Wash the Devil From My Hands

  • Jeffrey watched her come out of the bathroom, his mouth immediately going dry as he saw her so vulnerable. God, the things he wanted to do to her… But those would all come in due time. He turned his back, knowing that she would appreciate the privacy. Soon enough, she would be freely bare in front of him where he could drink in the sight of her.

    Once he was sure she was dressed, he turned and smiled at her. “Alright, so there is only two places in this house you aren’t allowed without permission. The first being the gym.” Because it has a window, and I don’t trust you not to leave. “The second place is my office. You aren’t allowed in there under any circumstance whatsoever. Understood?”

    Jeffrey lead her around the house, showing her different things. He showed her the library, the media room, the living room… He was waiting for her to ask questions, but she seemingly never did. When they ended back up in the kitchen, he crossed his arms as he stood and looked at her. “Are there any questions you have for me? I know there is a lot to this house…”
    January 26th, 2017 at 05:38pm
  • Kaylee wouldn't be able to lie, she was beyond relieved when Jeffrey turned around to give her some privacy while she changed into a clean set of pajamas. She had half expected him to watch as she struggled to change beneath the towel so needless to say, she was pleasantly surprised by the unexpected turn in events.

    She followed after him, careful to keep up with him but still keeping a fair bit of distance between them. Listening as they moved throughout the house, Kaylee couldn't understand why she wasn't allowed in two rooms that to her, were nothing out of the ordinary.

    Clearing her throat, Kaylee shifted her weight from one foot to the next under his gaze. "I... I don't mean to question, please don't be mad. Just... what's so bad about your office? The gym?"
    January 26th, 2017 at 07:16pm
  • Jeffery raised an eyebrow at her. He wasn’t prepared for her to ask questions, but he did like the way that she had prefaced them. It was like she finally knew, or was at least trying to learn, how to speak to him. That was something that he could give her praise for…. Now, if only she was ready for the type of praise he was ready and willing to shower her with.

    “My office is my office. It is my personal, private space. It’s where I, uh, work and get different things situated. There is no reason for you to go somewhere that you don’t belong, correct?” Jeffrey waited for her to nod, signaling that she understood them. He tilted his head at her appreciatively, “Gym is off limits until I trust you a little more—until we trust each other. If you want to use the gym, all you have to do is ask, you will just be supervised at all times when you are in there.”

    There was no way in hell that Jeffrey was going to let slip that there was a window located in the gym. Kaylee seemed to be a smart girl, and although he had taken all precautions in securing the home, he wouldn’t put it past her if she tried to leave.
    January 27th, 2017 at 04:45am
  • Kaylee didn't hesitant to nod when Jeffrey spoke, hanging her head. She kicked against the floor, biting down on the inside of her lip as she listened to him continue to speak. Just the way that Jeffrey seemed to tense up at the mention of the gym made her wonder what the hell was going on, that there had to be something in there that Jeffrey really didn't want her having any access to it. What that was, she had no clue but she couldn't help but at least wonder.
    The night morning rolled around and Kaylee was awake fairly early. She hadn't been able to sleep well so she eventually decided against trying to get a bit more sleep. She sat up on her bed, pulling her knees up to her chest. Leaning against the headboard, Kaylee simply sat and waited. She had no clue what today had in store for her but she wasn't all that eager to find out - until Jeffrey came looking for her, she was content to stay in her room.
    January 27th, 2017 at 09:49pm
  • Jeffrey was up early that morning. He had made a pot of coffee and set himself outside on the porch. If yesterday was anything like the current day, he was sure he would have struggles with Kaylee. He knew that Kaylee was going to be a challenge. Nevertheless, she was a challenge that he was eager to conquer.

    After he was done relaxing on the porch and done with his coffee, he made his way back inside. Thinking that maybe Kaylee could use a little more time to herself, he took his time showering and getting ready for the day. When he was done, he made his way to Kaylee’s room.

    Jeffrey unlocked her door and knocked on it briefly. He pushed it open and saw her sitting on the bed. He could tell she hadn’t gotten much sleep that night. Shame on her, she should be getting all the rest she can, he thought to himself. “How long have you been up, little one?” He asked with his eyebrows rest. “You really should try to sleep more. Sleep deprivation is a bitch, can’t have you going through that, now can we?”
    January 27th, 2017 at 09:54pm
  • Kaylee looked up when Jeffrey knocked on the door, trying to remind herself to relax. She bit down on her bottom lip, watching as he stepped forward a bit. She shrugged, looking back down to the floor. She knew that explaining that she just couldn't sleep any more wasn't going to get her anywhere. If anything, that would only serve to end up upsetting Jeffrey. She looked to the side, knowing she couldn't just ignore him entirely. As much as she wanted to.

    "I couldn't sleep," Kaylee finally answered. She wrapped a hand around her forearm, rubbing gently. "It doesn't matter," she spoke a bit louder so that she would be heard better. Kaylee didn't think there was any sort of reason to sugarcoat - Jeffrey wasn't.

    "I'm awake now so," Kaylee tried to reason, unable to bring herself to look up to him. She could only imagine defying him would do no good. Pulling her blankets closer to her body, Kaylee just wished he would leave her be.
    January 27th, 2017 at 10:22pm
  • Jeffrey listened as Kaylee spoke, noticing a hint of attitude in her voice once more. Didn’t they just go over this yesterday? He quirked his brow as he strode closer to her. Once he was standing at the edge of her bed, he reached out and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

    “Eye contact, keep it when you speak to me, understood?” He warned, his voice stern. He shook his head. “And didn’t we go over your attitude problem yesterday, or do you need to be reminded once more? This early in the morning?”

    Jeffrey sighed and released her chin, crossing his arms over his chest. He loomed over her now, staring down at her as he spoke once more. “Not a very good way to start your day, Kaylee.”
    January 27th, 2017 at 10:29pm
  • Somehow, being forced to look up at Jeffrey made Kaylee feel that much worse. At least if she wasn't looking him in the eye, she could at least try to pretend that this wasn't as bad as it actually was. Swallowing around the lump in her throat, she could only bring herself to nod. Her mouth had gone dry when Jeffrey spoke. She wanted nothing more than to shake Jeffrey and tell him how ridiculous he was to think she would simply fall right into whatever he asked of her but she knew better.

    Her shoulders sagged as she hung her head, biting down on her lip. Kaylee squirmed underneath Jeffrey's intense stare before she forced herself to look up at Jeffrey. She had obviously upset him and she could only imagine what would happen should she let that continue to happen.

    "I'm sorry," Kaylee paused, drawing in a deep breathe before continuing. "Daddy. I didn't... mean to be bratty," Kaylee tried to reason before she looked down to her lap where she wrung her hands together. "It won't happen again."
    January 28th, 2017 at 01:49am
  • Jeffrey ran his thumb across her bottom lip as she spoke, watching her recoil backwards slight. His grip on her chin tightened ever so slightly until she looked back up at him again. Jeffrey never understood why young girls, so smart such as herself, did understand basic manners. Spoke when spoken to, maintain eye contact when conversing, and mind your p’s and q’s. He sure did have his work cut out for him.

    “Good girl,” he praised her as he addressed her properly. He released her chin, allowing her to move her head freely, but as soon as he did, her head hung downward once more. “Kaylee,” he warned once more. “Eye contact.”

    “Now that we are done with this, you need to get up and get dressed. Be downstairs in twenty minutes for breakfast, understood?”
    January 29th, 2017 at 05:01am
  • Kaylee had been as good as she could have been until his thumb brushed over her lip. She jerked backward, only to freeze when his grip tightened. It wasn't enough to bruise but there was certainly an unspoken threat. She didn't want his praise, she wanted to kick and scream until Jeffrey figured that out all for himself but that didn't seem to be happening any time soon.

    "Yes, Daddy," Kaylee answered weakly, looking up to him when he mentioned breakfast. When Jeffrey finally left her alone, she took her time changing into a more day appropriate set of clothes. Just a plain shirt and a pair of jeans.

    Kaylee headed downstairs, lingering in the door way to the kitchen. She stared down at the floor, biting down on her lip. Maybe if she was quiet and didn't move, he would forget about her.
    January 29th, 2017 at 05:25am
  • Jeffrey knew she had entered the room as soon as she had shuffled in, but he chose to ignore her. She should have been addressing him, thanking him for taking his time to cook her breakfast—for caring for her. Stirring the eggs in the pan, he cleared his throat and spoke loudly.

    “Acknowledge me when you walk into somewhere I am at, little one.” He turned around and sent her a threatening glare before he turned around and faced the stove one more. “Especially when I am doing something so kind as to cook you breakfast.”

    Jeffrey started dishing the food out onto the plates. He looked up at her and pointed to her seat, “Sit.” He ordered her. He cleared his throat as he finished plating the food, “Going to have to punish you again, baby. But I’ll let you eat first, I know you must be hungry.”
    January 29th, 2017 at 05:32am
  • Kaylee's head shot up to make eye contact with Jeffrey the moment he began to speak, nodding to show that she understood. She swallowed around the sudden dry feeling in her mouth. She honestly hadn't thought about anything he was suggesting and yet, she was kicking herself as he turned away from her.

    Her mind was racing as she waited, trying to sort out the right words to say. How was she supposed to apologize? Was she expected to? What if she said the wrong thing and upset him all over again?

    Shuffling over to her seat, Kaylee dropped into the chair, watching the spot in front of her. But at the mention of punishment, all the words came spewing out. "I-I'm sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean to be ungrateful or whatever. And I didn't mean to be rude, I just didn't want to disturb you when you were cooking. I'm sorry," she paused to drag in a deep breathe since it had been a run on sentence for the most part. "Please don't punish me."
    January 29th, 2017 at 05:43am
  • A smirk of satisfaction spread across Jeffrey’s face as Kaylee scrambled to rectify the situation. But they only way it was going to be rectified was for Kaylee to be punished. If she wasn’t punished, she wouldn’t learn. And if she didn’t learn, she wouldn’t be obedient… And well if she was obedient, there would be a big problem.

    “Oh Kaylee,” Jeffrey tutted. “I wish I could let this slide, but it isn’t going to happen.”

    With his back to her, Jeffrey continued to cook. Cooking was something Jeffrey rather enjoyed. It was one of the things he took pleasure in, besides his usual activities. Soon enough, Jeffrey was plating the food he had made. He portioned out Kaylee’s onto a plate, and then slid it towards her. He eyed her for a moment, waiting for some type of reaction from the girl. He knew she was going to need to eat enough sooner than later; she hadn’t had much sustenance since she had been there. And on the other hand, he was waiting for a thank you.
    February 22nd, 2017 at 10:37pm
  • "What?" Kaylee echoed, her eyes widening as she looked up to Jeffrey. She shook her head, pulling her legs up to rest her feet on the edge of the chair. Her bottom lip wobbled as she hung her head, willing herself to keep it together. Kaylee wanted to plead her case but it just wasn't there. She was afraid that if she started to try and climb out of the hole that she had dug for herself, that she would only end up deeper.

    It wasn't until Jeffrey was setting the plates down on the table that Kaylee was pulled out of her thoughts, her eyes darting up to his face. She didn't know if she was hungry or not, not really, but she knew well enough not to be ungrateful. "Thank you, Daddy," she spoke clearly as she reached over to pick up her fork.

    Kaylee's hands shook just a bit as she took the first few bites of food. "It's good," she offered, hoping that a compliment would help ease Jeffrey's mood. At this point, she had no clue what was coming but she was more than willing to do what it took to ease whatever punishment.
    February 22nd, 2017 at 10:55pm
  • Jeffrey nodded his head, telling her that she was welcome for the food. He would always do whatever he could to provide for Kaylee and ensure that she was happy as well, all he could do was hope that she would realize it. Jeffrey started in on his own food, glancing at her every so often.

    “I’ll switch the cable on in your bedroom today for you if your good, yeah?” He offered after he had finished a bite of food. He knew that he couldn’t keep her in solidarity or else she would have nothing but time to figure out how to get away from him.

    “You’re doing better, I give you that.” Jeffrey commented. “But there are still things that need be fixed Kaylee. I’m pretty clear about where I draw the line at things, you just have to abide by those things.”
    February 22nd, 2017 at 11:13pm
  • Kaylee perked up a bit at the mention of cable being turned on, taking the promise as a sign that Jeffrey's mood must be improving. She didn't know him well at all but she was almost positive that he wouldn't have even bothered to offer it if there no chance of her pleasing him. She gave a small smile before returning her attention back to the food in front of her.

    Her head snapped up at the sound of Jeffrey's voice, setting her fork down to try and focus on him. "Please. I understand, I'll be good!" Kaylee tried to reason, straightening up as she tilted her head to the side. "You don't have to punish me. I just... I need to know if I'm doing something wrong and I swear that I won't do it again if you just give me the chance!" Kaylee was sounding desperate by the end of it, her eyes dropping every so often before she would jolt and look back up to meet his gaze. Eye contact was important.
    February 22nd, 2017 at 11:34pm
  • “Oh but Kaylee,” Jeffrey cooed, his hand reaching out to cup her face. His thumb traced her bottom lip briefly. “I promise you will like it just as much as I will. Rules are rules baby girl, gotta punish you. You were disrespectful as shit this morning, you know that.”

    Jeffrey tilted his head as he looked at her. His eyes narrowed slightly, in a non-threatening way, but the tone of his voice showed otherwise. “Tell me not to punish you one more time Kaylee and it will be worse. So I advise that you just finish your breakfast and then go get changed. Got it?”

    Jeffrey looked back down at his food and continued to eat, hoping that his words were finally sinking into the girl as she resumed her own eating. Jeffrey wasn’t going to allow Kaylee to have her little outbursts of defiance and think that she could get away with it every time it happened. She needed to learn her lesson, but what she didn’t know, was that she was going to learn it in the best way possible.
    February 22nd, 2017 at 11:43pm
  • Kaylee's breathe hitched as she watched Jeffrey's hand inching toward her face. She fought against the urge to shy away. There was no doubt in her mind that she shouldn't be pulling away and acting as if she didn't want to be here. Jeffrey's happiness seemed to be rather important to her, whether she wanted it that way or not. Swallowing around the lump in her throat, Kaylee nodded, her eyes still trained on Jeffrey.

    Her face crumbled at his warning, giving a small nod of her head. "Yes, sir," she managed to mumble, fear slivering down her spine. Kaylee breathed out a few times, trying to compose herself before she finally finished off her breakfast.

    Kaylee took a final sip of her drink after finishing with her food before she thanked him quietly before standing, rushing back toward the room she had slept in the last night before. She changed into a fresh shirt and pair of jeans before sitting on the bed, her hands beneath her thighs. Kaylee hung her head, slowly counting forward and back as she waited for Jeffrey to come up to her room.
    February 23rd, 2017 at 12:01am
  • When Jeffrey finished cleaning everything up from the kitchen, he took his time going up to Kaylee’s room. He knew that the suspense would kill her. But, it would also highten her adrenaline for what was coming. Jeffrey decided that he was going to take things a little further with Kaylee that morning, show her just how pleasurable it could be for her to be punished… It didn’t anyways have to be so damn bad like she made it sound.

    Jeffrey stalked up the stairs and made his way toward her room. He opened the door to find her sitting on her bed. He reached out his head, beckoning for her to come over so he could lead her to the other room. As his hand grasped hers, he could tell she was trembling. He did feel bad, slightly, but that was only because she was still afraid. She wouldn’t always be afraid.

    When they made it into the room, he closed the door behind him, instructing her to go over by the bed. “I want you to strip down to nothing but your panties and bend over that bed, understood? You try to fight me on the and it will only be worse.”
    February 23rd, 2017 at 01:32am
  • Kaylee kept her mouth shut even as she was led out of her room. She knew what was happening - she knew what room she was heading to. Her heart was racing as they stepped into the room. Slowly, Kaylee turned to face Jeffrey. Her face fell, mouth dropping open at his words. No. There was no way that Jeffrey could ask her to do something like that. "But, I-" Kaylee's words were cut off by the end of the promise.

    Straightening up, Kaylee turned back around and headed toward the bed. She looked down, focusing her attention on her steps so that she wouldn't make a fool of herself and fall or something silly. With her back to Jeffrey, Kaylee pulled her shirt over her head. Torn between what to take off next, Kaylee's hands dropped from her bra strap down to the button on her jeans. Pushing the material down her legs, Kaylee stepped out of them. With a deep breathe, Kaylee undid her bra before lowering herself to the bed.

    Kaylee buried her face into the mattress beneath her, closing her eyes tightly. She fisted the sheets, focusing on her breathing to try and keep herself as calm as she could.
    February 23rd, 2017 at 01:56am