Wash the Devil From My Hands

  • Jeffrey’s face turned from stern to satisfied as he watched her comply with his orders. This is what he needed to see her doing. He needed to see her realize that he was in charge and that it was not going to be changing anytime soon. He watched as she tentatively picked at her food. He wanted to scold her for not eating properly, tell her that she should be grateful that he had taken the time to cook for her to begin with.

    Yet, he didn’t say a word. Jeffrey knew that if he did it would just cause another rash of disobedience, and that wasn’t something that he had the patience for at that very moment. He stood in front of her, with a plate of his own. As he ate his own food, he kept an eye on her to make sure that she was continually eating.

    “You’ll be fine,” he said nonchalantly. “I won’t do anything to hurt you, this is as much about you is it is about me. You will realize that soon, I promise.” Jeffrey knew that to her it probably didn’t make sense, but in due time it would.
    January 22nd, 2017 at 09:50pm
  • It took everything in Kaylee's willpower to keep from losing her cool as she sat in front of Jeffrey. She wasn't the least bit hungry, she wanted to puke, but she was afraid of what would happen should she choose to stop eating. She had pressed Jeffrey's buttons and the promise of a punishment was enough to keep her from doing it again.

    Kaylee had done a good job at keeping herself calm but when Jeffrey started to talk, she was unable to any longer. She bit down into her bottom lip, reaching up to wipe the sole tear that had managed to escape her eyes.

    "Yeah. Sure," Kaylee answered in a bitter voice, shaking her head slowly. "I don't believe you one bit but I get it. You're in charge - i don't get a say in anything," she muttered, wiping her mouth off with a napkin. Shoving her plate of food away, Kaylee looked away. "I'm not hungry," she declared louder this time around.
    January 23rd, 2017 at 07:30pm
  • Jeffrey white-knuckled the edge of the counter as her defiance rose once more. She was doing so well, so very well… Did she have to ruin this like everything else. Jeffery tried not to let his annoyance show through. He wasn’t sure if she thought this was a game; if she was getting off on the way that she could so easily send him over that edge.

    Jeffrey leaned over and peered onto her plate. He raised an eyebrow at her when he noticed it was only halfway eaten. Jeffrey sucked in a deep, sharp breath and exhaled slowly. He wiped his forehead with his forearm, before leaning over the counter and resting on his elbows.

    Jeffrey watched her for a moment, admiring the way her lips sat perfectly on her face. His gaze softened as he noticed her eyes wouldn’t meet his, even for a fleeting moment. “I’ll make you a deal,” he spoke, his tone stern yet understanding. “You eat half of that and you’ll be off the hook.”

    Jeffrey hoped that she would take the bait he had thrown out, if she didn’t comply with his offer, he wouldn’t be so lenient anymore.
    January 23rd, 2017 at 09:00pm
  • Kaylee tensed up when Jeffrey started to talk, her heart skipping a beat after he explained his little deal. She glanced over to her abandoned plate of food and tried for a moment to imagine eating but the thought made her nauseous. Sighing, Kaylee hung her head as she shook it. "I said I'm not hungry any more."

    Swallowing around the lump that had formed in her throat, Kaylee couldn't help but shrug her shoulders as she bit into her bottom lip. "You don't get to tell me this is about me and then in the next breathe tell me that I don't even get a choice in deciding that I'm not hungry any more. I'm old enough to decide if I'm hungry or not, thanks," Kaylee replied bitterly.

    Kaylee pushed away from the table enough that she could bring her legs up, resting her feet on the edge of the table. SHe hoped that maybe if she made herself small enough, Jeffrey would just leave her alone.
    January 24th, 2017 at 01:06am
  • Jeffrey’s eyes widened at the sudden outburst of defiance, his head slowing shaking back and forth. He forced himself to breath. He forced himself not to reach over the counter and pull her on top of it, face down. He forced himself not to do this actions.

    “Remember what I told you about defiance?” Jeffrey spoke, his tone low and warning. “Because you have two different options. I can give you one final verbal warning. If you don’t listen to that verbal warning, I will have to show you what being punished really is, Kaylee. I don’t think that you are ready for that—but so help me God if I don’t fucking show you.”

    Jeffrey was sure there was steam radiating around him from how pissed he was become. He was done playing nice. He was done trying to be understanding. He was done pretending that she would get a fucking grip and comply. Just as Kaylee was crumbling, so was Jeffrey’s self control… And he had been containing himself for so very long now.
    January 24th, 2017 at 09:06pm
  • Maybe it was that she didn't actually believe Jeffrey would truly hurt her or maybe it was to do with the fact that she was just so frustrated. Kaylee didn't know and she certainly didn't care, not at the moment. Her eyes narrowed as she glared up at Jeffrey, shaking her head slowly.

    "You're seriously going to punish me because I'm not hungry?!" Kaylee's words grew louder toward the end of her sentence. Her legs dropped forward and she shook her head, wrapping her arms tighter around herself. "There's no reasoning with you, if you honest plan on punishing me because I'm not hungry."

    Tilting her head to the side, a small smirk settled on her features. Kaylee was daring him now - without intending to. "Do your worst."
    January 25th, 2017 at 01:53am
  • All reserve that Jeffrey had to keep his cool was out the window once her words were spoken. Nothing was going to be able to take back what she had just said to him; she had all but dared him and that was her first mistake.

    In a flash, Jeffrey was around the kitchen counter and at her side. He gripped her by her bicep and yanked her to her feet, yet he still wasn't using enough force to hurt her. She needed to pay attention to him, and words were doing the trick.

    Despite her protests and her shouts, Jeffrey continued to lead her to the bedroom across the hall from hers, one she still had yet to see... The one he had been trying to hold off on showing her until they got a feel for one another.

    Jeffery punched in the key code of the locked door and pushed it open with his foot, bringing Kaylee around in front of him.

    "Well, Kaylee. Your decision was to do this the hard way. In here you do everything, and I mean everything I tell you to do--for now." Jeffery's voice was low, in an efforts to make sure she was paying attention to him. She would really have to listen to pick up on his words. He pointed towards the bed. "Get your ass over there and lay face down."
    January 25th, 2017 at 02:05am
  • One moment Jeffrey was on the opposite side of the table and the next, he was right there. That was the first thing that had unnerved her, how quickly Jeffrey was able to move. Her heart leapt to her throat as she was pulled to her feet, shouting at him to let her go as she tried to wriggle out of his grasp. His legs being so much longer than hers led to her stumbling after him as she tried to keep from falling right on her face.

    Kaylee hadn't really had the chance to look into the room when she was pulled around to his front so she hadn't quite realized what was going on yet. There was something about the way he spoke so quietly, a threat behind his words. Kaylee realized it then and she resigned herself to whatever was about to happen. It couldn't be that bad, anyway. Jeffrey was probably just saying those things earlier to scare her. Right?

    Turning, the colour drained from Kaylee's features as she took in the room. Pastel pink and frilly and... Kaylee shuddered as she took a tentative step forward.

    As her knees hit the edge of the bed, Kaylee found herself wanting to turn and to apologize but she was too stubborn. She didn't want to give into Jeffrey.

    Swallowing around the lump in her throat, Kaylee laid on the bed, inching forward until only her feet hung off the side of the bed. She drew in a deep breathe, burying her face into the blankets, hoping to hide from whatever was coming.
    January 25th, 2017 at 02:18am
  • Jeffrey had a wicked smile plastered on his face as he watched various different emotions run through her after she processed his words. He watched, so very pleased, as she timidly walked over to the bed. He watched the way her limbs moved, trembling ever so slightly.

    Jeffrey approached her, his hand reaching out to lay on her lower back. His fingers splayed across the small surface. The pads of his fingers scrunched her shirt beneath them, causing it to ride up ever so slightly. With his eyes, he drank in the sight of the sliver of bare skin in between her shirt and the waist band of her pants.

    He allowed his hand to trail down farther, following the dip of her back to the arch of where her perfect bottom began to rise. When his hand was fully over one cheek, he gave it a rough squeeze. “Part of punishment can be physical, Kaylee. Sense you aren’t responding to mental punishment, we are moving to this. Remember, you did this, not me. Count to three.”
    January 25th, 2017 at 03:08am
  • Kaylee shuddered, biting down into her bottom lip as she listened to the sounds of Jeffrey stepping toward her. She wanted nothing more than to hide, she hated that there was nowhere for her to go. Flinching when his hand set on her back, Kaylee's body grew rigid the further south Jeffrey's hand travelled.

    She began shaking her head wildly, wincing as he groped at her. Kaylee gave a kick, trying to dislodge his hand.

    Gritting her teeth at the demand, Kaylee lifted to pull her arms into her chest. Count? What was she? A child? Scoffing at the thought, Kaylee resolved to stay quiet until his hand started to tighten around her. It was enough of a reminder that she had dug herself a deep enough hole, she didn't need to go any lower.

    "One," Kaylee barely spoke loud enough to be heard, her cheeks turning different shades of red. "Two. Three."
    January 25th, 2017 at 03:23am
  • Jeffrey couldn’t help but gaze at the way that she was bent over so gracefully, so obediently. His hand reached out, and laid on her lower back, his fingers splayed. Jeffrey’s hand trailed down her back until he reached her bottom, keeping his hand on one cheek. He gave her a gentle squeeze and repeated his instruction for her to count. His thumb rubbed small circles on her pajama bottoms as she counted. Her shirt had ridden up ever so slightly, causing a small sliver of her bare skin to show.

    When she finally got to three, he brought his hand up and then back down, smacking onto her ass. He didn’t do it as hard as he normally would; she wasn’t ready for that yet. Only hard enough to grab her attention, to startle her. Enough to where her skin would surely tingle underneath his touch.

    Jeffrey leaned over, leaving his mouth with her ear. “There are two sides to punishment, mental and physical. You don’t seem to be too responsive towards mental punishment, so it’s time to start the next phase, little girl. Are you going to behave or does daddy need to show you what else will happen when you haven’t listened to him?”
    January 26th, 2017 at 01:55am
  • Kaylee yelped when Jeffrey's hand made contact with her bottom. She had known that it was coming but she couldn't help but to yelp, jerking away from him with nowhere to go. Her body tended, anticipating the next blow but what came next was worse. Kaylee's eyes were wide as he spoke, her findgers gripping the sheet beneath her.

    She didn't want to just roll over and listen to Jeffrey, she didn't but the threat was real enough that she was beginning to understand. Whether she wanted to or not, that didn't matter any more.

    Her eyes closed tightly as shame washed over, wishing nothing more than that she was back home. In her bed or worrying about exams or... anything else.

    "Okay," Kaylee whispered, her voice thick with emotion. She was as still as a statue, wondering maybe if she just didn't move, if she would disappear. Swallowing around the lump in her throat, Kaylee started to speak in a shaky voice. "I have to listen to you, I get that. I'll be good. Just please... please don't do that again."
    January 26th, 2017 at 02:40am
  • Jeffrey smirked as he leaned over her. “Ah, ah.” He corrected her as she began apologize. The change needed to happen now. She needed to learn how to address him and what was appropriate to say to him. His hand slid down and gripped her hip.

    Jeffrey’s lips where almost were brushing her ear as he spoke. Jeffrey knew just how uncomfortable she must have been, but she needed to get used to it. Jeffrey moved off of her. He turned her over so that she was laying on her back. He could see the sheer terror that was in her eyes. One day that will be pleasure.

    “Earlier in the kitchen, I told you how you are to address me from here on out, little Kaylee. Addressing me improperly will also lead to punishment. Do I need to roll you back over and show you again what that can be like?” Jeffrey’s voice was low, laced with dominance as he spoke. He stared down at her, his eyes dark, but internally he was hopeful that she would cooperate.
    January 26th, 2017 at 03:41am
  • Kaylee had been relatively okay until she was flipped over and forced to look at Jeffrey. She wanted to close her eyes and hide but she also sort of understood that that wasn't what she wanted to do either. There was no real explanation of how wrong of an idea that was but she had the sort of idea that ignoring him was the wrong way to go.

    The name popped into her head and Kaylee shuddered, her eyes dropping down to Jeffrey's chest. At least she wasn't looking him in the eye anymore. She shuddered, wondering if it would be possible for her to just... not. Before she could stop herself, a sob bubbled up inside of her chest. Kaylee reached up wiping at her eyes as she closed them. No, she couldn't look at him while she said that. But at least if she was saying it, that would be better than fighting it, right?

    "Daddy," Kaylee forced the word out, her face crumbling as she struggled to keep herself together. It felt so dirty, so wrong to be just bending to his will but what other choice did she have? "Please. I'll be good," Kaylee managed to continue, wrapping her arms around herself. "Please."
    January 26th, 2017 at 04:13am
  • Jeffrey stroked her hair as she spoke, his heart exploding with accomplishment. Progress. This was progress. Soon enough Kaylee would be doing everything he needed her to do. He had high hopes for her. He knew that she would be a good partner, she just needed a little bit of training per say. Not everyone was cut out to be what he needed Kaylee to be, but he had scoped her out for a long time. He studied her, learned about her. He chose her.

    “Good girl,” he praised her. “See, that wasn’t so hard was it?” Jeffrey grasped her chin gently and forced her to look up at him. “I can give you the world, Kaylee. I promise you. Whatever you want. All I ask in return is your obedience and your loyalty. I just want to care for you and for you to love me…”

    Jeffrey pushed himself up off her. He reached down and grabbed her hand, gently pulling her up so she could sit. “Since you have been so good, I’ll open a door for you.” Jeffrey made his way across the room and unlocked the bathroom door. Inside was a lavish tub and shower. He knew she probably needed sometime to herself after everything she had just taken in. “You can shower or bathe or whatever it is you need to do. There are clothes for you over there in that closet.”
    January 26th, 2017 at 04:22am
  • Kaylee wanted to laugh in Jeffrey's face. There was no way in hell that he would be able to give her the world. She was young and she was adventurous, being cooped up in a house until he decided that she wasn't worth it anymore was not going to be enough to keep her satisfied. But there was no sense in telling him that.

    Giving a small nod of her head, Kaylee allowed him to pull her up. She watched warily as he headed over to a door she had yet to see. Kaylee's anxiety shot right back up as she anticipated what could possibly be on the other side. Kaylee blinked, her brows pulling together as he revealed the bathroom to her.

    Kaylee stood slowly, taking a timid step forward. Was there some sort of hidden catch? She watched him, suddenly afraid to even pass him to get into the bathroom. She could wait. Forcing herself to smile, Kaylee drew in a deep breathe. "Thank you." Kaylee spoke, only for her eyes to shoot up to meet his eyes. "Daddy!" She nearly shouted the word, not wanting to see any sort of punishment.
    January 26th, 2017 at 04:36am
  • Jeffry gave her a nod of appreciation when she had corrected herself. "Remember, its in this room where you call me that. Sometimes I may require you to call me that in other rooms, but this room in particular is especially important that you respect that wish Kaylee."

    He wasn't stupid, Jeffrey knew that Kaylee would be scoping out the place, trying to find anywhere where she could escape. But what Kaylee didn't know was that in weeks or even months time, she may not even want to leave. Many girls didn't. But Jeffrey was up for the challenge. It kept him on his toes, kept him sharp and wise. Eventually, she would come around.

    "Is there anything I can get you? I know there's fresh towels and all kind of shower stuff in there for you." He mentioned, trying to thing of everything that was in the bathroom. "If you need anything, all you have to do is ask."
    January 26th, 2017 at 04:51am
  • Kaylee didn't understand how Jeffrey went from spanking her one moment and in the next moment, he was offering her a shower and time to herself. But she wasn't going to question it. Being around him terrified her because she had no clue when he was going to want more from her. When he was going to want to touch her, when she would be touching him. And he had already made it clear that the only other alternative option was physical punishment.

    Realizing that she didn't really have any sort of way out of the situation, Kaylee sighed, pulling her shoulders together. She hoped that if she appeared to be cooperating by just heading into the bathroom, he wouldn't bother her while she was in the bathroom.

    Kaylee headed into the bathroom, practically hugging the other side of the door to keep from being any closer to him that absolutely necessary. Her hand hovered over the handle of the door, half afraid to shut the door in Jeffrey's face but if there was any chance at her being comfortable enough to undress, Jeffrey wouldn't be watching her. She refused to look up as she shut the door, unsure of whether he would lash out at her for doing so.

    Breathing a sigh of relief, Kaylee stepped toward the tub. She started the water, wanting to take a bath to hopefully help her relax. She poured some shampoo in the water, quick to climb in once she was undressed. Kaylee sunk into the water until her chin was just barely above the water.
    January 26th, 2017 at 05:13am
  • Jeffrey knew that relationships like this were nothing but give and take. If this way going to work between the two of them, he was going to have to earn her trust. Yet, she was also going to have to learn how to trust him. He knew by loosening her leash and giving her freedoms that she had to earn, hopefully her attitude would change and she would start to adjust.

    Jeffrey gave her some space, giving her around a half-hour of alone time. He busied himself with going for a short jog on his treadmill and then showering himself. Once he was cleaned and changed he walked down to her room. He knocked on the door three times before opening it.

    “Kaylee?” he spoke out, “Are you dressed? There is something else that I wanted to show you.” Jeffrey decided that it was time to show her the rest of the house. He needed to lay his boundaries of where she could and couldn’t go.
    January 26th, 2017 at 04:24pm
  • Kaylee had nearly managed to fall asleep in the bathtub, it offering her more comfort than she had really intended in receiving. She didn't want to be comfortable enough to sleep in the bath. Naked. When Jeffrey could just walk in on her at any moment.

    Jerking awake when she heard the sound of his voice, she instinctively wrapped her arms around herself. "I...uh, no," Kaylee called out in reply. "I'll be right out though," she finished. She reluctantly leaned forward and started draining the tub before climbing out.

    Kaylee rung out her hair before drying off with a towel. She wrapped it tightly around her body since she hadn't brought clothes into the bathroom with her. Nervously, she opened the door, keeping her attention directed downward as she left the bathroom.
    January 26th, 2017 at 04:46pm