if i were a boy.

  • Skylar felt a little achy after practice, since it had been rough. It didn't bother her, though, and she looked ahead as they walked. Upon getting to the room, she entered first and set her things down by her bed before she stretched out a bit.
    December 1st, 2016 at 03:36am
  • River set his stuff down, "Have fun?" He asked, smirking as he got some of his books out. He had showered after practice so he was glad he could get right to studying. River sat down, "How was your first day by the way?" He asked him.

    @ momentai.
    December 1st, 2016 at 07:20am
  • "Yeah, I had fun," Skylar confirmed with a small nod as she moved to sit down on her bed, though she looked over at him. "It was alright. It was a little different from what I'm used to." Because, she had told him that she had been homeschooled, after all. She might as well attempt to play the part well.
    December 1st, 2016 at 07:25am
  • That weekend the dorms were flooded with people as a huge party went on. Some of the guys got girls to come and it was really turning out to be a good party. River laughed with his friends as they drank beer, having Skylar with them. He had grown to like his roommate and they had a lot of fun that week. He finished his beer, then got another. He had noticed something off about Skylar though he couldn't quite place it though.

    @ momentai.
    December 1st, 2016 at 07:30am
  • Skylar, normally, would be all for parties. But, at this party, she was worried about drinking at all. She didn't want to spill her guts and let anybody know that she wasn't a guy, for one. She also didn't want to let her more feminine characteristics to become obvious like she knew they would without her having her guard up in alcohol was in her system. Still, she kept close to River and his friends, mostly because she somewhat felt safer around River in general. "Does this dorm building always host parties?" she asked, though she wasn't sure if he'd be able to hear her over the loud music.
    December 1st, 2016 at 07:33am
  • River looked at her, "Yea mostly." He said, laughing. He looked over seeing Travis walked in. "Hey man!" River said, shaking the guys hand. Travis was Skylar's ex. Travis looked at Skylar, then looked at River, "what's up River?" HE asked, smiling. River talked with him for a bit before Travis walked off.

    [Gonna make River friends with her ex]

    @ momentai.
    December 1st, 2016 at 07:46am
  • (that works!)

    Skylar absolutely froze when she spotted Travis. She hadn't known that he was going to this school; they'd stopped talking a couple months ago. For a moment, when he looked at her, she felt her heart jump and it was both because she had loved the boy so much and because she was scared he would recognize her. Quickly, she averted her gaze and waited for him to leave before she looked back to River. "I think I'm going to step outside for a minute. It's a little crowded in here and it's making it a little hard to breathe," she said after a moment.
    December 1st, 2016 at 07:51am
  • River nodded, watching as he walked out. He eventually followed him, staying behind the wall. His eyes widened at what he saw. His roommate...was a chick. River shook his head, hoping it was just a alcohol, but it wasn't. River went back inside, deciding to go to his room. What was he going to do? His roommate was not suppose to be there.

    @ momentai.
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:10am
  • Skylar had gone for a shower, figuring it was the best way to get her mind off things. She hadn't known that she had been followed and she had no plans of returning to the party. Once she finished her shower, thankful nobody had been around since everybody was pretty much at the party, she got dressed and went back to the room quickly.
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:14am
  • River woke up the next morning, looking at Skylar. He had a girl in his room..How could he have not noticed. He dated plenty of girls and she tricked him. River waited for her to wake up then blocked the door when she went to leave. "Skylar sit down." He said. He watched as she sat down. "I know your secret." He said, crossing his arms.

    @ momentai.
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:16am
  • Skylar wasn't sure what was going on and she arched a brow as she eyed him. "What secret?" she asked. There was no way he could have found out; she'd done everything right to avoid it. "Look, I don't have time for these games. I have to get to class. So, what is this about?"
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:18am
  • River smirked, "I know you are a chick." He said. "So how'd you sneak in here without getting noticed?" He asked. "Is Skylar even your real name and why would you want to pretend to be a guy anyway?" HE asked. "Don't try lying to me because i seen you last night." He explained.

    @ momentai.
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:21am
  • Skylar narrowed her eyes at him when he started talking and her jaw clenched. She felt threatened and wondered if he planned to rat her out. "Skylar is my real name, you ass," she said firmly before she stood up and moved closer, getting in his face despite that she was shorter than him. "And I pretended to be a guy so I could get in this school and be on a good team, but this team is the only one within an hour from my home that is any good at all and it's not my fault it's all boys!" She huffed and glared at him, then. "And, what are you talking about, you saw me? When? How?"
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:24am
  • River looked at her as she started to yell at him, hearing her real voice for a change, "I followed you when you left the party." He admitted. HE frowned when she talked about wanting to be on a good team. He thought for a moment, "Look i'm not gonna rat you out. I think it's cool that you would go through all of this just to be on the team." He told her. He shrugged, "Just how long do you plan to do this for?" He asked.

    @ momentai.
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:31am
  • "You followed me? You mean to the shower?" Skylar asked, though her eyes widened and her cheeks warmed as she took a few quick steps away from him. "You didn't see me, did you?" she asked, hoping she wouldn't have to clarify and that he would just understand that she was asking whether he'd seen her naked or not. She froze, though, when he asked how long she planned to do it and she chewed on her lip. "I don't know. As long as I can keep it up without people finding out," she answered, though she frowned, "You're really not going to rat me out? Promise?"
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:33am
  • River smirked when she asked if she saw her, "Maybe a little." He said, chuckling. River nodded, "Yes i promise not to tell." He said. "And what was that with Travis by the way? You got freaked when you seen him." He said. He was curious to know more now. He knew by the look on her face that Travis was her ex. "Oh shit did he notice?" He asked as he sat down.

    @ momentai.
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:37am
  • "It's not funny. If you saw me, that's awful," Skylar said with a pout, though she looked away at the mention of Travis. She wasn't too fond of talking about him and she was glad that River seemed to figure out what the issue was without her having to mention it. Sighing, she shrugged slightly. "I don't know," she admitted after a moment, "He didn't say anything to me at all, so I'm hoping he didn't notice. If he did, I'm done for."
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:39am
  • River nodded, "Well i guess you will find out if he tells." He said. "We need to get to class." He said as he grabbed his bag. He walked with her through the campus then went to his class. He sat there in class, distracted by how she was doing this. He had plowed her over at practice so much. He literally hit a girl. River shook his head thinking about it. When practice came, River set his stuff down as he talked to Marcus about last nights party. He smiled, then seen Skylar coming towards them. Marcus looked at Skylar, "Sup man?" He asked. River sat down, trying his cleats, not saying much. He took a swig of his water before the coach told them to get ready.

    @ momentai.
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:44am
  • Throughout the day, Skylar was left worrying over if Travis had noticed or not. It bothered her more than she cared to admit and she felt on edge most of the day. When it was time for practice, she couldn't have possibly been happier for a good distraction, something to keep both her body and mind busy. She offered a small smile to Marcus as she approached and nodded. "Hey," she greeted as she moved to sit down so she could get her cleats on. "How was the party? I kind of bailed early," she said after a moment.
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:47am
  • Marcus smiled, "It was great. Got pretty wasted." He said, laughing. River was glad when practice finally started. He took the ball from Marcus and started down the field. He kicked it, scoring the goal. He smiled as he kept playing. He watched as Skylar took the ball from someone then watched as she scored. After that the coach made them run more than he would have liked.

    @ momentai.
    December 1st, 2016 at 08:50am