• iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    "Rebel? I.. I don't even know how to do that," she laughed a little as she looked at her hands, "I mean.. one time I was supposed to study but I went to the spa first, does that count?" she asked as she looked at him with a curious gaze.
    He shook his head defiantly, he wasn't about to give up - not when he knew this was a good thing. When he met her he knew she was something special, with all of this thrown in his face he still felt no differently about her. Chanyeol remembered how happy he was that night, how he wished it could never end and he couldn't let it end this way. "No,"
    December 18th, 2016 at 06:03am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    She stared at him, not knowing what to say. She was stunned, but she would not let him lose a great job for her. She twisted her bag strap on her shoulder and exhaled sharply. "I'm going to class, hopefully you'll be there too." She murmured, opening the door and walking out of his office. She shut the door behind her and walked as fast as she could to the classroom, hoping he came to teach. She thought m she had made the right decision and she hoped she did because her heart was telling her otherwise.
    "No," He laughed. "What's something your father would have never let you do as a child?" He asked curiously. "Anything at all? There must have been something."
    December 18th, 2016 at 06:13am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Hayden thought about it for a moment then look at her hands, "He'd never let me do anything potentially dangerous like... sky diving or paintball," she said to him nodding, "one time my best friend had a birthday party at a paintball arena and he wouldn't let me go,"
    He groaned and laid his head on his desk he was exhausted mentally and physically. He gathered his things and put on a smile, because he couldn't let anyone know something was wrong.
    December 18th, 2016 at 06:16am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    "We're going to play paintball. Tonight," He added. "Hope you're not too busy. It might not be appropriate for a TA to offer a student like this, but I think it's important. So, here's the address, not too far from campus. You should wear clothes you don't mind ruining."
    She let out a sigh of relief when she saw him walk into the classroom. She was exhausted, but she was happy he was going through with his job. It was important to him, and she wasn't going to let that just go away. She used her teeth to pull her hair tie over her hand, and tied her hair up and out of her face while she tried to take notes on his lecture.
    December 18th, 2016 at 06:22am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    "Tonight?" she said to him then chewed on her bottom lip, "I'm sure I can make time for it," she laughed a little as she rubbed her neck, "I might have to go to the thrift store before then so I can buy some clothes - I like all my clothes," Paintballing? she'd never in her life dreamed she'd do something like that, but she knew it was important. If she was ever going to do her own life, her way and not marry her professor this was the step towards that.
    He pushed a hand through his hair, "does anyone have any questions about anything on the syllabus before we go over the chapter?" he asked as he looked around.
    December 18th, 2016 at 06:28am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    She focused on her paper, not having any questions when a girl in the back raised her hand.

    "The course schedule misprinted on the back of the syllabus. Will you have them reprinted or uploaded online for students?"

    She looked around, not really paying attention to what she said.
    "I'll bring you something. Ive got plenty of paintball clothes. So tonight at, 7? You won't have time to study tonight, but you're ahead... I'm sure you're ahead in all your classes." He chucked slightly.
    December 18th, 2016 at 06:34am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    He nodded,"Sure I can do that, I'll do that tonight anything else?" he asked with a small smile, "Any questions about any assignments?" when no one said anything he nodded and turned on the projector and flicked the light off.
    Hayden jumped when the lights switched off then looked back to Jackson, "sounds good to me, I'll meet you there," she said to him smiling a little as she nodded.
    December 18th, 2016 at 06:36am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    The class murmured a collective no and she took the students packing up as a sign to pack up. She began putting her notes away and kept her eyes down, not wanting to make eye contact if she didn't have to. She grabbed her bag and headed for the door, grateful that it was her last class of the day and she could go right home afterwards.
    "Good, I think you'll enjoy it. It'll be different for you, and that's a good thing." He smiled at her. "I'm excited for you."
    December 18th, 2016 at 06:43am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She nodded a little then smiled, "I think it'll be fun, it's been a while since I'd done anything except binge netflix, or study," she admitted. There had been a fine line with netflix when she caught herself craving cheetos, definitely not vegetarian in the slightest, so she had to put herself on a binge limit in order to make it through the session without craving junk food. Shoving your face with dried cranberries just wasn't the same.
    December 18th, 2016 at 06:48am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    He smiled at her, looking at the time. "I expect you'll like it a lot. Come on, I have a class in about 15 minutes and you have one too, right? We don't want to be late. Though being late might be next on your small rebellions list, that or skipping."
    December 18th, 2016 at 06:53am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Hayden's eyes widened, "I could never skip a class thats.." she trailed off as she thought about it, "thats bad," she said as she put her things in her bag then stood up. "Being late, oh.. I don't know,"she murmured softly. "Maybe if I have a cold sometime this semester," the idea of being late scared her - more so than skipping.
    December 18th, 2016 at 06:56am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    "Depends on how you look at it. I'm a TA and here I am encouraging skipping. In your case, I think it's important though. Which is why we're going paintball tonight." He said, turning to look at her. "And you better not be late. I'll see you later!" He smiled, waving at her.
    December 18th, 2016 at 07:04am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Hayden was dressed in shorts and a tank top - she really hoped he didn't forget to bring some clothes for her to wear - she didn't want to bruise. When she climbed out of her car she walked to the gates of the paintball area to wait for him, she hadn't asked for his number so she could only hope he'd show up. Her phone buzzed and she looked at the screen, when she saw it was her dad she turned her phone off then sighed.
    December 18th, 2016 at 07:06am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Nathalie sat in her apartment working on her research paper. She would need to meet with the other TA or Jackson, because she felt like going to Chanyeol would be like salt in an open wound. For the both of them. His expression in his office lingered in her mind and she did nearly everything to erase it but she was only partially successful. She just hoped by focusing on his job she made the right decision.
    Jackson leaned against his car, smiling widely. "Hey hey Hayden!" He shouted, waving her over. "You're right on time. They're ready whenever we are, and your clothes are right here." He said, handing her a backpack of pants and shirts she could choose from. "I'll wait right here for you."
    December 18th, 2016 at 07:16am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Hayden smiled,"Told I wouldn't be late," she said to him smiling as she took the pack and made her way to the bathroom so she could change, it took her a minute but she finally found something that fit her alright. She tied her hair up into a bun then walked out of the bathroom, "There," she said to him, "So how does this work?"
    Chanyeol had decided he wasn't going to let her walk away so easy, he was going to make her see that he wanted this. He grabbed chinese and curry; and the bottle of wine he promised her. He grabbed a boquet of her favorite flowers then made his way to her apartment. He stood there for a moment before knocking on the door.
    December 18th, 2016 at 07:20am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    She jumped in surprise, she hadn't expected anyone to come by so she was surprised. She hadn't been wearing proper clothes so she zipped up her jacket and went to look through the peephole, before staring longer in shock. She stepped back and pulled on a face mask, regardless of how their relationship was he had yet to see her barefaced and she wasn't about to start now.

    She pulled open the door and stared at him. "Are you insane? Students live on this floor! What are you doing here?"
    "We can either play in teams or everyone for themselves. We'll go in the arena and basically fight to be the last one standing." He explained as he walked with her into the building where the gear was. "We'll suit up and go inside, and play as many rounds as we want."
    December 18th, 2016 at 07:28am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She nodded a little,"Alright, then I suppose we should definitely play against one another," she said with a small grin on her face as she looked at him. She'd been dying to do this since she was in tenth grade, she wasn't about to play nice now that it was happening.
    "It's fine," he said shaking his head, "No one saw me, are you going to let me in or not I brought food," Chanyeol looked at her waiting to see what she would do as he held up the bags of food.
    December 18th, 2016 at 07:30am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    She knew she couldn't leave him out there, there were students from her class and they would recognize him. She moved back so he could come in and sighed, crossing her arms as he set everything down on the table.

    "Chanyeol, you really shouldn't be here. This is only making it harder." She said seriously, watching him.
    He scoffed and laughed, not expecting this. "Well alright then. Every one for themselves. If you get hit three times you're out, direct shots not grazes." He said, walking in and holding up a suit, mask, and padding. "Put this on over your clothes, then we'll pick out what color you'll use."
    December 18th, 2016 at 07:35am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She nodded a little as she followed him and pulled on the the padding then looked up at him as she listened to what he was saying, "Alright, would now be the time to tell you I've known how to shoot a gun my entire life or..." she trailed off with a sheepish smile. Her mom was a a sharp shooter, and her moms brother would take her to the shooting range a couple times a year, and she had all the skills her mother did.
    He shrugged,"I'm not giving up," he said to her as he walked into the dining room setting the food down. "I didn't know what to get so I got everything,"
    December 18th, 2016 at 07:40am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    She looked at the food knowing he got exactly what she had wanted and it made her feel like crying. "Chanyeol, please. You are my professor, and we need to keep it that way. I couldn't even touch you if I wanted to in fear of what could happen. It would feel inappropriate." She said softly. "I'm touched you brought this, but this really can't continue.
    "Good, so now I don't have to go easy on you." He laughed, leading her to The ammunition room. "What's your favorite color?" He asked curiously.
    December 18th, 2016 at 07:49am