Streetlights and Silhouettes

  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    Niklaus Mikaelson

    Caroline Forbes
    Damon Salvatore

    Ellie 'El' Sommers
    February 15th, 2017 at 07:09am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Caroline tucked the last of her bags into the trunk of her car before she let out a sigh. She knew not everyone understood why she felt like leaving was a good idea, but she knew that it was. Caroline couldn't stay in Mystic Falls right now. It was just too much for anyone to really handle. Really she wasn't sure how she'd made it this long, or how any of them had made it this far. But regardless of everything she'd made the decision to leave town and try to find herself again somewhere else. She wasn't sure where that was, but she'd know where she was supposed to be when she got there.

    "We're going to miss you," Bonnie said hugging Caroline clearly sad that this was happening.

    Caroline nodded and sent a small smile to her best friends. "I'm going to miss you guys too, but I need to do this."

    "Promise you'll call us when you land somewhere," Elena said also moving in for a hug. Caroline nodded her head and with one last final goodbye she climbed into her car and drove away.
    Damon had been done with Mystic Falls for a while now, but with everything that had been going on he hadn't wanted to leave town. Probably because he was worried about Elena, her brother, shockingly his brother, and honestly everyone else as well. And while he wasn't going to say that things were all better and that there was nothing to worry about, given that would be a lie because there was always something going on in this town, he felt like he was finally at a point where he could leave and not feel bad. So he'd back himself a bag, made sure to leave a note so people hopefully didn't worry about him or come looking for him, and then taken off. He wasn't really looking for anything in particular just somewhere that wasn't here. And while he hoped it wouldn't take him long to find what he was looking for, he had well eternity to look for it if he really needed to.
    February 20th, 2017 at 01:57am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    New Orleans. It was home. Home to Klaus, home to his entire family. And, now that he was back, he was more than busy claiming it all back for the Mikaelson family. Not that he had much work to do. Marcel had managed to keep New Orleans under control over the years but Niklaus knew that it was time to claim it as his own once more. They had, after all, built New Orleans from scratch. It belonged to the Mikaelsons, and they were getting back what was theirs.

    It helped, having his siblings around. With Marcel being busy with Rebekah, and Elijah taking care of a pregnant Haley, Klaus had it all under control. The witches, and every other supernatural being in NOLA, knew of or had heard of the Originals being back in town. And everyone was scared of the Originals. The original vampires. The big bads. Yes, Klaus had it all under control.
    A soft breath escaped El's lips as she pulled up outside the only garage in town. She had no idea where she was, but she knew she needed to get her tyre fixed before she lost control and drove off the road. It also didn't help that the car was making weird noises. She honestly couldn't believe how she made it into town. She had thought the car would break down a few miles outside of town but her trusty, old machine had made it.

    As she waited for the garage to open, she glanced around town, wondering how in the hell it was so deserted, considering it was only about seven in the evening. She was headed to her cousin's place in Mystic Falls, which was still a few miles north from where she was, but she figured it wouldn't bother him too much if she got there a day late. She was sure that Matt Donovan had enough on his plate to worry about her.
    February 23rd, 2017 at 12:50pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Caroline let out a sigh when she had finally arrived at where she felt called, and she honestly found it hard to believe. Had this been a normal day back in Mystic Falls just the thought of driving all the way to New Orleans where everyone knew that Klaus was would have made her sick to her stomach to even think about. After all everyone back there was happy that the originals were gone. Yet here was standing outside some bar in New Orleans actually hoping that when she walked in she'd find Kalus. And what made it worse was all she could think about was what felt like ages ago when Klaus had told her that one day after he'd left she'd find him and want to let him take her way. Something that she'd told herself wouldn't happen. What had happened to her?
    Damon wasn't sure how he hadn't gotten farther away from Mystic Falls than just the next town over, but he didn't feel like questioning it. So he'd just found a local bar and made himself comfortable. The place was honestly a lot nicer than the grill, and maybe he didn't really need to be any farther away than this. After all at least since he was somewhat close if he did need to go back for anything it wouldn't take him long. Not that he really wanted to go back anytime soon. Or maybe he'd stick around for a few days and if it didn't still suit him he'd just pack up and go somewhere else. It wasn't like he didn't have the time, or as if he had anything that would keep him there.
    February 26th, 2017 at 03:23am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    Klaus sat at a table at Rousseau's, glass of whiskey in hand. The bar was pretty much empty, except for the bartender, Camille. Klaus had realised that ever since they'd returned, Marcel had stopped visiting Rousseau's but, before that, he was a constant presence there. Knowing that something that was important to Marcel lay beyond the doors of Rousseau's had brought him there. Sipping on his whiskey, Klaus watched the blonde intently, his mind going back to the blonde he had left behind in Mystic Falls, just for a moment. What he wouldn't do to spend all of eternity with Caroline Forbes. But, of course, the Sheriff's daughter had made her choice and, as Klaus had promised, he wasn't going to force her to change her mind.
    El had waited for more than an hour but, since no one had turned up at the garage, she had decided to leave her car there and walk down to the bar she had crossed on her way up. Walking in, she wasn't surprised to see the place almost empty. Except for one patron, there was literally no one else there. Walking over to the bar, she leaned against it, looking around for a bartender or a waiter or anyone who could pour her a drink.
    February 26th, 2017 at 04:25pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Caroline wasn't sure how long she'd stood outside this bar just staring at it as if she didn't know what to expect when she walked in. She was sure she looked like an idiot and wouldn't have been shocked if someone asked her if she was okay. Luckily she'd made the decision to actually go inside before that could happen, though. Here goes nothing. She thought to herself before finally opening the door and walking inside. The place was well empty aside from a bartender and Klaus. Which she knew it was him because well she'd spent enough time around him to know him she saw him. Seeing him though made her question herself more. Why was she really here? Was this really a good choice? What if he hadn't meant what he'd said about waiting for her? Why did she want him to wait for her?

    "Can I get a whiskey neat," Caroline asked knowing that she needed something strong right now to hopefully calm her down, even just a little.
    Damon turned and smiled at the girl who'd just walked in and was now standing near him. "Good luck getting service here," he told her before he reached over the bar and grabbed the bottle he wanted so he could refill his own cup. "I'd be happy to walk back there and fix you something though if you want," he told her. Honestly, he'd kind of compelled the bartender to leave because she'd kind of gotten on his nerves, and he wasn't really sure if anyone else worked here. He hadn't seen anyone else since he'd been there, well he had seen someone else when he'd first arrived in town but he was sure she wouldn't be an issue because after he'd fed on her he'd compelled her to forget. Other than that though he hadn't actually seen anyone else in town. It was almost like the place was deserted or something. Right now he didn't exactly care because at least he could still drink.
    February 27th, 2017 at 02:06am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    Klaus snapped out of his thoughts when he heard her voice. The surprise was very evident on his face but for only a second. Standing up, he took a few steps towards her, his signature smile forming on his face. "Caroline Forbes. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Turning to Cami then, he nodded his head. "Whatever she's having is on me."
    "Actually, I've got this. Thanks for the tip though." With a nod of her head, the brunette pushed herself up onto the counter and over it, a grin forming on her face. "And what can I get you today, sir?" She asked as she reached for the bottle of tequila that lay behind the counter, practically begging for her to grab it.
    February 27th, 2017 at 06:36am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Thanks," Caroline said to the bartender when the drink was slid towards her and without thinking she downed it hoping it would give her the courage she was seeking. Once her drink was gone Caroline turned to Klaus, the reason she was there, and smiled. Not a fake forced smiled but a real one. "I'm not one hundred percent sure actually," she told him wishing she had a better answer but she didn't. "I know I needed to get out of Mystic Falls and away from everything there but I wasn't sure to where so I just kind of got in my car and drove. And well this is where I ended up," she told him hoping it was okay that she was there. Of course, if it wasn't she supposed she'd just leave and drive to the next place where ever that may be.
    Damon shrugged his shoulders he didn't mind when she walked back there mostly because it meant he wouldn't have to get up himself. "If you're offering I'll take a scotch on the rocks," he told her knowing that he could take another. Honestly, he could drink the whole damn bar and he wouldn't exactly get drunk which kind of sucked when he really wanted to so that maybe his mind would go to something other than all the shit he was basically running from, but whatever. "So what brings you into this seemingly deserted little town?" He asked figuring that if she was sticking around for a while he might as well make conversation.
    March 3rd, 2017 at 04:42am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    A sigh left Klaus's lips as he reached for his drink. He had feelers out about anything major that was happening in Mystic Falls but, apparently, Caroline leaving didn't seem major enough for his informants. Mimicking the blonde, he gulped down the whiskey in one go before turning to her once more, a smile on his face. "Well, you're always welcome in New Orleans, love. Mi casa es su casa." He was glad that she was there, and he was sure that Caroline knew it, even if she wasn't up for admitting that she did. He also liked that she'd driven straight to him, instead of driving around the country and going to god knows where. "Let's grab your stuff and get you settled in, shall we?"
    "Scotch on the rocks it is." With a grin, the brunette grabbed the bottle of scotch and started to make his drink, her shoulders shrugging in response to his question. "I guess you could say that I'm stranded here. My car broke down. Figured I could get it fixed here but, as you can see, this place is deserted. And yet, very well stocked!" She muttered, sliding his drink over to him. "And what about you? You stranded here too or are you here for fun?"
    March 3rd, 2017 at 10:24am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Caroline tucked her hair behind her ear and nodded her head. "Yea that sounds good," she told him silently hoping that it hadn't been a mistake coming here. She'd already felt heartbroken and confused enough before she got here and she didn't want to add more to that. With her luck though she was sure something was bound to happen. "So it seems lovely here," she said to Klaus following him given she didn't exactly know her way around the town like he did. "Not quite what I was expecting, but lovely nonetheless." Honestly, Caroline hadn't been sure what to expect when she'd arrived given that she'd never actually been out of Virginia so anything she knew about other places she'd figured out from the internet. But somehow New Orleans was a lot different than what she'd put together in her head, in a good way.
    "Me, oh I'm here for fun as you can tell," Damon told her knowing he wasn't stranded here and he could leave whenever he felt like it, but he was pretty sure that wouldn't be for awhile. "I mean what's not to love about this place? There aren't any other people to piss you off the bar is fully stocked, and I'd imagine everywhere else is the same. Everything's pretty much free game." He added knowing he hadn't expected the town to be like this when he'd arrived in it, but he wasn't complaining really either because right now he kind of wanted the solitude. He was just tired of people and the drama they all brought with them. This girl didn't seem that bad, though, and one having one other person around wouldn't kill him because at least if he got bored he'd have someone to talk to. "Where were you headed anyways?"
    March 3rd, 2017 at 03:38pm
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    Klaus chuckled as he glanced over at the blonde. If he was being honest, he was still surprised that she'd turned up in New Orleans and the paranoid part of him wondered if this was some sort of ploy. Even so, he decided to give his bond with Caroline some amount of trust. "After Mystic Falls, it could take some getting used to but I, personally, prefer New Orleans. It could be because we built this place from scratch but you never really know." With a shrug, Klaus flashed her a grin.
    "That is actually exactly what I was thinking! The garage was deserted, this place is. Most of the town seems like there's really no one here, even though the place looks like it's got people living here." With a shrug then, she poured herself another shot and, grimacing, shot it down. "Oh, I was headed to Mystic Falls. My cousin lives there, actually. I was planning on spending a few days with him."
    March 3rd, 2017 at 04:06pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Caroline sent him back a small smile already feeling a little more relaxed than she had when she'd first arrived. There was something about Klaus though that was both calming to be around and nerve-wracking all at the same time. She had to admit though she liked him best when he was like he was now, which she'd noticed happened a lot when he was around her. "Well regardless of why you love it so much I'm sure I'm going to like here once I get used to it," she told him knowing that right now the whole place was overwhelming but once she'd gotten used to being there she was sure it'd grow on her. After all so far what she'd seen of the city had a beauty about it that Mystic Falls just didn't. "You'll show me around, right?" She asked feeling like if she was going to get to know the city best it should be by someone who knew it best, and who better than Klaus, the reason she was there.
    Damon scoffed at the mention of Mystic Falls. He had no idea who this girl was related to there, or why she was making a conscious decision to visit the place, but maybe she'd have a good experience there. Maybe she'd like it there more than the people who actually lived there. "Funny that's where you're heading given that's where I left," he told her before he took his shot. "Not to be a downer or anything but honestly that town is more trouble than it's worth," he told her not because he was trying to convince her not to go, after all, if she had family she wanted to see then she should, but he also for some unknown reason felt like she should know what she was getting into before she got there. So at least then she'd be prepared.
    March 5th, 2017 at 05:47am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    "So you don't plan on returning to Mystic Falls anytime soon, then?" His brows shot up and a look of happiness almost crossed his face. This was, after all, what he had wanted all the while he'd been in Mystic Falls. Caroline made the good in Klaus come out and though he didn't quite like letting people know that there was some good in him, he didn't mind it when the blonde was around. "Of course I'm showing you around. You're in my town now and you're going to be treated like you deserve to be."
    "From what Mattie's told me, that sounds about right. He kept trying to stop me from visiting but I hate being told what to do and what not to do." With a shrug of her shoulders, the brunette flashed him a grin. "Plus, I haven't seen him in ages and it's not like he was willing to drive down to come hang out with me for a few days." Her gaze dropped down to his almost empty glass and she reached for the bottle beside her. "One more?" She asked, raising her brows at him as she tipped the bottle over his glass.
    March 5th, 2017 at 10:22am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Caroline shook her head, "I don't," she replied softly hoping that while she was down here she could actually just forget all about Mystic Falls. She smiled when Klaus told her he'd be the one to show her around, though she hadn't expected he'd let anyone else do it anyways. "I'm looking forward to that," she added hoping that she could just be here in New Orleans and things could be good. She wanted things to be different than they were in Mystic Falls, and she kind of wanted to forget all about the town altogether. So being here was the best way to do that, or at least she hoped it was. And maybe it was strange for her to show up here all of a sudden because she wanted to be there. Maybe it was strange that she felt drawn here because Klaus was here, especially after she'd spent so much time making it known that she wanted nothing to do with him. But this last couple of weeks had been filled with nothing but surprised for her, and maybe she'd known since she first met Klaus that there was something about him she liked and was just too scared to admit it. Honestly, she wasn't sure that would ever make sense to her.
    "Thanks," Damon told her glad to have someone fixing his drinks instead of having to do it himself. "So do you know about all the shit that goes on in that town then?" He asked her wondering if she did know about the vampires and werewolves, or if she knew about the ghosts, witches, and whatever other supernatural creatures there were. Because if she didn't he almost felt like he should tell her so she'd at least know what she was walking into if she still wanted to go and visit him, and if she did well it's better to be safe than sorry. Plus maybe she could convince Matt to visit her here in this apparently empty town. Not that Damon particularly liked Matt but he didn't exactly hate him either. Matt had always just been the human who was sucked into all the problems and did what he had to in order to help protect Elena. Of course look at how that turned out.
    March 6th, 2017 at 04:58am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    Klaus wanted to ask why she'd left Mystic Falls but, he figured, that question could wait a while. He didn't want to scare the blonde off as soon as she turned up in New Orleans. He still meant the words he'd said to Caroline about intending to be her last love and, he figured, asking her about why she left Mystic Falls would probably hinder that progress. It helped his case that she came straight to him after deciding that she wanted to get out of that town.

    Once they were at the Mikaelson's home, Klaus turned to flash the blonde a grin. "I hope you like it here." He murmured before leading her to the guest bedroom which, now that he thought of it, wasn't too far off from his own.
    Raising her brows at his question, she leaned forward, glass in hand. "What goes on in Mystic Falls, exactly?" She asked. "Oh, are you talking about the freak animal attacks? That was one of the reasons that Matty gave me to try and stop me from visiting. Like that'd work?" Rolling her eyes at just the thought, she gulped down her shot and shrugged. "If anything, I'd probably be one of those idiots who runs around the forest, looking for these animals that are attacking the people in the town."
    March 12th, 2017 at 08:30am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Caroline followed Klaus to his home where she would be staying, which she appreciated since she would much rather stay with him than have to crash at a hotel or something. Honestly, she wasn't even sure where she would've started if he hadn't opened his home up to her. Though, a part of her just knew that he wouldn't abandon her. Maybe that was another reason she'd come here instead of going somewhere else because she knew that Klaus wouldn't just abandon her. She knew he wouldn't hurt her, and while sure he's hurt people and isn't always nice Caroline knew he cared about her. Honestly, though, her heart was just confused about a lot of things right now and she wasn't sure how she felt about anything. But she hoped she could figure it all out soon.

    "Thanks," Caroline replied softly smiling in his direction before turning back to the house so she could take it and all it's beauty in for a moment. "It's beautiful,"
    Damon wasn't sure how he felt about this girl right now. He knew it was a stupid idea to go into the forest looking for the animals that were attacking. Probably only because he was one of those animals attacking people. However, he also knew it had to take a lot of courage to go into a forest looking for something that was attacking and killing humans. "Well, the thing is people in that town are saying they're animal attacks to cover up what's really attacking people. It's vampires. And well let me tell you now that you just don't want to get mixed up in vampire drama. They can be vicious, and most of them can be rather annoying," He told her pretty nonchalantly before sipping on his drink again.
    March 22nd, 2017 at 04:09pm
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    With a shrug of his shoulders, Klaus leaned against the doorframe of her new bedroom, his signature grin forming on his features. "It's not much. Just stuff we've brought together over the years." He watched the blonde as she looked around, wondering, for the millionth time since she walked into Cami's bar, why she had come straight to him. He hadn't really been the best at expressing what he felt or how he felt, especially to her, and he had, to put it nicely, been an absolute ass to her. Yet, here she was. In his town, in his house, leaning on him.
    "Vampires. Sure." With a roll of her eyes, the brunette shot him a look. "And I'm a unicorn in disguise. But don't tell anyone that. Because, you know, we're supposed to be a myth and such." Shaking her head at his words, she reached for the bottle of alcohol, not really caring about what she was drinking anymore. The alcohol was in her system and, if she was being honest, she was slightly buzzed already.
    March 23rd, 2017 at 08:05pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Caroline tucked her hair behind her ear as she set her bag down on the bed and began to look around the room. It was nothing like she'd pictured. It was a little more extravagant than she was used to, it certainly fit Klaus' tastes based on what little she actually knew about him, but it wasn't how she'd pictured. Honestly, her imagination didn't even do the room justice. "Well I think it's beautiful and it's only a bedroom, so that probably says more about me than it does you," she joked.
    Damon scoffed a little. "Who still believes in Unicorns? That's as bad a believing in Santa. Vampires and werewolves however I'd like to think it a little bit different. After all they're on a totally different specrtum of beings. I mean Unicorns are just horses with a horn and they don't feed off of human blood they'd probably just eats carrots and shit like a horse. Vampires though feed off of humans. Totally different. And I believe in one but not the other." He told her. He always found it funny the way humans usually reacted to vampires by either laughing and thinking they're made up, or by being freaked out.
    April 8th, 2017 at 04:11am