Bittersweet Endings

  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    It was another thirty minutes until Kieran opened up his eyes. Though, when he did, he was quick to notice that Darcy was no longer on top of him but rather curled up into his side. Slowly, he turned onto his side and rewrapped his arms around her small waist, pulling her body into his. Kieran buried his face into her breasts for a moment before slowly moving up to her neck and pressing a light kiss into her skin. It wasn't true that he had forgiven Darcy yet. Kieran knew that he probably should with the punishment that she was given, but he was still holding onto some displeasure from it. He just wanted her to be obedient, grateful and warm towards him so it would be hard to let go of his feelings completely until he saw that. Though, for now, Kieran was able to push it aside to relax with her. "How did you sleep?" Kieran mumbled into her skin.
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:00am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Once Darcy was settled against Kieran's side, she was quiet as she listened to his heart beat. It was all it took to calm her down, Kieran was peaceful and happy and that was all that really mattered at the moment. She reached forward, setting an arm across his torso before completely stilling. When she noticed Kieran starting to come to, she hesitated before leaning backward so that she could look down at him. She turned her head to the side the moment he began kissing at her neck, wanting to offer as much of herself up as she could. Darcy's brows pulled together at the question, not understanding why he was asking. While she knew that he wasn't any of the men that she had been with over the weekend, she still thought that ultimately, his wants and needs mattered far more than her own. "I... I slept well?" Darcy was unsure of her answer, not sure if it was even what he wanted to hear. "How about you?" Darc paused, taking a breathe. "Sir."
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:19am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    "I also slept well." Kieran lowly hummed against her skin before gently nibbling against her neck. He kissed up a bit before stopping and beginning to suck on the skin there. After a minute or so, he stopped and pressed his forehead against her breasts as he looked down Kieran's body. His thumbs pressed her skin, just above her shorts. Gently, he brushed up her shirt, just below her breasts and looked at all of the bruises that covered her body. This time he let out a small grunt before pushing Darcy's back against the couch and lightly kissing up and down her stomach, making sure to get every bruise he saw. Though after a few minutes of this, Kieran stopped and pushed his pants down. "Suck me."
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:27am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy's breath hitched as Kieran nipped against her skin. She bit down on her lip, her eyes slipping shut as she tried to focus on her reactions. She didn't know what his end game was, especially when Kieran pushed her shirt up her body. Darcy suddenly felt exposed, wanting to hide away as Kieran looked over her body. She couldn't figure out why but she wasn't going to question it either, that wasn't her place. Shivering as she was pressed back against the couch, Darcy's eyes darted upward to watch Kieran expectantly. She was quick to shimmy down his body, her fingers wrapping loosely around his length. Darcy lowered her head, her lips wrapping around his tip. She began to bob her head, her tongue teasing his tip each time she moved back up.
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:37am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran moved his hands onto Darcy's sides, gently rubbing her bruises. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't concerned about how she was treated over the weekend, or how fucked up her skin currently looked. Though he wasn't going to say anything to her about it. And Kieran didn't really want to know what they did to her when he wasn't around. This was a one time thing that Kieran could never put himself through again. It was hard enough to make the decision, but it was even harder not to come back and tear them away from his precious pet. But she needed to learn her lesson...

    Slowly he let go of her sides and moved his hands into her hair, letting out a groan as she sucked him. After a bit, he started to fuck her face, wanting as much as he could get from her. "Faster pet." Kieran moaned as he slowed down his hips to get her started up again.
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:49am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Before the weekend, Darcy would have put up some sort of fight when Kieran started to fuck her throat because she didn't like the sensation. She didn't like not being able to breathe or anything. But this time around, Darcy simply opened her mouth as far as she could and allowed Kieran to do as he pleased. She picked up the pace, her eyes closing as she focused on her actions. She didn't want to gag but it seemed to have been a turn on for the guys over the weekend so she assumed that it would be for Kieran as well. Darcy bobbed up and down on his length a few times before gagging herself on his cock.

    Whimpering around him, Darcy forced herself to go just a bit further and hold it for a few seconds before pulling away from him. Darcy continued like this, her hand wrapped around the base of his cock and moving in time with her mouth so that he was constantly being pleasured.
    February 21st, 2017 at 05:59am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran let Darcy go until he was close to cumming, at which point he grabbed her hair and forced her still. He then pushed himself deep into her throat and cummed into her. Kieran groaned, and slowly pulled away from her once his orgasm was done flowing through him. He then leaned further back into the couch with a satisfied grin on his face. Though it still wasn't as good as fucking her. However, Kieran wasn't quite ready to do that yet. Her body was currently a mess and it turned his stomach a bit, since it was a constant reminder of others touching what was his. And that he had to punish her for what she did. Kieran just didn't feel good about any of it, so any reminder was unwelcome. Besides, he was sure that Darcy would not object to a few days off, just enough time for the bruises to fade and to be less noticeable. Until then, they would work on other things.
    February 22nd, 2017 at 01:27am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy swallowed everything that Kieran offered her without complaint, moving off of him only once he relaxed against the couch. She lingered by him, bent forward incase Kieran decided that he wanted more from her. Once she was satisfied that Kieran didn't, at least not for the moment, she straightened up slowly. Her body was still sore so moving on her own was sure be slow going still. Darcy squirmed once she was sitting up fully. Having given Kieran a blowjob was enough to turn Darcy on, she'd been kept desperate for nearly a week now, since the night that she had misbehaved. She wanted to ask Kieran for release but she wasn't brave enough to. She was almost positive asking would upset him and she didn't want to, she hadn't done anything to earn it. So Darcy set on the edge of the cushion, her head bowed as she rocked back and forth, trying her best to ignore the throbbing between her legs.
    February 22nd, 2017 at 05:24am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran's eyes shifted over to Darcy as she started to slowly rock against the sofa. It wasn't hard for Kieran to figure out what his little pet was trying to do. After all, it had been a week since he allowed her to orgasm. And Kieran knew with all of the attention she had been getting, Darcy was probably pretty sensitive. But he wasn't going to let her cum. When he finally allowed her, Kieran wanted to be inside her and he wanted it to be a gift. He wanted Darcy to be grateful. Plus he wanted to wait a few days because of her bruising.

    So he grabbed onto Darcy and pulled her onto his lap. "If you continue to be good. I'll allow you to cum again." Kieran murmured to her. He then reached down between her legs, feeling her wetness. He grinned widely. "And I can tell that you want it don't you? Do you want me to fuck you until you cum pet?"
    February 22nd, 2017 at 05:41am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy didn't hesitate to move with Kieran, offering no resistance when she sat in his lap. She bit down on her bottom lip, leaning into his chest as her eyes slipped shut. A shiver ran down her spine as her hand dropped down, gripping Kieran's wrist gently. Her lips parted as she let out a gasp, trying to calm her heart rate. She didn't think that she should even answer Kieran because as far as she was even concerned at this point, she didn't deserve to orgasm. Did she even deserve Kieran touching her? Her stomach flipped at the thought.

    "I... only if you think I deserve to," Darcy answered finally. She hung her head, her eyes focused on the floor in front of them. She didn't dare to lift her gaze, her heart sinking as she felt Kieran's grip tighten on her. "I'm sorry, I- I just..." Darcy eventually trailed off, deciding that it was just better to shut up before she dig herself a deeper hole.
    February 26th, 2017 at 04:51am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran let out a low hum before laying his head onto her shoulder. He moved into her neck and started to kiss and lightly bite at Darcy's skin. While he had no plan for this to move forward much more, he was hoping it would put the girl at ease. She seemed to be rambling with no really intention and for whatever reason, Darcy was getting worked up.

    His hand moved away from her pussy and both moved up her sides. Kieran moved under her shirt and grasped at her breasts. As he started to suck on her neck, Kieran caressed her breasts and every once in a while, he would pinch her nipples. Hopefully this would be enough to get Darcy to stop talking and to start moaning for him.
    February 27th, 2017 at 02:06am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    (I am so sorry!! Moving has been super hectic but things are settling down now - I don't get internet set up until Thursday so I'll post as much as I can but it'll resume normally after that !)

    Darcy couldn't help that she was tense even as Kieran's hands moved up her sides. She was anticipating the worst, expecting for Kieran to snap because she didn't earn any sort of reward. She hadn't even earned the right to admit to how horny she was. At least, she didn't think that she had. Biting down on her lip, Darcy couldn't help but begin to relax against Kieran's chest.

    She let out a quiet moan, her eyes slipping shut. Darcy's hand shook as she reached up, gripping his wrist gently. She shivered, rolling her hips against his. "Sir," Darcy whimpered, turning her head to the side for more access to her neck. "Please."
    March 6th, 2017 at 04:18pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    (It's okay, moving can be pretty crazy! Thanks for the update though! Cute)

    Once he had access to more of her neck, Kieran moved farther down. He made sure to pay special attention to the areas that were more sensitive than others. Though after a bit he moved down to her collarbone and started to nipple and kiss a bit there. And soon it seemed like Darcy was purring like a satisfied little kitten for him. No more nervousness, no more rambling. Or at least it seemed that way.

    Soon he could feel how wet Darcy was as he grinned against him. And he knew for a fact that she was getting desperate to cum. After all, she had been placed on edge for about a week or two. Constantly played with but never fully satisfied. Though she would have to wait a few more days. Kieran slowly pulled away from Darcy. His hands moved down to her hips as he leaned back into the couch. "A few more days." Kieran murmured as he brushed a hand against her cheek gently. "If you're good, I'll let you cum in a few days."
    March 6th, 2017 at 09:50pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy bit back a whine when Kieran pulled away from her but she kept quiet anyway, biting down on the inside of her lip. She gave a tiny nod of her head, her eyes closing. As much as she wanted to take comfort in his touch, Darcy still couldn't help but feel a bit on edge. She felt like Kieran was unpredictable now. THe last time that she had been punished, Kieran had made it clear he would never let someone else fuck her yet, he had just her for an entire weekend. But she wasn't about to question him, she had no place to.

    "Whatever will please you, sir," Darcy murmured, feeling her cheeks tinging a deeper pink. She gave a shrug, hoping that she was acting well enough that she would please Kieran. Even if she didn't get to cum any time soon, as long as she didn't have to suffer through something like the weekend any time soon, she would be about as happy as she could be.
    March 13th, 2017 at 12:23am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran looked down at Darcy for a moment before gently spanking her ass. "How about you head to the exercise room for a bit. Make sure that your ass continues to look nice and round for me." He smirked a bit. "Besides, you haven't really gotten to go running for a while and I am sure that you miss it." He kissed her cheek before lifting Darcy onto her feet. Kieran had an idea on how much moving around Darcy got to do during the weekend, and it sounded like it was quite minimal. So he figured some moving and some stretching would do her some good.

    Once Darcy was on her feet, Kieran then pushed himself up. Besides, since it had been some time since he last sent in a video of Darcy, Kieran needed to pull some old videos and photos together for his guy. It should be enough to last him until later this week.
    March 13th, 2017 at 01:13am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy gave a quick nod of her head at Kieran's suggestion. While she was still sore and tired, she wasn't about to argue with Kieran. She could relax later, she was sure of it. Besides, if exercising kept her fit and that meant Kieran was happy with her, it was worth it. She didn't budge until Kieran lifted her to her feet and dismissed her. Turning, Darcy headed into the exercise room. She grumbled when she realized she didn't have a pony tail to pull her hair back but she had been told to exercise and she didn't want to put it off, even for a minute to go grab one from her bathroom.

    Taking a few moments to stretch, Darcy was quick to climb onto the treadmill to begin running. She started out slow before increasing the speed. As horrible as an idea she knew it was, the longer and harder that she ran on the treadmill, the more it made Darcy wonder if she would ever get the chance to escape. If she saw the opportunity to run, Darcy wondered if she would even attempt to take it at this point.
    March 14th, 2017 at 04:27am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    -Four days later-

    Kieran headed down to the basement after working on some things with his porn contact. Since it had been a while since Kieran sent him anything of Darcy, he was beginning to get pushy. Though luckily there was no need to wait anymore. Most of the bruises that had adorn Darcy's skin were either completely gone or faded. And the girl had been behaving very well. Which meant it was time that they both got what they wanted. Kieran wanted to fuck her like there was no tomorrow and Darcy was so clearly aching for an orgasm. And by the end of the day, she was going to be cumming so much that she might just pass out.

    "Darcy, go put something sexy on for me and meet me in the playroom." Kieran called out once he got down to the basement. He then headed into the playroom, setting up the cameras and making sure they were on.
    March 14th, 2017 at 05:02am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy had briefly entertained the idea of trying to run away after she had worked out but she knew better, she knew what would happen if she was caught. She didn't want to risk being that foolish again. Curled up in her room, Darcy was just enjoying the quiet because she knew that it was only a matter of time before Kieran wanted to play with her again. When she heard Kieran's voice call out, she jumped up and picked out one of the outfits Kieran had bought for her. She slipped into it carefully, figuring that white would help play up the innocent factor that seemed to spur Kieran on.

    Nervously, Darcy stepped into the play room. When she spotted the cameras, she couldn't help but tense, her shoulders pulling together as she eyed them warily. Darcy took a step forward after a moment, turning her attention toward Kieran. She hoped that if she focused her attention on him, she would be able to ignore the cameras easier.
    March 15th, 2017 at 02:17am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran finished up turning on the last camera as Darcy walked in. He turned his head, a large smile going over his face as he saw his little plaything in a cute little bow that barely covered her up. Heading over to her, Kieran laid his hands on her sides, pulling her into his body. "You look so gorgeous little pet.' Kieran murmured to her as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. "And don't mind the cameras baby, this one is just for me." He gave her a little wink as he lied smoothly. Kieran wanted everything about today to go well, and if he had to lie to do so, that was fine. Kieran then stepped away from her. "Now, don't you remember your position?"
    March 15th, 2017 at 03:03am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy relaxed slightly when Kieran said the tapes were just for him but he couldn't quite say that she believed him. But it wasn't her right to question him. She gave a small nod of her head, her stomach twisting into a knot as Kieran moved away from her. Darcy lowered herself down, spreading her legs and setting her hands on either knee. She lowered her gaze, biting down on the inside of her lip. Darcy drew in a deep breathe, trying to ignore the throbbing that started between her legs. Just at the thought of being in front of Kieran, serving him, was enough to turn her on whether she liked it or not.
    March 15th, 2017 at 03:21am