Fighting The Riptide.

  • Ryder sat back down next to Zoey."I'm sure you guys have tons of dirt on me but I think she knows the worst that it could get." He shrugged as he wasn't too worried about anything Parker or Evan did spill to her after all, she knew about his dad. He looked to her."Are we going to crash here tonight?" He asked, he wasn't sure how her mom would feel coming home and finding three teenage boys there.

    @ RomanSky
    March 14th, 2017 at 07:46am
  • Zoey smiled as he asked if they were staying there. "You guys can stay here. Parker and Evan can have the guest room and you can stay with me." She said smiling. Parker smirked, "Of course you can stay with her." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

    @ LuckyB
    March 14th, 2017 at 07:52am
  • "Sounds like someone is jealous." Ryder said in a mock whisper to Zoey with a laugh."Quick.Tell me everything you're gonna do to me so that Parker can get a nice visual going while he's spooning Evan." He teased as he took a sip of his beer, he was nearing his limit and he could feel the effects.

    @ RomanSky
    March 14th, 2017 at 08:26am
  • Zoey laughed softly, "I think if i told him all of that his brain would implode." She said smiling. She snuggled up the Ryder as he drank his beer. She waited til he was finished, "Are you ready to get some sleep?" She asked him.

    @ LuckyB
    March 14th, 2017 at 08:33am
  • "I don't think I heard any denying that you do in fact wanna do bad and naughty things to me." Ryder raised an eyebrow toward her with a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth."implode his brain all you want. Might teach him to not be such a crude and perverted deliquint." He nodded as he put his empty beer into Evan's hand as he stood up and offered his hand to Zoey. "Lead the way."

    @ RomanSky
    March 14th, 2017 at 08:54am
  • Zoey took his hand, leading him up the stairs. She opened the door at the top of the stairs, "You guys can stay in there." She called to them. She took Ryder into her room, shutting the door once they were both inside. She went over to her dresser getting something to wear to bed. She got changed, not worried about him being there. She laid in her bed, watching him for a moment, "Are you tired?" She asked him as she rolled on her side. "I can turn the tv on if you want." She said softly.

    @ LuckyB
    March 14th, 2017 at 09:01am
  • Ryder looked around her room as he tried to not watch her change clothes but he was a guy and she was an attractive girl and he hadn't been in many girls' bedrooms but this was somehow more intimate because she wasn't just some girl he was trying to hook up with and that be the end. He sat on the edge of her bed as he toed his shoes off."Nah, if you give me like ten minutes, I'll probably pass out." He laughed as he wasn't sure the level of comfort she was with him undress so he just moved to the other side of the bed and laid down in his jeans and t-shirt.

    @ RomanSky
    March 16th, 2017 at 07:21am
  • Zoey smiled at him, "Well, sleep it is then." She said as she laid down next to him. She looked at him, "You don't have to sleep in your jeans and shirt you know." She said, laughing softly. Zoey got comfortable and closed her eyes as she tried to fall asleep. It was nice to have someone to sleep next to for a change. "Goodnight Ryder." She said softly.

    @ LuckyB
    March 16th, 2017 at 07:34am
  • Ryder smiled as he lifted his hips slightly, undid his jeans, and shimmied out of them before dropping them on the floor."Goodnight, Zoey." He said as quietness grew between them, Ryder laid there listening to her breathing. He slowly drifted off to sleep.

    Ryder was the first one awake and it was just a little before noon and he needed to be at the shop soon. He slowly pulled himself from Zoey's bed without waking her and slipped his jeans and shoes on, making sure he had his phone. He slowly padded down the stairs and he was sure Parker and Evan were still asleep as well. He sent Zoey as text, letting her know where he was going and if she wanted to hang out later, that she would see once she was awake.

    @ RomanSky
    March 16th, 2017 at 07:56am
  • Zoey woke up the next morning and sighed as she looked over, seeing that Ryder wasn't there. She smiled as she looked at her phone and seen that he texted her. Zoey texted him, letting him know that she wanted to hangout and asked him where. She walked out of her room, seeing the guys had left as well. She sighed as she walked downstairs, seeing her mom. "Oh hey mom." She said, smiling. After talking with her mom for awhile she went to her room and got dressed . She decided to meet Ryder at the shop so he didn't have to worry about coming to get her. Zoey walked into the shop about the time that Ryder was suppose to get off. She smiled at him as he walked out. Ryder's friend from work looked at him, "And here i thought you were anti-social." He teased him, laughing.

    @ LuckyB
    March 16th, 2017 at 09:30am
  • Ryder was a bit surprised to see Zoey coming into the shop just as he was clocking out, he flipped Jason off with laugh."I just have more important people to hang out than with a bunch of grease monkeys." He teased as he turned his attention to Zoey."I would have came and got you." He said as he walked her over to his bike."Would you mind a pit stop to my house? My dad's not home and I need to go feed and let Apollo out. It'll take like twenty minutes and then we can go do something." It wasn't the best scenario but he hadn't been home since the day before and he was sure Apollo was left in his room alone and getting antsy with worry but he would also understand if she didn't wanna go with him to his house.

    @ RomanSky
    March 17th, 2017 at 02:41am
  • Zoey walked to his bike with him, "Well i got impatient." She said. She nodded when he asked about going to his house, "Sure we can stop there." She said as she watched as he got on his bike. She got on after him then held onto him as he drove to his house. Zoey got off the motorcycle frowning when she heard a dog howling. Zoey walked with Ryder, looking around the house, not seeing Apollo anywhere. She walked out back, frowning when she seen Apollo tied on a short chain to the stairs, "Ryder!" She yelled. Zoey walked off the stairs and frowned as she unhooked the dog as Ryder came outside. Zoey ran her fingers through the dogs fur, watching as the dog ran up the stairs, slamming into Ryder's legs and trying to hide. Zoey stood up and looked at him.

    @ LuckyB
    March 17th, 2017 at 02:50am
  • Ryder's heart sank when he saw Apollo had been chained to the steps outside and not knowing for how long without food or water. He crouched down and petted the frightened dog who had never been chained before."Asshole." He muttered as the dog licked his face happily. He stood up and Apollo followed inside as he filled both her food and water dish up. Ryder ran his hand over her back a few more times before leaving her be to eat as he looked to Zoey, realizing she was the first person within his circle of friends to be inside of his house.

    @ RomanSky
    (Sorry I've been MIA! I should be back regularly this week! :) )
    March 20th, 2017 at 07:20am
  • [That's okay :)]

    Zoey looked at him, then looked at Apollo. She looked back at him, "What?" She asked, seeing that he was looking at her. Zoey bit her bottom lip lightly as she leaned against the doorway. "Did you need to get anything while we are here?" She asked as she ran her fingers through her hair.

    @ LuckyB
    March 20th, 2017 at 07:43am
  • Ryder shook his head, a smile tugging at his mouth."Nothing." He pointed upstairs."Let me just grab another shirt." Ryder quickly ran upstairs and shucked his grimey and sweaty shirt off as he pulled a plain white shirt from a drawer. He was smoothing the fabric down over his stomach as he stepped off the stairs."So, what's the plan for tonight? Hm?"

    @ RomanSky
    March 21st, 2017 at 01:10am
  • Zoey smiled at him, "Well you did say you were going to entertain me." She teased him. "Maybe show me something new to do around this town?" She suggested. She looked at Apollo who was sitting by her feet now. Zoey looked at Ryder, looking behind her as she heard the door being unlocked. Apollo began to growl and she knew who it was.

    @ LuckyB
    March 21st, 2017 at 05:07am
  • Panic and fear suddenly flooded Ryder as he heard the door being unlocked, his dad wasn't suppose to be coming home anytime soon."Oh, shit." He swore as he grabbed Zoey's hand and practically dragged her upstairs, Apollo following behind. He took Zoey to his room and turned to her."Stay here and don't come down." He closed the room behind him as he headed back down to the kitchen just as his dad opened the door. He could only imagine what his dad would say or do and he didn't want Zoey subjected to any of it.

    @ RomanSky
    March 21st, 2017 at 06:09am
  • Zoey walked up the stairs with him, then nodded as he shut the door. She bit her bottom lip lightly as she looked around his room. She sat on his bed, trying to listen to what was going on downstairs. She wasn't so sure if she wanted to hear that or not. Zoey sighed as she let Apollo on the bed next to her.

    Jack looked at Ryder as he walked in, "What the fuck do you want?" He asked as he slammed the door. He walked into the kitchen, getting himself a beer, "Find your mutt?" He asked as he popped the top off of it. Jack looked at Ryder, "Next time you leave that thing here you will be dealing with a dead dog. Got it?" He asked. He frowned as Ryder looked at him, "Understand me boy?" He snapped as he set his beer down. He walked over, taking a hold of Ryder. Jack was clearly already drunk. His eyes drifted to a purse on the counter, "Got a friend here?" He asked, shoving him. "I don't recall me saying you could have anyone in my house especially some whore of yours." He yelled.

    @ LuckyB
    March 21st, 2017 at 06:21am
  • Ryder didn't say much to his dad, he learned long ago to just let him say what he wanted because the less he engaged with him the quicker the interaction ended. He knew his dad was just spilling empty threats but even Jack knew it got under Ryder's skin. He rolled his eyes as his dad shoved him and he shoved him back off of him. "I'm leaving now maybe when I get back you'd have drank yourself to death." He began up the stairs."After all, third times the charm." He pushed open his door and closed it behind him as he saw Zoey sitting with Apollo and he wondered if she heard any of that and if so, what parts.

    @ RomanSky
    March 21st, 2017 at 07:14am
  • Jack frowned as Ryder went up the stairs, "Don't think you can just walk away from me!" He snapped. He walked up to Ryder's bedroom, pushing open the door. He smirked when he seen Zoey. His eyes narrowed when he looked at Ryder, "Don't you ever walk away from me again. I don't care if she's here or not i will beat the fuck out of you." He said as he walked over to Ryder. He grabbed a hold of him and punched him in the stomach hard. Jack kicked Apollo across the floor when the dog came towards him. He shoved Ryder to the floor, "Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house. I don't want to look at your face. Reminds me too much of your bitch mother." He yelled. He turned to Zoey and got in her face, "Good luck taking care of his bitch ass." He said, smirking. A loud crack was heard as Zoey slapped him across the face and then kneed him in the crotch. Jack groaned as she shoved him back onto the floor.

    Zoey couldn't even stop her reaction when she slapped the man in front of her. She had swore when she left her boyfriend that no man would ever talk to her like that again. "Ryder get your stuff." She said, watching as Jack tried to get to his feet. She kicked him in his stomach just for good measure. She grabbed what she could for Ryder, then went down the stairs quickly with him and Apollo, hearing Jack cussing from upstairs.

    @ LuckyB
    March 21st, 2017 at 08:07am