Show Me How You Love

  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Amalie O'Conner
    Tristan Ivory

    Wren Carmichael

    James Williams
    January 17th, 2017 at 02:36am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    Amie was dressed in some of the best designer cloths she had borrowed from her best friend Camilla. It was a sleek blue dress that hung just right on her hips but was a little longer then it was on Camilla. Amie had on some simple black heels and her fake diamond studs in her ears. She pressed a hand against her stomach as she rode up the Ivory Industries headquarters elevator. She bit her lip shifting the folder to her other arm as she switched her feet nervously. She had applied for the position down town near her little loft but she had to interview here because as the woman over the phone said Mr. Ivory is a very busy man and he insists upon meeting with all his future employees. Amie couldn't believe she was about to meet the man that had at least one company in every industry in the states. She looked at the mirror above her in the elevator and fixed one of the pins i her hair from were Camilla had helped her pin it back. Camilla was a professional go getter, a big name in the charity business and an entrepreneur having stated her own none profit business. She had actually heard about the open position from a benefactor of hers who worked with Mr. Ivory. She bit her lip remembering how much Camilla had talked about Mr. Ivory and all the gossip about him all over the internet. Amie wasn't one to get into the rumors but this was something new for her. She had always been into the simple aspects of life but today was a big leap into a normal job with intriguing hours and a ridiculous amount of pay. She had only agreed to pursue the job because she loved art as much as a fish loved water. She smoothed her dress once more as the elevator got closer to reaching the top floor. It seemed Mr. Ivory had a thing about sky rises. The elevator dinged and she stepped forward a little shaky in the heels seeing how she wore flats most the time. The doors opened reveling a bright room with two stunning blondes sitting at desks typing away. Amie walked forward and shifted her normal wool jacket making her feel suddenly out of place and she was suddenly thankful for the loan from her friend for the cloths and the style tips. She smiled softly nervously as she walked up to one of the women and looked at her name plate. "Elizabeth?" she said softly her voice unsure as she read the first name. There was no last name on the plate which was confusing to her. Normally it would at least be the other way around. The woman looked up narrowing her eyes looking at her coat. Amie shifted and then looked at the other woman a moment as if to ask for help but then looked back at Elizabeth. "Excuse me but I have a 2:20 appointment with Mr. Ivory." she said and then blonde looked at her computer typing then stood. "Ms. O'Conner would you like a water?" she asked and came around her desk holding out her hand. "I'll take you're coat." she said. The other girl stood as Amie asked for the water with a timid please. The girl disappeared then came back with a water holding it out as Amie struggled to peel her jacket off and hold her folder as well. She finally got her jacket off and handed it to Elizabeth who held it away from her as if it might have something contagious on it. Amie took the water. "Thank you." she said and the woman turned without a response as if she had been annoyed by Amie's presence. Elizabeth came back and pointed to what looked like a high class waiting room. "You may wait over there. Mr. Ivory will with you shortly. You're early." she said and then returned to her desk. Amie looked at the white couch near the wall and walked over to it on the stone floors looking at them shine from the lights over head on the ten foot ceilings. Amie sat down and put her folder on her lap and looked down at her shoes then bit her lip. It was too minutes before 2:20 that the other blonde who's name she hadn't caught stood. "Mr. O'Conner follow me please Mr. Ivory is on his way up." she said and walked to the big black doors and opened then leading her to the giant desk in the glass office. "Wait here." she said and Amie nodded watching the blonde walk out and cloths the doors behind her. Amie sipped her water and cleared her throat before she set her folder down on the chair where the blonde had left her. Amie walked over to were a piece of art hung. Out of all the art this one drew her to it. She smiled and stood there an arm behind her back the other holding it there. She leaned mostly on one foot her head tilting to one side slightly a piece of her pinned back hair falling out of place as she stood there smiling almost lazily at the picture that had captivated her.
    James ran a hand through his hair as he looked over the schematics for the newest technology one of his three major companies were coming out with. He sighed and made a few notes then put it in one of the big brown envelopes and he opened the door to his office. "Keria make sure this arrives to Howard." he said talking about his second at his technology business who made sure things ran smoothly and he had his hands in all the things that James wanted to be involved with. He had some very smart people working for him and he had hand selected every one of them. James grabbed his coat from his chair and shrugged it on. James looked at the time tossing his glasses onto the desk and then walked out of his office. "I'm going to lunch." he said. It was 12:30 the same time he took lunch everyday. His life had become pretty mundane 4 years ago when his last "relationship, or whatever it was had fallen apart. Luckily he had planned ahead for it and had all of the resources ahead of time to make sure it ended quietly. Even if she had tried to push he was to well off that he would have extinguished the problem quickly. James walked into the elevator and pressed the ground floor. He waited there thinking over the projects he had currently going on. What he really needed was anew distraction, a small one, nothing complicated but that wasn't how he did things. He had been thinking this for the past year and a half and still hadn't made a move. Nothing had caught his eye. James walked out into the open area in front of his business headquarters and looked at the fountain. It brought serenity to many of his employees and those who had business with him. It was functional. He liked functional things, things that had purpose. James waved his driver, Frank away and walked down the street. Frank was always there everyday at this time and everyday James waved him away. James didn't know where he went when he wasn't needed but he never seemed to be far. James walked down the same road towards his normal lunch spot. James sat down in the same seat that was normally unspokenly reserved for him the same waiter there to serve his needs. James glanced at the menu ordering then handed it to the man and sipped at the water that had been placed before him.
    January 17th, 2017 at 04:36am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Tristan finished buttoning up his suit jacket as he stepped off of the elevator. He dropped his jacket on Elizabeth's desk and stopped to smooth his hair for a moment. "Your 2:20 appointment is here, sir," Elizabeth greeted him, handing him a coffee and he nodded. "Ms. O'Conner is it? I was looking over her application on the way back over here. Very bright..." He could see from the frame of annoyance in both of their eyes that they didn't really care about this girl which had to make him chuckle. They just didn't like the competition - meant she must've been pretty. He made his way slowly to the office, not too concerned as the seconds ticked away from 2:20 sharp — he didn’t care. He was the boss, but he expected that his employees would be on time and he admired Ms. O’Conner’s enthusiasm for that. He pushed open the door to his office, which held many artistic treasures — and now, an art piece of a girl… She was standing there, admiring a piece of art and here he was standing behind her admiring her. He had moved in so quietly that she hadn’t even heard him come in - he had a way of moving swiftly and nimbly to sneak up on people… Maybe it was so he could catch people in their own distractions like this. His office was filled with some of the most collectible pieces around, the most expensive and the most sought after, yet the piece that he was drawn to the most in that moment was the beautiful woman that was standing not ten feet away from him, absorbed in the art. A master of art exhibitions, he imagined putting her out on display, in both an artistic and sometimes carnal sexual need. He was sure that she would be a sought after art piece and his mouth watered in his thoughts. He normally took up this opportunity to sneak up behind the girl and catch her off guard but he was too lost in his own thoughts that he just couldn’t. His office doors did that for him. They clicked back shut from the moment of silence and it even made him jump in surprise. He hid his shock by running his hand through his hair and fidgeting with the button on the end of his jacket. “Admiring the art there, Miss O’Conner? I like that, for someone who might be working with the exhibits. Please,” he motioned to the desk as he started towards his own leather chair, “have a seat. I’d like to get to know more about you, Miss O’Connor.” He smiled, with a hint of something wicked, he couldn’t help it - he was admiring her… undressing her with his eyes maybe.

    Wren hardly listened to Alissa as she gushed about the new guy that she was hooking up with. “We’re not dating, we’re just hooking up… A lot… I’m pretty sure we’re friends with benefits at this point and honestly I don’t even care if that makes me a bad person because I love the sex…” She rambled on and on. When Wren had invited Alissa out to a girl’s day she was expecting something a little bit more…girly - as in, not involving guys, but that seemed to be all that Alissa had to talk about, and man did she like talking. Her sandaled feet ached a bit from the walking - she should’ve worn more comfortable shoes in the city - and her wrists hurt from carrying all of her bags (as well as all of Alissa’s - who hardly seemed to notice that she was struggling here)… They walked by a small little lunch spot and Wren’s stomach grumbled. She bumped her hip against Alissa’s to get her attention and nodded towards the restaurant. “Lunch? I’m starving!” She offered and Alissa luckily agreed. Good, she finally got to put the bags down. They sat at a small booth and Wren smoothed her lace dress, fingering the ruffles of lace at the bottom of the skirt. She silently thanked God that Alissa’s ramblings had finally turned from if she should call Eric back or not to food and that was a topic that she could agree with. It wasn’t that Wren was against relationships - she considered herself a “relationship person.” She had also had her fair share of drunken hook ups and crazy nights but she had taken a long hiatus from that field in order to “focus on herself”, as she told others when they asked why she had no male callers and wasn’t going out as much on Friday nights. Truth was she just wasn’t feeling that scene anymore - maybe she was waiting for “the one” or maybe she was just not meant for the relationship game - she wasn’t sure, but all she knew was that she needed a break - and she needed Alissa to stop talking about it like sex was all that mattered in life. She spent most of her time looking down at her menu and ignoring Alissa until she heard her breath catch and she made the mistake of looking up. “Wren Carmichael — do you know who that is over there?” Alissa’s voice trembled and Wren instinctively rolled her eyes at her melodrama. She glanced behind her and shook her head. “Not particularly.” He looked familiar and she was quite sure she knew who he was but there was no reason to get all excited about it — not like he was going to pay any attention to them. “Wren, that’s James Williams - as in THE James Williams! The most eligible bachelor ever and super rich and amazing. I’m gonna go talk to him!” Alissa made a move to stand up. “What about Eric?!” Wren questioned and Alissa waved her off. “Screw Eric - this is James Williams we are talking about!” She rushed over to him and Wren knew she had to follow and clean up the mess before he took out a restraining order. “What’s a girl to do to get a little attention around here?!” Alissa flirted with a wink, leaning against the unoccupied chair opposite from James. Wren hooked her hand around her waist and pulled her off. “I’m sorry sir, she’s crazy!” She explained as she started to pull her away, beet red from embarrassment of this whole scene.
    January 18th, 2017 at 04:07am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    Amie gasped hearing a very sultry voice. Her eyes widened and she turned smiling softly and tucked the piece of hair behind her ear that had escaped her updo. "Mr. Ivory." she spoke softly in greeting and smiled gently as he said she had got off to a good start by doing what she did naturally. "Oh thank you." she said and took a seat across from the very massive and beautiful desk. Everything in the room seemed to be a piece of art work including the man that sat before her. She blushed as his eyes fell upon her and she looked down at the folder now in her lap. She searched through the papers in her folder her fingers trembling slightly feeling the eyes of Mr. Ivory nearly undressing her but it was more then that. It was like he was coercing her body to tell him all her secrets with just his eyes. She leaned forward and handed him a copy of her resume. "As I am sure you have seen on my resume Mr. Ivory I have an extensive background in art. With an art history major from Columbia I am not only educated in the most cutting edge art but I have had a few internships with several different exhibit houses that I am sure you know of like Bridgestone and the more modern Livingwaters houses." she said and smiled her gaze becoming steady as she looked back at him having regained her composure as she slipped into the comfort of talking about business. I know that there is room for advancement as Ivory industries in your art houses and I want you to know I am determined driven and very patient when it comes to art and I would like to prove to you through this exhibit job that I will be one of the best collectors you have ever seen." she said and crossed her legs. She knew as a personal collector for Mr. Ivory and his exhibits, he would take her to places across the world to asses and acquire some of the most fascinating and iconic pieces of art but she had to prove she could be persuasive and had the vision for it. All of which she was determined to do and was excited for the challenge. Amie went quiet as he looked over the resume again and then looked at her as if sizing her up and she smiled confident that she had all the qualifications he was looking for and the only thing she needed was him to see the possibilities she had proposed and believe them, to believe in her.
    James looked up from his food as a girl slid into the chair across from him. He raised an eyebrow at her as she made it obvious she knew who he was and would give him anything to be with him. He set his fork down and finished chewing as a woman came up apologizing and pulling her friend from the chair turning so red. He smirked instantly delighted with the innocence of the blush. He ran a hand through his hair and sat back watching the women return to their booth. He pulled out a business card and a pen. He wrote on the back a time and date. It had been quite a while since he was last intrigued by a woman. He finished his meal then stood dropping a 50 on the table paling three times as much as the meal required as usual. It was why they took such good care of him here. James walked over to the table he had seen the woman walk to and slump into embarrassed. He set the card in front of her and looked down at her and smiled. "Call today and give your address to my driver." he smiled down at her his eyes linger just a little before a smile spread slowly across his lips. "It was a pleasure to meet you." he said and then glanced at her friend and gave her a dazzling smile knowing her friend would talk her into it. "Ladies." he said and then left really hoping she would call though. He would have her checked out once Frank got the address. Frank was also his security manager and would get her name and number along with that address he had asked from her. James walked out of the restraint and back towards his building. He was ecstatic to have a potential within his grasps. He knew his stature and the allure of him would bring her to him at least once.
    January 18th, 2017 at 04:56am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    The sexual tension was apparent in room. There was such a tension in the air that it felt as if any sudden movement might make the whole room explode. Or maybe that was just him... He knew he had that effect on women. He had had quite a number of female callers in his time, but he had to say, none of them entranced him as much as this young beautiful masterpiece before him. He was almost jealous of her clothes, getting to hug so tightly to her curves and he couldn't help but get lost in his thoughts as she searched through her paperwork. While she spoke of her experience he looked over her resume, all the while thinking about a separate contract he wanted her to sign rather than the one for this art exhibit job, but he couldn't do that. Pursuing women had to be a game - he couldn't approach things too quickly or he might scare her away - but damn, he wished he could. What had gotten into him? Maybe it had just been too long since he had had some fun, focusing more on his career and the exorbitant amount of wealth that he had accumulated through his love of art and all things beautiful. "I have to say... I find your resume very interesting indeed..." Now, the game could start - since he had gotten through most of the business matters. "As a personal collector of mine, I appreciate my employees to have a good eye for art, and also to get to know me. We'd be working very closely together, Ms. O'Conner, and I am hoping that there is nothing that would impede this?" He inquired. Even with all the fancy words what he meant was: are you seeing anyone currently or would you be willing to get to know me on a more personal level...for "professional reasons" of course!

    Wren was uncomfortable for the rest of her meal. She could feel his eyes looming over at their table and she was utterly embarrassed for the scene. Someone like that hardly needed a girl like Alissa throwing herself at him and of course she was the one who had to clean up the mess... To make matters even more confusing was when he dropped a card on the table in front of her with a challenge to call him and then walked out, without another word. Alissa turned all shades of red in anger. She was the one who deserved his attention - not Wren. But then Eric sent her a text back apologizing for being so absent for the majority of the day and she was back to her normal happy self. Wren held the note in her hands, feeling it with her fingers. This had to be a joke, right? She wasn't actually being pursued by "the most eligible bachelor" James Williams... Maybe she was being punked and spy cams were going to pop out if she did call him back... Or maybe he was asking for her address to serve her with a summons to come to court while he sued Alissa for harassment... but why wouldn't he have asked her too? "Are you going to call him or not?!" Alissa urged with an urgency in her voice - like she had better do it now or hand the phone number over to more worthy hands. Wren blushed. "I don't know - I can't think he was serious... Maybe he just needed a good laugh by getting an unsuspecting girl to call.." How unlikely was it that a guy like him would go after a girl like her? Very! "Wren, how long has it been since you've been on a date?! Just go on one date - take a chance! This is James Williams that we are talking about!" Wren sighed... "Fine... I'll call him, okay?" With shaky fingers she typed in his number and held the phone to her ear.. "Um... Hi.. This is Wren Carmichael - Mr. Williams asked for my address... its 2911 Woodside Ave, here in the city..." Here goes nothing.
    January 18th, 2017 at 07:16pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    Amie tilted her head to the side very so slightly her eyes focusing making them narrow ever so slightly that one would only notice it they were paying attention. She smiled slowly. "Mr. Ivory I have no distractions besides my love for art. If you were to take the chance on me and make me your personal collector then it would be my job to know your interests and see the way you do. Otherwise the art I pick out for you will not reflect your personal style or vision for your company." she said her eyes looked into his but they more then looked it was as if she was seeing through them to something much deeper. Amie wondered if her statement accurately answered the lingering question she could feel was hiding behind his fancy words. She could play that game, we quite well at the word play but he would be surprised to find she could be shockingly direct when it was necessary. Amie knew she saw things other people missed it was why she was the perfect fit for the job and why she loved her art. "If I may Mr. Ivory my passion is for art and I just happen to have the references in high places that back up what I believe to be a talent for seeing the beauty that others may miss or not understand. Don't get me wrong talent is not an excuse not to work hard I believe if you were to hire me as your collector it would be the most challenging jobs I believe I would ever have because you do not seem like a straight forwards and open client that easily reveals what he is looking for. If I am wrong then perhaps I should indeed look for another job." she said and smiled gently knowing she was right.
    James called Frank to tell him of the possible call and what he expected to have on his desk by the end of the day. With the resources he provided to his security team he did not think it unreasonable to have a completed security check and a few other details in a folder for him on the woman who seemed to have distracted him entirely as he walked into he building. James smiled feeling truly excited to see if he was right about the woman off a sing meeting.
    Frank answered the phone when he got a call. He jotted down the number. "Asher." he answered the phone hearing a stuttering young woman's voice on the other line. Frank wrote down the name and address as the girl rattled it off. "Yes Ms. Carmichael, Mr. Williams informed me that you would be calling. The time and date he left on the card will not be an issue with your scheduling?" he asked since it was in three days. Once she said it was no problem he nodded writing down more information. "A package will be delivered to you tomorrow at 5pm. Will you be able to sign for it?" he asked then nodded and wrote a few more things. "Thank you for calling Ms. Carmichael have a nice day." he said and then hung up. Frank then proceeded to check her background as well as get a few personal information about the woman.
    At the end of the day James sat in his office looking at the vanilla envelope and smiled as he opened it seeing the first page saying she was not a risk for exposure or his security which he already knew. He then went on and looked at her information inputting it into his phone. He looked at her dressed shoe size before he sent an email to his assistant to pick up the dress and shoes he had selected for her. It was simpler to send her the cloths instead of asking her to dress a particular way. James smiled as he read on about how she was single and other little things that would make it easier to pursue the type of relationship he was wanting with her. Once he finished all the information in her folder he then put it in his brief case to put in his safe at home. James stood and headed home delighted that he would have a new distraction. Werther it would lead anywhere or not was an entirely different manner but he believed in the process.
    January 18th, 2017 at 11:15pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Tristan couldn’t help his mouth from watering as he listed to her describe exactly what he was needing from her. It was like music to his ears and she was singing a whole symphony for him. He had hardly met a girl that made his heart beat like this in quite some time but he was very excited at the prospects and the game… She seemed to know something about it and willfully played along - all the more fun. He liked a cat and mouse game where the mouse was a tease like she was right now. Their eyes were transfixed together and he swallowed hard. “Please, Miss O’Conner, call me Tristan. How else would we get to know each other personally if I always make you refer to me as Mr. Ivory - sounds so old and dull.” He chuckled as he looked at her and then nodded his head. “I think you will make a very great personal collector for me, my dear.” He very nearly had the urge to just push her over the desk now and have his way with her but that wasn’t very appropriate now was it? Not for a new employee, but maybe once they got to know each other. “You will definitely be a great fit for this establishment if you keep making promises like that, but it’s best you keep these promises. I know, also, that I’m not the easiest to get to know, so we had better get started right away - don’t want to miss out on any exquisite art pieces, now do we? How’s, say, 7:00pm tonight?” He asked. Outside of business hours of course - but he couldn’t get into trouble inside of business hours — he made it his duty to always be professional at work — so he might as well get to know her on his own time. Besides, he had a full day of touring and orientation stuff planned for his new employee — dinner would be a treat after that.

    Wren was even more confused and embarrassed when she hung up the phone than she was when she first called. Alissa was smiling at her from across the table with her hands holding up her head and her eyes wide in excitement. Did this mean that she had a dinner date with THE James Williams in three days time? She tried not to be too excited about it and tried to blow it off with a shrug, not wanting to tell Alissa anything. “Come on - I’m the reason that he even noticed you - you have to tell me!” She urged and she sighed and nodded in defeat. “I think… I think I have a date!” She said and gushed a little, unable to hide her own excitement. Damn, it had been a long time… She hadn’t been on a good date in quite a long time and she was sure that anything that involved a bachelor like James would be anything but mediocre. “And the weirdest part is, he’s sending me a package! That’s why he wanted my address… I can’t even begin to guess what would be in a package from him but I have to admit that I’m really excited to find out!” She smiled and Alissa seemed giddy, even for someone who had been passed over. They paid their bill and then went their separate ways, since Alissa had got a proposition from Eric that she couldn’t pass up and she said it was urgent to go. Wren was more than happy to go on her own - she was going to need time to prepare. She finished up her work day from home and then stood in front of her closet in disgust. There was nothing good enough in here to impress someone like James but she would try.. She really wanted to make a good impression, even if she couldn’t imagine it going anywhere beyond a first date. She had to at least try.

    @ Jinx...
    January 19th, 2017 at 03:05am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    Amie smiled as he said she would be a great addition to his team. He wasn't even having her take the exhibit job downtown he had promoted her based on his vision of her. She chuckled and sat back a little amazed and he asked her to call him Tristan. She shook her head as he said Mr. Ivory sounded old. "I think it's distinguished and classy." she said then smiled. "But I think Tristan suits you even better." Amie leaned forward. "It's a pleasure to meet you Tristan." she said holding out her hand also to secure her position with him. "You can call me Amalie or if you prefer you can call me Amie like all of my family and friends." she said curious to see if he would. She grinned as he said they had to start right away and she bit her lip. "If you insist." she said and nodded when he asked if seven worked for her. "Yes thank you. I am sure we will have some long nights if your reputation is accurate." she said and smiled. She knew being his collector meant she would have odd hours but that was perfect for her because normal hours made her board. This job would keep her on her toes which was perfect. Amie was so excited she wanted to call her father and tell him everything but she could tell from the way Tristan's gaze pinned her down that he wasn't about to let go of her so soon.
    The next day James waited until the time for the package to be delivered came and went. He was impatient not knowing why he waited so long. Perhaps it was because he assumed she had some sort of job and five was the perfect intermediate time. James watched as the clock turned to 5:15 and he picked up his phone keying in her number. James smiled thinking of the lovely Wren Carmichael. He smiled as she picked up. He could hear her voice it sounded as if the emotions from what was inside the package hadn't quite settled. "Wren this is James." he said and let that process. "Have you received the package?" he asked and nodded with satisfaction at it's prompt delivery. "Have you had a chance to try on the dress and shoes?" he asked leaning back in his office chair as he closed his eyes envisioning the simple elegance mixing with the wild red and her wild looks. she reminded him of a gypsy and he had wanted to compliment it well while preparing the mood for the date. "Does it all fit well? I had it sent early to be sure that there is time for a change if it doesn't fit. James ran a hand through his hair and hoped that it was all fitting well and she would wear it. This to him was a sort of test anyways. If she could take the uncertainty and his silent instructions without argument perhaps it would go well when he proposed his desires to her.
    January 19th, 2017 at 06:18am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Tristan was soaking up every moment of his time with her and he couldn't believe that he had such a girl so willing as she was. He was quite certain that she was unsuspecting of the ways that he was envisioning her right now but that was all the better. He was absolutely giddy at the prospects of some new fun and he licked his lips. "Amie, what a beautiful name befitting a beautiful girl." He complimented as he shook her hand, feeling how small it felt compared to his. Her delicateness was so appealing. He couldn't help a compliment every now and again as well, even if it wasn't very businessman-like. "I hate to keep you outside of normal office hours but I haven't the time today... nor do you. I want you to get acquainted with the office and the the way that business is run here, so I have some orientation things planned." Mostly just a tour of the building and then a tour of some of his art vaults. It was a guided tour but he was sure that she would probably know better about the art than the tour guide. He hit the intercom button on his phone. "Elizabeth, can you please come escort Miss O'Conner to her office here. I want her to get settled before her personal tour." He glanced over at his calendar. He might accompany her on that tour... He wanted to see her reaction to all of the art that he owned - and he didn't exactly want her to leave at the moment. He also had to make plans for dinner with her tonight though. Luckily her office was right across the hall, so he would have easy access to her whenever he wanted her.

    Wren was excited when she got out work to receive the package. She couldn't even dream of what he had gotten her - he barely knew her, how would he have any ability to get her some sort of gift. She was especially surprised when she opened up the package to find a red dress and heels, probably the most expensive clothing she would ever own.. She didn't often have places to go where she had to dress this high class and it was bewildering to her. This dinner date must be awful special. It made her nearly tremble in excitement. What amazed her even more was the perfect fit of the dress. Yes she was tiny, but she hardly expected James to be such an expert about clothing that he would be able to pick out something perfectly for her size. The shoes were the same - she felt like Cinderella. Perhaps a more sexily dressed Cinderella. When she answered the phone, she wasn't surprised to hear James' voice -- all of these surprises and she was finally expecting it. It fits perfectly!" She said happily, fingering her hair and already planning how she was going to style it for their date. She needed to look perfect - and this dress got her about ninety percent of the way there. "How did you know my size?" She asked in bewilderment. She had no doubt that he was going to be surprised by how good she looked in it, even if he had picked it out. It hugged perfectly to all of the right places and accentuated her curves. She was even more excited for this date now.
    January 19th, 2017 at 10:30pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    Amie blushed as he called her a girl. She looked at his hand that took hers and felt a shiver run through her body. "I assure you I am not a girl Tristan." she said and smiled softly still having to pause before saying his name. It seemed nearly wrong to call him by his first name when he was her boss now. Amie bit her lip as he said office. She was getting an office? It made sense, she would need to do some paperwork now and again, paper trails to the art but she was still excited about it. When Elizabeth walked into the office looking like she swallowed a lemon Amie stood and smiled. She walked over and followed Elizabeth but looked back at Tristan. "Thank you." she said before she walked out of the office. She smiled as Elizabeth went down a hall and into a huge office. This was much more then she needed. Surely he had other people who were more prestigious then she was that would benefit from this office. She looked at the desk, chair and bookshelf in the otherwise empty room. She would need to buy things to fill this room. She felt so giddy as she walked over to the window and stood there looking out. "Thank you Elizabeth." she said looking over seeing her walking out. Amie giggled and looked around doing a little spin. She walked over to her desk and sat down. She ran her hands over the beautiful mahogany and set her folder in the draw. Amie grinned as she looked back out at the city that was revealed to her. She wondered how many people he had up here, probably the heads of each of his departments and that was when she realized she was the head of his art collection and she wished she had brought up her purse so she could text Camilla. Amie grinned thinking she would need to get a car because using the subway every morning would not be time efficient. Amie looked up at Tristan as he shadowed her door way. "This is huge." she said realizing her office was a forth the size of his but for her it was more then she needed.
    James smiled listening to her and he relaxed glad there would be no need to change the size. "How?" he asked back and chuckled. "Some things are better as secrets but just know that I am a very resourceful man with great influence." he stood and moved to the other side of his desk feeling a bit restless. James leaned against his desk and thought about the woman he was sure would delight him. "I am very pleased that you like it." he said. "Wren I am looking forward to our date Friday." he said keeping to himself just how excited and impatient he was about her company. He wondered how long it would take before he thought she would be ready for his secret room in his home. James listened to her voice thinking of how it would sound when she was completely consumed in ecstasy. He ran a hand through his hair trying to calm his wild mind. It was necessary to control himself. "Well I am glad that everything is woking out. I will see you promptly at 7 on Friday Wren." he said and smiled. "I must go now. You have a pleasant evening." he said and grinned knowing he wasn't going to be able to get her out of his head until Friday and if things went well it would be much longer of a distraction then that. James said goodbye to Wren before he went home. When he got there he walked to the kitchen and smiled seeing Ms. White had left him dinner. He pulled it out dished out what he wanted and then warmed it up. He sat at the breakfast bar eating as he read some of the stocks from his business. It seemed he was going really well. He eventually switched over to more business maters as he finished up dinner. James grinned as he finished up then left the dishes in the sink for Ms. White tomorrow already pre cleaned off. James headed up his stairs and took off his jacket and hung up his suit fitting into some work cloths. He walked down the hall into what looked like a second closet at first then opened a secret door and walked into the big room looking around remembering the last woman he had in here. That had turned out awful. He sighed and reached back out into the closet into a cabinet and pulled out some cleaning supplies. He walked over to the covered bed and set the cleaning supplies over the plastic. He took out some wood polisher and started to clean away the memories along with the thin layer of dust. He did this after every girl and again before every new one. It was his way of preparing. Normally he would let Ms. White clean it or the girl who was his submissive but he took this time to go over every surface. The room was designed to elicit sex and hid all his toys. The amount of cabinets were nearly excessive seeming until it was clear how much each held and what. It was full of whips and other toys that he bought new for each girl. He had already stocked this room for Wren.
    January 20th, 2017 at 01:44am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Tristan admired that this beautiful woman had some spunk in her. She assured him that she was not a girl, and there was something about that that made his mind race. Oh the naughty things he wanted to do to her just for that simple statement... It had been quite a while since he had taken a submissive and he had a feeling that she would be more than eager - and he was more than eager to have her. When she was escorted away he had to take a few moments to catch his breath. She had made him lose his mind and that exhilarated him. A woman that could keep up with his word play and have an intelligible conversation with him was far more endearing than a woman who was only able to please him sexually - he was assured she would do both. He smiled as he saw her surveying her new office and nodded his head. "Well it's all yours, so you can do whatever you like with the place... Feel free to decorate - it seems so empty in here. Make it home. For now anyway.. Until he would have her sign a different contract that would bring her home to a very secret place inside of his home, a place that only the people closest to him were aware about - mostly because they were the ones putting it to use. His heart raced just at the thought of having her like that, imagining all the things he could do to her. He was definitely going to need to do some redecorating and making sure it was perfect... "I knew you would like it... Only the best for the head of my personal collection." He smiled and then motioned out to the hallway. "Speaking of... would you like to see my collections now? The tour guide is ready and I have some free time so I decided I would tag alone." He wanted to see her reactions to his art collection. It was quite expansive and exquisite and could just tell that she was going to love it.

    Wren was surprised that he was being secretive, though she knew she shouldn't be. He was a secretive man, and like he said, he was resourceful. That was exhilarating. She had never been pursued by such a high class man that was so highly sought after as James - nor had she ever been wined and dined as much as she expected she would be while she was in James' care. She almost couldn't wait for it now. "I'm looking forward to it." She said in response to him confirming details for Friday and then smiled. "You too. I'll see you Friday." She was still in the dress and did a little twirl in her mirror, observing and admiring the way that the dress hugged her body so perfectly. He had probably picked this dress out for exactly that reason - she knew that she looked good in it and she couldn't blame him for looking. It was exciting enough that he wanted to look at her.
    The next few days passed slowly. Of course it did - because she was so looking forward to this date that she could hardly wait. She went to work each day but was very anxious. She refrained from telling anyone that she had a date though - because what if it went poorly. Maybe they would get together and have no chemistry and he would never want to see her again. Maybe after, she would tell people... or maybe he would just be her secret for now. When Friday at 5:00 came around, she hurried home from the office and immediately started to get ready. She showered and blew dry her hair, leaving it in curls that fell over her shoulders. Her brown hair was complimented by the red dress and she added a smokey eye and bright red lipstick. It was sexy and she knew that she looked kissable - and she was hoping to please him right now. She added the heels and then looked at the clock. Still a half hour to spare... She was so excited that she got ready faster than she normally did, yet she looked a million times better for this first date than for any other first date she had been on. She was beyond ready.
    January 20th, 2017 at 07:01pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    Amie grinned as he suggested she decorate. She was planning on it but she had yet to decide were to start other then the books. She had a stack at home she could bring in and maybe an office plant. not that she would ever be able to keep it a live, she had a black thumb. Amie grinned as he suggested they start with his personal collection that was here. She beamed. "You keep an extensive amount of your personal collection at work?" she asked and raised an eyebrow standing. "It leads me to think that your personal collection at home must be even more spatular." she said highly intrigued by him. Amie was even more excited that he would be going them on the tour. She would like to see his reactions to his current pieces. "Tell me if you will what else do the people that come to work in this giant building do for you? I'm guessing the few other offices up here are for the heads of the other aspects of your business." she said and walked over to him smiling softly. She was intrigued by the challenge he presented. Amie stepped out into the hall with him walking out towards the elevator with him. She could feel the eyes of the two blondes following her and Tristan as they walked out and away from them. She hadn't realized how many blonde women worked for him. To think of it she hadn't seen a brunette yet. She smiled at him as they stepped into the elevator. "I might be presumptuous here but it seems your building is a piece of art itself. Modern and functional yes but the amount of detail I do not believe is coincidence. Do you take such notice and such an enrollment in everything?" she asked looking at him. Amie liked how he looked at it. It was more complicated then just the primal eyes of a man that desired something beautiful. He looked at her like art and she wondered what he saw because it wasn't often that men looked at her to begin with.
    When the clock turned to seven James walked up to the door where he knew inside was the woman that had been distracting him for the last several days. He knocked and waited for her to come out. James was dressed in a dark grey three piece suit looking as if he had just stepped out of the fashion magazine. He stepped back as the door opened and he smiled as he looked upon her. "Yes that is a perfect fit." he said and smiled delighted. "Wren you look stunning." he said and took her hand gently kissing it before he tucked it into his arm. He took the keys from her hand locked her door then handed them back before walking her to the limo parked in front of her place. He smiled as he helped her slide in Frank closing the door behind them. "Would you like some wine?" he asked as he sat beside her and the car started to drive away. "Sweet or dry, white or red?" he asked before making a selection on her answers. He opened the bottle and poured for her and then himself. He handed her the glass and set the bottle in the cooler. "I am very pleased that you could come tonight." he said looking her over from head to toe seeing she had even put not he shoes no complaints. The red looked divine on her making her seem wild, powerful and very sexy. He was beginning to think though that he should have picked something less suiting for her as controlling seemed to be something he was lacking in looking at her. The dress was a powerful contrast to her seemingly timid nature. He wasn't sure how much of that was nerves but he liked the little blushes that light her skin.
    January 20th, 2017 at 07:44pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Tristan smiled a little as she questioned him about his personal conversation. Yes, some of it was here - the show pieces. They were the pieces that he liked to show off because they were showy and extravagant and the sort of work that made people ooh and awe in amazement. The pieces that he kept at home were the more personal pieces that he loved the most. These pieces were the ones that he showed only the people that were closest to him, and he was sure that Amie would be one of those people that would see it... and then he was going to make her his own piece of art. His thoughts were on that special room in his house that he would also show her, once she saw the rest of his collection. There was something about her that made him anxious for it. He was going to have to restock the room and make it personalized to her, that was what he was hoping for, and she was hoping that she would accept... He just had to do things slowly. "Wouldn't you like to know." He teased when she made an observation about his personal collection at home and he couldn't stop himself from winking at her quickly. "You have an eye for all of my secrets don't you?" He chided as she questioned him about the building. "This building is just as special to me as the art pieces that are inside. What sort of art collector would I be if I didn't appreciate the art of architecture to? This building is meant to be a perfect place to store some of my best pieces - but of course, the pieces that are closest to my heart are in my home. Perhaps you'll have to see that some time if you like my work here... and maybe it would let you get to know me more - but first things first." He said with a smile as the elevator navigated down to the lower levels. The doors slid open to a young girl, also blond, who was waiting eagerly to meet her "tour group" Amie. Of course her eyes sparkled as she saw Tristan there too, it wasn't 'often that he visited the collection while she was here but she marveled at him. "Well, shall we start the tour?" He asked, smiling at Tristan.

    Wren's heart was beating so harshly as she answered the door and she couldn't help but being stunned as she saw James standing there. He was even more handsome now than she remembered him being a few days ago and it made her blush. She felt honored to be going out with him -- and that was before she saw the limo. She had hardly expected that, though she was embarrassed that she didn't. She should've known that a guy like him was being driven around in a limo and would stop at nothing to woo her. "She took a sip of the sweet red wine and paused for a second, enjoying the sip. It was probably the best wine that she had ever had and she could hardly believe she was on this date right now. "Well... I am very pleased that you invited me out." She said, feeling a bit bolder after she had finished the glass of wine, probably quicker than she should have, and she wanted him to know that she was impressed and happy to be here. "And I have to say... the spoiling of having a dress and shoes sent to me for a date is definitely an added bonus... I don't think I've ever had a guy who was as interested in making a girl feel good." She was embarrassed to say it that she was liking being spoiled like this - it wasn't like she was going on this date for the money... In fact, she really wanted to get past that and get to know him more intimately than that, but she also wanted him to know that his effort weren't wasted. "So - where are we going for this dinner? Since you're full of surprises and we're both dressed so elegantly, I have a bet that it's somewhere nice and expensive - but honestly I wouldn't even know where to begin guessing." She said with a blush, leaning into him a little in her seat next to him. She was so smitten with him in this moment.
    January 21st, 2017 at 08:34pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    Amie laughed as he winked at her about the secrecy of his private art collection at home. She smiled. "Its my job to figure out your secrets because then I can really appeal to you on a much deeper level... with art." she added that last part blushing. "I would love to see your art you have at home." she said and smiled at him. They walked out to meed a little blonde woman and she bit her lip and smiled. "Nice to meet you." she said and followed them out of the elevator as they started the tour of the Ivory collection. She was excited to see it and even more so to know she would be a part of it at some point or another. Amie was completely in work mood now. She would have to see if she could get her hands on the catalog of all his art so she could go through it make copies and then start building her own profile. Amie smiled as they came to the first piece and she looked at Tristan first wanting his reaction before she looked at the piece for herself trying to see what he did and then evaluation how it made her feel. The combination of it all would be the most helpful.
    James smiled as she confessed to him how the dress and everything made her feel. She made it sound like she wasn't so much in it for the money but how he made her feel by spending it on her like he did. James smiled as he watched her. She easily leaned against him which was fine with him as long as she didn't go touching things that she wasn't allowed to. James grinned. "I am glad." he said and then he grinned as she asked about their date. He smiled. "It will be very nice." he said and they drove through the city. Once they made it to the building he got out with her taking her hand and walking her into the restraint were they were escorted to an elevator. They rode all the way up to the top and he stepped out with her to reveal their very private dinner date. James smiled at her and held the chair out for her. Once they were seated a waiter came over to them and James ordered them some more wine and waters before he looked over the menu with her.
    January 22nd, 2017 at 12:50am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Tristan smiled a little at the hot sexual tension between them. It was certainly there and she kept making it worse with the words she was saying... She was definitely going to find out all of his secrets and the very thought made his body shiver in excitement - internally of course, he would never show his excitement outside of himself like that. They approached the first piece of art and he smiled brightly at the kind memories that he thought of with this one. This piece was near and dear to his heart - it was the first piece that he had ever gotten his hands on, the first piece that his father had given him and it made him insatiable for the arts. The rest of the pieces were all bought by him but this piece was the piece that started it all. He cherished it - but he kept it here rather than at home because it was a good talking piece for the beginning of the tour. He was off in his own little mind thinking about it with slight annoyance as the tour guide explained about the piece. That was her job but he would much rather enjoy the peace of his art collection alone with Amie. He caught Amie staring at him and smirked back at her. "You know - you're supposed to be looking at the art and not me." He said playfully and then waved off the blonde since she had finished her speech and was waiting for them to be ready to move on. She ruined the mood. "You know, my dear, I think we're not going to need your tour guide services - I will still give you the pay, but I think I can show Miss O'Conner around." He said and smiled back at Amie. The blonde seemed annoyed for him to ask her to leave but did as she was instructed.

    When the elevator ride took them to the top of the building to a very secluded dining area, Wren found herself even more star struck than she was before... There was a perfect view of the city from here and it was dimly lit in a romantic and expensive way. Her heart soared even more when he helped her to her seat and she was still in disbelief that she was sitting across from James Williams. For being such a high class and highly sought after man as he was, he seemed to be a very private person. She looked over the menu but kept glancing up at James, knowing he wasn't looking but just drinking in the moment. "This place is lovely." She remarked about her surroundings and then giggled to herself slightly. "You know though, I can't tell if you brought me here to experience your rich lifestyle or if you brought me here because you didn't want to be seen with me." She laughed. She wasn't normally a jealous or uneasy person but if he didn't want to be seen with her in public, she would understand. It wasn't like she came from anywhere great, so it did make sense to her. But he was also a very private individual, not into all the glitz and glam of the stardom he held just for being rich. The waiter brought over their wine and waters and she took a sip, feeling at ease while she was being pampered by the most eligible bachelor. It was nice being treated to something extravagant rather than her usual burger joint first dates... That was why she had taken a break from dating but she was at least going to enjoy this one night with her, even if he got to know her more and wanted nothing more to do with her... she was hoping that wouldn't be the case but she wouldn't get her hopes up... their date had only just begun
    January 22nd, 2017 at 04:46pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    Amie smiled as he caught her watching him. "I am trying to gauge how you react to this piece. I think I know but it is still good just to watch and see." she said and chuckled. Amie looked at the little blonde and bit her lip as she was excused. She had seen the way that she had looked at Tristan when they had first come and she could think of what the woman was thinking now. Amie smiled back at Tristan. "Thank you." She said after the blonde left. "I really don't need the history of these pieces, the only history I would need from it is the history it has to you." she said and smiled. "But I don't expect you to really tell me all that. I'm going to try and see if I can figure it out on my own." she said and smiled. "But don't you worry I am looking at the art to." she said and smiled before she turned back to the piece and she tilted her head again ever so slightly when she was focused on something. Amie grinned as she nodded thinking she had a grip on how he felt about it. "Will you tell me Tristan why this piece says to you?" She said wanting to understand if it was the piece itself that brought on his reaction to it or if it held other meaning.
    James smiled as Wren looked around in wonder. He chuckled as tried to cover up her question as if it wasn't. "Well Wren you see I like my privacy yes but I am not showing off. If I had been we would have flown to Florence." he said setting his menu down. "I simple brought you here because it is a nice and quite place that I can get to know you in. The service and the food is amazing but the view, that is what settled it for me. I don't know how you have been treated before but I can assure you that my only alternative plan is sex. Very enjoyable and breathtaking sex. But I do not just choose anyone as my partner so call this all a sort two way interview. I am sure there will be things that you might have reservations about but I hope to entice you enough were you will stick around for the more pleasurable parts of what could be a very enjoyable partnership." he said and reached across the table his fingers brushing over the back of her hand. "Are you okay with that or have I scared you off already?" he asked and then leaned back taking his wine taking a long draw of it his eyes never leaving hers.
    January 22nd, 2017 at 08:52pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Tristan smiled a little as he watched the girl walk away and he was happy to be alone with Amie now. It wasn't lie they really needed a tour - Tristan was the owner of the collection and with him around it wasn't like Amie was going to need more information than he could give her. Normally he would take this opportunity to get to test his tour guide and make sure that she knew everything there was to know about the collection but he didn't need her trying to distract him - not that she was going to because he was already completely distracted by Amie but he didn't need Amie thinking that she could distract him. He liked what Amie had to say about the way she observed him and the art and he smiled, nodding his head. "This is the first art piece that ever came into my possession." He said with a smile. "It was given to me by my father for my twenty-first birthday. and that was when I started to enjoy art." He said with a smile. "This started my collection. I don't really care for the art piece itself - it surely lacks a lot of the wonder that some of the art pieces that I own and that you'll see later - but it was the thing that started this whole collection. Of course it's a highly sought after piece but I just can't bear to part with it. It's too important to my collection." He smiled at her and then raised an eyebrow at her. "But you already know that, didn't you? I have a feeling you have an eye for that." He questioned, smiling at her.

    Wren was very surprised by his words. She expected just a coy response where he talked about why he would pick such a place as this but he actually said much more than that. She was hardly expecting anything else that came up now but she couldn't help but feel her heart race a little at the sound of his words. There was something sexy and hot about what he was saying but he hardly knew what to think about it. She should've felt a little annoyed that his second plan for the evening was sex - there was no way he was hiding that... He seemed to want sex from her and that embarrassed her a little that that was all he wanted. She wasn't very into hookups anymore but there was something about the way he said it that made her heart soar. Her hand tingled from where his fingers touched her and she bit her lip at his inquiry. "No, you haven't scared me off..." She said softly with a gulp and bit her lip again. "Im not exactly sure what you are implying here, Mr. Williams, but I am intrigued enough that I want to find out.. Is that sufficient for you?" She asked with a smile and twisted some hair around her hair. She also took a sip of her wine and licked her lips. Why did this seem exciting to her - she felt like she should run away as fast as she could but she was more intrigued than scared.
    January 22nd, 2017 at 10:03pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    Amie smiled as he spoke and she nodded. "Aww so that is what that was. I was actually having a bit of a hard time figuring out how you felt about this piece but now it makes sense. It would be helpful if you told me if pieces that we look at are gifts and which you or your past collectors picked out. Then I can discern better in the future." she said and smiled. "It is a beautiful piece of work but I can see why you might seek something a bit different." she said thinking the piece said more about his father then it did about him. Amie smiled more before turning to him. "So which piece is next?" she asked excited about his very personal and private tour. She felt really lucky and Camilla was going to be so shocked that her quite Amie actually had this time with Tristan and he liked it. She smiled as they started to walk towards the next piece and she looked at Tristan watching his body change slowly at the effect of the art. She smiled thinking this was perhaps the most amazing day she had in a long time. Amie bit her lip as she watched him as he talked a little about the next piece. He didn't insult her by giving her the history of the piece but instead gave her his own personal details that he had with the piece and she nodded finding she was really starting to learn a lot about him. Art revealed more about people then they realized.
    James watched her eyes widen as she took in what he said and he saw what she was thinking. She thought he meant to have sex with her tonight and nothing more from her. He let her deal with it as he set his wine down, seeing how that would sit with her and he smiled as she seemed to grab onto some of the mystery and use it to raise her bravery. He smiled as she asked if it was sufficient. "It is but don't get me wrong Wren. I do not intend to just roll in and out of bed. What I want is very specific and it will require trust. I will need to get to know you very well and while I am very good at reading people it takes time to figure a specific person out to the level that I need in order to know you fully. I am not asking for a fling Wren. I want something much more and very different from anything I am assuming you have ever experienced. Now if you are satisfied with that then please let us continue on the simple base level of getting to know each other." he said and leaned forward. "Do you mind if I order for you?" he asked wanting to see if she could go for the adventure and trust he wouldn't steer her wrong. James smiled at her across the table his eyes soaking her up. She looked so beautiful and nearly dangerous with the way she sat there across from him.
    January 23rd, 2017 at 12:43am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Tristan couldn't help but chuckle a little at her words. He liked that she was putting so much thought into everything and he found that very satisfying. It was interesting to hear her thought process and he enjoyed her very much. "So you can discern my taste from other people's?" He asked teasingly. "Yes, I'm sure you'll notice there is a big different between my pieces and the pieces that were given to me... I like them all equally - but my taste can be very different than what people may think of me." He smiled and then led her forward. As he walked with her, he discretely put his hand on the small of her back just softly. Softly enough that it didn't seem like he was was being too pushy yet he was also being slightly intimate. He couldn't help it - he just couldn't keep his hands off of her - but he was trying to not be too pushy so that she wouldn't be scared away. He had plans for dinner tonight - and he didn't want to scare her off from having that dinner with him. "This one," he started with a smile, " is the first one that I ever bought." It was a large painting, going from the ceiling to the wall. It was dark and mysterious - and he never had two people interpret it the same way. He related to it for exactly that same reason - because he felt like no two people ever interpreted him the same way and that was why he liked it so much. He had a lot of pride with this one. It took a long time for him to find the first piece that he wanted and this was it. "Now = does this give you more insight about me?" He asked with a chuckle. "What does this one say about me, my dear?" He asked.

    Wren was even more intrigued yet surprised by his words. There was a mystery to him. He didn't want just sex from her? He wanted something more... but what did that all mean? Sure that meant they would be seeing a lot more of him but what could she expect from him - exclusivity? Or would she be just one of his "relationships"? She figured she would have the time to ask it and just settled herself down, running a hand through her hair and taking another sip of her wine. "I have to say, the more you speak the more intrigued I am by what you're offering." She said with a smile and then made a "go ahead" gesture at his question. "I would definitely like you to order for me." She said with a smile and winked at him slightly. "Are you going to tell me more about this offer or do I have to pass some sort of checkpoint in this interview?" She asked him with a smile, finishing off her wine. Before she had even set the glass down, a waiter was there again to fill it up and she raised an eyebrow at him. "Have you ensured that my glass will never be empty, hm?" She teased and then nodded her head. "Or are you just tying to get me drunk here, Mr. Williams?" She took another sip once her glass was full again. She was finding this whole night very intense yet also very satisfying. She couldn't wait to brag about this night to Alissa and she knew that she would be so jealous. It wasn't every day that something like this happened to Wren rather than Alissa and she was soaking in every moment.
    January 25th, 2017 at 02:50am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    Amie smiled as they came up to the next canvas and she smiled at his explanation. She bit her lip and stepped forward away from him for a second and tilted her head her hands going back behind her. Amie evaluated the painting. It was a huge piece black white and red. She looked at it swirl to the top darker the longer you looked at it until there was a speck of color and she held onto it with her eyes. She smiled softly. The only question she really had was how he had gotten it into the building but that was actually irrelevant other then to tell her if he wanted something he would stop at no obstacle in order to achieve it. That was useful. She turned to him and regarded him with the same look she did the art her grey eyes looking into his blue ones unlayering him slowly as she studied him like she did art. She inhaled sharply suddenly and looked down. Her eyes had widened for just a second before she had looked away. "Well..." she looked back at him and stepped closer once more. "It tells me you are stubborn which most people misconstrue for determination and though you have to have some of that as well of course. Amie smirked then bit her lip and stepped to the side of him and slowly circled him. It was a precise move on her part as she watched him react to her. The thought that Tristan would react in anyway to her made her jittery but this was more sexually and it made her stomach muscles clench in desire. When she walked back in front of him she stopped. "It tells me that you like the way people question who you are and try to figure you out but they never capture your essence. It tells me you like others to think you are like the Roman gods were to the Romans but it is in your details which your true colors are revealed." she said keeping that she thought his essence was that he was what ever he needed to be in the moment except for the rare moments were he was completely selfish, which were rare, and he took what he wanted making the other believe it had been their own desire. "It tells me that there is little that truly delights you which makes your world seem very grey." she stepped closer again and felt her skin shiver with how he was looking at her. "It tells me that you keep secrets and some of them I might not like or that is what you believe." she said and smiled then nodded once and stepped away from him looking back at the piece. "Thank you for showing me this one. It is defiantly a very important piece please show me more."
    James chuckled as said she was intrigued. "Good that is my goal." he said and smiled sitting back. James then peeked at the menu just once more and nodded. He was amused with her quite little wink. She was growing bolder just being around him but still she wasn't sure about her motives. He could tell the kinds of relationships she must have been in before to put her in this state. James grinned at her question and shook his head. "You will have to trust me and when you are ready I will tell you everything about this offer. But for now just enjoy." he said. When she asked abut getting her drunk he laughed. "No Wren I am not trying to get you drunk. Like I said the service here is excellent and it is only right to be sure your glass is filled once emptied. It is completely up to you if you partake or not. If you desire something else then all you have to do is request it." he said softly to her. James raised a hand slightly and a waiter came over and he ordered for them. It was a nice meal that would pare perfect with the wine. Once the waiter left James turned his full attention back to Wren. "So Ms. Carmichael..." he started using her last name as she had used his. "What is it that you do from 9 to 5?" he asked talking about her work. He thought it was an appropriate question to ask even if he already knew because of her security check. They had after all checked out her Facebook page. It was amazing how much personal information people put out for public knowledge.
    January 25th, 2017 at 03:56am