Why Everything You Know About Destiny Is A Lie

  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow frowned. She didn't know what he would like better but it felt like lying to call him Daniel anymore. "Okay I think I will try calling you Hermes." she said and bit her lip as she said it. His name suddenly felt like a formal addressing then a lover calling to her lover. Perhaps she would get use to it but then again maybe not. Willow looked at the plates and made a taco then stuffed it in her mouth ad chewed. She felt starved. She had always had a high metabolism so she never worried about food till she was hungry and then she ate until she was content. Willow thought about some questions while she chewed. Once she swallowed she asked on. "Why did you tell me?"
    Miles smiled and nodded. "Don't worry it's very common to fall asleep. But you do need to refuel and hydrate." he said and held her food out to her along with the water. "Because along with a massage like that I just worked a bunch of toxins out of your body and you need to flush them out." he said and smiled. "I will stay with you until they do if you don't promise to hydrate." he said and smiled at her softly.
    April 11th, 2017 at 10:29am
  • @ Jinx...

    Hermes made his own taco and began to eat, watching her to make sure she was doing alright. He frowned a bit at her question, setting his food down. "I didn't like lying to you.. It wasn't right." He murmured simply with a little shrug.


    Constance frowned a little, taking the glass of water from him to take a few sips before setting it on the bedside table. She kept the blankets wrapped around her tightly, feeling a bit nervous not wearing anything with him around.
    April 15th, 2017 at 04:49pm
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow frowned. "Surely you have had other lovers before Hermes. Did you tell them all as well?" she asked wondering why she was so different. There was so much to ask and learn. Willow ate her taco then another and sipped her water feeling less dizzy as she started to feel the food kicking in.
    Miles chuckled and shook his head. "I'll let you dress and go get some food for myself. See you in a moment beautiful." he said and moved out of her room closing the door behind him. Miles went and got his food. He leaned against the counter thinking about Constance as he took a bite and smiled. This was pretty good soup.
    April 16th, 2017 at 09:16am
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes shrugged a little, looking at her. "A few, not many. But you're different than them.. I don't know why, but you are." He shrugged once more, making another taco and digging in.


    Constance waited a few moments before she got out of bed, quickly getting dressed before grabbing the soup and glass he had left her to carry it out to the kitchen table, taking a seat before eating.
    April 16th, 2017 at 04:28pm
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow frowned. Different and he didn't know why? She shook her head drinking her water. She then sighed. It was all so confusing. It seemed it was either all or nothing with Hermes but she guess it made more sense now that she knew he was a god. Willow sat back a moment thinking. "Okay putting all that aside for now. Assuming since you are not mythology then the other Greek gods and goddesses are also not mythology. Are you the only one on Earth? Is there even a... oh what did they call it Mt. Olympus that you all live on? And why are you down here?" Willow asked. This was like discovering a new group of wild people in the middle of the Amazon, there was so much to find out. Willow couldn't stop asking questions now when her entire perspective of the world was changing. She had never been particularly religious but if she had been this would toss her world into shambles.
    Miles smiled as she came out. He walked over and sat with her. "This is good soup." he said and smiled as he took another bite. "Thanks for letting me join you." he said seeing this pattern of her opening up to him then closing up. She was like an oyster and he hoped she would get comfortable enough with him like the current in the ocean to show him her pearl.
    April 16th, 2017 at 05:40pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes nodded. "I spend the most time on Earth because I'm the messenger and do a lot of their work here. Although, sometimes we all meet here, like yesterday. Mt. Olympus meetings are quite formal, although they happen twice a year. Other than that the gods go where they want, as long as they do their duties as well." Hermes answered, watching her to make sure this new information didn't overwhelm her too much, not wanting her to get upset or sick.


    Constance blushed faintly, smiling a little at the compliment. "My mother taught me the recipe.. It's my favorite." She murmured softly as she ate quietly, glancing up at him every so often.
    April 16th, 2017 at 05:59pm
  • @ Another.Chance
    "Oh..." she said wondering then how people climbed to the top and saw nothing but sky and mountain. "Why did you all stop doing what it says in the Greek myths? It makes you all seem very selfish." she said and looked at Hermes wondering what she actually knew of his greek myths anyways other than the obvious.
    Miles smiled. "Mmm." he said and finished his bowel. She kept looking at him and he put his hand over hers. "What is it doll?" he asked softly wondering what was on her mind that had her looking at him so much. He had gotten he feeling her childhood wasn't great but then she goes and says her mother taught her to cook and he wondered what happened.
    April 17th, 2017 at 08:26pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes frowned a bit in confusion, looking at her. "What do you mean? I don't understand." He spoke making another taco before eating it, a bit nervous talking about this with her. He knew he would be in trouble with the other gods after this, but he hoped she wouldn't be as well.


    Constance blinked, looking up at him with a frown. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing.." She murmured softly, biting her lip.
    April 17th, 2017 at 10:28pm
  • @ Another.Chance
    "Well in the myths well for example Helena was jealous of Medusa and made her into a snake woman. You just don't see that now a days, or half men and half animals. If the stories are true I just wonder why everything changed." Willow said as she finished her food.
    Miles raised an eyebrow. "Okay if you say so beautiful." he said and smiled at her. Once he finished his food he stood and cleaned up dinner and the rest of their mess. Miles hoped she would let him stay a little longer and get to know her more.
    April 18th, 2017 at 04:26am
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes shrugged a bit at her question looking down at his plate. "The world changed, people stopped believing... There are still monsters and satyrs running around, but you just don't see them as often, and they disguise themselves so humans can't see them."


    Constance stood after she finished, helping him to clean up and put everything away. "You don't have to clean.. It's my mess."
    April 19th, 2017 at 03:51pm
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow blinked and nodded. "Right." she said and bit her lip. Willow rubbed the back of her neck. "You're nervous..." she said and then looked down. "Why are you nervous?" she asked him. Willow didn't want him to start keeping secrets now that this was out. Willow had no idea why Hermes would tell her but he trusted her enough somewhere inside enough to do so.
    Miles smiled. "Maybe but the thing is I want to be apart of you're life, even you're messes." he said and smiled as he came behind her at the sings and engulfed her in his arms as they did dished like that. He kissed her cheek then stepped back drying his hands. He smiled and stretched after the kitchen was cleaned.
    April 21st, 2017 at 08:32am
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes looked up at her, frowning faintly. "Hm? Oh, I'm just not sure how the others will react when they find out I've told you.." He shrugged a little, looking at her from across the table.


    Constance blushed brightly as he kissed her cheek, smiling faintly as she looked over at him. "Why... Why would you want to do that?"
    April 22nd, 2017 at 01:33am
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow frowned. "Oh well what did they do when you told the others?" she asked knowing more than likely that was what they would do to her. She hadn't realized it was a big deal because he had told her as if it was nothing and now she was worried. It would make sense the other gods didn't want him telling others.
    Miles smiled. He leaned against the counter looking at her totally at ease there in her kitchen. "I thought that was obvious by now Constance. I'm totally infatuated with you. Not who you pretend to be or who you would rather be but who you actually are. Is that so unbelievable?" he asked softly completely relaxed as if they were talking about the weather.
    April 22nd, 2017 at 07:40am
  • @ Jinx...
    "You're the first human I've told.." Hermes admitted softly, looking over at her. "The others were sent away by the other gods because of jealousy or anger, or just for fun." He shrugged a bit. "I won't let them do that to you, though."


    Constance blushed brightly, looking at the floor for a moment before moving over to him, standing on her toes to press a kiss to his lips.
    April 24th, 2017 at 12:54am
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow frowned. "So am I the first human loved you have had?" she asked wondering what other kind of lovers he had. She frowned more as he said what had happened to them. What was she suppose to do that that knowledge. This seemed like a dangerous risk to make for someone he hardly knew. Willow sighed. "How long until they find out?" she asked guessing her life was about to changed when hey did. How else was her life going to be different from here out? She never had dumped or been dumped by a god before and she thought that would be weird. Would she ever like sex again after him, he was an exceptional lover but she hadn't been like completely out of this world... yet. Willow was so unsure about everything.
    Miles smiled though he was surprised and he drew her into his arms. Miles kissed her back and then rested his head on top of hers as she stayed pressed to him for a moment. "Constance you are amazing I want you to truly understand that." he said and smiled gently as he looked down at her his lips tenderly kissing hers.
    April 25th, 2017 at 08:53am
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes smiled a little, nodding. "Yeah, I guess you could say that.." he leaned back in his chair, humming a little in thought. "I'm sure they already know that I've told you, and are trying to figure out how to respond. I'm sure one of my brothers will be back at the apartment waiting for us when we return."


    Constance blushed brightly, loosely wrapping her arms around him as she kissed him back. She was overjoyed that he liked her, but was afraid that it wouldn't last, or that he was only using her.
    April 27th, 2017 at 10:55pm
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow exhaled sharply. "Oh I see. So now what? You think they're gonna make me swear a blood oath?" she asked initially smiling then frowned thinking of all the myths she had heard and read about. "So it may be childish but is running out of the question?" she laughed nervously.
    Miles smiled and then pulled back. "So I don't invite myself places but I do happen to live just up stairs. You'd you like to say the night?" he asked and smiled at her. "No funny business just some fried ice-cream and sleep." he said gently. She was so tender he wondered what had happened to make her so untrusting.
    April 28th, 2017 at 12:53am
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes smiled faintly, although it was a sad smile, shaking his head a bit. "No, you can run if you'd like.. I can wipe your memory and drop you back off at the hotel you were staying at, and it'll be like we never met." He hoped she didn't decide to do that, but it wasn't like he could force her to feel the same way as he did.


    Constance blushed a bit, nodding a little as she looked away shyly. "I guess that would be alright.."
    April 28th, 2017 at 01:20am
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow smiled at him daringly. "So you're saying you can make me completely oblivious to an entirely new world no one knows about. If you have to ask that Hermes you really don't know me yet." she said and shook her head. "Of course not." she said and took his hand. "Besides you're an amazing lover and I'm not quiet done with you yet. When I suggested running I meant together." she said. Willow smiled and sat back looking at him. "So where are we anyways?" she asked.
    Miles grinned. "Good. Well in the mean time would you like to do something while dinner settles?" he asked. Miles was glad he would get to spend some time with her even if it was at her pace.
    April 28th, 2017 at 03:13am
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes chuckled a bit, shrugging. "Once you are done with me I'll have to erase your memories anyway, or at least fabricate them. But I'm hoping that that won't be anytime soon." He smiled, leaning back in his seat to look around the restaurant. "We're in Mexico City, you said you wanted tacos, so I figured we should get the real stuff."


    Constance shrugged a little, looking up at him. "I don't know.. Whatever you want to do is fine with me."
    May 1st, 2017 at 04:20pm