Knight in Plaid Armor

  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Chelsea Houston
    Elliot Kiegans
    December 25th, 2016 at 06:13am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Chelsea sighed and pressed the end button, getting Tyler's voicemail for the third time. Faking a smile for the waitress, she asked for a refill of her water and sent her boyfriend another text. This was the third date of the month that he was either late or didn't show and she was betting that he wouldn't show for this one, though she still had some hope she would prove him wrong and show up with flowers or a puppy or something. If she were being honest with herself, she know that he would not come, finding the company of a bottle of jack and him friends more inviting than his own girlfriend. "Are you sure I can't get you anything while you wait?" The woman, asked, filling her glass with water for the third time in the past hour, her face clearly showing the pity that she felt. Chelsea shook her head, looking away, hating that she had caused the reaction. Was it so much to ask, to have one date where she wasn't sitting and waiting for at least an hour before Tyler decided whether or not she was worth it to show up? Chelsea sipped at her water and checked over the menu again before picked her phone back up and hitting redial. "Hey, me again. Wondering when you expecting to get here. I think I'm going to go ahead and order an appetizer while I wait... Just, call me back, please?" She said quietly when she reached Tyler's answering machine again. Fifteen more minutes passed before she decided to give up on her boyfriend and reached for her purse, deciding that she would get Chinese takeout on the way back to her place.
    December 26th, 2016 at 02:42am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Lunar Eclipse

    Elliot was leaning against the wall by the entrance of the door, waiting for his order to be ready to go. Though while he was waiting for 10 minutes, he glanced around the restaurant, looking out at everyone in it and what was happening. Where he was was actually a pretty good spot. The only person who could really see him was the hostess, but he was able to look and hear what was going on in the restaurant. Though as he was waiting, his eyes fell on a girl that was obviously being stood up by someone. It was obviously a date, thought Elliot was already hoping that it was only the first one. And his heart was going out to her. Though the moment she reached for her purse, Elliot was sprung into action. There was no way he was going to let some asshole ruin this poor girl's night and embarrass her in front of a room full of strangers. He quickly asked the hostess to bring the food to a table instead before going over to the random girl.

    Elliot slid into the chair across from the girl. "Sorry, I'm so late babe. Traffic is crazy right now." He spoke loud enough that those around her table could hear, but not so loud that it was suspicious. Then leaning in, Elliot gave her a fake kiss on the cheek before whispering to her quickly. "I'm Elliot. Just go with it, yeah? Whoever did not bother to show up is an asshole." Moving back to sitting fully in his chair, he smiled warmly at her. The waitress then walked over, obviously pleased that 'her boyfriend' showed up, and the surrounding tables that had been eavesdropping seemed to feel the same way.
    December 26th, 2016 at 03:51am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Chelsea nodded quickly and gave him a smile. She had no clue who the man sitting across from her was but she felt the need to cry with how nice he was for saving her from the embarrassment of being stood up. Checking to make sure that she hadn't actually stared crying, she bit her lip and pushed a few of the locks out of her face. "I'm glad you made it safely!" she said and beamed up at the waitress as she came over. "You must be starving, did you want to get an appetizer while you looked over the menu?" Chelsea asked Elliot after he ordered a drink. "I could really go for a spinach dip." Nodding when the waitress asked if that was what they wanted, she waited until the woman walked away before sighing and looking over at her new companion. "You really don't have to have dinner with me," she said quietly, biting her cheek. "It's really sweet but I'm sure you had plans for the night that did not include eating with a total stranger whose own boyfriend couldn't bother to show up for dinner." She pursed her lips, still peeved that Tyler couldn't even be bothered to pick up a damn phone and cancel. "Oh, I'm Chelsea, by the way." Chelsea shrugged, finding that introducing herself to new people was ususally a lost cause anyway. Most people forgot her name seconds later even if they would be spending an extended amount of time with her. She had gotten used to it over the years and learned not to take it personally, figuring she just had a forgettable name or face.
    December 26th, 2016 at 05:01am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Lunar Eclipse

    "Chelsea." Elliot mumbled softly to himself. It was his way of remembering names, especially since he wasn't particularly good at he first place. He then looked over at her with a large smile. "Well Chelsea, my name is Elliot. And I assure you that having dinner with a beautiful woman is definately better than my plans on eating dinner alone while binge watching Netflix." He chuckled a bit. "And you should dump your boyfriend immediately. Because you deserve more than someone who doesn't show up."

    Elliot looked over at his menu again before setting it down on the table. "Now there is not point in talking about this any longer since we already ordered an appetizer. I much rather learn more about you if you don't mind. You can ask me questions if you want to." He took a moment to look over at the woman. Chelsea was quite beautiful and he could see the look of gratitude on her face. While she didn't want to upset his night, it was clear she was thankful he came over. He then gave her a brilliant smile before speaking. "So anything interesting in particular that I should know right away? Or do you want to tell me what you do and we can work up from there."
    December 26th, 2016 at 05:13am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Chelsea looked down, her cheeks flushing bright red at his words. It had been a while since she had had anyone be this nice to her, especially Tyler. He was sweet when he wanted to be but lately that had become fewer and fewer. She gave a nervous laugh and a small, "Yeah, maybe," looked up at him, feeling as if she were drowning in the sea of blue that was his eyes. She wasn't really sure what to ask him, not having expected him to sit down with her in the first place. She laughed and shook her head. "There is nothing interesting about me to know. You already know my name and that my boyfriend is kind of a dick, so what else is there to say?" She shrugged. "I work reception for my dad's accounting firm. See? Still nothing interesting about me. I'm sure you have far more exciting things going on in your life even if your plans were to binge on Netflix."

    Chelsea found that he was easy to talk to, even if she was still babbling nervously. He was cute and she couldn't help her eyes glancing down over the tattoos exposed by his sleeves. They were all so beautiful and made her wish that her dad would let her have at least one visible tattoo, hating that the two she had were required to be covered. He barely let her get away with her hair and knew that any other firm would not have allowed it. She chewed her cheek listening to him speak, smiling just because he was.
    December 26th, 2016 at 05:36am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Lunar Eclipse

    Once the waitress set down the appetizer in front of them, Elliot ordered what he wanted to eat. Once Chelsea did the same, he turned back to her. Elliot let her take the amount of dip and chips she wanted before he started to dig in. Elliot was hungry but he was sure that she was too. He had no idea how long she had been here for but Elliot had the feeling that it had been a while. Plus she was the one who asked for the dip so Elliot didn't want to be rude.

    Once food was settled, Elliot shook his head at her. "I am positive that there is something interesting about you Miss Chelsea. There is something interesting about everyone, but perhaps you don't know what it is yet. Maybe we will be able to figure it out tonight. And I can already guarantee that this is much better than my Netflix plan. Anyways I'll tell you what I do for a living since you have already done the same. I know it doesn't sound too interesting but I am an architect for a firm in this area. I only started about a year or so ago so I get placed onto easy projects. But I like if." He gave her a small shirt. Elliot tried not to talk about his job too much since many weren't interested in listening. And he understood why, it just wasn't fascinating to listening to. Though they did often like looking at the blueprints he made.
    December 26th, 2016 at 05:45am
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    Chelsea put in her order and scooped up some of the dip, her mouth watering when the plate was set between them, her stomach giving a grumble in agreement. She closed her eyes and reveled in the exquisite taste of the dip, sure that no food had tasted that good in her life. 'Really? That is so cool! Is there a chance that I've seen anything that you've worked on?" She asked, envious of his abilities. She wasn't even creative enough to build more than a square building with a simple room in The Sims. Grabbing another chip the munched on it, her eyes focused on him.

    "What were you planning on watching before deciding to have dinner with me?" Chelsea was pretty sure she had seen, most, if not all of Netflix. Or at least what Netflix suggested to her. She had a lot of free time between calls and copies at work and was content to spend it rewatching some of her favorite shows or finding a new one. She also spent a lot of the time playing minesweeper and texting Tyler, trying to see if he would actually be making it for whatever they had planned, like she had done earlier that morning. He had promised her over and over again that he would be there and on time. He had done a great job of holding true to that one.
    December 26th, 2016 at 06:41am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Lunar Eclipse

    Elliot chuckled a bit before shaking his head. "I haven't been head of a project or anything like that. So if you've seen a building I was actually on, it's unlikely that you saw what I actually had a part in doing. Though, like I said, I am new so I have to take what the others give me. But, hopefully, they will start giving me bigger projects soon." He had a feeling that the firm was going to give him more responsibilities now that he had shown he knew what he was doing. Plus one of the big architects there was retiring, which meant what he normally worked on would be distributed to the others. And with more work for everyone to do, that meant he might finally be able to be head of a project. So he had a large amount of hope.

    "And I was going to watch Parks and Recreation tonight. Everyone has been telling me how good it is and I just never got around to watching it." Elliot told her. "I don't normally have the time to just sit down and watch a ridiculous amount of TV. Though when I do I try to find something that a lot of people recommend." Elliot leaned forward a bit and grabbed another chip. The food she picked out was pretty good.
    December 26th, 2016 at 02:22pm
  • Van Helsing

    Van Helsing (100)

    United States
    Chelsea nodded. "You'll have to let me know when they do so I can check out some of your work." It was definitely more interesting than what she did. Answering phones for her father was not what she had imagined for herself but it was definitely a step toward it. "I think I've only watched the first couple of episodes but they were pretty funny. I actually forgot about it because I got distracted by another show." It was something that she did often. She was pretty sure she was in the middle of fifteen different shows at the moment but she had no way of being sure. Netflix did not let her bank that much in her queue.

    "Your girlfriend is pretty lucky to have such an awesome guy," she said, trying to feel him out. It was not like there was much she could do about it if he did not have a girlfriend. She was with Tyler, though she did agree with Elliot that he was a loser and she should probably leave him. It would make her feel bad though, leaving her boyfriend for a guy she had literally just met.
    December 28th, 2016 at 06:45am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ Lunar Eclipse

    Elliot smiled over at Chelsea. He could tell that she was feeling him out a bit. Though what he couldn't figure out if she was interested in him or not. Because, after all, she did have a boyfriend. And no matter how lame that boyfriend was, Chelsea still needed to decide on whether or not she wanted to stay with someone who wouldn't even bother to call to say he wouldn't show up. And he didn't want to flat out be the reason why Chelsea broke up with him. It would be better if she actually wanted to break things off. And he refused to have an affair with her. was difficult for him to figure out. Though Elliot did really like her so far. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to hang out with her but not date her?

    "I don't have a girlfriend." Elliot set down his glass. "And I'll be sure to tell you when I have something interesting to show." He gave her a warm smile as the waitress set down their food in front of them. For a moment he glanced down at his meal before starting to eat.
    December 28th, 2016 at 03:42pm