who's the hunter and who's the prey?

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "The forest by the graveyard," Letha said with a small shrug. "Since Mystic Falls is practically 90% forest, I guess he figured it'd be best that we learn how to hunt in the forest a bit better." They were already capable of it, but Letha was sure there were some things their father wanted them to work on. Regardless, she knew that they'd have a long night ahead of them either way. Their father would train them until he was happy, then he'd either have them go on a hunt or let them do as they pleased - which, they'd already made plans for that if it came to it.

    She blinked, however, when she heard her sister's words, and she looked over at her with mild surprise. "What? Who, Klaus?" she asked, though she could feel her own cheeks heat up. While she'd noticed the blonde's attention on her, she'd done her best to avoid acknowledging it or watching him the way he'd watched her. She knew that it'd be nearly impossible to bother with a relationship with her dad having them train and hunt so much, so sex was likely all she'd get - not that she'd complain, but still. Plus, even without her dad having them on a tough schedule, she knew that it'd just put Klaus in danger if she got close to him.

    "I guess I'm looking forward to it, but I doubt anything serious will happen," she pointed out, though she shrugged. "Though I definitely noticed some chemistry between you and his brother. What's going on there?" she teased.
    Klaus's words caught Elijah's attention and Elijah's eyebrows lifted with mild curiosity as he reached for the napkin to have a look at Charlie's number. His eyes went to the door and it was hard to believe that the girls had left already; he'd definitely been enjoying himself with Charlie. She'd been easy to talk to, even if he couldn't say much or tell her too much about himself. Plus, she'd certainly been attractive and he couldn't deny that a part of him wanted to indulge in getting to know her better. "An issue?" he inquired, turning his attention back to his brother while he slipped the napkin into his pocket so that he could save Charlie's number in his phone later, perhaps when his brother wasn't around.

    "What issue did you have to deal with, in that case?" He eyed Klaus for a few moments, tilting his head in the slightest as he studied his brother, looking for any sign that his brother had been up to anything particularly devious. He wouldn't put it past Klaus, after all. His brother tended to not think before he acted. "Niklaus, I do hope that within the short amount of time we've been here, you haven't already launched yourself into some tirade filled with bloodshed."
    June 1st, 2017 at 01:35am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    @ momentai.
    "Probably, are you ready for this? I was enjoying the break... training gets tedious. I want like a weekend where I can do whatever I want and not have dad worry about us or have us train through the day and night, I think he has taught us everything he possibly could." she sighed as the two of them headed toward the graveyard where the blonde knew her father would be waiting for them.

    "No the other blonde in there, yes Klaus..." she rolled her eyes she giggled at the way her sisters cheeks flushed, she knew there was chemistry between the two and from the way her sister reacted to the mention of him Charlie knew her sister felt it.

    "I know but surely we could have a little fun... we are adults after all," Charlie turned eighteen last week so she was old enough to drink meaning she was old enough to have a little fun with attractive men. Instantly the blonde felt her cheeks heat just like her sisters at the mention of the chemistry between her and the dark haired male. She couldn't deny that there wasn't any especially considering he caused her heart to race. "There may have been... I don't know... I just... he is such a gorgeous specimen, I mean like honestly... how many attractive guys have you seen lately?"
    "No of course not brother, but I did have to deal with a certain hybrid that took it upon himself to confront me in one of the most idiotic ways. I simply put him in his place. Which of course in turn caused him to run off." Klaus stated breezily. "But let's not talk about little issues like that instead let's turn back to the two beautiful blondes we had just had the pleasure of dinning with."

    His thoughts went back to Letha, she had most certainly captured his attention, she was stunning. Feelings inside him were stirring, he wasn't sure if it was fully fledged love but there was definitely a strong sexual desire toward her.

    "I do hope we see them again, if not I may have to stay in Mystic Falls for a little longer, do you agree brother. I noticed the way you were looking at her sister, she's seemed to capture your attention, which is hard considering I thought Katerina was your one true love," he stated truthfully.
    June 4th, 2017 at 01:28pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (SO, I had this, like, half way typed up, and then my laptop spazzed and shut down and I can't remember what I wrote, so I hope this is good enough.)

    "Honestly? I really wish I could just... Get away from everything our dad dragged us into," Letha mentioned honestly as she sighed. She would never say that to their dad, of course, but she knew that it was okay to say it around Charlie. Hell, she was even sure that Charlie would agree. "I just want to be able to feel safe and comfortable now, but I know that won't be possible, because now we know what lurks in the shadows and what monsters we have to look out for." While she knew that knowing that was probably best for them, that knowing how to protect themselves against whatever dangers there were was to keep them safe, she still didn't feel safe and she hated it.

    Her thoughts got side-tracked, though, when Charlie mentioned Klaus again and she purposely glanced away in hopes of avoiding her sister's gaze. "Fine, fine, Klaus is attractive and I honestly can't deny that something about him has my attention. And I am looking forward to seeing him again, if I get the chance, but... Is there really much of a point in being interested in him? I feel like I'd be dragging him into our family's craziness if I got too involved or interested and I'd really rather avoid that." Plus, who knew if she'd even get the chance to see Klaus again? For all she knew, she could possibly die on a hunt, if their father dragged them on one tonight.

    Amusement flashed across her features when she heard Charlie's words, though, and she peered over at Charlie for a moment before she shrugged slightly. "Well, he certainly couldn't keep his eyes off you," she teased lightly as she nudged her sister gently. "If there really is chemistry, I guess we'll each find out when we see them next, hm? If whatever was there today is still there when we see them later, I guess it's possible it means something." She turned her attention ahead, her eyes running over the cemetery as they walked through it towards the forest. "And considering we've been training in practical desolation the past year, I haven't seen attractive guys lately at all."
    Elijah was at least relieved to know that his brother hadn't caused any bloodshed in the short amount of time that they'd been back in Mystic Falls. They were meant to simply look out for whatever hunters had come there. After handling that issue, he was certain that they could just leave Mystic Falls and return to whatever routine they decided to dive into, somewhere else. But, at this point, after meeting Charlie, he wasn't entirely sure that he wanted to leave Mystic Falls himself. "I suppose even I can allow the topic change," he decided after a moment as he leaned back in his seat, his attention going to his brother as he arched a brow. "You seem to float towards blondes lately, yes?"

    Arching a brow, he tilted his head, mostly curious about his brother's reaction. Regardless, so long as his brother didn't go around stirring up trouble, Elijah was perfectly fine with Klaus finding some form of distraction, so long as it didn't put the girl siblings in danger. "I am curious, though, would she merely be a distraction from Caroline?" After all, Caroline had clearly made her choice in who she wanted to be with, and it definitely had not been Klaus. He knew that Klaus had wanted Caroline to choose him, but he also knew that his brother would respect Caroline's choice. He just hoped that his brother didn't plan to make this new girl fall for him for simply a distraction.

    "For once, though, I think I can agree with you, Niklaus." He turned his attention to his brother, figuring that sticking around Mystic Falls for a while longer would be a good idea. Plus, he couldn't deny that he was looking forward to seeing Charlie again. She'd easily captured his attention and, while Elijah couldn't quite pin down how she'd managed it, he wasn't going to fight it. "As for Katerina, she's made her choice and I feel as though chasing after her when you'd only kill her eventually anyways would only serve to get her killed faster. Besides, we've each had our fair share of lovers in the past. We can indulge in seeing if these attractions have a chance of becoming anything more."
    June 5th, 2017 at 01:07am