• Hayden had spent the last few days finishing up the essays and adding final touches to her power points. She managed to turn in all her papers on time, the day before the end of the first week. A part of her was proud of herself, but she knew that she was only drowning herself in school work to try not to think about how dinner had went, the rest of the evening had been nothing insinuations. The pair who were being forced together feeling quite awkward, she walked into the room where the class was held and went to the office knocking on the door. "Professor Park?" she said softly keeping a friendly and professional tone - she did not want to seem anything like her father.

    It had been a long week, grading papers, required officer hours, and four classes held throughout the day four days a week - he felt like his entire life had been consumed by this university. A part of him was wishing he'd accepted another position at another university, but no - this school had the most credentials and would help him get to where he wanted to be. "Yes, Miss Carter how can I help you?" he asked with a sincere smile.

    "I'm here to turn in my essay and end of semester project report for what the final reflection paper is going to be on," she said to him lightly, "and I really wanted to apologize for my dad putting you on the spot like that it was... so gross and uncalled for I really hope you don't feel any kind of pressure about what it was he spoke about,"

    Chanyeol looked at her, she had her reflection paper report done already? He shook his head a little then nodded before pursing his lips, "I won't lie, I.. am a little confused about what it was he wanted but I think I can figure it out, I don't want to upset him,"

    "Neither do I, I don't know what to do - usually I can talk my way out of things or swing it in my favor but when it comes to this or college he will not budge," Hayden explained to him gently then chewed on her lip and handed him the folder. "I can come by another time so we can talk about the project, but if you have any questions you have my number or email,"

    "Of course, I'll contact you as soon as possible and if I can't meet with you one of my TA's will," he said to her smiling a little, "and try not to worry so much, I'm sure he isn't serious,"
    December 18th, 2016 at 02:38am
  • Nathalia hadn't heard much from Chanyeol since last time she saw him, but she assumed he had been busy. That was perfectly fine by her, but what had put her off was the fact that she hadn't heard from him at all. If he had told her he was busy or anything, she would have totally understood. But to not hear from him at all, and for several days, it hurt her feelings, and kind of pissed her off.

    She had intended on turning in her assignments to the TA because she didn't want to be a bother if she didn't need to be. But the TAs were busy and Jackson wasn't in his office so she didn't have much of a choice. At the end of the day, no matter her feelings, he was her professor. And their relationship however complicated needed to be professional.

    She pulled her homework out of her bag, going over to the door but it was already open and another student was inside. She sighed and stepped to the side, to lean against the wall while she waited before she heard the student mention her father and she got confused. She didn't know what had happened, but figured she would just talk to him afterwards.
    Jackson walked into his office tired and hungry as always. He planned to meet up with Nathalia later, she had seemed pretty upset over the guy she had been seeing blowing her off. He didn't know the entire situation, but he was sure there was an explanation. If not, she didn't need him. He unlocked his door and sat down in his chair, not even bothering to turn on his lights.
    December 18th, 2016 at 02:54am
  • Hayden nodded a little, "I hope not, he's really persistent when he wants something to happen," she murmured lightly then sighed as she turned to walk out of the office then walked down the steps to where she usually sat and put her head in her hands closing her eyes. After everything she'd done, she was nearly done with college and her father was still planning out ever aspect of her life. Now he wanted to control who she was going to marry "become close" what a joke.
    Chanyeol lifted his head, "Nathalie," he said with a heavy breath as he looked at her, "come on in, shut the door," he said to her as he pushed ah and through his hair. Stressed was an understatement, he hadn't slept well all week, most of his time consumed by thoughts he didn't need to have, like why was the president of the university so interested in him.
    December 18th, 2016 at 03:02am
  • She looked up as the other girl walked out and sighed, moving to stand in the doorway. "Actually, Professor I was just here to drop off my report abstract." She said to him, pulling it out of her bag. "You're busy, I understand. So I'll just turn it in and go." She said softly, setting it on his desk. She didn't want to be here and she really didn't want to talk anything out with him right now.
    He looked up as he saw Hayden walk by. "Hey Hayden! Hows it going? I saw you emailed for a meeting, I'm able to squeeze you in when you have time." He said, sitting up in the chair and stretching. "Everything alright?"
    December 18th, 2016 at 03:11am
  • She smiled at him, "I'm alright it's just been one of those weeks," she laughed a little, "and thats great actually, I have time today after 1pm and tomorrow after ten in the morning," she said to him lightly as she crossed her legs.
    "Nathalie please," he said to her, "I can explain," at this point he was desparate, he needed to tell her what happened and he couldn't if she kept walking away because he couldn't chase after her.
    December 18th, 2016 at 03:23am
  • She sighed heavily, her mind screaming for her to walk away. She looked at him for a second and chewed on the inside of her cheek. She closed the door behind her and went over to the chair in front of his desk. This was the last place she wanted to be and the last conversation she wanted to be having. She was hurt and here was not the place to have the conversation they were about to have. But despite her better judgment she sat down, looking at him. "Talk," she nearly mumbled, not having much to say to him yet.
    "Today after 1 is great, that's right after class. Have you gotten your research topic finished?" He asked, writing the time down. "Depending on how far you are is how I can help you."
    December 18th, 2016 at 03:31am
  • "I tried texting you, shit I tried calling twice but my reception kept going out. The president of the university has been on my case all week, he had me go out to dinner with him, his wife and his daughter - the girl who was just in here," he said to her lightly, "I've been loaded with school work to grade and working on lecture plans, on top of office hours and actual courses, I don't want to make up an excuse but if I had had the time to call I would have," he said to her softly as he looked at her.
    "Yeah I just handed it in actually, I can get you a copy if you want," she smiled a little, "I worked very hard on it, it's something I'm actually passionate about and the fact that it has to do with law makes it easier on me as a whole," her father liked to approve her topics for essays since he knew what was expected of students. Ever since she was in grade school she never made less than a B+ and not without a serious talking to about it. Her father was something of a military drill sergeant when it came to education.
    December 18th, 2016 at 03:38am
  • She sighed as she looked at him, shaking her head slightly. "I get it, you're busy. What I don't get is how you didn't have reception for the few days after. It would have taken you a second to send a text telling me you were busy. And I would have understood, I get it. But I didn't hear from you for days, and it told me that this is probably a bad idea. This won't work out, so we should let it go how it is." She said quietly, but also seriously.
    He nodded. "Later on, you'll bring in your topic so we can go over it together and I or another TA can help you with sources." He explained to her. "You're already very ahead, so you'll have a head start on everything else."
    December 18th, 2016 at 04:11am
  • "I've barely had a moment to myself since then, and I got a new phone last night," he said as he set it on the desk, "I just moved here and that company had horrible reception you have to know I'm not the kind of guy to just not say anything,"
    She nodded a little, "Alright, sounds good. I'll be going to the library after that then so I can get some research done, the more I have the easier I can fill up all fifteen pages, thank goodness for diagrams huh?" she joked.
    December 18th, 2016 at 04:14am
  • She sighed as she looked at him. "I know you aren't. And it isn't your fault you've been busy. But it's only the start of semester, it's only going to get worse. I don't think I can handle this, and I don't think you can either. We can still be friendly, Chanyeol, but I really think our relationship would be better off professional from now on." She said, shaking her head slowly.

    "I need to get ready for your class and get a good seat," She murmured, standing and picking up her bag. "You're a great guy, Chanyeol. I mean it.
    "You would be surprised how many students think they can make it by without making one. In a few weeks, the class will diminish considerably. Not many people make it through, but I have a feeling we won't need to worry about you." He laughed. "What drew you to that topic?"
    December 18th, 2016 at 04:31am
  • "Lets just say the mind is something I've always been curious about the fine line between knowing right and wrong and where the law is actually palpable is one that intrigues me, where does the law stop and mental health begin?" she asked him as she thought about it, "It's a very fine line as many criminals with mental illnesses have been sentenced to death, is it fair - should we treat them as health americans or should we send them to a psychiatric unit? All questions that have to be answered without bias,"
    He sighed as he looked at her, "Come on, the president can't be on my case all semester, after this we'll both be just as busy so we should not try? so we should just sit back and let life hand out unsweetened lemonade - no I won't," he said to her.
    December 18th, 2016 at 04:39am
  • "Can't he?" She asked him, still standing. "Isn't he the one who gave you this job? You said he liked you, why else would he invite you to dinner with his family? Didn't he invite you over for a reason?"
    "That's...incredibly detailed. Most students don't even have a general topic yet. Where did you find time to do any of this?" He laughed, shaking his head.
    December 18th, 2016 at 04:43am
  • She smiled, "I run ideas by my dad, and since he used to be professor he tells me to try again or that it's viable. So he liked this one a lot, and told me to pursue it, so I am," Hayden shrugged a little as she smiled " It's fortunate to have someone with experience on my side, but it can have its downsides as well,"
    He rubbed the back of his neck then wet his lips, "He likes me for his daughter," he said to her, "I can't outright deny it but I'm not going to agree to anything,"
    December 18th, 2016 at 05:06am
  • She was silent for a second before laughing really hard. The situation just got worse, and she didn't think it could have. "Henry Carter, the man who not only got you your job, but is known for doing literally anything to get his way and succeed, wants you for his daughter..." She scoffed. "This isn't going to work, and you're insane for thinking it will." She said, picking up her bag and turning for the door. "Goodbye, Chanyeol."
    "I mean... of course. But making mistakes is important, it's how you learn." He said to her seriously. "You run all if your assignments by him?" He asked curiously. It was saddening to hear. Clearly she worked hard, but she had almost no freedom and it made him wonder if she ever had.
    December 18th, 2016 at 05:16am
  • Hayden shrugged a little,"Failure's never been an option for me," she murmured with a small smile then sat back in her chair, "I've always done well, in everything I'd pursued - it was that or fear the wrath," it wasn't something she liked to admit. At time she wished she could make up assignments on her own, but she knew that he'd never let that happen if he could help it.
    He sighed, "Damn Nathalie, please stop," he said to her as he felt his eyes watering, "I'm not going to let some man president of some university or not control my life," he said to her.
    December 18th, 2016 at 05:19am
  • She shook her head. "I knew us staying together was a bad idea. I knew it! Of course I like you, but other things have to be considered and you know it. You can't tell him no, because you'll lose your job and I would be damned if I let you put your job in jeopardy for someone like me." She said seriously. "And let's be real, did you see her? I cant compete with that, and nor do I want to- i know better than that. You are trapped seeing this woman for as long as you're wanted to, and I am not going to sit and hide not just in daily life... do you understand how it would look for me? I would be the other woman, Chanyeol. If any of this comes to light, I will be to blame. And honestly, fuck that. He is not just president of some university, he is your boss of a job you currently need. You can't just walk away." She said, turning to look at the clock. "You have class in ten minutes, I'll leave first so we're not seen together."
    "How well would talking to your father go? What about your mother? It might not be my place but I think it's something you deserve. And its worth a shot." He said to her.
    December 18th, 2016 at 05:36am
  • Her face softened a little, "My mom died when I was little, I have.. Helga but," she furrowed her brow," she's never really been much of a mother to me,"
    He closed his eyes and shook his head, "I'm not giving up on this, I will quit this job if it means us having a chance together I had other colleges lining up for me willing to pay me just as good but this one had a great reputation so I took it but I will not let him dictate my life,"
    December 18th, 2016 at 05:38am
  • "And I am not letting you quit this job. You said so yourself, it was the best offer and I won't let you lose it." She said seriously. "So no. Don't you even think about quitting, not for this. If I have to break up with you, so be it. The answer is no, Chanyeol. You'll be quitting for nothing. You now have 7 minutes to class, you'll end up being late if you keep this up."
    "I'm so sorry." He said to her. "I shouldn't have mentioned it." he said, not sure what else to say. He feared he made it awkward which was the last thing he had wanted to do.
    December 18th, 2016 at 05:45am
  • "It's fine I was young, I miss her but I mean it's been a long time," she told him as she shook her head, "So don't worry, besides you didn't know," the last thing she wanted to do was for him to stop talking. It had been so long since she'd last had a decent conversation with anyone. "I've tried talking to him about it before, but he's.. like a steel wall,"
    "Then I'll be late, I don't want this to end," he was nearly begging now, it was never something he thought he'd do for a woman. He'd dated before, hed had them beg him not to go but he couldn't let her slide through his fingers.
    December 18th, 2016 at 05:49am
  • She felt as if she would burst, and she didn't know what to do. Her heart and mind were both ready to explode and she wasn't sure which would go first. She really didn't want to break up with him, and it hurt her to do so. But all she could think about was what would happen if any of this continued. He could lose his job, she would be painted as a whore, the thought of her parents even catching wind made her skin want to burn.

    "I mean this. Go to class. Don't ruin this for something easily fixed," She said softly. "Take your bag and go to class."
    He nodded slowly. "Maybe you should try to rebel a bit. Do what makes you happy, small things first." He said to her. "I'm probably an awful influence but I think we all need someone to give them a push."
    December 18th, 2016 at 05:59am