Paying a Debt

  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    When Micah leaned down, she tried to move further from her reach but was met with a wall at her back. She didn't answer him, couldn't answer him. She had no idea what she would have done had she known what he truly was. While she wanted to say that she still would have gone with him but she wasn't sure that she could day that anymore. Perhaps she would have still said yes, because she would have been better prepared for it. Her bigger concern at the moment was her still bleeding neck. Slowly, she pulled her hand away, looking at the bloody mess covering her hand. She was going to be sick and she had no where to go, no one to talk to. Even if she did come in contact with another human, how could she know what they truly were, especially after dark. And who was to say they would believe her story?
    December 20th, 2016 at 12:38pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Seeing her attention fall to her bloody hand, Micah sighed quietly. "I can fix that in my own way, if you want," he mentioned, though he figured he could leave it as an option for her. He wasn't sure that she would agree to it. "Or, I can find a first aid kit to tend to it," he added, wondering if that might be the better choice. Whichever she preferred, he figured he could do. In a sense, he did owe her that much. She hadn't been aware of what she had gotten herself into. And, beyond that, he couldn't really let her bleed out like this. Disposing of a body would be a hassle and he didn't like the idea of accepting her as payment if she died so soon. Plus, well, she was still necessary for if he decided he was too lazy to wander about and feed. And he didn't necessarily want her to die in general, either. "It's up to you, either way," he told her.
    December 20th, 2016 at 12:43pm
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Stella took a moment to think about it, pressing her hand to the wound, keeping the pressure on it. Her eyes snapped up to his, her decision made. "Fix it." If books had taught her anything, it was that using a first aid kit would leave a scar, and that was the last thing she wanted to deal with. She removed her hand, keeping her eyes on him as he bit into his own wrist, offering it up to her. Latching on, she looked away, the coppery taste of his blood (her blood?) filling her mouth. It made her want to gag but she repressed it, just wanting this this to be over. She tore herself away after a moment, wiping her mouth, looking anywhere but at him. "Do I have a room?" She asked, her voice breaking.
    December 20th, 2016 at 12:58pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Once she had confirmed that she wanted it fixed, Micah went ahead to bite into his wrist and he watched as she let some of the blood go into her mouth. It would be enough to heal her, even if she didn't like the taste, and his injury was already healing anyways. Moving to stand, he offered a nod. "Of course. It's a large house, after all, and I'm not necessarily cruel," he pointed out before he gestured for her to follow him. He did glance at her, though, and frowned momentarily. "You're not dizzy, are you? I didn't take too much blood, but I'm aware some humans have difficulty dealing with blood loss in general. That and some of them get queasy at the sight of blood as well." He wasn't sure whether she fell under either category, but he didn't really intend to drink too much from her ever.
    December 20th, 2016 at 01:03pm
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Stella stood slowly, not exactly eager to get too close to him again. Picking up her bag, she shook her head. "I'm good." Following him. they walked up the stairs and to the right wing of the house, stopping in front of one of the first doors the came to. She pushed the door open, gasping at how modern it was compared to the victorian feel of the rest of the house. Turning back to him she asked, "How often will you need to...feed?" The last word came out of her mouth as an swear. She was disgusted with herself for even saying it out loud but knew she would probably have to get used to it, as much as she hated it.
    December 20th, 2016 at 01:13pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Micah offered a small shrug in response. "I need to feed every night," he told her, though he entered the room first so that he could set it up for her. Mostly, he wanted to prepare the bathroom, should she feel the need to bathe after being fed from. Some humans thought it a dirty act, for some reason. "You needn't worry, though. I usually go out to feed. You'll only be necessary on days that I feel too lazy or days that I have business to attend to. Perhaps days where I forget to feed, but that only happens in cases like tonight, where your parents had me frustrated," he explained before he looked over to her. "I doubt I need to tell you this, but leaving isn't recommended. This may not be your preferred situation, but I don't plan on actually causing harm to you. When it comes to feeding, should I feed from you, I only plan to take what is necessary to sate my appetite. I plan to stock the kitchen as well, so that you can enjoy meals here."
    December 20th, 2016 at 01:18pm
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    "Am I the only other person here?" Stella asked, not sure if she more hoped that he would say yes or no. She was grateful the he had seen to taking care of her needs, letting her know that, despite his actions, he wan't completely heartless. While he answered, she searched the room, curious to see what it had been stocked with. The dressers were empty but the bookshelf in the corner was filled and an assortment of novels. She wondered how many of them were vampire novels or if that would be considered too taboo for a vampire to keep in his home. This was her home now. She couldn't go back to see her parents again. Her heart sank as she thought about it.
    December 20th, 2016 at 01:27pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Micah, though surprised by her question, didn't allow it to show on his expression much. Regardless, he nodded. "Yes. Aside from myself, you are the only other person here," he informed her easily. He didn't make a habit of inviting people over, nor did he make a habit of requesting a human as payment for somebody's debt. Either way, he didn't mention it and looked her over for a moment. "If you need anything specific, you can let me know. I'll do what I can to provide you with whatever it is you may need, even if it's simply something to use as a hobby." Considering she would be living there, after all, he wanted her to at least be comfortable. If she wasn't, it might be difficult for him to drink from her without her body being stressed.
    December 20th, 2016 at 01:31pm
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Stella nodded, looking back at him. "What about my classes?" It had been a goal of hers since she was a little kid to finish with a medical degree of some sort. She didn't think she would actually be able to complete it now, though, with him keeping her inside the walls of the massive house. She sat on the bed, bringing her knees to her chest and resting her forehead on them. Her head was beginning to hurt but she couldn't tell if it was from blood loss, all of the new information, the direction her life had take or a combination of all three. How would she get used to this?
    December 21st, 2016 at 02:34am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (This is short, but it's because I'm about to head to town for a bit, sorry!)

    Micah paused and thought over it. "I will allow you to continue school, provided you come back before I wake. If you do try to run away the first chance you get, I will either seek you or your parents out, depending on my mood. Keep that in mind," he told her, assuming it was fair enough. He knew some humans liked to learn, after all, and far be it for him to keep her from such an opportunity.
    December 21st, 2016 at 02:41am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Stella thought about his words. "Does that mean I could visit my parents, as long as I come back?" Her heart lifted, her eyes searching his face for any indication that he would allow her to. Personally she felt that it was the least he could do since she had agreed to be a live in diner for him, not that she had known that when she agreed to go with him. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad? There would definitely be an adjustment period, though, she was sure she would never get used to the fact that the only reason he had asked for her was to be dinner.
    December 21st, 2016 at 05:22am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Micah wasn't sure how to answer her question at first. He didn't necessarily want to keep her away from her family, but... "I don't trust your parents," he said bluntly as he watched her, though his expression was entirely serious about his words. "Though I don't mind you seeing them, I would prefer that you saw them here. I don't trust your parents not to try to talk you out of your agreement or for them to not try to find some way to take you completely away." It was likely a little over-cautious, but considering her parents had lied to him about repaying their debt and they had kept her a secret, he didn't quite like the idea of her being completely alone with them.
    December 21st, 2016 at 05:26am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Stella felt like crying, instead she launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck, without thinking about who or what he was. She was just happy he was giving her some semblance of freedom. She froze, realizing what she had done and slowly peeled herself away, stepping back and staring at her feet. "Th-thank you," Her words were quiet and she kept her gaze focused on anything but him. "When will you need me again?" She asked, feeling her stomach growl, a usual reaction for her after she gave blood. It would probably be the same every time he drank from her.
    December 27th, 2016 at 03:46am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Micah was rather surprised by Stella's actions and he stared at her when she stepped back, his gaze settled on her, though it seemed that she was intent on keeping her gaze on her feet. "Probably not for a few days," he assured with a small nod. He, after all, couldn't drink from her too often without the concern of causing anemia or exhaustion. Upon hearing her stomach, he arched a brow. "Are you hungry?" he asked, "If so, I'm sure we can call in an order, since there aren't any groceries here yet."
    December 27th, 2016 at 03:53am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Stella nodded, slightly embarrassed by her growling stomach. She frowned thinking about his words. "Um, can you... you know, eat?" She really only had what little knowledge of vampires she had gained from books and movies. Maybe they should sit down and talk about that, so she knew exactly what she was dealing with? Her stomach turned at the thought of some of his possible answers. Stella did not think that she was ready for that just yet, but she could really go for some food.
    December 28th, 2016 at 06:34am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "I can, but it's not a necessity and the taste is dull," Micah told her with a small nod, "Too much can make me sick as well, especially if I haven't fed." His digestive system didn't work the way humans' did. It took longer for human food to work through his system. "Anyways, do you have anything specific in mind to eat? I can call it in, if I search up the number for somewhere," he assured, figuring he might as well relieve her of some duties she might usually have to do on her own, at least after he had just fed from her. "Though I recommend something with protein. It sometimes helps with dizziness, I've heard. Or sugar."
    December 28th, 2016 at 06:40am