Bittersweet Endings

  • castle.

    castle. (2000)


    December 9th, 2016 at 11:02pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Running had always been an outlet for Darcy, she had done track in high school. When she fought with her parents or friends or just felt an odd sense of anxiety that she couldn't shake, she would go on runs around the small town that she had grown up in and she usually felt better after. Which was the last thing she remembered doing, she had been stressed out about finals and decided that after finishing her last final of the year.

    Darcy had moved away shortly after finishing high school to a larger city with its own college - one that she attended with the hopes of one day becoming a veterinarian.

    The first thing Darcy noticed as she began to stir was the pounding in her head. She let ut a small groan and started to reach to hold her head, only to freeze when she realized her hands were tied above her head.
    December 9th, 2016 at 11:23pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran stood up when he started to hear Darcy groan. "Are you awake, my darling?" He asked as he started to move closer to her. Moving closer to her, Kieran slowly pulled the blindfold off her her, seeing the girl begin to wake up. A smile came over his lips when he saw this. "You were asleep for so long that I thought you would never wake." His voice was soft and almost loving. Slowly he reached up and started to stroke her head. There was a small bump from where Darcy hit the ground. Though he hadn't meant for that to happen. Kieran just had not been able to catch her fast enough when he chloroformed her.

    Kieran slowly moved away from her and went to grab a glass of water. Though as he moved out of her sight, he revealed the room behind him. For the most part it looked like a normal bedroom. The bed was in the corner, which was next to a small closet and bedside table. The room even had a few games and books in it. And there were a few pictures of scenery on the walls. However, there was no window. But what was really disturbing about it was the rope attached to the bed, the chains on the walls and the locked metal chest in the corner of the room.
    December 9th, 2016 at 11:55pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy's heart skipped a beat when she first heard someone speak, her eyes widening. She stared up at him as the blindfold had been pulled free from her head, only to flinch away when he reached to stroke her cheek. "D-Don't touch me!" She shrieked, trying to pull herself as far away from him as possible, despite the ropes that kept her in place, only allowing her to move a few inches to either side.

    The moment that Kieran began to move away from her, she began to struggle, trying to undo the ropes around her wrists but it had proved useless because Kieran had tied them so well. Her eyes began to scan over the room and she whimpered, shrinking further into her seat when she spotted the chains on the walls, her eyes lingering on the chest int he corner of the room. "W-What's g-going on?" Darcy whimpered when Kieran reappeared with a glass in his hand. "Let me go, please. I-I... I won't tell anyone, I swear!"
    December 10th, 2016 at 12:05am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran reached forward and lightly grabbed Darcy's face, in order to get her to stop moving. He was completely unfazed with her pleading. This was something that happened often in the beginning, but with time she would begin to accept her fate. "If you calm down and listen, I will tell you what is happening." Kieran told her as he pushed into her jaw, trying to force her to open it. "Now I brought you some water. If you don't want to pass out again, you should drink it." Once he had managed to force her mouth open. Kieran started to pour the water into her mouth. There really was nothing to it. But he knew that chloroform brought some nausea with it and he didn't want her puking over her nicely cleaned room.

    With that done, Kieran stepped away from her grabbed a chair, pulling it in front of her to sit down. Once he was comfortable, he smiled softly at her. "Darcy..." He said with a hum. "That is such a pretty name. Darcy do you like the color of this room?" Kieran looked around. He hoped she did, because from his investigation this was her favorite color.
    December 10th, 2016 at 12:26am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy grimaced, trying to pull away from Kieran's fingers as they dug into her jaw. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes and she struggled for a moment, trying to pull away before she was forced to open her mouth. She began to cough, spluttering as she tried to avoid the water before finally accepting her fate. Her eyes clamped shut as she swallowed the last bit of the offered water. Darcy shivered, tryiyng to shrink further away from Kieran as he sat beside the bed.

    The question confused her and as she began to actually pay attention to the colour of the walls, Darcy's heart sank. She wanted to deny that she liked it but there was something about Kieran that had her unnerved, not wanting to upset him when she didn't understand what was going on. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips before she nodded, refusing to lift her eyes to his. "Yes," she whispered.

    "Why am I here? I... I don't have money or whatever. I'm just a student!"
    December 10th, 2016 at 12:34am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran let out a small sigh, slightly annoyed with Darcy's response. Though he was glad that she appreciated the room color. It had taken him a while to figure out exactly what shade to get....And then he had to paint the whole damn thing. Kieran stood up and pushed the chair away from him as he started to pace besides her. "I don't want your money. You don't need to worry about money anymore. And you being a student doesn't matter."

    Kieran moved forward, pressing a knee into the bed besides Darcy so he was hovering over her slightly. Despite her flinching, he reached down and began to lightly stroke her cheek. "For the last month, every day you would run by and tease me. It was like you were whispering to me 'come catch me. See if you can get me'. Well little mouse, the cat has finally got you. And now I get to do with you as I will. I plan on keeping you. But I won't hurt you, I promise to take god care of you, little mouse. As long as you listen and are good." Kieran leaned down and lightly pressed his lips against her forehead.
    December 10th, 2016 at 04:09pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy watched with wide, fear filled eyes as Kieran paced back and forth beside her. He looked vaguely familiar, like she may have spotted him once or twice while she ran but nothing more. She whimpered, shaking her head as she tried to pull away from his touch. Listening to him speak only caused her heartbeat to quicken, her hands tightening around the ropes that had her restrained. "Please. I... I don't even know who you are!" She tried, bracing herself as he leaned down to kiss her.

    Tears pricked the corner of her eyes and she closed them, desperate not to let him see her cry. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean... to lead you on," she whispered with a shame of her head. "If I gave you that impression, I really am sorry but you need to let me go. My friends, my family, they'll start worrying pretty soon."
    December 10th, 2016 at 10:12pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran shushed her quickly, pressing his finger against her lips to get her to stop speaking. "Even if you did not consciously mean to, you did want it sub consciously." He smiled down at her, as he lightly ran his thumb against her lips. "And I will take care of your family and friends, let them know you're in a better place. Then you won't have to worry about them anymore. I'll be you family and your friends."

    He slowly pulled away from her. There was a lot he wanted to do but he had to be a little patient. Right now she was in shock and he didn't want Darcy like this. "You don't have to worry about anything anymore." Kieran said as he headed towards the door. "You should rest now little mouse."
    December 10th, 2016 at 11:01pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy let out a dry laugh, shaking her head as she looked up to Kieran. "You can't be serious!" She answered, unable to wrap her head around the idea that he honestly thought she wanted this. She turned her head away from his touch, clamping her eyes shut as she braced herself for whatever was coming. There was no way that anything that happened would be good - Kieran had violently kidnapped her. Why, Darcy had no clue but she wasn't about to ask because she didn't think she wanted to know.

    Working herself up into a frenzy when Kieran finally left her alone part because of her situation and part because she realized all she was wearing was her running outfit. It didn't leave all that much to the imagination. Darcy tried her best to get comfortable before finally falling asleep.
    December 11th, 2016 at 04:18am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Once morning came, Kieran walked into the room with a plate filled with food. Now that the first night had gone by, he had work to do to train her well. But first he had to care for Darcy. She needed food, water and probably a bath. Though the last one would be tricky because he was going to have to let her out of the rope...But Kieran didn't want her tied to the bed forever anyways. The goal was to give her the whole basement to walk around in by the end of it. She still wouldn't be able to get out, but Darcy would have more room to breath. But that was going to take some time.

    Kieran set the food to the side before lightly shaking Darcy awake. "Time for breakfast." He said before lightening the ropes that held her. The rope was loosened enough where Darcy was able to sit up. In fact Darcy made sure of this as he pulled her into sitting position and moved a pillow behind her back so she was still comfortable. Kieran then sat down in the chair next to the bed. "This seems to be your favorite." Kieran said as he showed her the plate.
    December 11th, 2016 at 04:27am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy had tossed and turned for most of the night, startling awake on occasion, in hopes that it was all just some horrible nightmare. When Kieran began to shake her away, Darcy went to bolt up, only to wince as the ropes dug into her wrists. They were raw and painful from her having tried to free herself throughout the night. Her eyes widened and she began to scan the room, as if for a perceived threat before they finally settled on Kieran. She held her breath as he readjusted her, only beginning to relax once Kieran settled away from her.

    Her eyes narrowed as she eyed the breakfast of biscuits and gravy. "I'm not hungry," Darcy managed to speak up, only for her stomach to betray her as it growled. Her cheeks turned red and she hung her head, trying to hide away from him. Even though she was very much so, Darcy didn't trust anything that Kieran may give her. If he had gone to such lengths, it was totally possible that he would try to put something in the food, right?
    December 11th, 2016 at 04:40am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran shook his head a bit when he heard Darcy's stomach growl. "You are hungry." He said as he started to put some of the biscuits and gravy onto a fork. "You should eat, you will only get weak if you do not." With that being said, Kieran reached forward and lightly pressed the fork against her lips. Though when Darcy did not open her mouth, he let out a bit of a scowl. "You must eat." Kieran told her as he pulled the fork away. "There is nothing wrong with the food that I made. Do you want me to eat it first?" He asked her. While Kieran was trying to not expect a lot from her, it was difficult when he was just so excited about finally having Darcy here. And having her be difficult was rather upsetting. Did she not listen when he said he promised to take care of her?!
    December 11th, 2016 at 04:47am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    The moment the food was pulled away from her lips, Darcy licked away the remnants of gravy. She tried to pull her legs up to curl in on herself, only to sigh in frustration when she couldn't. Her shoulders and her hips were hurting because she hadn't been able to move them all that much at all. She refused to look up at Kieran, her hands balled into tiny fists as she worked the rope a bit further down her wrists just so that it wouldn't sit where she had managed to rub the skin raw. "I just... I just want to go home. Please. You say you care about me and I mean, if you did... you'd let me go. Right?" Darcy tried again, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth.
    December 11th, 2016 at 04:56am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    Kieran set the food down with a slam on the coffee table next to them. "If you do not wish to eat, then you do not have to. Though there will be no more talk of leaving. You are better off here. I will take care of you better than anymore else can. You are mine." Kieran stood up and grabbed her ropes, forcing them farther down on her skin. "If you stop struggling, you wrists would not be in such a sorry state." Kieran then grabbed the food that he made for her. "Now make a decision. Either you eat now or you do not eat until dinner." He snapped at her. All this talk of leaving was pissing Kieran off.
    December 11th, 2016 at 05:18am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy jumped, her eyes shooting to the plate that had been slammed down on the coffee table. Her eyes lingered a bit too long on the food before she dragged her attention away from it. An idea sparked and she hesitated for a moment before she glanced up to Kieran finally. "I... if I eat, can you at least untie one arm? I'm not going anywhere, I don't even know where we are," Darcy tried to reason, hoping that Kieran would at least ease up a bit. She wouldn't be able to untie her wrist with just one hand and besides, she had no clue how to get out of the house and she doubted she would be able to manage to get away. "Please. I promise I'll... I'll be good. I'll do whatever you want."
    December 11th, 2016 at 05:24am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran thought about Darcy's request for a few moments. It was not like he did not want to release her from the restraints, but there was reason why he had her tied down. She was new and Kieran would not be able to trust her yet. However, it was only one arm...and he doubted that she could get out of the rope with only one. Especially if he was around most of the time. "Yes. But I will feed you first." There was no way he was going to let her hold onto a fork yet. With that settled, Kieran started to feed Darcy biscuits and gravy.
    December 11th, 2016 at 05:42am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy reluctantly gave in, beginning to eat the offered food. She wasn't about to admit to him that it was probably some of the best biscuits and gravy that she had ever eaten but she soon decided that she was full, pulling away from one of the last bites offered. "I... I'm full," she whispered, turning her head to the side. She tensed, her eyes closing as Kieran halted his movements. "I'm sorry. I just-I... I don't eat this much," she tried to reason with him, hesitating for a moment before she finally found the courage to look back up to him. "I swear I'm not trying to be difficult. Please."
    December 11th, 2016 at 05:47am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran watched her for a few moments before setting the fork down on the plate. He suppose that he didn't care as long as Darcy did eat something. Besides its not like he hadn't already watch her eat a few times. The girl really did not eat much. With that, Kieran walked out of the room and came back a few minutes later with a plastic cup filled with water. After setting down the cup on the coffee table, Kieran reached over and released one of her hands from the rope. "You should drink." Kieran said before handing her the water. "And after this, you will bathe and change into something else." While he liked the outfit she had on, Kieran did not find it suitable for her being inside and in bed.
    December 11th, 2016 at 05:54am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy shrunk into the mattress as Kieran disappeared, her eyes focused on her lap. She wanted nothing more than to stretch or to roll over or... anything but it seemed like he didn't care one way or another. Drawing in a shaky breath, Darcy began to chew on her bottom lip, only to look up with a start when Kieran reappeared. She hesitated, eyeing the cup before she picked it up, slowly taking a sip of it. "Thank you," she murmured, not wanting to seem ungrateful. Shivering at his next words, Darcy began to cough and splutter as she set the water back down. "I-I... I... okay. Alone, right?" Her voice was small as she looked up to him, raising an eyebrow. "I've never..." she trailed off, giving a shake of her head. Darcy had played around with guys before but she had never let them touch her, never been naked in front of one. The most she had ever done was watch a video or two when she was all by herself.
    December 11th, 2016 at 06:01am