Why Everything You Know About Destiny Is A Lie

  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes chuckled, pressing another kiss to her lips before he rolled out of bed after her, stretching lazily. "Are you sure you don't want to lay here forever?" He grinned as he watched her, reluctantly putting on his clothes and gathering what he needed before they left.
    Constance smiled shyly, pulling the ingredients from the fridge, setting them on the counter. "Ok.. Will you cut and rinse these potatoes while I cut and cook the leeks? Oh, and once the potatoes are cut, would you put some of this hamburger and sausage in that pan to cook?"
    April 5th, 2017 at 02:29am
  • April 6th, 2017 at 06:14am
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow chuckled. "No Daniel I want to see the world and live an extraordinary life. Being in bed with you is just a side benefit." she said and kissed him. They left and she let him into the apartment she had been staying at and she started cleaning up pulling all her things into her backpack.
    Miles smiled as she ordered him about. "Yes ma'am." he said and smiled at her then got to work on the things she wanted done. H was enjoying this normalcy with her.
    April 6th, 2017 at 06:14am
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes grinned, pressing a long kiss to her lips. "We could do both, you know." He hummed as he followed her to her apartment, helping her to pack her things.


    Constance nodded a little and worked on cooking the soup, thanking him for his help once the soup had to cook for an hour or so to settle. "So, what should we do while that cooks?"
    April 6th, 2017 at 10:39pm
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow blushed and smiled. "Keep talking Daniel and I might believe you... one day." she said and pulled the string on her backpack. Willow pulled her bag over her shoulder and smiled at him. "Alright let's drop this off at your place then let's get tacos!" she said and beamed.
    Miles smiled and nodded. "Hmm. Well should we relax with some tv or something?" he asked and rubbed her back. "Or would you rather a little kiss and a little massage?" he asked with a wink.
    April 7th, 2017 at 08:43am
  • @ Jinx...
    Daniel grinned, taking her hand as they walked. "You ought to believe me, I am a god, after all." He teased, although he really was telling the truth.


    Constance blushed as she looked up at him, shrugging a bit. "Either is fine.. Although I think I did something to my back moving some of my things around yesterday.." She admitted softly, blushing even brighter.
    April 8th, 2017 at 01:09am
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow laughed as they got down into the lobby. She dropped off the key and paid off her tab then walked out of the hotel with him. Willow turned to him putting her hands on his cheeks. "You just keep telling yourself that baby." she said and kissed him. Willow wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him deeper than before finding herself getting lost in his kiss before she realized it and pulled back. Willow smiled and took his hand headed back towards his place.
    Miles smiled. "Alright well that settles it then. You don't happen to have any oil do you?" he asked grinning. Miles honestly was looking forward to getting his hands on her.
    April 9th, 2017 at 05:40am
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes grinned a little as he kissed her back, tugging her close as he kissed her deeply. "It's true, Willow. I can prove it too. But let's drop your stuff off back at my place first." He grinned, linking their arms as he led her back to his apartment.


    Constance blushed brightly as he ate masked for oil, shaking her head quickly. "No.. I'll be fine, really. You don't have to."
    April 9th, 2017 at 06:26am
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow giggled. "If you are trying to convince me you are a god in the sheets then you will have to wait until after tacos." she said and smiled at him. Willow walked with him back to his apartment and she set her stuff down in his room. "Alright I'll unpack later. Taco's now." she said and smiled at him then kissed his cheek and started back out of his place.
    Miles shook his head. "No you need a little TLC and if you don't tell me if you have oils I will just go grab mine. Come on Constance don't be shy I promise to let you make the moves and I'll just stick to the massages." he said and smiled moving behind her and rubbing her shoulders his thumbs digging into the kinks in her muscles rubbing out the pain and bringing pleasure.
    April 9th, 2017 at 06:58am
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes chuckled a little. "I can prove I'm a god while getting tacos. I'll take you to my favorite spot. But, you have to close your eyes, alright?" He grinned, waiting for her to agree and close her eyes before carefully spinning her around a few times to disorient her. After the third or fourth spin it was suddenly much warmer, and people could be hear laughing and shouting in Spanish. When she opened her eyes they were in the middle of a city just outside of a restaurant. Hermes had also changed with their location, now wearing shorts and a button down with the sleeves rolled up, hands shoved into his pockets as he watched her. "Ready for the best tacos you'll ever have?"


    Constance started to protest again, gasping softly when he began to massage her shoulders, relaxing a bit and leaning back into him. "A-Alright... I guess this is ok.."
    April 9th, 2017 at 05:09pm
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Alright." she said and closed her eyes. He spun her around and she reached out to grab onto him when he said to open her eyes. Willow opened her eyes and gasped. She didn't understand. Even if they were in the same city it would take much more than four spins to get or manage anything like this. "Taco?" she asked and frowned. "Daniel where the hell are we?" she asked as she turned to him looking him over. He was even dressed differently. "Daniel..." she suddenly felt very dizzy and saw a chair and sat down in it. She put her head in her hands. "What just happened?" she asked.
    Miles grinned and nodded. "Alright go get the oil and strip down. I'll meet you in you're bedroom." he said and smiled. "No funny business swear." he said at the look she gave him. He kissed her cheek and then went to the back of her apartment and slipped into her room.
    April 9th, 2017 at 09:28pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes frowned a bit as she looked dizzy, helping her to sit. "You feeling alright? I didn't think traveling like that would make you sick.. Are you still up for tacos?" He asked worriedly, hand lightly rubbing her back.


    Constance frowned skeptically but did as he said, grabbing the oil and stripping out of her clothes, although she wrapped a towel around herself tightly before walking into her room.
    April 9th, 2017 at 09:37pm
  • @ Another.Chance
    "I don't think it's the traveling part that made me dizzy Daniel!" she said and shook her head. "We just... I don't even know where we are and you act as if it is no big deal and perhaps for you it isn't but besides magic all I can think that just happened is that you drugged me took me on a plane and when the drugs wore off I ended up here. What am I suppose to do with this? It's impossible I am sleeping and moved into a apartment with a God. I mean what kind of God are you anyways?" she asked and looked at him. "Can you even tell people you are? Because I am pretty sure that you wouldn't be hanging out with me if that were the case." she said and shook her head. She was hungry and confused and really wished he had waited until after she had eaten so she could think straight.
    Miles smiled at her. "Lay down." he said and he took the oil. He had stripped her bed down to the sheets and put a towel down. "Trust me." he said softly and smiled gently at her.
    April 9th, 2017 at 10:03pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes frowned a bit, looking at her. "I tried to tell you, when we met. I'm the god of travelers, Hermes." He rubbed her arm gently, trying to calm her down. "Now, how about we go inside and eat, and talk everything over."


    Constance blushed, nodding slowly as she lay down and did as he said. "Ok, now what?"
    April 9th, 2017 at 10:14pm
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath. She pressed her temple then nodded. "Okay." she said nodding as she stood taking his hand for stabilization and realized she could very possibly be holding the hand of a greek god. She sat down in the restaurant and looked at the menu blankly. She thought about just that morning. What had been that creature at his feet? So there was no kid that broke in? No wonder he didn't want to call the cops. Willow set the menu down and shook her head. "Pick something for me, please." she said and took the water offered to her and she opened the bottle and drank it down feeling a bit more stable. Her entire world was about to change based on everything Daniel... no Hermes was about to tell her.
    Miles smiled. "Well I need you're back so let go of the towel a little." he said and slid it down to her bottom so it covered her there. He smiled and then took the oil and rubbed it between his hands then he set to work on her muscles to help her relax and he knew his hands had a tendency to stimulate as well but he wouldn't let her get that far right now. It was a big step to do this and he knew it. Miles just hoped that she would come to see him as someone she could rely on, maybe even fall for.
    April 9th, 2017 at 10:23pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes nodded, ordering for them both in perfect Spanish when the waiter came over. Taking a sip of his water before looking over at her. "..You're not mad at me, are you?" He asked after hesitating a bit, worried that telling her his true identity would ruin their relationship.


    Constance hummed a little as he began to massage her back, relaxing underneath him as he worked the tension from her muscles. "Where.. Where did you learn to do this?"
    April 9th, 2017 at 10:42pm
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow looked at him and frowned. She was quiet as she thought her eyebrows knitting together for a moment before she shook her head. "No. You never lied to me. I'm confused at how this is all possible and why the hell you would pick me of all people to tell but I am not mad. Though I really wanted taco's first and I can't think straight." she said and chuckled at herself though she didn't find anything she said funny.
    Miles smiled. "Oh I've just kind of picked it up between here and there." he said not really remembering having to be taught per say. He just had a way of picking up things that were romantic or sexy. It made him an excellent love for sure.
    April 9th, 2017 at 10:46pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes nodded a little, smiling faintly. "The food should be here soon, don't worry. You won't be hungry much longer." He smiled, reaching over the table to take her hand gently.


    Constance hummed a little, nodding. "Oh.." She sighed faintly, relaxing more under him. Soon enough she started to drift off to sleep, comfortable laying on the bed.
    April 10th, 2017 at 12:39am
  • @ Another.Chance
    Willow sighed and shook her head. She was about to say his name then frowned. "What do I call you?" she asked not sure if she should keep calling him Daniel or Hermes. Willow felt his warm hand in hers reassuring her that this was real and she wasn't dreaming.
    Miles smiled. He went lower until he hit the towel then stopped and went back up until all the knots and tension were out of her body. He smiled seeing she was sleeping. He went to her bathroom and got a warm wet cloth and cleaned up the oil. on her back and then he put her blankets over her slipping the towel off her and letting her nap while the soup cooked. He cleaned up his mess and put the laundry in the washer and the oil on the counter in the bathroom. Once the soup was ready he put some in a bowl then walked into her room with it and some water. He set it down and sat on the side of the bed. "Hey beautiful it's time to wake up and eat." he said and kissed her head.
    April 10th, 2017 at 10:29pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Hermes smiled a little at her. "You may call me whatever you'd like. I've had a lot of names over the years." He spoke softly, pulling his hand away as their food arrived. He thanked the waiter before gesturing to the family style food in front of them. "Help yourself. And you can ask me anything you'd like."


    Constance stirred as he sat down beside her, rubbing her eyes tiredly. When she realized she was still naked she pulled the blankets around her tightly, looking up at him with wide eyes. "What? Did I fall asleep?"
    April 11th, 2017 at 05:20am