" She asked, really wanting to talk to Hannah about it.

    @ RomanSky
    November 23rd, 2016 at 03:10pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah looked at her and nodded, "Yea he did. He actually asked me to be his girlfriend today." She said smiling. Normally Hannah wasnt one to move so fast, but she reallt felt something with Matt. Shw looked over when the guys said about going out. "I will have to go back to Sadie to get ready." She said to them.


    Brian nodded when he said it would be nice to get people together. "Yea we know the guys arent going to say no to the club." He said laughing. He looked at Sadie and smiled. She was so beautiful.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 23rd, 2016 at 06:06pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt laughed, "The guys never turn down a chance to go drink." He looked at Hannah, hearing her say she'd have to go to Sadie's, "Alright, after we're all ready we'll come and pick you up."
    Sadie nodded, "That's awesome, I'm glad he told you." Once they all decided to go to a club, Sadie looked at Brian, "So, are you gonna drop me off at the apartment?" She asked, "I can't wait for tonight now."

    @ RomanSky
    November 24th, 2016 at 02:41am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    [skipping just a little]

    Hannah walked out of the room that she stayed in when she was at Sadie's. She looked at her friend, "Sadie, I'm worried. I don't drink that much. What if i embarrass myself in front of Matt." She said, shaking her head as she fixed her hair. She heard a knock at the door, knowing it was the guys. She made sure she looked okay before she opened the door, smiling when she seen Matt, "Hey." She said, hugging him. She was hoping tonight would go well. She stepped back letting them in.
    Brian sighed as he stood with Matt outside of the door. They guys were meeting them at the club. He watched as Matt knocked then walked in after him. He smirked when he seen Sadie, "Hey." He said as he stepped in. "You look great." He said as he gave her a small hug. He looked at the other two, "So are we ready?" He asked them.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 26th, 2016 at 02:17am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Matt walked up to Sadie's apartment with Brian, knocking on the door. He smiled seeing Hannah, "Wow, you look great," he hugged her back, before walking inside with Brian. He looked at Hannah, "I take it you're ready to go?" Matt looked back at Brian after his question, "I think we're all ready to go now."
    Sadie finished changing and doing her hair before walking out of her bedroom to head Hannah, "I'm worried too, you know I drink about as much as you do, I don't want to act like an idiot in front of Brian and I'm not even dating him officially or anything like that." After the knock on the door, she smiled at Brian, blushing slightly, "Thank you."

    @ RomanSky
    November 26th, 2016 at 03:26am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Hannah looked at them, "Alright let's go." She said. She was glad when they got to the club. It had been a long time since she had been to one. She held Matt's hand as she followed him to the VIP section where everyone was. She looked over as she was asked what she wanted to drink. She ordered something then sat down with Matt, holding her drink. "Do you guys come here a lot?" She asked him before taking a sip of her drink.
    Brian smiled as they walked into the club. He got Sadie the drink she wanted then sat with her, "So did you have fun today?" He asked. He was hoping that she enjoyed hanging out with him. He looked the guys and laughed as they acted like idiots. They obviously had been drinking a lot already.

    @ foREVerYours.
    November 26th, 2016 at 03:30am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    As they walked inside, and made their way over to the VIP section, he sat down, "Yeah, we come here a lot, honestly, it's mostly the rest of the guys, besides me." He ordered himself a drink and looked over at Hannah, not believing that she was actually there and there were no more secrets between the two of them. "I hope you don't mind coming here, and don't mind the guys, honestly, they're probably going to be bringing girls back here left and right until one agrees to go home with them...."
    Sadie smiled, taking the drink from Brian, "I did, I had a lot of fun." She looked over, seeing the guys and laughed, she was starting to see how this was fun. "So, I take it you guys are here a lot?" Sadie laughed softly, looking back at Brian.

    @ RomanSky
    November 27th, 2016 at 04:43pm