Making Royal Ties

  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Making Royal Ties

    Prince Kannan l Jaguar's Heart

    Princess Averila l Mother.Of.Dragons
    November 18th, 2016 at 01:24am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    Kainan, Prince of the RiverShone people, stared at his parents as if they were daft.

    "You're got to be joking." He said in disbelief, "We only just found a truce to the war and you want me to marry their princess? Are we just going to forget and ignore the fact that they killed our people... and we theirs?"

    Yet his parent's would not be persuaded to choose another path. They'd made their choice and felt that a marriage between the two species was a must for the continued peace between them. And now Kainan was to go and retrieve his betrothed and bring her to his home. They would spend the first six months of their betrothal with his people, then the last six months with hers. They were to learn as much as they could about their new family-by-marriage before their wedding in a year.

    It was ridiculous. This marriage was doomed to fail even before it had begun. And yet he was still forced to go retrieve her, to make the betrothal official and start the marriage planning. When he arrived at her home - an almost week long trip - Kainan was still upset. Despite having a horse drawn carriage Kainan had run the majority of the miles as wolf. It released the anxiety and cleared his mind. When they reached the village right before Princess Averila's castle Kainan stopped to shift, change into clothes, and freshen up. He rode the last bit of it in the carriage, then stared at the castle as they stopped in front of it. Well. No turning back now. He hoped out, then began walking to the stairs.
    November 18th, 2016 at 05:13am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    The moment Princess Averila found out about the marriage, she was livid. Every day she would basically harass her parents about canceling the arrangement. First she tried logic, then she attempted to pull at their hearts with an emotional attack. When that didn't work she threatened them, saying she would her throne. And when even that wouldn't work Averila just tried to be as annoying as possible when she saw them. Always and consistently giving off reasons why this was a horrid idea. Even as Prince Kainan's carriage pulled up to the castle, she was still throwing in a last ditch effort. "Please mother! What if he turns me into a wolf? Do you really think my people will follow me then? And what of my future children! They would all be like him.

    Her mother turned to Averila. "Hush there. We have already ensured it with the King and Queen that you will not be turned. It is part of the deal. And it is only a 50% chance that your children will be born as werewolves. Now enough of this talk before he walks in." Averila seemed a little dumbstruck from her mother's response. Though she closed her mouth as the Prince walked into the doors.

    Due to the unease between the two countries after the war, only a selected group of nobles were allowed to come meet the Prince and welcome him. It was a small group, but it ensured that the Prince would be treated with respect. So when he walked in, the nobles bowed and their announcer announced his presence. Once the Prince had reached them, it was her father who stepped forward. "Prince Kainan, welcome to our home." King Edward smiled down at him.
    November 18th, 2016 at 05:34am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    Tainan walked into the greeting hall, then headed to the group of royalty standing in wait. He bowed to all, his gaze landing on Averila. At least she was pretty, he thought. That would make parts of this easier. Still, they were the least of concerns. He was more interested in how she'd treat his people.

    When he straightened he put a smile on his face and met Averila's gaze, "Good morning, Princess. I'm sure you're as... Excited about our betrothal as I am." Boy, excited was not the adjective he would have chosen, but since he had to keep polite... "And i want you to know that your safety will be my first priority."
    November 18th, 2016 at 09:20pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    Averila smiled down at the prince once he had gotten to her. While she was extremely displeased about the union she knew better than to make a scene in front of the nobles and her bethrothed as she was meeting him. Though immediately she picked up on his hesitation on saying he was excited. With that she was sure that Prince Kainan was not pleased about the arrangement either. Though there was never a moment during the week where she thought it possible that the werewolf Prince wanted this union. Their parents were only trying to force them in a unwanted union.

    "I am sure I am as excited as you are about our union." Averila said as she walked over to him. "And I am reassued to hear that Prince Kainan. My family and I also assure your safety as a priority during your time here." Well she highly doubted that Kainan was concerned about her safety, he was now going to be held to that by her family and nobles since he had said it. And she felt it more likely for her to get hurt at his country than his at hers. "To celebrate your arrival, a feast has been prepared in your honor. May I lead you to the dinning room or would you like to freshen up from your long journey first?"
    November 18th, 2016 at 09:37pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    Kainan gave Princess Averila a polite smile, "I stopped by the little village outside your castle. Your people were quite respectful," Just barely, but the wars had just ended. Some strife between the species would be present for quite a while. It was why their parents had formed this marriage contract, "And I was able to freshen up and see how the people here thought of the... arrangement between us." It hadn't seemed like many people approve.d Most had looked at him with disgust or hatred, but due to his standing and the 'truce' between the two species they had to be polite and courteous. Kainan had also wanted to see how the people were treated in this Kingdom.

    "Please, lead the way. I am very interested to see the variety of food your Kingdom specializes in." Kainan preferred meat. Hell, his whole species preferred it. While he'd eat vegetables and fruits and other things... meat was his go to. It kept him and his wolf healthy.
    November 19th, 2016 at 05:07pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    Princess Averila wasn't sure how to feel about Kainan stopping in the village near by. Tensions were still high after the war, and there was still strong negative feelings towards the wolves in the kingdom. Probably the only things that saved Prince Kainan was his station and the fact that he was her betrothed. While the majority of her kingdom disapproved of their engagement, at least they respected her enough not to personally attack Prince Kainan. Though that did not mean they didn't show their own way of rejecting the union...She decided it best not to ask how they reacted to the union.

    "I think that you will find the food to your liking." Averila said as she lead him down to the banquet hall. Her family and the nobles followed them to it. Once they arrived, her father said a few words about welcoming Prince Kainan to the kingdom before dinner started. The servants brought out food. Most of it was pasta and fish, considering that they were so close to the ocean. Though deer and pig was also brought out onto the table due to it being a special occasion. Once everyone started eating, Averila looked at Kainan. She had to admit that he was actually quite handsome, and she did not look as beast like as she thought he might.
    November 19th, 2016 at 05:36pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Kainan made polite conversation with the royalty around him as he dined. He stuck more to the meat aspect of what was laid out in front of him, but did dine a bit on the rest. He made sure talk was focused on positive aspects, putting all the training he'd gone through recently. In his home everything was more... lax. While he was a Prince, Kainan was expected to work as any other wolf. He didn't live in a castle or have servants. He didn't have the luxury of someone else drawing him a bath or know which fork goes to which plate.

    Instead he was treated as if he was just another pack member. It was what he preferred. These clothes were... constraining and itchy. Still, halfway through the meal he turned to Averila, "Princess, are you prepared for the journey to my home tomorrow?"
    November 19th, 2016 at 06:18pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    Princess Averila glanced around the room when she was not speaking with Kainan. Many of the nobles were watching them, trying to figure out how the two of them would go on. They were also trying to read Prince Kainan since he may be their future king. It was hard to determine how everything would play out when they wouldn't be able to really speak to either of them for half a year. It was never a good thing when the future heirs were gone for so long.

    She looked to Kainan when he spoke to her. Averila gave him a small smile. She was nervous about going to his home. Even though Averila had never been, she had heard many stories since the announcement of their engagement. And from what she heard it was nothing like her home. Plus there would be a lot of tension between her and his species. It was likely that many of them would be rooting against her before she go there. "Yes, I am prepared to leave tomorrow morning. I have heard so many stories about your kingdom so I am curious to see it for myself."
    November 19th, 2016 at 06:36pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    ((I'm sorry for the lack of posts!))

    "It is very different from this one," Kainan said softly, "I do not live in a castle nor do I spend much time surrounded by others of my station." He nodded respectively to the other royalty, "Not to be rude, just stating the truth." He returned his attentions to Princess Averila, "My parents and I work the land with our people. We hunt and build and sleep as if we were just normal pack members. That may be the biggest change for you. I hope you packed clothing that it easy to move in and that you don't mind getting dirty."

    He set down the spoon to his soup, then watched as the servant picked it up. He waited for the next course with the others, wondering why there were so many courses, "If you have questions or are having a difficult time adjusting to my home, please let me know."
    November 21st, 2016 at 05:32am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    ((It's okay! I wasn't on much this weekend))

    Princess Averila pressed her lips together tightly as she listened to him talk about his kingdom. It was so extremely different from her life that she wasn't sure how she was going to be able to adapt. Plus it sounded like Kainan and his people spent most of the time as wolves, being in their pack. How was she suppose to fit in with that? Plus she did not do commoner work. She was too high for that and there were other things to be done. How did her parents not see how bad of idea this was?

    "It does sound very different from here." Averila agreed with him. "Though I am sure with your help, I will be able to navigate those differences." She did not feel like she would fit there. But she had to at least try in order to maybe convince her parents later to reject the arrangement. Averila was already beginning to miss home.
    November 21st, 2016 at 06:38am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    ((Yeah... work and Holidays... I'll post as often as I can, but I'm really glad that you understand XDD))

    Kainan could tell from her expression and tone that Princess Averila wasn't as excited about this either. Nor that she had the confidence in him or his people. Still, there was no changing it. Their parents had already made their choice, had already announced the engagement. Now they all had to deal with the consequences. He didn't have faith that he an the Princess would be a good match, but if she was raised like he'd been she'd put her feelings aside and do for her people.

    Kainan grinned, then laughed a little, "Well, you're right. My home is very different than here. We do not have a visible difference of class. We're all treated equally for the most part." He shrugged, "Our kingdom leadership is past down by blood, yes, but also by strength." His family were the strongest wolves and had been for the past three generations. Kainan would make sure that didn't change.
    November 26th, 2016 at 12:11am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    Princess Averila looked down at him in surprised. Now she had no knowledge of how the succession of their kingdom worked. To her it sounded like something that was much easier to overthrow than hers. For her kingdom, it was based on blood. And sure it happened that some who share that blood may try to take over, but it was still always those with that blood. Just as she was about to say something, it was announced that it was time to head over to the ballroom to finish out the celebrations. It was customary for an engagement announcement. Plus the princess would be gone for a while so they wanted to send her off properly.

    Standing up, Averila followed her father and mother over to the ballroom. Once there, her father spoke a few choice words before the socializing started. Some moved into groups to speak while others started to head out to the dance floor. There were some nobles who looked over at Averila and Kainan expectedly, waiting for them to head out. Even others looked at the two, clearly wanting to speak to the new heir and their princess before they left.
    November 26th, 2016 at 01:20am
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Kainan followed the Royal Family to the ballroom, a polite smile on his face to hide the doubt. He wasn't a dancer. He was a fighter, a soldier, but definitely not a dancer. He'd spent the last month learning all about the customs here and dancing was definitely not his best class. So he watched those already on the dance floor and knew he'd be making a fool of himself. He was not graceful or coordinated enough in the moves. So his goal would be to spend the least amount of time there.

    Kainan was also a bit cautious because he was virtually alone here. His parents weren't there with him, they had to stay home. He had a well trained guard with him, of course, but not someone he could confide in. Still, he couldn't allow others to catch his doubts. So he was polite, courteous, and prepared to dance when he needed to and only then. He noticed the stares, but he'd expected them. The people here were curious about him and that was fine. His own gaze turned to Princess Averila and he wondered just how she felt about all this. Truly felt. As the music started for the first dance Kainan held back his flinch, but knew that he'd be expected to ask her to dance during the first song. So he turned to Princess Kainan and bowed low, holding his hand out, "May I have the first dance?"
    November 26th, 2016 at 05:30pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    Princess Averila had began to get nervous when they headed to the ballroom. It was customary for her to join part in the first dance. Though the past week she had been learning a bit about Kainan's home traditions and Averila had been rather sure they did not hold balls. So when he asked her to dance, she was surprised. Averila took his hand gently as she gave him a small curtsy. "You may." A small smile came over her face as they headed out onto the dance floor.

    Though still she was nervous how they would move together once on the dance floor. And she was uncomfortable about how close they would need to be for it. Even with the war over, Princess Averila felt disdain for Kainan and his kingdom. How could she not after his people had slaughtered so many of her own and vice versa? But still, she managed to pull a small as Kainan moved his arm around her waist and she laid a hand on his shoulder. Like every good princess she knew how to hide her feelings. And with that, Averila followed his lead through the first song.

    "Do you dance often at home?" Averila asked him once they were a few moves in.
    November 26th, 2016 at 05:42pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Kainan's gaze met Princess Averila's as he tried to get the steps to the dance right. Now that it was just them - sort of - he gave her a smile that was more true to himself and laughed a bit, "No. Not at all," He grinned, "I've had a month to learn all your customs and dance steps. So I apologize if they are not correct." He glanced back down at his feet to make sure they weren't too close to hers, "And I pray that I do not step on your toes."

    He twirled them to the song, keeping up with the other dancers fairly well. Since they were mostly alone - it would be hard for others to hear their conversation while dancing around - Kainan relaxed a bit, wanting to learn more about his betrothed, "Do you enjoy dancing?" He asked, "Or any other activity? I want to make you as comfortable as possible in my home."
    November 26th, 2016 at 06:00pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart

    "Well for only a month of lessons, you are doing quite well. It took me a very long time to get all of the dances right." Averila said as she held onto Kainan's shoulder a bit tighter and began to lead him a bit more. She knew it would be easier to bring him through the right dance path so he would only have to worry about where his feet were and talking to her. "And if you do step on my toes, I promise not to make a scene of it." Averila joked lightly. Though it actually would look quite bad if she ended up limping off the dance floor.

    Though at his question, Averila did give him a bit of a true smile. It was nice of Kainan to ask what she liked to do. After all, since they were already betrothed he didn't have to put in the effort like most suitors would. For the most part it was a done deal unless something went horribly wrong. "I do enjoy dancing. But I also enjoy horseback riding and archery. What do you like to do?"
    November 26th, 2016 at 06:18pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Kainan flinched a little, "We don't have much in the horse department. Most don't have the disposition to stay around a bunch of wolves." He gave her an apologetic smile, "But I'll see what I can do regarding riding. We do have archery ranges, though." He was very grateful to follow her lead through the dance, "Run. I love to just run, wild and free. No destination in mind, just running for pure enjoyment."

    The hand holding hers squeezed a little, "Princess, I know that this isn't what either of us wanted," He said, sobering a little, "But I hope that we can, at the very minimum, grow to like each other as friends. We're the start of a new truce... and everyone is looking to us to know how to handle the future."
    November 26th, 2016 at 06:29pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Jaguar's Heart
    Averila was not concerned about finding a horse to ride once she arrived to his home. After all, she would require some horses and a carriage to get to his country. And once they were there, she would be able to take care of them herself. Averila loved her horses and would need them to get around anyways. Plus, if Kainan ever wanted her to go running with him, she would need to ride. Running was not enjoyable for her and she was sure she would not be able to keep up with his wolf form.

    Though as she was about to tell him so, Kanian started to get serious. A small frown came over her face as he spoke. "Yes, I understand." Averila couldn't help but let out a small sigh. This was not what she wanted for her country or her marriage. And while Prince Kanian asked for friendship, she was not entirely sure that would be possible. "We will need to act...carefully for our counties."
    November 26th, 2016 at 06:58pm
  • Jaguar's Heart

    Jaguar's Heart (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Kainan nodded at Princess Averila's choice of words, "Carefully is a good word to use." He sighed, "I know that this is... not what either of us had planed for our future. I don't really know how your marriage customs work, but I would have chosen the strongest female to help lead my people." He grinned at the Princess, "But don't worry. It's only... tradition that its done that way. For the most part, anyways. My people have been briefed and understand what is happening and why."

    He twirled her as the other dancers did so as well, then brought her back to him, "We're together in this, Princess. And our people are - should - now be one. I'm working on putting the War behind me and starting over... and I hope you can do the same. We will not work well together if we're not trusting each other..."
    November 30th, 2016 at 06:48am