loving you isn't easy.

  • "I thought you were an ass." Claire admitted, a quiet laugh falling from her lips. She'd been upset and angry and frustrated with him though. She hadn't been able to understand why he was shutting her out. She never could have possibly imagined that he was doing it to keep her safe. Never once did she think that he could have been caught up in that war over in Britain, mainly because she never imagined her soulmate living in an entirely different country. She hadn't expected to meet him on her trip, but she was really glad that she had. "I didn't understand back then, but I understand now." She told him. "I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that. It must have been horrible."
    Fred chuckled. "Just don't lay it on too thick or he'll know that you don't mean it." He said as he finished off the last of his tea. "Maybe don't say it to him every time you see him either. He'll know something's up if you do." He chuckled once more and grinned in response to her later words. "Love, you have no idea. I can't tell you how many lectures we got from our mother each year before we went off to school. I think she realized we were going to do it anyway though. We never really received any Howlers, but she did sent one to our brother Ron in his second year. He never went looking for trouble though, it always found him." He laughed. "I think you would have gotten on well with us too."
    January 28th, 2017 at 08:49pm
  • @ sam winchester.
    Jessie nodded as she listened to him talk, "Alright I think I can manage to do that." She joked before he spoke again about how his mom gave them lectures before the start of each term. When he talked about his brother, she laughed, "That's how it was with Claire. Not like major trouble, but whenever I would get into trouble she was always with me so she went down with me." She explained. Jessie smiled when he agreed they would have got along well with him and George.


    Draco laughed with her and nodded, "I was, if we are being honest. A rich snobby arse." He replied. When she said that she understood now, he smiled lightly, "It was hard, but I had been dealing with Death Eaters all my life. It wasn't exactly a huge change of scenery for me. I wasn't cut out for the life though." He explained. Draco had been given a variety of different tasks while being a Death Eater, but his very first task, he messed up. He couldn't kill Dumbledore. It was one of the hardest things he ever had to do, and looking back, Draco was glad he hadn't done it.
    January 28th, 2017 at 09:50pm
  • "So maybe it's a good thing we didn't meet back then. Although, I would have put you in your place anyway so it doesn't really matter." Claire said, grinning slightly. She listened as he told her how hard things had been for him. She couldn't imagine growing up with Death Eaters in her life. They really couldn't have lived any different lives. She never had to deal with anything like that when she was younger. "You don't seem like someone who would be." Sure, he'd been a bit standoffish and tense with her at first, but she didn't see him as being someone who followed Voldemort of all people. From what she knew about the dark wizard, his followers were pretty shitty people. They tortured, killed and hurt so many innocent people, and Draco just didn't fit that mold in her opinion at all. He didn't seem like he was any of those things.
    Fred chuckled when she said that Claire used to end up caught up in the trouble she found herself in on numerous occasions. He could definitely picture it for himself. Jessie causing trouble, and Claire being associated with whatever it was that Jessie did just because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. "No one ever realized that she was only there because she was friends with you?" He asked. Of course, if they were as close as she made it seem, it would be difficult for her to find a way out of the situations Jessie got them into anyway.
    January 28th, 2017 at 10:22pm
  • @ sam winchester.
    Jessie laughed at his question and nodded, "Oh they knew she was only there because I was, but that's usually why they always ended up putting her in detention with me. She is my best friend and usually whatever I do, she does, and vice versa. So they always just assumed that it was the two of us that started the trouble." She explained. Jessie had ended up in numerous detentions, but always had Claire there at her side to make it more bearable.


    Draco laughed at her words, "I honestly think you probably could have." He admitted. He figured if anyone would have been able to put him in his place besides his parents, it probably was Claire, especially if he knew she was his soulmate, "I really wasn't. It wasn't a good lifestyle to be in, and I wish I had never been forced to make the decision that I had." Draco said honestly. He was always a shitty person when he was in school, but when he had agreed to be a Death Eater, it was like everything that he had done was child's play compared to that.
    January 28th, 2017 at 10:40pm
  • "Oh, I definitely good have, trust me." Claire said, punctuating her words with another laugh. "Don't let my size fool you." She'd put quite a few people in their place over the years, catching many of them off guard because of her small frame and her personality. No one expected some of the comebacks she came up with. Except for Jessie and her family. They knew that she wasn't nearly as quiet as some people thought. She was extremely kindhearted and like an open book to a certain extent, but she stood up for the people she cared about most, and she didn't take kindly to having people walk all over her. "Things are different now, and that's all that really matters." She said with a small smile.
    "Definitely sounds like how things were with my brother, his soulmate, and their other friend. Always finding themselves in some sort of trouble no matter what. It was something different every year. You wouldn't believe some of the things they got into. Gave mum a run for her money in their second year when they crashed our dad's flying car into the Whomping Willow at school because they'd missed the train heading there. He got a Howler the next morning at breakfast, George and I thought it was hilarious." Fred said, chuckling as he thought back on that day. It was a while ago, though he could picture the red tinge of his brother's ears and the mortified express on his face as their mum's shrill voice sounded throughout the entire Great Hall.
    January 29th, 2017 at 12:35am
  • @ sam winchester.
    Jessie listened as Fred talked about his brother and what happened during his second year. She let out a laugh when he talked about the Howler that Ron had gotten the next morning, "Oh that must have been a sight. I don't think I ever received a Howler, but my parents were always kind of laid back. I remember one year, though when I came home for the holidays they gave me a rather stern lecture after I had been caught outside of the castle after hours with a couple of my friends, Claire being one of them obviously, playing Quodpot. The whole lot of us got detention for a month for playing without a professor present. Oh my parents were not very happy about that."


    Draco laughed and shook his head, "I have no doubts, love. I could fully see you kicking my arse back on the right path." He stated. He finished off his tea and leaned back on the couch. When she said that things were different now, he smiled and nodded, "It's the only thing that matters." He agreed. Draco finally had light back in his life and he wasn't going to let it slip away from him ever again. He wanted to be a better person for Claire so she didn't have to deal with darkness in her life.
    January 29th, 2017 at 12:56am
  • Claire laughed, though she couldn't help noticing her stomach do a little flip again when he called her 'love.' She knew that it was just a British thing, but she still reacted that way every time he called her that. Maybe it was because she knew that he was her soulmate now. It could mean a bit more for them because of that, but they'd only just met. Not that it felt that way at all, she truly felt as though she'd known him for years, that was why conversation seemed so easy with him. "I most definitely would have put you in your place if I had to, and I would have had no qualms against kicking your ass if you were acting like a rich snob." She said, letting out another laugh before she finished the last of her tea. She nodded in response to his later words. "Exactly, what's in the past is in the past." They talked for a while longer after that. Now that most things were out in the open, conversation seemed to come even easier than it had earlier, and because of that, Claire honestly lost track of time. She didn't realize how late it was getting, and she didn't realize she was tired until she was drifting off to sleep on his couch, still talking, albeit a bit less coherently as she leaned her head against his shoulder.
    "George and I never got one, not even when we did some of the worst things we ever did at school. None of what we did got us into trouble with the Ministry though, so I guess that's why we never got one. Ron's reaction was bloody hilarious. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the look on his fact that morning. It was great." Fred chuckled, shaking his head as he thought back on that day. He listened as she told him about when she'd been lectured by her parents over the holidays. "You can't have done too many horrible things if that was what they decided to lecture you about." He said, chuckling slightly before his gaze shifted over to the clock across the wall in the room. "Bloody hell, when did it get that late? We've been talking for ages."
    January 29th, 2017 at 01:27am
  • @ sam winchester.
    Jessie laughed at his reasoning behind him and George never getting Howlers, "I'm sure it was priceless. I had a friend get one my third year. He had gotten detention for a month because he had set a bunch of bees loose in one of the professor's offices as a prank. I think it was that day that I had decided I would never do anything so bad I received a Howler from my parents because just watching it happen was uncomfortable." She explained with a laugh. When he said how it was late, she looked over at the clock and raised her eyebrows, "Holy cow! It didn't even feel like that long! Crap I hope that Claire isn't worrying about me. I wasn't really planning on leaving the hotel tonight so she probably has no idea where I'm at." Jessie stated as she stood up and smiled at Fred.


    Draco laughed at her words and nodded, "Good. Someone had to do it. It's a shame that you weren't there to put me in my place. I would have loved to see you kick my butt up and down the halls of Hogwarts to set me straight." He joked. Draco wondered how things would have been different if she would have went to Hogwarts instead of Ilvermorny, or the other way around. If she would have been at Hogwarts, maybe he wouldn't have done some of the things that he had. When she started to drift off, Draco smiled lightly before he picked her up effortlessly into his arms and carried her down the hall to his bedroom. He slipped off her shoes after he laid her on the bed and then quickly slipped off his own and changed into some sleeping clothes before he got in next to her, easily falling asleep.
    January 29th, 2017 at 02:06am
  • "I don't think you would have been all that pleased about it if I was there to actually do so." Claire said with a laugh. She wondered how things would have been between them if she had gone to Hogwarts or if he had gone to Ilvermorny. She wondered what things would have been like if they had met and realized they were soulmates much sooner than they had. What would have happened differently? What would have stayed the same? She was still thinking about that when she started drifting off. She was barely awake when he picked her up and carried her down the hall to what she presumed was his bedroom, her head resting lightly against his shoulder as he did so. By the time they reached his bedroom, she was already out like a light, not even feeling him set her down on his bed or take off her shoes.
    Fred laughed. "I'm glad that George and I didn't piss our mum off enough for her to send us one. I'm honestly surprised that we didn't get one for some of the stunts we pulled at school. She was almost constantly lecturing us when we were at home though, so I can't say that she didn't try keeping us in line because she did." He said. He could tell that she hadn't realized how long they had been talking for either. When she stood up, he did as well. "I'll walk you out then, I wouldn't want your friend to be worried about you on my account." He said as he walked with her out of the apartment and down the stairs and all that. "It was lovely talking with you, I presume we'll see each other again some time soon? Possibly before Monday?" He asked, honestly a bit hopeful that she would stop by at the shop with her friend before then.
    January 29th, 2017 at 02:27am
  • @ sam winchester.
    Jessie smiled at Fred's words before he said he would walk her out. She smiled and grabbed her Pygmy Puff before heading down the stairs after him, "Would you like to see me before Monday?" She asked curiously. Jessie was fully open to come back and visit him before their day together on Monday. She did want to introduce Claire to him after all. Jessie honestly couldn't wait to spend all day with him on Monday. She had already felt like she had gotten to know him pretty well tonight with how long they had talked, but she still wanted to get to know everything that he had lived through, which meant exploring Wizard London with him, which she was no opposed to.


    It took Draco a little bit before he fell asleep, but he just watched Claire sleep, as creepy as that sounded, but she just looked so peaceful and child-like while she was asleep and it just made him smile. He couldn't believe that he had found his soulmate finally. He had obviously known that she was there, but he wasn't really sure if he would ever get to meet her after he had shut her out, or if she even wanted to meet him after what he had done, but here they were, and Draco couldn't have been happier of the way that things had played out.
    January 29th, 2017 at 02:38am
  • Claire didn't stir once when she fell asleep as he carried her down the hall to his bedroom. It was pretty ironic considering she normally didn't fall asleep that easily in a place she didn't know all that well. Maybe it was because she was so comfortable around Draco, she didn't really know, but normally she only fell asleep this easily when she was staying over at Jessie's house, and that didn't even happen until they'd been friends for about a year or so after meeting at Ilvermorny. As she slept, she shifted in her sleep so that she was closer to Draco, still sort of drawn to him like she'd felt all night.
    "I wouldn't mind seeing you before Monday if you're considering stopping by the shop before then." Fred told her with a sheepish grin. He definitely wouldn't mind seeing her sooner than Monday. He also really wanted to meet her friend after she'd told him so much about her tonight. She was obviously important to Jessie, and he wanted to meet the important people in her life. Plus, he sort of figured getting the best friend's stamp of approval was kind of really important, soulmate or not.
    January 29th, 2017 at 02:48am
  • @ sam winchester.
    Jessie could feel a blush creeping up onto her cheeks when he said he wouldn't mind seeing her before Monday, "I don't know if it will be tomorrow, but I will definitely bring Claire by this weekend to meet you before Monday." She said with a smile. She really wanted Claire to meet Fred, "I will see you soon, Fred. Thank you for tea, and for Newt." She grinned when her Pygmy Puff squeaked at her words. Jessie pet him quickly before she leaned up and kissed Fred's cheek quickly, "Goodnight, Fred." She said with a smile. Jessie tucked a piece of hair behind her ear before she apparated to the hotel.


    Draco don't think he had ever slept as well as he did next to Claire. He was just so comfortable with her. While he slept he had managed to wrap his arms around her and pull her close to him as they slept. He didn't have a single nightmare while sleeping next to Claire, and that was a first. Ever since the war, he had constant nightmares about losing his parents to Voldemort, he was never able to save them despite how hard he tried. It terrified him.
    January 29th, 2017 at 03:25am
  • Claire slept better that night than she had in her hotel room in London. It was funny considering that she and Jessie had stayed there for a couple of nights already, and yet she still hadn't slept all that well any of those nights. It had taken her longer to get comfortable sleeping in her dorm at Ilvermorny than it had for her in Draco's flat. She didn't stir once as she slept, her head resting lightly against his chest and limbs tangled with his. And she wouldn't stir until the next morning, and even then she would have slept longer if she didn't realize that the "pillow" she had was warm and there was a strong pair of arms wrapped tightly around her, and her legs were tangled with someone else's.
    Fred nodded. "I'll keep a look out for you two in the next couple of days then. You know where to find me." He said with a smile. He was looking forward to seeing her again and meeting her friend, and he was definitely looking forward to showing her around Diagon Alley and wizarding London on Monday as well. He had a lot to look forward to in the next couple of days. "You're very welcome. Take care of the little bugger, yeah?" He smiled and watched as she pet the Pygmy Puff as he squeaked. His eyebrows shot up in surprise, and it was quite obvious she'd caught him off guard when she kissed his cheek. "Goodnight, Jessie." He said, slightly dumbfounded as she apparated from outside his shop.
    January 29th, 2017 at 03:47am
  • @ sam winchester.
    Jessie paced around the hotel room, waiting for Claire to get back. Newt squeaked from his spot on the counter as he watched his new owner walk around the room. Jessie walked over and gently pet her little purple fur ball as she waited for Claire, "I'm telling you Newt. Once I see her, I'm going to kill her. She's never done anything like this before." Jessie spoke before walking into the kitchen area and started to make herself some breakfast to keep herself occupied while she waited for Claire to come back.


    Draco woke up the next morning and smiled when he realized that Claire was still wrapped in his arms. Their legs had somehow managed to tangle together as they slept, but Draco wasn't about to complain. He looked down when he saw Claire was awake and he smiled at her, "Morning, love." He said and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes quickly.
    January 29th, 2017 at 03:54am
  • Claire thought he was attractive when she met him last night dressed rather neatly with his hair styled perfectly, but she had to say that even more attractive to her now than he'd been last night. Half asleep, messy-haired, pajamas wearing Draco was definitely her favorite. She couldn't help smiling when he looked down at her, not even moving an inch away from him. It was strange, but she just sort of knew that this was where she wanted to be right now, in his arms. "Morning." She said quietly, smiling even more when he rubbed his eyes. God, that was beyond adorable. "I didn't mean to fall asleep on you last night, I guess I just lost track of time when we were talking."
    [I'm going to hold off on Fred for now]
    January 29th, 2017 at 04:00am
  • @ sam winchester.
    Draco shrugged at her words before he smiled, "That's okay. I was pretty tired as well and managed to fall asleep almost right after I brought you in here." He said before he placed a hand on her back, absentmindedly drawing shapes on the fabric of her shirt as he looked down at her, "To be honest, love, I don't think I've ever slept so well in my life." He admitted. Draco felt so comfortable with her in his arms, and it was like she was meant to be there, if that wasn't obvious enough from the fact that she was his soulmate.
    January 29th, 2017 at 04:04am
  • "That's good." Claire said quietly. She smiled when she felt his fingers drawing shapes into the fabric on the back of her shirt. She felt as though she could just lay there forever with him and be perfectly content doing so. "Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing." And she was. She couldn't remember the last time she'd fallen asleep so quickly somewhere that wasn't her own bed back home or her bed in her dorm at Ilvermorny. Even then it took a little bit of time for her to fall asleep, but here, with Draco, she was out like a light.
    January 29th, 2017 at 04:11am
  • @ sam winchester.
    Draco smiled widely at her words that showed that her feelings matched his own, "Actually, this is also the first time I haven't had a nightmare while sleeping in a very long time. I think you're like a good luck charm or something." He joked. It was definitely something like that. Draco stretched lightly before he sat up a little bit more, "Would you like some breakfast?" He asked curiously. He was willing to make her whatever she wanted, as long as he had the ingredients to do so.
    January 29th, 2017 at 04:15am
  • Claire smiled and let out a quiet laugh in response to his words. "I don't always have the best luck, so I'm not so sure I'm the good luck charm that you want, but I am glad that you slept nightmare-free last night." She told him. It didn't really register in her mind that she hadn't gone back to the hotel room last night until he mentioned breakfast. "I really want to say yes, but Jessie's probably worried sick, and I should probably head back to the hotel." She said, frowning slightly. "I'll definitely take a raincheck on that breakfast though." If she could stay, she would, but she knew that she shouldn't let Jessie worry for too much longer, even if she did want to stay with Draco for as long as she possibly could.
    January 29th, 2017 at 04:25am
  • @ sam winchester.
    Draco frowned slightly at her words before he nodded, understanding that her friend was probably really worried about her, "I'm going to hold you to it." He teased. He sat up and stretched before he pulled the blankets off him and looked at Claire, "When will I see you again?" He questioned softly. He didn't want Claire to leave ever, as selfish as that sounded, "I'll walk you to the door." He said. He was fully aware that he was still in his sleeping clothes, but didn't really care that much about his appearance in front of her like he did with everyone else.
    January 29th, 2017 at 08:42pm