Prove Yourself

  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    After Tanner was finished eating, he decided to make his way back up to his room. It was getting pretty late after all and he needed to get some sleep for the busy day ahead of him tomorrow. Every day was rather eventful in this house to say the least. You just never knew what to expect. Not even through the night. You had to expect the unexpected. Tanner unlocked the door to his bedroom, locking it back up once he was inside. "I would totally let you roam around free and all but yunno, don't want to get my head chewed off by the big guy," he said with a smirk and a shrug. Tanner stripped down to his boxers before climbing into his bed, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on for back ground noise. As he flipped through the channels he glanced over at her, sighing heavily. "So, got anything interesting to tell me?"
    Eva sighed. She knew it was going to be something like that. "Would you like to pick out the outfit, or shall I?" She asked, yanking the covers back and getting out of bed. She was so aggravated right now. She had been sleeping so good and he had to wake her with this bull shit. She went to her closet, pursing her lips as she looked at her skimpy outfits. If she was going to be distracting she needed something that was sexy but she could also move quick in. "Jesus Christ I don't know, I'm not awake, pick something," she whined, leaning her forehead against the doorframe of the closet. Eva hated late night bull crap like this. She loved her sleep way to much.
    December 9th, 2016 at 06:33am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ CindyLouWho
    Charlotte had curled up at the end of the bed so she was facing the TV. She didn't really acknowledge Tanner either when he came in. After the day she had, Charlotte was exhausted. Though when he started to talk, she rolled over so she was looking up at him. "Are you asking if I have anything interesting or if there is anything interesting to know about your enemy?" Charlotte asked him as she raised an eyebrow. She supposed there was information that she could give Tanner now. Though who knew how he would react once she spoke up. As she waited for him to answer, Charlotte crawled under the blanket so her body was covered.
    Felix walked over to the closet and pulled out a short red dress that barely covered her tits. He then grabbed a pair of red shoes before handing it over to Eva. "This should be good enough for them. Just tell them your lost or something. Dock workers tend to be pretty stupid anyways." Felix said before sitting down on the bed. He started to rub his face. Felix actually hated it when he needed to use Eva for distractions. Especially since the men involved didn't know that she was his. But he needed Eva to prove her loyalty and show him that she loved him. And this was one easy way for her to do that. "Remember the rules? They don't touch you or I put a bullet through their head."
    December 9th, 2016 at 07:06am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Tanner raised a brow as he looked over at her, shrugging his shoulders. "Both, really," he said with a small smirk. Anything she wanted to tell him, she would listen to. Not only because he wanted as much information from her as possible but because he actually kind of liked the sound of her voice. It was very melodic and soothing. He wouldn't mind getting to know her a little better while also using her for the information that they needed. "Let's start with something easy, then you can just continue from there. What happened between you and your ex?" He asked, reaching over for his cigarettes and lighter off his nightstand. He pulled one out, lighting it up before taking a long, satisfying drag. He settled one. Channel, setting the remote aside before settling his gaze on Charlotte, who decided to join him under the covers. Smart girl, it always got so cold here at night.
    Eva sighed heavily, nodding her head as she took the dress from him. Although she wouldn't mind watching him blow some heads off, she rather sleep when she got home. She knew it would give her nightmares in the long run, even though it never bothered her at the time that it actually happened. She took off her pajamas, pulling on the dress and the heels before walking over to her vanity and sitting down at the chair. Eva sorted through her makeup, picking out the right things before quickly doing it just right. She then quickly did her hair, throwing a few curls in it and teasing it up. She made sure her boobs looked perfect in her dress before spritzing on some of Felix's favorite perfume and standing up. "Alright, let's get this over with," she said, putting her hands on her hips.
    December 10th, 2016 at 07:32am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ CindyLouWho

    Charlotte let out a small sigh then Tanner asked about her ex, Marc. "He broke a promise." She closed her eyes as she thought about how to continue. It took her a few seconds before starting. "When you are the girlfriend of a gang leader, you get used to promises being broken and constantly fearing something. You fear that they'll die, or get caught. Or that one day that he'll get bored of you and decide that you know too much. But most of those things you'll learn to deal with, and you stay either because you love them or out of fear. But Marc made a promise to me from the beginning, that he'll always keep me and my family safe, no matter what. And to me, that was the most important promise he could make. Though one day keeping my family safe and helping the gang were on different sides. And he decided that the gang was more important than them." Her voice started to get harsh. "And it wasn't even something that he had to do. It was a business opportunity that he didn't have to take. He did it because the payout was good and his greed was larger than his love for me...The deal caused him to go shoot up the place where my brother worked. He was there that day and he ended up getting shot by Marc's guys, even though they knew him. And to make matters worse, he acted like it was no big deal, and Marc expected me to stay loyal to him." Charlotte let out a scoff. "Well he was wrong and I hope you all can burn him and his gang to the ground.
    "That's my girl." Felix said as he walked over to Eva and wrapped an arm around her waist. He pressed a light kiss to her cheek, making sure not to mess up her look though. She did tend to get upset when he did that before they headed out. Though with that, they headed out of the mansion and drove to the dock. Two others from the gang came along to help Felix steal things. They seemed to also be trying to gain some of Felix's trust. While everyone respected Felix, and never really planned to overthrow him, it was annoying when he suddenly went on his trust tirades. Though it was relatively easy to gain it back, especially if it was something they would have had to do anyways for the gang.

    Once they got there, Felix stopped the car and turned to Eva. "Meet us back here in 30 minutes. They shouldn't be dangerous so you should be fine. They are just dock workers."
    December 11th, 2016 at 03:48am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Tanner listened to her as he took another hit of his cigarette, shaking his head. If it was one thing about gangs, especially with leaders, no matter how fucked in the head they were, family was top priority. Promises were promises and if you broke them you were fucking nothing. You were scum. Maybe that was just how Felix's gang worked. But then again this hadn't been the only gang Tanner had been in, he belonged to one other once before but he was left for dead and thrown out for actually betraying those no good bastards in helping Felix. It took a lot for Tanner to earn Felix's trust and loyalty but he managed it and it got him to were he was today. "Sounds like a fucked gang and guy to me. Family is number one, and you especially don't break promises," he said, putting out his cigarette. "The only advantage he has is that he doesn't play by the rules. Im sure you're familiar with our rules, it's what keeps us all in check. It was a list of rules started by the first group of gangs," he said with a wave of his hand. "History bull shit. Your little honeypot doesn't follow any of them. To say everyone is pissed is an understatement. So don't worry, we'll take him down. You just tell me everything you think I need to know."
    Eva looked out of the window, scrunching up her nose as she sighed heavily. She didn't wasn't to do this. She was so tired. She got out of the car, nodding at Felix. She walked over towards the dock men, swinging her hips and giving them a smirk. "Hi there, boys," she said, placing her hands on a crate and sticking her ass out as she leaned her weight against it, also giving the men a good show of her boobs. "How are you doing tonight?" Eva started up a conversation with the men, giggling and twirling her hair as they flirted with her. They were disgusting and smelly, she wanted to vomit just from the smell. She could see Felix and the others from the corner of her eye, which made her a bit nervous. She didn't like it when they were in side view. She moved to the other side of the crate, making the men move to the other side as well so she could have a full view of Felix on the ship behind them. Eva sat on top of the crate, her eyes widening when her dress snagged on something and ripped up the side. "Oh, shoot," she said with a laugh, waving it off as one of the guys stepped closer. She was pissed she ruined a good dress.
    December 11th, 2016 at 06:46am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ CindyLouWho

    Charlotte couldn't help but let out a small scoff. "I'm not going to tell you everything. The moment I do that is the moment you either leave me out to dry or don't care about having to listen to your new little toy." She shook her head before pulling the blanket around her a bit more. It was already getting quite cold in the room. "Though I'll tell you enough to take that asshole down." As she said that, Charlotte moved so she was a little closer to Felix and her voice dropped. There was a clear hesitation on Charlotte's part before continuing. "I do have something to say now. Before I left, Marc and the others were setting up a trap for you group this week. They were going to create an opportunity where it looked like you would be able to steal from their warehouse. Though when you got there, they were going to shoot kill those who were sent."
    Felix and the other two guys were on the ship. It was easy to pull off the crates that were the rival's. After all they had to be marked in a way that showed whoever it was going to that this was the stuff they had been waiting for. Though it wasn't too obvious, because that would be suspicious.
    As they moved it all off, Felix looked out and saw Eva distracting the doc workers. He smiled widely before continuing with their job. Man his girl was always so good at what he needed her to do.
    Once they got everything off and into the car, the other two took the truck and headed to one of their own warehouses. Felix took his car and drove back to the meeting point to grab Eva.
    December 11th, 2016 at 02:36pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Tanner couldn't help but roll his eyes a little. He clearly wasn't like that. Well, maybe he was. He was known to drop his little toys like hot cakes once he was done with them. But Charlotte was obviously a different case altogether so she really needed to get that through that thick skull of hers. Tanner raised a brow as she said she had something to tell him now, lowering his head and resting his gaze on her so that he could listen intently. "Do tell, princess," he murmured eagerly. Tanner's anger set in as he listened to the information she gave him, a low growl emitting from his throat. "That's very useful, thank you," he said, trying to process it and figure out what he was going to do. He wasn't sure if he needed to go tell Felix now or wait until the morning. Tanner never new what the other man was doing anymore when it came to Eva or just anything in general. He was very unpredictable. "Anything else? Like strategy tactics or anything of the sort?"
    "Well, that's for the chat, boy. I must be off." Eva slid off of the crate she had been sitting on, blowing kisses to the dock men. As she turned to walk away, one grabbed her ass and turned her towards him, trying to sneak a little something. Eva shook her head, kneeing him in the crotch and drop kicking him real fast, pressing her heel to his chest. "Anyone else?" She asked, raising a brow as she looked at the rest of them. "Yeah, didn't think so. I suggest you move along before my boyfriend finds out what you planned on doing and decides to blow your heads off," she said with a sickening sweet smile, lifting her foot up and letting them all scram off. Eva rolled her eyes, making her way back to the meeting point and getting in the car. "I hate when you make me do this shit," she grumbled, taking off her dress. "Nothing but slimy, worthless, no good bastards." She leaned over the seat, searching for her t-shirt and sweat pants that she had brought with her to change in.
    December 12th, 2016 at 04:31am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ CindyLouWho

    Charlotte let out a small sigh before pressing her face farther into the pillow. "No. He just plans on blowing all of your brains out with a bunch of explosives they are going to put in the warehouse. And if that didn't get you, or the fire, there is suppose to be a sniper on the roof across from it." She let out a small sigh before snuggling up into the blanket. "All I know is that he said that it would be an opportunity that your gang would just have to take." Charlotte curled up a bit more with the pillow and the blanket before closing her eyes. "I am going to head off to sleep." Charlotte murmured. She felt like she had told Tanner enough for now. At least he knows about the immediate threat.
    "I know you hate it baby. But you do such a good job and none of the guys can hold their attention like you can." Felix leaned over and kissed Eva's cheek gently. He was quite satisfied with how everything went down. Especially since now he knew that he could still trust Eva. With that resolved, Felix drove them back to the mansion. Once they got there, Felix lead Eva back to their bedroom and he went to go clean up. When he was done, he walked over to his girl and wrapped his arms around her. Once again he kissed her cheek. "Should we sleep in tomorrow." Felix murmured into her ear.
    December 12th, 2016 at 05:12am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Tanner nodded, sighing heavily. They were going to have to take extreme cautions for that mission. Either that or just skip out of it altogether. But he was sure that they could come up with a counter attack plan to nip it in the bud. Tanner yawned and leaned over, turning his light out and getting comfy in his end, pulling the covers up over himself. "Thanks for the information, princess. You're doing good at sharing on your first day," he said, reaching over and rubbing her side. Tanner rolled over onto his stomach, letting out another small yawn. "Get some sleep. We have a very busy day tomorrow." With that, Tanner snuggled his face into his pillow and fell into a rather deep sleep.
    Eva was glad that she had made Felix happy. That was all that she really wanted, even if she did hate it. "I'm glad it made you happy, baby, and that it helped you out," she said softly with a small smile. When they got back she took her makeup off and ran a brush through her hair, putting it up in a messy bun. She grinned up at Felix, nodding. "Yes, please. That sounds amazing," she said with a small groan. She wanted to sleep her life away at this point she was just so tired. Eva climbed into bed, curling up into him one he was in also and placing a few small kisses onto his chest. It didn't take her long before she was fast asleep from how tired she was.
    December 12th, 2016 at 10:45am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ CindyLouWho

    Charlotte let out a small sigh when Tanner said that they had a busy day tomorrow. She couldn't help but wonder what he would have her do. Surely he would be busy with the gang, telling them information that she had told him? Though Charlotte did not know that for sure, and it wasn't up to her to question him about it at the moment. So, deciding to ignore what he said, Charlotte fell asleep with ease.
    In the morning, Charlotte was the first to wake. She glanced around the room, seeing that Tanner was still asleep. With ease, she slid off of the bed and made her way quietly to the bathroom, where she took a quick shower.
    Felix held onto Eva closely as she moved into his arms. He looked down at Eva with a warm smile as he watched her sleep soundly. It was nice to just lay there with her for a bit. Though, after a few minutes, Felix closed his eyes and started to head off to sleep. After a few minutes, he too fell into a deep sleep.
    The next morning, Felix opened up his eyes and looked down at Eva's sleeping figure. He smiled softly before beginning to run his fingers through her hair. Felix closed his eyes as he just laid there, not wanting to accidentally wake her up.
    December 12th, 2016 at 04:58pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Tanner woke up the next morning the the sound of the shower running. He looked over and saw that Charlotte was no longer beside him so that told him she was the one using his shower. Tanner yawned and stretched, laying there for a moment before he got up and got dressed for the day, going into the bathroom and doing his morning business in the toilet before washing his hands, not caring that Charlotte was in the shower. She'd get used to it. He brushed his teeth and combed his hair back, putting on some deodorant and nodding at his appearence. He walked over to the shower, smirking as he watched her. "Good morning, did you sleep well?" He asked, his eyes running running over her amazing, wet naked body. If he wasn't careful he wouldn't be letting her leave the bathroom this morning.
    Eva sighed softly as she began to stir, her eyes fluttering open as she looked over at Felix. She grinned, leaning over and kissing his lips softly. "Good morning," she murmured, snuggling into him. She wasn't sure what time it was, probably the usual time she woke up. No matter how hard she tried to sleep in she just was never able to. That's why she was always so pissed off when Felix would wake her up. "Did you sleep well, my love?" She asked him, her lips trailing along his jaw line down to his neck. She kept going down from there, a small smirk on her face. She was feeling pretty frisky this morning. She kissed down his chest after pushing him onto his back, licking down his stomach. Eva looked up at him, licking over her lips. "You know what I haven't done in a long time, baby?" She asked softly, her finger trailing down to the waistband of his boxers. "Had a real good taste of my man."
    December 13th, 2016 at 01:18pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ CindyLouWho
    When Tanner originally came into the bathroom, Charlotte made sure to close the shower curtain completely on both sides before continuing. She didn't really care if he was in there as long as he didn't try anything stupid...Besides it wasn't like she could just grab her towel just in case since it was hanging from the door on the other side of the bathroom. Though as Tanner pulled the shower curtain back, Charlotte immediately moved to cover her naked body. She moved her arms over her breasts and turned to the side to hide her slit. "What are you doing?!" She yelled before quickly trying to grab the curtain from him to cover herself up. When she wasn't able to get it, Charlotte wrapped her arm around herself again. "Come on Tanner! Get out of here!" Her eyes narrowed a bit at him, obviously pissed off that Tanner decided that this was how he wanted to act today.
    "I did sleep well, but my morning is definitely going to be better than that." Felix smirked as Eva started to move down his body. He let go of her completely, letting her just do her thing. He moved himself to give her better access to his already partial hard on. This was another reason why he loved Eva, sometimes she was just as horny as he was. "Well I think that is something that you are going to have to fix, love." Felix told her. After she started to play with his waistband, Felix reached down and pulled it off, revealing himself to her. Felix reached down, lightly running his hand through her hair before letting go so she could move about.
    December 13th, 2016 at 11:29pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Tanner scoffed, rolling his eyes at her. "I don't have to leave, this is my bathroom. You need to hurry up, I don't feel like leaving you locked up unsupervised in this room all day without protection and I have a lot of work to do," he told her, yanking the shower curtain away and giving her a nice, loud slap on her ass before he turned and left the bathroom. That one was sure to leave a mark from her skin being wet. Tanner seriously couldn't wait to get his hands on her sexy little body. He grunted, trying to think of an old woman's saggy tits to keep his forming boner at bay. That was definitely a problem he couldn't be dealing with right now. Especially since he didn't have anyone to take care of it for him. Well he could always do borrow one of the other guys' playthings but it usually wasn't that enjoyable.
    Eva moaned at the sight of him once he sprung free from his boxers, licking over her lips. She glanced up at him, moving so she was laying between his legs. She reached up, wrapping her hand around his shaft and slowly beginning to pump him while her tongue teased his tip. She once he was fully hard she pulled her hand away, smirking as she ran her tongue up along the side of his shaft, licking him as if he were a delicious lollipop. "Mm, you taste so good, baby," she moaned, fondeling his nut sack. She wrapped her lips around his tip, sucking on it hard before she slowly began to take him into her mouth, inch by inch. Eva loved giving him blow jobs. Especially in the morning when it put him in a better mood for the rest of the day.
    December 14th, 2016 at 06:42am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ CindyLouWho

    Charlotte let out a small sigh when Tanner finally got out of the bathroom. She really neeed to do this in the middle of the night or something... though still she quickly washed the remaining soap from her body before grabbing the towel and wrapping it around her body. Charlotte then walked out of the bathroom, looking over at Tanner for a moment. Though she then moved over to the small backpack that she had brought with her. The leader of this gang didn't let her bring much, but there were a few things that he allowed as long as Tanner didn't take them away from her. Charlotte pulled out a pair of shorts and a tank, and went back to the bathroom to quickly pull them on. When she was done, Charlotte came back out and looked at him. "What are we doing today?" She asked him curiously.
    Felix let out a loud moan as Eva started to take him deeper. "Why are you always so good at this?" He groaned out before reaching down, running his hand through her hair, just gripping it at certain points too. It was hard for Felix not to just immediately start thrusting up into her mouth. First of all, he knew that was something Eva would not appreciate. Also he knew that she was going to deep throat him anyways. And she always got him off. Now it was just a matter of getting through all of her consistent teasing before she really started to give it to him. By now, Felix was completely hard.
    December 14th, 2016 at 07:03am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Tanner looked up at Charlotte as she entered the room. "Well, first we're going to eat breakfast. At breakfast we're going to tell Felix what you told me last night. He should find the information very useful," he said stretching as he made his way towards the bedroom door. "That's only if he's not late this morning. He and Eva tend to occupy their mornings with things I wish I could be doing instead." Tanner shot Charlotte a look before he motioned for her to follow him, leading her toward the kitchen. The smell of freshly baked goods and all the other breakfast foods wafted through the air, making Tanner grin. He loved the smell of breakfast in the morning. As they walked into the dining room there was a huge buffet displayed out at the back of the wall. "Perfect," he beamed, hurrying back there to fix himself a plate before all of the pigs of the gang decided to come and take all of the good stuff.
    Eva smirked up at him, slowly taking him all into her mouth inch inch until he hit the back of her throat. She focused on breathing through her nose so she wouldn't gag, quickly beginning to move her mouth on him. The small part that she couldn't fit in her mouth she wrapped her hand around, rubbing it. She moaned against him, feeling herself getting turned on a bit. But she didn't have time to take care of her problem afterwards, she could smell breakfast from downstairs and it was beginning to make her stomach growl. Eva groaned a bit more against him, trying to slurp up the drool that was slowly making its way down the corners of her mouth. She always had a problem with that form how big he was but luckily Felix always found that sexy.
    December 14th, 2016 at 10:28am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ CindyLouWho
    Charlotte couldn't help but role her eyes at Tanner's morning comment. It may be considered her role to keep him happy, but it was not to fuck Tanner. Most playthings had to do it but Charlotte knew that her information was enough to keep his hands off of her in that way...well until her information became irrelevant or until she wanted/had to to get something. But she would keep it her way as long as she could. "Well obviously that isn't enough for you, otherwise you'd keep your playthings around." Charlotte muttered as she followed him to the buffet. She grabbed a plate and started to fill it up with food. Charlotte was so hungry. Once her plate was full, Charlotte sat down and started to eat.
    Felix lost out another groan as Eva took him farther into her mouth. It wasn't long until he thrusted up a little and cummed down her thrown. He then slowly pulled out of her and laid on the bed, taking a few moments to enjoy the pleasure that was running through him. But when it passed, Felix slowly got out of bed and started to get ready to go down to breakfast. But before doing that, he kissed Eva lightly on the forehead. "Thanks baby. We need to go eat now but I'll make sure to take care of you later." He gave her a small wink before then kissing her on the cheek. Felix tried not to skip breakfast too much since there was always news to tell and to be told. Though today he had to tell the others about what happened last night.
    December 15th, 2016 at 02:03am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Tanner stuffed his face, flipping through the morning paper and trying to see if he could spot out any crime done by any gangs. He never once put the paper down as he ate, at least not until Felix and Eva came down for breakfast. Felix was obviously in a jolly mood, Eva obviously had given him some morning pleasure to set him through the day like the good girl she was. It made Tanner envious. That was okay, he was going to get Charlotte right where he wanted her soon enough. He was going to tease her and drive her insane and then before you know it she was going to be begging for him to fuck her like the dirty little whore she secretly was. Tanner folded his newspaper and sat it down, taking a sip of his coffee. "Well food morning you two," he said with a grin, sitting back in his chair. "Felix. I have some new information from our girl over here," he said as he nodded towards Charlotte. Even though Felix did look jolly and pleased, he still looked like something weighed on his mind.
    Eva swallowed, licking over her lips and wiping the corners of her mouth off as she sat up and laid beside him on the bed. She panted softly, grinning over at him. Sometimes she didn't know why she even bothered giving him a blow Job. She sighed heavily and got out of bed, brushing her teeth and brushing her hair out since obviously he wasn't going to give her the time to shower. They were running a bit late to breakfast. She got dressed, throwing her hair up in a bun before making her way down to breakfast with him. She smiled at Tanner and the new girl sitting at the table, figuring she was the one everyone had been fussing over lately. Eva put a few things on her plate before getting some pink lemonade and sitting down in her usual spot at the table. She picked at her food, not really all that into it this morning. She was in such a bleh mood for some reason. She woke up one way and now she was feeling another. She wasn't even sure why.
    December 17th, 2016 at 04:34am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ CindyLouWho

    Felix sat down at breakfast and started to eat. Though when Tanner said he had some information, he looked up at the man, waiting for him to explain. Once the full plan of rivals' had been revealed, Felix was beyond pissed. "This will not go unpunished" He growled before suddenly getting up onto his feet. Felix looked out at the crowd of people. "Gang, conference room. Now." He yelled. Everyone who was meant to hurried to their feet and started making their way. Any toys also got up, knowing they should return to their rooms. Felix looked down at Eva before leaning down and kissing her head. "Babe, I got to go." He said, though just as he was about to head out, he looked over at Charlotte. Felix let out a sigh before turning back to Eva. "Baby, you got to watch her for me. Make sure she doesn't get into any trouble. And do what you must with her." He gave her a quick kiss before heading out with Tanner.
    Charlotte's eyes widen as she watched everyone suddenly get out of the room. She didn't think that things would be so dramatic. Though once Felix said Charlotte was stuck with the other girl, she looked at her. Well at least she wasn't stuck with Tanner anymore and this woman seemed relatively nice... Though she couldn't be sure. She had met playthings before that were just as cruel as their men. "Hi. I am Charlotte." She said, giving her a smile before taking another bite out of her muffin. Charlotte hoped that they didn't need to leave like the others had, she did want to keep eating.
    December 17th, 2016 at 06:17pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    After Tanner had told Felix everything that Charlotte had told him last night, his face was redder than a tomato and tanner knew that wasn't a good sign. "Dammit, I knew I should have waited until after i ate," he groaned, tossing his fork down as he waited for Felix to go off. Right after as if on que, Felix yelled for everyone to get into a meeting and for the playthings to get to their rooms. Tanner grumbled, standing up and patting Charlotte's head. "You have fun with Eva. She'll get you in a bunch of trouble," he said with a smirk, flicking Eva's ear as he passed her. He and Eva had a brother and sister sort of relationship. Whenever Felix treated her like shit and wouldn't apologize Tanner made him a good portion of the time as long as he knew it wouldn't back fire in his face. "Is this meeting going to take long? I'm still trying to break my new toy you gave me. Stubborn as hell, she is. Seriously Felix what did you expect me to do with her," he groaned as he flopped down in his seat, huffing. He rolled his eyes at the tight lipped glare he got from his leader, deciding he'd shut up and focus on the task at hand. He'd just have to worry about getting Charlotte to suck his dick later.
    Eva sighed heavily when Felix started yelling, everyone quickly beginning to scatter in different directions. She noddded and didn't even look up from her plate as Felix told her to look after the new girl, flicking off Tanner on his way by. She just wanted to eat her fucking breakfast. "I'm Eva," she said, taking her last bite of food. "No, I'm not a plaything or whatever you want to call them. I was for maybe a few months. But I'm Felix's girlfriend, which is definitely not an easy job," she grumbled, shaking her head as she took a sip of her juice. "So Tanner is supposed to be protecting you? Good luck. He can't even protect his shoe. One time he lost his shoe on a mission and when he turned around to go back and get it, some guy following him put a bullet hole through it." Eva shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. Sometimes she couldn't believe these guys were gang members. They were so stupid it was unreal. Even Felix had his moments.
    December 18th, 2016 at 08:23am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ CindyLouWho

    As Felix walked by Tanner's chair, he smacked him on the back of the head. "Don't you think we have more important issues to talk about besides your plaything Tanner?" He said as he sat down in his seat at the head of the table. Though as the others still scurried in, Felix turned to him with a sigh. "Why wouldn't she be stubborn? That girl was never a plaything or anything of the sort. She flat out was the leader's girlfriend and he choose her to hold his trust and his heart. She had respect throughout the gang, I am sure no one messed with her. And, due to that she'll have a sense of pride still. So, Tanner, make sure you break her but don't piss her off enough that she won't tell us what we need to know."

    Once everyone was seated, Felix stood up and started to go through what had happened last night and what the rivals were planning. Once both were through, he started taking plans from the group about how to address the trap that was being set up for them. Felix preferred to go if they could flip it on the rivals, but if that wasn't possibly they wouldn't go at all.
    Charlotte was quiet for a moment as she looked over at Eva. She wasn't too concerned about Tanner being unable to protect her. As long as she was in their home, she would be fine. And somehow she was going to need to keep Tanner in check. Though for right now she was more concerned about Eva. "You seem like you're under a lot of stress." Charlotte told her gently. "And I know that being the boss' girlfriend is stressful in itself." Charlotte finished off her food before slowly standing up and offering the woman her hand. "If you want, I could try to help. I've been told that I do a pretty good message and that might be able to calm you done a little."
    December 18th, 2016 at 01:21pm