What would it take to make this go away?

  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Image illiana Lock
    Jake Ballard
    Emery Sanders
    February 9th, 2017 at 06:18am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Illiana flashed her White House access badge to the guard as she walked through the gates, heading in to go and see Jake. Somehow, she had met him before he had become president and she didn't even know he was running when they met. He had been trying to get her to come spend more time with him more often but she didn't know if that was a good idea. She didn't need to be in the public eye, especially when she was working at a college. She didn't need her student's being distracted by something of that magnitude, especially considering midterms were coming up.

    When Illiana got inside and stood in front of the secretary's desk, she looked up at her with a surprised look. Probably not knowing that she was coming today. It was one of Illiana's pop up visits that Jake liked so much. "Hold on one moment, Miss. Lock," the secretary told her. She nodded in response and waited as the secretary popped her head into his office and told him that she was there. "Go right on in," the secretary told Illiana.

    Illiana nodded her head in response and walked to the giant oak door, pushing it open and walking inside. She smiled as soon as she saw Jake, standing there for a moment until he looked up and saw her.
    Huck walked up the stairs and into the building where Olivia Pope and Associates was stationed at. He walked over to the elevator and got on it, waiting there as it slowly went up to the very top floor. He hadn't been there to visit Liv or anyone since he had become the head of another B6-13 project. He never told her about it because he knew that she would definitely not approve of it. It was just how Liv was. Always wearing the white hat.

    Huck stepped off the elevator once it reached the top and walked over to the door, turning the knob and pushing the door open. He looked around at the all too familiar place with all too familiar smells and sounds. He walked over to where everyone was in the conference room was. They were working on something. What, he had no idea. He just knew that Liv had called him there to help them on a special project.

    His eyes searched the room and looked at all of the people that were in there before he noticed one person in particular. He had never seen her before and he couldn't be sure if she was a client or if she was a new part of their team. "Who's she?" he asked without hesitation, tilting his head to the side curiously.
    February 9th, 2017 at 07:30pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Jake had been so busy with everything going on lately, but he always looked forward to when Illiana would make her surprise visits. Ever since meeting her, which she assumed was by accident, he had really taken a liking to her. Of course when they met, he didn't mention running for the presidency, mostly because it didn't matter when it came to her.

    At first the whole thing was just about business, hearing his secretary tell him Illiana was there, he smiled, "Well, send her in." He leaned back in his chair, waiting for her to walk in through the door, part of him couldn't understand why he was always so excited to see her whenever she would show up.

    Before she opened the door, he got up and stood in front of the desk, once she came inside, he smiled over at her, "Hey, how are you?"
    Emery was standing in the conference room with the others, she hadn't been doing this long, but she was starting to feel comfortable with her co-workers and with Liv. The case they were currently working on was one that seemed to have everyone stumped when it came right down to how they were going to get their information.

    "Who's she?" Emery and the others turned to the doorway, Liv smiled lightly, "Huck, this is Emery, she works here since you left." Emery nodded over at him, "Hey," she went back to the paperwork that she had. She was trying to hide the fact that she was curious about him, after hearing the others talk about him or mention him and now she was finally seeing who this guy was.

    Liv looked at Emery, "Why don't you go get into the clients computer system while we get Huck caught up with everything that's been going on." Emery nodded, "Got it," she picked up the papers before walking out and getting on her computer.
    February 9th, 2017 at 09:07pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Illiana smiled as she saw Jake and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Over time, she had gotten used to coming to the Oval Office but at first, it was definitely nerve wracking. She never once in her life dreamed that she'd ever be involved with someone who worked in the White House. Let along the man of the house. This all still felt like a dream she was in.

    "I'm good. How are you doing with the whole running the country thing?" she teased with a quiet laugh. She never got over teasing him about it but she didn't care. It was too easy of a thing to make fun of.

    Illiana didn't know about him finding her on purpose when they first met though. And honestly, if she ever did find out she'd probably be beyond heart broken. She had actually felt a connection from the very beginning with Jake and she didn't want anything to come along and ruin that for her. She had a hard enough time finding people she connected with anyway.
    Huck watched as Emery walked to the room he was all too familiar with. He used to pretty much live in that room when he worked here and only went home a couple of nights a week. He felt at home at OPA, and he felt like he actually belonged with everyone there. Including Charlie who was now apart of the team as well.

    Huck walked over to where Olivia was and his eyes scanned all of the papers on the desk. They had a lot of unfinished research laying there and he was guessing that was what they wanted him to figure out. And it wasn't like it wasn't something he couldn't do. "What can I help with?" he asked quietly.

    Huck's eyes had wandered to the entrance of the room again as he listened to Emery typing away in there to try and fill in some missing holes. He was most definitely curious about her. She moved differently than every other woman he knew and she had this... Air about her from what he could tell that said that she had a good head on her shoulders and was smart. Although he could tell that she still wasn't completely comfortable with everyone there.

    Huck listened as Olivia filled him in and then headed off for his room when she asked him if he could go and help the mysterious woman fill in the holes. If he really wanted to, all he had to do was make a call and then he'd know anything he needed but he couldn't do that. Not when it came to live. "Anything i can help with?" he asked her.
    February 10th, 2017 at 01:00am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Jake laughed softly, "Oh you know, just trying to prevent the next world war and keep all these angry politicians happy, so the same as always."

    He smiled over at her, as far as he was concerned, Jake didn't care how they met or the fact that he was sent on a mission when it came to her, she was something special to him and he wasn't going to let her go. Of course, this was still a little new to him, it had been so long since he'd had an actual normal type of relationship, or whatever it was that was going on between the two of them, but Jake really enjoyed her being around.

    Jake put the files on his desk away before turning his attention back to her, "So, how are things with your job?" He asked, he liked listening to her talk about working at the college, it seemed like she really enjoyed what she did and that made him happy.
    Once Emery was out of the room, Liv turned her attention back to Huck, "We need your help going through these and trying to finish this, but there are so many holes, whoever did this was smart and worked hard to cover their tracks and anything that could even give us a hint at what they were doing."

    Emery sat down at the desk, pulling her hair into a ponytail before she started working, she knew that no matter how hard she worked, it was going to take her time to get the information they needed with her by herself.

    Not taking her eyes of the screen in front of her as she typed in the codes, "Um, you can get on that other computer and see if you can find any of this information," she handed him the file of what they were missing, "Sorry if Liv didn't mention someone new being here, but I'm nothing special, just here trying to earn a paycheck and maybe help someone."
    February 10th, 2017 at 04:47am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Illiana shrugged a shoulder lightly as she moved so that she was standing against the desk. She leaned back against it and crossed her arms over her chest while staring up at Jake. "I can't complain. The students are pretty good," she said softly. She smiled up at him and reached her hand out for him to take. It had been a long time coming but they had finally made things okay between them and had kept things out of the public eye. The bad part was that people were starting to ask questions about who she was and how she was so involved in the White House.
    Huck stared at Emery in surprise and confusion. He was surprised because usually no one around here told him what to do or especially which computer to sit at. He was always able to do his own thing and not be bothered unless Quinn or something wanted something which wasn't very often.

    "You are different," Huck said quietly as he walked over to the computer and started typing away at it, trying to concentrate. He needed to find someones bank statements and he also needed to hack their email to see who they were talking to. The only tricky part was the bank account because it was an offshore account.
    February 13th, 2017 at 03:42am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    Jake smiled at her, "I'm glad to hear that," he took her hand, slowly pulling her close to him. He had been working on keeping their relationship on a strictly need to know basis, which really only included his secretary and a few of the secret service men. "I wish you would come here and see me more often, especially your surprise visits, maybe I should make sure she knows to just let you come in," he laughed softly, looking at her.
    Emery raised an eyebrow hearing Huck say she was different, she knew she wasn't exactly the normal type of employee for Liv, but she had been doing a damn good job since she started. Turning back to her computer, she started searching again, figuring it would probably be a good couple hours or so before either one of them would be able to find anything at all.

    She ran a hand through her hair as she started searching through the next few offshore accounts, hearing the computer ping, she jumped, looking at the screen, "I got a match, the money was sent here, an account in Singapore..."
    February 14th, 2017 at 06:06am