Hell's Angel

  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Emily Viscios
    December 25th, 2016 at 06:10am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Lunar Eclipse

    Emily wiped the tears away from her eyes as she looked down at the little wooden pentagram in her hands. It was...unsettling knowing that she was so pathetic that she was willing to call upon Lucifer. Though God had not been answering her prayers for so long now...and Emily was at the point where she was looking at two options for herself, and the other one was not so favorable.

    With a deep sigh, Emily kneeled down on the floor of her room, setting the little wooden object onto the floor. Perhaps it wouldn't be big enough, or maybe he already knew what she wanted and wouldn't come, but it was worth a shot. She pulled her knee high socks up a bit higher on her legs and then leaned over the pentagram, setting the corners on fire. At least her floor was hard wood, which made it so the floor didn't instantly set aflame. As the wood began to lightly burn, Emily pushed herself back a little, making more space in front of her before bowing her head slightly. With a shaky voice, Emily started to speak. "Lucifer? If you can hear me, I would like to make a trade. A trade for my soul?" While she wasn't sure how it would work completely, if he was listening, hopefully it would grab his attention.

    [I love Ian Somerhalder. In Love ]
    December 26th, 2016 at 03:33am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    Lucifer sighed, marking his place, and scrubbed a hand down his face, hearing another human calling for him. He got so many of these summons a day if was a bore. Ususally he ignored it or sent one if his underlings to deal with whatever petty thing the humans were asking for. Today though, he was quite bored with his usual surrounding and decided to pay a visit to the poor soul that was desperate enough to try and call on him specifically.

    Resuming his read, The Bible as it were (Lucifer found it quite amusing to read the different versions and how he was portrayed), and transported himself from his throne to the small room he was being called from. Without glancing up from the page, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "You rang?" Ignoring the gasp of disbelief, he continued to read until he finished the page, pulling a pen from his pocket and drawing a line between the last passage he read and the one he would read next, dog eared the page and looked up."I don't have all day. There is an eternity of damnation no one else if fit to run and I would hate to see it go to, well, hell." He stood, unfolding his human guise and set the book down, crossing his arms. Lucifer's eyebrows shot up as he listened to the girls request and laughed. "Is that really all you ask of me in return for your soul?" This was perhaps the best request he had ever gotten and he was rather excited that he had chosen to show himself for this particular summons.

    [I do too! I thought he was just perfect for the role.]
    December 26th, 2016 at 04:41am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Lunar Eclipse

    Emily tried her best to keep calm when Lucifer did arrive in front of her. It was clear that he didn't have the time or the patience to see her in shock. But it was difficult. First of all Emily wasn't sure it would work. She wasn't sure he even existed. And she couldn't help but be a bit shocked when he dropped his human disguise. It was just so odd, how could she not? Though when he laughed at her request, Emily couldn't help the frown from coming over her lips and her heart dropped a little. She knew it was sad and pathetic but she was desperate to have anyone. Even if it was the devil himself.

    Slowly Emily stood up onto her feet and gave him a small nod. Though still she kept her head down, unable to meet his eyes yet. Especially now that he dropped his human form. "That is what I want. You can have my soul if you would be my friend." She shifted uncomfortably. "Though you know that means you have to spend time with me. I want an active friend, not just someone who says they are." Emily glanced up at him for a moment before dropping her eyes again. It would be horrible if she gave away her soul but then didn't get what she traded for. He needed to actually be there, more than once per week. "C-can you do that?"
    December 26th, 2016 at 04:56am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Lucifer couldn't help the grin on his face and raised an eyebrow and her in bemusement. She had fire and he liked that. Perhaps he would grant her request. so far he had enjoyed his time, though, he had only been with the girl for less than five minutes. "I could," he mused, looking her over. "Why request me specifically? There are tens of thousands of crossroads demons that could grant you the same." He sat back down his human form reappearing as he picked up the book.

    "Have you even thought this through? Being an active participant is all that you ask? You have no other no other parameters or requests?" Lucifer gave her a moment to consider his questions and answer them. With a nod, he grinned. "Very well. Consider me a friend for for life. And on the day that you die, your soul will join me and and the countless other like you in hell for all eternity." He looked around the small room and shook his head before asking for the girls name. After all, he should at least know the name of his new... friend. This would certainly keep him from being as bored as he had been over the past few centuries. It would work for a few decades at the very most.
    December 26th, 2016 at 05:18am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Lunar Eclipse

    Once Lucifer sat down, Emily headed over to her bed and sat down on the edge of it. Now that she had gotten what she wanted, she wasn't completely sure what to do with Lucifer. She didn't really think that it would work, so Emily didn't have a plan for what to do now that it had. Though even if she had one, Emily wasn't sure it would have worked anyways. After all she had no idea what the devil was like.

    "I don't know about the other crossroad demons." Emily moved her hands into her lap, folding them. "So I asked for you... Though wouldn't you be the best to ask anyways? I mean you probably fulfill requests better than the others right? Besides I wasn't entirely sure that it would work anyways. So I suppose I didn't think through parameters because I didn't think you would actually come. I just hoped that you would...But what I asked for covers what I want." Unless he planned on tricking her. Though Emily kept that worry to herself. She wouldn't be able to stop him at this point if he did. "My name is Emily. Should I just call you Lucifer?"
    December 26th, 2016 at 05:36am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Lucifer kept his eyes on Emily as she moved about the room, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You are lucky I did come and didn't decide to hand the summons off to anyone else, but that is not relevant. You may call me whatever you like: Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, Beels, it makes no difference to me." He said and returned to the spot he was in the book. He was not entirely sure how a friend was supposed to be, never really having one himself. Sure he had his brothers and his father but everyone knows how that had turned out.

    "Well, Emily, I daresay this should be an interesting turn of events. Do you live in this... place, by yourself?" Lucifer asked, not wanting to offend his new friend with his displeasure of her small living arrangement. Really, the room could be huge and he would not know the difference, being used to the vast realms of the pit he called home, if anyone could call it that. "I suppose we should get to know one another if you are expecting us to spend extended amounts of time together," he mused, turning the page and continuing onto the next passage. "Tell me anything that is pertinent to our newfound friendship, ask any questions you like if you have them."
    December 26th, 2016 at 06:18am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Lunar Eclipse

    "I think I'll call you Lucifer." It was the name she knew him best as. And it seemed to roll off the tongue unlike the others. Slowly beginning to feel a bit more comfortable, Emily lifted her head so she was actually looking at his face. It was easier now that he was back into his human form. Lucifer had a very pleasing human disguise, though she didn't expect anything less from him. But still she dropped her head after a few moments, still being a bit concerned to look at him too long. Though while his status was a bit concerning it had more to do with the fact that Emily was nervous. And it had been a while since someone just asked her questions about her life.

    Emily looked around her studio apartment once he mentioned it. She couldn't tell if he hated it or not. Though Emily thought it was rather nice and it was perfect for what she needed. But even she had to admit that the walls were a bit bland. "This is my home. It's just me that lives here." Emily shrugged a bit. "I know it's a bit bland but it's cozy." When he asked about her life, Emily gave him a small shake of her head. There was nothing that he really needed to know her, or that she was ready to talk about. Though Emily was quite interested in him and she hoped none of her questions would accidentally go over the line. "What do you do exactly as Lucifer? I know you have responsibilities but what are they? And why do you go around collecting more souls?"
    December 26th, 2016 at 06:37am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Lucifer nodded as she made her decision, still focused on his reading. He could feel her eyes on him but he ignored that, being used to the reaction in or out of his human form. "Cozy." He scoffed at the words, rolling his eyes and looking up at her after her line of questions. While he had invited her to ask questions, most people were too afraid of his reaction to actually follow through with the invitation.What do I do? You mean other than be the bane of my father's existence? Do my best to destroy what he loves more than myself or my siblings," he said and gave her a pointed look.

    It was no secret that Lucifer felt his father loved his loved his precious little humans more than he loved his own children. And don't even get him started on Jesus. Setting the book on the table next to him he crossed his arms, leaning back and watching Emily's face. "What did you expect when you called me here? It must have been good to have you risk the wrath of an uncaring and promise your eternity to me." He asked, cocking his head to the side.
    December 27th, 2016 at 04:04am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Lunar Eclipse

    Emily looked Lucifer in the eyes or a moment before dropping her head and looking down at her hands. She shifted uncomfortably as she started to nervously play with the bottom of her shirt. "I really was just hoping to have someone to talk to and spend time with me. I-I know that you won't actually care about me, and that is okay. Though just having someone pretend like they do will be better than being alone." Emily then pushed her shirt back down, smoothing it out. Slowly turned her head slightly to look at his face again, trying to figure out how he was taking in her words. "I've just been alone for so long. And I've tried to find friends but..." She let out a sigh, deciding not to go into it. "It's worth whatever will happen after I die. At least I would have someone for a while than not at all." Emily was rather sure that she was already going to Hell, since God had ignored her prayers for so long. And she doubted she would have been able to get a friend in heaven if He wasn't willing to send her one now.
    December 27th, 2016 at 04:32am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Emily had one thing right; Lucifer didn't care about his father's pets. He stared at her for a while before sighing. "Don't feel bad, Pet, Father doesn't care about many things these day. With all of the atheists around these days, it's a wonder he hasn't sent his precious little Jesus back to convert a few," he mocked with a roll of his eyes. "It's a wonder so many still put their faith. Somedays even I feel he is more myth than god." Lucifer stood and stretched, looking down at Emily. "I have a few things to attend to. Per your request, I will return later, though I make no guarantees. I am a very busy angel." With that, he grabbed his book and disappeared, reappearing in his chambers. "Daniel." He called, sitting back down in his thrown. The demon he called for immediately opened the doors stepping inside. "I've just returned from a summoning by one of the humans. I want you set a guard on her. Let me know what she does, who she interacts with and the like." The demon nodded and exited the room, leaving Lucifer to his book.
    December 29th, 2016 at 02:24am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Lunar Eclipse

    After Lucifer left, Emily let out a little sigh. The trade didn't exactly make her feel any better, but Emily still had hope for her friendship with him. She felt like he was going to follow through in her request, but she was wondering if this fake friendship would really be enough for her. But she had to believe that it would, because Emily wasn't sure what to do if it didn't. For the rest of the night, Emily kept to herself in her room. After making herself a small dinner and watching some tv, she fell asleep.

    The next morning was relatively quiet for Emily too. Though before lunch, she grabbed her backpack and made her way to one of her college courses. Emily sat down in the back of class, next to one of the other girls. This particular girl, Emily had made a slight liking too since Emily noticed that they liked a few of the same things. But it had been difficult for her to spark a conversation with her. The farthest she had gotten was telling her that she liked the stickers on her laptop...And, of course Emily didn't even know her name. But at the end of class, Emily turned to her, ready to speak as the girl was packing up. When she finally got the courage, her voice was small and almost whisper like. "Um..Hi- oh." The girl walked away since she wasn't able to hear Emily. For a few moments, Emily shook her head at herself, mumbling under her breath about how stupid she had been as she packed up. Obviously, Emily should have been louder and tried to speak during the small break in class...

    After class, and eating her lunch (a sandwich and chips) Emily made her way to the library to study. She found a nice corner and studied for a bit. Even though Emily had her own area in her apartment, she wanted to be around people. Always going home got a little lonely. After she finished, Emily made her way out. The librarian said goodbye to her, knowing that Emily was a usual at the library. Emily gave her a small sheepish smile before giving her the smallest wave. She then made her way back to her apartment since she had nothing else to do.
    December 29th, 2016 at 02:57am