Bittersweet Endings

  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran shook his head at her. "Not alone." He said before disappearing into the connecting bathroom. There was a rather large tub in there for Darcy. After plugging the tub, and turning on the water, he came back out. "In the future you may take baths by yourself but you will first need to gain my trust." Kieran told her as he reached under the bed, grabbing 2 pairs of handcuffs. "Now you will take your clothes off, I will handcuff you to the tub in there, and you may then take a bath. After drying off, you will then put on a new pair of clothes that I have gotten for you. Kieran then started to untie her legs. "We will start with your pants and then take off your bra."
    December 11th, 2016 at 06:16am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy's eyes widened as she opened her mouth, searching for some sort of reasoning she could use to argue with Kieran but nothing came to mind. Her heart began to race as Kieran explained what he wanted, watching as he undid the rope around her ankles. She whimpered, pulling her knees up to her chest the moment her legs were free. Darcy flinched as she shook her head, wrapping her fingers into the material of her waistband. "Please. I.. I won't do anything. Please. Please don't make me do this," Darcy whispered, hanging her head as she shuddered. "I won't try anything. I'll just... I'll take a bath and then I'll get changed, I promise."
    December 11th, 2016 at 06:21am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran took a step back as he watched Darcy. She seemed very uneasy about it. The girl from before had too, but not to the same extent of Darcy. He let out a small sigh as he thought of what to do. It wasn't like Darcy was going to be able to hide her body from him forever. But after the first girl, Kieran understood the importance of making her feel comfortable before making any big moves. It was a way to slowly train them into submission. "I can not let you stay in there by yourself." Kieran said as he let out a sigh. It was too bad because he wanted to see her naked. "Though you may undress and get into the tub before I come in. And when the bath is done, then I will leave for 1 minute to let you get dressed."
    December 11th, 2016 at 06:40am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy hadn't been expecting Kieran to give in to her request even the slightest bit and she was almost positive her surprise was evident as she looked up to him. She swallowed around the lump that had formed in her throat as she began to nod. There was no sense in continuing to argue with him, if he was going to let her undress and dress on her own? Darcy didn't think there was much more room for debate. Her stomach sank as she pushed to the edge of the bed, climbing to her feet uneasily. She shifted her weight from one side to the other before taking a small step toward the bathroom. "I... do you want me to go now? Or wait? Or?" She began to ramble, not wanting to press any more buttons than she already had.
    December 11th, 2016 at 06:46am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran rubbed the back of his neck before opening the door for Darcy. "Go in now. You have one minute to get into that tub. I will come in either way." Once she was inside of the bathroom, he closed the door slightly behind her. This was not how he expected the day to go. But already Darcy was acting so well...If she kept this up that meant he would be able to move onto part 2. Darcy would need to get used to him and his body soon.
    Once the minute was up, Kieran made his way into the bathroom. He was a bit disappointed to see what she had made it in the tub. Plus the bubbles covered everything that Kieran was looking forward to seeing too.
    December 11th, 2016 at 07:08am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy had all but thrown her clothes off into a pile at her feet the moment that the door shut behind her. She sank down into the water, all the way up to her chin despite it being a little hotter than she would have preferred. She knew there was nothing really stopping Kieran from doing... anything but she hoped if she tried to behave, that he would be a bit nicer about everything. Maybe if she listened, she would get a chance to run. Looking up when Kieran opened the door, Darcy tried to shrink further beneath the water.

    Clearing her throat, Darcy leaned her head back and tried with one hand to wet her hair while using the other arm to cover her breasts since with the movement of the water, they peaked out from under the water. She had closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to see Kieran's reaction as her cheeks began to flush different shades of red.
    December 11th, 2016 at 07:13am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    A smirk came across Keiran's face as he saw her breasts begin to float in the water. Seeing them for just a moment assured Kerian that they were worth waiting for. Oh and he had plans for her tits, as well as for the rest of Darcy. He leaned back into the wall and just appreciated watching Darcy. Though he felt a little odd only staring at her so he thought it best to start speaking. "Where are you from?" Kieran pushed his hair back as his eyes stayed on her more intent than before. He just wanted to tie her to the bed and fuck her like never before. Though that was to come soon enough.
    December 11th, 2016 at 07:31am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy was trying her best to remain calm even as she struggled to wash her hair with one hand. She was too afraid to use her other arm since she wasn't comfortable with Kieran being in the room. She looked up in surprise when Kieran spoke, eyeing him for a moment before she let out a dry laugh. "You mean to tell me you don't already know where I'm from? I mean you were stalking me..." she trailed off with a huff, turning her body as far in the tub as she could before beginning to wash the shampoo from her hair.
    December 11th, 2016 at 09:04pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    Kieran gave her a small shrug. "I did my research but I don't know everything." He said before grabbing a loofah and set it on top of the water. It started to float and Kieran moved back to the wall. "Though if you don't want me to ask you questions, you can always ask me a few things." He didn't mind if Darcy asked him some questions but he fully expected her not to ask anything that would piss him off.
    December 11th, 2016 at 11:01pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    A chill ran down Darcy's spine at the mention of research but she didn't say anything, she didn't think that she needed to to properly convey how she was feeling right now. She wanted nothing to do with Kieran and yet he continued to insist on talking to her. Was he really that stupid? Huffing, she shook her head, shrinking further into the water until Kieran had moved away from the tub. She began to scrub her skin, biting down on the inside of her lip. "What do you want from me?" She finally asked, dropping the loofah back into the water once she had finished. She refused to look up, wrapping her arms around herself. "You know you can't just keep me here forever. My family is going to look for me and they're going to figure it out. The cops will and when they find us? You're going to be in lots of trouble!"
    December 11th, 2016 at 11:13pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran growled a bit when Darcy questioned him about his plan. He immediately headed over to her, pulling Darcy out of the tub by her arm. Then he pinned her to the wall with one hand as he pressed himself against her wet, naked body. "I will not deal with your sass or you questioning me about my plan with you." He growled at her. His other hand moved up to her throat, lightly choking her. "Your precious family and your friends can look for you as long as they want, but they will never find you. You are mine until I decide I am done with you. And when I am done with you, you will not just be dropped off at home. So I suggest that you start making more of an effort to please me, or I'll bury you by the last girl I had here. Do you understand?" Kieran lightened his grip on her throat, waiting for her to speak.
    December 12th, 2016 at 12:16am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy flailed as she was pulled out of the water, her free hand moving to cover her chest as much as possible even as he shoved her into the wall. Her eyes widened as Kieran spoke, fear shooting through her entire being. Tears sprung to her eyes as her free hand shot to the hand around her throat, struggling against Kieran. She struggled, trying to push away his hand or squirm out, away from the wall, only to freeze when he mentioned another girl. There had been someone before her? That was dead? She let out a choked sob as her tears began to fall, nodding slightly. "Please," she croaked, the fight seeming to leave her body. "I understand."
    December 12th, 2016 at 12:24am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    Now that Kieran was satisfied, he let go of Darcy completely. While he wanted his new little toy to be happy and want to please him, kieran also was not going to put up with the disrespect that she had been showing him. "Good." With that done, he grabbed a towel and handed it to Kieran. Though before he did so, he took a good look at her body. Darcy was a gorgeous girl and he was beginning to see no reason to wait as long as he originally thought. Now that there was an understanding of what would happen if she didn't do well, Darcy should not jump to his every command. After handing over towel, Kieran gave her a soft red dress that stopped before her knees. "Put this on." He knew that it would hug her body just right, and that was what he wanted.
    December 12th, 2016 at 12:39am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy shuddered as Kieran looked her over, dropping her gaze as she turned her head to the side. She let out a choked sob as she was forced to reach a hand out to take the towel from him. She was quick to wrap it around her body, trying to hide herself as much as possible. She jerked away when she saw movement in the corner of her eye, her head snapping around to watch as Kieran handed her a dress. She held it up for a moment before reluctantly moving away from the wall so that she could could pull the dress over her head, holding the towel as close to her as possible until she dropped it to the floor. Smoothing her hands down over the material, Darcy suddenly froze as she realized something. "I... um, what about underwear?" She whispered, wrapping her arms around her torso, pushing her breasts together without thinking about it.
    December 12th, 2016 at 12:48am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran watched Darcy as she pulled on her dress. He was quite satisfied with how it looked on her. Though when she asked about underwear, Kieran reached over and took her wrist. "You will not need it. Besides, you look fine without it." He told her before walking her out of the bathroom, closing the door behind them as they were out. Kieran then grabbed the handcuffs and handcuffed Kieran's hands together in front of her before attaching her back to the bed. He tied both the handcuffs and her legs to the bed. "Tell me Darcy, are you a virgin?" He asked her once she was stuck in the bed.
    December 12th, 2016 at 12:59am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy closed her eyes, wishing that she could just disappear. That she would be anywhere but here when she opened them again because she was beginning to understand exactly what Kieran wanted from her. Reaching up with her free hand, she wiped the tears away as she followed Kieran back into the bedroom. Biting as hard as she could stand into her bottom lip as Kieran handcuffed her before tying her to the bed, Darcy shuddered and tried to close her knees as much as possible with her ankles tied apart. Her breath stuck in her throat when Kieran spoke, slowly nodding her head. "I-I am..." Darcy trailed off, dragging in a deep breath. "But I've done... other stuff, you know," she admitted, her cheeks turning redder with the admission.
    December 12th, 2016 at 01:08am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran looked down at her, watching her face slowly change shades. He gave her a nod. "Good." It was better that Darcy had never been with anyone. This meant that he was able to shape her anyway he wanted. Sure he would have to teach her a few things, but he figured that she would be a fast learning since she knew the price at stake. And once he had trained her properly, there were a few things that he wanted to do. Though that would come later. "By the end of this day, you won't be anymore." Kieran flat out told her. He then headed out of the room. There were a few things he needed to get ready.
    December 12th, 2016 at 01:15am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy had been trying to keep strong but the moment Kieran spoke, the waterworks began. She blubbered as she tried to form a plea, watching through blurry eyes as he left the room. She began to thrash about, screaming as loud as she could in hopes that maybe a passerby would hear her. She had no clue that she was in the basement of a house in the middle of nowhere. Soon, her throat was raw from how loud she had been screaming. Whimpering to herself, she sniffled as she buried her face into her shoulder. She hoped that Kieran was bluffing, that she would get out of this somehow and he wouldn't fuck her. Maybe... maybe she could plead. She had been told that she was good with her mouth because she had watched videos before, trying to learn how to be better.

    The moment the door opened, Darcy was alert with words pouring from hr lips. "Please. I'll be good, I'll suck you off for as long as you want, I'll swallow or you can cum on me. I'll do what you want, sir. Please just don't... don't make me do that."
    December 12th, 2016 at 01:27am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Kieran looked over at Darcy as he came back into the room. He thought about what she was saying for a moment before shaking his head. "No." Kieran said decisively before going over to her. In his hand was a metal bar and immediately he started to tie it in between Darcy's legs, ensuring that she was not going to be able to close them. Then he took the ball gag that he had and put it into her mouth and tightened it on her so it wouldn't budge. Kieran did not want to hear her plead the whole time. With that done, Kieran then untied her to the bed and threw Darcy over his shoulder and carried her out of the room. Immediately he walked into the door next to it, turning on the lights to reveal a sex room. It had many different devices and toys. It also had a camera set up next to the bed. He laid her down on the bed. "Darcy, if you are good and you listen, I promise that you'll love this." He said as he lightly kissed her forehead. Kieran walked over to the camera, turning it on. It showed everything but her face. "Now, be a good girl and move onto your knees."
    December 12th, 2016 at 01:41am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Darcy had been so sure that her deal would be accepted so that when Kieran denied her, she could only stare at him in surprise. She whimpered, trying to pull away from him even as he tied her legs to the bar. Trying to turn her head away to avoid the gag, Darcy whimpered as he shoved it between her lips. She shuddered, closing her eyes and not even bothering to try and fight as he carried her to the other room. Seeing the camera, it only launched her into another crying fit, reaching down to try and tug her dress down as far as possible. She pushed herself onto her knees, her entire body shaking with sobs as she hung her head. When Kieran stepped closer to her, Darcy shied away, trying to push herself as far from him as possible.
    December 12th, 2016 at 01:55am